West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 1 Apr 1897, p. 7

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n . . north of E'C'Od “'8 ance i an when Lge Hill, farms.) 131’68. d CON. fm‘ta ble 1131‘ table hand schoo , tivation ‘8 939.1137 ores, ”811812: entre ll W ' WORLD OVER. Wu..- “ cmallpox have be Two cases 01 .. , covered in New York, and 1119.351 ms About Our Own Country. being “taken to prevent the 5p: treat Britain, the United States. and the disease. AH Ports of the Globe. Condensed and The largest diamond assorted for Easy Reading. . ' ‘ has arrived in L f . I .. ' . worth two mlll atiresting lte Wu-M ..,-- menu. V t 1,118 LUfldon Cit)" 'gxlmpose a license a 4.8 vendors. The. Ddova acuma disscived, and. the dared for Aprll 2( “The B-[ontreal y mi employment Charcoal, or “Bad Young Man.” the Indian murderer, was hanged at the police. barrac "a D: acLeod. .. 0 has -been Ween Montreal and he maugurat The Dominion Line . Har‘and :. \Voli new steamship from ”the St. Lawrence trad: 9f Belfast, for Anti-t Joxwu Um ..... E . nd the Manume J: with headquarters mi Ottawa -General will ce 3 date for the 0105? m' fund, I750 city sine cases 511913059M1 the Supervusxon I Department. {finiteness algfiifin'OV? 1 millâ€"111g 111‘ .‘amh AVADA. fofindered in t- _ t and that the F 0 had on board are Prat. James J: DyLVc-auv-, mathematlclan, 15 dead. a beinrr successtu - ,_ ' _ . ° '-‘- vxtauons to a meeun-D ksion h use, to start a Par 3' C‘C“nci1 has decided fund, Mrs. Parnell and Mr “ A - . ' b t i . = -ci L8 fee of $100 on cxgar- ' 11811 bexng O h n needy I ! becret and rapld preparm ' 1 being made at \Vo’iswiCh am slature has been " tary establishments of. G: ' -f . . 1 elections or war stores are bemgj i a. Legi i and ‘ 15 e genera .n 1 nail is con51 E. 06 60 50 g...- 9 a :3 .6: H (13 pt '13 :3” E2 onto has been 3} . Y (3)1; if}? inter 11111101131 ‘ Lleutenant-GOj 311191“ ommittee. . .. ° SSOD‘S 4C. rvice of hls recent. ogel‘afiopg ,Leambhlp 5‘9 will \ leave London 101 r {P9 A “fill remam a Sh‘OTu L111 lamed V113 Man in Stratford, Ont" 4" " h Len. eligible tqr- I135 w. Lu; “W- _7 Wtfin £1:an licking" A mother, father and . ; 1e - - -. 3 ‘burned to death :31}: Omaha, 331)., on -. 0330112113 eXplomon. Lobe leprpsyfire of the \\ 1111111383; Both are for- lmgelrsfl. gar}? Eo‘im.g,a.na.1:eporta r0111 - m~ - nt.,was § 10545 of hie and great destruction 0 U; :11?» "w”- w» w»-.: at 5"“ andi ‘ 3 largest diamond f. ‘ y lav. vet bargharrived in London from Llnlber . meat; on t. 9 mark . . , ‘ ; d . | . l} lt is quid to be “forth. {“0 1111111011 an to ordmary salt 01‘ S: J.- a half dollars 1111011». I Tohn \Yat- To Sugarâ€"Cure I .ldering ‘1 Ian .Maclaren (1:.th 55%;? the Presby- pounds of min 91“ £8011.) 15 f? b; cg): alleged heterodoz’c, ounces of salxpetl‘e, ed Pm- l terfifinigni‘; ". Mind and thg Master. brown sugar and O? 'f Trade. ‘ teaympfaints have reoeuthfbegn 1133: well and mb 01} out member London that amggglgtgxéesonalgawere day of butchermg- . 'o . + A ~. '1 . . . ,. horses ‘mW-Igf13ui‘nfecfious catarrhal an lnchned surfave 1"]: ‘ ‘13 vs Com" ' ' ' “hie areatlv lessened theu‘ freeze, for twentyâ€"1 ‘ qdlseaso V: P o v ‘ ”kn mnm' is a £20 f Education thg habit of the school' ‘naueu LU wc L ‘ party. The. lockout i of England beg bids fair to P3 countl'Y- ' Two case§_0f no passengers. 1‘ etc., e1 11 exploded on board ‘glaze, . lent IS report- At 0211193. 3 8'11 . . . . ., the Bussxan turret 8‘01? 51501 Yehky, mostlie] killing fifteen men and woun Y ' .y 24 pr 01} Sir, Blchard Twelve W The President of the Nauona. , Federation states that home filed to the masthead of the tooa pfuuuuuo cu Wm,” __ 3315' on Ste/3131' n-ess tom emergencies. auu Hum v..- 1-. Blontreal and situation in the Transvaal IS very 1-113, as qu var-v---" ‘Nzhen done 130 an and. cut 1n l Liverpool. grave. AIR. There 15 reason to fear that the squares . i Date-h mail steamer Utrecht. whlch Creamed Chickenâ€"Cook your chJck- ‘ 11. {February en with an onion chopped fine and 5311: Lt when done re- ;ter. the noted L at London' 5,33% frgm Egifggggdo'n th ' - 2.. . or ava, . 1 e “mm ‘ -. and that. the hundred amd P€PPBT 1305935011 , -' move lit from th Two cases of Gov-grad 1n biew smallpox have been The loss caused by St. Louis, 310., 0 31 $1,600,000. 11 "- .0 1 r1 \ A mother, father a: iburnead to death at ( 1Tmesday by a Lgasalizne expected, \ $50,090,000 Oliver Optic, the V'Vli‘bcr¢ w. --_ . ,' ' in Dorche-st- ltihe {followunzg Uuu-LH-“v-a lmeat is gone, it will, if properly alias Newman, the ac- lened, be most acceptable t deter no“; 111 Gus- lfaI‘e, being avian-03$ as " am not fight ‘meataless greasy, armlby 4far (th way in Whnch fat mi;- 4 L . 1 Frank Butler, ‘ cused Australian mur \. 00d); at .Sam Francisco, w extrallrtiotn «' i{Sippetizlngd f , C, d 1 e pre are or suxmm er use, um V9 afiree £\deeld, it be sugarâ€"cure .It; bu ' ndlvulua‘l 1 ; _ J . 3' _; lto Whioh is the best. It mu 1: thgrgazézaédhafiré‘}x JILI‘: ‘ asiorxg as it is perfectly cover ' v' lbrl-ne, and people rarely beglr October. Re". D’I- 141113411 Abboct,‘ 015- it before September or r Use.â€"â€"-If £0] The ‘a Brooklyn. VVlll' not. be allowed to leccé‘ To Freshen it f0 . turn in the X.l\I.C.A. hall :11 Phila‘ cut in thin slices, put in the . with cold water overf'a. I ' l delphia, because he recently threw mover - 1 doubts on the story of. Jonah and the iiire. \Vhem it boils turn 1t; 1 5 whole. ‘ ' lhaps two" mi utes longer; rem: \ Commercial teleg phic advices trom the water; drain; rail in flour ' " ' ‘ory of. DUSI- ’ meal, or dip in beaten egg, the] the facile lfimze bread crumbs, and fry .8 l pencil of . . - fiitor oanrlot ldelisoate browns" ~ .1 . 23311162133 13119111833 '13 1nâ€"\ For roasting, boning or c4 {my other way, take thedesrre< LS effectually creasing, but it is much below the avâ€" l 1- erage of previous years. There IS, we. mesh and parboill, bemg ca. ' 'v’tv and neces- them the sllriin side up to £1 cooked \in ‘an‘ re are toi.‘ increased acting . ’ ml for labour, lw‘hen it may be . . does not appear '1 irn wlhioh fresh pork is. lit is ‘. .ri'y nice boiled with cabbage ' h onions, or parsnips. on “more satisfactorx . i of. out the States. There are more r9119". __........â€"- - ' ' t . ' t - ‘0‘ r are seriousâ€"‘- . . ms at t} orL..l)uL tarrfr chances . . . 2 . ‘ A ' OF EARTHEN“ m1- _ ly 1n‘tertermg thh the JpOSSlblllileS of g C‘ RE . i A suggestion Whlch Will an" n9 inronjlrn. Lord "flavor of Dubl .v 11: in the began on Dara-1:759 :8 Il' ' . 31,900. iespeciaiiy ' , ‘11ed all Thursday iother dishes onwhich meets or any 3' kinds of foods .are,serv ‘ ° night throughout Germany, causing i, greas some loss of life and great destruction ‘ cracking of the glaze is commonly due of prep-erty. :to exposure to too much heat; for in- President. Kruger is Very evasive in! ”1331103, .111 warming the P134388, setting his reply to Mr. C-ha berlain com lain- (1181188 In the OVB’I1 to keep their con- inner of Boer violation of the Lon on tents hOt, 01‘ even Plunging them Into t‘rEaty, and there is fear of a Transâ€" water that 15 near the bmlmg 90413 0 veal war. “'52:? thifil- 1 d . r , , - ter e gaz IS anlll'e ever tune earner Ltreoht, “ hmh \the dishes are washed the watesr‘ ge 8 us clay uinderneath; in the The Dutch st f d d is supposed to have oun e at sea. . carried a crew of ~thirty-six men, but into the [mag reas f t . no passengers. . same way 3 g .6 rom .he gram 188, . . etc., enters 1 glaze, fortune ‘oostlier wares, ‘ “-A nraflfQI‘ dad on board ' ' Sisoi ‘jVe-iiky, mg [of Boer violatlo treaty, and there 15 fear of 3 Trans- vaal war. . . ‘ TTi-ron‘nt. which .W United States WLM increase the 3 among the C‘anadlan " *â€" ' - . xi day of butchering. Lay I +‘ .1 d ‘h 1 [an inclined surface where 0' , " " .' . rea- " 855938 I eu‘ \Ifreeze, for twentyâ€"four h< . . . the cellar is a 0d lac yor 0: Dublin has lSSUEd ‘(the eight p . i0 p ' ' .1 3' 01m: 3 a Parnell familv ‘quarts of salx. Let it by to preferred; smoke veI‘B' 1 L8 horses, L p h , T r. 7 r- 'r "' I’ - ° ‘ hay; anything tovkeep ed to leave t beer is allow ° until after tom theâ€" effects 13110 1106 “Um -â€"-- , _ , 0 be enabled to Side meat may b ‘ ‘ Klimt “Fifi/“1311,1219 or 8â€"inches Wide and t 3 ye. ore .‘ z - . . ' Side and cured m the TES. . X , and LS equal to the . - - ' hteen cents per ad to re "llllng eng , . ) h To Plckle Porkyâ€"Chit fI‘QS‘h SI higan :he blig fire in linto strips about four nnday wil reaohfi the length of the side. Completely cov- ‘ter the bottom of a large jar or keg‘ 1:3. layer of meat, setting '1. , . . Jar, fltmng .lt igeozys Mich», 181nm skin side next to. UK we overflow- loosely arownd the outdeQ, 1lner ring, and so on, _ ‘ " ‘ annkle as much 1‘- J- '9 9, been dis‘ ittee have. agreed ment to t allow the import eCanadian xx aters free of duty. Lvmau Abbott, of be allowed to fiec- ._ ‘w..- eon, Mich», islithe skin side next is f me OVCI‘HOW" loosely arousnd t Ld chifld were ipaoked in tightly. :4 ‘ . maha. Neb., on lpat as possrble 1:11 bepween‘ th'e‘AgthBS: explosion. find cover the meat lwrtb.» sad. 1 . 1 egg n aning other layer of meat, packed C 058 Y. . "“7“ e a 1 zmcnm 1'h,p,-n one of salutvand so en, un- "‘ ° ‘- MAn .n‘l‘ 83 art'- ., :ad of are perfectly reliable. cured by this receipt World in every particular to »er1ey. meat on the market, to ordinary salt 01‘ Still L“ at- T0 Sugar-Cure P( ’resby- ‘pounds of ham- or as]: S 'GAB CURING mmepting ‘11" \ tarlff policy, The follorwi . '1 ts for sugarâ€"cur- we» - ,- . - in“ w 7‘1: dng reFe'p. 0. Ol‘k for sum_ Remove all bits 01:. Dope. ‘an(.l Din-LL: lulu?“ . ° 90" an for pmklmo p the sat-Inon, and pick into pieces Mix ,.,__.-:::_'i_.,,_,...'__,s-.....’.._._._,t__r ' hardâ€"bofl- ‘ " - ‘-"-"""\ ‘ d together with the yolk of a ”‘ - d half a. teaspoonful' of ' F. win be sop-8 to m! £1118 of Oil 0!, "‘ T Tm: Cmmmcx, \vhen smooth 6‘} 0583‘? "an address, free of postage, {01’ $1.00 per PAYES . . . . year,pny:1ble in advanceâ€"h. “my be charged if not so paid. The date to wh‘. 1 my the m1 mbcr on the whscription is paid is denoted by ' until an arrears ghiy tested an mer use has been th-orou ”When sugar- are perfectly reliable. cured by this receipt ticular to the suga in every par ‘meat on the market, and far' superior then stir in . ' ”ed 1116333. serve. \ address lab-e1. No paper (fuscrmtinueo ' H0“. to Cook Ricaâ€".3103 is a substi- are paid,e.\'ccpt at the cationoitheproprietor. _ Wu”? \to ordinary salt or smOA Pork.-â€"â€"-For «eighty ‘ tute for bread in Eastern countries, For transient advertisements 8 cents per LS cooked to pertection in the ‘ 53:3ngth . . V . . V . line for the mst insertion , 3 gems tux" nrinlau man :â€"-Th ai » A“: .. . . 1181‘ , 6 gr: ns are Rf-‘aIL . . . nne each snbsequemmscruonâ€" Prciessional cams. not exceeiing one but \brown sugar and one pint of cart. Mix fodowmg , ‘well and rub on cm; Side of. meat same washed agarn and agam, until perfect- measure. _ all the starchy matte $.4‘0? per summit. Advertisements without 5pm“: , directions wul be published till forbid and charged ne- ' 'lmnsient noticesâ€"“Lost," “ Found." lday of butchering. . l[an inclined surface W C ' . . mffhngly ” --â€"â€" f ‘ - ' ~ ‘ v . -. u. 6d t0 bouilng pornt, and c. 3:0 cents or first insertion, 25 cents Ht-he cellar is a good place); v . petnai -bubb1i;ng condition, and the ' ‘ meat with twoigra-I'HS are. then carefully dr0pped.m _ ' _ ‘ . and kept in a. constant stato ofi action ' \quarts of east. Let it lay fOl‘ fourteen by the voice. ' D , ’ ' ' as the ing water, which keeps them Well astir. . t can run Off and When a singie grain can be_cr ‘ tween the fingers the rice is done;_ and and where it can- is then taken off the ' t. A lit- i, not freeze; then hang up to dry; if bemg r 0 referred; smoke ver ’ lightly. -' ' ' . . p nt 393,011 piece in a the rice beautifully, and thus prepared ‘ bsequen: insertion. AU advertisements ordered by ‘. THE JOB : : . is completely stocked with DEPARTMEN" all NEW TYPE, thus at- fording facilities for turning out First-class of a. snowy whiteness, work. ‘ . . 1_ flour sack and stuff. 1 Le » - - 1----4, Hm sack. else some and its taste so pure that} to adci flavâ€" - =r Mm bind would be; a pity. al housewife. ‘ockery, baking dishes, teapots, placed in cold water, 5Which is mtil it boils, then taken off and allowed to cool gradually, wer to resist heat will ‘be very increased and the bill for re- bro‘ken cooking utensils corres‘ ly diminished. ‘ Salinon Saladâ€"4 boiied potatoes. '1 be codkgd \In any manner 1t; 18 particul- ed mth cabbage :01“ baked or parsnips. u L spoil it all; an lace. If preferred, ‘ FOR A QUIET HO barrels in‘ oars or an it perfectly dry “We were struck lately 1-. Ixohnvin‘r of a large 1 :3, put in the pan and water over a moderate I boil‘s turn it; boil per- es longgr; remove from 1: your chick- ). fine and salt when done I‘B‘ Take the gray: taken of the fire ‘gmd drainqd, roaflv for consummlon. A htâ€" - --° 1-1-“,‘1‘na 3 Cook Riceâ€"Rice is a substi- bread in Eastern countries, LS cooked to perfection in the ‘ HE’SERUSWG manner :---The grains are 3:ij gain and again, until perfeot- measure. Pr: from all the starchy matter 54'“ pf"? cm. ecuom wnl .15 then heat- coz‘dingly “. . . q -. l n mug pomt, and kept In a per- [Offgiasi’bsi and the All advertii ' Eor in advanc¢ \ are paxo, Saucy. lad.â€"â€"Cup up a pint of cold, § , Jes. Take equal quantities ME Emum cucumber pickles and can-‘ - . sufficient to make, after! 1° P‘s“ pint in all. Chop the cab- § EVERY THURS!) icklels f.110‘gethe]: very E1113. KAT TH; CHRONIGLE PR‘NTNC I bits 0 bone and skin rom and pick into pieces. Mix ,fing’fififf‘f th the yolk of a hardâ€"b011- , and half a. teaspoonful' of. J. .. 7 «C ' . ‘- d, . mg tabLegpoonfuls 01. ml 3‘ BSGRWTWN Tm: 9m 0: Vlnegar, when smooth PAWS ‘ ~ ‘ the cabbage. and cucumber, ‘ ' ' B’emmi‘yu - be charged If not so palm. subscription is paid is address lab-e1. No paper (3 are paid, except at the oath RB‘IERT‘Stnfi Eor transient advertisements 8 cents per "“1, line for the first insertion f. .3 cents Dar, Rflllls . . . ime each subsequent 1nsexnonâ€"mflzla1 measure. Professional cards, not exceeding one but. ‘thont spec‘s annum. Advertisements w: $4.09 per , , directions Will be published tall forbid and charged ac- cordingly '1 ranstent noticesâ€"3‘ Lost," “ Found." " For Sale,” etc.â€"â€"50 cents for first insertion, 25 cents f or each subsequent. insertion. All advertisements ordered by for in advance. Contract rat application to the office. _ . . insertion m current g All advertisements, to ensure ‘ week, should be brougnt in not later than luusflav morning. A” _..-_,_ c ' ' "" " "“"‘-“-\ strangers must be paid es for yearly advertisements furnished on ! THURSDAY MORNING LLE PEWTmt} “303E, BARARAXA 1 DURHAM, ONT. _"‘\.__‘ RONICI.E will be 3003 to an, address, free of postage, fix $1.00 '3' . year, payable in adVanCeâ€"‘l 1m not so paid. The date to whi 1 my paid is denoted by the number on the No paper disc-.mtinued until an arrears t. at the Option of the preprietor. PUBLISHED IYPE, thus afâ€" out First-class STREET

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