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Durham Chronicle (1867), 8 Apr 1897, p. 9

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BIT? N et SOO 1‘0 M entire ‘W h 1113?! (H mm it as 0116 value 11' Upper Town, ett3 had his pacing colt! 3 other clay and 3011 bet it} too. In another year or; 1 not take a113b0d3" s mud.1 '5';th -1 dutla lS gomg OVBI“ r131: 755 Land as he has secur-‘ qf-"HRFQOZI. V578 VViS'h' you; 'VARNEY . \V i rer Spend IO 111C Saunders is‘the guest iiss Grace, this last ttm bramosa‘ see Jim as he is .‘hreshers for s- Pauronage 301i ca1ef11) in future. .111 1131; be going to 11-31156 factory this 3 buying up Quite a. Sfiarp’s old Stand. 1T1 st n, of Norman’oy, . John McCalmon of ma been-under the 1: Week with La. :better. as been confined last; couple of 3 honed he will )1] mt young'lady got dumped in this? night have Now Gr. you Ubu ack Yaunt are these days at a a hustlers. wd Mr. Charles were guest of laments and '11 t and $0163 HS O'Ll 8113811 n concerns or of >11 can purchase farm prOpel‘ty p-d ly packed unâ€" rvision and all :1 at our trial. catalogued. sting orchards iursery in the ana for EV" (u rd tr three or D returned Everybody iowex’s, DrillS, iws, best in the Sections, 8130-, hines. assortment y latest and )r pl‘opogat- and En.â€" Frau En.“ ”gin to Park. L orders. supplying Auctloneer. better Durham“. Sewmg Mort- " short BICYCLE RE- pairing. This Be- partment will be under the manacrp- ment of a very ski 110: Prices modexate A of cycle accessmies u in stock. Call and see our stock 0*? Wheels. The largest in Durham. Examine thoroughly the whee} you buy. Don’t purchase from catalogues. All our Bicycles are guararfieed {tame year by the Inakers. The Cleveland (geld 111ei‘h13} EEEeycies. The best in the ”WOI'ICL The Nickle Plated Ladies" (333*; last year’s price §°;9115,001 om Ladies’ and Men’s List p‘icee 53337,"). 372352 8 (133 23 mm e and only 8 We have the pi ice 81."; 3’33) [311-3 2 3:. 2-3333 5585. 00 133 in Canada. We got them at 33333 3 “3‘3: 1:33 taking all the Canadian aoents had. There 3 11:; 2331333 to be had for some time 11, we ve 03113 8 oi 3:333 51.3 17:13 1â€": s only one quality and that the best. 033133 one 31. 3 1ce1‘133dthat to eveiy- one. Bicycle Suits, Bicycle Caps Bic3 cle Sweaters. Bicycle ‘ Tweed Bic3 clel1 oes. . Plough Lines from 200 to 250 pr. complete 011 Bargain Day We are district agents for all the High Grade Wheels. Charlie M eKinnon and Dave Hinks who spent the Winter in Algoma district, are home. They seem to enjoy themselves well cutting spruce timber for pulp wood. They report deep snow up there when they left. We see that the Priceville Cor. is very good in observing the laws; of Embers f com 99 MOSS LAKE. THE DURHAM CHRONICLE, April 8th, 1597. S39 Flaws now 139 “amen 0131 war glam. H1” 3% “333‘“:- 5.00. Are ecgmfi ,1: our own “g";z'ice There are no 1111". of ’em left. Ti“; My one price an will be started in a'few days, under able man- aaement Pm Chasers ‘ of wheels will be taught flee of charge. A modelate charge will be made to non-purchaser" a. Temperance and Temperance Societ- ies. We understand he has tendered his resignation as a member of the Sons of Temperance Lodge on account of a certain young man whom hel accused for Violating the rules of the: lodge. If one lacks consist-ancy on one hand for breaking the pledge the other lacks it for being too abrupt in severing his connection from the society for such trifling matters. “ Am I My Brother’s Keeper.” Mr. Arch. McCuaig has eng aged three men for the Spring work. Archie works a’ large area of land and requires much help all the year round. \ RIDING ACADE- mv. Our riding school Mr. John Pierson, of Glenelg Cen-l (are, was at his father-inâ€"laws. Mr. McDougall’s, for a day or so last lweek. We understand he is looking for a place to rent as he is leaving where he is on the 15th inst. Quite a, number from this side availed themselves of the Opportun- sity of hearing Rev. Mr. Thom,of Flesherton, preaching in the Price- ville Presbyterian church last Sun- day. Mr. James Mather, of Bentinek, drove out: to our locality last Week for-a load of hay, which he bought-1 from 311'. John McPhail, of South‘ East Glenelg. The funeral of the late Mrs Cole? passed through here for the cemetery at Priceville two weeks ago.- Mrs. Cole was the 1218* of a generation of ‘ McDGnalds. Her brother, Jae, Mc- Donald, diedzon the Feb.- 2181:, 1896. She was a long resident of this place coming to Proton when it‘was all a Wilderness. Of late years she has lived with her son, Dougald, of Dro- more. She was eighty-two; yearszof age. fib‘fifli S \78211‘ spm‘king beauty) 116% 73) ER days more and :1 gay $85.00 i1 by taking all we to be had eye’s only one (1 that to every- $385.00. fl 3?]? ma i’kei 51C) Council met March 27th. Minutes of previous meeting confirmed. A commumcatmn was read from W. King- ston, 1*:qu Solicitfir. Leithâ€"Mclnnisâ€"That Meser. chkson and Bye give Mr. Kingston the infornmtion asked for in his communication re Bently.â€"â€" Carried. Byeâ€"McInnesâ€"That the following acc’ts in connection with the burying of John Kholes. indigent he paid :â€"â€"I). Paul, coffin, S3; H. Reid, burying plot, $1.50: Jae. Chrisâ€" tie. digging grave, $1.50.â€" Carried. The reeve reported that the Registry Office had been examined and found nothing recorded in favor of A. Bogle, and recom- gioelnded continuance of grant until April ' 1‘ i. ‘llvl \'L“-'V \IA L‘VFA‘Jb-l t-\r-- -v Byeâ€"â€"R::snellâ€"â€"That the reere and clerk receive tenders forbuilding a bridire on con 5, lots 15. 16, ccntractors to furnish models and snecifications up to May 28th. span, 70 feet if centre break (5 feet.,â€"â€"Gurried. Bye â€" McInncsâ€"Jl‘hat C. Ramage be paid $8 on printing accountâ€"Carried. Bye~lieitli~rllliat \V. 'Viilder be Dt'id 93-9 for 6 weeks support and care of \V. .Williams 3 â€"-C~arried, l Byeâ€"Rusnell -That the clerk draft a byâ€"' law in accordance With the petition of W. S. i H orsbnrgh and '28 others to commute statute ; labor in Holstein Carried. A ‘ Melnnesâ€"â€"Leithâ€"â€"'I‘hat the-clerk draft a ‘ by-law to regulate the assesmieiit. of ”statute l labor to be computed as fellows :â€" .500 or under Qdays; $750 :: 2:}; days and that no ii’itermediate sum be accounted as applying to statue laborand the same ratio be applied to all assessmentsâ€"Carried. McInnesâ€"â€"Rusnellâ€" That thezclerk receive ”#3 for distributing ballot papers.â€"â€"'I"his service not being one of his statutory duties -â€"Carried.‘ Leithâ€"Rusnellâ€"That We adjournto meet again on May 28th as a. court of'lievision and other businessâ€"Carried; - ‘. -..... I‘T n1 1 MAR MCMEEI§EN4â€"_\VIL Miss Alice ‘Lawrence- leaves on Tuesdav f0) anon.t0 She will be much missed bv the fail" young men over thel e. Mr. U my W 1111:: Mrs, John Collie Mr. Albert. McCl were Visiting; frie: last Sunday. \a F.) y‘aav-rwv, - M1‘.Jz1111es Main, who has rented the falm 0EM1‘.J G. \Vilson and is 111s11i11¢2 business at p1 esent Mr James Eden will start the Fvnnfing' of Mr J. Mcl‘xleeken’smiv- Mr James Ed framing of Mr J i119: shed this wee 1110‘ 81100 In} ‘ \\ t’tln. Some of the farmers here have sta1ted ploughing. ‘-- a T1 NI Mr; M. Mathews ieft for Fergus last Monday Where he will remain for the summer. Mr. \Vm. Henry was the welcome guest of friends in Bentinck on Sun- day last. Go again, \Vill. Mr. James Hudson left for down country last Monday. Mr. John Allan, Jr., left for Gait on Monday, where he will remain for the summer; John will' be much missed. James Main. _ \Ve are sorry to lose Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Wilson from our part, who recently moved to your town. . May success follow them.- 8110 2211' making; is the order of the 13 are ound here. M1. and 1111s . G. \V. Vilson were on \‘x-"ednemay \V, Kitching. Egreuiont, . t0 Gleuelg. EGREMONT COUNCIL. CHASE’S OINTI‘IENT Is a Guaranteed Cure And P111 I L L chy Skin LAKE VIE‘JV . PRICE 60 CENTS PER BOX firs. G. \V; Vilson were {ends in Shelbu‘rne a few week before lass, The .ined over. :6 4$> lizuns and his sister. lier. of Glenelg. and :Clinton, of Durham, iends around the Lake ’JIAMSâ€"In Dur 1am ‘ who .1101194t11 by Rev. J 11910 “111i‘sicMeeken, of 58 J 111121 Williams, of to 11 Henry has en gagefi 'DTALLAN, Clerk. Eczema Salt Rheum Tetter HR Interest 5, 5% and 6 percent. accorfi- ing to security. Easy terms of repay- ment. On monthly instalment plan, if desired. C. A. BATSON's Calder Block. Rev. Mr. McVicar exchanged pul- pits with Rev. Mr. Miller, of Holstein on Sunday-week; One important it‘mn We uninten- tionally omitted last week-was the 111arriage of Miss Rachel Henderson to Mr. Ed. Haas. Eddie like Jacob of old, it is said. has at last. atter seven years of faithful regard finally u on her, and no Leans substituted. Rev. Mr. Mo‘v’icar ofiicated. \Ve ex- tend our congratulationé. Wm. Hay had an attack of grippe last week but is recovering all right. \Ve notice that Mr. Reiley, of Varney; has moved on to the Pitt farm. D. McKinnon, of Fairwell. and J. Scott, of Greenside, spent a few pleasant hours one evening lately at. J. ISaacs. It is reported that one of our go ahead farmers, Angus 'McDougall, east of here, has purchased another 50 acres, the old Nichol farm. Is it for you. Lauchie? Mrs. Frank Rennie. of Proton, is going to spend a week or two with her parents here, Mr. and Mrs. J. T u c 1‘ 'rucker. Peter Moodie h ad a successful wood bee last- week cutting about ‘25) cords of wood, also a pleasant little dance in the evening,r as a sort of Winding up affair for the winter. J. Wilson, who has‘ been at. the Guelph Dairy School during the past Winter, is home and Speaks in high favor of the work done at the College. He is now a full fledged dairyman making noth butter and cheese. There is a general moving in our vi‘liage this spring. Jas. \Velton, who has been residing in the house lmlnmrinrr to Dr. Smeath has moved belongir'lg to Dr. Smeath has mo to his farm in Proton T. Ache has moved into the Dr’s house, ( Acheson has moved up near Sack Corners and it; is said that Neil Lean, of Priceville. will move dc into our village soon. --- v Our genial villager, R. Renwick. seems to be in good twist this spring havino had a vely successful winter in his line of huisness and having 391' a good stock of logs in his 3* 1rd. The amount of chomfing he has done is la1ge as the farmers this winter have fed 11ea1lv all the coarse (11 am to the stock. . l THE wheelsmen of our town began to swarm on the streets last week. but their sports were spoiled by the grain, snow and consequent; mud. -As ‘ we were sailing gracefully along,r the pavements we felt somewhat amused at the amateur Wheelsmen, who were perhaps making,r their first and best efforts to guide their silent steeds clear of all obstructions. U vw‘vw V1 9 am told that Jas Marshall, of Boothville has put in a new chopper in his 111i11 iatel; which he says works well, The Calvert Bros, photographers, of Dundalk, formerly of this place? intend opening their gallery here again the last; three days of each week Money to Loan . b C 01"} 1T! 01 A150 Lngusu m Bernard Dogs for September. {arch 31 Bull for Service at lot 68, con. 3, Bentian- nrnvnv Dune A THOROUGHBRED HEREFORD March 23rd. gower Town. l‘he fi'claperty will be 9 forable terms. Small lance on easv annual :. at 5:71;: 01' will-rent for .V arrangements for 21 Apply to TAX'ITP OT NO. 7. )uth Rock, Curl} yandoffes, Bla' 1'95" $111216 C ( 11‘ i'n' Duck :1 Much ( '1 ms Fé‘zR 3154;; Wiunm of Egremo as EOR SALE 173031 PRIZE 3131:. 189’ DROMORE. 31111 for Service. ingle Comb Brown cks, Rhuen Ducks. :1 Cooking far sale 'in fa glish Collie Pup. read 5â€"4.9?» \Vrite, C. \V. LA J AMES Mercha Barrister. (‘1 will move down Lower Town' A111 PICKEN BROS. I! P. HUNT miles of tan. (frames rcas Sllve h'own LC ups 1n 1 price DflUfl. of GM Ket h JOVVGI H 1T 60 acres \\ atered 8011 :1’: mm lz‘rter' tlbfaCt PSYQS 0116 am. cry 011 11v lam 311C m,

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