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Durham Chronicle (1867), 8 Apr 1897, p. 12

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k'oz' two years I “as dosed, pilled and plastered for weak buck scalding urine and constipation, without. benefit. 0118 box of Chase’s Kidney- Lixer Pills, relieved. three boxes (rugged. R.J Smith, Toronto. Ono- â€"--='l‘he boom of the season, Mc- Arthur in fun blast at- his old stand, Upper’l‘own. It. means the highest price for eggs and butter in exchange for cheapest goods of the beet quaiity in all lines. Our com- plete departments are Readymade Clothing, Dry Goods, Groceries and Boots and Shoes. See ad next week. .. Parker’s D ON Monday night last, the ‘groc- ery store of Mr. Alex. McLachlan “as entered by a back window, and a q-santity of candies, together with ahvutadollar in cash were stolen. T111 3. petty theft“busxness seems to be gruwing and it is a great pity the evil-grits have escaped being caught. 2 4 C MR. John Barkerhad his Shirts and «socks stolen off the clothes line a few nigh ts ago and during wash days next. week we expect. to see him wear his long boots and a. “ dickey/” till he gets his clothes dry. Fortunately theweather is getting warm. \‘7 i; are pleased to learn that Mr. W. Alina: of Murdoch whom we reported las: week as seriously injured " is on £11" mend. It was thought at one . 5;! “,0 .o that. his recovery was doubtful. l 1.: I: Epworth League will meet as usu Inex: Monday evening Topic. 1‘he Slug _'fl.1d’S Vineyard. ” â€"~-.5\Iab:â€"tstine, Kalsomine, Paris “bite, \Vhit‘ing, Tints, Glues at Cured \Vea} \V. J. E LLIOTT. . Stratlord, “Ont. VVe hll heads with practical know- ledge. The Leading. Commercial School in Canada. to-(la , ,Enter any time; circulars free. HEADS WIN in! BUSINESS! ‘. 'WANTBD.£4.(§\*N'\'ASSERS.â€"“ Queen Vic- toria ; Heizilhit'e and Reign,” has ca tured the Bnitinh ; Empire. Extraor inary testimenals’ from the great men; send for copy. free. Marquis of Lorne says, “ The ~be.~‘tg:.13;)i;rpnlar Life of the Queen I have --seeii."iiMenMajestx_sends akind letter WILLIAM LA‘WRENCE, Blacksmith, }’UllUCk’S old stand, Lambton 5L, Dur- ham llnrseslmeing a specialty, Job “‘m'k and general blacksmithing prompt- ly attended to. Please give us a trial and 1-05 I: Ulll‘ ability. 6 Barrister. . \ MEN AND WOMEN Everywhere, to con- duct business‘at home. No canvassing; work i§ simply writing and co .ying lists ofaddresses received from low? advertis- ing, to be forwarded to us daily. N0 pre- vious experience required, but plain writers preferred. Permanent work tc those whoare content to earn an inocme 2 of $6 weekly in spare time. Apply to Publisher, .care of James Hepburn, Dur- ham. 3m Money to Loan at lowest rates. .â€" v_v .' v‘ â€"â€"â€"__ â€"v"v‘ d' mmcéu intiou Selling by thousands; gi-1 es enthusiawtic >ati: faction. Canv 11.35- am 11111ki11g $15 to $40 11 eekly, Prospectus free t111age11ta'. THE BRADELYâ€"GARRET- SON CO.., LTD, Toronto, Ont. WANTEDâ€"Intelligent Men with good pdszcation, who want to better their posi- tion, and would be content for a year with $600 and expenses. \Write us, with derrigition and oécupation and we will make a proposition for now or the future. j Aim needed, reliable men for Australia” 5 VVriLe to-day, for we are in a hurry. THE g' MANAGER'pAflBichmond St. .W'est, .To- ; ACTIVE MEN wishing permanent and ayiug employment can secure the same yengaging with us to sell our herdy Specialties and Seed Potatoes: All Can- adian-grown. ()uttit free. Salary paid 'Mzekly Write us for particulars and secure exclusive territory. PELHAM NURSERY (20., Toronto. Ont. ronto. VVANTE D.â€"O]d established VVholesgle House wants one or. two honegt and. 111- dustnous represgnfatp'es: for thls sectlon. m4n ,1 C. A. Batson, ster, Solicitor, Notary, Con- veyancer, etc. OFFICES :â€"-â€"Calder Block, Lower Town, Durham, “‘G'Ull -V'Ivuvv v--“'V (72.11: 1:21; a hustler about $12 a week to start with, The Chronicle. DRAWER '29, BRANTFORD, ONT. Cards. Wanted. L) nts. Principe); .‘Uo u; 0,â€"111111-3'”0119,1Vat1111n811allow George 1:511111ett,V’11.;lie Johnston, 13111111 Lwrant S1. 2. â€"Duncan E110- MCJ 116211219. Hilda Parker, Lena Nester, 01111111110 Davidson, Susan McClocklm. the «Pt 2. â€"â€"â€"1\1u11a3 Smith, W'illie Darby 111 1111110 Lavelle,\1ubel.Camero11, the ufil‘flIV 101161;. - Sr. nt. 9 â€"_T.ntr1o Parker, Daisy Blackburn. Jr. 2.61) «Karl Cliff, Gemge Harboflttle Annie Saunders, Lloyd Bean, Jame-s i 11013100111111 and Arth 1r Kinsley 8,811.5; J1. :2. (B) â€"Eva Campbell, Eddie? [111193 11111 Ted Kilmel e.q , Amy A8113 . A1 1116 Daniel Jeana Crawford Inteunedi 1te. â€"â€"Amb1 ose Pagan, Eva. F er vuson. Jr A.-â€"-Sarah Chap- . mon, Peso); Vollet. Jr. B.â€"â€"Marian 3 1' 1 1 S O 3 “UUDJU ilaubottle, Maggieâ€"GI‘JfiL and John LIOVd aeq., grace Willis, Frank fl ltton, Harry Kress Sr. 4. ~:Bert Mockler \ellie SibleV. Lizzie B Hunt. Jr. 4.â€"â€" DoraD flmnage, Robert Aljoe, Durham School for March 1897. Sr. 5,â€"Alma Hughes, John Lun- ney, Josegh Collinson. John Sibley, \\ m. Matthews. Jr. 5.â€"-â€"Allie Blackburn, Maud W’helan. Jam-e Ll ...... 1r "’ Report of S. S. No. 5, Glenelgfififor Marchâ€" Public School Leaving class â€"-Abbie Robson, John Cook, Cassie licNally. 3rdâ€"Mable Hunt, Jimmie Ryan, Florence Hunt, Dick Davis. 61' indâ€"Maud rfucker, John Haley. Jr midâ€"Myrtle Hunt, Allie Davie. Sr Pt; Ianâ€"Olive Cook. Jr Pb 2ndâ€" Gecrge Tucker, Ada Grooclfellow and Willie Ryan, eaq. Sr lsLâ€"Earnesb Cook, Roy McNally, Rachel Firth. Jr 18tâ€"«T0mmy Cook, Davis Staples. ‘ â€"A. “7. Park, Teacller.. l .Jewell McComb. Sr. 2nd.--Lear McComb. Jr..2nd.â€"Sarah MoArthu. Kate McArthur. Pt. 2nd.-â€"Jessie ‘Edwards. Pt, 1st.â€"Sadie McKeown. l ’ Report of S. S. No. 12, Egremont --4t.h classâ€"â€"VV. Patterson, T. Lawr- ence, E. McFadden. Sr 3rd-Sam- Patterson, Rosetta Lawrence, Arthur ‘ Lawrence. Jr Bidâ€"Charlie Reid, Samuel Whitmore, James Klein. 2nd Mary, Patterson, Earle Matthews, Jos. Nelson. Pt 2ndâ€"Belle Patter- son, Essie Acheson, Doward .Henry- Pt 1stâ€"Marv Brown Marv “'ilgmi flour David Jackson Insurance Chas. Ramage printing l Becker ' 2.5 0 'Geo. Russell 1 mos salary . 1.7.50 Geo. Russell eXpress and stationery . .55 W. A. Anderson 1 salary as caretaker - 8.75 Mr. Dargavel salary as engineer 7. .92 Mr. l\*lacdonald “‘ -“ - “ ‘ 2.91 J. A. Hunter 2 cords wood 2.30 D. Campbell moving engine 1.50 Rutherford . Sons stationery, etc. 12.85 J. W. Crawford 17 ties 2.122% N. G. J. McKechnie 100 lbs A resolution was next passed re- quiring that in all cases Where the {1 hall is given free that the caretaker '1: be paid 500 on eachoccasion, h The request for use of hall for 11 meeting of the Horticultural Society’s : meeting on the 15th was granted. j j By-Law No 318 was referred back - 5' to committee to be considered after {a lapse of six months. ’ McKechnie â€" Whitmoreâ€"That a re» 1 fund of $5 be made Mr. Good on 1 his Butchers’ License, as he re- mained in business only two I months after the granting of said license. lMcKechnieâ€"VVhitmoreâ€"That a By- Law be introduced at next meeting for the purpose of amending the By-Law relating to horses running ’ at large, also to consider the Dog ] By-Law. McKechnie â€" W’hitmoreâ€"That coun- cil ask for tenders for lumber for f ! the town. â€" Carried. E rl‘he following accounts were order- “ ed to be paid :-â€" Geo. Russell wood for market $ 1.75 .11. Geo. Russell wood for hall 3.50 I Geo._Russell, wood for Mrs. The request of \Irs. Allan and Mrs. \Volfe fox a refund of charges made ’for use of hall for Temperance Lec- ture was made and on motionone dollar was ordered to be returned. Dr. Gun’s request that; the hall be given free to the Mechanics’ InSCitute for use in connection witn the Tem- ple of Fame was also considered and granted. The regular meeting of the Town Council was hela on Monday evening last, all the members except; _Mr. El- vidge being present. The Mayor in the chair. NOLI‘Glepelg, fox Mar.1897 The Town Council. HONOR ROLLS. .Lizzie Byers: Wesley -â€"D01 3. Davidson ry hress. Mockler, 3 oseph Moore. 7- - “ 9 Jjoe, E va Mockler. 3.â€"â€"-â€"Annie Colvill e .1 ess e Robertson, ‘1 Mary Benton Mabel Camerofi, ’1‘. pt. 2.â€"â€"Lotnie Grant and John THE DURHAM CHRONICLE, April 8th, 1597 $95.68 33‘ Mr.A1ex. Fletcher has engaged a man for the summer. Alex. will have the evening mare to himself new so you may look out for fre- quent visits to some house Where there is more than the old folks living. Mr. Dan McLeafi pays frequent vi- sit-s to Normanby. We hear a faint tiukling of wedding-bells. \Vho is the young man who toes in and whose tracks W take place between Messrs. Duncan {Inc-Lean and Galbraith, a having purchased a Gold Dust trotter EandIx’;,ed(.lie a Cleveland Wheel. Both are training hard. I \Ve are pleased to record the ar-i rival of a new neighbor in the person of Mr. Thomas whose residence re- ports say is visited very-.‘ frequently by the It ill boys. This may’also ac- count- for the return of one of our friends from Georgetown. I alter an absence of three years. Messrs. Peter Daiglish and Ralph Tisdale have gone to Eden Grove I ‘ . tor- the summer Messrs. Ewen and PntherbOugh have returned from the neighborhood of Georgetown and report hard times. \Ve are all looking forward to an; enjoyable evening at the concert inl Clark’s school-house on the 15th. wbgre we believe a splendid program . is in preparation. The admission isg only 10 cents. I Mr Angus McCormick has arrived home from Min. to spend Easter, after an absence of three years. We notice that Mr. John 'impson Jr. , who 119 3 been sick for some time is around again. [ One of our citizens last week in- tended paying the city a visit‘ and was up and around all night making ready for his yearly visit but after all when 'he reached Flesherton Station the train had been in and forgot to wait for. him. He‘ will no doubt make another attempt this week. \Ve Wish him better success this time. I .Itis said that a certain voung man was looking for a hen a few nights ago. The said hen was last last sum- mer and a reward was offered for it. The party had a lantern and several people mistook it for lightning. For particulars ask on Durham road. _ Master Willie Marshall has hired with Mr. G. Arrowsmith for the summer months. ' We are sorry to learn that Rev. Mr. Humphries had several pounds; cf mutton. pork and Sausages stolen? from his house one day last week and! no“ it is a connundrum Whether it were dogs or two-legged hounds that carried it off. Miss M. Brown has resigned her position in the post office and Mr. Neil McKinnon has been appointed in her place. Miss Minnie Waters who hast been home for a. few weeks returned to Hamilton last Monday evenin 0‘. Mast-er Reggie Grier, of Dundalk paid a. visit to his mother here lasn Sundav. Mrs. Mala}, of Shelburne who: has been visiting; at her parents Mr. and Mrs. McDonald’s, returnedhomelast Thu] sday afternoon. ‘Rev. Mr. Mahan, of FleSheItton, preached in the ‘Methodist church here last Sunday morning. . Mr. Bolger, .of Dundalk, paid a. visit to Priceville last week. . 'Mr. J. D. Brown Who is living in Dnndalk paid a. flying visit .to Price- ville one day last; week. Mr. Robert'VVaters who has been 510k for over a year, passed away “last Thursday morning at the early age of 30 years. The funeral service was conducted by Rev.’ Mr. Humphries in the Methodist church after which his remains were taken to the McKechnie burying ground for interment a large number turned out to show their last ‘resPects to the departed. l Several young men from Priceville and Vicinity went down to the lower settlement to look for work for the summer but we presume they forgot something as they came back .. so soon. .They could not have wanted work very badly. For particulars ask Pat and Archie. Perhaps they may make another attempt. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Watson'were visiting at Mr. Geo. Moore’s near Inistioge last Sunday week. uMULL CORNERS PRICEVILLE. - T17?» Package of our 5:4 E59 {WEI HERSE Flaxseed, Linseed Meal and Fine Ground Oil Cake. ' Our Seed Corn is selected Seed and g; satisfaction last year. Cfafi CEUHIE SEES] Cgfii. Including .Mammojgh‘ South- ern- Sweet, Improved Leam- ing, Pride Of the. N orth and 5 , Alsike, Luceme or I Lawn. ‘ i $117.! F 5:1.1‘m‘3'3fifijv: '~ I Try Patterson’s Worcester Sauce, 2 bottles for 250. 2 00 a Package. Ladies Straw Sailor HATS Men’s Washable four in hand Ties “ 10c: “each“..‘i for 2250. Men’s Knockabout Hatsâ€" Blue, Brown, Black and fawn 500 each. Men’s Spring Shirts and Drawers Gallon Apples 200 NEW COTTONS NEW SHEETINGS NEW EMBROIDERIES NE W, h a. U SLINS We are 0138 fling up thls week a §3€auti- RINTS goods 100 I 5 Lower Town Elsa-139237 PANTS. AT 0091* Lower Town Sample Fence to be seen in a 1’6 days; Also Agent for Life and Pi Insurance. Orders for Sales Infr Laidla‘Ws’s store, . with R. Burnett, Allan Park, Will be promptly attendea to. 25c he Ceiebrated New P111113 £10111 3e 11;). 1New D1 e33 000171311111 80 up. 31 p311 11 ,5). .New Table 011 (3101711 451.- Wide, White and colored 250 21. Yd. New 81311110 Shoes (3:111 and. ee them. 'A big line of Whips 110111 10.6 11p to 800 £01 21 good Raw: hide. See our lines of V 1711ite Gran iteware and 71711111111113 Organs,‘ Pianos Machines in Of b93313 and Sewing {‘8ch V9.33]. lcty and 111 if he . UPPER TO WN, DURHAM Our regular stock Shoes are now we Another , in a Ladies) prunelia Slipper, kid lined regular price $1.00 new Another . in One a Prunefla, French Bal. at 750, regular price Licensed Auctioneer nave now an Ear; some snaps in . GRAN market. mg}? I WW ‘6‘}. Q: ”‘3 {94:2}: by UN Vood’s Agricul F) 35/ Co. wk of Boots well assert- Durham in the the stomacn, u perform their do net dcbiiiute, ulation, and a their action Pill they are un \“ thenisv'ives side by side, last week. Our iuforma the story is perfectly re Mr. Vaughan can be depei He disabled six with a. si of the whip as he was The others went back t which they had evidently Winter. The writer is n 1y well posted in sunkeoli whether there is anythili bout this or not. The aginatiou or delirium abd Ox \Vednesdzty of '1 Toronto gentlemum .‘tlr town, interviexx‘iug som resemmive men \\‘ll.ll a “filling; a Hose lauto: were circuluwd {or ;. ni anum‘uer guillcl‘ctl, an of the business exyla'm as it was learned that was not \Vllllug; to int more then a patent ri machinery to he used facture, everyone felt leave the matter [or {u ation in the future. to be no money in t any one except the would expect a job as business and a royalty ! dozen pair on all the ; Perhaps it’s all right well stomach, The annual spring; 1 ing of Messrs. liziiiisl was held last Friilay i April 9th and. 10th. I was more like a day i snow flying but {on an on Saturday. The iv. in crowds andii We { the number who visi room the opening v: great success. ' ‘ho s ed very pretty but of tre of attraction was 'ing no Opposition this have made their displ at. any other previm from a financial stani it has paid them to . leading styles in trim shown and it would . a favorite. The 111 trimming seen is C leading shades and “of ‘it used it will e large demand. The . ness done at the o; satisfactory and the forward to a good 86 ‘se the appetite b3 , artic Pills. mach. liver, and ANOTHER burglar time betWeen Si); Monday morning 51 for extreme vigilau the citizens. N of late without- a r these dastardly This time Ma'ck‘ar‘ was the place to will meet with d! Cigarettes and P‘ artigles we are ‘1‘ having been tall They’re after the having laid in around our butc and cloths lines. liver, and it functions te, by excest are not; in“ As an at unequalled.

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