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Durham Chronicle (1867), 8 Apr 1897, p. 1

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Park. 2U 1T8 U. IES 10 If“ '1‘ h U1 HIE will and land. aboufi first “300 he W LOCAL NE‘WS. J am UI’S in] rs. 1.1er livin angi _ ' t Quit. Ste. Marie; andJohn l1 ivin}: :2? line- The daughters are, l 1 ‘ . bwwnston, who resides in ' .he S mes; and. Airs. Jas. Thompson, ,iving wear Varney. Alex. \Vilson,1 angin-«t-r at the electric power house. i E the sole surviving brother of ;- deceasal. In religion Mr. \Vilsonl was'a Presbyterian and in politics a.‘ Liberal. The funeral took place on Saturday 1.1512, the solemnities being conducted by Rev. Mr. Miller, of Holstein. The remains were placed in the vault and not interred until Monday, awaiting the arrival of R“ Wilson from Sault Ste. Marie, Whom a message did not reach in time to permit of his being in attendance on Saturday. The late Mr. Wilson was a. good neighbor and firm friend and his death marks the breaking- away one by one of the older settlers of jthis- district.-;Mt. Forest Confed- ' erate. e smoked Herring 150 box \V 1D D an on W SALE. â€"â€" 5m :‘dl‘lV new: € funds to loan 011 Tlv.-â€"-â€"ADDI_V t0 4‘ phor, Mot-h paper: 5 Drug Store. the: flats 11 tI n. 101'3 ll the number of m to secure in '1‘ 1' At; Mockler ar loan on farm -â€"-â€"Notice.-â€"â€"-All persons indebted to ly to 9A° H' C. McA‘rthur, ‘ are respectfully re- “‘ quested to call for their accounts and ‘- c l settle eitherj’oy cash or note at‘yonce. 1291’ Sewmg All accounts. left unsettled must be easv tejrmsnâ€" placed in other hands for collection. -«â€"C. McArthur, merchant, Durham "m lJan. 7th 1897. . years ago. He the township of 100 county, \xhele 1e fourf, ears. de wrexm 11L township a fine farm of QOU by the use the only re- ions Wou l. e .ané. family > daughters roton Static! One of the 1011 '1‘ w p r‘lasne atesc} rapids of Niagara, as to expect per- fect health while a Sorofulous taint exists in the blood, Through its alt- erative and purifying properties, Ayer’s Sarsaparilla removes every vestisze of Scrofulous poison from the Don’t forgetfie Wall paper sale at Macfarlane’s Drug Store all this month. â€"â€"FOR SALE â€"â€"Two thoroughbred Hereford bull calves for sale.â€"â€"â€"App1y to D. Jackson, Jr., Durham, Ont. 2 blood 3Q Tyour Stamp Albums at THE ROXICLE office. anon! rton” the Bible lesson he was to read in] the morning. The boys finding thel place, glued together the connecting pages. The next day the Minister read on the bottom of the pagerâ€"â€" “ When Noah was 1‘20 years old he took unto himself a wife, who wasâ€"- turning the pugewléiO cubits long, 40 cuhits Wide, built of gopher wood and covered with pitch inside and out.” He was naturally puzzled at this, he read it again, verified it and then said: “ My friends, this is the first time I ever saw this in the Bible. but I accept it as an evidence of the assartion that we and wonderfully made. would not keep it any longer. hat; do you think of this SO‘t of a m to represent us in township , Fishing w X‘. 11.110th: L of this branch ot pnotowraprw. _, . _ . n ‘ THE Canadian Horticulturist {'c: ILOSE Seasons for fishâ€"The foll- ‘ April is an excellent numbemanal con owing kinds of fish shall not be tains articles that would be well it; caught, sold or had in possession dur- every farmer and gardener to know i115: the close seasons mentioned, both l Illustrations and superb Pilots days inclusive :â€"--Bass from 15th! are given of a number of pronginen April to 15th June ; Maskinonge froml horticulturists and some tiny-3L 15th April to 15th June ; Pickeiell articles on the cultivation of flo=.vs.:r:~: infirm Frnrn 1fifh Anril to 15th May zismall fruit tomatoes, etc., etc. Tn our report of the Temple of l. e last week we , inadvertantly looked the part taken by Miss ’49.. who appeared as a celebrated. ptor, wallet and chiselin mud. plea for the cro‘. '11 was a. Very est one and quite in keeping with 1aturally modest character of the ormer'. Lack of space also when mine to make up our form forced 0 leave out a number of “ whiSpo from the audience ” we intended ng. ‘v’e must say too, that great lit is due to Mr. Jones {or the at energy he displayed in bring~ ? this play to such a successful 1e, and last, but not by any means at, Rev. Mr. Pomeroy and Mrs. ) J a111ieson were valuable ad- cts in the tact displayed through- . the Whole preparation. At the se of each meeting aflash light ture was taken by Professor awn. who has made a special study arsons indebted to naturally puzzled at again, verified it; and y friends, this is the aver saw this in the :ept it as an evidence that: we are fearfully .. -‘,\ ‘\ f'n ,, 18 to read 111 Sfinding the ‘ ONE day last- week when Rev. Mr. Humphreys, of Priceville, was absent: 1 from home on pastoral work a burg- | ’ lary was made into the Methodist " Parsonage shed and ‘22 lbs of frozen e ‘ ‘ . beef, 3; leg: of mutton and some pleces L' of pork were taken from. a. barrel n where it was utterly impossible for any dog to steal it. 3 â€"â€"Ladies’ and Chi Hats in great variety. MR. \VM. MCCALBIO Agent of the F135? \Vorks, has made a 11 sales lately. and has 3. additional orders in WGW. week for all kinds of Massey Harris Machines. Go to him for a. good Drill Plow Barr 3W or any other farm Implement. He buys all his goods for cash in in {3:8 quantities and sells cheap. 1 THE social evening in the Method-1 ist- Epworth League was well attend-i ed on i‘xlonday evening); last. Several selections by, the orchestra, reci- tations, readings, songs, etc, by local talent and an excellent solo by Miss Beclford', of Mt. Forest, formed the principal part of the literary pro-- aramme. A collection of nearly five local talent and a; Miss Beéford, of the principal part gramme. A colle dollars was taken Mr. Wm. J- McKee-kin, 0f E31?" but he does not seem to have (18-! mont, has taken unto himself a, wife veloped such philosophical views as! in the person of Miss Julia VJilliams those expressed'by his Markdale 0011' of Gdenelg. The interesting cere- frere. There is a good deal of mony was performed by the Rev. Mr. common Sense in your Opinion young Kitching at his residence on man and we think you are about \Vtcthtesdzty the 2:751:11. ult. Mr. Guy right in speaking against the rough \Viiliams, uncle of the .lbride, acted way in which some of these games as groomsman, while the charming are conducted. \Ve cannot condemn FOWIQ bride WRS 33535th by Miss the games, however, but; we may ~Tilli8 330533€€k9113 the groom’s sister. hope to see them conducted with less Accept our commendations, and danger to the participants. ’may peace, happiness and p’rOSperity ‘ __ ”0110‘” you wherever 370“ 30’ THE Spring is now open and our AN interesting case was heard here before Magistrates Calder. Jackson and McFadden. The complement. Duncan McArthur (,znz-trgml 'l‘lmmas Stewart with intimidation by threats of using Violence. From the evidence it appeared that Stewart. had threat- ened to shoot McArthur if he should enter on a diSputed‘ right of way claimed and for along time used by McArthur over his prOperty. The defendant swearing that he had offer- ed to allow McArthur to use it on payment of ‘25 cents for the year or luntil he could make a road out for. himself which offer McArthur refus- ed. rThe diSputants met in the Cen- tral Hotel in Durham the latter end cf February, when the matter of the diSpute was referred to and angry words followed, on which occasion McArthur swore the threat_ was made. The form of the information was objected to by counsel for defend- ant which after. argument between. l counsel was amended at request of ‘ complainant’s counsel. The justice held that charge was proven, Jack- ‘ son. J. P.. dissenting, but under my 3011, J. t’. (11556 [ll-1115, Uu U 1111! ci1cumstances imposed 21 mm c and costs. J. P.161f01d and 310011111 [01' cmnyflainant and Batson for defendant. $1.003 year; Mr. \Vm. Gorsline the Mr. J. U. 11 efficient and untiring Secretary and Owen Sound. ‘ Mr. C. Firth have been pushing the CHRONICLE OFFI: society here and have now one hun- Mr Wash G dred and seven members to whom The .Canadian more than 1,200 premiums have been Friends is in distribuzed with about a thousand Council: more to follow. A meeting will be held in the Town :Hail at- 8 o’clock on Thursday even- Zing the 15th. inst. for the purpose of: discussing Horticultural subjects and; iflaking: into conmderation some MD. Kilmer 1 Z scheme for Arbor Day improvements. of hardware to 5 Members and others are requested to Palmerston. :be present. and be fully prepared to : mong us as a t flask questions which the officers 3wi£l1hardwaremam ! endeavor to answer. ‘ to return to hi Barrister I. ] accompanied, h} town on: Tues l 111 {03. of Varney. sherton Marble number at good :sz a number of U in the Method- gh‘en’s Sailor at Grant’s. 1 osed a fine of 5:3 Telford and G. EM d. this t; of way 6 used by rtv, The ‘ â€"-â€"Fresh arrivals of Azure Silks, 3Lancashire Percales and Prints, 3 ibeautiful goods. latest styles, low- ! eSt prices. at Grant’s. ment Business. Cochrane, Durham. An honorable and conscientious'; young lady on calling p a few days§ ago to settle for her paper told us: she could get no enjoyment out of itl while her subscription was unpaid. l “’8 know personally that such is the l case and we’ll venture to say that in '5 nine cases out of ten the readers who find most fault are those who are in arrears on their subscriptions. There is quite a difference, however between this young lady‘s View and ; thevi ws of those who continue tak- ing a paper for two or three months . or perhaps as many years, and then co'olly refuse to take their paper out of the office and oblige the postmas- ter to notify the publisher. This, to say the very least, is unmanly. OUR devil is curious to know Why' a professional fisticuff contest, where one is knocked out, is so severely denounced by some people, and at the same time a lacrosse match or game of foot ball in. which several persons are generally Wound-' ml or perhaps maimed for life is passed over without censure.-â€"â€"\iar’k-' dale Standard. Our devil has been talk- ing a good deal about the fight too ibut he does not seem to have de- veloped such philosophical views as those expressed'by his Markdale conv frere. There is a good deal of 7 COIDIDOD 881188 in your OpllllOfl 3 01111;: THE Spying is now open and our town sidewalks Show up in'their true colors. As the council is to adver- tise for tenders for lumber, we imag-l ine that all necessary repairs and improvements will be ’made at an early date. Lmnher wales are of short duration at best and it might agood move to begin the work of laying walks or pavements of a more permanent kind, such as we find in some of our larger towns and cities. By starting now with a limited strip rand adding to it year by year it would not be long before the princi- pal streets would have practically permanent walks, that would not need the yearly doctoring now re- quired by the old ones. The initial expenes would be greater but in the long); run it would be money in pocket. Besides it would give the '1 A“‘inn+;17n \Jllfi’, J. “5.5 .nv _ 1 - pocket. Besides it would give the place a more thrifty and attractive appearance and perhaps inspire the construction of a better class of of buildings and induce outsiders to settle here, Sufficient adornment would make Durham one of the prettiesttowns in Canada. Nature has done her part. I'OS Afr. Allan Chésley v'isi over Sunday Mr.C. Sparling. of St. Mary’s is visiting his brother Mr. Geo. Spar- ling, Reeve of Durham. Mr. J. C. Forster, Architect of Owen Sound, was a caller at THE CHRONICLE OFFICE on Tuesday last.- Mr. Wash. Gr. Collins, organizer of The Canadian Order of Chosen Friends. is in town organizing a Mr. Wash. G. Collins The Canadian Order Friends, is in town Council. Barrister I accompanied by town CI; TueS< last ’ Mr. Will Swallow left on Saturday 1* “Buffalo. Eh: Arthur Gun, Innerkip, spent 1.113» '1‘: at home. mien the week. ”‘7 53 A lie Paterson cf the Hanover .‘21 est Spent Sunday at home. Mr. Allan and Miss Graham of Eheslev visited at Mayor. Calder’s PUBEL lmer has sold out his stock i are to a Mr. Wm. Black, of i on. Mr. Black comes av as athorough business and aman. Mr. Kilmer intends : to his home in Walkerton. rI. B. Lucas of Markdale, edby Mrs Lucas, was in Tuesday and Wednesday I“! m RSONAL. We invite t‘ 16 Ladies of Durham and the Stu'rounding' county SPRING MILLENER‘S OPENING Eeadi ri‘i‘ifl‘ifllQG :inu b u- Ri-Eabens, etc” is now mompmte and a care- ful inspectian is in- V1t8d. SATURDAY éP‘fiEi W H %%%B EGTH alder Block. mnefi mm FRID AY 'hich will be held on 110 0111‘ NO 157:) 83

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