West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 8 Apr 1897, p. 4

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L ---,, uuu ulu {1113' A . New Brunswick 111811157311- Will l‘rjpl‘r'S-‘NIE owhers or tenants of real pmperry worth $100 01‘ personal prognrty worth S-lfla) or persons as- sessed for >3;th income. Prince Edward lslamlmelnl).91's will thpre- sent mal'és who have to pay are-11ml of at least #515 a year who have (lane statute labor or paid poll tax. Bri- tish Columbia. members will represent all the men there excw , . (sis of manhood ‘ exce>pt that all government employees receiving $350 will be disqualxfied. Mr. Gibson introduced a. b’ll ’ Way Act. that the employee’s wang cost. of material fat cogsfirnbtidn [1‘ firm: lien on the work. ' into form. “’hen the b?ll is law no txvo movinoes will he rppresented in ML sam9 way in Parliament. On- tario members will be returned on lists based on Manhood Suffrage less city an-l town postmasters who. are dislmuchised. Quebec. Members wifl represent owners or tenants of prop- erty of $300 in cities and $‘?00 else: where. Nova Scotia membdr WEEIi WPI’USGM mV-‘ners or tenants of real; prOp-cmy (>5 73150 or owners of personal PI'OPENY 0f $150 and over, less all. government elm-,Inmpq mzm mm 3:- l A novel method of presenting the newest and freshest Eastertide creations of Paris milliners has been adopted by The Ladies Home Jour- i-al for March. In that magazine the new French hats and bonnets will be pictum d as they are worn. This unique display is useful, therefore, in pointing out clearly not only Fashion’s decree, but the styles in headdress best suited to several con- trasted types and faces. Mr. Fithatrick’s new Franchise Act. instead of being a very simple measure. turns out to be a very, bulky bill of 156 clauses, making 68; printed pages, and, from a cursory examination of it appears to be quite as complicated as the present Act. Some twenty Acts of Parliament passed since 1885 are repealed in whole or in part. The provincial franchises are adopted with the ad- dition that officers and men cf the Korthwest Mounted police and of the pn'inanent force are disfranchised. “'1er draft which Mr. Fithatrick bougl'it down last week is the sev- smith that. has been prepared by the g; yvernment. It is admittedly incom- piete as it does not embody the prin- c‘ple of one man one vote which the Liilel'fll press says is to be brought into {0?ka ‘Yhen the. hill i: in“? nn: We hear his physicians have no hOpe of his tecoveiV and bV the next cable the news comes that he is imp10ving nicely and will start; for home about the let. of April. on. J P’s. when the accused were committed for triai, bail being ac- cepted. Mr. A. G. MacKav looked after the interests of the Crown.â€" 0. S Advertiser. Reports respecting the condition of the health of the Hon. Geo. A. Kirkpatiick, Lieut. Governor of Ontario, are conflicting. One dayi He Caught hold of Mr. Duudas and commenced searching under the pillows. Not finding any there he starte-l to rumage through the bed and found a purse in a waistcoat pocket at the head of the bed, all the time threatening to shoot Mr. Dun- das should he attempts to rise. Sleep- ing with Mr. Dundas was a lad four- teen years of age named Hopkins. who is a brother of Minorgan’s Wife. The robber after securing the money proceeded down stairs, and was? followed by Wicklow, who then, and only then, came out of his room. Mr. unilas swore out. a warrant against Wickiow and Biinorgan and the preliminary hearing took place at Mr. Jas. Dudgeon’s house, Where Mr. Dnnt‘las is lyinfr ill, before Mr. 2", 1 Jno. McDonald and 311'. Jno. Camer- of th- ease are as follows :â€"Mr. Jas. Dunuas, an old bachelor, lived With his nephew, \Vicklow, about one mile from Chatsworth in the town- ship of Sullivan. It appears that he had drawn some money from Tel- ford (30., some weeks ago and had been in the habit of keeping it in a purse underhisbead in the bed Where he was lying ill. About midnight onl on Sunday, March 20th; While in bed in a large room upSLairs, into which the stairway led, and while Mr. and Mrs. \Vicklo'v were in their room With the door open immediately fac- inn; the head of the stairs, a man with his face blackened came upstairs and demr-mled money from Mr. Dundas. basis of manhood ge, excpptfhat all government AYTAA" -.\.t Chatsworth last Friday James Minorgan,‘ a blacksmith, and Edward Wicklow, Sullivan township, farmer, were committed to stand their trial at the approaching Assizes on a charge of robbery. The particulars _\ U": ”2100 01 ownels of pexsonal v of $190 and ovex 1333 all 119M emploxees, who are dis- ;ed. New Brunswick members resent owilers or tenants of pa ty worth $100 01 personal 'i' \\ orth $400 01‘ pers 0:13 213- for 3100 income. Prince Island melnbels will repre- {es w 110 have to Dav a rpnt .1 n? THE CHRONICLE. members will repre- have to pay a rental of year who have done paid poll tax. Bri- i Sheepskins .................. W001 """" 1' ' 0 O . oooooooooooo 40 ‘17 Three comes will rbe, fien't 'to any three addresses (outside “this city), for the same period for a. dollar. The run and Weekly Globe combined will be sent to the end of 1897 for One Dollar. Address an orders to , we 30%: 93mm: caraPAHY. um TURQNTQ,.. - H It gives the best farmiérs’ page in t’he Dominion. . .V 1 It contains a short story frOm'LOn- don Truth. weekly. ‘ It gives an average of 40 columns of “bright reading in each issue. '[‘I 0 . nls paper will be sent to any afidress in Canada (outside of 'iforani'e) to the end of ’97 for 50 cents. ' its columns. Its market reports are aaAcknOW‘lédg- ed. to be the fullest and most accurate published in Canada. THE SUN is the Sun re- -0P§anized. open for challanges after May lst. The event of the social season in this vicinity was given at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Davie on Thursday [evening the 1st. The specious danc- ;ing hall was tastfully decorated for the occasion and the arrangements throughout most complete. The Music by the Do'rnoch and Williams- ford Orchestra was excellent. About forty ladies and gentlemen were present among whom were guests from Chatsworth, VVilliamsford, >Louise, Hoopersvillen Dornoch and o- ther places. Supper was served in the dining hall at 12:30 and the; company appreciated the manage- ment in their efforts to make the assembly a success and the" genial manner and happy counten- ance of the worthy host and hos- tess and the Misses Davie contribut- ed in so small measure to the enjoy-, of all present. I The Flying “ledge F. B. C. Dor- noeh’s Senior eleven met for re-or- ganization at the Bulls Head on Fri- day evening the 2nd and elected the following officers for the ensuing year:~Pres., Dr. Smith; Hon. Pres. C. R. McIntosh ; 'Captq Alex. McIntosh; Sec.-Treas., D. S. Cor- lett ; Trainei‘, ' Jesse Foster ; Com- mittee of Management : J. McIntosh, R. \Vatt, R. S. Corlet-t, .‘Vm. Groi- frey. Sam Baines. The See. Will be open for challenges after Mav 1m That THE CHRONICLE is gradually ads/aiming is evidenced by those of itsreaders who have publicly given expression and we have no doubt that i‘s new manager will endeavor to merit a continuance of their good Opinions. vâ€"â€"v‘£’~ whchhave braved the past winter and are seemingly in the best of health. The repor1s that came in from the near vicinity are by no means en- courawing. Species of huge sized grass hoppers have been found, chaps 1 Mr. Jas. VV’agner an old Dornoch bov Spent“ a portion of last- week ceived at Owen Sound. A.,Sinit.h, daughter of Mi". Thomaé Smith. of Vx'codham, all of Blanchard Township. Marriedâ€"Mr. R. J. “'ade; $011 of Mr. Robert Wade, of this place, was recently united in marriage to Miss Prosperity seems to favor friend Krisbaunm, of the 2nd. as he was recently presented with an additional daughter. The debate in Steward’s 'Hall on Friday evening was largely attended. The subject for discussicn being :â€"- "Resolved that Prohibition was more beneficial than the Licence Law._” .The decision was given in favor 0f the affirmative. Miss .J essie Stewart returned home from Toronto last week after a so- journ of some months. Mr. Stephen Wade bid his love gOOd- bye and left; for Gall; last Mon~ day. ~ Mr. James Heuiston, of Glenelg, has moved into his new residence on “ Mount Pleasant ” Messus. J. Schereman and‘A. Hay left last week for Sault Ste. Marie. ? Mgr. Mery Del Val, the papal dele- gate was welcomed in Ottawa on Saturday last by. Archbishop Duhamel and the local clergy. Among the notables present were the premier, Messrs. Tarte, Scott}. Fitzpatrick, Costigan, Landerkin and McMullen. The addresses were in Latin, French and Engiish. ' DORNOCH. WELLBECK. m Canada Q4Qb~H~ anada Farmers’ THE DURHAM (“HRO’W{LL-1359 ApIiISth, 1897. DURHAM \Ia1ch 313%,1897,‘ Fall W heat ................... 75‘. t6 75 \p1 in}? VV heat ................ 70 to 75 Oats .......................... 16 to 2( Peas. . . . . ...................... 37 to 37 arley ........................ '25 to 3 i H‘lV .......................... 8 00 to 10 00 Butter ....................... 10 to 10 Eggs per doz ................. 10 to 10 Apples.. . .per bag ............ 50 to 50 Potatoes” ”per b 21;: ........... 25 to 30 Flour per cwt..............,. 160 to 2‘30 Oatmeal per sack ............ 1 75 to 1 75 Chop per cwt ................. 60 to 75 T111 ken pe1 lb ........ - ........ 7 to 7 Geese per 1b ............ . ..... 4 to 5 'D11’ 8 5 “:er pair ............... 40 to 50 Ciiickens per pair .............. 20 to 30 Dressed Hogs per cwt .......... 3 50 to 4 5O ' Hides” ..per lb ........... 5 to 5 {Sheepskins ............... 40 to 75 Wool”; ..... ......... 17 in an seLo BY ALL DEALERS Price 25 Cents all who apply for it. Ferry 60’; seeds are sold by all first-class deal,- ersâ€"if your merchant does not keep them, send direct to them. Darwin’s theoryof the “Survival of the fittest ” is that the weakly die and the strong and robust live. The vegetable and floral kingdoms have illustrated this grand theory to every person planting vegetable and flower seeds. It is not necessary to Le fa- miliar with the writings of Darwin, Huxley, Haeckel or Lerunte to prove hOW'essential it is to plant seeds which nature, assisted by: science, has evolved into the highest state of perfection. The great seeds- lnen. D. M. FERRY 00., W’indsdr, Ontario, have done more in the prac- tical evolution of seeds than any , other seed house in the world. They produce and send out seeds that not only grow but attain a high type cf perfection ; for nearly forty years they have devoted their best skill and energy in this d.rection. “7e: are just in receipt of their beautiful‘I Seed Annual for 15497, which is full of practical information for not only the skilled gardener but the amateur. V‘v’e note, with pleasure, the entire absence in this book of exaggerated and impossible products liSted by seedsmen as novelties. They offer to send this expensive work free to i â€"â€"A Granite Tea Pot and a. pound of Baking Pow (191 f01 400 01 a Table and apound of pondel £01503, at G1 ant’ 8. '~ l Mr. A. l‘I. Lé’l‘i‘lSHV. baker, has moved into \l1. C. l.Leitcl1’s old g.shop Mess1s Pros-101 and Allan the successo1s to \1 Leiteh in the tailoring- bus}: 11(35 HIP RC." Kol‘l'lll‘lg ll] Dr. Christoe’ s Bloc} ~-~1.l1 . Mr. T110111 will occupv “1. P. .1l 1 ' dence as a tcmpouu 1 manse. Mr.Hum11l11'eV" oi 11%:1'1e1'ille occu- pied the Methodi. stprlpit has on Sunday last £. 311‘. AlCJNflb 0f, Kilsy th is assisu 11” N1..l"h0111 in 11ng 1 l 3 ‘lfi \_ .‘ L‘. J :special seivices this week. Mr. A. lM Gibson is the 1'e1;11‘esentative electg’ to the General asse 111M}; of “he Pres-l lbyterian cl1u1'cl1,‘\\i!111161:. in June next. Mr \V. W. 11111.1.1. Ci(};11-l lmenced his mail contract on the 1111.1 l of April. -M1' ClOSSlC‘} still comm-r ues to cater for };1asse11gert1arlic lRates have been reduced and the; lpublic is getting cheap $100 011} IIIClel-g tion to and from the 812 1.1011. M1. ; John Davis has re1u1ned f1o111 the; Military School Toronto. \115 J. l D. Clark, of London, is VISJUHQ he‘ll l E mother, Mrs, J, \V. A1 mstlong‘r Miss Klein, of Toronto is again in charge of Mr. Richardson’s Mill1ne1v department. Messrs C. J. Leitclh and Ezra ‘Nhite left last vs eel; 1'01 l V abbigoon.-.â€"Miss V iolet Aikins whof has been visiting her grand parents. l l l Mr, and Mrs. Bradbury1 retuned to her home at Tottenham Saturday. v 1.1.0th .................... 9' Wheat ................ ........................ .1 ........................ 3 7 ........................ ‘2‘ ........................ 8 01 ....................... 1( per doz ................. 14 , pm bag ............ 50 as .per bag- ........... ‘2: per cwt..............,. 16( a1 per sack ............ 1 7E »er cwt ................. E VS 1331' lb ................ ' per 179 ................. 4 7‘81‘ Fail ............... t nsfier pair .............. 2 Markefi Begum. fever and rose fever. Complete, With blower free. CURES cold in the head in ten minutes. - CURES incipient catarrh in from one to three days. CURES Chronic eatarrh, hay DAR WlN’.‘ THEORY; FLESHE‘RTON. ......... ........ 75‘. to' 7'5 70 t0 7" 16 to 20 37 to 37 ‘25 to 3 ........ 8 00 to 10 00 10 to .10 10 to 15 50 to 50 .43} {B Durham Jan These Celebrated Brands of Flour will be kept in stock VIZ :â€"â€"â€" w The undersigned having opened up a, Flour and Feed business in Durham in con- neotion with the Ayton M ills hopes togain a share of your patronage by giving strict attention to business and selling on close margins. .atlpflé . ...). .9. agave.“ Ltfitr E (ENE - a. ‘ l '4'.- W: . V . a .. . ‘....‘x l9”: .Au. iii, . . A . .â€"J ‘31. _.. . .. . n .. _ u :. . ~ . . . A full stock of Organs, Sewing Machines, Churns, VVheelbarrows. Repairs of all kinds kept in stock. Fire Insurance promptly attended to. Money to loan at 5, 5% and 60/0 Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Feed of all kind'é‘: will be on huné WY BLGSSGM, $430355 MMITDBA. The Percival Plow is the best in the market. It suits all kinds of ground draws easy and is easy held. Thereis none like the ToIt-on Har- row. Buy only it. Full Car Loads of Each in stock. 'You can buy 3 Wagon or Buggy at the right prices because I buy in large quarltjties, save freight and pay 0381 for my goods. HABRDWS. W. C? lder’s 11111115111131? Wm e1001ns are fully stocked with all kinds Of Farm I111- plements, including :â€" The Cele131 :11: ed ‘ Massey Hm 1 is Binde1s, M011181s,D1*i11s,:1Ia1- 1’0117s,et0. Buy only end relie able implements. They are the cheapest and s111e to please 17011 and 1011 me al- su1e 0f gettino yom repahs Wagans, Buggies and 652's .CAL DER. It is poor economy to buy cheap Tea. mg . 13th, 1897. '._.F. Ballagh. PEUWS. Lower Town. AND (across th Edge Hill, . ' Bun essan, a road from farms, )’.. or to vv-‘. :1 j: ‘ ‘N. D. R.;Glenel;:. 100 acres, 90 cleared, in excellent condition for cultivation 20 acres ploughed. Macl‘iivnery can be easily used. Large frame barn, comfortable stabling‘ and outbuildings : also («unfortable dwellinghonse. In agood locality, hand to church, post-office. township hall, schoo , and town, beingSO rods from Glenelg Centre church and 1:3 miles from St. John R. C. _ church at Pomona and 1; miles north of“ Bunessan post-office and school. Good well ' and nevenfailing spring. Good chance for the right man. Possession given when wanted. Apply to , JOHN A. GRAHAM nu 4n if (refer-13011, Ton-"lml'xip of‘.(}Ienelg, E. G. R., 75 acres, {:0 acres under cultivation goed rough-eastbouse, smai} orclmrd, W61} watered ' ‘ school. . March 24th. to .-_-â€"\.--- ‘lllu I\I=""‘ James Johnston farm. Buikding good and good water on the place; distance from- school. '1‘0 a Rafi pu’rclmser easy terms of payment ‘given. ‘ For full information and particul ‘. (I fn ”1â€"... A Benti11ck,]00 1101 ex 111me or acres under cultivation and knmu March 24th. [’52. Cheap and on eas; from Durham. Appjy t0 March 8th. _â€"â€"v w V'V‘Jlus 1‘3. house in the town of Durham, nine rooms, {'is’tern, cellar, stable and{ acre of land. Rent low or willbe sold on easy terms. Oct. ‘2..1d. matey.” Apply to beino'lnts B113 1112114011 Thefthnd _-cO11ce'1-1C11 11mth (f Durham Fund. 1111111: tov 11511231 of (316110};1'50 110191 (#1 11311. and _, 1111(191 cultivation ; 11 e 1611:1i1(e1g(:c.d h111dw00dbr1-h (100d 1'11 1 e 11m ‘9. rame '1 b11111, 51111111 mchard 11nd 11e111111tc1‘ed, ' For fulther 11111150113315 1111111}: to the jowner \VM. DAVIS, { 01‘ to Portage L11 Prairie ‘ T KIN the Town of Durham. County of _._ Grey. 11'zcluuing a valuable water pgvey. bruJ-i (i 9819“}; and many elegiLle bmldmg lots “'11! be sold in one 01' more gigs. 1}}.50 lot No. CO. 0011., 2. \V. Cr. It. Owns: up of Bentinck, 100 acres ad'oinin Town plot, Durham. ’ J g Mom; ageé taken for part purchase “an- A'V A-.\Iâ€"â€" 1.- 1% fm sale. 101.530, («111..‘3’, V1. G. R.. Ben’timk. consistino' of 100 11610:: '70 acres. cleaned, b21131 Le 11.11 “01d 1111.11. Tile farm is in :1 gucd state of (1]‘11..1101‘ 5 aczm undel falluhont. “6-11 11: flour? and fenced. 151.1119 11011se10 x 26.91111.19118111110813th lmile 110111 post ofiice and wheel and 23! miies f1cn1 Dmham. 0“ ill be sold 011 masonalfle 19.11115 Apply JAMES STII‘ SO“ Feb. lith. 2111. 11119.1(! 9911. P. O Feb. 15th, 1847. » menu or Work on .jhares. BUYS} Time, 22 AND 23. 213d CON EINGâ€" LOT-'22 1N THE 2nd :u and convenient; to chum 'ffirthe‘i' particulars apply to - W. N .3'E(_:l)«-a2§ALD l . Lot19, C011 2. G] M. J. Davis, - Tm verston. HE UNDFR‘SI EM OFFERS 50 ACRE FARM FOR SAEE JAMES EDGE. ‘ Edge Hill, P. C3. - -~.â€". *_.._._ TWO fifI‘QRE‘Y Frggae‘ pwening 111\‘I1II q- ___.â€".â€"â€"â€"__._â€"u-â€"â€"â€"-« W. W‘- FARM CONTAINING 1%) acres I‘HE EDGE PP OPERTY BOX 95 J‘O’IE'N I IfRTII, Durham t C_HAS. JOHNSTON JUU acres mare 01' less, 80 ation and kmzwn as the Varm. Buildings fairly er gm the place ;_a_ short WM. SLATCHER, v â€"â€" LAuu, easy terms. 4 miles Po 1‘ " 1398 L a P fair ie I“! .112 a TB RE?“ articulars write a sa t'isfa Abel deem, P. -' ~ ~1AV, {2.11:1‘ist0n, Ont. ' , G l'enelg Durham. Lfactory will be A discovery on the shore delivers-f 31- ‘ A 90410? CE! 1131111131031 use extending towards Byrcn. ; . ‘ are being 1){'OS(3('-u1CL1 Without a 11mnse. The Hamilton, Radi __L. nail? ‘Lri l‘ 9x219 nL‘ l“ \ The Hamiitol {may will??? easter'ty “qu Lord and 1." Lord and Lad) Awe aep'ted an 111111311011 to vocation of Queen’s l': A Coroner ’9 jun a. that Charles (‘1111'11 m by his (00" 1:191:11}; caug ' haL the wow running lkhtwoen 3 Boston. will establish the oonuug seagull he: and Liverpool. 00: 'Monday nigh-1. Cl aged 21, employed on t William Freeman, Binl mined suicide by ban the barn. ‘1‘_.~.1-‘.,).,1 “ WV}: wâ€"v Dr. Bourinoi. of ()1 honorary 1e Cplonial 1451111119, pulp manuiaczure 1‘5 1 on the their machiner} km the W090 Lhell‘ machvm it! has 139611, it has been decided featureoot‘ the Quee ice in Montreal-l 511:! 01' a church parade a grand 'l'eviwx' on 0rd £9 10 have at the c1088 0i win be taken 0“ to" $17 .000 tawa. ”035 "'“nv'” ibranch 0f the ‘4 alleged illegal : 3mm faxjom the . Everything 123011 “w; of Bang-4110!} iakes and the 8"“ .ed that ”a ’ - V' the LL: 1" .l Ehl’ u) . Y, r 1 ~ La 8“. 31C): 9 .Aflfififi offggk iflkagmmy 3' T, 1 venu h°z1 xn< qufil. m :35 ‘ jnnm ‘H£._ “ma. of ha I’d exceed Lord Salas (‘1 Allan“. in )ntl‘e 8C 011 1‘ M Mmrdé (0 ant.1 C 1? niv lette 111 h 0f mild >31 \' .1 u 2 re llllt‘ mtg “'1"? in: \\ R

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