West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 8 Apr 1897, p. 5

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0’ 00d 01 zance for en when 8H Brantluuu 1.) â€"v _ . the close of £111 delivery at census of the po; A police. Toronto wfll be taken on 5111 11. ‘ "J“A“ nnifl Mr . \Vhrite cresting Items About Our Own Country. ' the United States. and Condensed and :Bra anOfl' 51 bush l a route met the Dal l‘u'. A31ung Montreal girl tried to commit T113 loar, 513.1110“ 1ng Pans green 0 disappointment m 1036. S 11.1113 d1e. - - 9 Anna“. ,ercracke Ar S€ ne appoln (30101111 his use 2111C feature.“ ' ‘ ice 1n 31401111‘33‘1 01' a churchyar ' 4.0111101) Street; : extendm‘g wards B) rcn [apartmemal stores 11g pyosecn’ted for : L 3. 11661186. W‘wwâ€" _ - 10mm immune, “1n rem); 5 uselulness as a. wrnter on (1 601011131 subjects.” The‘ Thorold Council has 3 (government to protect Jâ€" â€"_â€"â€"V nkls‘. UC'C LL \lx'» â€" â€"~- , . Lure. oi; the Queen‘s diamond Juur- Ar- _ in filantreul shall take, {1 ,. ' ‘ btates decares that. 12111».qu Us-“ vhurvh parade on June Litith and seeiattons 31‘?» a 1381‘“ .10 00111111837013 and erything in some. \\31\1L\,: _-- U _ grand review [. "" VlUillLOll of the antiâ€"trust. law: 'liail- For a yearnr t.\\_'o it was the 1)1‘lnc,l}?tll ‘ shovel ’ ' “ "‘ +8 31‘9- startled by theme. of, discussion at the farmers 111- ~ and En of the state. .' . ' = - 1s said to hav. . try. Wii), {I‘Llne 4.4-. CD . .. . 1 , everywne" :15 force, and an entire change. in the. stitutes ' ' freight traffic. But. after much tml and treasure he- ' ‘ " 0‘ the alleged pest, ' r was place topI‘Oâ€"~‘ methods 0: distributing 0 V B. o 1 'l'rafiie the: consumed fight-mm . 1.. . mmunities beg are to has been instrutten :11 1o \\ innipeg to truestigate two N _ , ,eget cases oi geprosy among ice» £333,199,?31begi33 it; lhedomt , . "iii" in‘inim‘an's there Assomam‘lon “111 light for 1ts hie. __ 501119, of the, Larnnng CO (I ‘1, x, L DAL: to. 0 . a ‘( = . . . - . - , ..- , - . . to ex erience a change 0t heart rad- l’hilippe Lecours was tountl guiltv of Commercial summaltes by, Messis. 9.. -. 1 3 f t‘ ‘ , -_- ‘ 11 UV Dun ”ml Bradstreet te'lwr'iphud from ually It dawned on some. 0 De mme I "' LA Le \, .\ ’ . 1 . . 16 IL 1- e Who‘e :f a re- thinking farmers who had been onserv- ‘ ’ ' mg closely the grmvth of the thistle so dangerous as inslaugnter at lt‘ather Point, .' - , , h1s brother, Whom he stabâ€" New 101%.. 31?, 07B In 1- _ ,1 . ,9, -v " , .. ' " ‘2 ;. o si‘er'fl i .- - Al “11h .thpotsfi‘t Egliznitehtlfarysen C .n d 111g the that the plant. was not 5 get 5 .39 ‘ "'- , . . - “A had insistedwas the United States and in l; ’ The pol- cutter, 0f Ot" volume of business is fair. has of course growth one 1‘ rnce was s cases perfectly free 1 R. Beauliien. a stone. “Vi" has taken an autiron iggtilffgg itical situation in Europe " “ been an important. factor tor depres- the thistle the followm . , ‘r ‘ a. ates, -he legal de leading agriculturists of tr e state - ally agreed that the plant was not near so menacing as at.f1rst supposed, and 0t retain its hold upon land that it. did 11 for more than one season, an liars againSL the b Limo“ £01 sion, While 1n the St “'0 bedrb‘cision against railway several serious housand do an nch ol the. Stones-utter ,ileged illgal suspensmn go :5in Donald Smith proposes that Mont- Lion of the 11' end should celebrate the diamond juhi- caused hesitantr, 8*’ b) 91901119: 1111 BSEILbUShmenR 01‘ trimentai, 1n tiade circles However, that never re . L118 traimnrr 01 1111586} .3133'91‘ “ 115011 1 1 things consul-(grad, busmess lS Steadâ€" ritor , In fact they compared 1t some- 51111111 “‘01:” the building 0: ‘1' \iceâ€" 11y unprowng, and the number 01 workâ€" What3 to smallpox in its action on the 182,111 residente ers finding employment increases stead- human system. i-The fertlle 8.011 Wthh Ex erything points to the eally open- 113’ “i 91; by “ieek’ and prospects genâ€" attracted the thistle seemed to have in“ 01 navigatian through the great eraily are SPOKE“ Oi 3‘“ good. no affinity with it after a short con- hikes and the St Lawrence sfsgem. It _ GENERAL tact, and farms were noge thfia WOth is expected that Vessels will e passâ€" . g - . a the plant's 91359909 03 91' ‘3 an ' e an- ing through from Lake Erie to Lake Jr'gh‘i 5%??391‘ -1332? arriggld at bt n-oyance of the first-year. Many Ontario by the middle of April. 0 11's i 1 ", “I" “’ pr e seas to act along this line. Soon 1t was It 18 reported tram Bombay that {the quite apparent that this was the case. Europeans res1d11ng Then it was shortly discovered that t 9 law regulating its extermination but quite useless a married man. plague is attacking mpted suicide on in that. city. -_ M his: residence, _31 , h£arl~ The Sw1ss Bundesrath h «- 1 a “maxim“ the nrinicipal rall- )‘Ili Dr. Bqurinotg honorary sacrum” u , l bocregy Of Canada, has I8“ The German Reid ' . ‘ ‘ 49 the Boys; carved a. letter from the Mayor Of a, v te of 179 t Bristol, Eng, Ostating that two memâ€" posgl for the 9331““ (:1th Conner} W 111 be preS_- of that body. cars of the ant, at. the Ca lax, N. 8., next June.‘ , - passed the House of. awaits the Si; 0 become 12 mimion Government 1 1 _ b complete? the necessary 111k to rm ‘ ' trams Into Montreal §Zirgorpedo boats 1 ed honorary Turbifle. [W3 Of tinge lost 8.. Whlle sea] Smith, oi the Tracadie, 3.13., ;.'to hasheen instructed to proâ€"â€" 0 \anipeg to investigate two It _ cases 0i Leprosy among lce» , mung, ‘ (a o o 9mg hxs brother, Whom . . . The sen- was SIX years 111 pemtentlary. Beaublerxr. a stoneestter, of Otâ€" volume of. busine: . has taken an. aomon for three 1 - t' ~ ‘ . . _ I‘Llca- Situa .1011 m and dollars agamst the Rockland 1 . - H. ‘h of the qtoneou-tters’ Union for oeen an. Imporm] . L ‘ i w 51011, whue 1n the should celebrate the eeused hesiztancy, k ' ibl-Ishment for trimentax, in he ’e for autonomy declaring that to Greece w .dgar mi (2) | made BTW? Lp serVI 3Q Burlington. Abe-Iciéen have 210-. on to attend the conâ€". 1’s Unwersrty. - g -. .‘ the on'iy SUI‘VLVUL u- ’ from the Bird seal huniting recen'u Lay night. . 'eceived that the 130â€". added to build a. new 11 be The largest that he port of Montreal. n; the Furnace Line, veen Manchester and blish a route during r» hoturppn 'Mentreal {OM ALL THE Elli-He to part With a . ER tnonal Interest. . Mr. Gladstone, notx great age, has joined ‘ 1r Own Country, yvheelmeln. He has W] 1n London, saying jch ited States. and ,. , mastered the machmt In . x that the Queen on 1 A the South of France, - , to Mar \Vilham We US) 15 reported Cleveden in recognlti flcence. \Vmallpeg. _ . ve a free postal ”he inspection 05 woo; of the year. WWII-9n doctors. he population of 4 . on Sunday, April States tariff, will no ' -, - ' an 1:1er and ex-Speaker poms 10 Amemca fro] le Privy Councilâ€" lb“?- moment; every 1? ‘~ . this “‘Ol‘k. over $23.40 irom 'While the British ' " '- r. more was being tox more the haws-er I Ham-HIGH came to h‘ in an . company gift of the original log of th. 1‘: ’ 0 w 1 to the United States, says it Is no light ‘ thing to part with a dmument of na- M ALL THE tional interest. 1C8 Jmpany was still W [or the fast Atâ€" were 1 £9. Noil only survivor of 100.000 trom the Bll‘d lands huniting recentâ€" Black night. Jose vecl that the Doâ€" F- 0’1 ,d to build a, new bread a “the largest that, luBSd port of Montreal. The be Furnace Line, York von'ta LManchester and 'n a route during Th4 Clarence Marun, ed tl 1 the farm of Mr. of 0a nbrook, Ont , com- now anglno himwlf m beom reen on acgount of we. She ‘s‘illl prob-â€" 0t ‘0an fe How 0 {allwa 3. Be duty 0“ ports to America the, moment ever th.:s work. ~ Eight -Chinamen were: cup“ \Vpdnesday 1n Malone, N. ”SQ, . ‘Wlth Illegally crossmg the hue. were remanded for a. week. Nothing is known of the fat 100,000 poor people in the. £100: - .. r.xr‘h;+ n A Hams Nothn‘g is 100,000 poor I lands of the Black Rivers . Josephine De flosay a mi. 5‘- O’Brien a: Boston for. of marrl E of couri R breach ot promise Tuesday settled on The steamer Creole repo: York that she had pioke< containing dead bodies, be victims of the St. Nazair disaster. . The Codoraao ma. ed the bill providi: of capital punishm now awaits. the G0? .I become xaw. The Supreme L'U'uu States declares sociations are. a perm to a. violation of the antiâ€"ti men everywhere 3 :13 force, and an entire methods oi distributing Dun and BradSLreet, Le 0111 the assurmg descripi' . antagonistic conditions the United States and "volume of. business is ‘ i‘tical situation in Euro v;.0n Of the alltl-tlnws‘. lLLVV o Jothâ€"i... _l_ v_ v . ‘ . ' by theme. of; (113011551011 m. w.â€" ' state. NT . S,‘ . I " -' Les IS ually 1t dawned on 501116 Commercioi an and Bradsuoet. telegraph'cf} from th‘nklna farmen ew York, are, on the WhOEBa' Qt a reâ€" inc} closely the Glowth shining description. Consgdermg the that the plant, was not sc ntagomsuc Londxtions emstlng bot 1n th e theoretical farmers h: be United States and m_ Europe, the the case. Thev observed olume of business 18 fan: The. p01 ered with theforeign gr meal situatlo'n 111 Europe has of course was in manv cases pal-fie men an Important; factor 101‘ d'epres- the thistle {he follovving Lon, while 111 the fitates, the legal de- ltaadlng; a-gnculturists of :ision against runway combmauons, ally agreed that; the p ax ' ‘rloodb, and the destrucâ€" so meénaomg as at flys‘t :aused hesiztancy, ‘ if trimentai, Ln ' all t‘hmgs considered busmess 18" siead- rltory I . i‘ly improving, and the nomber ot wor - what to smallpox in it ers finding employment Increases stead- human system The {e ily W e}; by week, and prospects. genâ€" attracted the thistle 5 emily are spoken oi as good. no affinity thh it aft - * tact, and farms were no ‘ " muncnflpfl 0t] e Spania c 1t out between them. orado '(ll power I notwithstanding his Law Placing a Bounty on ranks Of.the Repealedâ€"A Scare W} fngnd Shows to llave Been U1 1 th t he has falrl . r a 3* Ten years ago the . ‘ court circles made its appearance in .fi'eturn iron: weed gradually spread i LIIOG, VJ} paye V151 til its w . 't. W'aldorf Astor, sit pa rentl 03:81:11,: “gill Z gnition of his mumâ€" ‘ ‘ y 3 1 e 0. In There was much (1150115 :hat the British Gov- plant at the time, and * deal with the finally referred to the c In ion? (31.159358 almqng thorities, and after II 111 11-121, 3' p asing . s a . - ends of 'e rch the plant “as the Bussmn thistle, a that the United llni.1ts effecfts that it n .1 not, be retractive .has Inmate all other form mevuable $11511 0f 311' not retarded in its g1 . from Lngland, and jior ity was said 1: be 501 ry industry is pushing ‘ ", O G, . traordmary. Ins-tam . Where Whole acres had )5 women in the h 118113 M 1‘ 1-p'acnebtf ngu My“..- . Japan and at 1am, Wm” ' . heady demonstrawu w W On the contrary, the authorities regulate '3."ng to theâ€" e Mayflofver, '11: is no light A _.$- n‘F n9,- EFARMERS HAVE § PEST WILL - nually. The farmers’ ins at once called on to discu chef, and after 'de I)IU}L}C1 LJ , H...“ ' ‘ ‘ ' ’ .. 1d aasn 1m- we. fire, and thme of Water in t" The brother, vs of the room; (3 so made his e He also ran t in breaking t7 feted worse men ' are i backs and fat is not thong] L not seem to respo ~ the artificial methods adopted for termination, and apparently thriv- before. The professional farm- :rowever, declared that "the only nstle seemed mos'tOto flour1sh,was Injured men mt and unrenntmng 1011 m This to the boom ion. They contributed lengthy Fou‘tpnatel .es showing just. how many years BXPMESIW t: '11) n " dirthr Bu *1 this- bull-dmgf 4 11 other forms of about $500, 0 extermlnate a Mme. life in Nebraska if not re- rthxn’o ' ‘ ~ . 1‘ a year 01‘ LWO it. was v _. of; discussion at. th Am. .1110va -.~....' . .ng agricultunsts agreed that; the p “‘mnrfino‘ as at £1 no in the West. The Two Brothers Now Battling for Liteâ€"lECMES 'dnf ° , H _ . ' 1 c mg? I. n Burned in a ‘at Explosion “o“ the l subscripuon 15] Calamity Occurred. \ address label. x . are aid, except A despath firom Toronto, says :â€"- x p “55km Of the new George and Percy Holden, brothers, - ‘ who resided at 218 Brock avenue, are i ADVERT‘SWG lying in the emergency ward of the l RATES . . . Liter much careful re- General Hospital. .-. . ' . ‘directions will: - declared to b - - ' - ° 35 e mg from terrLble mgurles, they stfll d‘ 1 1 ' ~ ance to Win in theirgg‘Oigpgggie, at at it would soon exter- r forms of. vegetation if 1 its growth. Its fertil- n omet-hin most ex- _, . ‘ . Rbets s 'vvgere c. t d Lodge avenue, Parkdale. About 10, 55 Ml adv oe t -' . 1 .e. . , . . . - - 115 an o clock on Friday mornln-g they were i week: 910“” suPerintending a large vat in which l mom“‘°°_rvâ€" :res had been grown over They found it E the o'Jrovt. . , , . Dion, 311111 in 5:1» V hhthas varanh 15 prepared. ‘3.“ . 8110‘ an_ . gors' insti‘uteCD “me necessary {to 013811 the door of theiTHE J0 ' ~ 9 ' L , 1" _' j ‘ ' ‘ ‘ a1 5 furnace underneath the vat, 1119 meâ€" \ DEPART ‘ t ' - - 7 c T c : 1nd alter sex eral years took place. The contents of the. vat. N ,braska t at was . _ the It h j: th were scattered over the room, t I ' L V8.0 ' . . . . . ,‘ (m e Des 0 e men cornmg 1n for them share. lhei .1 cm ‘1“ :ncrg.n‘: ‘I 1 a to discuss some met - . . . . on meat they dud so, a! Violent explosmn\ fox-ding on Its Destruction “'hich Experience L lfnwarrauted. 31:5 llluuxxyu.uv._, -_ , 0 disc q somo m L'ulrlldbU Unu vvvvvv I. us" ‘u 93." o o ; . £ ment they dnd 90, 3» Violent exp-1051011 1 alter several years . . - v took place. The contents of. the vat n Nebraska that was , , , the rave es of th \V ere scattered ow er the room, the tno ‘ - - - . ' e . . . . a g men comrng 1n fotr therr share. 'lhe‘ vsfort ese- ., ... . e ‘ a he p varmsh caught fire and 1n an r o 9 t .. . t'h',” will??? 1" prg the room was a bl‘aznnig furnace, and\ filinim: (f. 3111133 ‘ the men in the midst. of; it. . K L (i he I?“ e d3 6 George. was the first to recover from '° a1 sue V" ee 5 on the shock, and calling to bus brot.hexr\ must be extermlnatâ€" to follow \him he made a Wild (1 dash for the opecn air his clothes 0 'l ' ' poo“ llfl time, or it woul f’ ’. T T. q .118, L )y the overseers of the of W ate r m the 3 and Charged as taxes out nearly all ' . VCh county set apart The ' gands of dollars v» ere He also ran to the pond an ECUOD The tough ihlS- 1n breaking the ice as he fell He sufâ€" L to respond very readâ€" feted worsef"(.lrz;nuhls1 brother. Tlimb - 7 men are earn v Jurnec. . 911‘ [3’1 methOdS adopted f}? hacks and faces suffered the most. 1t ‘ Inhaled the '59,. This alarmed the ,nd the adjacent states :59 .vs for the destruction scourge. Some farms Farmer (“mu-'03,: find: and T002: the Life 'I‘ol'nrl|Iu|-. MRS. hem of 65 Sorau; c: 21150 prowd an ‘ fami‘ty. I Mr}. for coughs, cm 11. O. BA.I of 1.11113 "AS a CHV'Q Hm best, mm tumegs \k‘iil nu Larg: ..\VO 1! cflfimm‘q, inâ€" shovel, killing h '~ ' ' nnmmthrman. about 26 years, and 1 Q DXVI‘S “' I I1-:._ nn,1“_ ‘ ‘ ‘ L» nun». growth, and the own- A L 31,“. _ distracted In some â€"â€"â€"A terrible tragec five miles west of en “19d to be. blown and than in another. "who was down II Le Whole neighborhopds. q W0 it. was the prinmpal . . .y ' , . ° ‘ ’ ' ‘ ' ' .h‘ A 51011 at. the farmers mâ€" shovel, 1911133 1‘ qtate. gm Enghsthman, 1% sad to have no ’ 3 _ . E r' oh tol and measure )9 try. Convey ad! -‘ "\1\“+' 1 ‘3 asmk“ , April 8, 1897. 3D '5 Uhe own- A In some ”A rtook to five éen their terl territory vey L18 gO'Od, yet own first Fr‘ 3.110th‘9r' “71] upon eV- tn] hi} prairie, blown hither and thither with the slightest breeze. \Vhen an obstacle is thrown in their path they soon pile up on the prairie to a great height. \Vhen not compressed they burn like chaff, and in some sections hundreds of m of fuel to families rely upon this for . {carry them through the dreary Winter. Both young men were employed at} the Gutta Percha Rubber \Vorks, \Vest ‘ Lodge avenue, Parkdale. About 10, o'clock on Friday morning they were] superintendin‘g a large Vivi: in which} varnish is prepared. They found it; necessary {to open the. door of. the} furnace underneath the vat. The mo-g ment they did So, a! violent exp-10.510n ' ‘ ”p +110 1731‘. untll they were re tad in the ambulance. tely the room in W the IN from Toronto, sayszâ€"g ercy Holden, brothers, i 218 Brook avenue, arec1 \omapnCV ward of the .~ 5:8 rn like A-----‘ HATES . .. THE addr 0 year DAY MORNING EVERY THURS RARAFRAXA STREET in nu GMONIGLE pamrmc nousz, DURHAM, ONT. fording facilities work. ‘0“ THE CHRONICLE mu Dc. 5cm; w an, address, free of postage, lOr $1.00 pox . . year, payable m advanceâ€"shat) may if not so paid. The date to which every . is paid is denoted by the number on the 31. No paper disc..ntinued until ali arrears cent at the Option of the proprietor. EDITOR AN world’ (I) household and sermls Each week an epitome ant. horsi and marké IS 7: completely stocked with 1» all NEW TYPE thus af- for turning out First-class 11 e V.’ PROPRIETOR- is Complete win he set): to any the most 130 oular reports accurate. articles bani speciflé i charged as- ’ “ Found .ion, 25 cents arm, of the

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