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Durham Chronicle (1867), 15 Apr 1897, p. 9

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YM" $3111: sséusm ‘ UR -- m m d. > a, a (Mcfiiaster 85 00., Tomato) noted for hi: U 4:30 {ago “1;“; 2? gsbbe? at a. rate n th 1;” g a. : e doll . As psu a1 WEOWERIELJT 8%d'gé asfg its in great variety Gloves, Cottons, t all staple and saleable goods were it 8 6010011, not long ago. a general Fire Alarm was rmgmh 33' k. 31 URRAY 00., was on fire. It didn’t take long to . J Trmnemious Bargains in high (3] . _ smazlly share 01 Murray’s store 111 ours. We bouwht heavfly a] rag Don’t miss an item. 1000 yds Crum’s English Prints 21, 7c yd. These are the talk of the country and always from 100 yd up. 500 yds American Prints 35" Wide goes today a 60 200 Bottles Stephen’s English Ink to-day 10 bottle. Gem Soap 15 bars for 2539. Fibre Interlining 80 yd. The best English quality seldom sold less than 250 yd. Murray’s. A «man in Black Dress Goods Plain ’3 the laigest aSSOItmemlNoxon’s Binders, Mowers, Drills, Spring Tooth Harrows, best in the market. Guards. Sections, 8130., for all kinds ofmachines. Pianos. Organs and Sewing 'mproved methods for propogat- most 1 ing. All stock carefully packed unâ€" der our personal su ’ new . farms before being catalogued Machines These are the 0D1Y testing OI‘ChaI‘dS Money to loan on farm property at Nursery 111 the lowest rates. Chuveyancing, Leases, Wills, Mort- gages, etc.. drawn up on short notice. pecial attention given to Park. Cemetery and Boulevard orders. Horses bought and sold. ing \Vaterloo Threshers for sale at ware- Estimates vfurnished for supply rooms. Patronage solicited. entire orchards. Why buy 0f foreign concerns or Of Orders for Sales may be left at THE middlemenwhen you can pu as cheaply from us an value. rm 10 ,_- Ngaficn“ 0"-A A snap m blaCK um» Murray’s warranted not to resist all acids 49" w 500 yd only 100 yds, "‘gpeoial attention given to ram, Cemetmy nd Boulevard orders. Estimates Ifurnished for supplying ent'11e orchards. A-“Anfis“n [\Y‘ n; 3300 Spool Black Thread Coats 5 900 slightly damaged by wate1 1112‘, Tuesday they go at 6 spc 211 Another St01y.Re21d1 made clothing)“ 211 prices 11eve1‘ befe1e he211d of perhaps never again will be J;- :- ~_ Men’s Fine Hopsaek Suits 11011311 S6. 00 to-d21y rice would indi- . . - . We get them at 0111 01111 ' youths and boy s suits f1 0111 S2. 75 each up. All intelligent people SN on flppllc'ctLLUu. STUfiMWElUNGTQN, Toronto. him ‘3.“ 33h} mtg EQL‘iTflELE: RUE’ESEBLES toHen. ‘ -‘LT‘L+D I: Ulh ULLuu .. -- v _ it; winning Black Spanish, Barred Plyâ€" 1 month Rock, Cornish Indian Games. Silver ' \Vyandettes, Black Minercas Silver Ham- burgs, Single Comb Brown Leghm'ns, Pekin Ducks. Rouen Ducks. Partrich Cockins for sale in fall. No eggs. Alse'English Collie Pup. ready new. St. Bernard Dogs for Sale, Pups in August and September. ‘ Writefer prices. Lower Towm application. r stock is Canadian grown ana ~ . - , _ ' Upper Town, BADING CANADIAN TREE W. LANGJ . Thread Coats and other makes No’s. 4O ?; maged by water but good enough fOI‘ hast- they go at G spools for «)0. :ss Goods Plain not to fade and ” Wide Regular (15, today only or French ) free Durham. 3: March Slst, DUI. L v ' v :1 country and always sold at Noxon’s Binders, Mowers, Drills,* Spring Tooth Harrows, best in the market, Guards. Sections, etc., for all kinds of machines. Pianos. Organs and Sewing shape always 400 each. Ladies Tan Oxford Shoes worth $1.25 all sizes going to day at 92c pair newest shapes. atent Butter Moulds The soil is of a gravelly I adapted for stock and grain rais clear of stumps, balance pa stur ; by a creek, good frame honsc cellar. large new frame and sto: and stables, frame drive house, _ and hog pen. ‘ The property will be sold on ’ favorable terms. Small cash] 5 balance‘on easy annual mstaln . ; est at 573 or W111 rent f r a term ”â€"IA actory Cotton 4920 Licensed Auctioneer. Agent for Farm Implements and Machinery. i 1 0f E01 e1110nt C 011111331 taining 100 (10189 w ithin 5 m Dmham gopd 10ads and ma ' -1 n 3 - ell. ‘ w’i‘he‘g‘gperty Wm be 901d on exceptlonallv ‘ - ”- - nt Wit favorable terms. bmdll cash payme balance on easy annual metalments: {Eyei- est at 51; or will rent. f 1* a term on 53. la ac - ory arrangements for a $313.. . Apply to 1 A “we D :11“me- THE DURHAM CHRONICLE, April 15th, . T. ORCHARD, 0f the failure of 0 Toronto) noted for high grade goods. f _ . ‘ afterwards offered to the trade “v“ unheard faLI‘OIthgu DULLULULAA. u; 31' Sales may be left at THE lienor encumberance undw1ded sharp therf I 3 '1 CLE O} MOE. of the TownShldef (I) Sharp’s 0161 Stand. JAMES P. HUNTER. Behtinck. Merchant, Lower Town, 4 Durham, March 23rd. worth 60. . - ‘ ‘ Tor 1113-0 the great 9*“ ._ a 1n the City Of 9 ’ long enough to 273;: c‘ ‘_ E .E' q ‘r‘ % l we were there and new Vii-3v ' To-day 200. the oblong a yd. Drills, Interest 5, 5% a Calder Block. et aljagainst Quirk et a1 we. meow,” --- .. eluding those havmg any speclfic or general1 ”falcdw'” "“‘W “W. -- . - .. . : hen or encumberance 0n the estate or any 111m. They all Inval‘lably exclalm, e thereofof Ellen Qulrk late h HOW well he is looking.” undivided shar ‘ , . f 513119151 “1 the County Messrs. Adam. James and Robert of the Township 0 . of Grey, deceased, who dled on or about the . T ' the year 1887 are on or V‘ atson havedeft improve 'the1r financial conditlon. FIRST DAY OF MAY, 1897, to send by post prepaid to Messrs. CON . . f Guelph. bOhCI' These boys are hustlers. _ Buckingham of the City 0 ' 5, addresses and descrip- A ' young man of our 3. ll particulars of their claims the , statement of the1r accounts and the nature 18 possessed of a. very l 3f Ehe1 security? if1 any, '11 b -' . ' e an t tiereo trey W1 e peremptorily ~ . lexcluded from the benefit of the said judg- lpeO‘ .a few dfl'ES at, remain for - . .._~. Ln mos mddenlv stricker Fitzgerald U61 ‘9 0n the ”fifth day of May 1897 a the fmenoon, being the time u of the claims, Dated this 7th day of Api 11 (S b’gd) A. M, i\ Coffee 8: Buckingham, Plaintifis Solicitors. Eehtinck. gull for Service. 5% and 6 per cent. accoru- ritzy. Easy terms of repay monthly instalment plan, 0. A. BATSON, LUJ-"V v Bull {'01: Service at lot JUDICIAL :11 Court of Justice in thel tte of Ellen Quirk late of " Blenelg in the County of ind in an action Fitzgerald a irk et al the credltors in- ring any specific or general 211106 on the estate or any thereof of Ellen Quir‘k late LI‘S of their claims the‘ ' zounts and the nature 1 V, held by them or in will be peremptorily mefit 0f the said judg- ling any security is to afore me at my Cham- t in the City of Gruelp 13’ 1897 at 10 o’clock in‘ the tune appointed for 1e claims, .‘rAnuzl A n 15497- Barrister. Lower Town. PICKEN BROS- cent. accord- Uruelpn, DULLUL' - sses and descrlp- . ' our acquaintance their claims the , . s and the nature IS possessed of a very uncertam 1% by them 01' .111 mind. He bought a ticket for VVinn- 9 Dereth-IN 11y ipeg a few days ago intending to of the said JUd§3~ . . . . remain for a time, but on nearmg hIS destination he was suddenly stricken my security is to me at my Chamâ€" with 'that incura he City of Gruelph 97 at 10 o’clock 111‘ Slekness and tOO ‘ - ' home. ~ , Mr. Sylvester Martin and family Riflré‘gfigg; are removing from t , ' L ’ L L L L L Glascott to the Lake as one of his mother’s farms. \‘Ve heartâ€" Mr. and Mrs. Martin a _______._...â€" 11y extend to . cordial welcome *GI‘VICG. Mr Hector Campbell 1s the only maple U§U ”yu- Never sold under ordinary oiroumst 200 yds American Prints not so wid 500 only Solid Back Corn Scrubbin; Those are not the ordinary but a tr 122120 each. Chewing Tobacco full 1b to- Doubie Fold Spring Goods checks e, regular 200 you ’1e heie early 3 ou’ll get need to- day at 9%,: e yd Ladies’ black and Tan Ki all sizes Murray’s price was the bee: F1 ench make1s, star. urday vxe say 620 pr Mr. and Mrsfi ed the company Quinluan, of T day. __._. ‘I ing frien Cantlon, returned with he Mr. Charles Ryan ‘w: some choice pieces of ’0 week. He had four ene : in his employ viz., Messr: McLaughlin, John Meag Anderson. " _--L.. 1597. ADOBISUH. Mr. Jas. Ryan has returned home after a steady Winters work in \Vat- erloo under the supervision of Mr. Hartford. His general appearance indicates that the count, him. They a " How well he is lacking.” h Sullivan returned Lity of Mount Forest re she had been visit-1 er little niece, Angella new pieces Table and School mounted, reg‘35c' {go-day 300. in new all you [1 is the only making Ina-I319 it; the camp Mr. Jno. Mc- last Monday Tea will . otherwise. A couple of ' their intentions

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