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Durham Chronicle (1867), 15 Apr 1897, p. 11

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If stuffing we! in Ly recently nding the > the front Eied almost Locosted by real J 0111). t. Later the mdt alone, as an out- aadt icial I The ‘6 while he .rg'umentn. ife’s fears appeal to John 'V’an- ed. "Can't an) wife 7” fore Jus- like she at had not ' rquntly (H re ring holes eau to let hment of fit one in for [Jena]. frequent lanket in bi 1e away This sort )f awer his K0 . DY‘ muffled. he Phleg. O! aWayrc Dri- W8! DOW 9n 1W- 10 her at the B mtration. of strict mating 1 great [81' action 01 turn sent that 01 the B] at tryinz prive them 01 we: finance. and that i] the support 0‘ the i‘ On their side the Dutch of muting and to make the S wutederacy. and ‘ crops for many years. wiI’hve-y can be Every leaf shou- . rder that the: plant may‘ spiratlons, oppose ,~ ‘1 to. Afrikanders, as the ' . ‘ , lhe D l h pounus; algal-.113 earcms, lame, and mag- . urn. mt upon the groundé 31:12:23111151’133; nesm, tonyâ€"four pounds, pnosphono ac- ,‘ 'dg d as close as them " Ld sevenuoen pounds. 1t wnl be Iound ggiageaa'tillwgdmftm Prune off “he run- ent that they deem th »f the British colonists, it trying to op n‘ive them of then: j fluence, and th ihe support of the i . suspect them .d’ 100 ‘DS' - T‘hoée valiuetiles designale d8 0f largo I should gr - nitrogen will non only keep up but PTOVIdEd always Uh ‘ very rich to cause them to stool u] improve the ferumlty 01' the soil, aVOid' z. largely ‘ ' ' 5 0111 I should let some! run to cultivate one crops before :gaxn 1:1(1 f(low: to dgrass. '13:d“:1m :cause for unsoundness. no 008 0 see an manure, e era; 'W’hen loaded Yet the team~stop0ftl many I_rom attemptxng 1t. Comequant- We get their breath. It pays- l “a-.. “A flmn nrnn- diam-"l In this Welter of jealousfies picioms t’he omfl)‘ pOSSibility ¢ to be seen, but. the reputation he earn- 1 ed in a. financial] peat. in Egypt. and more recently as 12116 6113311?me of hopemhat he might be. He he an able man, of great strength of character, and with the ground for W111 (fiSllkG and Oppose, m latter is ‘ d A h ‘1 bl, ' ¢ ' ' ' 1111 ance, pasbure In .2 a, v1 ua e possessxun, {mafia-mi: give ten head of snodk. IE wgr 1, mu . 31 11- double one that. carries flv his sole. policy is the unity Africa, a policy only to be carried by keeping an even balance between "' , . parties, and moving only when the :flggengatgifliarmfilfig bulk of South Af a. valuable 130356331013. him in a comflioated : axiom, the feeling of which no man can g with such security he A feature of city life which cannon £3.11 to itnpress the reflecting is the % recurring regularity. The grea of organized emengy and ‘directing I tible an attraction that. they aré un~ harm" away from it, and those who so act in concert. as to orderly agglomeration v We know, too, that the city Workers may be div W for whom the cit} POLITICAL LEADERS FINE. 3 Hon Sir \K’illiam George Vernm] Harcourt, M.P., ] The meat inspectors 01 mammy been selected 11' Sand at, me ; .11on by the British colonial ing is‘Loo uneven . - °, ' ' saber-savmg country - "the met that in Break 11 rass ‘3. ds It 1‘ ' 1 shes the only hope to wings; m‘ n ‘ Meqmgi '5‘”? 1 Better go twine mam u o . «e crops ore M a a team. This overloading is J 3896mm South At- - 3111 131d (1 t °‘ 111' 3% ~ . 0WD 0 grass. “‘5’, WI Loa'use for unsoundneSS- .s suspicion is add- from att m t' . 't C as . tâ€"E . ‘ ma“ . e P mg" ‘0 8‘1““ lto get their breath. r '-'d,thlecro,dLm-‘ - - . 2;) Be especially careful Ln leadmg ' * 1: pay: 101‘ cut- ' 13 men Ell-I‘M ‘30 PMLUI‘B. WWII coltsâ€"a. little lack of Judgment 1mg, It I“. 33522333153” £83,;fo 3:51 ‘13:]??? {gig ,ruined many a fine horse ' , é‘ If you fund you {have too much ‘ of 1.1: off b t? toward the ab- uuey 81101141, mor of all parties; and 0031. ox no.3 obtained, oifier but poor enâ€" 3 wuragemwm to grow stock 101‘ pm.“ If you home a mu m your en 15 tmmd and nervous, keep: 11 an exemp LII-.130; I from it, and those Who g its spell, and stimulated y and tumult, prefer for of leisure the. quiet life .1lia.m George Ven' curt, M.P., Liber- [011% of Commons, shillings and costs Court. for allowing :h fire through not LONDON. ’2 its leaves gut in )t sun can shune on and the buds on much more stock 51.01 p 5; u...- .., _ makes a new crown, so that is! all run- l ners are kept off the plant; will keep on growing in tin-is way, forming. new; il they assrume mammoth proâ€" 3 portxons. Its roots will go down deep: the dark. A large isolated plant drops its leaves out in all directions so the sun can shine on the crown or center, and the buds on sue Careful experiments vlgorous fruit buds ‘ the dark. A large is‘ its leavesaqut in all - 3-1.]. L16 VI {nu-â€" v_._._ purishmng grass and in abâ€"i pasture what wilil carry swell: is worth: more than at. carries five. There is no 01' so cheap to double the: a farm in us. ciropkprod-uc- y, and consequently, its 3-, as to increase the growth the pastumes and mowings. more_ stook to be kept prpâ€" I ‘ on at. UUCCo .Lusua HIVâ€"vâ€" -- FARMIN‘I- ‘gbotween roots and foliage, 80 that the I. I 11.4 I lVLvnuo ‘ ipfa‘pt is thrown imto a. congested comâ€" ~~~W~~A~ «A,» - _ . __ _ 1d17t10n that induces rUSt and other fun- ‘ USEFUL AND ORN AMENT AL . BASS LnND. . gi which always attack weakened roots. 3 most 1111901423“1t The run!) 51‘s ,shouLd be pruned Off before The foundation for a sofa pillow may be two-my inches squam made of 8» domestic animals form. and then the good quality of bed ticking and filled , mon herbage in the nâ€"ew crown "nar- ' com . . ‘ tmally and laaf end root .ayree equal. . - ‘ ° ‘ 'Wl'th feathers or down. The oovermg material isapieoe of silkolinesvith yel- the questxon as to how low ground and a design of wild roses (“1-2- .A STRAW BERRIES. off at once. This 1 ibetween roots and iplant is thrown 1m {dirtion that induces ‘gi which always at; L nmeu oofld add. ,to.one gill of the gruel one: in the gill of thin cream, and one teaspoonful ' oi sugar. To this quantity add one pmt of boiling. water, and it is ready for use A thin gruoll of this sort iis 1% . , gestion, let them have this instead of? thpir usual allowance of 'plain unboiled Kingdom. who personally sees that i. is carried out. "rest. As he is under s , " ; do the work well, it is 1!. that he is can . -' £ sistants from Sham Franmsoo 4 '11 war . e t‘ the roug - tract says that he must he - _ .r I ‘ . ' . ‘ . h . 2 8 plan ’ ' 1 L not get the bones mlxed, that eae , m place, pressmg back the loops 1: ‘ indiV}dua.l set must bedciianegb 1:22:52” from which you pulled the Wires, so as ' 1”} bag’tanacroszn th Paci- to bring the next row close to them. ‘ men e The rows of stitching should not be P 'llowed to opt. saw. 01' mare than threeâ€"quarters of an inch ‘ be out or left 7 at this ' - Eaeh set of bones : ° t when he goes at lt- , ‘. ,_ _..._..... ‘3 ‘ . mm“ ‘5 kept 0f SUGGESTIONS TO HOUSEKEEPERS. on panief, 3n 'n this particular con 9‘ " ee 1 ' - - . toâ€" the grey: lyp $250, and the ccnapany press wt dry w'flhh amethyer. gall beasts there has never been a kick on the 1 high rates. __ flan. payâ€"beater . lll‘ 33311} We off the run- . _, ‘ 0011 as they appear 10 attachâ€" 93:er 1-3 can ling cutter t. . . ' 1', W111 last to] do the double work With the A! little pi With buttery varieties designated . . mould grow strictly in hills, :81dses m waw always that the ground was are Opt out: n to cause them to stool up and 1316.6. W1 . ‘ movement ' Circular 0 t I‘ o thlhout. (31086 prunmsg _ r y {g “R... I’M. Kellogg. this 3309M: __,...__.. - gem thch ossoms oi HORSE TALK. f rill of lacl l loaded let the team ~stop often Cherokee : lovely sha( tihe'ur breath. It pays. _. ' ' g the! rope Sllk. speeially careful m leadln and the e L. llttle ladk of Judgment bon- .lAtnow many a fine horse. save, .15 of M find you {have too much load ed Wlth 1 hem 13 t , oott throw part 0? it Off before caught dc Usoomaged. Let has muscles beâ€" The only used to worlk by SLOW degrees. deSOig'p, us 1.. AS‘lath h Hunters in finding red load ; ’ - . muck; f r hem is turned on the wrg‘qnzg sxdga and t Off 8 o e caught down with inVISlbbe stltches. muscles beâ€" The only decm‘ation is a narrow vine ' one With.- 0 : Asiatic twisted embrmdery silk Ln white. ‘ ‘ WWI”), BUSINESS. “‘1' USEFUL AND ORNAMENTA ats. 01'0 The foundation for a sofa pilloV :11: be twenty inches square. made ; good quality of bed ticking and how with feathers or down. The 00‘ er e, material 15 a piece of silkoline, VV it $1393 10“ ground and a design of wilc Lent and leaves running over it. ’1 mail made like a pillow slip, VV ith a 1‘1 21:33:) hemmed downs Unbleached ii 1 anothei suitable material for s and that 10W covers. Stamp a. few oak plant and acorns in the corners. “1 'maB " ery with brown Roman floss, and in tapestr) stitch VVith Asiatic 1111 grow, silk. Darn one half of each 1e WhiCh the middle vein to the outer e horse, in ‘the other half with hone 5e, and stitch, and outline the veins. T ' of the cushion are finished. wi â€"A ‘:“t\ . WJJSLDU. l u- v .- _ am Pretty tidies are made by crochet- } tablished: ‘ . a ing Wheels of variegated cotton, anda . tâ€"-â€"A mosquito can to ' Lning lthem together in the shape de- Fl-I’S . 1' is sired. The spaces between the Wheels free from ma.1arla.“p0 should be filled with smaller Wheelif, g air has the same elfegt 338 011' with crocheted spider webe. Or. 1 healthy community on a. ear pmferre¢ crocheted strips of insertion l. . 1f . tients a my in any pretty pattern, the length you '1 prvlves him 0 pd 3 l wish. the tidy to be, anagl jom together 2 to Mayfavored locallties not with a‘gtrip 9f satin ribbon between. i profession, . 0 on .4 -2 11... ”:Lknn 1n nnlhfS- : ,_ .. .1. V' 1‘8 I.“ V Java J vv-_._- A’ little pin tray is made of celluloid with butterflies painted on its four sides in water colors. Then the edges . are cot out. the ends and sides bent up 1. convenient tray results. Circular cushions, nine inches in diâ€" , amete'r, are made for th dresser. Cow‘ *er with yellow silk, then place over this another cover of the finest linen. over which are embroidered detached blossoms of the golden butteroup. A. frill of lace makes a pretty finish for the edge, with a bow of yellow rib- bon at the top. . A Animiv carriage robe for a baby 15. ban at the top. . A dairnty carriage robe for a baby is of white broadcloth with sprays of Cherokee roses embroidered on it in lovely shades of pink and green aSIetw " . It is lined with white Silk, and Ithue edges bound Wiith white rlbâ€" bon‘. [Another which is not so expen- sive, is of pink eiderdown flannehhn- *van, inn“ icng only slight fever, and perhaps no- lg tioeable irritation on the part of the ‘1 child, should not be left without the ' '2 mother's attention, or they may deve- \ lop into serious illness. Neither should 1 ‘ the mother become over-anxious, and‘ go to the other extreme of dosing the l gulation of the diet will not only remâ€" ‘1 edy the trouble, but will prevent its! repetition. For infants with Weak digestion, oatâ€" ;_ meal gruel, made after the following'g boiling water slightly salted; let this} cook for two hours and a half, ‘ and‘ then strain it through a sieve. \Vhen coll-d add. .to.one gill of the gruel one;z gill of thin cream, and one teaspoonful of sugar. To this quantity add one pint of boiling. water, and it is ready for use. A thin gruell of this sort tis good for the older children as well as four the babies, and if they show the least signs of. weak stomach or indi- gestion, let them have this instead ofi their usual allowance of 'plain unboiled milk. A HOME-MA DE RUG. tween the prongs. On these Wind wool- en rags out half an inch Wide, wind- ing them in and out as you orimp your hair. Prepare a foundationâ€"a piece of old izngrain carpet or a coffee sack an- swers Well, “the carpet being- the best. ' Lay one of the filled pins on one end of the foundation and stitch down through Wluu Univ L-”D-_ _ to the table drippimg with momture. ' ' napkm and gently its four pacity, While a short breath, only affects ‘6 edges 1 the upper part. bent u l. .. . p tarrhal tenderneles or weak 1 d a most E . . I IS nothing better than deep breathing. *5 inC di" \. It‘ puts the blood in circulation, thus :2: 0:; . benefiting the entire body. In cold ' weather deep breathing generates con- ust linen. i detached ‘ siderable heat and the one who can group. A.‘ breathe we'll never feels the cold as harsh for i does one who takes short breaths. Lon ' an llow rib- i breaths are ‘iung strengtheners, ‘ . ds 1n . such exercrse has cure a baby is the in s, and has been known to do sprays of ., more good than medicine in the early on it in . stages, or rather, at the appearance od en asiatic consumption. Such precaution and pre- vhite silk, i vention cost nothing, and it womld be white rib- 3 well to adopt the method. 30 expieAIl- ; demotion Probabfly that is the: rea- son win; so many of them make tea, ' ' ~' a demo- ol'lsea.‘ tic-n instead. An infusion is made by -1s 15 Pouring boiling water upon . . ’fle of and hitting it. steep without ‘bmhng. L into DECE‘KODS are much stronger andnre . . ma ‘ r". ‘ ' ” t- ' w 18 to $0115.? ado“ mg the \x ater to com mue hedge Now that. everybody is eating fresh Len f5 QQES, remember that one of the nicest Ea. pd“ ways to serve than is boifled in the :k the shell. Select those of unfiform size; Lbroid- W391” It1mm; have the water balling and put them in. Set the dish con- i-he cup Mining them where the water _vviii keer M cream: and mm 8180 emu we umbfieasantness of finding the cakes or. muffins interspersed with particles at curd. Soda. need with sour milk should ' the; mail]: but be sifted into the flour like baking-powder. Not every housekeeper knows the difference between an infusion and s demvtiom Prolnbily that us the rea- Shell. Select those of unfiform $1.26; wash; them; have the water bmhng and put them in. Set the dish con- "taming them Where the water will keep hot, but will not boil, and let them stand five, minutes. Themwhgtesyfifll Slid'm l‘VC' muVWo .ln'uv uvâ€"â€" - Sn re Sign This else proves, no. 'nstmcat, .but that 1t never. . his thrusts are - that the presence i . ”t9 '15 an infallible Sign that gmaalayna 18 m the an, and that you ' ed to it, and when you hear , . wn but solemn note 0'1 fiwam'ing, do not treat him as a, foe l but as a imiend. SCIENCE OF THE MOSQUITO. The 1: It's a ried. love It’s a bad vs orlcman quarrels with bus tools. Sinners never hear any harm of themselves. An old girl makes a young married woman thlng better than beau- ' s are, of course. doctrine of pro -A woman may just a the game, when once 5 the other woman jealous. It is my theory that half the unhap- ' 88 of married life come and wfi‘ll also 9mg we Dearest friends 311 That Malaria is I “’hen the Mosquito IBII a are four truths res; \VOD \VRESTLING IN INDIA. WOMAN' Mosquito lines. r truths respecting the modern science has es- is as good the grave oi Ina-n any BIN?"

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