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Durham Chronicle (1867), 15 Apr 1897, p. 12

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A pleasant afiair took pla. residence of Mrs- J. Adams4 nesdav evening of this . we the marriage of her dangbte to “7111. Nelson, 901: of John living south of here. “"4. our congratulations altho may hate “'3:th to have Aggies’ place. The fare par? of last \ were led to believe that. the Kill bidding Spring had sure ‘We would like to young man is that is he has to take a 1 short cut round thro see his best girl. Our new mail carrier, le Stern, is now going on his route to Holstein. \Ve hope he give as good satisfaction as his decessor, My. Geo. Sacket. Andrew Hay has. engaged with “Kn. Brown for a. while. Miss Ellen Mackenzie is (11135" making at; Mrs. Neil Calder’s. Mrs. T30 Haw and Miss Ma ' Halgrave. of Swinton Park, were visiting at the home of the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs._ Chas. Mac- kenzirs recently, “138 J. 123113191,- of Proton, dressmaking at R. Renwick’s week. Mr. John Wifion had Air-extended Business trip to Hanover last wegk in the furniture line. Mr. Frank Hopkins is busy mak- ing read-.1: to builda new barn this apring. Frank Adams has emig Normunby and is engaged \ Mollvride for eight months. Jugnes Calvert Ar 1 i; 1.3:.1 _ V_.â€" “L‘A‘u fl adjoining the corporation of Durham 0n Lambmn Street, forth Glenelg. Terms reamyeable and will be made to suit the n‘\s"l11\n.‘.n ‘__‘ ’E‘EN ACRES OF GOOD LAN ledge. The Leadino' Commercial School in Canada to-day. Enter any time; circulars free. W'. J. ELLIOTT, Principal HEADS wxm IN BUSINESS! W'ILLIAM LAWRENCE, Blacksmith, Pollock’s old stand, Lambton St, Dur- ham. _Hm'seshoeing a specialty, Job work and general blacksmithing prompt- ly attended to. Please give us a trial and test, our ability. 6 Money to loan at lowest rates. Easy terms. I. B. LUCAS. MARKDALE. \V. H. WRIGHT, OWEN SOUND _ C. A. BATSUN, DURHAM. NOTE--Fer the convenience of clients, Mr. Batson will be in his eflice. (Calder Block, Lower Town,) from 7130 to’ 10 p.m., on Wednesday and Friday evenings. Office hoursâ€"9 a. m. t06 D. m. Lucas, Wiight _"‘Bfiéfsfiili WANTE D.â€"CANVASSERS.â€"“ Q teen Vicâ€" toria ; Her Life and Reign,” has captured the British Empire. Extraordinary testimonals from the great men; send for copy free. Marquis of Lorne says, “ The best. p0 ular Life of the Queen I have seen." er Majesty sends a kind letter (if appreciation Selling by thousands ; gives enthusiastic satisfaction. Canvass- ers making $15 to 840 weekly, Prospectus ‘ free to agents. THE BRADELY-GARRET- ‘ SON (30., L’TD, Toronto, Ont. MEN AND \VOMEN Everywhere, to con‘ duct business at home. No canvassing; work 13 simply writing and ,co ying lists Ofadd FRSSQS‘ rnronivpfl frnrn Inna? nflvnrfiq- ACTIVE MEN wishing permanent and paying employment can secure the same by engaging with us to sell our herdy Specialties and Seed Potatoes: All Can- adian-grown. Outfit free. Salary paid weekly, Write us for particulars and secure exclusive territory. PELHAM NURSERY (30.. Toronto. Ont. WA IQTEDrâ€"Intelligent Men with good- education, who want to better their. posi- . tion, and would be content for a year with $000 and expenses. \Vrite us, with description and occupation and we will' make a pr0position for mow or the future. l Also needed, reliable men for Australia. 3 \Vrite toâ€"day, for we are'in a hurry. THE E MANAGER, 49 Richmond St. West, Toâ€"f ronto, ()nt. ! vv UVI‘I 1}“! U U APPIV l" Publisher, care of James Ilefiburn, Dur- ham. 3m of addresses received from locai advertis- ing, to be forwarded to us daily. No re- vious experience required, but pain writers preferred. Permanent work tC those who are content to earn an inCome 9f Sp: ‘weekly in “spare tingle. Apply to B ARRISTERS SOLICITORS, NOTARIES, CON VEYANC- ERS, ETC. “'ANTED.â€"Old established ‘Wholesale House wants one or two honest and in- dustrious representatives for this section. Can pay a hustler about $12 a week to start with, an is that is so bashful that The Chronicle. DROMO dE. DRAWER 29, BRANTFORD, ONT. Cards. fi 009 0â€"4â€"-. of last W981: we AN Wanted. took place at the . Adams cn W'ed- this ‘ week being engaged with Mr DREW RITCHIE 811110 rated to 0138 he will as his pre Plummer Principal was last Mr. Lunney, who has leased the Model Farm from Mr. Chas. Mc- Kinnon. had a successful Wood-bee a week ago, and is now rushing in the seeding and to make a short job of it purchased the famous Becker horse of Isir. S. Black. ' The consciousness that a goodly store of Easter Eggs are being hid away in the oat bin awaiting her lreturn home with pleasant antici- pations our teacher will leave Fri day inorni mg to Syelld her holidays with her family at Fergus. A bare faced trick which is caus- ing a murmur amongst our fair ones, was that. one of our most loveable young men shaving 0E a moustache which did much towards giving a tone to ills Ot}ier hriflkt foofrur-nn The Black farm which was recent- ly [:lii‘illtfliéti’d by the McKechnie Bros. has been leased to Warden J. Allan which in connection With his own two hundred acres will give elbow Eroom for him and his two sons. Mr. “”111 Allan, who a couple of weeks ago received a severe shaking up is about his work again. A weekt ago the neighboring young men turned out and put up a good-sized wood-pile for him as they knew that under similiar circumstances he would do the same for them. - What has Happened your Holstein correspondent? Things must move slowly (1 ‘.’Il there or is he taking his Sprgng medicine and preparing him- eeh to do the place even greater Justice than before. ‘ V In *'-' t 0 ° .UI‘E} 5188-1; tnmn \vhlnh “ma roan?”- Miss Martha. McLaughlan has been home from Harriston for the past: fortnight enjoying home life and recruiting for: the. Springs work. ‘ f‘a large concourse of friends and 5relatives showing the great respect gshe was held in. Rev. Mr. McVicar I ;wa.~s in attendance. : We would advise your Lake View §corresl>ondent to keep his eye on 1 some of our young men, Who are seen Qwending their way to see one of its gam- lassies in his vicinity quite often. It is thought that our VVattiel ghas got on the inside , track. fAltliough it is very much like up- jhili work. as J. L’s. chances look {good sometimes. It is said he was a good second in the last race but on] looking in Xi’atties - orbs of vision i you can see loves sunny smile saying “ I am going again soon.” 3 with the songs of birds and the dis- i tant whoa! hawl! gee!!! which brought 3 to our mind Will Ramages song, that 5 "Too often we forget the man that l walks behind the plough,” but on 3 Friday our poetical feelings were 5 suddenly stopped like a few stray frogs we heard in Lesslies fields the .other evening. We record the death of Mrs. Hugh . Acheson which took place last Thurs- day morning. Deceased had been in very delicate health for the past six for seven years. Lately she had an attack of la grippe accompanied by: brmmhitis which was more than her feeble frame could hear. The remains -- h“ -. were interred in the Amos church cemetery last Saturday followed by CORN ER CONCERNS. I ‘VaS (3:13! 11? ,‘Ilg from N the past: (maple of gl cold cofitract- THE DURHAM CHRONICLE, April 15th, $97. 1606 u 6- ' , Mrs. Johnston was in Owen Sound me Bros. - last week. 1; Allan Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Brigham Visit- [us own ; ed at Mr. Bailey’s on Sunday. ‘3 elbow! Mr. John Bailey has moved to the ; suburbs of Allan Park. “11316 Of" Mr. Thos. Mighton: Jr. returned shaking I from Brampton somewhat under the A “99k! weather. it is my ifitemzion t0 carry a full line of _â€" J w¢u 'V a-“ VVUULLI“ U“ one leg; the itching vvas something terrible; would scratch until the blood came. How I came to know the value of DR. CHASE’S HINTa RENT, I have a little girl two years; when she was. one year old the same disease began to show upon her-face. It wasn’t long before her face became literally covered with it. In order to keep. her from scratching it we had to band- age her hands up. I tried several doctors, but got no relief. Seeing DR. CHASE’S OINTMENTSO ighly advertised I made up my mind to pur- chase a box, which I did from one of our leading druggists. The first application I noticed a change. It was then I began to . With four or five applica-, trons, to my surprise, I am completely cured,_ no sign of the disease, and my little girl’s face today is clear of all the scabs. I am only too glad to inform any person whatta blessing BB. W338 OINTMENT has proved itself. ' “ HIRAM FREY, “ Wheel Maker, “ Norwood. Om." and endeavor to give every one my very best atten- ' men.” past three months. If report be true she intends to change her name in the near future. Mr. Thos. Livingstone left Iasr week for Toronto to accept a. situat- ion as travelling salesman for John C. \Vinston Co. Publishers. :eurcha $041 $116 Ima- ware basinessâ€" 01‘- Seeding Operations are in full blast this week. Both afflicted with Eczema. ofa very traublesome type and cured in a remarkably short while by Dr... Chase’s Ointment. â€"vv uwv‘lU‘ UU5, .LVLULJUU, DGJD ._â€" lFor 15 years I suffered untold misery from Itching Piles, scmetimes called .pin worms. Many and many weeks have I had to layoff the road from this tron le. I tried eight other pile ointmen ts and so called remedies with no permanent relief to the in- tense itching and stinging, which irritated by scratching would‘bleed and nlcerate. One box of Chase’s Ointment cured me completely. Commercial Travellers “7m. Golding, commercial travel- ler.130 Esthe1cSt.,’l‘qronto, says For the last eight years I have been a sufferer from constipation and dyspepsiaâ€"I tried dozens of different medicines, bin; nothing gave me relief until I used Dr. Chase’s Kid- ney-Liver Pills which cured me. J AIrjfES HEARD, Woodville, Ont. Chase’s SaWing operations have not com; menced here. Messrs. Hector‘ and John King- ston have left for the neighborhood of Meaford. Mr Wm. Johnston, who has been for sixteen years in the Glenroaden Mills, was out at Lauriston last week hammering Mr. Beald’s mill saw. This is a Special erade at which Mr. Johnston is_an expert, Mr. Duncan McGilv‘ray’s family are all laid up with the Whooping cough. We are sorry to say that Mrs. James Vaughan, Jr., is laid up with inflammation of the lungs and other troubles. Dr. Jamieson is in attend- ance. GLENROA DEN. VICKERS. . Pills Cure DySpepsia. } DRUGGISTS and BOOKSEI. McFaflane Co Flaxseed,_ Linseed Meal and Fing Ground Oil Cake. Our Seed Corn is selected Seed and 2 satisfaction last year BAH EHUEEE“ SEED! CORN. Including Mammoth South- ern Sweet, Improved Learn- ing, Pgide 0f the North and YellOW ”Dent. fmoth, Alsike, Lueerne or Alfalfa, Crimson and White. GRASSES :-â€"-â€"T im 0 t h y, Red Rep, 01 Chdl «1 Kentucky Blue, Feseue and Fine Mixed Law 11. Washable Ties. Nice pat- terns 100 each 3 for 250. Delby Scalfs, 25C, 400, 500, all the latest styles. Extra Heavy Seamless Cot- ton Soeks, 100 pr, 3 prs 250. Black Cashmei'e Socks 25c3 and. 400 pp. Stiff Hats. “Christys 1897 ” $2.50. “The Kensington” Fedoras, “The Rossland’ Black and B1 own $1. 25. CATTLE FOOD 258 a package. SPECIAL. . HOCKLER. and s’ the very best £1an Wonderful JLERS. Lower Town, For the next Cochrane Foundry Implement Show Room; Frost’s and ”Wood’s Machinery. _ [And all kinds of Farm 1111» :plemev'":3, Wag-011s, Sewing Machines, Organs, etc. ~Agent for FIRE and LIFE. Assurance also Licenced: Auctioneer. See our lines of White Gran iteware and Tinware. Our regular stock of Boots Shoes are now W811 assort» e‘do WEBER-n Co. C. L. GRAN TN We have now 01111221161 some snaps in Women’s Boots pruneila Slipper, kid line. ' regular price $1.00 now 650. Another in One a Prunella French Bal. at 750, regular price $1.25. ‘l-lihanzg Ladies’ 250. VO LU M COME and get your pay for this notice. NEATLY printed E: Heads, Bill Heads, Stamp Albums at Office . A pane of glass Good \Vitter’s b1 day night, and a fe ogna sausage stol third or fourth tin been visited. After years of d}; can at last eat a {:4 without its distress fully exclaimed om had been restored Ayer’s Sarsalmriil Wonderfully 8318?] and improves diges A young man liv was fined ten (10113 I} cancelled postagc MR. WASH. G. for the Canadia Friends, is an e Two weeks ago ‘11 and announced jected to our “pe he was here tr council. He sai until he organiz mit that contra tions. he succeed organized a. comm charter members to follow. THE residence 4 was totally dest! house for a few rat-m 11. about e11 ed it to be on ii sounded and 301 had the engim . are coming in Ontario, and faction. The}, per sqli'al‘e f specification ing to 1003“ your locality contract we walk and qua If it is on 3. vehicles driv stone kerbin walk. This k per lineal foo improvement; THE followin planation :â€"â€"-Et nOticed in the 1 LOCAL A. by the tbwn' ers of the f A general 3 .UC‘U as I 113V follows. EXCA wi‘ G” lfil‘g‘ Asphalt and «rChas. E. I ____. ~.z-..â€".W . _ ... “r, . . l Wanted. WANTEDâ€"Old "ééiéiiiiiféii'éd Wholesale Fr‘day our Can pay a hustler about $12 a week ’59, other evening. start with, ACTHLI‘T MEN wishing permanent and paying employment can secure the same weekly, Write us for particulars and . bronafhjtis which was more than secure exclusive territory. PLLHszl NURSERY (10.. Toronto. Ont. WASTED.â€"Intelligent Men with good education, who want to better their posx- make a proposition for n,“- or the future. ’ Also needed, reliable men ftir Austrialliizfig “'rite to-dav for we are in a iurry. . ; ‘ ,- _. . _ , ~ 7 M.i.\'.wER,’49 Richmond St. \\ est, '10-; €01wr119n<le11t to keep hls es ronto, ()nt. ,‘sonie oi our young men, who ar Swending their way to see one of Was in attendance. MDN LAND \VOMEN Everywhere, to con' of addresses received from loc: adyertis- , has ing. to be torwarded to us daily. l\o pre‘ .ut those who are content to earn an inCome of so weekly in spare tnne. Apply to ham. 3n] m... WANT}: D.â€"Caxv.-\ssnus.â€"“ Queen Vic~ l toria ; Her Life and Reign,” has captured the British Empire. Extraordinary testimonals from the great men; send for copy free. Marquis of Lorne says, “ The best p0 ular Life of the Queen I have seen.” Her Majesty sends akind letter of appreciation Selling by thousands- “ I am going again soon.” ...._--,__... C 9 H- CCnN ER CONCERNS. free to agents. THE BRADELYâ€"GARRE’P- recruiting for the Springs work. , SUN (10., L‘TD, Toronto, Ont. . justice than before. BARRISTERS. SOLICITORS, NOTARIES, CONVEYANC- ERS, ETC. Money to loan at lowest rates. Easy terms. I. B. LUCAS. MARKDALE. w. H. WRiCHT, O'WEN soUND C. A. BATSON, DURHAM. NOTE--For the convenience of clients, Mr. Batson will be in his ofi‘ice, (Calder Block, Lower Town,) from 7:30 to’ 10 p.m., on W'ednesday and Friday evenings. Oflice hoursâ€"9 a. m. to(; D. m. room for him and his two sons. â€"~~ - under similiar circumstances TVILLIAM LAXVRENCE, Blacksmith, would do the same for them Pollock’s old stand, Lambton Sh, Durv ' ham. Horseshoeing a specialty, Job work and general blacksmlthing prompt- Model ly attended to. Please give us a trial and test our ability. 6 horse of ler. S. Black. H "l"\V%7l . xix-3 ,4 store of Easter Eggs are being hid J‘”"’”’ “(1/va0va away in the oat bin awaiting her Stratford, Ont. return home with pleasant antici- - ‘ patrons our teacher wrll leave Friday We fill heads With practical know‘ morning to spend her holidays with ledge. The Leading Commercral her family at Fergus. School in Canada today. Enter . Abare faced trick which is caus- any time; circulars free. :pg alllllilnlul aIfnongst ourtftlur Chas, t'as na. one 0' our mos ovea, e r 1 - - 1 . W- J- ELLIO’IT: Princ1pa. young men shavrng off amoustache which did much towards giving a tone to his other bright features. Mr. Win. Johnston one of our most worthy vountr men left last " ‘1? ‘1 “1 , T 7 , " b ’E EA .ACB'Eb OJ? GOOD LAAD Wednesuay for Guelph. The far- adJoinmg the corporation of Durham J 1 V ‘v \ mel" ' N I . onLambtonStreet,)vorthhlenelg. 'lernis “ho secures his serVICe may l‘(‘:lr~‘>-!.‘illle and will be made to suit the congratulate himself on his choice. purchaser. Applyto . ‘ Constable Carson was down this or to“ e" 01‘ t A‘NDREW EITOHIE, line last week. He had been invited April-dial: "l \er ” Durham)? 1e pregnses, to take charge of a young man, who H,,,,_,_m__ had indulged extensively in strong DROMORE. drink, obscence and profane language but who had felt so ashamed as to go Frank Adams has emigrated to and hide in the swamp orother place Normanby and is engaged with Mr. and the Chmf had‘toeretu‘t'n alone. . Mellvrzde for eight months. Mr. R. N, Wilder has been under Mr. John \Vilson had an extended the Drs. care for the past couple 0f business trip to Hanover last week weeks-through a severe cold contract- in the furniture line. ‘ ed while he was changing from the 1dr. Frank Hopkins is busy mak- Gray farm'to the dwelling on Mr. ing read: to build a new barn, this RObt‘. Mead"; farm. .139 hcpe soon to spring. see lllnl able its. \‘:~;-;--“:â€"; '32‘LiX] as he is Miss J. Kennel, of‘Protcn, was always mos: “’1”de dressmaking at R. Renwick’s last week. Andrew Hay has. engaged with’ “'31). Brown for a while. Miss Ellen Mackenzie is tires" 5 making at Mrs. Neil Calder’s. ~ Mrs. Geo Haw and Miss Maggie Hargrave. of Swinton Park, were visiting at the home of the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Mac- kenzie-s recently. Our new mail carrier, Plummer‘ Stern, is now going on his daily route to Holstein. \Ve hope he will give as good satisfaction as his pre decessor, Mr. Geo. Sachets. Successor of the ' ‘ Unabridged. ' 2 Standard of the E lish Gov’t in the PostdllgTeleg. Dept" of the U. S. Gov t Print- mg Office, the U. 8. Su- , . \2»__, ii greme Court, all the He would like to know who the t; " ‘ 2 . fimoiufierfii’i? 23%.; young man is that is so bashful that if; :. ‘ swoolbmks' he has to take a long road for a. short cut round through the fields to see his best girl. A pleasant adair took place at the residence of Mrs J. Adams on W'ed- nesdav evening of this week being the marriage of liil‘ daughter, Aggie to ‘Wm. Nelstgn. son of John NelSon, living south of here. \Ye exterd our congratulations although we may have wished warmly - Commended b State Sn ‘ exits of sahfsi‘fi‘k other Educators without number?“moat .. __ m id] beco' ' Ized‘ i. O l; .d V ,». L9 9 2) i n . as the most reliable stand rd dictidriilatig gesgfirhed- . . 3 In addition to fulfilling the prima function of a. lic- A g 21 e S , p; | to e . tionary, the International contajnrsya vast amount of , _ g .. ‘ , 0 general information of great valueâ€"Jan. 11 1896. The rule part of last week we - * ' vw‘re led to believe that the beauti- {all budding spring had Surely come 0 o o o O 9 o o 9 o o o '0 o o o o o o 12 ' THE DURHAM CEROMCLE, April 15th, user. . ; with the songs of birds and the dis- GLENROADEN. The Chl‘Ol‘llCle. itant whoa! hawll gee!!! which brought â€"â€"â€"â€"- IF ? to our mind Will Ramages song, that 3 “ Too often we forget the man that all laid up with the whooping cough. l walks behind the plough,” but on poetical feelings were James Vaughan, Jr., is laid up with House wants one or two honest and in- suddenly Stopped like a few stray (lustnous representatives for this section} frogs we heard in Lesslies fields the troubles. Dr. Jamieson 1s 1n attend- W ANT ? We record the death of Mrs. Hugh DRA wan '29 Buixrronn, ONT. ' . w ST Acheson which took placelast Thurs- for sixteen years in the Glenroaden THE gNE E day morning. Deceased had been in . . , very delicate health for the past six hammering Mr. Beard’s mill saw. THINGS IN 2Vef-‘f‘rl‘fi‘glllingldgeg¥¥afoe£.mfinhifig‘or seven years. Lately she had an This is a special trade at which Mr. g£?,‘,ii‘..,o{3,i, (innit free. Salary paid attack of la grippe accompanied by Johnston is an expert. ifeehle frame could bear. The remains ston have left for the neighborhood iwere interred in the Amos church of Meaford. E cemetery last Saturday followed by tion and would be content for a year‘a large concourse th friends and menced here' witli $300 and expenses. Write us, with ’ relatives Showing t e gl eat respect , .. . . description and occupation and we will ; She was held 111. Rev. Mr. Mchcar Chase S K, , L, P1113 Cure We would advise your Lake View 6 0n been a sufferer from constipation and e seen 5 dyspepsiaâ€"I tried dozens of different duct bu ine's at home V0 canvassing; ; fill" iii-“HES in his ViCinit‘y quite relief until I used DP. Chase’s Kid- . ” ""‘ ' ' ‘ ‘ . ' . :‘ . , ~ . work is simply writing and copying lists . (it ten. It is thought that oul VVattle I ney- t on the 1nS1de track. . - - ‘Although it is very much like up- v1ous ex )erience required, but plain; _ ‘ .. W 1 , writers plreferred. Permanent work to . 111}! I\'- mix. as J. L S chances 100k .goor: sometimes. It IS said he was a “7 G ld' rcial tr 1 ) , . fJ ~ll )bum Dur‘ ; good second in the last race but on ’1 1131;) E0 hmgS 00311313011130 sa 73:9 ' Iublishei, caieo ames el 1 leoking in \Vatties orbs of vision; er, st or t., 30 id 3. .â€" SPECIAL. you can see loves sunny smile saying For 15 years I suifere unto misery Miss Martha McLaughlan has been I . t. t. f t. C . 1,]101118 from Harriston for the past g tense itching and Sting-i110 Wthll FedOI as, gives: out iusias 1c sa is ac ion. anvassg , - - . . ers making $15 to >340 weekly, Prospectus ' {01 “Nam; enJoylng home hfe and What has happened your Holstein ‘ uh correspondent? Things must move slowly down there or is he taking his “fl spring medicine and preparing him- _ self to do the place even greater The Black farm which was recent- ly purchased by the McKechnie Bros. has been leased to Warden J. Allan which in connection with his own two hundred acres will give elbow - suburbs of Allan Park. Mr. Wm Allan, who a couple of:: , _ Mr. Thos. Mighton: Jr. returned Extra Heavy Seamless Cot-x weeks ago received a severe shakinglfr ‘ ' up is about his work again. A week ago the neighboring young men Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Wilson of Lou- ‘ . .~ turned .out and. put up a good-Sized ise visited relatives here on Saturday. Black Cashmere SOCkS 200 wood-pile for him as they knew that he tinck, was renewing old acquaintan- ' ces around here on Sunday. Mr. Lunney, who has leased the Farm from Mr. Chas. Mc- Kinnon. had a successful wood-bee a week ago, and is now rushingin ilton, where she,.__llas begn for the the seeding and to make a short Job l past three months. of it purchased the tamcus Beckerl ' ,, . ' in the near future. lhe consciousness that a goodly [HAVING it is my intention to AMERICAN ”(ESE l HABEWARE, COAL dc C. L. GRAN T. We have now on hand Mr. Duncan McGilv‘ray’s family are We are sorry to say that Mrs. YOU inflammation of the lungs and other some snaps in Women’s Boots ance. Mr. Wm. Johnston, who has been Mills, was out at Lauri‘ston last week One a Prunella French Bal. at 750, regular price $1.25. Another in a Ladics’ her Messrs. Hector and John King- SaWing operations have not comé . HATS OR. ‘8 regular price $1.00 now We have them. H " M» m p , DySpepsia. For the last eight years I have Prunella Slipper, kid 1,1]de its medicines, but nothing gave me Liver Pills which cured me. J AlvaS HEARD, Woodville, Out. 650. Our regular stock of Roots Commercial Travellers, Shoes are now well assort~ from Itching Piles, sometimes called 7 r 6d. pin worms. Many and many weeks MGHS Ixnockabout Hats, havel had to lay Oil the road from Blue, BI‘OVVI], :FaVVIl Black this trou lo. I tried eight other at 500 each. pile ointmen ts and so called remedies [with no permanent relief to the in- “The Rossland" irritated by scratching would‘ bleed BlaCk and BI‘OWI'l $125- iand ulcerate. One box of Chase’s V . , . ” Ointment cured me completely. buff Hats. “Ohrlstys 1897, $2.50. “The ,Kensington” $2.00. Seed'n - o erations are in full blast , , this welzelé. p Washable Ties. Nice pats Mrs. Johnston was in Owen Sound terns 100 each, 3 for 250. last week. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Brigham visit- ;ed at Mr. Bailey’s on Sunday. Mr. John Bailey has moved to the all the latest Styles‘ VICKERS. r UPPER TOWN, DURHAM. \ New Prints from 5c up. Derby Scarfs, 25C, 400’ 500, : NEW Dress GOOdS fl‘OIll 80 up. New lace Curtains from 250, a- pair up. New Table Oil Cloth 45.: wide, white and colored. 25c a yd. New Spring Shoes, call and; see them. om Brampton somewhat under the tOIl SOCKS 100 l weather. , pr, 3 prs 25c. Mrgnobt. McCaslin, North Ben- and 400 pr. Mr. John Wright is on an extend- .A big line of Whips from 106 ed visit to friends in Cheboygan Mich. , . ' " Miss Vickers returned from Ham- “0 W0 ”CCKLERa’ Epdto 800 for a gOOd. Rawa 1 ,9- See our lines of White Gran». iteware and Tinware. If report be true she intends to change her name Mr. Thos. Livingstone left last week for Toronto to accept a situat- ion as travelling salesman for John C. \Vinston Co. Publishers. W. _ Dr.CHd§E cfiRES , FATHERmGHEL-I- Both afflicted with Eczema.- ofa very troublesome type Alsike, Lucerne or ‘ Frost’s and ‘Wood’s and cured in a remarkably short while by Dr. Chase’s, Alfalfa, Crimson and white. Machinery. _ Ointment. . I t b, d , .th GRASSES :â€"â€"T im 0 t h 33 I And all kinds of Farm In} “ was rou e or ten years W1 eczema on . 1 ; m .t h. m t .b, , 1 ‘ .: lemer’n Wagons Sewir , . , L o t know the v 1 f DR. CHASE'S ("NTa . . shrill, (I) have allittlgguiil Two years: when she. Blue, FCSCUC and F1118 Mlxed was. one car 0 d t 6 same disease be an to- .. show upoli hertface. It wasn't long befgre her LaWn Agent for FIRE and LIFE face became literally covered with it. In order ' ' Cochrane Foundry CLOVERS:â€"Red Mam- Implement Show Room; moth, . I" . . to keep. her from scratching it we had to band- ASSHL ance also Llcenced’ age her hands up. I tried several doctors, but " ' ~ . n ' . 3 'got no relief. ,Sceing DR. CHASE’S OINTHENTSO BAH EHUiEE SEED , CURE ABUthneel ' highly advertised I made up my mind to pur- ’ I chase a. box, which I did from one of our leading» druggists. The first application SEE THE PAGE WIRE FENCE I . ., '. assassin transgenic? mudmg‘ MammOth 80‘1““ Sample to be seen tions, to my surprise I Give [518 a call .I l 1 d, , . _ “sign ofthe disease, am comp eteycure _ ern Sweet, Improved Leam d . 1 f 11 and my little girl's face. mayiscearoa th bs. Iamonl t ' ,' . glad to inform any pergosfzhm bming “if mg, P1. 1de of the N 01 th and WES OINTMENT has proved itself. ' . '- “HIRAM FREY, Yellow Dent. “ Wheel Maker, .. Norwood, Ont." Lower Town, Our Seed Corn is' the very best selected Seed and gavp wonderful W l I l 20 Day; purchased theI-iard- Flaxseed, Linseed Meal and. ware business of Fine Ground Oil Cake. We will sell our stock TWEEDS n. amuse, ELAN N ELS of DURHAM, UNDERWEAR SHIRTS and M of; Try a package of our carry a full line of and. CATTLE FOOD 25c a package. and endeavor to give every one my GINGHAMS 37” wide, 83. very best atten- . COM E EARLY: “(m-e McFarlane Co. “ . _ . s. s E’VM. ELACK. , DRUGGISTS and BOOKSELLERS. Lower Town, COTTr ‘ixhami, i, _ , NICA‘J‘L‘N printed llll Heads. hull llmltlS. Stamp Albums at} Office. ,. 1 Good C"; \-‘\llll(‘l'l.\' in 1 Al (lav niizhl. and u try ogiia suusugti- stold third or fourth ”.11, been visited. l ._.._.-»â€"-»*4 Alter years of dj.’ can at last out a 2 Without its (.lsil‘t's‘: fully L’Xi1luiii1ml on, had lit-"ll rrstoruil‘i Ayer's fiai‘sajrarzlr wonderfully soar} and iniju‘oves d‘pe.1 A young man law, was lined ten dorm, a. cant-vlletl posiugc ing the iii-st Client“. kll‘li claimed to lit); “’6 do not know" name, lll l:.('l wt know it. and only. to Warn Others" 1‘ trOUllll‘. in {HM cheaper to l~u_\' a n Mn. \VAsH. 11.1.. t for the Vanadium Friends. 2:; an in Two wt cks app .110. and unnomiret. 1 jectud to our "per llC \“‘.;>% lit 1‘0. 11‘] council. llw sari unlll l5“ wi".."lll‘.l’\_: mit il.;.l r-‘rilll‘flf’ tions. he sonata-mt orgulfixwi a ("llill‘ chartwr tin-nit. rs, to follow. ‘ a qliiii l'Ot‘niUili’vfit was iotzzllt‘x‘ 'lt‘fllf day night lust. the (-.\':..(". 0.':f;;’.ll Telioid :ilixl also: Since 'l‘imrsdaj." Owen Sound. .\ houst- lol‘ :! fwd." retui 11. al out mi ed it to 1« u}. :‘ Fouui. at uni sin had ll.» Pligiift Iell‘i'd'l -l jalafia wait 1' supply 11 very ll glll \‘fllP-t carts-ml our tut {Ul‘illi 1‘ :lilli'r’tl‘ lillg‘l‘uin’ the] 1‘1 buildin,» out in lions ll‘llll {ili‘lfl 'WEI'c sun‘cd lrlul lldt‘l'i:l;li‘. The were purity (:u’v‘ Til‘r‘ iollow'n‘ plain-lion 1 l.« nothu 'l in kit: l Toronto 11 2:: - Celll-l'lli wailtsl 0 arc wiw i] . FC‘ . arc (0.111111; 1i”: Ontario. arm. a facimn.’ T.“ ‘ per téa;i.;:{i'-_: i Sp(‘\"lll‘« a; will}. 11);," 1‘) l':/‘“'§Lii your lanniiny * connect \‘.'I‘ \ ‘( c t Wall-t and guril‘ If it is m: u. vehicles ‘ll'l“'( Stone l\.«';'l;;n Walk This 33‘ . . PCI‘ lilH‘Jil {GUI , . lmlil‘ow is» by 2hr town a ers of the fr Iown'crs tiling 10 years an in Qllllw :'-. quaint if a fair arm: 31113;. hint. to: t satiwm‘i ..~:.. A f l.I;}‘2il > , I .. v nut-z. ‘2: ' h.v.\ W1 1|, ‘1‘

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