West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 15 Apr 1897, p. 7

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THC IWD’ money ‘UR HA 3! 3'11 ‘V 11 hand .5, for m a modest known nants bthe taken r Town, kents. in- plot, m n- roux Lhwe has the knowmg It is It is always lessons of goc neéfi when th Let the older .1 paper Dean)" ight his cigar 5 Idioht. and the and flour, i about equal prop is another good remedy for a the chest. The mustard draw ' ation than any sort of oif makes the little patient damp, room w . nothing to the contrary. t â€"“~~ nnmo + baby !-â€"â€"to recline, 1d a mother’s neck 1! what mnocence at loveâ€"pure love 1 5111 fashion ake for itse kernels of popcgr by country cousins tor t :, as of Ice are substltuted clear, 8V3? b109- - _ 1-...an \1‘51Y mured upon 33L 1)’ SllC. w What ('1) L13 what to do with it; fonhed of the first are added :1 "913: young child f :1 capital ball. Spil‘s folded for father to re another source of hnv or mrl making >rst things that. can hapfi is to be frightened, The ‘ has resulted from a sud- not be overstated; faintâ€" k nerves, illness of the .1 and St. Vitus’ dance can ed to a severe fright. It ver. an easy matter to flag calculated to arouse mt: must try and educate as from choco- ur: ”cue _ . tin pans that are. used Celsius for their parties. .533 of ice are substituted liquid wax poured upon wax is eaten with a fork crackers and pickles are 9. same time. M31341 ‘ rig alsolform part of Do ing the, fabru: over '11:. bLinen V N the moisture through mum but cotton threads take more L. "absorb the moisture. And rewarding the bailing aga in put into hofling. W ater a: still longer if the top is sprink glance 1'» W 1th salt. \V 11311. it 19311] - d the ludgglgll’ag‘ahlfiig dr-en . That is no? right. It is child’s education. A child who asks ex- ? t0 10"3 animals. always ask his teac e'r mg the 113131t 0f non he needs. and Very often he IS I strange dogs, let, , one runs by bark- child the more qu atest bugbears of ~ and u 985.3ndh0Wfl13DY and 111 a manner - him they should be NH 'to zero,. when bend to educate , and I‘k bedroom! Ti 3 encouraged rather than otherwise, 1 parent knows that he is the . \v"'\f\nfq CIDQUS in a ‘ a ‘V'ise dev eloping age “EFT/S 1‘31-.. ‘1: a woollen cloth, wet, 1 the. cloghin’g is then -’d plac iL’b ulJurr-- W hen meats are being roasted unu number of VISLLS. _ LS very Slm‘ Office and Besxdence 3. here is danger of theifr hectoming tgo The history of the boy 0. '- .- * r1 tje . '. , ‘8 a bas‘“ @9333: sgorchr- Ple- He 1% the cmld of a fairly well- A to-do butcher in Brunswick, Germany, Street, Lower Town. Off . _ 12 to 2 oclocka - = )rc-wn pla. . Wen. The steam W11 1 cook better. 11g and the meat Vvil HEALTH 0]? GIRLS. y VVhen he was still e. mere baby 111 arms D-R. BRO\VN. 1011 that his extraordrrnery powers began . , Diseases of E1 E, E: In an age VV'ne men is so much considered, and to manifest themselves. 1 nursing baby ‘ NEUSCBA‘DT, of "we when so many sacrifices are made by twemiyfine months old, a, guardians that the girl’s just beginning to speak a. few words, ‘ '- carrying him' ould be quite up to when his mother in med his strange DR. A. L. BROWN, ’0 accorded her bI‘O- through 'ihe streets not. « tt " 1 B the le eren of t" e 0: parents and mental training sh the standard of the fibers, it is well to voice the caution excitemve-n't when he saw Licentiate health ShOUlt1 be signs and printed words over shop Physicians, Edinburgh H8 (Diap- fice and Residence, 0pp( that her physical imore thoroughly looked after. Efiuâ€" (more, and in shop windows. Gators who are also observers of the ped his baby hands and his eyes g‘lisâ€" Hall, Holstein. F relative characteristics of men and W0“ tenecl with pleasure. fV’V’hel-n his 1110- ________________â€"â€" * - |~ “:4 nlnraVQ “rho Hum qunned and read them to him . W ‘ *“ “mmeT .czhtless ighten- ‘1 1rgent- Amen [12111165 5 owners )LD gallant feted m lington th a fork entil‘ -k1es are Born .ple candy “ ‘Go m, part 0 ‘ . Shou egg m the ame made ed around n a gra" " andard. At Sn. 1;. unprov eâ€" hbtle china . _ has me lmn van caters who are 3150 L , relative characteristics men say- that it is the is most painfully , consc I all possible use of her 0; _ ‘ | ‘ " -- 117:11 \LuJ I»..- boy, they tell .us, W111, v» were .to exercxse and healthy bodlly 1 . . training, even if school tasks are ne- after 1118 would agaln read the sxgus gl'ECZfed.' ’iheglrl, fbemg morbllcllly and read them correctly. \Vh-en he to be sent to the sports toyvhlch :her r. I ~,. . brother betakes himself naturally. 1.19 read them 01f gubly and eolrectly. \Y’hen m9thers . . HIS vocabulary 0f. prln'ted VVOI‘dE gilughterstmimaygfil 1211811165391?" 23;; grew with rapidity. He learned the ems ; o - .s - . . . . . c 1‘9 T S: a gymn - . letters or the alpual.>et almost III-tul- ‘ two year: x‘ '. By the time he W33 ercises did on require or the . it e acre for exerclse of the body as tlvm 43 ' a ' , . . I‘WUQS 0'- th8.m1}1d BOYS SPIDGS age old he was readlmg vglLbly from ever: stralght and glrls crooked because t e new spaper and book that came int: lolmer use all thelr muscles and e h h ‘ ‘ ‘ t ‘ latter do not W hen the body IS maLâ€" ‘5 311'“ bvely IDSLI 1LP' 1011 on ' (1 growth the evn monument he passed. he read and re membered New at the age of. fou ing. its most rapi of Improperly ‘ o - . - -- v Q§++§ncr overlon in ' ' '1 ‘ g I nflnhlo and 03.11 tell the dates \Vhen mothers comp”-.. _ daughters immature ‘figures the hyâ€" gienist retorts, “\Vhat gymnastic ex-‘ ercises did you require of them? It is ’ the age for exercise of the body as well as of the mind. Boys’ spines are ' ' ' ls’ crooked because the ing its most rap' of improperly use p .. ularly ba-netul. long in a slouching attitude will tend to con- ' tract the chest, as carrying t , weights over the back will spoil the normal spinal curves. . much. on one Side, standing too long upon one foot, even can ying constantly a pccketful of wetghty articles on one - .. LAN. miah'r. suffice at the in ~th‘e future life. so many sacrifices are names share the net; . , owners and riders, is Copenhagen, the Gift menuf T‘b’e'.’ < " *r . ry orgerles .ar steed of the Duke of M - 1} era . I f31 hterary forgernes, gallant \ He survived his master, 11v- by all the world 0 lington. ing in great ease and comfort twenty- the. antiquarmns one vears after the battle of \Yater- malntgwmng ‘11“? ~ ume llteratry a-nt1 E100. and dying at the venerable age who had written: ' He went to. Load of 33. On the grounds of the fme es- “ “ ~ and mngrnes. C H'iLDREN’S QUESTI Such scienhnc laud as Lord Li Frankland speak Doctor Yers'm’s 1.3110. 213 JLJULu. u ..... . Frankland speak with appmval of. Doctor Yersin’s anti-toxin ion the plague.’They are convinced that he has discovered the {:rue virus of. the (1.196358 , and that hIS . 11191311031 of pre. ° ' ccmatLon. is ef- “Av v..- racteristies of men and W0- ho it it is the girl aim-1.35 W fully conscientious to make 1s‘e of her. opportunities. The tened with pleasure. ther stopped and rea his delight, was 5 ill “' LIV“ ..â€"â€" _ (1 them to him greater. To her 9‘ he read them over after er and stretch- Linen W ill Show immediately , y.’ ,1 age 0 M finest gals; PLAGUE 0F VIRUS. 11%;? scientific authorities in Eng- sigma; L Lord Lister. and Professor Emu 1 -1: rn (‘2‘: i I it Two Years of Age lle Couid B -â€".\'ow, at four fears. as new»: 11 tly :23 tories and Biographiesâ€"Sm: Ck‘ About outer Faxuous l’rmliglcs. if}? The little German 0mm, 0m ust 181‘, who, when he was tWO 3'83 astounded people by his man the faculty for reading printed mm ked manuscript, Still continues to BK iail- wonder of the many scientists ‘ Ln 1 . . . £331. I‘Ope W110 have vxstted 111111 and LA for themselves the actuality “A“ pecuiiar gift. ‘ At “1‘, 43.13 mm PHE‘NU‘ME: OTTO POEHLER, THE MARVEL 0F 10‘ vq GERMAN SCIENTm L... DQCUJ. 1211' 51.“. Carl Stumpt, professor of phisosophy at the Umversi-ty of Berlin and mem- ber. of the Academy of Sciences, Ber- lin, has contributed to the Revue. Scien- tlfique, of Paris, a ver 111‘ BIBSUDS paper, about the child, in which he tries to analyze the markable memal endowment as the pap-er, about the cm tries to anmlyze the murkable mental en result of a series of energies seem one. thingâ€"reg. Lhe clusion reached ding. The general con- ‘ne ~LK,UL A. ”m. -. to be bent towards the i by the scie-A LlSLS who A 111- have ,. .me 1011s memoxy 10r word-s anl his gift yed tor reading is in no sense mechanical ac- but is based upon and co-operates u 1th ent a solid and Very great Intelligence ll not consent to ] llfil they are not rich enoug of him with a tutor. her that reason some 01: the selentists of the Continent have set about raising a fund to see that he is properly educated. OTHER FAMOUS PROD-IGIES. hat such in- dis- The popular belief is t chll- fault predigies as this wonderful Ger- Locfa. man chi-id generally blaze with their sex- dazzling light for but a short time i and then go out in utter darkness. ”€131” 'lhere have been brilliant exceptions , or instance, Pope, 4 11S Bflflllfi. uVL»J.J -..__ munume‘u-t the passed he read and re- membered. N0! " four years he. devoum phies, and can tell the places of bimn of scores of "‘zermanéy’s wor'tbies and great men. The child has not the. slightest [10-- tion 01" how to write, airnougn he reads‘ writing and even mad writing fluently. W‘s no desxre LC Furthurmfire, 11:9 8110 learn how to write“ his full menta. e-nergias seem {'0 be bent towards Lhi ‘ u“. ”"ho (numeral C011 by his Lg printed ointinues to e}; any scient matter and . cite the ists in Eu- ed. A gene Drafts issued and mi Verified on all points. Deposits reee ‘ ‘terest allowed at current , - ral Banking businesstransact- d Vagain read the Sign; ~First door east of the Dar-1 n cdrrectly. \Vh-en he Office: - ' - ham Pharmacy, Calder's Block. -â€"First door west of the '- add'ozl‘l‘BCUgF-g Post Office, Durham. of punt? d‘W-‘h Win be a}: the Commercial Hotel. He learne . t f3 Prioeville. first Wednesday in each‘ . . ‘t - ’ ALELULV ms not the slightest no- ) write, altnougn he reads sven can writing fluently. ff“ . he shows no desu‘e to ) write“ his full mental G. ‘ n to be h nt towards the _ , eading. The general con«- Aggg}: led. by the sue-{INSLS WHO Agencyprl lS mil-I‘VEfl‘ atone Reg ’7 is in no sens. upon and co-operates With E very great intelligence. and their own price, and BL rich enough to provide la‘cr that. reason OFFICE:- screntists of the Continent the (1 Read “'01! Ebevmu‘s ills- sâ€"Somelhing {11:103. NEE-1 Standaid Bank 0? Eanada. Interest allowed on Savings Bank de- vards. Prompt posits of $1 and upx attention and every facility afford- ed customers living at a distance. J. KELLY, Agent. “HI“ Medical Directory. Commissioner, etc. to lend. Money invested. f: Farms L-oughc and said. CONVEYANCER ETC}. U N DERTAKIN G far parties FIRS’I‘~CLASS BEARSE 1N CONNIE Cash Price List for Stuffing Birds Animals, etc., etc. Small birds up to Sparrow size.. $100 Robin, BlueJay, \Vooapeckers, and birds of similar size. . . . . 1% Kingfishers, Snipes, Small Hwaks, Owls, and birds of similar size. 100. Partridge, Ducks, Hawks, Owls, and birds of similiar size. $2 50 to 300 Large Hawks and Owls,etc.300ro460 Loons, Cranes, etc. . . . 4 00 to 7 00 Squirrels . . 1 15 to 1 75 Weasle, Mink, Musk at 206‘! to300 Fox, Lynx, etc. . . 8 00 to 1'2 00 Fox, Lynx, etc. . . 800t012 00 Deer Beads . . . 500to700 Speciments must 'be in good condi tron or Will be thrown away Partxe: Undertakino and Embalming :. SHEWELL Agent DURHME, - QNT. JACOB KRESS. P «Iv 0110 sen d1 21;: L -:-\ .__ “Monsoon" Tea is put up by the Indian 1e: growers as a. sample of the best quahtxes of [pdxan Teas. Therefore they use the greate selection of the Tea and . put it up themselves and sell it only 1n gackages, thereby securing its purity an 0 II 11. u ‘k and C lb. DaCkages’ and never COPYRIGHTS 8L0. l9 sending a sketch and description may ascertain, free, whether an invention is Communications strictly " for securing patents mca. We have a ‘iasbingtrm office. Munn a: C0. receive SPEC! A LT". 11 and 13 FPO"t 5‘ Musk Rat. 20â€"31 to300 ,. . . . . . 800t01200 . . . . . 80012012 00 . . . . . 500to700 ust 'be in good condi- be thrown away. Parties 1 to take away their spe- ready of which due no- ’y acvuu . lb. and 5 {bipackiges' ffing Birds CTION Toronto.

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