{EA SECUMW r power _; Creating Columns, Church 'asteners, Fencing, Supplies, Scbool 3ҠCastin- .smru, can think ,aWb of some “mpg. "“08 to patent? bflng you healâ€. 00.. Patent Alter. â€.1. 9C0 prize on» mus rred. 'RYMAN PAIR-- Horse Powers, . Reapers. Cross-Cut Saws Set. . ï¬ll orders for 'I'h‘a.’ Female Pills. 51'. :26 2:.‘famomun,1oroooo. F ONTH ILL, RUHSERBES Tun . the 21 ‘ ‘ {‘nï¬I Annifltï¬l‘ Nail.» just Uarloaa arrived. A I‘ li'l LL‘.) (wwwxrâ€" .--- _ and Mixed Paints, 0118, Ala- hastimr. Whiting, Thorald Cemvnr. Pm‘tlzmd Cement, Plaster Paris, etc. One more Shipment of Farm and Garden Tools. See our stock of fl ed. NULLUM ‘M __V___, rsnant to R. S. O. 1887, Cap 110. rumuun. ‘ I , pii \T OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN Sec. 36, (and Amending Acts,) that all 1 pursuant to R. S. O , 1887 Cap 110, persons haViiig any. claims or liens (special or OlllBl‘Wls‘el against the said Randolph As Pomonahas not been re;)resent-‘ l d of late in your widely circulated l Amending -' - ° " Henry Middangh, who died on or about 9 iatcd paper "' The; Sec ‘26 m haviii 1* claims against the estfl . . . ‘? ’l‘wainley, who ï¬led on or about the l the 14th day Of March, 1897. 01‘ against ms and much apprec e or any part or share thereof or inter- Chronicle 97 we concluded to jot do ‘ n ’1 , \ ' Fi‘aiims - I July, A. D., 1896, are required to estat . est therein are requested to send by post . . afew items With more perhaps to a z ' f- - i‘il (l i) n 'd or to dellVOl' t0 ( ,1) r to deli e t C d l' \l dd l ‘ Y , J ')TT, prepglu o vir 0 or eia. i aiigi , ELLIOTT LI L“ of the Town of Durham, .1“ the County of follow in the near future, Durham P.().)Widow.the Execut- The ï¬elds are green far away and (int, solicitors. for the EX ' ' . , rix, of the last Will and testament of the . discance lends eiichantment, seems Town of Durham, the solicitor for the to be as applicable to ï¬shermen as to others as Mr. Wm. Barnard of Bar- Noxon’s Binders, Mowers, t'I.)i'ill;3, dd . t. a said S ' (r ' ‘ I‘I‘OWS. 63 m t 9 ' , ., resses an escri 101183“ , . ‘ {£231}: llllgfï¬gtgaG uards, Sections, hheigdllmflgleihgeit of their claiiglgi:1 33111121: iSald Execptrlggté 01' befon: the . , . em†for all kinds of machines. 33F“.“ftili'gdbi‘ï¬glii’élla‘iiiiyrh‘ie sai day 12th OF JU‘AE, 1897, risson s Flour Mills Owen Sound Machines. " y wt tlors “ill proceed to destribute the their .cllljlstlan and surnames, addresses and came down on Saturday 0‘ 188‘ week the par ies descriptIOIl the full particulars of their to spend the 24th fishing on the big a statement 0f their Saugeen, but the recent heavy rains the streams that ans and Sewing property at regard only to the claims ' . or claims and the nature of the have so swollen Pianos, Urg Money to loan on tarm Sport at present. While here Mr. Barnard was the‘ son. W. Twamley t'ce s a "eorge Twainley l Emma ggqhired. Arid the said “able for the 8389“ 01‘ any part emploved with . . He speaks well of 1 _ thereo .3†men or persons 0 Whose . . P l ' ° notices all notha e bee mg m 99 t9- c‘mm ° v :1 received M Mr. Hartford as a boss. at our neighbor’s Bull for Servlce' aforesaid . l Dated atDurham this 6th day of May, The hired man. ' on the hill is-gurely looking a part- THOROUGHBBE ' - 9 at lot 68. 00b- 3, \ CORDELIA MIDDAUGH, A . . . a Moon“. Ewan.“ in good time. Try 18‘!!! Johnny. ~ - ° ' “ Afaint heart never wonafair lady." v Upper Town, Durham. Sharp’s old Stand. Spring Tooth I in the market. etc., for all ki‘ Pianos, Organs " “)le '. CANADIAN TREE .4 ng (furload Ca 1 l :1 dia 11 g 1' CW n lish or French) free sort mcnt Of dry of “7 ire and 1 (la) the 29th. day 01 may 10‘.†an. m u um,“ ‘ l in the forenonn. ! AND Notice is hereby further given, that a | BlISlNESS Mim'rmg of the Council will be held at one o‘clock “I the afternoon of the lsame (lay, of which all parties concerned ' wiil please take wwtice. \ Dated at Ulenelg this 7th day of May1897 J. 3. BLACK. Clerk. F sinn nf Fitzgerald 0t: ' be offered fur sale by g the amvmbatinn uf 4 ? Local Master 0t said i Middangh House in ‘ ' 0n 5A1 U RDA‘I' J U AL- an ‘)URSU:\NT TO THE J UUU- ment dated the fourteenth day of February. 1592} made in a certain action In the lligh Court of Justice, Chancery Divi- itzgerald et. al ve Quirk, there will be ott'ered for sale by Public Auction, w1th the amwohation of A. M. McKimmn. Est. ., ‘ourt at Guelph at. t re Local Master 0t said (I Mitlclaugh House in the Town of Durham, on S.~\'l'l,TRl).-\'1' J UVE 5th, 1897, at twelve ('l‘cloek noon, the following lands and prem- ’ ises viz.â€"~'l‘he south half of the north half and the north ten acres of the ' of Lot number south halt _ . ' ' tourteenth Concessum ot the f (‘louelg in the County of Grey thirty-tire acres more or less. ' istnoatly hardwood bush and rural! clearing around the sion of I“ o‘cluck noun. the mnom ises V'i-z.#'l‘lxe sunth ha! and the north te south half of ï¬ve in ' menship nf (Hench); in containing thirty-ï¬ve : This property ismnstly swamp with a small 0 burn an the promises. ~â€"»>.. A. â€1“ ll Ull Iu-t ui lan‘U STIUVV'- -â€"_ TERMS OF SALE : _ i â€1 ‘ urchéiselmnnclay than they care to tell; 9 m )e pan .11.! cas , su 8 tot ie rin 3 round , “ ‘ 1 r and the balance within (3' g. the .eyes, lZleleSS, palpitation or twinges, betoken a run-do it of tlii~ action without interest. a 9‘81““ bid The blood is poor, and is crty will,be.~aol(l subject to re. dMaster. "he further enjoyment. of life 800 a to be lixml by the 831 d f 't' s 0 . . l 1011 arilla puriï¬es the blood, l conditions will be the standing con '. the Court. _ .. l For further particulars apply to Guthrie, and Vitauzes the system, ‘uelph, John 11y restores the bloom « 1 Watt (hulirie, Solicitors, (1 I the cheeks. It cures wh lloskiu, (9A).. 'l‘oronto or to “Annâ€? RY IIITCI{1N(;IIAL\II, fail. Dated this FARM LANDS IN THE TOWN- SHIP ()F GLENELG. Francis 'l‘wnmle‘y, w A D , 1896, age reqmred to 3rd day nf July, . . 'd or to dellver to send by post. prepal MRSSRS. ELLIOTT 82 ELLIOTT, - .1 A L‘umnfnrï¬_ THE DURHAM éï¬miï¬iï¬m, May 27th, 1:597. cent of the purchase money than Lllcy U...“ -- " hash atthetlmeofsuletothe rings round the eves m and the balance within \diyziuesq palpitation C .J * 9 ‘ rafter into court to the cred , . twmges, betoken a run-c without interest. The {)rop- bid \The blood is poor, and i . subject to a )‘f‘servm m. smd Master. 1"9..ï¬"‘:t_‘":'} enjoyment. of life. Sc . n A L - L‘I A“; U U U ___-.__ A U lu'n 2:.tl . " ' "" ' . â€ï¬‚" h “f0 f l â€m, Old verandah was Mrs. Alfred Tuckersf baby. The’1 ISION t emstein, but It was closed, and little one passed away on Sunday.‘ had been fastened by the woman in Notwithstanding Dr. Sneath’s skill l.‘ he brain fever became masterm her maniacal frenzy. The three ° Much sympathy is felt for the be- SNELG strong men seized the boarding and . I GIVEN tearino' it away disclosed a l f reaved parents and friends. 1‘ SITTING f†. poo 0 Some of the young folks started‘ n' the Town- blacklsh water and 1n the bottom a for the service at, the Orange Hall‘: 1897, will be little bundle of white. Sunday evening, but for some un-I lg, 0“ 33Ҡ, known reason went but a shortl M 10 o‘clock to then‘ given, {ham 1‘9“. the oldest, 11 years Of age, several places of abode. mncil will he were taken from the fatal pit, and Who was the youth who lost his. tie pin with the monogram inscribed 3rnoon of the handed to the care of th h .' ' . e p ysiclans, F. '1‘. L. Probably he may find it ies concerned who labored to save their lives. on the north hill. ay of May1897 - [,ALK. Clerk. The mother was placed in jail as Mr. Anderson preached in Amos Church the last two Sabbaths. He ‘ P ____ .1 tin-‘1‘ :h 1“)“ A :--nunl‘ a E JUDG- RED nnnn; VIDVT .7- 8. cox» 3» CORDELIA MIDDAUGH. ice at lot 6 G. Lefro_ McCalll. Execui S mtor for said Executrix. 'nm ' ‘ nl‘lnunu mvxuuu Mr. J. A. \Vilsnu visited home last Sunday and someoue’s eyes look- ‘. ed bright. 1111's. ThOS. Russell, Di Mrs. Bowie, of Mt. Forest, deliver- missionary lecture in Amos "Brantford, Tries to drown 8:1 a , .. . . Lhurch last krlday evenmg. \\'thh ‘ . ‘her five Chlldl‘en in a was very much appreciated by the large audience of both ladies and -Ll- I... “A-“ â€" “-mflv *7 KMANIAGALMOTHER‘, RESCUED ', VIUIU UV ...... Mrs. Thomas Russell watched over ' lately. ‘ her ï¬ve small children, down With} some of the ycung fOlkS took in_ a malignant sickness. The little‘the Normanby Ice Cream Social on ‘l cept l. the evening of the 24th. hof hi ones recovered, but with the mother ‘ . Mr. Alex. Henderson. of Bambara It 0 t: . _ . . . the straw had been 00 great and her ' Hall, and MISS Jean Renwxck vusnted orch mlnd gave way. Mr. Wm. Hastie’s, of Cedarville last. i now Sunday afternoon. .cove On Monday evening a gentleman . - \ Mr. Wat. Lothian, of Crawford, rpi ‘ A‘___,_ l was 1 mucl - (“A‘- 0 Tore His Flesh in Agony. “I was troubled with blind itching piles for ‘20 years; was unable to work and tore my flesh in agony. United States and Canadian doctors failed to relieve. Chase’s Ointment was a God-send. I am a better man than in ‘20 years, and am able to work every day.†Philip Wallace, blacksmith, Iroquois, Ont. Chase’s lO' tment cures piles, eczema. and lirritant diseases. All druggists. ‘600. per box. The ever slavingformer’s wife, her (11 licate sister in the city, suï¬er more than they care to tell, The dark rings round the eyes. headaches, dizziness, palpitation or rheumatic twinges, betoken a run-down system. , *The blood is poor, and is a bar to the enjoyment of life. Scott's Sarsapo arilla puriï¬es the blood, strenthens and vitaiizes the system, and Speed- ily restores the bloom of health to am nhQRkS. It cures when all others â€"â€".- â€â€" .;_â€"'_-.__.._. \-â€"â€"o “â€"â€"va ,. . -_----- -. A week or so ago. Jeannie, the 6 \ DROMORE. . ER â€" year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Godfrey ' Mr. J. A. Wilson visited home McDon ld gave his parents a terrible last Sunday and someone’s eyes look- . fright and alarmed the whole neigh- ed bright. ‘borhood He, together with his 61‘ [105. Russe“, Bf Mrs. Bowie, of Mt. Forest, deliver- der brother_ were sent out to the ed a missionary lecture in Amos'pastureto bring in a horse. The 'es ll'd, Tl'l to drown Church last Friday evening. which younger brother started 88 he '6 Children in a was very much appreciated by the thought for home but missed his large audience of both ladies and bearings and took an opposite point ClStCl’n. ~ gentlemen. Mrs. Bow..e is an able‘of the compass to that. which would ,speaker and deserves much creditvtake him home. He did not travel 'n which sheffar on the highway but took to the , IN TIME To SAVE for the able manner I impressed the important points be-‘woods and must have travelled about THEIR LIVES' fore the minds of the peeple. The‘l} miles of woods before he was choir also gave a couple of selections found. Mr. R. Martin was the ï¬rst 1 to see him passing from the woods to [CIDE_ of music. SU 115011 and Lethian paid a the one adjoining, he followed him # ~ visit to their Bootliville friends and took him to the house when he was soon returned to his parents not ussell watchel over ionias R v. _ lately. \ - i- .1... ‘ynnna folks took in , much she worse for his runaway ex- , .‘ 1__-_- 3‘...“ C":*“ . a NICE TO UEUITBBS. a statement of their accounts or claims and the nature of the ' s(1f any) held bv them and that after the said day the said Executrix will roceed to distribute the. assets of the said ed among the parties en titled thereto‘ gard only to the claims of which otice shall have been iven as above is n (1. And the said ï¬xecutrix shall not require . ‘ be res ODSlble for the assets or any part thereo to anÂ¥1 person or persons of wnose claim notice 8 all not have been received as f esaid- 13 25am; at Durham this 6th day Of May, AM . the matter 0 f the Estate 01 nau- Bad Blood Between Them. IS HEREBY 91mg! of the Estate of Ba}:- ping at mrs. 1. uauguum .. --_ __ . J _ weeks. ' and would not bite. Perhaps if they n had spit on their bait they would t have done better. So they swore by n the gods that they would go home. [3 Quite a travelling Encyclopsedia I struck this section one day last week 1 in the person of a Mr. had the knowledge of Law and , Medicine. and is also acquainted 1 with four languages. Yet at present ‘ he is a travelling tinker. He called 1 at our school last week and taught a couple of classes, we understand. A determined attempt at suicide. , One night recently a young steer be- i longing to the Lothian Bros. got! mired in the soft mud back of Ren- wick’s mill. ' whiskey to warm it up a bit. But whether it was the whiskey that ex- cited its brain, or its melancholy turn of mind we cannot tell, for ent back with one great jump it w into the water and mud ag gently breathed its last. ain and ter .of. Mr. Andrew Scott of Glenelg died at her home at. Will Saturday last. Aged 20 iamsford on years. As Pomona has not been represent- ed of late in your widely circulated and much appreciated paper “ The Chronicle,†we concluded to jot down afew items with more perhaps to follow in the near future. ___-_-- “.3 Jll “‘UU V'V‘râ€"â€" . Shewel, of Toronto, 18 stop-‘ 8 at Mrs. T. Laughton’s for a few 5 .s. i 70 sportsmen from your town ¢ 2 to this place in a rain storm on 1 313, armed with ï¬sh poles. But would not bite. Perhaps if they spit on their bait they would a done better. So they swore by gods that they would go home. -2L- 4‘ GmnionIinfl' EHCVCIODwdia ...â€"..â€"â€"â€"~ pâ€"--. 1.. H POMONA. ’lha LUV†an. , nuâ€"vâ€" w .m Social on 1 cept for the loss of an article or two ’of his wearing apparel. of Bambara It might be well for those having iwick visited orchards to examine them carefully edarville last i now as in looking over ours we dis- \covered quite a number of tent cat. of Crawford, .erpillars alive and active and ready is on the 24th. 3 for swarming over the trees. They .agers visited are easily removed and destroyed if tlv. Wonder found before they spread. ie result. Messrs Frank and Patrick Haley preparing for mmenced the \ 5e this week. -...n “a.†thal'l‘huir hmther-in-law Mr. Timpsou is Messrs Frank and I have sought and found in the freight sheds in where over 150 men it Their brother-in-law M foreman there. Mrs. Goo. E. Arrowsmun very seriously indiSpcsed nigh a month necessitating ‘ i o _:__“R L . person of Miss 113 Paris Ont., who afterwards became 01‘ his wife. They were married at. ho Paris on Oct. 18:h 1893 soon after .nd moving to Markdale, where, with 36d the help of his industrious young 1 0f has it been our lot to meet the of a more kindly disposition. As a true l 0‘ Christian character she was always But willing to assist the poor and need? .ex- with the needlu back tist Church Her remains were in- and terred in the beautiful cemetery at Paris, where a number of her relatives reside. :e of We together the community sym- .ugh- pathise with the husband who so anelg early in life is bereft of the partner rd on of his jovs and sorrow-3 7â€"“ â€"-â€"._ - ‘..D' V. indiSpcsed for well necessitating the cal-