r__ --.vu. \uuUlHflglllg so far. The rain was a blessing on Egremont soil though it did in some cases retard seeding operations. Horse trading has become quite a. fad here lately. Some are not par- ticular as to whether it is Friday or Saturday that the trade is made. The way the young people act on leaving our churches would lead one to believe that very little reverence is shown for Rod’s house. In fact their actions and antics re-' mind one of twenty or thirty yearsi ago when drinking was more commoni th: n it is now. In fact some bar- The crops are looking exceedingly well, in fact never looked better at this season. The prOSpects for a re most encouraging so far. The rain was a. blessing on Mr. David Robinson one of ï¬rst residents of Egremont was led ‘ho Queen’s Birthday, aged He leaves several sons, all well vided for. M r. John Caivert recently home from Manitoulin with shipmena of stock which he to graze and fatten for the trade). Mr, John Bradley has been twat»l O . . ' mg hunself to a new Massey Harms!= bicycle. Thev 'have already broken the armistice and are pillaging Greek estates. Greece refuses to pay the .pl‘OpOSe’] indemnity. The volunteers from America arrived in Athens on the 22nd. ' The street cars ran last Sunday in Toronto and were largely patronized. 'l‘he Melancthon ï¬re-bugs were all sentenced to imprisonment in the provincial penitentary for periods Pamâ€"ring from eight to twelve yearsi according to the enormity of their crime in the estimation of the Judge. The John Eaton Co’s Departmental Store. 'l‘oronto, was completely fles- troyed by fire on Friday morning last. The fire is supposed to have originated in the furnace room where the night watchman had been bnrn- ing papers some time before. No'l‘urk but a dead Turk can be forced to keep the peace. Their late success with the Greeks have made themgif possible, more incorrigiblen Thev have alreadv broken Hml The St. Lawrence Sugar Reï¬nery, Montreal has been closed and about 500 men are thrown out of employ- ment. This is another boom the new tariff has given our Canadian industries. Bryan. the candidate who was de- featetl in the lust Presidential cam- paign will lecture in Toronto on the 4th. of J one at. Massey Hall. Tun Chinese Luundryman of Mt. Forest is pI'szll‘ing to run a delivery waggn fur the convenience of custom- ers in Durham and Arth: r. ~Rep. Hamilton 'l‘isrlale gave strong eviv ceuve against Dave Ballard. On cross examination he admitted perjury on two occasions but bu since experienc- ed religion. Laforce Langevin, son of Sir Hac- tor, a former Minister of Public Works, committed suicide at his fa.- ther’s residmwe on Wednesday last. Ill-health and despoudeucy are the cauScs assigned. Horace Greely said :-â€"-“ The fewest words that can Convey the advertis- ers’ ideas are the right ones.†“7th if he has no ideas ? DURILUI. MAY 27th, 1897. Calder Black, In turme umn mrgesm I auauuul UUlulw-sugo" . _____ 5--..__ Amman! â€f I’ulicies issued last year $910,- the book 18 very handsomely gotten 12220;, Best plans of Insurance and low- ,’ up. and is illustrated with a. repro- eat rutui. {1 duction from phomgraph of the C. A . BA TSON l Royï¬â€˜ln Victoria H‘ispitï¬lf" qutrealz A“ nA"\m ..h. _ L- n ,t .“01'! 8 I W .' . . . Farm “We"y‘ '3 gag ) O as" This is the title cf a most valuable tatea of Interest and easy terms of repay-g . . mm", amequired and concise treatise on the art of Tum. Property (ï¬rst mortgage) . on; nursing the indiaposed. It deals monthly lthtalnlent Plan. All apnhcafloflsl with nursing at home, ventilation of are put thru 42!: With despatch and at east! the SiCk room, bathing the patient, p'â€"'ble exl'e'me' a, arranging the bed. etcl,’ etc. I? also Fire Insurance ggives several recipes for liquid and The Mercantile Fire Insurance Com-g solid foods, and tells the kind that, ny. guaranteed by London and Lancashoire j . r . P3 «wa- an :rszsesnrgztstzgï¬e 3:; 28:35:1- 815.0.l).(ll). 1 . . . . . . [diseases m winch special nursmg is Life Insurance a necessity, and explains in plain Tlm Star Life [mm-mice Co.. London 2 words the direction .for the perfor- Englrunl. llns FFIJIDM) more Assurances: in fu."(’H than largest t‘gxnadian Company. ’ mance Of these Oflices° A‘ltogether 'LL- L...‘. 2... -_---__ ‘I____J__ -A Money :6 Loan Farm Pruperty(ï¬rst Mortgage) lowest :atea of lntorqst and easy terms of repay- ment, as nequlred IHE CHRONICLE. ORCHARDVILLE loaning and lnsmance AGENCY h“, GENERAL. Lucas, Wright Batson. Luwer To wn, Durham. awn (.0 pay [De The volunteers d in Athens on: Queen’s Birthday movements among friends:-â€"Mr. and Mrs. Mit- chell, Arcli’e Gibson and sister, Miss lJanet, Miss Lena Wright. Mr. R. last Sunday in Trimhle, and Mr. \Vm. Henderson weâ€, patronized. werein'l‘oronto. .Mr. and Mrs. Van 5 Dusen visxted their daughter, Mrs. 'bllg“ were all Douglass, at Collingwood; Mr. and annient 1" theiMrs. Gibson visited Mr. Eider at W for periods; Arnott; Miss Gertie Bulmer friends 3 twelve years,‘ at Holland Centre; Miss Kline her 7'11â€." 0f the†brother at Chatsworth and Miss M. ll] of the Judg e'lMunshaw at Owen Sound. Editor ' l'I‘hurS'on spent Sunday with Editorl ILLE. } ' l Irwin in Durham, returning Monday accompanied by the l atter, who made as been treat-,5; dying visit among his numerous M assey Harris" old friends. Messrs. Archie Brown g l and Frank Irwin, of THE Cnnoxlcm, ; Mrs. Armstrong re- , turned from Toronto Saturday ; Miss . Armstrong, Toronto; Miss .a', aged 89 . I ChriStina Richardson, Markdale; Miss , all well pl‘O-, \Vinnie Hamilton and brother. Thorn- . L.----â€" ‘ “’ “ arrived a large; in tends 1 summer " WW...“ .. uuuLlOIl, also Spent the (lay with relatives; Mrs. Armstrong re- . turned from Toronto Saturday ; Miss Lou Armstrong, Toronto ; Miss ‘ ChriStina Richardson, Markdale; Miss g Winnie Hamilton and brother. Thorn- hury; and Mr. Wes. Smith, of The Standard, 'l‘liornbury; each visited their parents. Mrs. J. W. Hender- son, Mrs. J. E. Hansfurd and daugh- ter. Miss Blossom. cf Toronto, were the guests of Messrs. R. N. Hender- son and W. J. Bellamy. Miss Carruthers, of Creemore, is visiting her cousin, Mrs. Rum: and Miss Hat- tie Cole, of Toronto, her parents; Miss Brown, of Durham, was thel guest of Mrs. Gadd; Mr. Ben Cole- man, Markdaie, spent Saturday in town; Mrs. (Dr.) Sproule returned home Saturday after several weeks" visit with her mother here ; Dr. W. \Vright, Jackson, Mich., and Mrs. J. i Kent, of Chicago, are visiting their ' mother, Mrs. W. -Wright; Mr Cole, of Kidderminster visited his uncle, Mr. F 3 â€"~. . Jas. 1 , Englandn.‘ . G. Cole, ower 1 ] D. 8.. w. J. nomads. maï¬a]; :6 hold its own referee. gate receipts and pay Lacross ; Dumlalk not in it but Flesherton, Markdale and Shelburne have formed a league for (be season playing on the schedule. Markdale in Shelburne on June 11th, in Flesh- erton on June 25th. Flesherton in Shelburne on July 23rd in Markdale August 6th. Shelburne in Markdale on July 12th in Flesherton on August 13th. Referees from Shelburne, E. MeKim. 'l‘. Rayburn; from Flesh- erton, R. N. Henderson. Dr. Malian; from Markdale, L. G. Campbell I\ u \t? Mr. M. Richardson has leased the Flesherton park and has withdrawn the restrictions against trespassing which were placed by the former tenant last year. Mr. Richardson “ill have the gratitude of our citizens for (nee more allowing the freedom of this romantic and beauti- fully shaded spot for a ramble on the sunny summer days. a runaway near Eugenia one day last week. Mr. Thom and Mr. Rod- ger “ere thrown to the ground the 'former falling on the back of his head was slightly stunned and the cart wheels passing over the latter caused some slight bruises. The mare was captured at Eugenia with the cart intact. The only damage being to Mr. Gordon’s gate through which she mowed her way as if it had been sawn in two. """J . Rev. Mr. 'I‘hem’s spirited mare enjoyed a two or three miles Spin in A v" â€"v““ on Friday last. An elevgted timber inflicting a scalp wound several inches long exposing the skull which was luckely not fractured. The old gentleman has recovered from the shock and is improving nicely. on the cover, and interior views of the hospital in the body of the book. The publishers, Messrs. Davis Lawrence. Co. Ltd., Montreal, will gladly mail this book to any one sending them a one cent stamp. A 510111111 was held in the Methodist DEFINITIONS AND AXIOMS. church on the evening of the Queen’ 8 All boardlng houses are the birthday. bounding-house. of his eyeâ€"s. have an uperation performed on one, BOARDING-HOUSE GEOMETRY dderminstéf; EnglanJ, .cle. Mr.F. G. Cole, ower J. Crane, Owen SounJ Mr. and Mrs. Trimble mummy movements mls: -\lr. and Mrs. Mit- eGibson and sister, Miss sLena )Vright. Mr. R. FLESHERTON. NURSING THE SICK. “ ..O-¢ THE DURHAM CHRONICLE, May 27th, 1897. hula]. DURHAM, May 26th, 1897. wgre Fall Wheat. ................... "’ to to 7.’ gnder- “prim! \Vheat ................ 70 to 75 Miss Oats .......................... 20 to 20 siting Peas ........................... 37 to 37 Hat. Barley ........................ 25 to 30 cuts; Hay .......................... 8 00 to 10 00 s the] Butter ....................... 10 to 10 Cole- Eggs per doz ................. 7 to 7 1y in Apples....per bag ......... ... 50 to 50 urncd f Potatoes. . . .per bag ........... 25 to 25 reeks’ ‘ Flour per cwt ................ l 60 to 225‘ W. Oatmeal per sack ............ 1 60 to 1 60 rs. J. Chop per cwt ................. 60 to 75 their Turkeys per, lb ................ Jas. Geese per lb ................. land, I Ducks per pair phi-tes is just the remedy for growing children. It makes hard flesh; sound flesh; not soft, flabby fat. It makes strong bones, healthy nerves. It changes poor children to children rich in prosperity. Book about it free for the askin . l3?“ No substitute for Scott’s ul- sion will do for the children what we know Scott’s Emulsion will do. Get the genuine. For sale by all druggists at 50c. and (cm Call at this ofï¬ce and pay subscription, and we’ll tell you fish story, perfectly fresh and date. MR. 'l‘nos. BROWN, south of the corporation, had acouple of sheep worried on Sunday last. Mr. B. didn’t get near enough, or there would be one dog whose loss some- body would be mourning. SCOTT a; BOWNE, Torontot Ont. The clothes of a boarding-house bed, though produzed ever so far both ways will not meet. A bee line may be made from any boarding house to any other boarding house. The landlady may be reduced the lowest. terms by a series of pr ositions. A wrangle is the (‘isinclination of two boarders to each other that meet together but are not on the same flat. All the rooms being taken, a. single room is said to be a double room. POSTULATES AND PROPOSITION S. A pie may be prodced any number of times. The landlady Of a boarding-house is a parallelogram -- that is, an oblong and angular ï¬gure which cannot be described, but which is equal to any- thing. .................... 8 00 to 10 00 Selling .................... 10 to 10 to 17 The A single room is that which has no parts and no magnittde. Boarders in the same boarding- house and on the same flat are equal to one another. 3 and pay your ’1] tell yo_u a big 19 rd up-to- Durham Jan. 13th, 1597 The undersigned he opened up a Flour and business in Durham in neetion with the Ayton :hopes to gain .a share of ; patronage by giving 5 #attention to business ’ selling on close margins. I _ the same These Celebrated ï¬rands of our W111 be kept in stock The Percival Piow is the best in the market. It suits all kinds of ground A full stock of Organs, 9ewing Machines, Churns, \Vheelbarrows. Repairs of all kinds kept in stock. Fire Insurance promptly attended to. Money to loan at 5, 52; and 6°/0 Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Full Car Loads of Each in stock. You can buy 3. Wagon or Bugry at the right prices because I buy in large quantities, save freight and pay cash for my goods. HARRDWS. _w_ w AJAAIVIILIIIUIIL Warerooms are fully stocked with all kinds of Farm 11n- plements, including :â€"â€"-'l‘he Celebrated Massey Harris 3inders, Mowers, Drills, Har- rows, ete. Buy only good reliable implements. They are the cheapest and sure to please you and you are al~ sure of g'ettil'ig‘ your repairs. M Wagons, Buggies and Carts, W. v' M. CALDER. It is Jald 01' S I mplem ent much and not get half PlUWS. poor economy to buy cheap Tea ushare of your giving strict business and From 451% Lower Town Tolton Har- 00a -. ne and sure to please 250., 400., 500., and 60a Leading Grocers Everywhere. m .â€"â€"____ A April. 20th 1897‘ I ham Bull “ tered l ree)w 35 comiG Duke of Garrick " (regis- ill stand for service at lot erms: One Gdoliar, to be paid not later than that the 15th day of Feb. !8E6. ' "HE THOROUGHBRE D DUB» _ ham Bull “ Duke of mum, n I---:- DURHAM. GEE; Lower Town. I | ‘1 winning Black Spanish, Bari mouth Ruck, Cornish Indian Gallms Wyandottes. Black Milnn'cas Silva; burgs, Single Comb Brown La l’ekin Ducks, Rouen Ducks. Partrich (,‘ockins for sale in fall. N Also En lish Collie Pu . ready Hm Bernard ogs for Sale, ups in Aug September. “'ritfl for nrinnu GGS FOR SALE FROM PRIZE 1 Winning Black Shaniuh nun“; n. ,__ v _ .............. (1‘6, I U“ lI-‘llll' I’I ‘llellelg three [111183 from Durham, gum] creek on premises‘. Farm in gum] state of «ultim- tion and well fenced. (Sand orchard. good house. horse and cow stahlns, implement house with hog n underneath 1M) burn on premises. ' 0 satisfactury person easy terms. Applytn THOMAS O’DON NELL, May 11th. 3 Pruprietor. March 24th l 1' Bentinck, 100 acres more 01 acres under cultivation and know James Johnston farm. Building 200d and good water on the place: distance from school. To a sati pnrchaser easy terms of payment given. For full information and pa rticul:= in l‘ urey, menu-Jug a Valuable ‘ mwr, brick dwelling and manv elegiuo guilding lots will be sold in on}: or more lots. Also lot N0. 00. 0011., 2. W. G. R. Township of llentinck, 100 acres. adjuiniug Town plot, Durham. V 2‘! Mortgages taken for part purchase money. Apply to JAMES EDGE, OCt. 2nd. FA.vn 1.1:" n n “'3“? l' u-‘QI ‘ 1 (rrey, illCllluiHR‘ a \ â€war, brick dwelling and guilding‘ lots will be Sum i lots. Also lot No. (30. mm. Township of Bentinck, 1(1):: Tgyn plot, Durham. 01' t1) M. J. Um m '1 l‘ "l\ ersfon FCb 15th ‘89? [1 being lots No. 3 and concession. North of Durham township of (y‘lmlelg', 803cm. under (-nltivatiuu; the ram hardwumllmuh. “and frame barn, mm]! orchald and we†\ For further particulars :1 owner WM. DAVIS. EGGS FOR SALE. -... Bull for Service. 01‘s 3 AND 4., Igo'l‘lm OF TEE Boar for â€821.1(3): N the Town Hm SME on m at»? Lu mun CONTAINING ACRI; FARM FOR SALE w __--‘,.v'\u JK'1H7“ Cuban He Matures. Angel Mid or lOOday Matures.. ‘ Dakota Matures. Fun) early Matum s. S: «t Evergreen Millet l-‘a Millet Golden. Milk-t mun. Hungarian (Iis Clover Seeds. PUH' l lam Road, Towmhip of Glenelg from Durham, good creek on 'arm in good state of cult!“- f AAAAA J A ‘ i ' ‘ Mammoth S. S. l’rcvdifh Leanyiug’s Imprm'vd \ All time to name and from one of the best houses in Britain. .w. LANG Impr 0\ ed Gm; Stone (.OIII Bed Globe. R ape Sowing Abprdeen PL 3106!) Green S CHAS. JOHN ST 0N Box 95 Harr Iston, Ont cweae. Carter's Inweriarl Purple Top Swede. Bmmholm Purple Top Swede. London Purple Top Swede. King of S“ ede, Purple Tap, Sutton’s Champion Purple 'J‘op Swede. Yellqw and white Him 518 us for sale in fall. N0 8;: 8. 31119 Pu . ready now. t. ' Sale, ups in August and ’rite for prices. ‘\.4- I.Il’. 1 “l“w A1")! [IN to OH \ FIfRTH, Durham. t IMPORT ()1: sums * Swgdg Turnip Seed , _ _----. v \V. l\‘ojfl' w ivatmn and known as the farm. Buildings fairly New on the placo: a short school. '1'0 a satisfactory terms of payment will be TURNIP 855.3%! {OSEFH SHEEP ’ etc. . RITCHIE. l of Durham Hand. in the lelg‘, SOacres clmwod. and u ; the remainder good Good frame house frame Id and we“ watered. artimulars apply to the n A ‘YI (I FIELD CO. T) N easy terms. 4 miles , TOWNSHIP OF 'ortagc l JAMIE 8 ED(‘ E. Edge Hill, P. O Ul‘ple'l‘op, Abzzr. TOD. _ Devoushire and 41m the third Silver “Him- Leghorns, Barred Piy- mugs. Silver Durham :u's write 3_u n t y of 100 a CI‘GS zire Flint Midnight North Tempton’s Novella 1.?akota. .11! n “(:w Giant a pe Essex M a n. and aris uln- ,Sï¬vin 9 50“" lnv ‘0 It in estimated “(In people in Jubilee demonsl‘ The London ‘ ‘ Bgrr). Lord Ireland, 61 not iOUB been us announced re prese n ta 1 funll’ power run to qmulate the . Cruiser (‘olumh mm m Cal in a tam“! “ 'vmev Ala ' A mazQi dent revenue Soviet .“ Right (blunt to th‘? ' IVE