West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 8 Jul 1897, p. 4

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Home GO‘dCD D‘wn Harper Grit, Noble umie Morgan Horse ( Harry G, Miss Several good horses were on the gromul and here too, with the ex- ception of a third prize taken by Mr. Mill’s mare, Golden Dawn, haViug Mathew U. '0'. J been fairly won by s, of Chatsworth, while ones got the second. The Bicycle race too was quite in- teresting and here to we almost. feel regretful that Dun hum came out. only second best the first. prize having been fairlv wnn lw “- ampzy rewarded and the verdict, the universal verdict, isthat'Darham’s hes: races were those held on July 3, 1897. The judges were â€"-Messrs. Morgan, of Dundalki Caldwell, of Urehard, and Dr. Mearns, of Han- over, and the impartial decisions were satisfactory to all competitors. 4 1 In the forenoon. a lacrosse match Was played between Markdale and Durham, resulting in favor of the runner team by three geails to one. The game from beginning to end was spirited, and conducted with a friend- imess seldom equalled and never ex- melled. The better training, how- IVGr 0f the Vlsllfilnv r.l-nn-..._. m”--- .uuuun oculu Dy three goals to one. The game from beginning to end was Spirited, and conducted with a friend- lmess seldom equalled arid never ex- t'eelled. The better training, how- «ver of the visiting players, gave faem an easier victory than they may look for next time. Though mlling to give them credit for an houurable victory we predict for our Joys an increase of skill that will nake other teams get a hustle on to ,ttiu u \lctJI‘Y. On' Thursday last as announced" by posters, programmes and the press the Durham Turf Club, held their annual races in the driving park of get riled. and there was no run. tnis town. This has been an annual ’ tvent, meeting with more or less "‘“‘””“"""" success each year and generally satisfactory. Thisyear, hOWever. so PROMOTION EX Li. far as we are able to learn everything was conducted wi:h a fairness t'Ihlat -â€"â€" must rive universal satisfaction. 1e - Jubilege demonStration is highly Durham PUbllC SChOOl' spoken of by all who witnessed it,. a NAMES OF PU-ITIâ€"L-STBIEARRANG- considerable sum of money \\ as El) IN’ ORDFI’ OF MERIT spent in games of various kinds, and * " ” ‘ ° t very promise and pledge redeemed. Dominion Day coming the next week and the prizes made up wholly by pri) ate su bscriptionsand gate receipts it was thought by some that the Club Would be “in the hole.” Not so, however, everything advertised was carried out, every dollar paid and a small balance remains on hand, “hich would have been somewhat larger had it not been for the expen- mture necessary to put the track in order. The success of the enterprise is attributable in no small measure to tne energy displayed by some members of the Turf Club and more particularly to Mr. Wm. Black, the untiring Secretary, an old journalist, who believes in the power of print- ers’ ink in bringing such detnonstra- From Jr 4th to Sr 4th-â€"Dora David- son, Peter Ramage, Eva Mockler, Ada Brown, Levia Nester, Eddie McClocklin, Lottie Lavelle, Minnie McClocklin, b‘essie Brown, Mamie Hunter, Lottie Beaten, Ethel Elvidge, Willie Hunter, Kathleen; Grant, Flora MacGregor, Peter' Crawford, James Lavelle, Harris, Brad Jamieson Paterson, Annie Hutton. From Sr 3rd to Jr 4thâ€" ~Willie Brown. Maggie Hutton, Otto Knapp andj; Harry Benton, aeq., Annie Colvillel Jessie Robertson, Tena McLean, Robbie Hughes, Reggy Kelly, Mary Renton, Shirley McIntyre, ( Lyman Caldwell, Mabel Cameron, hate Cameron, John Mcl’arlane, , Minnie1 radius of one hundred miles was amply rewarded and the verdict, the universal verdict, isthat‘Durham’s lies: races warn tl-nun be” A“ T " The Bic REPO K Lucas, Wright Batson. Calder Block, Lower Tum, Durham. RESIUEXCE, Middaugh House. . _ _ uvusaylu, L‘ 161118 “Elly, J The Star Lnfe Insurance Co., London En land. H3331,(ID,CII) more Assurances in urce than largest Canadian Comm-my. Farmers’ Trot Amount of I’olicnes issued last year $5,046,- 122.26. Best plans oflnsurance and low-l DOHie Gray, Chas Grey, ‘ est rams. Owned by 1 Miss Reid, Lis_towel, 315.000,“. Town Property (first mortgage) on mommy lnstalment Plan. All apphcations are put through with despatch and at least possibiu expense. Dominion Day. Farm Pmpertyfirst Mortgage) lowest rates of Intergst and my terms of repay- Inuut, ”required. T he Mercantile Fire Insurance Com- vany. guaranteed by London and Lancashire mm: rce ‘om n f . ‘ °urit Ian-uonm L pa y 0 England bee y Dry. loaning and lnsmance AGENCY C. A. BA TSON '1‘ OF THE PROGR~1M AND THE DAY’S FUN. Money to Loa n Fire Insurance Victory than {hey ,‘Xt time. Though them credit for an “can, ‘ ‘ " Matheson displayed by some Tuxf Club and more Ur. “’11). Black, the y, an old journalist, the power of print- Prize ‘ _ __- -ou/UIInlLl. L"u Cum pbelll. From Jr D Pt 2nd to Sr A Pt Sudâ€"â€" Essie Laidlaw, Cal-man Aljoe, Harry Grasby, Eilah Gordon, Alis- ter Saunders, Bea. McCracken and - Flossard Benton aoq. From Sr lst to Jr B Pt 2nd-â€"Hazel \tnluvl’ More Milligan. 7 Arthur Allan, Llc Bean and Alice Ramage aeq., Am Lavelle, Eva Balls-(:11), Amy . Jane Kilmer, Annie Daniel, Crawford, Robinson Innes, Kilmer, Myrtle McDonald. n _ _ .. _ I Mary Vollet. Maud Irw' _ Barnett, Edith Grant, Limin, Alister Gun, Willie John- ston, Vina Kress, James Williams and Clarance Willis aeq., Jeff Mc- Crackenfind 'l‘hos. McClockin aeq. From 31'2nd to Jr 3rdâ€"Duncan Mc- Kenzie, Nora Knapp, Susie Mc- Clocklin, John Colville, Inna Davidson, Hilda Parker, Mauz' Connor. Christina Npster \Villie McKay aeq., , Millie Havens, George Reid, May McDonald, Andrew \Villiams, Esdon \Vclfe, VVannetta Stover and Clara Aljoe aeq.. llarry Bur- net, Mamie McKay, Rena Fagan, Mary McKay, Alister Gordon. From Jr 2nd to Sr 2nd -â€" \Villie f am- lin. Alice Irving RUM “3‘" v' .‘.‘U J lin. Alice Irvine, Eddie Milli, “’ilbert Ballagh, Joe'Swinbu Stewart \Valters, Thos. Ban Etta Fox, Harry Vollet, S Sharp, Annie McKay. rom Sr Pr. 2nd to Jr Qizd-Ma Grant, Daisy Blackburn, Lo IIarboWle. Grace \Villis, M Munro, Hugh McCrie, Hugh '1\ ter, Oliver Hunter, Lore Milligan. Arthur Allan. Llr vwvh.’ I'D“ Robbie Hughes, Reg; Mary Renton, Shirley Lyman Caldwell; Mabel Kate Cameron, John 1 Forbes Hind, Lela W: Aggie Lawrence, John I From Jr 3rd to Sr 3rd â€" Eel _ ,,_ _...w.\..;u, ullllllltfi [ McCluckliu, Hessic- Brown, Mamie ‘ Huntnr, Lottie Benton, Ethel. Elvidge, Willie Hunter, Kathleen: Grant, Flora MacGregor, Peter! Crawford, James Lavelle, Frank} Harris, Brad Jamieson, Minnie? Paterson, Annie Hutton. From Sr 3rd to Jr 4thâ€" -Willie Brown .' From Jr 4th to Sr 4th~Dora son, Peter Ramage, Eva ‘ A ‘Adfl BTO‘VD. Levia Npefol‘ â€"â€"- . I Mr. 'J‘hos. Livingston spent Do- ,' Apparently the coolest man In the minion Day in Hamilton with a lady crowd was Mr. Kelly, of Kinkora. friend, whose running mare “Longspin” . , Donald Corlett, Dornoch ave us was by mistake awarded only hfthlabrief "U n, . , ’ g . . . . ‘ ca on ruddy. posmon 1n the first race instead of. “ I 7 _ a third. Kelly only claimed what was, SChOOI 0105“}3191'9709 “ ednesddy fair and knew he’d get a better p0” of last week. .‘uiss “011‘ returned to sition next time when he came out. her home in Glcnel 0° 5. second and was awarded second Mrs. John Cain, of Brant, Visited . money. To a dissatisfied competitor, her aunt here last week. “ho “'ahfpr’l fn 1‘11“ 41.n -.-_ _- o , , Flora, \Vm. Matthews, Glenelé, 22, 2nd. Topsy B, Mr. McIntosh, Dor? Little Nettie, Ed Wellwocd, Dundalk, 45, Plevmar, Herb \Vilkins, Owen Sound. 2 3, Jubilee \V Arnold,G1eenoch, 6 Rattler, C. E. Pearce, Owen J.” 3rd Allan Jackson, Lady Stanton, Thos. Jackson, V\'alkerton,1 1 4 1, John Matheson, Cbatsworth, 4 4, Maggie Murphy, E Murphy Mt. Forest, 5 5 3 4, Open Run. Owned by lst. Prize J. M. Vroman, _ Fergus, l l 1 Is; ‘ :- Ulsufl from Jr Horne, .Ramag Vollet, A. Livi From Jr J ter, L. Shaw, V Noble, L Lean, B Maud M, Herb Wilkins, 3 3 l 4 .0 a uxssatxsned competitor :d to run the race again, he do so if ten dollars were a stake, but Frank didn’t Shirley ”Helms/3‘3, Ill; Mabel Cameron , John McFarlane Lela Warmington " v ”i5 , L ELBF i Lavelle, Frank! “mm-‘0“: Ninnie‘ Hutton. 1-â€"l)ora David- ,Ev va Mocklor, Raster, L‘ddie Luveilo, Minnie 11101111 Mamie Milli; THE DURHAM CHRONICLE, July 8th, 1897. Miss Maud I)a1‘,gavel Dornoch visiting at Mi. Hunt’ 3. , Varney ::::'§*Pumac Â¥ :2: Séfieaker? a: 7’ iamm.-- ne â€"â€"-‘-V“ Dearboru 515., ()verflmving with' 98. Contains the Her Majesty, with remarkable reign, Diamond Jubilee. Tremendous dema Cmnmissirm 50 p1 Freight paid. ()U' Write quick for on DOMINION CO: I’ YOIT PATERSUNâ€" -In Bull for Service. GEO R I_ Mrs. S. James, Seaforth, suffered 'for years with what is called old peeple’s rash. She was treated by ‘ 'siciuns without any result. ', the local drug‘gist, recom- mended Dr. Chase’s Ointment. which relieved the irritation at once and speedily eflected a, permanent . , I cure of the skin eruption. Mrs] James also savsz hr mum”. n. . OUNGâ€" JIFNTMOH residence nf the bride’s parents, Glenelg, by Hpv. J. \V. Kim-hing. B. A. Mr. Gm. L. \mmg to Miss Sadie Hunt, all of Detroit. June 30th, at the U Messrs. Hunt. and Coutts have pur- chased binders f1 om Mr. John Living- ston. ' I The thermometer registered 100 {in the Shade on‘Sundav in nnr In”..- Horne, B. Smith, F. Grasby, 2nd. Ferguson. Fr_om Jr A 1st to Intermediateâ€" Mrs. “’11). George, Sault Ste Mario is on an extended visit to her parents. Mr. John I-‘innigan accompanied by MISS Mark '16. visited the home 01 the latter in Elm wood recently. I ‘l â€" DRGE-In Dentinck on the 3m 1‘ _ . George of a daughter Uh. Oh lit as’ tle es 7‘ girl Oint _ 0t Eefluent a1 em so a on} our xerf ed 1 ' ace us Dr. Chase’s Ointment cured Hiram Frey, of Norwood, after suffering ten 'ears w'o 4 ., n3“ ‘ ,n1_.h Eczema: of the leg. go on suffering as he did for years with Salt Rheum. when a few boxes of Dr. Chase’s Ointment will cure you. Q ' ' I -â€"Agents for “ Quoeni 'Dm’F “11 E Victoria. Her Reign and l Oats """ ; ' Diamond J u bilee." fl’eas ....... with- latest and richest pictnr- i Barley ..... IS the endorsed biographv of Hay ...... , with authentic History of'her B t ” reign, and full account of the: u ter "" blilee. 011113 $1.50. {Big Imuk, Eggs per d< ( emand. onanza or agents. _, .. 50. per cent. Credit given. Sp‘pltes p OUTFIT FREE. Duty mid. ‘0'”3 033"“ for outfit and territory, ‘HE 1‘ lour per c COMPAIV Y, Dept. 7. _ 356 I Oatmeal per , Chicago. 8 "‘ Home, L. Kinnee, K. Nester. C. Ramage, W. Falkingham. C. Vollet, I. Campbell, F. McKinnon, A. Livingston. From Jr B 1st to Sr A lstâ€"E. Hun- ter, L. Harris, M. Gun. B. Brad- shaw, \V. Campbell. B. WiISOH. E. Noble, J. Park. M. McCrie, J. MC" Lean, B. Saunders. â€"-1n L‘gremont on daughter of Mr. .6tA-- . Dgan, of Clinton, says not to i6 skin eruption. Mrs. says Dr. Chase’s Oint- l her of Itching Piles had been troubled with BORN. --â€"-..,,... 0.. ". "O H , aged 1 yam: leter registered 1000 Sunday in our burg. VICKERS. the 3rd inst, “I the ‘ aruule ooooooooooooooooooooo ’bmk Eggs per doz ............... 959118. Apples. . . . per bag .......... -~ Turkeys per lb ............... Geese per lb ............ . ..... Ducks per pair ...... . ....... )RD Chickens per pair ............ m. 3 : Dressed Hogs per cwt. . . ..... "Hides....per 1b.... , Sheepskins ....... June 24th and M: s. Repairs of A full car I Twine early being lots N0. 3 and «I «m t (SUH(’OSFIOH. Hurtln of Durham llwm . township (if (ile‘enolg, Nlm'ws (Jun 3 under cultivation : llw l'l'.‘l)l.‘tll!ll(1 h . lmrdwoml bush. (haul frmnv lmun ' barn, small orchard and “o“ “More For fnrtlmr partimflars amsly OVVlJOl‘ “"31. I)A\ It ‘. ltlrfiarvesfmg A h LERS, and PI (“VS I lenty of them in stock. A Car loa_d of Bu NO‘V is the time to buy; your Binders and 1310“"- ers and be sure and [my I only Massz Harris luachines. They are sure and reliable and will not fail‘ to satisfy you. A full stock of Wagons and 111 car load alrived. ine cally {10m (S cts u min, of all kinds kept ire Insurance pwmpt is} Issuer of Marriage Lice WM. CALDEI ) DURHAM, July Machine Oil Machine Oil OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO A splendid eeylon blend tea at 25, /. O, :30 natural flavor retained in sealed lead packages. “ A Standing Offer ” T \VIN E ............. 37 to .37 ............ . ‘25 to 30 0112 ...... 417 5 Kept in stock. Omptly attended 7th, 1897. LOWCI‘ Town I. Get 3'0ur upwards. 10 to 10 HSGS. CEYLON TEA : I tgred 3000113 ‘GR. nam Bull “ 7 f " , (regis; pgdi ree) willutand for " ‘ winning Black mouth Ruck, (,‘nrnial‘ Wyanduttcs. Black .' burgs, Single Com Pekin Ducks, Rouen l’artrich (lookins fc A130 English Collie Bernard Dogs for 831 September . “'ri run. win, TH IN the'. (§ro‘ row 31-, by} milding In lOtS. Also Township ( Town plot, Mortgam money. AI Oct. 2nd. [1 C boa p and 0‘le from Durham. â€"â€" â€"-.v -v‘ Apply t6 JOHN FII casv to l [IN the Town of Durham, County of Grey, including a Valuable water ower, brxck d walling and many olegiLln uilding lots will be sold in «me or more lots. Also lot No. (30, con. “ \V ‘ h'. , Go 0 ’0 Township of lientiuck, 100 acres, adjuiniug: Town plot, Durham. Mortgages taken for part purchase money. Apply to concession, nnrth of I)!” township of (ileuelg, 80 under cultivation: the hardwood bush. Good {1 barn, small orchard and v For further mmmnm 'l'ra verston Feb. 15th, #897. OT 0,” h. M. J. Davis JAMFS EDGE. End. Educ Hill, P. C 'W‘. 50 ACRE FARM FOR SALE. FLA- _- Johnston farm. (1 gumi “3191' on _ ..V... 1 Lblbb Eng Black Spanish Barred Ply- ’, Cornish Indian Games. Silver 3. Black Minorcas Silver Ham~ gle Comb Brofl'n Leghorns, s, Rouen Ducks. )qckjns for sale in fall NA ..... THE EDGE PROPERTY. , name barn, stone use, sheds. (to. ha: d in horse stable. hard. “ ill be sold 1 r' Jparticularsa plyt \i ()S. CURBE’F’I‘ . \V. LANG 30x 95 K, “Macros nwre or less, 80 livafinn and known as the farm. Buihlings fairly rater 0n flan. plum; a short school. '1'0 a satisfactory terms of payment will be (‘IIARJOIINSTON But do not miss it and particulars write ', (‘mlsistilg WP,“ wa tor \ ”\“Illli' )0 sold in «me or mure (30, 0011., .5.\\'. Gr. h‘. ck, 1(1) acxes, adjoining. I37, macw : the ren 30d frame and “911* ’orta Fl InTH, Durham ; Vickers P. O t0 9 fuundation. ‘3’ mow over First class on favorable rum. 4 miles me huua‘e. fl mm H “atv led, applv to flu Ila D urha m nmindet arriston DUB“ Prairie, 11/0 acre-s n the. third 022d. in the grill. altd 1der gmd use. flame of 1m Oilt. EST. Ma u ‘I’ ‘ Rafts Issued and g.” a“ 90in“. Deposits “lowed at our Standald Bank ufi who 3nd Residence 8 13¢ a McAllimer's Ho m. Lower Town. 0“ n u o'clock. Diseases of EYE. E WAT ' NEUSIIAD'I win. he at the Cc ”flue, first Wed} ' o‘u. lie-ad 9'"; ‘ .ttention and 35'9") Durham Ag‘ “one: x “the Iii ];\l’. I’. JAHIESON. Durha $3.1m Lt UGH M acKA'i awr und Luce: Gunny of Grey. r 30 bad notes cashed Authorized . LIES CARSON Auctioneer in [and Vulntwr, Bniii w Sole. cud a.“ 0! Med toâ€"htghest I noun-ed. DB. Medical Dire! OHN QUEEN, 0 Q renamed hi~I old I db Ian sny amou mu. Old mung! ~t liberal terms. mcfiwmdin the at. lowest. um. inU P. 0.. 1 ARR! Baowx AMES BRO WN licenses. Durham allowed 00 I of '1 .‘nd ‘ genera nmd (0 u u)! (110! to Clerk Division C land V3130“)!z Elliott. 85. Legal DIV Deposits tea 1 at current LEFROY In M( 1W zscrll a '1‘ Tar . REID. 1101 110 r am HIS! iiow hxtyl 38¢

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