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Durham Chronicle (1867), 15 Jul 1897, p. 9

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rvei- E___SECUBIH 0039 [x II I). u. ‘3 V brim I Femalo fills. i" .33}! thistm, 1... nun R! IM m PA Y! Our M Reaper; 8mm [1'3 utmz 'OW 3". W! "I have the largest assortment aml muploy the very latest. and most improved methods for propagat- ing. All suck carefully packed un- der «mr pel‘b’ulml mmervision and all new varieties tested at. our trial farm: 'mfm'o being catalogued. TlH'r-W' are the only testing orchards vommvmcl with any Nurspry in the farms DC Thesm are ('onn noted Domi'x ion figa'fi‘is Wants; l‘lstinaute‘fi turmsneu [or supplylug emil n orchards. \\ 'ny buy of foreign concprns or of middlmneu when you can purchase as cheaply from us and get. better \‘nhw. 0H1‘8t06ki3 Canadian grown and on application. 8001 i muu THE Lz-mmxu CANADIAN TREE MEN ,v . -\V,-- -7- l‘ pursuant tn Chapter 110. Section 363 --of tlw Revised Statutes of Ontario 1887 and l Amending Acfs, that all creditors and otherl persmis having claims against the estate Of the almwe named William Harqrave, deceas-l ed, wlm died cm or album. the twentyfmlrth dav “f April A. D. 1897, are re uired to deliver or send hv 10st pre aid to t 0 under- siglleil.snlicitul's fur Ullgalt McCormick and Jusepli Steulumsrm, the executors of the last ‘ will and 'l‘estzmient of the said William llargrave, deceased, on or before the TWENTY- savm'm Day of JULY, 1897, their christian and surnames, addresses and descriptinus, with full particulars of their claims, a statement. of their accounts and the nature nf the securities (if any) held by them. _ ‘ ‘ I D .‘ o _ - AL _ L STOEE" 0' WE EUHGTUN, Toronto. F ON THILL NURSEfilES II. H8332? to CHEDHUBS UPPER TOWN, DURHAM. 'l|clllo And noticeis herehy further given that after the said last mentioned date the said executors will proceed to distribute the assets ofthe said estate among the parties entitlul thereto having regard only to the clainu ..t which notice has been received as abm'w rm nirml ; and the said executors will not he lia ile for the assets so distributed or any part thereof to any person or persons \thsi- claims or demand notice shall not have been received at the time of such distrilmtion. Datml this twelfth «layof June A. D. 1897, LUCAS, WRIUllT I‘EATSPN, 1“, L 700 Acres iahrubs, Ros es, Vines r :3 Seed Potatoes. New Prints from 50 up. New Dress Goods from 80 up. New lace Curtains from 250 a. pair up. New Table Oil (‘loth 45" wide, white and @0101 ed . {1w Blatftel' 0f the Estate Of. Wil liam I‘largrave. late of the Town ship of Egremout, in the County 01 Grey, Farmer, deceased. Human IS HEREBY_ MGI‘VEE 37,??? £1 Cfiiifafiflfll TREESGrant's Hogue attention givzen to Park, and Boulevard orders. furnished for supplying (Engfish or French) free d to Bayresenwg. . Uwen Sound, Oilt, Suhuturs for the executors' . . . ’11: ‘As our Harvest 1s fast ap- of preaching and it is bound to be a bountiful one, be sure 1N ' you have the necessary tools. “i, We have a large stock of for the month of July. “73 intend making this one of the best if not. the best month for Children’s Clothing we thtI‘ had. We are giving: a DRIVE in some odd pairs of Oxfords. LIGHT PRINTS in large Patterns heavy (110th, regular 12.50 good. We make them to clear at 80 At this price they are a big snap and wen’t last long. Cash 0 Butter 0 Eggs 0. 1: GRANT. PAINT OIL, COAL OIL, HARNESS OIL, CASTER OIL. AXLE GREASE. HOOF OIN'l‘MEN'I‘, FLY EXTER- MINATOR, PINE TAR, etc. See our Dry and Mixed Paints for House, Carriage, W'aggon and Implement use. Don’t forget_ our Such as Table Brush, Stove Brush, Horse Brush, Scrub Brush, Finger Brush, Carpet Sweeper, Etc. We have a No. 1 Clothes Wringer. Our Silverware in superior and Tin- ware is in great demand. Forks, Hoes, Spades, Shovels, Scythes, Sickles Hand- les, etc. CHILBREN’S SUITS Licensed Auctioneer. Agent for Farm Implements and Machinery. Noxon’s Binders, Mowers, Drills, Spring Tooth Harrows, best in the in the market. Guards, Sections, etc., for all kinds of machines. Pianos, Organs and Sewing Machines. Money to loan on farm property at lowest rates. Conveyancing, Leases. Wills, Mort- gages, etc.. drawn up on short Waterloo Threshers for sale at ware- rooms. Patronage solicited. CHRONICLE OFFICE. S. T. ORCHARD, Upper Town. We have a few pieces of WM. BLACK No. I MABHINE Dll, 5. T. ORCHARD, BARGAINS IN Sharp’s old. Stand.- THE fiURHAM‘ CHRONICLE, July ‘15th, 1597. Brushes Durham. McCRACKENâ€"In Durham on Sundqy nmrning. July 11th, May, the eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel McUrachen. Aged 20 years. MIDDLETON~At the Rocky Sangeen on \Vednesday, July 7, Mr. Edward Mid- dleton. Age 17 years. WALLACEâ€"-SUTHERLANDâ€"At Poplar ‘xrove. by Rev. Mr. Jansen, 0.: Thur» day, July 8th. Mr, W. N. Wallace, 0f \Vingham, to Miss Elsie E. Sutherland, of Durham. Deering Binders and Mowers They Lead Them All ! Maxwell Binders, Mowers Horse Rakes, Pea, Harvesters, Turnip Sowers, Scufflers Flows and every modern Im- plement for Farm Work. One Car Binder Twine BEST BRANDS. Canada Carriage Co’s ‘arriages, Buggies, etc. ‘Chatham and Snow Ball S 93.1an 809$90€393699 8."; 5 Be «:5 Bell, Berlin and Goderich Pianos. Thomas Organs, Woodstock A few good COOKING STOVES left at and below cost. CHAS. McKIN N ON , C. MCKINNON. I have prescribed Menthol Plaster!!! a number ofcmes u! neuralgia and rheumatic pains, and am very much pleased with the enacts and pleasantness of its Implication-JV. u. CARPEN- TER. M.D.. Hut!!! Ofifgrgl, Bostul}. nus. any” nuwn Ucuv-u. um-wm I have used Mambo! Hum-s in sevaml cues of muscular rheumatism. and and in every can thatit voalmnhtiusmntandpermanentronci. ...J_, 30“; M. n ,_ Washjnutmz. ILC. 'l't'CiIiés'éé'i'zit'ic-a, Lmufiagn. Neu- ralgia, Pains m Back up Side, or any Muscular Paws. ” V! fiTHQL lPUngER Price Davis Lawrence (30., Ltd; 250. Sole Proprxcnn's, Mox'rzu-LAL. MARRIED. FOR SALE BY -- DEATHS. {36360 m ange tree takes our fancv. It, is now-five years old, in bloom and hear- ing fruit in all stages of development from the fragrant blossom to the lus- cious orange, fully ripe. The remains of Mrs. James John- ston who passed away, after a linger- ing’ illness at the age of sixtydhree. were buried in Flesh'erton cemetery on Thursday last, Mr. Mahan impro- ving the occasion by preaching from John 10â€"11 I am the Good Shepherd etc. Mrs. Johnston was. for many years a consistent member of the Methodist Church, a faithful follow- er of the Lord and Saviour, whom havrng not seen she loved. A sor- rowing husband, one son \V. H. and one daughter,Mrs. Jas. Ludlow, both ofSPort Huron survive her. The Baptist Sabbath School, here, drove out to the 4611 line and joined the S. School of that place in a picnic in Mr‘. Stafiord’s grove on Thursday last. Rev’s Thom and Rodger addressed the Orangemen at Eugenia on Sun- day last while Rev. Mr. Malian per- formed a similar dutv at the Station. The Flesherton lacrosse team sufiered defeat at the hands of tho Dunda‘ak team at Dundalk on Thurs- day last â€"-Scorse 6-3. _ - A ---- Mr. Bert Hooey wheeled from Orillia and paid Mr. and Mrs. Neil a visit last week Mr. and Mrs. Tomlinson and Miss Veris were visiting in Toronto. Capt. C. J. Sproule of Port Rowan, is spending a few days with old' friends. Mr. R. \Vright of HagarS-l ville is also among the holiday visi- tors. Miss Mart Wright is visiting in Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. VanDusen visited their daughter, Mrs. \V.J. Douglas. in Collingwood. Miss Bella Henderson of'l‘oronto, is visiting her brother, Mr. R, N. Henderson. Miss Gailey of Toronto is visiting at Mrs. Flesher’s. Mrs. E Gaudin of Long Island. is visiting her daughter, Mrs. W. H. Thurston. Rev. Mr. Thom attended Orangeville Presby- tery on Tuesday and Spent the fol- lowing day with old friends at ,Arthur. Mr. A. M. Gibson is holio |daying with friends in Toronto. Mr. Bert. Osborne of Nottawa sundayed W1th Mr. and Mrs. Bellamy. Miss Osborne, teacher at Richmond Hill, and Mrs. Thompson of the same place are the guests of the farmer’s sister, Mrs. W. J. Bellamy. Miss Bannon and Miss Nixon of Dundalk, visited the farmer’s sister, Mrs. W. A. Armstrong. Mr. Jas. Stafford, B,l taluablc syrup so as to tax: am a, un: A., and wife, of Morrlsburg were pleasant tasteofturpentine and linseed. \VE visiting relatives here. OFFER to refund the price if Dr. Chase's (Intended for last issue ) Syrup will not do all that it is claimed to do. Dominion Day was celebrated here Sold on aguarantee at all dealers. or Edman- with an interesting lacrosse game son, Bates Co.. 45 Lombard 51. Price. 251:. between the Dundalk and Flesherton 99 teams resulting in a victory for the W“ visiting team, 5- 1. The DundalkI Silver band accompanied the visitorsI -~â€"--â€"~â€"~ ~ ~ and joined our own band in a general â€"A,R‘8nt8 for “ Q0661! ‘ 10' Jh d f th d toria Her Reign and Diam- marc to an tom 6 groun 8‘ ond Jub1lee ” mOverflowing There was a large number of epect a-‘ with latest and richest pic- tOTS present In the 9‘79”an 8 very itures. Contains the endorsed biograph of pleasant and successful garden party iHer Majesty with authentic Histo her ,remarkable reign. and full aeooun of the Diamond Jubilee. Onl 31.50. Big book. Tremendous demand. a for agents. unde1 the auSpices of the Methodist church was held on Mrs. J. W. Armstrong’s Spacious grounds. The Of all Editor ‘l‘hurston’s curios his tors present” 1" DUU UVUUIU.‘ ll VUIJ :EIU'UB. UUIIWIIID DIIU vuuvuww w- pleasant and successful garden party \ Her Majesty, with authentic Hig't‘cr? M her nemarkable reign. and full account of the under the auspices of the Methodist . . . . b . church was held on Mrs. J. W- gfifififiiufibé'ifimgmfiflflu cfimmfi'é. Armstrong’s spacious grounds. The Commission 50 per cent. Crag:t 8"“. Y ' Fre‘ ht id. OUTFIT Fans. id. Dundalk band remamed over and‘w 1t“; I321: for outfit “de y. '9‘}!!! coutributed much to the evening’ynaul IUN COMPANY. Dept. 37‘ 35¢ enJoyment, . 3 Durham St.. Chicago. FLESHERTON . Rev. Mr. Little of Dornoch preach- ed excellent anniversary sermons in the Presbyterian church on Sunday. There were large congregations pres- ent. A festival and garden party in connection with the same is in pro- gress this Monday evening. Dr, E. K Richardson, of Toronto, Junction spent Dominion Day at home here. Mr. C. Munshaw is home from the Business College. Owen Sound. Mr. Thorp \Vright, of Weston, Mr. Edwin Wright, of St. Louis, Mrs. J. T. \Vright of Wichita. Kansas and Miss May Damude, of Toronto spent the holiday with old friends and relatives here. Mrs. R. Trimhle visited her daughter. Mrs; Crane of Owen Sound. Miss Lizzie Gordon, of Brooklyn} N.Y.. is the guest of Miss Maud Richardson. Mr. Ernest Armstrong is home from Toronto and Miss Sara Strain from Alma College, St. Thomas. Mr W. Talbot. east back line, had a valuable span of horses drowned in the mill pond here on Monday, Mr. Talbot was working with the team in the mill yard and left them stand- ing forashort time while he went into the mill. On his return the team was missing and supposing they had run away he started up town in pursuit. Shortly after the end of the stone boat to which they were hitched was noticed pro- tuding out of the water and the horses were found beneath it at the bottom of the pond in over 20 feet of water. It is supposed they made for a drink and getting beyond their depth, sank, being trammeled by their harness. WE CLAIM there is only one preparatial in Canada to-day that is guaranteed to cur. BRONCHITIS. and thnt is DI. cm?! 8'8" 0F MISSED AID "WENT“. It is MOTH- ER'S cure for her child when it is all stuffed up with CROUP and coughing its little lung! out with WHOOPING COUGH. One small dose immediately stops that cough. By loosening the phlegm, puts the little one to sleep and rest. Dr. Chase compounded thin

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