Home. and u would utk Slc'k one W .1! D008 180 3 discovers tention to gm. early an age, Hy attendant will then b. )l' ll M: In "a )ll- A l. ang may 1 US never uut Jen m 1r .s‘( "'6 rtor ho "I am fault into cost [1) hand [the )fl 13 The routine of her day is a combin- ation of private and pubiic functions, In the morning. like any other lady of leisure. she works a little at her easel. tries over new music. receives friends and relatives. attends to personal vor- respontlem-e. or experiments with the t-amera. a favorite pastime. No 'one may call upon the Princess without an inntation. and even personal friends must await the intimation that she wishes to see them. After luncheon the real, business of the day begins in the (ulltlment of the never-end engage- )eets her poeitbn entails. '1‘ dinner TQL-uce by ' ern side of here- is the fee; square] are two Louis XVl. cabinets mounted in orniolu. inlaid with exquisite woods and ivory plaques. Its western door leads to the famous Indian room, a favorite with the Princess of Wales. and where dinner parties of medium size are given. This room, form- 'xrly the library. is stovked with price- le.~s treasures of art in curios. weap- 0113. 'and jewels. among them a gold tray from Mysore. q wonderful piece In the current number of The Cos- mopolitan there is a pleasantly writ- ten article descriptive of the outward appearance and the internal economy of the royal mansion. Architecturally it is unpretentious enough. A narrow t':ll'l‘lllge-W8y leads up to a spacious quadrangle formed by the main build- ing and its wings, and here isthe main entrance to the house guarded by a row of fine bay trees set in wooden boxes. Mntries are constantly on duty at the gates and a number of police officers are also on hand day and night. One of them in plain clothing is detailed to fellow the Princess of Wales. always at a respectful distance. should she walk abroad alone.which she usually doesin going to York House. On one side of the quadrangle is the block of build- ings devoted to the domestic depart- ment of Marlborough House. Here is stuated the kiuhen. 35 by 25 feet in extent and fitted with every modern trtnvenience. There is only one kit- ehen. but it is conveniently placed and not like that in Buckingham Palace. a quarter 01 a mile distant from the royal dining apartment. The stables are ext-irked with between 40 and 50 horses, none too many for the large household. l'nder a glass enclosure the royal car- riages are placed to be cleaned. and among them is the " Russian." uphols- tered in dark blue Morocco, and the l’rznt-e’s brougham. a masterpiece of mnifort and t'onvenient°e and lined in the same eolor. ()pYN‘UilP the domestiv department are the offices u here Sir Leghton l‘robyu, the Comptroller of the lltbseliotd. transm‘ts affairs, and bll' l-ran is Knoiiys. the Prince's Pri- vate a'et'retury. there are no conservâ€" alurms on the plate, but a species Of bul‘SUlutd exists in the glass-covered pt l‘lit'U upon which the drawing room Opens into the garden. Its floor is tiled in blue and yetmw, and it, is fur~ "shell with a View purely to corn- fm't. llere guests smoke and lounge on the 'lurkey-retl t'ouches, while a sumll. white marble fountainJuxuriant \i. til ferns and water plants, tinkles n ght and day. the drawing room of Marlborough House is 01‘ spacious proportions. It is enlarged troni “hat was formerly a an in oi three apartments. and pillars- mark the trginul inisions. Amongst the UiIJmlh ct' \ itu to be seen there are l\\0 louis \\l. ( :ibinets mounted 611' Fraud vaLe Sevre Btuhes on subsutute portlco up< opens into tiled in M1 Myra. At. her death it afforded room fur the art collection which developed mm the South Remington Museum,and zn the year 1863 it passed to its pre- sent owners. . {lTSt lease granted to the Duch- .1 . 1 Marlborough of the site now oc-, '\ (.11, i h} the London residence of the h z; v and Princess of \V ales stipulat- :a :1.†the garden of the ancient “Fri- ,“ “ simuld not be desecrated with lllLfJuJ". Therefore it is that the I 1 _. r ‘m on the Pall Mall can see the {4(~ (i lofty elms, of evergreen oaks I10 .s'nuts in the heart of London. f'ortunate enough to get beyond {ml 8!! n. 1m :uy entrance gates may find his ‘1 1 .n a smooth and shady lawn lymc u. «IW side of the plain, red-brick struc- Hum ltunVfl as “ Marlborough IIOBSB.†l l .. the beginning of the present cen- 2! vv thP deswndants of John Church- ..: it first Duke of Marlborough. liv- e: n the mansion. But upon the mar- r.tg" of Prince Leopold, afterwards K ng of Belgium. to the young Princess t't. it'lotte it became the scene of their tr wt but, happy union. Later the Dow- igvr Queen Adelaide found a home Parse and Piincess of Wales at Home hes on the p rstnlute exists two upon whi us inw the d in blue anu [led with a Chart book mailed free on applica- tion to The S. S..[Ryck1na,n Medicine 00., 'W, Haxmlton. Ont. edv ing R yckmans Kootenay Cure, and now I am free from all blood disorder, Rheumatism, Sm'ofulla, and skin dis- gases,‘ and my gurp was effected_solely THE DOCTOR SAYS SO. DIR. FISHER SW'EARS SO. KOUI'ENAY DID IT. -Mr. Jacob Fisher, who is employed by the Niagara Falls Paper Co, of Niagara Falls, TN. Y., suffered for a. long time from Rheumatism, Strrofula, and blood disorder, He took Kooten-ay Cure, and now is J'erfedLly free from disease. He has been examined by Dr. J. H'. Suth- erland, who demares him in “a perfect state of health, and free. from any disease.†Mr. Fisher himself made a sworn decilaration as follows: “I am the same person examined by D11. J. H. Sutherland. For over a year I was a sufferer from Rhemnatism, Sorofula and blood disorder. I dommenced tak- Print-e. After being! severely clubbed. 14 students and a fellow and lecturer of one of the (oileges w ere arrested and fined for (Immkmmess and disorderly (1911MB 11) Yhe Police Court, whiib othexs “we fi-me‘d Hy the university authorities for fighting the police. Oxford'celehmted a recent visit of the Prince of \lees by an old-fashioned town and gown row of unusual pro- portiomn The: stu‘dentbs undertook to «lean sidewalks and streets by march~ img in compact bodies with. arms inter- locked and ran against the metropoli- gm; poliaemfn, sent up to prot_ec_t_thp [REE mum DISEASE What stronger proof than the above can be had for the claim that Dr. Wil- liams’ Pink Pills cure when all other medi1ines fail’ If \ou are ailing give this great medi1 me a fair trial and the result will not disappoint you. The puhlii are cautioned against numerous pink colored imitations. Insist upon tiking nothing but the packages \1 hich bear the full trade mark, “Dr. \Vil- liams' Pink Pills for Pale PeOpIe.“ Dear Sirs,â€"-1 have great pleasure in bearing testimony to the medicinal value of Dr. W'illiams’ Pink Pills, as a. blood purifier and health restorer. For ten yearslwasavictim to a complica- tion of troubles, beginning with quin- sey and followed ‘by rheumatism and bronchitis. My {physicians told me the trouble had become chronic, amd that every winterlwould either have to house mysrlf my or go to awarmer climate. Two years ago I was con- l'ined to my bed and mom flrom Febru- ary until May under the doctor’s care. One day while reading of the cures wrought by the use of Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills, ll“ dealer'minied to try them, and l fownd a cure at last in this splendid medicine. I used a. dozen boxes of the pills and I have never been better in my life than I am now, and l have not been troubled in any way with my old complaints sini-e I disconâ€" tinued the use of the Pink Pills. As I have already stated [was a sufferer for years, and during that period spent a small fortune in doctor’s medi- ci'ne and drugs, only to find in the end that Dr. Williams Pilnk Pills accomp- lished what all other medicines failed to do. When my friends who know how often [was laid aside with illness .isked me what cured me Iam always happy to say Dr. \Villiams’ Pink Pills. 3 ours gratefully MR5. J. A. McKIll/L Cataraqui. Mr. and Mrs. McKim are among the best known and most esteemed resi- dents at Cataraqui, Ont. Mr. McKim has been a travelling salesman for pianos and organs in the district in which he resides for upwards of twenty-five yeaa‘S. hour is half-past 8, unless an earlier is named to enable the august family to attend the theatre or some other even- ing__am_us_ement_. _ The Prince of \Vales retires late but rises early. He is described as a thor- ough man of business and the soul of pun1tua11ty His first breakfast is served at 9 o'clock in his own sitting room. after which he opens his corres- pondewe himself. answers personallet- ters and indicates on the margin of others what replies he wishes his Sec re- tary to make. Sir Francis Knollys [ills this position, while Miss Knollys is (ompanion and indeed otl‘ er self to the Princess. About 11 o’clock the Comptroller arrives and interviews the Prince daily, after which he drives out or may be seen walking up St. James street, or gooing to York or Clarence House on Even to a greater ex- tent than the Princess he is in demand at public functions. These are of every deS1r1ption and, bored or not, his duty must be done. In truth, his unfailing amiability. and also that of his wife. is proverbial. It has earned them the re- putation of being the most popular pair in the British Isles. “at Dr. WIIIIams' Pink I’ll]: Cure When other Medic-Ines Fallâ€"What They love Done for Others They Will Do for You. No remedy of modenn times has of- fered more, or stronger proof of its sterling merit than has Dr. \Villiams’ Pin-k Pills. The cures are not those of people in foreign lands, but from all parts of our own country, and the statements made are easiily verified by everyone in the vii-inity in which the cures reported occur. When such proof as this is offered dou‘bt must cease. and the medicine must be awarded the palm of an riority over all others. Every mail rings letters from grateful people in all parts of Canada, who have been cured by the use of Dr. \Viilliams’ Pink Pills, some- times after {years of illness and after other medicines had failed, and it is the words of gratitude Spoken by sufferers th'us restored to health that has created the enormous demand this medixrine has. The following letter is but a fair Sample of hundreds con- stantly being rereivedzâ€" The Dr. \Villiams’ "Medicine Cb. THE MOST CONVINCING AND ABSO- LUTE PROOF GIVEN. OXFORD STUDENTS' H'ILARITY. the use ' of the above named rem"- PUT TO THE TEST. Wm?“ 28. 00 212.1322“ Tickets Good {or 00 Days. 800 tho Win- nipeg Exhibition. .1111? 10 to 84. For any information, maps. â€0-. write to W. D. SCOTT. Manitoba Government Emigration Agent. m York Strut. Toronto was when the earth was in its first youth. and before there was any land showing at all, or any animal life in the water. At this time the.water was gradually cooling from its original state of steam. and the salts were slowly undergoing the change from gases into solids. Then came the appearance of land, and later on rivers, which grad- ually washed down more and more salts, while at the bottom of the ocean itself chemical action was constantly adding more brine to the waters. At present it is estimated there. are in the world's oceans 7,000,000 cubic. miles of salt, and the most astonishing thing about it is that if all thus salt could be taken out in a moment. the level of inch. MANITOBA mï¬Ã©ï¬gflfl The Catalan Paciï¬c Railway Will run Thu-o. Excursion: to launch; on June 29. July 6 and so. There was once a time when the ocean, although not fresh. .was merely brackish and not salt as It 1_s now. This To cultivate a calm. hopeful spirit lies in the use of Putnamfe Painless Corn Extractor. It never falls. It makes no sore spots on the flesh and is therefore painless. It relieves promptly, CA N AFFORD IT. glaremceâ€"Pa, What is a philosoph- let . Mr. Callimrsâ€"A man whose money 18 Well invested. Be not deceived. A Coughs Hoarse- ones or Croup, are not to be trifled with. A dose in time of Shiloh's Cure will save you muoh trouble. Sold by all druggists. TROUBLE FOR THE SULTAN. A woman's journal has peen started in Constantinople, 1n whlch the doc- trine of the equality of the sexes is vigorously advocated. Nerviline is a joy also. No remedy in the world equals it. Neuralgia and rheumatism are (relieved almost in- stantly and minur aches and 8.1118 are cured by a single applicatlon. erviline is sure to cure. “.A THING OF BEAUTYJS A JQY," Cure the tough with Shiloh's Cure. The best Cough Cure. Relieves Group promptly. One million bottlessold last year. 40 doses for 25 cents. Sold by all druggists. Wheeler is going to sue the railroad company for $500 damages for the loss of his bicycle, which was destroyed while being carried in on eof the bag- gage cars. â€" How does he figure $500 damages? One hundred for the wheel and four hundred {or the injury ‘to his feel- ings. A Earth is the only one of the four ele- mean that never shows unkindness to a cum Extract - - One bottle. letschmann' e Yeut - One half to one cake. ugar - - Two pounds. Cream of Tartar - - One half ounce. Lukewarm Water - 7 Two gallons. Dissolve the wear, cream of tartar and yea» In the water, add the extract. and bottle . place in a warm glare for twenty four hours unt'l lt fermente. t e11 ‘ace on ice, when it will open aparklin, cool and delicious. The ginger beer can ce 0 talned in all drug and grocery storee [n 10 cent battles to make two gauche. 7 8333 you’ve never fallen off a. wheel, have you? Heâ€"lBut.'you must admit that you seldom see a rider who 18 perfectly up- right. You know that youOhave always call- ed your wife your. lute? Yes. \Vhat of 1t? Not-hing; only a. man has just taken your life. Shiloh's Consumption! Cure cures where others faiL. It In the leading Cough Cum, and no home should be without it. Pleasant to take and goes right to the mat. Sheâ€"The talk about the immorality of_picy9_ling is all nonsense. Cholly, splashing about in the briny â€"Oh, girls, I love the ocean! It does me ugood. " A ‘1‘ A! Beware of Ointments for Catarrh that Contain Mercury, as mercury will surely destroy the sense of smell and comp etely do range the whole system when entering it through the mucous surfaces. Such articles should never be used except on prescriptionl lrom reputable physicians. as the damage they will do is ten fold to the cod you can possibly derive from them. Hal ’8 Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney 8: 00., Toledo, 0., contains no mercury. and 14 taken Internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. In buying Hall's Catarrh Cure be sure you get the genuine. It. is taken in- ternally, and made in Toledo, Ohio. by F. J. Cheney 8c (‘0. Testimonials free. Sold by Druggists, price 750 per bottle. Hall’s Family Pills are the best. DREADF U LLY NERVOUS. Gents:â€"-I was dreadfully nervous, and for relief took your Karl's Clover Root Tea. It qmeted my nerves and strengthened my whole Nervous Sys- tem. I was troubled with Constipa- tion Kidney and Bowel trouble. Your Tea soon cleaned my system so thor- oughly that I ra idl regained health and strength. 1‘ rs. ‘. A. Sweet, Hart- ford. Conn. Sold by all druggists. Queen Victoria is said to have twen- ty-five state carriages. MISS Bertâ€"Yes, and the salter the better. ‘ “afar iwoijld not drop one single NOT AL\\’AYS SALT WATER. ADAM'S GING ER BEER. atoms. 'A RARE CHANCE. BRIEF STATEALENT. HE NEEDED IT. AN ELOPELIEN '1‘. THAT HUMP. INEXPERIENCED MAN'TOBA and the Canadian N orth-West. Good going June 29. Return until Aug. 28 Good going July 6. Return until Sept. 4 Good going July 2 ). Return until Sept. 18 From all stations In Ontario, WIndoor, Onaplng, hull Ste. Marlo and East. For ratea, phamplets, time tables and full in- formation. apply to any Canadian i’aciflc‘ Hy. 'lgent, C. E. MCPHERBON, 1 King Street Kart. oronto. A Prize Winner in better than Prize Loosen 12 Gold Medals and 20 years before the people. of Boom and Shoes by J. D. King 8; Co. 'l‘o- ronto. A Goodyear Waited up-to-data Boot. No racks; no nailsr flex- ‘_ iblo: easy. It. wlfl non squeak. THE J. n. «mo 00., LTD., TORO N TO. ONTARIO. Save a prom: when you can use Can’t beat it for Wear-stands hot weather. A"? for Peerle-‘s Oil. Dealers all all it to their best customers. Its just as cheap as the ‘mWEEOM- â€The Quogn Olty on 3... Ltd. W I L L R U N Homeseekers’EXcun-sions DOCTORS RECOMMEND . LIA Ceylon Tea mâ€..';‘}°.".§'i 22' Samuel RizieRTIgegigen'tI,‘ {granâ€"(3." Use our Mica. Pearle-s or Gem Axle Grease Peerless Machine Canadian Typograph €0.,Ltd. WINDSOR. ONT. its Bearings are dust and oil prod. II oiled but once a. year. Will last a lifetime. Get a catalogue. MERIT Dentin: to 61m Nu ma. Surpass to push mu- “mu. Confectioners u loos! that you. leek-nic- to Wm Mr bola. Cook: to ch- ch um 18. mama-run, To clean tombstones. to polish mus. ‘l'o elm union. This in a word, in expressive of the reputation enjoyed by the FARMERS MANUFAOTURID BY TH. EVERY ONE FINDS A NEW USE. HERE ARE MANY @USES FOR @ Doctors’ Bills Are High Don't Pay Thom To "new oil-cloth. ‘l'o m point. To brightn- mil. Toner-blown. Tuvalu-taint. Toucan-M41“. fountain-Ho. hmnfl. Tom-rm EVERYBODY USES IT. YOU SAY HOW ? WJ’C. 875 Incinmtocuupuudm ummuwa‘m mum-mm Wuhan-almanac. mama-um Mada-Haydn. “Decatur!!!“ Ole-hubmnmm Onnuuulu’u thick-iv. â€dunno-roam!“ Whitman-It“ Wad-um MONEY MAKER PRICES only $15, $20, $30 CREELMAN BROS. -_- Georgetown, Ont. Patent Sleeps! flexible Insole ll COMBINATION WIT†OOIK andin the manufacture THIS IS FOR YOUâ€"Clothe your family from head to foot with our I For Truman write in ‘II Harris, headquarters for miieâ€"dâ€"metdl 25.3: wmaam st Tel. I729 BABBIT LADIES! McDowell'e New York Garment Drafting Machine rivals the rewing mo chine in usefulness. It amevery form, follow. every tuhlon. easy to learn and rapid to nee. Don't_be without, it.‘__Write for circular. ------ - -- DIUYUKBS 625'! .i U. {333's 5313357 313}: free. Power Cycle 00. ludiumpolin. Ind. l {fnlfl Bicyc‘ï¬s 8274' a {1:3}! 18 {Rdoï¬xatmogï¬ a. 6.1mm. BA.â€"A. mun-4.1“ Hm LL. Q" a“ “D. It. in. non Mm lore nudenu. so. .- 013“ mm: more young men cad woman mm M than my other (kn-din Butan- Bohool. (In D . Inn. Inter m Mm. Write W.l. SHAW. Princi sum, sneer-um, me {alarm would MILLS. HILLS 1. “ALB. Burt-um. 601th Abe dean changers. 35 Adel“1 S teat East, Toronto. Money (.0 Loan. G. DUTHIE 8; SONG Sheet, Metal Cellinge. Torre Com: Tile Black and Green Rooï¬ng Sla'e Metai nicee. Felt. Tet. Rooï¬ng ï¬nch. fer. Gut Downpipee. c., mpplie‘ï¬ae tte c. Telephone 1m Adele e a ,3! In" “I4 h“_‘ Keep your feet warm and dry. like all sensible people and wear m - 13.“; (noesSbeW‘sl‘ 5mm CATALOGUEMM‘IMPF. :smflm a. ooiiï¬uhiifiuï¬h’io'iï¬ioéï¬ti. OLD AND RELIABLI Babb] In.“ I“. DUI I Quantitiog E_VE_RY QUALITY. THE. i-Geuu'd sad Yugo Bu, Small or Large Harris Whoa you buy a carriage mat. sure Lbs: the To has 3 Roller Cum Lain. Some nu. scrupulous dul- era for the nu of a little exm proï¬t may try and no!) you I common to; la- aiat on huvlr: I Oonboy Roller on. hwxllatslltlm“ and under-all con- ditlona give ya. 055mm: ton 'Oh-‘Oo