La Prairie ' County of Me water ny elegille me or mote Digs I (flea ha and Eï¬sf: t w :a , good undatlon, km ow over. â€7-“ class. @ favorable iFORD flux, Irristnn {H ratered mly 0‘ miss it. EDGE Hill. I '0. later Orbs! ’W II 88 ‘ on P. U. HIP 0F i, at on \V HEM. .TY . DC R- I the third ml. in the rarcd. and rler good Iri‘. frame SALE, 3 write 4 miles 1mm m; '0 acres to Man. the OHN QUEEN, ORCHARDVILLE, has Q resumed his old business, and is prepsr odto losn sny smonnt of money on ten] estate. Old mortgages ps' of! on the mostliberslterms. Fire on Lif Insur- nncesefl'ectedin the best Stock Companies nt lowest rstes. Correspondence to Orchardvill P. 0.. or a call solicited UGH MacKAY, Durham, Land Valu star and Llcensed Auctioneer for the County of Grey. Sales promptly uteqded to and note. cashed. , AMES CARSON, Durham, Licensed e Auctioneer for the County of Grey Lend Veluetor, Beiliii’ oi the 20d Division Court Sale. and all other matters promptly “tended toâ€"higheet references furnished 1 required. Ofï¬ce and Residence a short distonee out of McAllister's Hotel, Lambton Street, Lower Town. Office hours from 12 t0 2 O'CJWRa Diseases of EYE, EAR, NOSE And THROAT. NEW, ONT. l ARRISTER. SOLICITOR etc. Ofï¬ce Uppor'l‘own,Durham. Collection and Agency promptly attended to. Searches made at the Registry Ofï¬ce. Licentiate of the Royal College of Physicians, Edinburgh, Scotland. Of- fice and Residence, opposite Temperance Hall, Holstein. Clerk Division Court. Notary Public. land Valuator. Insurance Axon Commoner, etc. Honey to lend. Mono invested for parties Farms bong t and sold. CONVBYANOBR ITO. A general ï¬nancinl business transacted (n. t n M dc or IoEtandard Bank, Durham. Will be at the Commercial Hotel. Prioeville, ï¬rst \Vednesday in each month. Officesâ€"First door east of the Dur- ham Pharmacy, Calder'a Block. Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries, Conveyancers, Etc. Orrlcnzâ€"In MchIy-re Block, Opposite the Knapp House, Lower Town, Durham Interest allowed on Savings ï¬nk de- poa'ts of .1 and upwards. Prompt attention and ovgry facility afford- ed customers _livH at_ a .diatanoo. n avuv. -- â€â€"'_U _ __._____ , ed. Drafts imued and colleeiione nude on all points. Deposits received and in- terest allowed at current rates. Reaidencaâ€"First door west of the Post Office. Durham. "U dUp. . . . . . 1M,“ genre Fund . . . . . 000,000 Agencies in all principal points in On. tario, Quebec, Manitoba, United sates and England. $21000 to loan at. the lowest rate of interest. A general. Banking business transact- I _n8_._‘ -A“-_L:-â€"- mAA- DMRRHGA, DYSENTERY. and “L BOWL COIPLAINT Bun,“ Quickatortheao ‘ °{Namath R. A. L. BROWN, mount) Uudhtmnlb'mm. Two“ “adiabatic. Standani Bank of Canada. AMES BROWN, Issuer ot Matting Wes, Durham, Ont. ARRISTER, Solicitor. etc. Ofï¬ce over C ' L. Grant's store. Lower Town. E: D. JAOISON 1m. '1‘. G. HOLT, L. D. s. SAVINGS BANK. J AMIESON, Durham. Durham Agency. lload ofï¬ce, Toronto. G. LEFROY McCAUL. Elliott Elliott Medical Directory . I, egal Dzrectory. J. P. TELFORD. All 1,661! a mans . DENTIST. fun-Ki“ e' 1999;??? Slgm 18 no more. delecuve Luann Lungnt , . . .7 . of the n otiations be expected at her advanced age. {of mpmcgmattfvgégwmrkey ffd Greece necks from the Leth agency. and is taken in Athens. and .even the re- some from the Nevada, are 8110“ danc- sum tion of hostilities m the near ing near Haley. Idaho. Settlers are sumgtion of hostilities in the near m- greatly alarmed. true is regarded as possible- The Prince of \Vales Wted the Serious riots among the Mussulmana colonial trwps at Buckingham palace occurred at Calcutta. Besides the main on Saturday. and conferred a medal mob. scattered M9 of rioters pyr- oonnnemoratnvae of the Jubn-lee on each aded the streets, 1100th and atomng m WM- . the Eu: several of whom were _I_t is W that the Rev. jDr. compell to call out the troops. 'Ilhae United States Senate Committee on Finance have fixed the duty on coal at sixtyqseven cents per ton. We is the same duty as imposed by Canada. Three hundred Indians. mostly Ban- There is no truth in the report that the Queen has become blind. Her eye- sight is no more defective than might be expected at her advanced age. nooks from the Lem-hi agency, and some from the Nevada, are ghost danc- ing near Haley, Idaho. Settlers are greatly alarmed. 'flhae Rev. Uohn‘ Watson. Ian Max:131- esn. has received the honorary degree of DB. from Yale. The United States Senate has reduc- ed the proposed duty_ qn Lamber from A ‘ . Thomas J. Kenny, mastecr-at-arms on. the American battleship Indiana was murdered by one of the crew with whnm he had an altercation. The New. York bioy ole pool is broken and tho price of high-class wheels has slumped. 82 to 81‘ pér thonsaï¬d feet. The rumour that the Queen is about to abdicate in favour of this Prince of .\Vales is absolutely denied in London. The estimate of Chicago’s population by the publishers of the city directory is 1.8284110 an immense of 75,000 over last year. A number of new trainmaaters and roadmasters have been appointed on the Grand Trunk Railway to take charge of divisions. A number of the French Aldermen of Montreal are making a determined effort to oust all the English-speaking employees in the City Hall. (l‘he oldest person in Ottawa, Mr. Jos- eph Dubois, one hundred and nine years of age, died on Friday morning. He was born at. Point St. Charles, Que. The Minister of Railways has given notice to the (‘.P.R.. that the arrangeâ€" ment by which it uses the Intermloniai from St. John to Halifax will ter- minate in a yeatr. ter of the American Ambassador to the Clourt of St. James, has already won distinguished social success, has now made her debut as a poetess. Sir Michael Hicksâ€"Bewth and Mr. Hosi- hen have urged the colonies to con- tribute to the) support of the Imperial navy. Premier Reid of New South W ales, however. takes the position that the greatest gizft the colonies could give to the empire was the development of their own resources. It is stated an ' h authority that the Que-en thinks t ' t after sixty years’ reign she deserves a well-earn- ed rest, and in so falr as a ' sovereign ean, she now proposes to let the Prince and Princess of Whles in fu- ture hold all draM'img-rooms and levees, and perform other public functions ap- pertaining to Boys“: Mr. Step hen J. King Postoffioe ‘In- Spector ofp St. John), N. 18., is dead. Fifteen of the Fraser River salmon canneries have been sold to an Enghsh syndicate. . . The total amount of railway sab- sidies voted this session by the 110ng- ion Parliament is $4,336,687, of whnch 2,172,500 consists or revotes. Mr. George McL. Brown, late west- ern district passenger agent of the C. P. R., has been promoted to the posib timbof executive agent in British» Col- um m. The McNagb Presbyterian church has been awarded $5,000 in their sult agahnst the '12, H. 8.; B., for damages from smoke, noise and. change in the grade of its property. Folger Bros. of Kingston wxll run a line of steamers on the St. Lawrence between Montreal and Clayton. Hon. Dr. Borden, ~Mini-Ster ofUMil- itia, has returned to his departmental duties in the capital afteri being for some months incapacitated as the out- come of a railway accident. There are two cases of’smallmx in the Montreal Hospital. ï¬lm <mn~< F>._.m.w._. mncg >5: jam 26â€"2-0 O<mfl. iterating ltcms About Our Own Country, Great Britain. the United States. and All Pub oi tho Globe. Condensed and Assorted {or Buy Reading. CA‘ young lad named McKenzie; of Dundas, died recently from rabies, and his brother, who was :bitten by the same dog, has gone to the Pasteur Institute in New York. :By a vote of 4128 to {29, this proper- ty holders of Cormwall adopted a by- law authorizing the raising of a loan of 398,000 for the purpose! of buying! the Waterworks system of the town from the company now operating. it. Two young boys, \Vm. O’Neil aged 15. and John LIcW'illi-ams, agedz~17, sons of resperrutble parents in Ottawa, were arrested by the police of Hull. They pleaded guilty on five charges of burglary, and O’Neil was sentenced {to five years in the Reformatory at Pene- tanguishene and McWilliams to five years in the Kingston Pï¬nitentiary. GREAT BRITAIN . {At the Ashbmrnham library sale in London on Monday the famous Maur- in Bible was sold for £4,000. Both the Grand, Tmnk and the Can- adian Pacific have issued new bicycle tariffs, making considerable redlwtlons in the rates for the tranSportation of biuycles over their lines. ' The Allan Line Steamship Company has become a limited company, witha capital of six. hundred and fifty thous- and pounds. It is the intention of the new company to content. every inch with the Petersens for supremacy in St. Lawrence trade. Over 500, 000 pounds of wool have been shipped from Hamilton to cities in the News Emgland States during the past tnoor three weeks in anticipation of the 1 111111.111 Statea tariff going into effect on July 1. IHE NEWS IN A NUISHEH. Misss £16109 Hay. m». as theflaugb UNITED STATES. THE DURHAM CHRONICLE, July 15 1897. Leon Lecestre. curator of the French Archives, will issue during the present week the first volume of 300 letters which were suppressed by the. editors of Napoleon's correspondence in 1869. An eruption of the Mayan volcano on one of the Philippine iSIands killed one hundred and twenty of the inhabitants of the village of Lebourg and greatly damaged the tobacco crop. The volcano has been asleep since 1617. . Twenty thousand inhabitants of Galatza, in Moldavia, on the left bank of the Danube, are homeless» as the result of recent floods. The destitute are campingon the streets and are be- ing {fed [by the military There has been very serious rioting among the Mbasulmans of Calcutta directed ainst the Europeans. British troops h: to be called Unit _to disperse the mob. may of tin natives .were killed and wounded. The missing steamer Aden fro-m Yo- kohama. for London. was wrecked on Juane 9th, off the Island of Socotra, at the eastern extremity of Africa, and seventy-eight persons were drowned. A send-official report from Berlin says that, the negotiations between Greece and Turkey may be ordered to be concluded in three weeks' time. It is expected that a pitched battle will soon be fought between Gen. Wey- !_er. and Gen. Garcia. whlch will mean Spain's defeat and retlrement from Cuba or the crushing of the insurrec- tion. LFGWIfik Pa‘stha has anmbuneed toéthe ’Amlmasadors orf the powers that (the Cabinet maintains the indefeasilble right of Turkey to retain Thessaly by virtue of conquest. According to the commercial reports the condition of trade in the United States is steadily imming. lmprovt ed weather has improved trade; and seasonable goods, luke clobhzlng, hats, boots and. shoes, are m steady request. Tine depressing feature of the week is a (lull demand and weakened prices in certain grades of iron and steel. Two young Cuban girls have been sen- tenoed to twelve years’ immisanmenb in the African penal polony for send-4 mg clothing to their Insurgent broth- It is reported that the San Juan mine, belonging to wealthy Spanish re- sidents of Mexwo, is about to be sold to the Rothschilds for one million dol- lars in gold. .A very extensive strike is in pro- gress in the district of BoriInge, Bel- gium. At least 12,000 Borains (miners) are out. Tlhe Niagara Falls, N. Y., Common Council has notified the Gorge Road Cornpazny that its franchise will be nul- lifled and its tradks torn mp unless it immediately discharges all its Cana- djan employee. {It is understood that Mr. Labouohâ€" ere will make an individual report on the Transvaal raid, strongly censur- mng. Cecil Rhodes, but admitting that the conduct of Mr. Josep hChamnb- erlain has been perfectly straightfor- ward. «Th2 recent tropical tornado and hail- storm in Essex county did so much damage that Parliament will be ask- ed to grant. a. vote for the suffering farmers, and the Lorrd Mayor of Lon- don will open a mansion blouse fund for their relief. The Swiss Bundesrath has refused to ratify the commercial treaty with Jap- aln, owing to the prohibitive duty pluc- ed upom clocks and watches. t Ge'n. Weyler is calling for more troops, and promises to make the sup- reme effort. of his life to crush the Cuban insurrection. The Niagara Falls, N. Y., aldermen have notified the Niagara Falls. Street Rail-war Company that they must (lease to em oy Ciaanadians or give up their franchise. add Brit Dr. MoAfee, of Columbus, 0., who was Mr. McKinley’s pastor When the Prea- lde-nt was Governor an Ohio. is being talked of for the vacancy in the Metro- politan Methodist EPISOOpaJ, church at .Waehington where the President at- The United States Senate Committee on Saturday agreed to the sections of the Tariff bill providing for the free admission of lumber cut in the Prov- ince of .New Brunswick when owned by American citizens and cut, by Am- erican labour. The German cabinet crises continues, and Baron von Bulow is spoken of as the probable successor to Prince Ho- henlohe as imperial Chancellor 1' ‘- The fellowship in Christian archaeo- logy m 1897-98, offered by the Ameri- can School for 013881031 Studies in Rome. has been awarded to Clarence L. Meader, instructor in Latin in the University of Michigan. A max and collision todk place near Chicago between two .trains carrying delegates to the Christian Endeavor convention at San Francisco. Three Persons were killed and 36 injured. They were nearly all from Wisconsin. [IL is rumoured that the Boer Govern.- mum is engineering a. syndicate to ac- quire Dellagoaaa Bay for the purpose of handing ht over to Germany. The police discovered amother attempt on Monday morning to blow up the Straslmrg statue in Paris. , ( Nine children have been (killed and many others injured by the collapse of a church wall at Selena, in Spain. Another European party has been massacred in New Guinea, but no de- tails of the tragedy have been received. Prince Bismarck’s health is so good that he declines to follow. the advice of his physicians to take the waters of Gastein. no salary from his chnruh. for the last foun- months. His salary '13 contingent 9n the attendance, and the attendance .Thfl 3111931136 of rwin’ is causing an- Xlety throughout India. s GENERAL. __ _ Tâ€"wâ€" wvâ€"vv of dateaxn, Mtge t1; salt: were slow}; un ergmng c nge ram case. m solids. Then came the appearance of land, and later on rivers, which 3nd- ually washed down more and more alts, while at the bottom of the ocean itself c‘hemieel action was constantly adding more brine to the mtera. At present it is estimated there are in the world’s oceans 7,000,000 cubic miles of salt, and the most aston' ‘ ' thing about it is that if all this cal could be taken out in a moment, the level of the water would not drOp one single There was once a time when the ocean, although not fresh, was merely brackish and not salt as it is now. This was when the earth was in its first youth, and before there was any land showing at all. or any animal life in the water. .At this time the water was graguany cooling from_ its original_state N ., G. _J. McKeehnie. Oxford celebrated a recent visit of the Prince of Wales by an old-fashioned town and gown row of unusual pro- portions. The stuldentls undertook to clear sidewalks amd streets by marchâ€" ing in compact bodies with arms inter- locked and ran against the metropoli- tavn policemen. sent up to protect the Prince. After being! severely clubbed. 14 students and a fellow and lecturer of one of the colleges were arrested and fined for drunkenness and disorderly conduct: in the Police Court, while others 'were fined by the university authorities for fighting the police. Emperor Nicholas has again written the Sultan. urging him to accelerate the peace negotiations by renouncing de- mands with which it is impossible to comply. As a result of this letter the Sultan has virtually accepted the terms of the powets, leaving only de- J_:l_ L- ‘l- _ LA'I,‘ w. nave been suggested a very un- easy feeling prev ° . The native press is making bitter and unfounded charges against British officials and calling up- on the Mohammedan: throughout the country to reâ€"enact the scenes of the Indian mutiny. The Chronicle is the most wide ly roatl newspaper published in the County of Grey. tails to be seftled. Cash System OXFORD STUDENTS BU LARITY. NOT ALWAYS SALT \VATER. ‘ We beg to inform our customers and the public generally that we have3[adopted the ECashE System, which! means Cash or its Equiv- alent, and that our motto will be “Large Sales and Small Proï¬ts." We take this Opportunity of thanking our customers for past patronage, and we are convinced that the new system will merit ‘a continuance of the same Adopted by QT] EVIRV THURSDAY MORNING OT TIIL BIMIOLE Mlfllc HOUSE, £3â€le STREET DURHAM, orrr. :.v- r....-’ .. -â€" l-I'§JI\.II. IIV‘ II.VD:' =N‘l. . “ \)lll|u. For Sale. etaâ€"59 cent}; for hm Inscruou, 33 cents forggch. subquuem Inscfuon}. The Chronicle Contains . . a All udvertisc ncntx. go ensure imcrtion in cunent week, xhould be brought m not laur than 'l'UhsgAV morning. - .- _ ‘ - ~. ‘-â€"â€" EEEA Jggï¬ffl'lz ls completely stocked with R all NEW TYPE. thus af. fading facilities {or turning out First-class wMIPI‘ou Tut C"Râ€N"7X-"‘- Wm be sew! t .) an? address, free of pastagc, for 5|.90 pcn RATES . . . . year,payablc in advance-$I.30 nag-x be charged if not. so pmd. The date to which every subscription is ï¬nd is denoted by the mumx-r on the address label. '0 [upcr disc ntmucd umil ;: {Quads are paid, except at the Option of the pmprictqr. ‘MERI|S'm ForflaflSicnt advertiNcments 8 (‘L‘hlx ‘u f' line for the ï¬rst in ~r u ;3 ‘ h t... RAIES . \L H II . (CH . P . . iine each SUthtIUCIH. insertionâ€" minim.) measure. Professional cards, nut exceeding one indi, $4000 â€r mnum. Advcrliscmcnts “'iiilUlu ’l’e‘jï¬c directions will be published till forbid and chaczed ac. covdingly _ Transient liotic:csâ€"-“|,0‘-t"- “Found,“ Each week an epitome of th world’s news, articles on the household and farm, an serials by the most popular authors. Its Local News Is Complete and market reports accurate. THE BMW flflï¬ï¬‚NIflLE antrgct rates for yearly advertisements furnished on applLaglgn t_o the; oï¬ux. A“ advertise'mcnts ordered by strangers must be paid 501‘ in advance. In Spring Tim: get Pure Blood by using 8.8.3. No other remedy iossesses such per- fect cleansing, healing and iurifying properties as Burdock Bloo Bitters. It not only cleanses internally, but it heals, when applied externally, all sores ulcers, abscesses, scrofuloussores, blotches, eruptions, etc., leaving the skin clean and pure as a babe’s. Taken internally it itnioves all morbid eff.:--te or waste matter from the system, and thoroughly regulates all the organs of the hotly, resttring lllt‘ elOlllaCh, liver, bowels and liltxid to healthy action. E01703 AND 1‘ ROPRIE'I‘OR. IS PUBLISHED