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Durham Chronicle (1867), 29 Jul 1897, p. 5

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’CI'O - IAMES CARSON, Durham, Lioonled o Auctioneer for the County of Grey Lund Valuator, Bailid ot the 2nd Division 'Court 8:19: and all other matter: romptly \tbended toâ€"higholt refer once: nrninhed , ‘ 1 rec aired. mom. - Officrzâ€"Flrst door east. of the Dur- ham Pharmacy, Calder's Block. HesMenue.â€"First uoor west of the Post. Office. Durham. I It. I KC \8 )1 A.RKDALE ..II \\ I II‘ HT, 0“ EN SOUND. \..\ I' \'I 5U), DL IIIIAM. Oif'wo and Residence 13 shnrt diam ' McAllister’s Hotel, Lunbton Lower Town. Office hours from I--I_ 1311, Holstein. Mom-y to loan at, lowe‘t rates. Easy terms. l .\l;ftl$'l‘ER. SOLICITOR etc. Office I pper'l‘own. Durham. Collection and Axem')’ Dl'umptly attended to. Searches mule UGH )lacKAY, Durham, Land Vuln star and Licensed Auctioneer for the County of Grey. 8310: promptly “tended to sud notes cashed. OHN QUEEN, URCHARDVILLE, hu 9 resumed his eid bunineu, and is prep“ ed to loan nny nmonnt of money on real “tote. Old mortgagee paid off on the moetliberelterme. Fire end Lif Inenr- mceeefl'ectedin the beat Stock Componiee at lowest rum. Correspondence to Orchnrdvill P. 0.. or} call solicited l" l" om )D R. JAM [191503, Durham. ARI‘ I 'l‘h‘R. Solicitor. etc. Office over 0 1.. Lnanl a store. Lower Town. JCQ' M I: I: Isr‘ERs, s¢:)LICITORS, AMI-IS BROWN, Issuer 0t Maxim Licemes, Dal-hum, Ont. CBS: Heapâ€"1n McIntyre Block, Opposite the Knapp House, Lower Town, Durham xemm *9?" C1 ’5' VEYANC- .\ ms, ETC. 5AVINGS BANK._ Durham AgencY- g' duU"*-u V" '“"â€"v â€" "s of $1 and unwary. Prompt I'alxxinn and 9"?” M‘htynggqi‘? ntia e- of the Royal College of .:.a s F dmburgh Scotland. 0!- -i Ht 5 deuce, opposit. Temperance 5",: D. JAOICON Clerk Division Court. _Nomy Public. )1 e4 lical Directory. m at the Commercial Hotel. ille. first Wednmday in each G. LEFROY McCAUL. Elliot-t Elliott L. BROW’X, O'C-IWkol REM ho‘fu Legal Dzrertm‘y. J. P. TELFORD. ,t hotized a of EYE, EAR, NCBB And NEUSTAUI‘, Om. DENTIST. m axon: â€" M iddaugh House. 13â€"9 am. to 6 p.m. )anat. the loweat rate of interest. I Uzsrelluneous. Wright 8: Bataan, (m licitors, Notaries, I Conveyancers,_ Etc. | IIULT, mm. [HI NEWS INA NUISHEU. CANADA. Thirty-five horses were burned to death in a. fire a the Temple livery stables at Hamil n. film <mfl< _..>._.mm._. “”03 >FF film 4<ONFD ¢<m_~. .The Grand Trunk Railway has de- cxded upon a new reculatwn uniform for its train crews. Laura Merkine. aged twenty. of Stretford, committed suicide by swal- lamng a. dose pf Paris green. The Victoria, Australia, rifle team won the Kolapore Cup at Bisley, the Canadians taking third place. Queen’s University, Kingston. will confer the degree of LL.D. upon 511' Wilfrid Laurier on October 16, Univer- mty day. . Peterson/fate Co.. contractors for the fast Atlantic service, have bought the Beaver line of steamships. Trade returns Show a. large increase in both expgrt ant} imports for the ”resting Item: About Our Own Country. Thp port of Mordenn. in Southern Mamtoba, has been made a. port of an- try by “13 Dominion Customs Depart- The body of an Indian woman was found near Edmonton. She had been atrqngledby tying her hair about her mm Dillon, 9. Hamilton hotelkeeper. ught a. burglar in his bedroom, and after compelling the man to dugorge let him go. While celebrating the fall of the Bas- tile in Sohmer Park, Montreal, a num- ber of people were wounded byarook- et discharged into the crowd. A six-year-old son of Mr. John Har- rington was run over by a Michigan Central train at Niagara Falls and his head was severed from the body. Mr. Fisher. Minister of Agriculture, twill leave for Victoria, B.C., in acouple ;of weeks and will proceed to Japan to {promote a trade between that country :and Canada. i The Rideau ranges. where the D. R IA. match will be shot this fall. atom Ianueglected state. It is so rank “filth ; weeds that when the riflemen are 1y 1118 :down they cannot see the targets. It is e xpectedthat between thirteen and fourteen hundred delegates will attend the annual meeting of the Bri- ish Mediml Association in Mon- treal next month. Mr. C. E. Wallace has been appoint- ed first assistant engineer at Hamil- ton at a salary of $1, 000, and Mr. J. R. Heddle second assistant engineer at 8600. Mr. Siftan has decided to make no reduction in the stnxngth of the Mount- ed Police in Alberta, and in other parts of the Territories only as vacancles take place. N o. 3 lighthouse, at Lachine was un- lighted for a couple of nights, and a. party rmving but, to a-wertuim the cause found the. keeper, Muirse Daoust, dead froun sumstrukte. ‘Two Britisfh Célwmhia fisherman re- port having seen something resembling an air 511,11) m {hits Sky. and it is'b-e- lbsved tn be the same that the North- was! lndiwns saw and reported, believ- ung 1L [0 be. Andrea’s balloon. The Government has decided to en- force. the alien labor law in Manitoba. the NwthM'est Territories and Bmtnsh Columbia during the construction of tho Crow's Nest Pass Railway. If is reported at Halifax that the British Admiralty have rejected the type of vessels proposed by Petersen. Tn‘ve Co. for the fast Atlantic eer- woe. and that the contract will have to be revised. Mr. J. S. Larke. Canadian Trade Comâ€" missioner in Australia, points out that four million bushels of wheat, or its equivalent in flour. will be needed to carry the population of the island con- tment. through until next harvest. In addition to annexing London West the City of London will ask power from the Legislature tozmnex 350 acres of land in London and Westminster Township along the bank of the river between the city limits) and the water- works. Mr. V. McInn-es, who has charge of the Dominion Government immigration agents in the \Vestern States, says that the feeling in Michigan towards Canada. is greatly improved. and that those who are 0mg to the North-West. will make firs lass settlers. The fastest steamship voyage on re- cord across the Pacific has just been made by the steamer Em ress of Japan. of the Canadian Pacific;- ine. She made the passage from Victoria to Yoko- hama in ten days, three hours. and fort -four minutes. being at the rate of 1 .3 knots an hour. Great Britain. the United States. and All Putts of the Globe, Condensed and Assorted ter Buy Reading. The threeâ€"year-old son of Mr. John Raymund. Pine Bush, near Galt, Ont., on Tuesday swallowed a currant in the garden. It lodged im the throat, at the g-nterspction of the bronchial tubes. and m_ spxte of Lab? ef_fort_suo‘f a physjgian A despatch from Montreal states that a third case af smallpox has been dis- covered in that city, the patient having been taken to the hospital eight da 5 ago, but news of it had been withhe d from the public. The patlemt. who is a brother of young Charbonneau, one of she first patbnts. is in a critical con- itlon. -â€" â€"râ€" v- who was called, the child diéd three hours afterwards. weather of May and the first half of J mm. with favorable weather this month a fair average crop may be looked for. The acreafie under culti- vation this year is from ifteen to twen- ty per (gent. greater than ever before in the mstory of the country. ~ GREAT BRITAIN. Tbe Prince of \Vales will be President of the Royal Commission having charge at the British section of the Paris Ex- . who librarians of the world. five hm- drod strong are holding a conference Samual Cha’rb A11mpp, Baron Hind- THE DURHAM CHRONICLE. July 29, 189'. in Landon under the presidency 0‘ Sir John Lubbock. Though the thermometer did not rise last week in London above 75. the heat was very oppressive, and there were several cases of suonstrake. ‘ Fiye thousand wro ht nail Work- ers in South Staffordfiire and North Worcestershire, have struck for a, ten per cent. advance in wages. The Woman Suffrage Bill was with- drawn on Thursday from, the .House of Commons, as there was no disposition on the part of the House to 9383 the â€"'"â€"~â€" ! The Parliamentary South. Africa 1 Commission that has been enquu‘gng m- i to the Transvaal raid, has made lts re- DOI‘t. in which it throws the responsr bility and planes the blame u 11 Mr. ‘Rhodes, and exonerates Mi. C amber- laln. the Colonial Office. and Lord Rose- mead. 'In spite of formal denials, there in flood reasons to believe that an en- gagement has been virtually agreed upon between the Duke of Manchester and Miss Mary Goelet, New York. _ . The Lundpn press is very outspoken an condemning the recent despatoh of Sgcnetary Sherman on the Berjne Sea. dtapute sent in the form of Instruc- taxons to United States Ambassador ay. Lady Qelina Scott mother-l in-law of Earl Russell, who in January last was sentenced to eight months’ imprison- ment, for ariminally libelling him. was released on Tbmsday morning from Holloway ga‘ol. i The Duke and Duchess of York will :start on August 15th on a VlSlt to ire- ;land. They will remain for ten days in iDublin. and will attend the Leopards- étown races and the Horse Show, after ’ which they will make an extended tour ‘ in the north and south of the country. i Sara Bernhardt fooled the munici- } pal authorities at Portsmouth. They -made elaborate preparations to give [her a reception, but after they had assembled in their rooms at the Town ,Hall the tragedienne disvovered that ; she did not feel strong enough to climb the steps. Sir Blundell Maple was not subscrib- ed two million and a half dollars to the Peterson fast Atlantic scheme, .as at first reported; but will undenerte that amount, If. the whole capital of the new company is underwritten. A hundred distinguished London ladies gave a jubilee dinner to cele- brate the progress th‘ women have made during the Queen s reign. A novel feature of the entertainment was that each lady was privileged to innte a dlS‘ tinguished man. A meeting of the representatives of France, the United States. a d Great Britain was held in London to consid- er the question of bi-metallism. It is probable that an international confer- . . .. . LI__:.-‘l\n1-Tn:*na once will States The weekly London press takes vir- tually the same view of Senator Sher- man’s document; on the sealing question as the daily papers, and regard it as a highly imperii‘nelnt composition. The Speaker says its Language is quite strong enough to justify a suspension of all diplomatic relations if that were worth while. The proposition to confer .upon the Archbishop of Canterbury an official status as head of all branches Of the Episropal Ch‘un‘h in all parts of the world, which is one of the most inter- esting questions before the Lambeth conference, will come to nothing, as the proposition is opposed by the Amer- ican and some of the colonial bishops. Senator Hanna [has indicated his will- ingness to arbitrate the trouble he- twee-n the strhkhng miners and the coal operators. UNITED STATES. The Pittsburg strikers are asking for arbitratxon. £Blav‘fzfi'é‘hfii's'pé'fiéiné'vii‘tfi their skirts. and weaxxng coarse overalls. -Female prisoners in Kansqs Cigy gaol. who have hitherto remalned .ln idleness have now to bgqakfitpneg .14‘9 United States Secretary Sherman has written instructions to Ambassador Hay in London, in which he oomplams of the British Government’s polwy of delay in dealing with the seahng ques- tion. A despatch from Washington says that the Executive has decided that up- on the first interference of Japan In the Hawaiian islands the Stars and Stripes will be hoisted and bluejaldli‘fit‘S landed to annex the islands. Prince Eui Wha, heirfap-parent to the crown of Corea, who 15_ 3a,; plresesnt 1n l‘ I I the United States, is said to be follow- ed constantly by assassins, W‘hD are it}- stigated by the Cmewn Progressvm party to take his life. Commander Booth-'l’ucker of the Sal- vation Army, is making a tour of the \Vestern States for the purpose of se- curing large areas of land on which to locate poor people from the overcrowd- ed sections of the east, and enable them to earn a livelihood. Charles Dreher, of St. Louis. Mo., three years ago was sentenced to be hanged for murdering his sweetheart, but was sent to an insane as lum. Now an alienist has discovered t at by re- moving a growth of bone he can make the man sane. and consequently 61i~ gible for the gallows. An Indian named Tiger Cat elelped with a. chief’s wife from Fort: Lau enr- dale, Florida, a few days ago. The runaway couple were captured and brought back. They were bound to er being exposed am entu‘e day In the purmIIrg sun they were devoured by 31- ligatorg. United States Congresé â€"to ng‘ deep waterway sebhetme of connecting the great lakes with the Atlantic have reported. They point out three routes, twopf which are practicable and one pmsxble, but they do not think that the advantages to be derived from the. un- dertaking are such as to commend Lt as a Federal Government project. W- uwvâ€"vâ€"-V ’be 315:; gimrtly in the United the building trades and iron ore. there is an improvement. but continued un- certainty about legislation helps to hamper trade. .Wheat has advanced on considerable buying for export. GENERAL. News from Tromsoe says that Prof. Andree started on Sunday afternoon on his balloon voyage to the North Pole. Acting upon the advice of Captain- General Weyler. the Queen-Regent of Spain, has pardoned a number of Cu- ban insurgent chrets. Plentiful rains are reported through- out the Northwest Provinces of India. and the Government will shortly reduce the extent. of the relief works. Sup ° umficon “adopted 9. 5119091 by which forag- ners are enab d to ob- tain doctors' diplomas by undergoing exammauotns at Frendh universitles. The naphtha springs oflBaxk'tL an 1m- portant sea t of Russian Transcauca- sia, are on he. and immense quantities of the crude oil have been destroyed. Ei ghrt ou‘t of the one hundred and forty-eight Soniailists in thB German Reuihstag are serving terms of im- prisonment for the offeme of 1666 maa jeste. Emperor William is greatly. displeas- ed “1th the decision of the court at Arbitration which deprives his brother- ixn-la'w of the right of succession to the regency of Lippe-Detmold. Diplomatic circles see significance in Japan conferring the Order of the Chrysanthemum on King Alfonso and the extraordinary honor with which the Japanese Ambassador was mceived by the Spanish Court. Reports from Kimberley say that- seve‘rwl Europeans and 50 natives are entombed as the result ofan accident at the De Beers mine. Twenty na- tives were rescued. There is little hope of saving the others. Tewfilk Pasha. the Turkish Foreign Minister. has informed the Ambassa- dors that the Sultan. has agreed to the principle of the demands of the powers, and was prepared to accept their views on the peace conditions. .A Berlirn despatch says :â€"'1‘he fact that Emperor \x'isllian'l iSl returning to Kiel for an examinattion of the eye, re~ veintly injured, confirms the fear that the accident, is more serious than has been admiLLed, the danger growing out of the general low health 01' the Kaiser. Intense excitement was created in Havana on Thursday by the arrest of eighty rich Slums!) merchants and bankers in that. city, far selling mer- cihandise and medicines to the Cuban imsurgents. It is stated in wellâ€"informed circles in Vienna that a European conference will shortly be held in Vienna or Bu- lin to discuss measures to be adopted. against the United States tariff policy regarding sugar bounties. I see your friend, Giltedge, the bank- ezr. has had some hard luck lately. How was that? : He was out fishing. and the shore cav- ed in with him. and he swallowed about a gallon of water before they could get him out. That was pretty rough. Yes; but that wasn 't all. He was ar- rested afterward for taking in a draught when he knew the bank to Mr. J. H. Leibes, the expert on seal- ing of the American Commercial Com- pany. severely criticises the recent re- port of Prof. D'Arcy Thompson to the British Governmept, _s_aying__hi_s facts Efé'fihfiéhfiy’fdl'sé, his" statistics in- coyrect and his quotatlons from Am- encan documents are often garbled. be bfoken. ON A TECHNICALITY. We beg to inform our customers and the public generally that We havej’fgadopted the Wash; System, Whiéhl means Cash or its Equiv- alent, and that our mottojwill be . “Large Sales and Small Profits.” We take this- Opportunity of thankng our customers for past patronage, and we are convineed W‘ that the new system will mer‘lf a“ contixiuance of the same. EVERY THURSDAY MORNING at m. OHIIIIOLE nmnuc HOUSE. sauna“ anew DURHAM, ONT. THE DURHHHI BHHBNIBLE SUBM'PTIOI THE CHRO\I( I. F mil be sen! to any “ins ardd Teas. {use 0! p “I“;c, lor SLOO per . .ycar,i\a§ai,ic l nuisanceâ€"Shae may becharged. if not so pud. 'lhc date to which men subscription is paid is dc )0th b\ the number on Jim address label. No inpu- «in c um um! unin .11} arrears are paid, except at me o "ion at Rh: “.4; ricmr. MWERTISNO Fortransiem adverthcnwn: ~ 8 ('rms. her line for {Le tint insu'mmg 3 “M, W" RATES - o 0 line 38d! blihwn’juclzc “nation-â€"minim: measure. Professional cards, 1m; exceed“): 0,”, inch, s‘OOOO ”r .annu1n. .Ad\'er‘;\cn]f::Ԥ “ iXhUU‘ Spc‘:u"c directions will be publlahcd :le fnrhid an-t chaired a -. cordingly Transient notigu -- “ LCM." “ Found, " For Sale,"ctc.~â€"-50 cents for first inunion, .5 “7‘! § for each subsequent in~ev~tion._ II All advertis‘c .1cnt<.toe:1 week. should be brought in in morning. THE JOB : : DEPARTMENT Contract rates for yearly advcrusemcms furnished on application t_o the 0 Ct. All advertisémcnts ordered by strangers azust be paid hr In advance. The Chronicle Con-talus . . household and farm, an serials by the most popular authors. Its Local News is Complete and market reports accurate, _ No other remedy ossesses such per- fect cleansing, heain gand (Furifying properties as Burdock Bloo Bitters L--L-A. in Spring Time get Pure Blood by using B.B.B. ,uurwuw _ _ , It not only cleanses internally, but it heals, when applied externally, all sores ulcers, abst L‘>>L‘S, ser'otulou: Sores, blotches, eruptions, ete., leaving the skin Clean and pure as a babe’s. Taken internally it removes all morbid effete or waste matter from the system, and thoroughly regulates all the organs of the body, restoring,r the stomach, liver, bowels and blood to health} acdon. fouling facilities work. Each week an epitome of tb world’s news, articles on the household and farm, an EDITOR AND PROPRIE'MR. W. IRWIN. IS PUBLISHED Is completely stocked with all NEW TYPE. thus af. for turning out First-class :mure insertion in cunent not later than 'l‘UusuAV .Jku

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