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Durham Chronicle (1867), 5 Aug 1897, p. 7

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:2» ma bale: for it 'Aan. PAW URI" data for 3"" Cut- " Shin g}. 1)?th Moira: ‘thyu my: In» Pills. 33w. can be at tho Commemial Hotel. Mine. first Wednesday in each ”'8. BROWN. m of EYE, EAR. NOSE And g general Bulking business transect- d. mart: issued end collections made -.I points. Deposxts received and in- “ allowed at current retes. iii. 2 o'clock. Mmm mmm Authorized . nt" [confine of tin Royal College of " , Edinburgh. Scotland. 0(- W . . lb- and Besudonco, oppostto Temperance H. Holstein. . m; ~le McIntyre Block, Opposite fie Knapp House, Lower Town, Durham ' ARRISTER. SOLICITOR etc. Office ‘ Upper 'l‘own. Durham. Collection and my promptly attended to. Searches made cube Rum-try Uflice. was: Wrgiht 8: Hatsnn, '(Xfiea and Residence a short distance d of McAllister’s Hotel, Lambton mat. Lower Town. Office hours from swam Bank of Canada. } {NEH MacKAY, Durham, Land V3111 “or and Licenled Auctioneer for the Quay 01' Grey. 8310: promptly “tended b sad mtes cashed. ‘ A3155 CARSON, Durham, Licensed I e'mcuoxzeer tor the County of Grey Land "tumor, Buiiiti' at the 20d Diviaion Gun Sales sud all other matters promptly flunkâ€"d toâ€"higbest refezencea furnished I ”united. 08K QUEEN, URCHARDVJLLE, has wormed his old business, and is prepnr -db 2m any amount. of money on real “0. 01d mortgages paid ofi on the ‘kbcnlterms. Fire nnd Lif Insur- .mdhctedin the beat. Stock Companies 3 in": rates. Correspondence to ”thrill P. 0.. or a call oolicicod 325300 to 2mm at the lowest. rate-of imterost . KUI‘ARIES, CONVEYANC- HRS, ETC. mum s'rERs, S()LICIT(”)RS, Clerk Division Court. Notary Public. pad Valutor. III-mace Agen ~ Commissioner, no. 3 by “land. Mono invested for parties Farms bong‘t and sold. “I AIRXSTB‘R. Solicitor. etc. omco over 0 1. Grant) 3 store. Lowar Town 1m. ’1‘. u. HOLT, L. D. s. AME.‘ BROWN, Issuer 02 Marriage Licenses, Durham, Ont. D’AVINGS BAN K. JA Ml ESON. Durham. Durham Agency. (lead Qfige, Toronto. n13!“ A. L. BROWN. mâ€"Flrst door east of the Dun- Phrmcy. Calder a Block. Mamaâ€"First aoor west of the It": D. JAO‘SON' G. LEFROY McCAUL. stcrs. So Elliott 8b Elliott , an all principal points in 4 ‘ Quebec, Manitoba, United States and England. H Fund . 0108B L) \J dical Directory . Jegat' Dzrezrm'ry . J. P. TELFORD. LI N EUS’RA'UI‘, ONT. DENTIST. licitors, Notaries, Con veyancers, Etc. 3 a. I“ owcst ta? 08. Easy . :pzzchzrm. 5,. :25 152: -r/ Cazâ€"5:. Middaugh Hons t)6pnn. term 3‘ I Hi NW3 IN A NIJISHHL 'l “E VERY LATEST FROM ALL THE WORLD OVER. hateucsting Items About Our Own Country. Great Britain. the United States. and All Parts o! the Globe. Condensed and mud tor Buy Reading. A big duna'nd for lumber is reported in Manitoba. Guelph is to haw a new pork pack- ing company. Heavy cattle shhpments to England are reported irom Winnipeg. It is rumored that the. C. P. R. is to be extended from Reston into the Phpestotne caun try. The new ditrecbory of Owaa gives the pOpulation as 63,480. Galt’s town hall is to have a. ~ J ubi- lee clock to cost $1,000. The shispment 01 cheese from the port of Montreal tms season far exceeds the quantity sent for the corresponding pe- riod last year. I ; Mr. W. W. Buchanan of Hamilton has resigned the oxfices of General Manager of the Royal 'l‘etnplam ox Temperance aind e-(l intor of The Templar. J. Roland. a sword-swallower of Prince Albert, died in great agony at \Vi'nnipeg from injuries inflicted on himself while practising the trick. A private telegram from Sir Wil- frid .Lau'rier announces that he will sail from Liverpool for home on: Aug- A detachment of the Northwest Mounted Police has been ordered to the Crow’s Nest Pass tomaimtain order up- on the railway construction works. Mrs. Show-tbs, mother of Valentine Shortiss. the Vadleyfield murderer. whose death sentence was commuted to imprisonment for life. has returned to Canada, and it is believed an effort will be made to obtain his pardon. net 19. l .The Grand Trunk car works at Brantford have been closed and no- tices posted instructing the employees to apply for work at London.) The Highland cadets of Montreal will shortly visit Ottawa for the purpose of being insqx-cted by the Governor-Gen- 1818a]. and Dr. Borden, Minister of Mi- » la. r . . In connection wiflhlmhe John Eaton 8: Co. fire in Toronto some time ago, W. A.and T. C. Thompson {were arrested in T‘rvronto on Sunday night, charged with illegally transferring goods in J une for the purpose of defrauding their cre- dibors. It is estimated that there are be- tween three and four thousand unem- ployed men in Montreal, and efforts are being made to get some of them work on the Crow’s Nest Pass rail- way. Job-n Tanner, of Lunenburg, late of the schooner Ida, of Halifax, who was unlawfully imprisoned by the Spanish authorities at Porto Rico. has returnâ€" ed to Halifax. He has preferred a olaimthrough the British Government The ArchbishOp of St. Boniface is making a determined effort :to secure an increase of :tzhe French-Canadian {mpulatixm of Mammba, and with that gbjectlfln‘ viexy {ha-g pommissioned fihe One hundred and eighty-five immi- grants from Galicia left Montreal Fri- day for "Western points. They are all in Splendid health, are people of Com- parative means, 'agr'umlturists by call- ing, and are bound to make‘good. set- tlors. Rév. Fathier Cowbell 39 act as an im- migration and repatrnatxoq'agent in eastern Canada and 'the United States. GREAT BRITAIN. for $3,000 damages. Miss J can Ingelow, the English poet and novelist, died on Monday night. She was seventy-seven years of age. Sir John Buck-11in, one of the found- ers of the volunteer movement in 1859, dead. ’He was eighty years of age. Sir John S"eltou, a Scotch writer, w ho used the nom de plume of Shirley,is is de id. He was sixty-six years of age. The British Postmaster General will make a personal investigation of the grievances of the “overworked" post- uffioe clerks. . The Queen’s Prize at’Bislpy was won by Private 'Ward of (the Fu‘st Davon- shire regunent. In spite of official; denials. the London military clubs regard (the Duke of Con- naught's appointment to the .‘Quarter- master-Generalship as a certainty. Peter McNally, a Boston man. per; formed the feat, of 'swimming the Eng? lish Channel from Dover to a. point three miles from Griz Nez, France. Enquiries in England have resulted in the distovery that Roland G. I. Barnett, of Montreal, iwno relative to Barney Barnato, the deceased African millionaire. r 141$ weds: there was a sale at the old Cufilnden castle. of relics of Lonnie Prim-e Charlie. The Queen purchased his Walking stick for one hundred and sixty pounds. It. i3 confidently expected by the Ifu'uei States commission at present in London that. Crezzt‘Britain will at- tend the International Bi-metallio con- vention to be held in Washington. It is announced that the Hon. \Vins- ton Chum-hi ll, elder son of the late Lord Randoipf'q Churchull, will stand 101 Parliment in the Conservative in rarest at, the next Opportunity. A-w-ording to London Vanity Fair. the. 1.0111011 reason, whichris now near- ‘mg its end. has been remarkable for bringing into prdmmence the intein- pemte habits 0t society. the women he- mg_ just: 98 hjd__as 119.1991), _ The order of the British Admiralty for the battleship Renown. the most powerful ironclade in the navy, to pro- ceed to Behring Sea, is regarded as Lord Salisbury’s reply to Secretary Sherman. An anonymous writer in: the London Duly Mail urges the British Govern- ment to rectify the Canadian frontier by adding Maine. Vermont, New Hamp- shire, and part of New York State to Canadian territory. It is stated in London that, while Lord Salisbury is by no means pleased with the tune of Secretary Sherman’s letter on the qeal questing, he is not Mr. Labour/here, who was one of the members of the Parliamentary Com- mission appointed to enquire into the Transvaal raid, has givent notice that he will make a motion in the House of Commons that the name of Cecil Rhodes be removed from the list of Privy Councillors. UNITED STATES. ! At New York bar silver has declin- ed to the lowest price a» tWo’ years. It is thought at washington that England may participate 1n the bi- metallic conference to be held in the American capital next fall. The Dingley Tariff bill passed both Houses of Congress on Saturday. and was signed by President McKinley the same day. Final judgtnent has been given that Mrs. Olive A. Sternamann of Buffalo must return to Cayuga for trial on the charge of murdering her husband. President MucK'mlegr sent a. message to Congress on Saturday advocatin the revision of the financml system 0 the country and suggegting the uppoint- meat of a commisslon to consuler the question. Mr. \VhILtelaw Reid. special United States envoy to the jubilee, states that, he was innpress'ed by the profound de- votion of the English people to the Queen and their desire to be on good terms with the [Mted States. __ .___ ing on PresidEnt McKinley to use his good offices in the settlement of the coal miners’ strike. The Pittsburg council of the coal miners _has_ passed a.rpsoly1tion cal}- mwenty prisoners in} the King’s County, N. Y., penihentlary have be- come Insane since the beglnmng of the year owing to «enforced idleness, the rlfisult of the Anti-Convict Labour w. Mir. (1‘. V. Powderlney ha§ been ap- ,pointed (by President McKmley C'om- mimiomar-General of Immigration, but the . ' hbs of Labour will fight, tooth and nai , to prevent confirmation by and nafi, to prevent confirmation by the Senate. i James R. Keene, the noted .Ameri- can broker. Who recentlysspeculated on the wrong side. ifiqmliteg with havâ€" It is regarded as probable that the arbitration tneaty question will be re- opened in VVaahing ton ahbrtly, and that an agreement 1ngwill be drafted ac- ceptable to the United States and Brit- ish Governments. , 1 Frank Mose, an old-time «mine-r, has returned boGrand Fall-s. Mont, from the Klondyke gold regions. He confirm all the reports of the. wonderful auri- ferous nature of the country, but says it is a death-trap, and that theplace is dotted Uhick with. the. graves of those who died of starvation and hardship in their {me-st for wealth. "â€""â€"'0 i112 made 82 000, 000 m stodk operations m Wall street, New lork,1n the past two months. The tenor of the reports of Messrs. Dun and Bradstreet as to the business situation in the United ttates is not of an especially encouraging nature; gtill there is a universal feeling among busi- ness men in the United States that we shall witness a market]1 revival in trade all along the line, and in theopvinion ‘of prrol‘eaeiopal business experts, this belief The Preussinhe Jahrbucher advocates the return of Metz t0 J1‘rannce in con- sideration of her ratification of the an- nexation of Luxemboqrg. is well founded. The Harvest in Hungary will not be as great as last year. There have been serious outbreaks and rims at Barcelona. and the gen- darmes have been stoned by the mob. The report that the withdrawal of Turkish troops from Thessaly has be- gun is denied. By the wrecking of a Chinese steam- er bound from Singapore for Malacca 120 persons were drowned. ’l.‘he finest. showing at the Exhibition at; .Burp'sseb is made by France, Great: Britain being a good semnd. and Ger- The best scientific iopinion in Berlin is not sanguine of the success of Herr Andrea’s attempt to reach the North Pole by balloon. The Indian Government has deqided upon prosecuting a number of edltors of natwe papers who have of late been preaching sedition. The trial of twelve women and two men for wholesale poisonings was con- cluded at Buda iPesth on Friday, when four of the prisoners were sentenced to death. The Japanese Cabinet has agreed to the proposal of the Hawaiian Govern- ment to submit the question at issue between the two Governments to an bitratinn. E-dhem Pasha, commander-in-chief of the Turkish forces. in Thessaly, was se- verely wounded by the explosion of an infernal machine sent to him. accord- ing to a report from Budapest. Emperor \Villiam‘s incessant, inter- ference in politics is weakaning thp Government ranks, while the ranks of! phe Socialists and discontents are swell- 1ng day by day. large quantmes of arms and ammu- nition are stored on the French bor- der of Spain for the (‘arlists and in the event of disrentent over the Cuban question spreading Don Carlos may try his luck again. w â€" â€"o_-_â€" A Japanese paper, the Kok'umiu, ex- presses the hope that no rupture of the harmonious feeling between Japan and the United States will take place over 811011 a paltry affair as the Haw- aiian question. The, Customs Committee of the Nor- wegian Storthing has adopted qreport D1” ODOSimg the introduction of ghfferen- . tial tariff duties on several arglcultural | products, and giving greater protection ‘ to small manufacturing interests. é: in"? (Jan’t yer see that’s only whur there' 3 a. fire? PUTTING OUT THE FIRE. Barkeeper (Big Bazoo Bombâ€"Hi there stranger! What thâ€"al‘e you do- in"? Can’t yer see that’s ter be used VH‘J 'Vuu I!“ U ‘- -n-Dv Strangerâ€"{8; (gurgle); I know (8111'- gle: gurgle). I just had a. drnnk of your whlsky (gurgle, gurgle, gurcle). Conductor to cyclist who has been Irown by tminâ€"Soe. here. my man, >n’t. you know any botfe'r than to try NOT HIS FAULT- GENE RLA L flow the I’ll’lll are Conductedâ€"large (‘0.- snmpllon In lira-cc. Snail farming forms a peculiar branch of agricultural industry in France and other countries. and. the consumption of them in France is very large. Edible snails vary greatly in size; the Large white ones are the real eecargot, but this term is usually em- ployed to designate all edible snails ad- apted to table purposes, but in the mar- kets. besides escargots, there are two other varieties. known as limace and limacon, the former being of medium size. and the latter quite small. Though the great majority of the edible snails produced in France are of natural growth, their artificial culture is car- ried on to a very considerable extent. They are propagated from August to October in ground especially prepared for the purpose, and fed with cabbage. clover, 6w. During the winter they are shelter- ed in houses composed of brick or wood. and they are gathered and marketed from April to June. In the Tyrol from June to the middle of August the snails are collected from every available damp place and taken to the feeding grmnd near the owner's dwelling. This is a. bit of garden ground free from trees and shnubs and surrounded on all sides by running water. In this feeding ground are little heaps of moulntain pine twigsh‘mixed loosely‘ with wood are fed on cabbage. leaves and grass, and when cold weather 8618 in they go under cover. that is. they collect under the heaps of twigs and bury themselves and there seal themselves up for the winter. When this has been successfull accomplished, they are col- lected ed in perforated boxes lin- ed with straw; and sent off to Paris r--.._ _ moss, eln‘a'these twigs When dry are replayed by fregh omeg. Every dgy they and other towns. Mrs. De Pride, anxious that her daughter shall make a rich matchâ€" I wonder why Mr. Bdchfellow doesn’t, come to_ see_op;‘ da_wg_bte:r any more.__ Mr. De Prideâ€"J. don’t know. The last time he was here be borrowed. my clock-Work {phonograph to have some music played into it. He brought it back to my office the next morning, saying that the musician was sick or something, and that’s the last I’ve seen Ofxgimth h h t I as e p onograp empv . Um! now. I. think of it, .‘I believe it did have in it your‘ reception of me when I came home late the night! be- fore. Maybe. he’s changed his mind about marrying. ’ TEE PIANIST MADE AUNTIE SICK. ng-ééâ€"‘tâ€"iénfaâ€"ilieâ€"f 'a: buddanvdetarminé- non Yes. It's the doctor’s orders. Why. you don't look a bit ill. Oh. 1'm_pe_ljf_ectly well. Auntie is the The young woman who takes music lessons and practices scales sonnounced to her friendsthat she wss 39mg away. 0116 Silas Hinkley, a. son of the millionaire President of the Poughkeepsie, N. Y., Electric Railroad Company, is heaving coal as a. stoker in the employ: of the company at $1.50 a, day. He is aHar- vard graduate, but took his present place voluntarily in order to learn) the business thoroughly. Angelineâ€"There .mever was such a. gogd igllqw gs Edwm. r 'A-A‘ LA :‘nv‘"' ‘ nnnnnn I BufiéfizaéhdZâ€"Iâ€" hope he isn’t too good to be true. A MEAN HUSBAND‘S REVENGE. A MLLIDIN’AIRE'S SON. GOODLNESS AND TRUTH’. SNAIL RAISING. We beg to inform our customers and the public generally that We haveijliéfadopted the flash? System, which; means Cash or its Eqfiiv alent, and that our mottojwill be “Large Sales and Small Profits.” We take this Opportunity of thanking our customers for past patronage, and we are convinced that the new system willgmefit' a ,3? continuance of the same Adopted. by THE WWII“ flflfifllfll‘aLE EVIRV 'I'ISURSDAY MORNING I? TIL «mm PRINTING HOUSE, “mu m DURHAM, ONT. “BMIPT'ou Tm: CHRONICLE will he sent to anv address, free of postage. for $.00 per ”IE3 . . . . year, payable i \ advance-5|.5o may be charged if not. sq paid. The date to which every subscription is mm 15 denoted by the number on the lddrcgs label. ‘ _0“l)apcr {ll-C htmued until all arrears ADVER'HSING For transient advertixcmcm ‘ 8 cem .~. per RA'I'ES . “DC for U18 “rat illsdl'iluu ;.3 Lent. per . . iinc each subsequent msemou - mimon measure. Professional cards, not exceeding one. inch, $4.00 per anuum. Advertisements without specific directions will be publlshed till forbid and changed ur- coniingly Transient noticesâ€"“ Lest." “ Found." " For Sale,”etc.â€"5o cents for first insertion. :5 guns for each‘ subsequent insertion._ ,--r‘- «u. w. \I;Illu\'\l u‘llll 6' are paid, except at the Option of the progmetm antrgct rates for early advertisements furnished on appchagngn t_o thg 0 cc. 33' All advertise nent<, to ensure insertion in current week. should be brought m not later than TUKbDAV man-mug. THE JOB : : DEPARTMENT Al! advertise-meats urdercd by strangers must be pad for in advance. The Chronicle Contains . . Its Local News is Complete BIUOUSIESS BOISTIPATIOI SICK HEIOICIIE ... .u. [IVER THOUBLES by two pills. In obstinate casa, where a purgative is necessary, three pills will be found sufficient. These pills leave no unpleasant after effect. S a laxative, one pill acts perfectly, and if a stronger action is desired a cathartic effect 15 produced â€" One pill taker} each night during thirty days will cure constipation. 3:233 -- "V" ‘ ' [5 completely stocked with EPARTHENT all new TYPE, thus af- fording {militias (or turning out First-class work. Each week an epitome of th world’s news, articles on the househoid and farm, an serials by the most popular authors. and market reports accurate. Eon‘on- Axn Pnopmsmn. 'I'CC 28¢. OI 5 '0. “.0. IS PUBLISHED

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