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Durham Chronicle (1867), 12 Aug 1897, p. 9

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'0! Stsw SECURITY ll S. FERRY. o ED .1 orders for . Toronto. 0... MAN we, or waned; 9Q“! 880. TH 117’ Pow on, Shrubs, Roses, Vines} and Seed Potatoes. l Wl'l have the largest assortment Htul employ the very latest and mes: improved methods for propagat- ing. All stock carefully packed un- der our personal supervision and all new varieties tested at our trial farms before being catalogued. 'l‘ltt‘m' are the only testing orchards mum-Med with any Nursery in the Agents Wanted to Represent Us. . ...nmninn given to Park. comwcteu Dominion. _-ufi - Spmtial attention given to Park. CmnMc-ry and Boulevard orders. Estimates furnished for supplying entiro orchards. Why buy of foreign concerns or of delomon when you can purchase as thany from us and get better acmlimated. Catalogue (E on application. STONE WELLINGTON, Toronto. F ONTHILL NURSEREES 'I‘Im Lmnm} CANADIAN TREE .MEN. -â€"-0F VALUM'LE FARM PROPERTY -â€"â€"I.\' THE â€"â€" a pair up. New Table Oil Cloth 45" wide, white and colored see them. See our lines of White Gran- lteware and Tinware. 'A‘.":‘l‘ A‘AVII '1‘ v _..-_ v ‘ l’uwer nt' Sale (-nutained in a certain l Imlentnre ut' .‘lnrtgage made by one Edward t James (‘russ and “high will be produced at time “t Sale. there Will be otlered for sale by Public Auctinu nu SAT FRUAY, SEPTEMBER the 4th, 1897, atthe lumr at two n’clcwk, p. m.. at the. British Hotel. Durham. by Hugh MacKay. . Auctimmer, the t'ulluwing valuable farm prupm'ty in the 'l‘nwnship of lientinck, iul the (”V “f Urey. (suntaining by admeas- : men 50 acres mare or less of splendid' farm and, ('nmpnsvd nf lot number ‘23 in the l'ljll (wincessiun Hf ill? 'l‘mvnship 0f Beutinck and :tlsu that art nt' Int :32 on the said 12th concession of tlle said 'l‘nwnshi of Bentinck conveyed by (me Elizabeth \ 'ilson to one Peter Knechtel by Deed already registered in the Registry Utiice tor the Somth Riding ut' the County nf Grey. and in said deed more particularly described. I l‘»rtrts-tu ritrl: s \to . e H a 1952!} at. tvnmm or m" "7' 0.... $1R§T3'."ii’. HUNTER. J. A. Hunter. Durham, Dated Aug. 2nd. 1897. 4 Out. UPPER TOWN, DURHAM. New Prints from 50 up. New Dress Goods from 80 up. New 1300 Curtains from 250- *- xrmR AND BY V_IRjr_UE 017 .A TOWNSHIP OF BENTINCK. ‘Bean 6: Co. We still have 11 few sythes, | Cradle b111des,111kes, f01ks and horse pokes. ()111‘ stock of harvest mitts is something extra and cheap. Another lot of Screen Doors and Windows. A 1111 We stock of belting just 1111 wed. Don’t {01 act 0111 buildmg {111111011111 such as T111 Papel Shaw P11pe1 felt p11_pe1: 1111d Paris. Poi‘tlzmd a'nd‘ Plaster Thomld Cement. A FEW MORE SECTIONS, GUARDS AND HEADS. See our Granite, Tin- ware and Silverware. Deming Binders and Mowers \Iaxv» ell Binders Mowers 110130 Rakes Fe 1 H111 vesters ”111111111 S011e1s Sc11ffle1s lexs 111111 eve1y modem Im- plement f01 E11111 WOIk. One Car Binder Twine BEST BRAN DS. Afew Oil Barreis for Sale. Bell, Berlin and Goderich Pianos. Thomas Organs, Woodstock A few good COOKING STOVES at and below cost. CHAS. MCKIN N ON, FROM THE PREMISES OF THE undersigned on or about the 15th of July, one two ear old heifer with white star on foreheag. some white on hind legs. Aux person giving information that will lea to the recovery of the same will be suitably rewarded. 3; ... WALTER DUN N. 3 Varuey P. O. Canada Carriage Co’s Carriages, Buggies, etc. Chatham and Snow Ball Waggons. Upper Town, Durham. -- FOR SALE BY â€"- THE DURHAM CHRONICLE, August 12th, 12,97. STRAYED We are called upon to announce the death of Mr. Henry Wakefield, who died July 28th, in North Carol- ina, aged 69 years. Mr. Wakefield was well known and is still remem- bered by many in the Township of Egremont and surrounding locality. He came to this country with his parents from the South of England when a boy seven years old. and they settled on a farm near Arkeil, on which he wrought until he reach- ed manhood. He married Miss Haines of Arkell. who survives him. He settled in Egremont in 1857, near Varney and threw his energies into his work in clearing and beautii' wing his home which shows to-day that the former owner of this farm was a man of culture and taste. ' His, abilities soon became known and for i eight years he occupied the position of Reeve invEgremont. was President of the Agricultural Society both in’ Egremont and South Grey for several years, and school trustee for nearly ' the period of fourteen years. Mr. Wakefield was an excellent citizen” kind and obliging, of a decided character, thoroughly reliable. and was never known to be guilty of an unworthy action. His views regard- ing local improvements were far in advance of the most of men, and when we suffered several deleats in endeavoring to procure railwav facilities. he became dissatisfied and ‘sold out in 1871 and moved to N. C., where he went into farming and fruit raising. His family consisted of ten children. all of whom are living in Greensboro N. C. and sur- rounding country. His eldest son left Ll The Greensboro’ Record, of JulyI 28th, gives the following notice of his death :-â€"Henry \Vakefield, Sr., father of Dr. Wakefield. of Charlotte, and of Mrs. G. \Vill Armfield, of this place. as well as George, Henry, Jr., land Rev. John Wakefild. died this afternoon at 1 o’clock at his home near Friendship. He had been sick three or four weeks with some heart trouble and was 69 years of age. He is favorably known in Greensboro’; . where he had many friends, but has | lived in the country many years, and {agood, progressive citizen, always .lvitally interested in the welfare of E the country, and he will be missed. 81 Funeral services will he held at Guil- iford College to-morrow afternoon at I 4 o’clock. W. H. Wakefield is a doctor, and another. John, a Presbyterian min- ister. Mr. Wakefield was a member of the church of England, and in politics a Conservative. His widow and family have the sympathy of his old friends in this community in their bereavement and although twenty-six years parted from us, and now dead, we can truly say, “Gone! but not forgotten.” â€"-For a good working pea harvest- er call on S. T. Orchard. PORTERâ€"J“ firstmu on Friday Aug. 6th Sarah beloved wife of Mr. John Porter, Aged 60 years. MCCREA RY â€" In Durham on Sunday. Aug. 8th, M r. McCreary, aged 62 years. 7 1mm th s . A' ceived by the undersigned up to and including the 15th uf September next for a second ('1;sz male. Normal trained teacher for S. S. Na. 1. (Hunclg. I)utie.~s to begin January Ist. 1808. State salary. ALEX. BLVNIE, Sec’y Treas., A .m an] 4 Durham 1’. O. Aug. 3rd. ed for S. S. No. 2. Fgremont, male or female. Duties to cummeuge Jan. lst, .98. Applications (persunal .preterred.) statmgi Galary and experience wnll be renewed untx Sept. 18th I$XPERIENCE D TEACHER Wan t- J 1‘ In (\DFII \ Rn Q00 -TrRaSu nth- 31650:! W. In" and '1‘ MCI] “'anted. PPLICA'I‘IONS WILL BE RE- --n:.m.l kn Hm undersigned 11D t0 Teacher \Vanted. OBITU ARY. 5. T, ORCHARD, Sec.-Treas., Murdoch l’. ‘ DP. A'I‘HS 15AM. “a Gooseberries are ofiered at a cent a. pound in Clarksburg. The Clarksburg Flour and Woollen Mills were shut down for a week owing to damage caused by late floods in destroying the dam and banks. Walkerton and Kincardine Base ball teams are to play a game at Palmerston on the 17th inst. for $100 a side, the outcome of a wrangle over the umpire’s decision, in a recent ma‘ch. An excursion from Owen Sound to Wiarton recently, resulted in a row, since which, each town gives the other credit for having the toughtest class of toughs. “Jolly Old Uncle Josh” appears in several of our exchanges this week. Each has a bashful Charlie. Miss Callie Cofiee who has been residing in Toronto for some time is spending the summer months with friends in the village and vicinity. gave her many friends a social tea one evening last week at her home in Glenelg. The arrangements through- out were most complete and much- credit? is due Miss Coffee for the affable and social manner in which the company was intertained. The Bentinck Council met at Bull’s Head Hotel in this village Aug. 3rd. The citizens regard them as a gentle- manly lot of representatives. The Mennonite evangalists held a mass meeting at the corner of Dundas street on Saturday evening. The gathering was large and much good is thought to be the out come. Miss Kate Hereby, of Owen Sound is Spending a few pleasant weeks with friends here. Some of the Glascott youths have consulted Bentinck Council for better roads. Miss McCarroll, of Toronto, is re- siding with friends in the village. Miss Mary Dargavel of the Queen City is spending her vacation with her parents here. Mr. Arthur Hughes has been show-'1 ing stocks of Rye 8 ft 6 in. long, the products of his [arm in Sullivan Tp. August Leanhouszencruzer, the famous German traveler who got the upper hand of some of our chief business men, and who traveled too fast for County Constable Vasie. is The Citizens one in an are luucu displeased in the nroposed change in the mail service and a petition ask- ing a reconsideration of the matter, will be shortly placed before the post Master General. COUNTY AND DISTRICT. the mail servrce anu a. petmw. ...... ' ’ By-Laws No’s 323 and 324 were in;' a rec will be shortly placed before the post read a first, second and third time and carried. Master General. B L V 30' The Challenged .run between the t1). Pl? *3; {‘0 was antroduced, Dornoch Bell and a horse, owned by an gorl‘zlngthe ‘ "3’01' l“; :Preasmer Jas. Malone, of Holland resulted in. Otlortow f ,8 5931100 %}200qun(.1€l an easy victory for the Dornoch an 10my 0 0 lb. 219.30, tection 10° By-Law No. 32:) was passed through the several readings and "We McIntosh Bros.‘, started their carried. Mcchhnieâ€"Bull-â€"Tliat By-Laxv new Hamburg thresher on Saturday at .‘J r. .ias. Walker’s, and say it is.No. 325) be now read a third time. deserving of all the honors it has‘signed, sealed and engrossed in the ‘ lBy-Law Book. Carried. I... riiln!‘ (I :i “ _ L L‘-A “fl\'."\“ "“ne McIntosh Bros.‘, s?.arted their carried. new Unmburg thresher on Saturday McKee at. Mr. .ias. Walker’s, and say it iS.No. 39.51 1 the honors it has‘sigued. : deserving of a1 been fa.\ ored \xiLh. By-Law Brow: The Musses Hermes gave the".and T”, pansy ball on Mondav evening themote for 3rd. The company was very select-““1155,“ 'l 1.0 mnein being supplied by a Kin-‘14”1 am The Misses tiermes pansy ball on Mondav 6 3rd. The company was '1 he music being supplied cardine orchestra. Jns. Sullivan, of based 3. Deering C. McKinnon, Messrs. Jno. and Bentinck, have pure Pony Binder from air. of Durham. Chief Vasie on fruitless search strength was d¢ home another lil ! \LONDON. SEPT. 9TH TO 18TH. 1897. oak and Agticultural Exhibition. The most complete Live Stock Buildings in America, More improve- ve additions this year. Every Stockman, Agriculturist. ments and extensi ists and Inventors, etc.. etc., specia artments. Success assured. 3 Entries close - _‘ ‘ ---'â€" “1.3an Canada’s Favorite live St Present indications go to prove that a challenged trot between Mr. ie L.. the horse that won the one hundred dollar Black Bros., 1f the Chatsworth sports feel inclin- ed to put up anything no - ‘ ‘ .. ~â€" 11. Allan will DORNOCH. 'asie on his return from his search for his man of was dc lighted to find at: his .ther little baby boy. WESTERN FAl R- 5Mr. Allan vwill ' Cure wit} : their terms. each box. The regular monthly meeting of» the town council met on Monday night last. The members present were: --Wm. Calder, Esq Mavor, Geo. Snarling. Esq. Reeve. Council- 1ers, Messrs R. Bull, Henry Parker, Jas. Brown, D. Kinnee and Geo. McKechnie. Minutes of last regular and special meeting were read end on motion adopted. The Mayor read a letter from Dixon, Reeve of Bentinck, to the council. Letter laid over for further advice on the matter. A circular was read from the City Clerks office Toronto, for a conven- :ion on Thursday, Sept. 9th and 10th in the council chamber, City Hall re abolition of tax exemptions. Laid or. the table for consideration. Bullâ€"Brownâ€"That the clerk be instructed to communicate with Sec y of the Fire Underwriter’s Insurance Association, asking him to visit the Town and grant a reduction in Insurance rates.â€"â€"Carried. Sparlingâ€"Brownâ€"That in the matter of claim of James Wilson for damages to a horse, harness and cart, owing to the breaking of a bridge on Garafraxa street, that ten dollars be paid him in full in settle- ment of his claim.â€"-Lost. The Finance Committee recommend- ed the payment. of the following accounts: W. B. Vollett -â€"Bal. of Salary as assessor s 5.00 Chas. Ramage-â€"Priuting 6.50 W. Invinâ€" 1.50 Geo Russell one mo ’8 salary 17.50 Geo. Russellâ€"express charges 2:3 Edward Burnett-4 days work 1.00 John Mitchellâ€"Posts and work 9.20 E. A. Dean-91 days work Geo. Meikle 1 salary _ Hewson Brosâ€"Light. Wm. H. Benton 1 salary as 1613 Engineer Chas. Levens 1 salary as Ass’c Engineer. Kinnee~Bullâ€"-That the report nf the Finance Com. be adopted as read and cheques issued [or the several amounts.-~â€"Carried. Council adjourned till Wednesday Aug. 4th at 7:30 when they will meet to bring down the estimates. August 4th 1897. Council met pursuant to adjournment. Members present, Wm. Calder, Mayor, Geo. Sparling, Reeve, Councillors â€"â€"-Robtv. Bull, Lock Elvidge, Arch. Hunter, Bull, Lock hlvmge, arcu. u. , H. Parker, James Brown, David Kinnee, Geo. McKechnie, Wm. Whit- more. ‘vvv ”Sparlingâ€"KinneenThat the of eight dollars be paid to Kilmer for a cart. Carriqd.“ ‘ and Treasurer issue a promisserv note for $500 payable at the Stand- ard Bank in Durham previous to the 14th day of December next. Carried. ByaLaw No. 309 passed throng]. ”a ”won rpndings and was declared McKechuie -â€" Bull -- That Brown, the Reeve and the Mayor a committee to look into the coil urs securities and report at t regular. meeting. Carried. Cou adjourned 25 cents cures Catarrhal Headache. “ “ Incipient Catarrh " “ Hay Fe\ er “ “ Catarrhal Deafness “ “ Cold in the head in 10m " “ Foul Breath caused by Catarrh . n ‘ ‘ Uni!“ 25 cents securesHé-t'mse’s Catarrh Cure with perfect blower enclosed in each box. Sold by all dealers. Town Council. The Arab Prince, as 9nd Engineer 323 and 324 were 1d and third time ull -â€" That Mr md the Mayor to kiuto the collect- . report. at next Carried. Council 145.20 9. .),. sum

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