West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 12 Aug 1897, p. 3

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.- 'til‘..a P '9‘. an. Fofur E1111 Fad revolving Rated screen, the drum are n"n (aha baton dmit the pa... ‘- 3 time. tho line a banal. I) l) : spring down to by Dina. 'NTIDHS on mung 11'- Ul' atu' From “a knqmleas one, and as 1 mm ID- “ ..-. uul‘k l was almost 1101 legs for OH." I \tfilf I heard 0‘ Dr. ‘ mm, 1' m I‘ma and I was induced to at least K inf-m. a trial. In aabort time I ""4.“ to recon-r and tha 380111210: «us .vft my back and limbs, no thtt was tumbled to walk out of doors. HW-df’ l but used more than half t d0!» u boxes I was almost en- er'u): wall and could do ‘ 3 {tr-i day‘s work. [had a good up- mw and began to gain flesh and feel up. .r. nuw man I am free from when umi yams and have Dr. Willim' Pmk P111910 than}: {or it all.” The reâ€" pmmr amid not help {091th that Mr. Lhwzzvy's case was 3 striking 909. .99 '1‘: -“ fink“: W0 up. nuw momma a stout well built (gum. straight limod and I8 smart in his mrvvamcntl u a young man of twanty {one 5410. when the children played [n ma poplan' (mum of light and shade; Ur Morel-ii gt. will through the dim old ha . Where tbs flickering MOW! of via.- leam tall. Newer-‘3 birthdfi brought its joys. To this lxghtaomn heats of the girls and myo. mt fhay marked thoir height on the Hit! hall (1”. Te “ampere with the 1mm they'd gain- ed Mort. Every fleeting and happy you. Him loft the traoo of its panama hm; Then an tbe tint-born’a height st The can heat. wk on tho dd hall doorâ€" And ag mu at m: and eighth and tan , All "10'th (All he has grown sine. than! 0 . Tm awrn, gran coldmrom ”my bluo. ngm scarcely pull thll low doorway through. Yet 11' wands to-nflvm by his mother's A ;.-m of Lem smnmm's forever more. | ___... U... r med out uf the past by the old hall E The wire cables of the 01d Suspension ,. dour. Bridge wt Niagara; Falls are being out 2 1;» upmud rows 01 the twms gre here. into thirty-foot lengths and shipped to 11x Lust mark down I'm that auteenth Hiamidtan. Out, to b6 made into nails. chant W 8th his 11 One by (me May have slipped away-â€" The wt in empty of 1511 to-day. Hardly this mother her Own may know. Where an the children of lung ago! fibre alone. at the old hall door, In the hour at twilight they come once r “101'“ ‘ - Man and women no longer. they Axe hero, but the chufldrenof yesterday. Wm: that old time frulu‘a. and 3100. and 0030. have grown. tall and strange my two here your WI], AMys the name an in days of are. You may find then) mill at the o d hall 'door. L. M5 Mon vmeJ Belmont, P. E Island. ‘8‘ y New Pedagog'm Iteoh from the East -I know cum-my What. you: want en- thmen. You do not? with a lot 0 in- amqumual facts crammed into this divuldnm's heads. You want me to teach the young idea. how to shoot. Presulmt. of cm 3:.th Board, en- Lhml..szzr..lly.-â€"'I‘hat'a it. stxamgar. »d Dcwn With Rheumatism and Sciatica. - (L? 1'03! SaCkVUlO. N.B. “Ms .lke the foilowing carry con- “ “uh them, and in a practical ‘1 “Light be said that this is still go of eracles, Mr. Edward Dowâ€" .;.; Mzwcan, NB. cayszâ€""I have is xmwient 0‘ Cumberland 00.. unre- l have been a great re} {rt-u. upwards of ten years :1 .L 1. thruluatism. I was tortur- "r. “New pains whiCh at times ; urn-me almost unbearable, and v.5 1 buffEX‘t/‘l almost everything a nu. ruff” and live. I was socrip- 1 could not work and part . gum, was not able to even move I uecame so weak. and my 9y:- ‘Iu'ct [y yr.. r and (all. m calm blue on: and braided but M'hy this 51311 not to tough this per- L’Icrulzu piece of statuary thib canes or umbrellas! asked a runner at the art amt-tit. f _. A Bkéauae. snapped a mmpgt‘mg artist you could only do it jam with a "éu‘esfl summer hotelâ€"None of my blonds hue We all took the pre- caution to cattle about rate- before we Actress. who thinks of Inning her lumonds ntolon for the sake of the ad- musemenze ' any one ever been tabbed at thl hotel? THE MARKED DOOR. the mother. It mt old chant. JD vanrthfufl eyes and his sunny ween them. tho'u sisters, tweet I. Vâ€"â€". be; darling: ”de her there. A RUNN 1N6 ACC( IU NT (mg tum-e Brokely settled down sked the stranger in the town. t know exactly." answered tho ‘uu: 1 know it's nigh onto twen- > Name he settled up with me. m; I‘ ERT CRITICISM IN TEXAS- as I had 8b in the same The antiquity of the rme is so great that all account of its origin has been lost. It is not mentioned in the Bib- lical writings earlier than the reign of Solomon, but the allusion to it then made is such as to indicate that the flower had already long been known, for the essence of roses was extensively used in Jerusalem and Judea during the reign of the luxurious and much- married king. 1n Egypt the rose is de- picted on a number of very early mo - uments, believed to date trom 3000 to 3500 13.0., and in the tomb of an Egyp- tian princess, disinterred a year ago in southern Egypt. several hermetically sealed vials were found. which. when opened. contained genuine attar of ros- es, so that the modern claims for the discovery of this delicious perfume are vein. Rose water. or the essence of roses is mentioned by Homer in the “lliad;" Homer and Solomon were nearly con- temporaneous. Both the Greeks and , Hebrews probably borrowed the idea of its manufacture from the Egyptians, and these, tar aught anybody can tell, may have had it from the Indians or tram the Chinese. for the latter claim for each of their discoveries and inven- tions, a most marvelous. not to say, in- credible antiquitv. The rose is one of those flowers which by the peOple of every land are taken for granted as so well known as to need no description and hardl mention, for it is a singu- lar fact t every continent on the globe, with the solitary exception of Australia, produces wild roses. Even the frozen regions of the north, where the summer lasts but two or three months, _...â€"._ L... .wu‘w WW "u" 7-: and in at best a season which may be described as very late in the tall, pro- duce their wild noses. and travelers through Greenland. Kamechetka and northern Siberia, found in the proper season, an abundance of blossoms, while the crews of whaling vessels which call at Spitzbergen come off shore with bou~ qneta of the native Spitzbetrgen rose. All wild tmees are not of the same kind, for there ere over 1:009 species of the ,AL_ ‘_J ‘1... That to remove coma. warts, [unions in a few days. all that is requjmd is to :pply this old. and well-tasted corn cureâ€"Putnam's Painless Corn Extrao- tor. Sure. safe. paindess. Putnam's 00m Extractor makes no sore spots hard to heal. acts quickly and pain- lessly dn hard and soft coma. whether "Quickcure" cures toothache, and all pain Every dentist, without exception, who has thoroughly investigated this new preparation. endorses it, and pre- scribes its use, in emergency, for all toothaches.-â€"Bead Quickcure Book, SIB KNIGHT JAMES OSBORNE, OF 'BABII‘ON TENT, No. 2, CURED OE BR“) BT‘S DISEASE. “Iootenay” was the Remedy. Word was received by Burton Tent. No 2, of Hamilton, Ont, that $ir Knight James Osborne. was ovary 111. a f the " sick committee” was instruct- ’0 w Wm “Wu nun. It was. found that he was suffering from Bright’s Disease, 3 disease here. tofore pronounced incurable by tho medical profession. and it was occeo'ted .- a. matter of course thnt death “'33 inevxtablo, nnd his Lodge insurance Lodgehuome time afterwards in goou malt . His cure be ascribed simply to Knob- enziy Cu re. an he took no other medicine. Before starting its use he had all the characteristics of nnu'ch to be dreaded Bright '3 Disease His skin was pale and puffy. He had Indigestion. Heart Palpi- tation. Shortness of Breath, and great weaknesq. There was p'uffiness of the face and swelling of the. legs. H‘is urine was scanty. painful to pass and loaded with albumen.__ ‘ P _,__ L2- ANTIQUIT'Y OF THE: ROSE. Wit-ll Mlluulxvu- He felt that life was slipping from his grasp with great. rapidity. Kootenay (\xre came to his rearue. 1t restored his kidneys to With}; action. It cleared out 3.1) the poisons that were pent up in the blood. _11 made him wgll. _ A- LL- but VIM m . .. um- __ Chart book free on application to the S S. Ryckman Medicine Co., Limited. 8.1mm on, Ont. nngm Btule Aplaster made by spreading“Quiok- cure” on canton flannel, linen or cot»- ton removes "pain in the back,” more quickly than any known plaster, its effect is almost beyond belief. Doctors that. contain the powerful poisons Acoc nite or Belladonna, which should be used only when your physician per- mits. as your system might be. poison- ed by absorption of the drugs in these plasters. 8150 (“Ltâ€"If you would enjoy lilo, you must never harm another maliciously. Outâ€"Quite rflt, quite right! If you want to get Ml augment opt at in. yuan. mum take cam harm hxm in aupizrit. of Christian charity and Maine“. l nkmmn persons entered the Lon- m asylum grounds late Saturday â€"_â€"â€" -‘A A‘ylwu ”5"...“â€" br early Sundaywxh'orning 3an fifty pheasants. valued at about WT FORGED. HUW TO II) IT. An explorer in the mountains of Witzies Hoek, Natal is laid to have dismVered a lager of sand inclosL-ng small diamonds at the edge of a lake that occupies the crater 0 an Extinct volcano. It is not known whether these diamonds were there as the re- sult of washing operations carried on by the natives or whether the discov- ery corresponds to an actual diamond. The hills of Witzies Hook are (not situ- ated in regions known to be diamond bearing. 'flhe presence of the gems in the crater of a volcano may. throw some light, on their formation in na- ture. BfllmfinafiBm far ears, Mid Nerviline us the only that has done me 3136' good.” So writes Thomas Moâ€" G-hsihan, North Pelhaqn. qu his gesti: W“, -‘v‘ V“ .l. v-â€"-' many is supported by thousands of otnacs Who have experwnced_the won- den 11y penetrating and paxn subdu- ian'g powem orf Nervilineâ€"the great nerve Gashaabeen struck on ;farmbo- lpnging to David Mitts. near Tillbury. lam: Extract - Ono bottle. ‘loloohmann' I You" - Ono half to on. coho. usu- Two pounds. Cram of 'l' but - - One half ounog Lnkewsrm ate! - - Two gtllons. Dlssolvo the aunt. orwn of tartar ond yam In the water, add the enact. ond bottle; place l. a warm K lace for twenty-four noun until it tormenta. t on 9‘». on loo. when it will open opukllnz. cool and dolloiouo. The Ringor b... can be obtained in all drug and grow, m h 10 com bottle- to make two muons. museum)- Mr. Massive, of Colborne. has five hundred dollars at Cornell vomit 5'. "Quickcugef; Major J. S. Dunbar flea, adjutant Bisley writes :â€"-”Quickcure” immediately. I hav merits of 'Quickcure' Major J. S. Dunbar, 8th Royal Ri- fles, adjutant Bisley writes :-â€""Quickcure” immediately. I have . We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for tnv case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hell's Catarrh Cure. 1". J. CHENEY 00.. Prop=, Toledo. 0. have suown F. J. We, the undersigned. , Cheney for thelest 15 years. and believe him ll business transeo perfectly honorable in e lions. and financially able to curry out an) obligation made bv their firm. WEST 'I‘mux, Wholesale Hruggie Toledo. 0. VVALDING. KIMMN 8L MARVIN. holesele Drug inte. Toledo. U. llal eCatarrh Cure in tekrn internally, act. blood and mucous nur- ng directly upJu the feces of the system. Price 750. per bottle Sold by all Drugoiete. Testimoninle ft 80. Hall’s Family Pi is are the best. Birqhall’e grave in Woodstock jail yard is. still acentm of interest. There are Visitors to it every day. The Sisters of Charity. "Grey Nuns. Guy street, Montreal, Writeâ€""Hav- Ins: made use of your ’Quickcure' in our establishment. Wt' fil‘fi happy to add our testimony, also in its favor.“ The body of an Indian woman was found near Edmonton. She had been strangled by tying her hair about. her neck. Dr. E. B. ibbotson. Montreal, Com- ,_ :. 100.4 “yr-Hon' ther Dr. E. B. Ibbotson. Montreal, Com- mandant Bisley Team In 1894. writes: "'Quickcure’ is a treagure, and does just what you say for it; “when it is known. every household will have it. It is worth its weight In gold to par- ents whose children suffer from tooth- ache.” _ _ Thos. Scott, son of ST. Scott. edltor at the Qu‘Aprpolle Progress, was shot and kmled by some boys who were shoot- ing at a mark with a small rifle. "Quickcure” cures cuts of an kinds or lacerated wounds: ,applxed early. 1t lprevents iblood poisoning. Reports from Rain): River say that the water is higher jUBt now than it has been since settlement first began. In travelling mp the fixer, green trees, u‘prooted by the high water. cordwood and portions of wharves are met float- ; - .1 _:-m- all the cord-“road pilged along the banks has been wash- (me solntary ex- d , and with e. away ' not a. wharf to be seen {between this month of the {-00- «-09--..0 a- a- Has your docto: failed to cute 0 r you? I, an ancxpcslcnccdwoman I bum tndlh hmAflomeTrcfl- nonfat your vukncu which wil' not ml. -m A _ forward fail pmgne ADAM’S GINGER BEER. DIAMONIB IN SAND. out {or your wukncu I . ldv'k‘jl c = n k address pldn fully by let- tet tho action a! o m e n my "media. Mn. E. WOO”, '7. St. Paul St, Manual. .-u-u.0..“-'-' '- FREE “I HAVE HAD stroys We germs, cause hauls apd car: and description upon tcccivin you with sump. 5 cub 1: only who tequila unil- this method, as I can ex- m won tell Uni- :3, : For? I3 118 ‘ Death): ’00! t I will the advice ' not FREE I Bet ‘ Iddzeu re- 3 to rack those on mace. hence ! I plain fully by It! 0V- ; ter the action ¢ Dd. my remedies. tU‘ . “n. E. WOL ““1 L-u-u< :ms 7 *‘W‘L’uu " OOOOO v ‘wVâ€"_ surface of cows and cover with thin paper; the soreness will he removed-fit. at once. as it reduces the unflammatlon- Which causes pain. The Ufimrio Government has. a ma- mond dr'Lll working in the nelghbor- hood of Marmora station. testmg gold The new Presbyterian church. \\ ood- stock which promises to be one of the finest in \\ estern Ontario is nearing cornpletion. Sto that Cough! Take warning. It may -ead to Consumption. A 250. bpt- tle of Shiloh's Cure may save your hie. TWO members at the Homerites, .3.“ Pdvanmd religious sect, are; in Jail 1:!) Montrgal pending examinatxon as to ”Quickcure" removes all pain. and reduces all inflammation. Its effect is wonderful. The police of Berlin are raiding dis- order] houses. mud a. number of un- deaira le_ people have been requested Nothing equals "Quickour-e'” as a dressing for Burna, Sands. 0m or .Woundszâ€"read aiciana testiamony in "Quickenre" (free). Lieut.â€"Govemom Dewdney 0! British 001mbin, and Mackintosh. of the Northwest 'I‘orritorieu, were ban- quothod at Rowland. to leave town: Smead a_ little ”quickcuye”. oLn Ceylon Tea OUTS, “EH-IE1“, “L! l. BRAVEI. I007!” Shoot Mott) Genius. Tern Goth T123 Rod. Buck and Green 3006: 8 Re 00?. on. Felt. Tn, Roofing 151 . Onward __ ynylpu‘ an. applied he a . 4 A ‘-I_l‘- A '“m.. .u.‘ vâ€"v 'â€" lll'"i'c.T Abe déga’iimmmn. 35 Adult!“ Blunt. East. Tumult. Money to Loan. I. 0. Mills. EAa-A. nunâ€"J“ Baden. LL! A _-_d ILL8. “Ill! "ALIS. Barristers, 80W“ kc“ Abe dean Amgmhuji. _85 Adel“ nddxeu ' " " ' 'Ilh sump. I wpn to rack those women only who tequila unu- uncc, hence I adgpt :h'xtmcthod, u I an ex- .-'.“. -~-\- ‘ - â€"_' plain fully by I“; w D ter the IctiOI o A IE8! M 11 A h my "and", o m e n . ! above I New Yo. \rmeno Datum: Machine rival- me pkg-Mr . mn- Mn E WoLJs, 570$. Pnu18tMontrul n01? usefulness. It fitnevery form to man ’ “ ” a u a “ fiery union. easy l-O learn and rawd H) u“. J ' - â€" -.-_- ' ~ ! 0. 0033mm. m Yong. IL, tomato. Don'tbewiumut .t. \Vrite for clrwxlar. huncequal at any price. If you want something new, stylish, convenient and durable buy a Carriage with a Roll Curtain. ilopioixo route. A Good Waited up- -to- -dttsl No such; no Inna; - ibie: any. It will squeak. THEJ. 0. KING 00., LTD., TORO N TO‘ ONTAI ’ r you? {ID no expetknccdwonal'n nuue . and l have A HoniTroct- r you: vukneu winch will to: an. {onward {in print: ' and description I c upon tccciun you! with nampi wish aring away their lives in household drudgery that few cakes of SAPOLI 0. If an hour is saved each time a cake is used, If one less wrinkle gath- ands of women we If your grocer sends you anything in place of SAPOLRO. send it back and insist upon having just what you ordered. SAPOLIO al- ways gives satisfaction. On floors, tables, and painted work it acts like a charm. For scouring pots, pans, and metals it has no equal. 1: ...... thinn‘ chino: after it. and even the Children delight in using it a- “O-.. If your grocer sends you anything in p back and insist upon having just what you ways gives satisfaction. On floors, tables, like a charm. For scouring pots, pans, an Everything shines after it, and even the ct in their attempts to help around the house. â€" 00.... m- ‘ The Leading Cnnadian Com-g. Has your damn fabled M at} ‘ ALMA for Young Women. AImREssu -- A... ‘ --------- .‘nr'd-.m-- I ..... - m-â€"-â€" .A -â€"-__â€"- -__A cures \ppliod the and». Adelaide “lame! lug ‘MA_‘A Luo ”oxen can u. “a. no. 5 no. WI’C87 flood Pay at.» It any It but non W non station“. on! at noon young moo sad woman In. pomionl duo on) other Candi-n Bunineu School. 00! mm. -" In.“ all“... Writ- W K. SHAW. PflulpoL 2000 Dozen Hutchinson 2k Pcierson Patent Stopper Soda Water Bouzcs, com- plete, for sale cheap. A Plus Win-or II hotter than Pr!” 1“ I! Gold Modul- ud ”your. before the 900910 I". n profit who. you on no. {hair Scatâ€"oilfimorâ€"I. ' It. nut u chat Imitstjono. _ In. Out, Qty 0"! :02.“ Machine ' Ou‘t be“ It for Wmâ€"aundl ho. wound. Auk for Put-lows on. Dale" :1} all 1.3! T0 POP MANUFACTURERS Pee rless TRINITY COLLEGE 80 "ML PORT HOPE. om é boarding 0913001 for boys, {013M109 in 1305. S acious and handsome new buildlnfgt- fur- n had with all modern tpp fiancee or the comfort. and health of the pupiln. Next torn begins on Wednesday. Sop . 15th. For aoopy of the calendar. etc" apply to the RT. REV. DR Burnout. Bend Hutu. 'â€"â€"'â€"â€"'â€"'- annual 3560;;VMJ'oit. Ton-bum. View In“. Purl-II at Gen All. Grew. ONTARIO. THECOOK'S BEST FRIEND Manufacturers DUNN’S POWDER Truth Building, 73 “)me ST. “N. FOB TWENTY-SEVEN "Rom-Gem"! 3nd Yong. 8a.. LARGEST SALE IN CANADA. PABMIIR‘ Coming to Toronto will find flats of any size, with power, heat, elevator, and all conveniences. W'. G. HARRlS, 25 William 51., Toronto. Ont, Ewe-2. zeta Saws»? Kcfluzzcz wcFEzc. ecu? h M!" Agent- Outta? (no. Honey in this for you Writ. tor paniculsn :

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