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Durham Chronicle (1867), 12 Aug 1897, p. 5

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DO" 31y. 8) t. lg. am in Oil. frauut" 90,99 thin! Man H99 t9 I" $58 SIR 'zu’ , Oil 0‘ Will b0 Priooyilb- at it: B A80” 3!. the tucas. ngih‘ 333101-23 CI- Ofiko hours-4’ OJ .I Auctioneer Land Valuttos _ 1.. 56.5. S 2. I. fi 1:... Ia 7 y- Frame? :’.ARRISTERS. 10115 QUEEN, ORCHARDVILLE, Inn“ 0 rammed hi: old bnnineu. ond is propnr onnt of money on rod aunts . Old mango”: pnid 06 on til moot libero} terma. F nnconefi‘ectod in ‘he be! Correspondence to . 0.: or o coll odicitod NOTARIES. Elliott. 8: Elliott g"! _ Durham. Valuswr, for 1h: â€"b3â€"11§t'y of Grey Bailiff ot the 2nd Division 311 other matters led toâ€"higholt refot once: Agency. 31 used! uncous . NCEâ€"Midduflgh Rouse. W am. to b p.l\. at. we lowest duty re Block, Opposite House, Lower Town, “tor. etc. Office over C Lower Town. Barb: m, “002"“ rate of it. ten-est 01 Marriage Manitoba crop bounteous harvest. Ail m at a. Claim C W for Ba! ““0“” Bf-Brticles on immlgrauou, bun “n.5,- ton Military College, and the Canadlan Pacific railway. Twentyâ€"one firms or uuuumuuw... of bicycles in England have joined the Ernployers' Federation in opposition to the striking engineers. 1n the House of Commons on Thurs- day Mr. Chamberlain said that the Minister of the Colonies desired furth- er time to consider the Pacific cable Duke and Duchess will be signalized the Irish political sma ll LTUuuuuaowu u..- A _ _ abroad by the United States Depart- ment of Agriculture to investigate the possibility of Siberia being a. wheat- growiug rival of the Western States. The Japanese Minister at Washing- mn has addressed to the State De- partment on behalf of his Government a polite but firm protest against the annexation of Hawaii by the United partme on WI 01 [MB WVVbuu-v-v a polite but firm profiest against the annexation of Hawaii by the United Mr. Curzon stated. in the Home of Monday. that the City- tom-Bulwer treatly. contained an agree- ' theyby the Unified me cloakmakers recelve starvation strike. Win-murKsrsteins. ed a. live wire and Commemo street. 1 Tuesth- CANADA. Lish steamer Scandinavian. sgow for Boston. ran down It‘hB Canadian barkentine $35?) fixendeputies : twenty miles south of Cape 3atuxday. The captain's wife of the. anew of the Florence The State Departm basissued a warrant to the Canadian Go Olive Sternaman. v! 31' t9 London magazines and talo on the charge (1 d Who Our Own Countty. United Stat“. and luv street. fiéimrk. THE DURHAM CHRONICLE, August d. in the House of ay, that the Cl‘Y' contained an agree‘ that by the United :rita'm as affecting of New York. who Wm: propose a has been sent '-v vâ€"vvâ€" - Almka. near Cir- net eatab under limept missioper to the Paris Internauour Expomtlon .in 1900. It is very currently reported that Mr. Whitelaw Reid. proprietor of the New York Tribune, will succeed Mr, Sherman as Secretary of State. - What are supposed to be the remains ofMinnie Williams, one of Murderer Holmes' victims, have been found at Momenoe. Kankakee County: Ill. President and Mrs. McKmle): left ’ashlngton {or Lake Champlain for a vacation that may keep t[11,9 Presl- dent away from the mty for sun weeks. Governor Atkinson of Georgia has rewards for the arâ€" offered substantial - -1. u... Mmmminn of the ‘men_v_[h0 WVâ€"â€"- â€"â€" and. was found guilty ‘ Batavia. .N .Y.. on linursd m the first degree. proposition of ’Lhe Cam meat to exact. royalti ‘ gold Charles Minsky was 51101 by Andrew Jovaresky in : a saloon in Pittsburg. Pa., night. In attempting to e esky shot. and seriously w 1 others. 0 -r-n|n ed Baptist . . Ala.. as to the admisswn of adeposed Editor Patterson of The Argos minister was shot and killed by a. negro named Pritdbett. Mr. Carlton. American duty 0 said that be ‘believe in an interview on (the 11 Canadian lumber. d that the Dingley Mro Carlton“ In an u-VVâ€"-. , Canadxan lumber. kmerican duty on d that the Dingley aid that be ‘believe . nigh. tariff would work }ts only (cute. ‘8 raLmyra. for the last .nited States are lay- ad on the ground by an Amari- bur! The po‘litwal Blb‘uuuu- u. .. -_ 7 _ vated. byi ready grave, has been aggra. taken by the Gov- the strong measures intunidnte the Republicans. and Simla. DeSpawhes from Bombay ' 'ng in the Despawhes from DOmuaJ Show that the native upr; Cbitral is serious. Severe storms have preva out Catalonia, Spain, [or (laws. doxng great damage eigners rw ' ence to enroll themselves 01 guard. 1111 the engagement at For geqr Hartley, South Africa, .. t. \[-nlmi.n0nlmt)i was kilh The Paris Figaro 5.13:9 . that; an amicable ' made ‘between Jap An amusing story comes from At a. small fain the north of Ireland. local was, a. big, powerful fellow. got and .on. beihg ordgred to move on, by a, the hobby from his fact» quietly lifted . and. carried hinn off under his arm. This, of course. sented. but h . and he had to content hmelf kicking his best and. shunting to his carter. ‘ i i -. 't m doh’t puts me damn. I'll take ye up. ~ ‘ . g N - 4 # ~ ‘ The most no world has recently been establ rtbern postottice. in the Governmnt on the Is- the NOWESEEL-..“ nff mm north Ebb charge A STORY FROM. IRELAND. States Secretary of War 1 a board to make a sur-' ' ' n of deep water- the great lakes and At- ter. lsky was shot and killed ovaresky in a quarrel in ittsburg. Pa.. on Tuesday ,empt‘lng to escape J ovar- a mmmxslv wounded two Selgian Chamber of Deputies ised a. bill cornpelling all for- who have had a year’s resid- enroll themselves on a civic Paris Internatioml ARCTIC discussion in acolor- on at Montgomery. nt. at Fort Martin, in Africa, the noted . was killed and 400 ers were taken pri- 31â€"1â€" Klondike POSTOEFICE. heat the P020 of Ry- of War to the vine- :heis ’ _ Excavations Bring to light leans-team ' Ion-gotten World. a '0.le Workman engaged in digging tb on IVIIY flmnofl ”on". of Rom have within the last (swam “MM mum.mm come upon remnants of the older and lweIl-nig'h forgotten world of art and beauty. In the Villa Lante. on a , Janiculum Hill. in the making of ' e ”mun“ T“ C“"°“‘C”‘ ““ b' “m ‘° ‘“’ road the workmen came upon an II- be h 'c d Th d‘ h. h o 0 0 cuedfi DMSO 1. e tetow |C CV etent but. nameless tomb. containing subscript'm ;, id “View“! by the umber out}? the bones of the original inmate nld address label. . _ are paid. except at t e option of the proprietor. a number of the objects that were bur- ned With htm. Nothing of unusual in- . ' For transient advertisements 8 cents p1 “teat was found here' Unllkfi m AMHSim line for the first insertion ;.3 cents p: 0‘ the tombs Opened near Rome '0!" R‘TES e érkun? eafh Stabsequent insertion-mime . measure. esstonn car 5, not exceeding one incl commonplace articles 0f ter 1‘ 3' cotteend $4.00 per annum. Advertisements‘ without Specit metal were found. . directions will be published till forbid and charged a ' . . ... fln‘dinliv TranStent noticesâ€"f“ hasn‘t “ Found , a1- Ill-I U- -v â€"-â€"__ In the Corso, the Chief street andthal most fashionable hlghway of the city.‘ during diggings made in front of the princely palace of the Sciarra I y. a statue of marble ‘has just been brougu to light. It is a female figure of very good workmanship, but headless and armless. Tlhese essential requirements for the .identlfication of a statue b6- irxg wantmg, 1t has peen tonne. mp0s» L116 vvm‘uma, -- _ ble to pronounce with certainty what the personage or divinity represented by the new-found marble may be. Just at this very time when people are surprised at the extraordinary richness of the Roman soil in works of dated June 30. from Perugia relates ] that yesterdayâ€"that is to say June 2.9 -â€"the workmen employed in the re- construction of the spire of the his- torical belfry of St. Ginliana. dis- covered in one of the walls a vast, niche which had been covered up. Within it was a statue of gold. together. with a very great number of ancient gold cles. and 0th . others. 8831“. value. Queer Machine Ridden 1 former. Trick cycling shows all are familiar with. Some crack experts ride tricy- cles, and others bicycles. There are others. again, who, contemning a mulo‘ tiplioity of whee-ll. perform all their1 wonderful tent; on one solitary wheel, wit‘hwhinhtbeyuemeblotodom um 11“ W U 'wuv â€" VVâ€"v _. _ artiste, 'l‘hb young when touring acre. Europe and Am- erica in the . various variety thcetrea. always contrwod to at up public races (mg the local rates- eioml scorcher, invariably stipu ating, ’bowever, for a nicely calculated start. Miss Gaswellâ€"Pop. did you ape the Pr inoe 0’ Wales while you. was In Lon- ANCIENT ROIE. 12. 189'. SEMI-CYCLE. UNFORTU NATE. We beg to inform our customers and the public generally that we have adopted the Wash] System, which means Cash or its Equiv- alent, and that our mottonwill be “Large Sales and Small Profits” We take this Opportunity of thanking our customers for past patronage, and we are convinced that the new system willmerit a continuance of the same by a Variety l’c-r on “ - Tut Cullomcuc will ho sent to all 8 0f . wm‘N|u address. free of postage. ‘0! Shoo p; an “- um o o o o ”.93 le in MVW‘I.” ma 0 . be chuged if not so 9323b The daleto which ever; Wm subscription is id is denoted by the number on the at» sud address label. 0 per discontinued until all man are paid. except at t e Option of the proprietor. - a M TEE “WEN “WWI mormng. THE JOB : : - Is my stocked mth. DEPAR‘T‘ENT all NEW TYPE. thus 1(- fording- mum» (on tuning out First-class. the serials by the most. papuu authors. Its Local News Is Complete and market reports accurate. wash. Each week an epitome of th world’s news, articles on th‘ househoid and farm, a: serials bv the most papula SALK “HDVM. _. _ TBURN. SOUR STOKACH. 521N555. DROPSY. BHEUNA'HSI. SKIN 015m“ Eifié'sunss. BBADACHE. SCROFULA.

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