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Durham Chronicle (1867), 19 Aug 1897, p. 9

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‘ Builders’ Sup- md Point! I“ Ease. Cantin' aw Mills. m is the 8 Age EASES SMITH, i w” W :‘M m mm of print. vwer Smw Cut- maces, Shinglo Saws, Em, 0W9? ; Creating blumns, Church .eners, Fencing. plies, 881.“ Hi” Casting Builders’ Sun. RYMAN la 'fbo can an o gone“ this. to m bring you I 00.. Pawnt. A“ Mr 31.8w pm 0.. Jon: vaulted. :ASE “v E CURE OF VARICO- ’9 STRICT“ STUNTED “POTEN- UNNAT- ’AIR-- 'UND I! iet. till orders for .' loud Complaint; Fomalo Fills. FOUNDR PAY! SE00!!!" It and and Purify O [J 1 )POII 'l'l. ‘ - l'mvm‘ of Sale contained m a certain Im‘u-nt ro ut Murmngemade by onel'ldward . ':uu: N!‘ m s and \\ Inch will be produced at time f\a|e there “illbe ofleréd for 8310 b} Pub“? \lictinn nn 5 NW L" L',\\ SEP'PI‘E IBER the “11,1897, b‘t‘Ll \- ltl'." I, D'ul at the hmu‘ of th {ritnh ilntel. Dun" Auctium‘er the fl pm; wt): in the! 1" the ( mmty at they urmnent 150 M‘res farm lax. d mmpme 1 ’m t'iblll’OASiUIl c '1: and :.l.w that part concession: bf the 9-3 tlu_e'('.m.1ty ut' Urey. cnntaiuiug by admeafl- urmnuut 150 acres more or less of splendid hm: 1.1qu mmpusod uf lot number 23 in the 121:; t'nlu‘OAsinll I'f the 'l‘nwnship 0f Beutinck and also- that part of lot 2'2 0:: the said 12th muccsdom cf the mid Township nf Bentinck mnwyed by one Elizabeth Wilson to one l’otvr Kuechtcl by Deed already registered in the Pe‘gistry Office for the South Riding ”1' the ('uuuty of Grey. and in sand deed .1”an pariicularly described. Fur terms and particulars :1 l) to at tn MRS. J. H. WENTER. J. A. Hunter. Durham, patted Aug. 2nd, 1897. 4 Out. FROST 65 WOOD. Those intending to yet have a Binder} should call and see this machine andI you will buy no other. Also a few second hand Reapers and Binders on hand. New Prints from 50 up. New Dress Goods from Sc up. New lace Curtains from 250 Lower Town, UPPER TOWN, DURHAM. Sewing Machines of the very best manufacture, also Organs and Pianos. New Spring Shoes, call and see them. a pair up. New Table Oil Cloth 45" wide, white and colored 250 a vd. Don't furget our Single and two furrow plows. Try them and you will be satisfied that they are the best. A big line of W hips f10m 10c up to 800 f01 a good Raw- hide. See our lines of White Gran- iteware and Tinware. ‘ NURR AND BY VIRTUE OF A mum FAB-M PRSPERTY ,- IN THE â€" 'Fire and Life Inmmnce promptly attended to. --â€"Licensed Auctioneer. 'l‘owxsmp OF BENTINCK. J. Livingston, 5".- Bean Co. Big 4. "O at tun “Pluck. p. m.. at the l I)urh:.uu by Hugh HacKaV. the 13.110“ng \nluahle farm tjw '|\»\v:|1slaip...f lfeutir‘nck, in XXXXXX Durham . [\VE are determined ‘3 to keep the FARM- ; ERS SUPPLIED with i “gym if possi- QA FRESH SUPPLY é Just arrived 0f C 'adles, Seyflws, Snaths, Rakes, F‘lrst Come Deming Binders and Mowers Firs t Served. Don’t miss the chance and be sorry. Upper Town, Durham. Maxwell Binders, Mowers Horse Rakes, Pea Harvesters, Turnip Sowers, Seufflers Flows and every modern Im- plement for Farm Work. One Car Binder Twine BEST BRANDS. Canada Carriage Co’s ‘. -. .'. ' ° Lanmges, Buggies, etc. Chatham and bnow Ball Waggons. \ JO 38 021.181 \ “I They Lead Them All ! Bell, Berlin and GQderich Pianos. Thomas Organs, Woodstock A few good COOKING STOVES left at. and below cost. 1“ ceived by the undersigned up to and including the 15th of September next fora second class male, Norma] trained teacher for S. S. No. I, Glenelg. Duties to begin sznagxlst. 1898. State qalgry. .. “--.---‘ Aug. 3rd. C. MCKINNON. CHAS. MCKINNON, Teacher \Vanted. PPLICA'I‘IONS WILL BE RE. aping Hooks, Harvest Mitts, ‘ Machine (HI. 0130., etc. uar lst. 1898. State salary. AL X. BINNIE, Sgc’yfl‘rea'gnl -- FOR SALE BY â€" THE DURHAM CHRoNiCLE, August 19th, 159? Forks, Dufllam P O. é Miss Vasie who has been residing i in Toronto for some time is home on i“ visit at present. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Little and Mr. and Mrs. James Allen of Thorn- bury were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Archie Little’s fora few days last week. Best Allen has been treating him- self to a driver. Now you girls want to look out. Will McCalmon of Mt. Forest: was up visiting his parents last Sunday. Mr. T. Donaghy was the guest of Mr. John McCalmon one day last week. John Marshall is thinking of tak- ing a trip to the old country for the good of his health. That young painter Lautenslanger who was engaged in our town for a few days painting buggies for Adam Little has returned again. He has poor chances of another job as the last was not up to date. Mr. Adam Little has been the weather for the 1181. week Bert Carson and Miss Lula Dick- son of Gleneden are the guests of Mrs. D. Allen. Mr. Clark left Monday morning on his wheel for a trip down the country to Vlsit friends and relati\ es. He expects to be away about a fortnight. Willie Prew has turned up again looking hale and hearty and is en- gaged with Mr. Pettligrew. J. Allan after spending a few months down the country came home last Thursday with a smile on him that would dazzle the heart of any younglady. On Aug. the 11th the Jr. F. B. C. better known as the Dornoch Sham- rocks met the Holland Centre eleven in a very interesting match at Queen's grove picnic near Berkley. As usual the Holland Centre boys tried to act the shark by putting on three of their Sr. players. To con- sent to this was the Shamrock’s only terms and play commenced, each scoring one goal in first time, in the second half the ball wavered danger- ously round the H. (3. goal but failed to score. The decision was given and Dornoch was awarded the prize. Mr. John Watson of Artemesia is visiting in and around this vicinity. Mr. Godfrey leaves this week for Carman, Man. Chatsworth flanked and did no: accept the challenge to meet the Dornoch Sr. Foot; Ball team on a recent date. Some of the farmers have been *hreshing their fall wheat and re- port it to be turning out 35 and ‘10 bushels to the acre. Mr. Cameron McIntosh left Sat- urday to resume his duties as teach- er in a section near Chesley. IDLE - In Thornbury on the 7th inst, the wife of Mr. '1‘. G. Idle, of a daughter. McCLYMENT-STAINFIELDâ€"On Wed- nesdav at the manse in porpoch, by the Rev. Mr. Little, Mr. 'lhus. Mc- Clyment to Miss Maggie Staiufield both of Bentiuck. ° JOHNSTONâ€"FlELD-At the Methpdist Parsonage, Durham. on the 18th 1nst., by Rev. J. Ferguson. Mr. James John- ston to Mrs. Harried erld. 3110f Art- DR. CHASE’S Catarrh Cure Cones cmnau, HAY Fans. Ross FEVER. All All. Hun Cows . . . GIVE on: now mm 1'!!! 8mm mo THE Pawns: Is outruszn. mxnuo A Sun: AID Putnam! Gun: ..... PRICE WITH BLOWER 25 Gear. emesia. DORNOCH. VARNEY. MARRIED. BORN. been under Mrs. J. Hisland formerly Miss Phelomena Bray, is the guest of her parents and other friends in general at present. Miss Marjory Ledingham left re- cently for Arden Mam, where she will remain on a. visit for some months. Miss Sarah McArthur is visiting friends in Hopeville at present. Mr. L. Snyder of Edge Hill is engaged with H. Boyce for the HarveSt month’s. The McIntosh Bros. of Dornoch were in our vicinity last week with their new Hamburg threshing machine. For good threshers the boys cannot be beaten and their outfit is one of the best that ever came into this vicinity. Mr. Fred Shewell had a valuable beast killed by lightning recently. Mr. D. L. Stewart of our burg has purchaseda brand new buggy, the future is yet untold. For using language to Edward Sargeant unbearing a lady Mrs. Isa- bella Purdy was summoned before magistrate VanDusen last week and at once pleaded guilty where upon the magis- trate taxed her 31 and costs, in all $4.35 or ten days’ imprisonment for the ofience. The old lady preferred liberty and paid the fine forthwith Before leaving she gave Consrable Cook, against whom she appeared to havea grievance the benefit cf her unruly member but the constable possessed his soul in patience and bore it without a murmur. The Junior lacrosse teams of Flesh- erton and Markdale played here on Thursday last. What our seniors failed in doing the Juniors seem capable of making up for as the score stood 5â€"-â€"O in favor of the home team Mr. B Coleman of Markdale referreed the game. Mr. Louis Hay left last week the Canada 800. Mrs. J. Perry of Bells Corners was the guest of Mr. Robb. Hav last week. While the Dundalk Lacrosee team was In town on their way to Mark- dale some of the boys got out on the street and were giving an exhibition of tossing the rubber when it was sent crashing through a large letter- ed pane of glass in Lawyer Frost’s office which it will cost the knights of the stick a few dollars to replace. A load of fifteen picnicked at Bell’s Lake last week while two other nar- ties took in Eugenia and Kimberley, From a. last weeks \Vabigoon Star we learn that at a public school meeting for the purpose of electing the first school trustees in the nlace, C. J. Leitch formerly of this place was the first chosen to serve for the term of three years. 0. J. is evi- dently to the fore in the public in- terests of that infant town. The Methodist Sunday School held their annual picnic on Wednesday of last week, The beaver-meadow be- ing too wet the Agricultural Grounds were resorted to. A shower inter- fered with the attendance. There wasa large attendance at the Baptist church last Sunday morning when {our more candidates received the rite of baptism. Mr. John Thompson, Orillia, and brother, A. E.. student at Severn, visited their mother at Brookhill last week....Miss McMillan has re- turned to her duties in the post- oflice after an enjoyable visit at Ayr ....Mrs. Hall and sister from To- ronto are guest of their sister, Mrs. Arch. Boyd....Mrs. '1‘. McKim and Miss Kora McKixn, of Shelburne are the guests of Mrs. W. W. 'I‘rimble ....Miss Kelly of Toronto and Miss Roy oi Orangeville are visiting Mrs. (Rev ) Malian . . . . Mr. J. C. Crane of Owen Sound spent Sunday and Mon- day with his father-in-law Mr. R. Trimble . . . Mr. Alf Thurston, of the Toronto Junction Leader visited his brother the Advance editor... . Dr. LONDON, SEPT. 9TH TO 18TH. 1597-. Canada's Favorite live Stock and Agricultural Exhibi‘rér‘m. The most complete Live Stock Buildings in America, More in ments and extensive a'dditions this year. Every Stockman, Agi im.’ Manufacturer. Dairyman, Artists and Inventors, etc., etc., speciah) Entries close Sept. 9th in all Departments. Success assured LT. COL . F. B. LEYS, President. WHas been secured to furnish and superintend the Stage .\ Auction Sale of: Booths and Privileges, Aug. 15th, on the Grounds zit 2 p. n: For Prize Lists. Programme and Maps, app)y_to SIE HASSEN BEN ALI The Arab Prime~ FLESHERTON . WELBECK. WESTERN FAIR. ftheir names. addresses, and (ierlct'lplhbll, a ‘ full statement with the particulars aimexed of their claims and accounts and the nature .ot the security (if any) hold by them : and l also take notice that after the said last. men- ; tinned date the said Execntrix u'ill prweed to distribute the assets (of the said deceased am (mg the parties entitled thereto having , regard only to the claims of which nutice has been received as above required and the Executrix will not be liable fur the said assets or any part thereof so distributed to» any person or persons of wlmse claim ‘- uutice shall not have been received as afore- l 8a id at the time said distribution is m made. Dated this 18th day quugnst, A. 1)., ’97; JOHANXA A. SUEWELL. Lxecturix. l 1‘ pursuant to the R. S, 0., 1887, (hap- ter 110, sec. .36, that all persons inning iclaims against the Estate ufthe s :1i11 L11 11.11 11 onhn Shewell, deceased, who died 1;“ ur {about the 30th day of “3", A 1).. 1897, me lreq 11651611 to send bv Dust prepaid or do- “lixertoJohaunaA. Sl1exxell,the cwcuhix, l of the said estate. 011 01' befme 11 0 11th day of SEPTEMBER, A. 1),. 1897 \ First Form Examination.-â€"This examination, which is open to all pupils, will be conducted as hereto- fore, the course embracing Reading, Writing and Bookkeeping, Drawing, Geography, and Botany. First Form certificates will have the Same qualifying value for Teachers’ cer- tificates as Public School Leaving certificates Leitch of Toronto Junction is visit- ing his parents....Mrs. R. Myrick, of London, is also visiting her par- ents Mr. and Mrs. T. Leitch. CHANGES IN THE DEPART- MENTAL EXAMINATIONS A circular to Inspectors and High School Principals from Minister of Education. su following changes regardi ggests the 189‘ Junior and Senior Leavingâ€"Reg nlati‘on 46 is amended so as to allow at the Form 111. examination for Junior Leaving the following options :â€" (a) French and Greek. (b) German and Greek. (c) French, German and Chemistry. ((1) French. Physics and Chemistry. (e) German, Physics and Chemistry. (f) Botany, Physics and Chemisrry. Candidates for Junior and Senior Leaving standing will he required to make 50 per cent. of the aggregate marks allowed in the suhjects pre- scribed in each of the Forms or parts of Forms as well as one-third in each subject; 67 per cent. of the aggre- gate will be required for honors. EXECUTORS’ NOTICE. The obligatory subjects of Form 111 for Junior Leaving are as al- ready prescribed, viz.:â€"English Com- position, English Literature, Ancient History, Algebra, Geometry and Latin. In the Matter of Edward Jnhn Shewell. of the Town of Durham, in the County of Grey, Furniture Dealer, Deceased. All parties indebted to the Ertatv of the late Edward John Shewell are l‘eqiw.~"nd to call and settle their accounts m: UT lwfore the 11th day of Septemlwr. A. 1)., 1897, otherwise the same “111 he placed in Court for collection. Dated this 18th day of Aug., A. 1).. ‘97. JOHA-NNA A. sumvmt,‘ Cured Weak Back for 9.3 m s. For two years I was dosed. pilled, and plastered for weak hm-k. scald- ing urine and constipation. without benefit. One box of Chasp’s k1,] 1193'- Liver Pills relieved. Unww boxes cured. R. J. Smith, Toronto. One pill'a dose, price 25 cents. THOS. A. BRO‘VNB. f4. retm'y OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN NOTICE. A ! tr -tions Exec utrix. ln‘! rovs' trist. vited

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