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Durham Chronicle (1867), 19 Aug 1897, p. 2

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.-â€"v nu H. V a" w. w amenca. where . hgstllltnes ground were in actuo progress. It IS mterest- w'orkec mg to be told that. out pf the thousand is still and twalve run]: and file whoombark- ed, and . ut uven were boots and all there * but 83 Highlander“. . - The regiment remains; at home for? eight years. of which only two were! spent in Scotland. left in l743and not revisited until 1775. In 1776 it was ordergd to America. where hgstilities' were Ln active progress. It is Interest- ing to be told that. out pf the thousand ' rod ’ ' - against pita. - *7" "W “0‘ . avera ‘- lts second .battziwn had been iman Eggvelitzgso in .. West Indies. [runners who “0 .10 phat raglan the whole re uno . 91Wed up 36.0061‘ t . 8 ntwasi- ‘ «Sam transformed in 1761, selected ,hng“ lhere 13 ab Evils stow; in the despatch from £16111? {dirt above beer ‘0: their M'lflsnO-n n . l ‘ 81.801711! (”A-Inn [“1 Md inexpensive Mun")- Want though he wa gen and ca . wonderment as to what was me in for Fontenoy. The 8'0"!!! on. Black W’ atch" Brady distinguished The "Black Wat-"h" it; phi": we} ails mnemmnu REâ€"Aâ€"DING ABOUT THE muons BLACK WATCH. HEROES 0F MANY BATTLE ts the degree of dlstasteful bachelor of arts. bar the last sixteen as the dxsturbance caus- ’years duly qualified women students at Mounds by the “”ho‘esahl‘Gu'tan and Newmham have been ed- OYFWitness give of ' Their 0010001. Sir W I! Got In Nano- Away Back In the "(Moe-ah (binaryâ€"Story of Its In! nto the James _.River. town was the n In pos- lonial forces. The-regi- a. . returning to Eng- 31: months' fiater to n 1...: n -‘ ' v-WILUBSB gave of their de- Tzheir colonel, Sir Robert "Hack Watch" finds an wonderful adventures. Watch" dates its be: 1d hardly be called st. sixhumlred and whom nearly ahalf of we killed to the capability for at and cold.” the conquest. and of flav- as the “Black 3 Nowfi'ork, Success- ,, which DU“! 8. uav- rushes in they set U): ilack,wash the dirt. Two fork. [bought asmall bird 111 mm; a large one in the bush. last. claims for 845,000, gettir bf the the remainder to be pa and . installments of 810,000 e d ' - ‘ m“' clad in cc {each claim j. med. there i. umform has gllglner who mm, has worked 100 feet. and refused $300,030 for t and confidently expects “LOOUO and more. He 11 821;: from one pan pay dirt. while be] - A ‘-.._ “â€"â€" After other less celebrated serVices came the famous victory of Alexandria. THE which Mr. Forbes describes with more than usual fulness, and after Alexan- dria. with an interval of four years at home and three years at Gibraltar. ' the Corunna, where the brigade, which was ”“1 ‘made up of the forty-second. the 'Fourth and Fiftieth, bore the brunt of hiblthe attack. The last look that Sir John h Moore cast on the struggle of that day ‘ “2 ° was turned to the "mack Watch," "'8 "His countenance expressed satisfac- The tion." wrote his aide-de-camp. Henry ning Hardinge, afterward Lord Hardinge. “when ltold him that the regiment was advancing." A few Highland sol- eace diers helped the officers of his staff to and bury him a few hours later on one of [ans the bastions of the citadel. . . In the Peninsular War the most act- Ive service of the regiment was ren- n to :dered at the sanguinary lrattles fought 9m- lat or within the French frontier. At Quatre Bras it suffered severely, los- ing 298 officers and men in killed and Lhe first insuli- So tunnelxng and rockingthey am. there wan us- \ Q'lllnn -- ow governing body other Highland regiments. to this tinction. W .1; a Lew years, but ibere mange t ' AT CAMBRIDGE. Tomllllous at ”'8; flag. ‘0 feet. of his ground 0 for the remainder, K930“ to clear up He 1138 in a bottle pan of dirt. ms " being washed. paid letter telling of the steamer Excelsior to written by Capt. ‘J. been taken '1'er ’ both well 11am- WORKED OUT. Of Cam. ‘hole lengtfl, the Klondike set ; ' will ‘ lmu claims penal servitude, or to d l. murderer, he will be kegith ' remamder of his days in a a. remote part of ( ..â€"â€"â€"_....______ BY DESERVING IT. If we deserve gyngpa thy we an I . gnu-n Al â€"-AL' friend. 6 long. Russia’s Government he take no further steps in git!) the trial 9f Theodqre . aim Véiy “{vhich markable than ‘ rays.” Who 33, -_." D'- 1: {EL .H the “suns renortml h-’ I I HUMAN KNOWLEDGE momma.“ resemble the solar ' have been . they photographed by as tro ers. r " . . , v1- braLions which emaxmted ' calm body are tranquil, those which amanaLed from the ' ' state Of cerebral nr Ps’IPH;'-“ "‘1'. H wu recelve according to our spirit ° ' but also according to which Ls brought to bear tempests in the sun and In other words- he §nn= Photoeplerc About lllm â€" That Is the New .6 Incandescent Atmosphere Which Cu uses at Tel-per ud Emotion â€" A Remarkable n ”heaven. styles a “man sun.” He has fully ex- plained his theory to the French So- ciety of Biology, and also to the French Academy of Sciences, and 80 el and Moisson, and instructed it to examine as to the scientific value of Dr. Baraduc’s views. According to Dr. Baraducâ€"and the fact is generally admittedâ€" man is t surrounded by an incandescent atmo- z sphere known as the photosphere. Now this photosphere, as he. points out, is the theatre of perturbations and of gigantic cyclones, the influence of DR. H. BARADUC MAKES SOME IN- TERESTING EXPERIMENTS. receive PORTRAITS OF THE SOUL. proof of his theory, the assistgnts have amen 8 solar Lempests as photographed by astral I I am- ZLEDGE Part of the. decided to V more re- famous X- us the ' “8h it says will vaccina' diet Will dc he die in t1: “and rad: ._ _"V\- ‘1‘, ?Wl‘uup ; j‘brnnglng the Wine." as us synonymous with the posing and the cm mm d the nmth century. If any is spilled it is considered omen. and there is a, sayin happy 3 Amafriage: “ Thev had forbidden) her to fact. any subterfuge her at the moment. The pun-fort of the excuses is that the p she will make excuses as to. disagreeing with her or th ' , at h " had forbidden her to er D fact. any subterfpge___that occurs. hav- n“ ‘L- -“ burst from the nation, and the result is the wonderful display at Bpitheud. But ships are not only very costly but they take months to build. ‘ than the cost of a. ' ' '"""““ WV”, (1. is man. Korea 80 1 Paper? MnliLary there is not. at, Elle battalion in condition, to my subdue the Boers, should they to break the convention and u Britlsn suzerainLy, it. is forty thousand good BrlLib'h would be rcquix l d no uxjmy ‘ ' 1' .Y occupation. finished their chorus of intense ad- miration of the British navy, a haps there is every excuse for the na- tional exultation, writes an American Correspondent. But, despite the glit- tering and picturesque review of thirty thousand men the other day at , and the compliments show- in lndia, the disturbances always im- minent in South Africa make it abso- lutely necessary that England should have a fighting force at her disposal capable of occupying hostile Tyrol the first time a. young 1 a visit as avowed lover he It May Some Du Rival Those. 01 the Couli- cut. IL T “V“ II knowing Behtleman “u “u- Thé; 13558 spilled THE BRITISH ARMY. 3n ner navy, even though three times the strength displayed at, Spitheud. 1n La, aupum they resolve [ventwn and thww oft Ly, it is ewserted that good British troops ed, and Lo hold Egypt; a- h‘uropean war sev- budgé the pre- insect is the maul men. To “cal rUI'Lla in the g izza a donarb A 1 nd. On. who @323 nun". rd of which the cook found worth of th that 801116 vatâ€"his certain salt-lick 3 four ounces of go tend [elicitation near Portland. 0r ”1 ”if gizzard of ‘ v r- \r yu’t sub .. 1.0%. to fits . a bed gw To allow the Workmen ' ”I haying. the building of a church at St. Alban's Vt" has ped temporarily. islets report a 6dim apnetim ‘ City frightened to deal} was kept there. in Florida the Lich h.e vommanded retired from the sea Burlington, Kan or a, 151mm ldmu‘lug bUSi- 10¢ Alivh in and b “rations I I Quaker. has been stop. got ‘40” from Wu call- #16 Wu Chine” h’_ 579811 kick“ )st m. Fon- most ‘th tp .1‘ wt to a nornm‘: .: “'m. Clarke. :1 r 9.0 mister stain..- mvs:â€"â€"" I have an \‘mi wan boarding an tha ,‘ tmr. “'hfl .‘Hi\ thi [In “and Pink Pins. 1 d4 and thanks '0 U::> ”Wm. WM ‘1! [[0011 Intu l WWDCPfi I {013. H .5’82â€" 1 WI‘K ‘1‘: v (com the um of Ur Pills. 1 found thm ‘ to Indy 1 “'(‘uLd M1 could not apply my: fly digestion “as u ”nous byelein sum gear. A1 first I {an (cation to the warm- ”If gming worm, A It‘tiQned at full. >1 1 'VIâ€"i‘. “'illiams’ 1'1".r\' I going ‘70 thb 11ml u! xm and Mflld up :5 W ‘mthen t he n? 1'“ ~.~ Fifi! . p t illiaIm' Pink 1 The Cairo correawude ion Time- writes an {01, the Brit“. Ccrupalion of n .‘altvv. to active pcrt'wm of a] revolt. bu wrinum a r tar 00 the Makatlam. c Dal, in reply to numb. lid: occupation msu'e, b; bk: journal. the Ahrm .38 is I translation; “Desiring to show Lb! {arcane existing that“?! the present. I at uni tol‘loumg lines. Brien- hbe State wile-cued tax amounting to 4 1-2 I-lgj ”I “a per feddmu. tn present it demand: (ml. . 9d. per leddnn. the “mph: Aulourer m ubitranh [110198le b Government 0; (AC 214.“ (ion! world how Lin c down to the lowest em‘ ministration denpmled d all that they poxsossud duyn. thanks to we. notability oi proportfi the KhedAve bAmseH 1 («Man 0! land union [ “owner's consent and full. 'lbe Aduumstrum officials to use their paused the Nile “aw: d dandy their own land‘ regard to: the planmuq laminate (clluhuen Wu! 0‘ ‘0‘ time Welt uned‘ Actually the poorest I sum mom d a I does the hkgnost I M the livou ot pnu.‘ it w mercy oi Lb» n44 thorny which put lb‘ could insult. {108- llebc with unpunil.‘ .uniuhmeut m u’uOh _ied them without :4 Now no one is 3.1th I oflica were given but data, but today are a [but captble. tame :4 the order 0‘ the dn3,‘ upon puny mere unulfle, the VIUI‘C invar'mhly the Mud'u‘s in ordcr n was” accused oi dxsgw man! . The Priaomâ€"I dun 'Merchemts an 99“}. 9 Hrw':.§‘i°n%' ‘ fixblic funds and land ‘. . inistry is worked in umricea at the Chief Khedive, public funmi friends compelled the en corvee on L ing them to d‘ mum-t embankmcn for (hr benefit of lar tho prejpdicp‘of nmagll 1 do not understand tended patriots who :11 existing rczglmp van den mint! that they shin [Monday The pret. Would 80 better by kn leaving the oommiurc unplefe thrir hum:u_ Lima suffered from a «19 A5 to the administrat' it existed all the y it is enforced only ' Mas, limited nu don aegis 0‘ justice and (q l:.-w" Hussein e1 Al: the follouimr remarks benefits of the British Iihlé! You Bouldn‘t that I I e Prisonerâ€"But I new www.mdi hdputuinlnrofn Ind altar-OI; III. 3150’ to. o [Gilda-inc. um {mil 1; illuunl' Pink mm for MARRIED A NE“ Mrs. Strongmindâ€"A 19 you immaerated A CLERGYMAN BRITAIN 1N ‘wr’ Mo“ hf

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