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Durham Chronicle (1867), 19 Aug 1897, p. 4

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"1. 1““ Iu‘eresm 'fl‘lnfl ‘0 ”f Th 5! POW? Parlia mom """"B I]. ‘V Illcll Farmers are strangly wute land with desirab e v; ' with a View to futurepi'utit. A~i is pointed. out wit many kinds 0! timber 3 ° dfga‘u'er as the anyply re continually for . plipers on the study . as, urging that the idea carried out to mine Day should be moré into child ren ' extent on Arbor - utacture of char Cu“. b Mr. Alexander Ki Crow}: ads _â€"â€"‘v-VI.“V .l‘ the mubture of the soil. some 0' czmvmcmg of which are given banners are .strougly advised tu wgste lagld wnth desirabe varietit with a View to fugue profit. 4“ All. I‘ll. m-_“ . v nun-van Ill prU'v'l‘Hi ‘by this time well anfl’l}. . 'l flunk and droughts so In turd] pru‘perity areoclear y trag came. The cunclustozis long an aghy scientific observers as t« inmrims effects of over-Clea: climate are reinforced by later . u to the efl'ect ot windbreaks in the moieture of the soil. some 4 quiviucinz of whioh .m --=--- ---‘-â€"v ¢.au| ll!" ! gmnnd. S-lt’h being the case ream" why with reasonable pr pine «up I shmfld not remain all olenumt 3 upon it. Tue importance offurestr: tc is urged and figures are gin {mm the statiwtics of the Hure tries. showing the extent to Whi atiuu has been carried in many settled dim-iota. The reullts, ( forquf the Bureau in Drevinn: 4- .,.__V ‘U.- nun-av \VUUK 50 1’81] mm wmcn are so nmsmrtant - ‘ ' ‘ pron'im'iul wealth Wi . In perm‘tuity. provided Duly that the rava- ges of the tire can be prevented. ' pressiuu which has .30 1 “ill Iwcmsarily be . '7 . , an mturmr czmracter, has bee; '_ ' correct. ”his. only occurs .whcn tue y._».uu: tram and NM 990qu in t e whzch he compan gzrmml. Swh beam: the cam ' - Q ”m m.“ r‘.‘“‘”" why wnhypammahle Drum'nimm m... ves‘el OD a clear View of existing conditions in the l’ruvince as regards the threats and the tim~ ber supply, as well as much practical infor- mation t'm' farmers on tree-planting and preservation. The report deta snleratmua which . . ointment ot the l-‘nrestry Cum ° ' wurk investigating the queatiun nt replant- in: the waste lauds With timber I ' . t pmnts out that the prohlemhas entered upuu a new hase. since experience and observation: mve enhclureively proved that th eats which are so imYortant a smirce of our provincial wealth w: l repmduce themselves In perpetuity, provided only that the rava- “83 (’f thB hr“ l'flll ho nun.-,_, A I . 0 pine for- A most brutal murder from near Galt. About. 1 a Wuman named Mrs. Orr 1y disappeared from and a diligent search which ro suited on Saudi” discovery of the. body in grave in a cornfiede near are likely th follow as 3 LT detective is making inves' An Enphemia township named William J. Murphy, while in the General hospital at, Chatham, Ont., threw himself out at a window on Saturday night, and died mm Sir Wilfred and Lady Laurier were 111 Rome and the premier had an interview with the pope, who was very anxious to get information re- garding the state of aflairs in Canada. particularly on the subject of Mani- toba Schools. Owing to the immen: in Ontario this your companies have agreed ducu’uu in freight. rate tiou. 9 . """ "'"’ “CV. ‘vl.:-lt‘!lfl:)0Ing the case t“ w: . . . 7 > ’7 3835911.: hie preu n II, -n‘ Mr. Daniel Spry, Pos spnctor of London. died ‘ disease on Thursday lust. DURHAM, August 19th, 1897 Calder ' _,r.. '- ---uI--"I as: rates. kanmNCE, Middangh House. The Star Life luauâ€"rance 00., London England. "as 31,000,000 more Assurances in furre than la rgest Canadian Company. Anmnnt of Policies issued last year $8,§-I6,- ’7’) 06: '21.“. “.nâ€"-._ _ A‘ I . .. ., nu. uuuu u "nu uranium and at 1683‘ lUl'UHIO fair tn], ear “d" be reater 8' . ' $ ‘ P'mJible 6x11071298. better than ever. zI‘ ' g ' u. hi??? “1'. “1.“! Mrs. Cal partmeutgs exceed any previous year. ‘he 0 I zen are V‘Sltmg Mrs‘ '1'} [:1 re !ln?urance :Illltggmatnfins vwl'lilllmbe {2%an and cuist a lot of; Parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. I m . Breanne ire Insurance Co - U y._ w: a .ttmg conc usiou ‘0 . P” =n'. guaranteed by London and LancashiTe the Jubnlee year, and wall be well worth 80' Mrs. T' K6118 and MISS I- ; raucn (jumpany of England. Security lug 1.0 “’6. The psual cheap fares and ex- turned home a Short time SluJXI).fll). UH'SIOHS ml] bogzven. Wanting friends in ca . If”? Insurance “m” ‘ Am”- 1‘ J I - A- - D“ Town Property (first mortga monthly Instalment Plan. All app are put through with despatch and pus'llble expense. Farm Propergdfirst Mortgage) lowest rates of Interest and easy terms of repay- ment, as toquired. THE CHRONICLE. loaning and Insurance AGENCY Lucas, Wright Batson Black, Lower Town, Durham celved in the fa“. terrific thunderstorm ac- Money to Loan . A. BA TSON .--‘-v-, Ilik“lu“ [‘3‘ J 0“. “3,010,‘ Best plans of Insurance and low- GENERAL. u to which deforest- 1: many uf. the older 'emlts, owmp: to the previnus years, are is year the ruin-0321 33“ ' agreed to make a re- wa“ Rev. ghl. rates for exporta- cone. Immense crops of hay . \II Iltfl". (fi‘vr’ mny Hf the wider Its, ”win: to the ‘. imH years, are The freq-:ent l‘imh‘ to agricul- trucuable In this“ 1.: dawn arrived EH tn the highly wearance upon .tvr ubeou'vaticnns :~' in wemrviug m3 Hf! thta mam mm more i4 now 18 pret wtions our aim sufficient for the Eonntry . POSt office In- . -â€"-V§IVII ‘U- HT. . C d The annual picnic of 3 {ms m “9“ .3 HallSS. last Tuesday w abject of Mam- -f! of Bright’s All aflfihcatiofi sleep and rest. Dr. Chase compounded tbio valuable syrup so as to take away the us child when it is all stufl'ed up with CROUP and coughing its little lungs out with WHOOPING COUCH. One small dose immediately stops that cough. By loosening the phlegm, puts the little one to sleep and rest. Dr. Chase compounded thio valuable SYN!) so ae On 941.- -..---- -. Mr. and Mrs. W: plate takinga trip this wenk to visit 3113. R. Hoxton w with her husband, ft‘rtl‘ i":,lt _le,{;v:wrnA ‘uubn IUI' (.116 paSt eeher couple of weeks with Drayton n lends before returning home. IMF. and.Mrs. Wm. Mead contem- p are taking a trip to Collingwood thin mnnlp 5- _, at leasi _ __ ‘Vt'v‘ LU“. Our teacher, Miss Lochran, re- turned on Saturday. Accompanying her was her sister who, will take in the sights and sayings for a few days. Mrs. Geo. Sharp, of Dundalk, has hnon v - ‘ --_ ----- UUUII ‘Jll “C culle esulce its inauguration, n will 8 pleased to give further i relating to ltd work. -â€"T0r0ntn Mn --. my use or organ swuents. 'l he main building, modelled after. one of the old palatial homes of ‘ ' . cy, supported on the north by Ryersou hall, and on the south by Francis hall. presents a scene of beauty perhaps uneqal'ed in' Canada and with few equals on the conti- nent. Every home comfort is provided in steam-heating, electric lighting, and mod-lI ern sanitary lumbing. No wonder that the students 0 the Ontario Ladies’ College are happy and successful, and that leading educators turn their though ts to this college as the one best fitted to indicate the hi h- water mark of Canadian attainment. ' he Rev. Dr. Hare has been principal of the CUHBQR sinna ion :......_.__M .v . _ . m7---....V....waymaunaiKnowledge Inresuea. The yi - 0f Canadian and American Colleges can 1' ll . t th t 'ti t bushels per acre. n y apprema e - e presen. magm cen . . r equipment of the Ontario Lauies’ College at .M lsilGllr.” and Whitby, or the great strides that this,absem 9d 111 the I institution has been making during the past newed Vigor after 1 few years in provnding for the higher education .of young women. In solid liter- MI. W. Acose pai ary work it is the recognized leader as it is to . 11 friends recentl‘ the only college in Canada sending up students for the first and second year’s examinations with honors of Toronto Uni- his son here last we versity. The same efliciency characterizes the departments of music, fine art, elocution o . “â€"â€" H 0.. commercial branches and domestic economy. ()ne unique feature in the innsmal depart- TRAVER ment is a large pipe organ in the new con- cert hall, or'the use of organ students. ' â€" _ 'n L--2I I. ‘ " ‘ 'l‘lln IYIII I Ontario Ladies’ College 'as on the journey 01 compared throughout the ocean. I 7‘ ""v 0:11.an VJ slfiuvlllug luaoleaux ot incidents during the Queen’sgand partially wrecked. Mr. H- Reign. at the Toronto Exhibition from the g . . ' r' ' arl' 30thof August to 11th Sept., is creating! “yulle also IOSt a fine 39 111! mulchhinterest tluioughoué‘ the Dominion, heifer from the same storm. an t ousands wil oto oronto to see it . \ - from all parts. All t e uniforms, costumes, Mr. J' M' Davxs h’s 501d one Of his carriages and state harness is being brought farms to a Mr. Fadden, 0f Gallan- from En land, and the actual decorations oque. used in ondon. The attractions at the ‘ » ‘Toronto Fair this ear will begreater and Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Cameron and better than ever. he exhibits in all de- partnmnts xceed any prexious year the children are visiting Mrs. Camerons . . a ’ . 1 illuminatiuns will be grand and cost a, lot of ’ parents, MP. and Mrs. T. Kells. money_ It will be a fitting conclusion to, K “a hm] “:M 11.1....) __ the Jllbilee vent- I'll! Will hfl urn“ InnuOL “A I l‘IrS. T- D :“K to visit thei On] ' those wh “22.9mm. .nabazsageraonglknowledge CORN ER CONCERNS “‘ Pr gjesty’s Great Qiamou Jubilee Danni-1' one of the electric storms ocesswn 111 London, wnh cermonies in"f last week a barn Of Mr. James front of St Paul’u U ' ‘ - . athedral and Immense’Bl’OWn’s was 'g n' . . - - . ' ~ Struck by In ht 331%an of ulgndents (111;ng _the Queen’st'and hnrfunll" -_“--1_-.1 u_ 1:19; gm“ .4. Al A GREAT SPECTAClE. - --,_ ....... uuuuUI an It IS [ego in Canada sending up the first and second year’s with honors of Toronto Uni- same efficiency characterizes Its of musighfine ar_t, elocution -hl-L- ' Journey of life their daughter, 10: ifl company l] their return down this the Lawrence I‘HE DURHAM CHRONICLE, Ailgust 19th,189'i toa I -" ACRE FARM, being composed Eggs per doz """""""" 0 0f LUtS N0. 16 (w acres) _‘and 17, Apples. . 0 .per bag ........ (“0 acres) 3rd con. W. G. R. Old 8 Lot 16, nearlyall cleared 40 acres a Potatoes. . . .per bag ...... . l 206d“ Flour r cwt ............ level land. In firstclass state of culti pe fit for harvesting m Lot No. 17 contains about 65 and under cultivation, house, frame b ‘ well watered. well and river at one corner. W 17 separately or b vation, achinery of all kinds. Oatmeal per sack """" acres cleared Chop per cwt ............. with flood frame Turkevs per lb ............ am and bearing orchard, two never failing sprin s, :1] rent ot oth lots together. Rent l Chickens per pair ......... moderate to suxtable te ' asesorbvletterto 'Hides....perlb......,,m Sheepskins ................ Welbeck: P. O Wool .................... ' 4 XPERIENCED TEACHER W. 1 ed fnr S. S. No. 2, Fg'remont, 1 or female. Dutieg to cnmmenge Jan. lst, Applications (personal )reterred) sta salary and experience wil be received 1 Sept. 18th Dominion, u to see it costumes, [12' brought lecorations ms at the eater and in all (19- , Sunday with us at his old] He has been invited to 01 London churche 5 next yea} accepted. Peas are regarded as a fai 1y all over the country this A. Foodfellow has 15 acres Edwards 11). that. nro no M. Mr. and Mrs Alliston spent a d and Mrs. M. J. Du Hanna of Eugenia. of last week with 5 JV. not mm the lambs are sold. 1 This is the line where fat and heavy . Prices range from $2.60 to $3.10, but higher is wanted. Miss Lucy Lawson and Mlss Polly Edge of the '1‘. Eaton 00., Toronto, left for Orangeville on Saturday g a fortnight of their holidays with us. 18th birthday last , - 8.1:. Over fOl‘tV I'nnnn- L ...... - > . V___- -‘.-u UUIJOIIIU. _--- ”mum, we incuraae family. VARNISHBSm-Elastic Oak. Furniture. Cop C at B .i', R H' r. 3.; 'tV Miss Tena McIntosh of Dornoch 0a ‘ 0‘5 "Hut“ :1“ . l . h h Coach Paints, Ready mixed, spenP seyeral da-YS late y wnt er Coach Paints in Japan, cousm M138 Sue Greenwood. a1. Damar Coach E arnish. Black Japan, Brc one coat to finish, Coach I’ui Bagggy Top Finish. . Pal ms an: assembled in the acadamy with re-, 'newed vigor after the holidays. Mr. W. Acose paida visit to Noble- ton friends recently. ‘â€" his son here last week. I If your house or buggy is looking a Ii and is beginning to decrease in value then *â€"-â€"~-»>-. «gee-«W I ‘place to buy Paint. It is at our Store. TRAVERSTON. -LEA DSWGround in GELâ€"Genuine \Vl 0- 2 \Vhite Lead. Drv \K‘lnwn T m”! h 1 '| [I‘ll nâ€"-â€" The {all wheat is all cut and hous- ed in this section and part of it threshed. The yield is over thirty bu_s_hels per acre. owing: teachers resume du_ Plenty of them 1n stock renewed vigor on Monday : I‘VVIVF . l 1__._ ary Delaney to Dornoch, full car load arrived. Get 3w . Cook to Lauriston, Miss Ly to Pomona and our pop- 3” y. . P , . . Park will be bright and l lnlne early horn ) cts upvxalds. (\n'. -4 \Y "' regarded as a failure L I w i h them. Mrs. Jamos Allen : a day lately with P. Davis. Mr. and I v â€" â€" I .\l. dM.C‘eron nd - a; :lijsitingshlrsémCamergns! CEYLON I Mr. and Mrs. T. Kells. I ' . Kells and Miss Boland_re- :3“? 1.33 Offered at SQ 10W 3 pl‘lCG, but Vanted. EACHER Wan t- , Fgremont, male nence Jan. lst, ’98. preferred) stating I be received untll ll ' - Oat Bar NT Ha} _ But 1:) acres and .y lately with Mr. ris. Mr. and Mrs. also Spent a day VANDELEUR. lam b buyers were ) one of the Year and has as good, if not seen for Years Satan-gay, I to. %tâ€"1i;1;e;él)w-;1“ft‘e; grinning to apprecidté m Caledcn and 3 Why should not you ? ,urenear. Year,but gathered Will even of A full car load arrived. . Get your Twine early from 6 cts upwards. Repairs of all kinds kept in stock. Fire Insurance promptly attended in u Var wuu OI Buggies, MC- Laughlan am Tudhope to select from. The Adams Wagon always in Stock. You can buy these at right prices ’ ’ ’ ° . - " Owner “MI blfi’i'é'” """"‘ w i A 0“ IS tlle tlllle t0 bll‘r UI‘ to l’urt;1.g(f 1‘“ I’rflil'a’. your Billders and BIO‘V- ‘ My}.£1123’391‘5t0n. b ers and be. sure and b11yl‘eb'lum’wg7' t'f’ Ollly .Massey Harris] EMMMHW‘HMM Machlnes. They are sure ' and reliable and will not fail ‘ N t ‘10 satisf'v vnn A Pun “nutâ€"I [ he Town of Durham. County ' . (1"0" :‘IIAII‘ .:-‘ ,.. Market Report Issuer of Marriage Licenses FM. CALDEI . ) o. 2 White Lead, Dry White Lead, Rec -â€"-â€"-Mixed Paint allshades. Cal OIL STAINS-â€"Light Oak, Dark Oak. An Patent, nyers, Oxide of Iron, 1 OILS and 'J‘URPENTINE.-â€"-Raw Lins Finish, Turpentine and Bmminc Lower Town- A full stock I Grey, power, brick building lots including: a W! (I welhng and n “'1“ be said I!) lots. Also Int Na. (30. can" Township of Bentinck, 100 acr Town plot, Durham. taken for part purchase money. Apply to M ortg ages, . V'\Il|lllay Ul lnahie water mny elegible mm or {mare 2. \\'. G. H... es, adjoining 17 25, 40. 50 506. [Elm PACKAGES tf 8] taming 200 acres. 100 cleared 50 any kind of machinery on. Good be 50 ' orchard. good house and frame out buildin . This farm has proved itself to 10; best clover growing farms in the county, 85" and well watered. A ' choice farm an 'm- 75 ( spection 0f Place and cr ° ° 8. . Dark Oak. Antique Oak. C Ede of Iron, Dry Colors a J.-â€"R_my Linseed Oil. B and place for everyth 1112'. Bontinok, 100 acres more or less, 8) acres under cultivation and known as the James Johnston farm. Buiidiugs ,fairly good and good water on the place: a short distance from school. To a satisfactory purchaser easy terms of payment will be given. For full information and particulars write to V a price, but it is so others and take advantarre of this 51 March 24th. l'l Cheap and on from Durham. Arm] Oct. 2nd. ‘1“ 1'6" “ “l . or to Trav'e} Feb. 15th. l897. I‘HE ED concession. nm'th uf township nf Glnnelg, under cultivation; hardwood bush. Um ba rn, small urchmd a: , Red Lead llll"| noessiml, north nf Durham Road, in the wnslnp uf Glenelg, Macres cleared. and [der cultn'ahon ° the remmmlor good 9 rdwoodbush. Good frame lulu-:0 frame rn, small nrchmd and well watered. For further particulars apply to the nor ‘1'?” Ix A‘V'r‘ 50 ACRE FARM FOR SALE FOR SALE UR TD REM FARM CONTAINING IUO acres To Rent. 'v “V. being lots \n. 3 and 4n!) the third 1“ ssz.--4L . 1‘ " ‘ and see shade card 6 Oak. Cherry and Mahog. Colors and Shades. J -v- IIIL’. I IIIIIU Apply to J OHN' FIRTH, Durham lent, Rosin, Pitch, Tar per bushel. .Damar Coach Body [)I- AI .-‘w;v5 .1. VII" Dd‘Jn’ easy terms. 4 miles JAMES EDGE - Edge Hill, P. boy or weather-beaten: is now. There is a Burke. :1. No. 1 White Lead Harrisâ€"tan, Ont. flown Japan, hints in Oil Hal d Oil of gany. Extra Ola-ext «an Diana! mow fide'uns. 15mm M and widenoe ARRISTER. SOLICIT Upper 'l‘own. Durham. “one 'prompuy amended l. at the istry (Mice. Barristers, Solicitors, 1‘ lucas, thihi NOTARIES, Cu) ERS, 151 My tom.“ lowest rs' mgtiute UGH MaCKAY, Dun star and 1416““!!th A! Mty of Urey. Sales pl -’-w 0’ Auctioneer 2: r He [and Vizuuor, Ballad 0! Court Sale. wd all other Que-deli m-highcst ref f required. Orclnrdvill P. 0.. ors< JOHN QUEEN, ()RCH Q resumed his old Imam alto lonn soy tmount 0: Cute. Old mortgage: Clerk Division Court. 1“ Val“ --_â€"‘-‘_ RlCr-‘IIJ wine hour» $25100 to h an and 0 flier BAR R 1 ST HRS. I. B. LUC AS, MAIL] W. H. WW HT 0\ C- A. UA'I'SU). I) i “RISTFR. Solicitor. c ' L Grant's a Lore. Lowe Durham AHES CA HSUN , I) Holstfln. unthorixed . BROWN a. LEFBOY M‘ Elliott I“ 0‘ EYE! E‘ ‘ .NEUSTAD'I‘. l egal Dwecv JAG .11 principfl 1 8m mnitob a sad E081“ 17' .SI' (911an a Edi'nburgli. deuce, 009°“ Issac-Mid“ Durham TELF‘ Caldet'll Fire ( “d I‘fi‘n S‘ )i

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