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Durham Chronicle (1867), 19 Aug 1897, p. 5

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He ”[9 (? toy tan . Ch :18 Office and Baa-idem t an out o! McAlllster'a Hotel, Street. Lower Town. Office 12 ‘0 2 O'dea ’Oflioe and Epidenoe u up... .._-_- _ eat of McAlltster' . , Street. Lower Town. Office hours from places. 12 ‘0 2 01'1wa m DI MM!“ 1m to 3 W1 “thus: the (p into me n ‘ Q ufi Licentiate Physicians, {we and Res 0! than Royal Edinburgh, Scotland. 01- 166300, opposite Hall. Holstein. y ..- F- ral Bnkifl bum“ mm” A gene... mm md oongctwuen? Officezâ€"First door out ham Pharmacy. Caldera Besidenouâ€"Finst moor Poet Ottice. Durham. wm be a! Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries, Conveyancers, Etc. Onionâ€"In Mela-15m Block, Opposite the Knapp House, Lower Town, Durham Honey to Ian at. lowest lucas, thiht UGH MacKAY “or and Licen: County of Grey. S; to an! notes cashed. AMES CARSON, Durham, Licensed o Auctioneer fer the County of Grey Ltnd Vinmtor, Buiii'fl' o! the 2nd Division Court Sale. and all other matters promptly ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ 'u __ _-_ 8.--..:-LAA attended toâ€" ! required. ]OHN QUEEN, ORCHARDVILLE, bu Q resumed his old business. and is proper ed to loan any nrnonnc of money on real cute. Old mortgnges paid off on the at. lowest. race. Correspondence to Orchudvill P. 0., or n coll Iolicited Ramos: wee bonnyâ€"9 Q?5.¢00 to Iran at BABRISTERS, SULluux NOTARIES, CONVEYAI ERS, ETC. Am 7301‘! ad. Bummer! I. B. LUCAS, MARKDALE. W. “WRIGHT, O‘VES SOUND. (1- A. BATSuN. DURHAM. AMES BROWN, Issuer Licensee, Durham, Ont. Elliott at Elliott I-GH MacKAY, Durham, Land Valu nor and Licensed Auctioneer for the Lv of Grey. Sales promptly attended BRO\VN. 1 goal Directory. a; the Commercial Hotel. first Wednesday in each Iosxc‘Eâ€"Middgngh House! rs» 9 run. to 6 9.111. Utsrpllaneous. TERS, SOLICITORS, 21m CONVEYANC- Durham. izgfiégtvâ€"rvéfégéfices furnis'bea ~. Toronto. we lcwest ram of interest EAR. NCEE And rues. Easy terms etc. Office over 0 or Town. Durham, Licepled ot Marriage Batsnn, Mtg-mung Items About Ont Steamship rates on grain Irom a real find Liverpool have nearly dm withln a comparatively short tim John Flack, a resident of SL. Ca' 3mm- was on Saturday morning i'y killed. . . Lamont Leavit-t. .3390. of Auburn, Me. welg‘hs the age of seven be cc his father, who weighs Lamont anlW, Paw u".._-_ v at Auburn. Me.. weighs 208 pouonds..At the age of seven he could a his father, who weighs 145 pounds. Within a short period a Mount Zion, Ind., hen has laid three eggs each eight. inches in circumference. At Heppner, Ore., there is coniposed entirely of women which fur- , o A --J.ann§irmn it‘ Ilearby A reorganization partment winch W1 many thousand PM“. Th» Dum'mign Governent.‘ accoyd- mg to a. \vmhuyeg dmpabctg. IS consul- Arum: Um quasuon. ed“ openmg a route into the luxon vux Edmonton. It is expected thin, the telegraph line from the hex-1d of Lynn canal to the Klondyke can be built before the win- ter A despatch from \Vinnipeg 3 there will be no difficulty in farm hands in M‘anitoba as they arrive B'y a majority of law was carried in Welland County. Great Brit-la. the Unit“ sum. um All Putts of the Globe. W and W hr BI” m CANADA. Rev. Alexander Grant. of Winnipeg s drowned in the Nepigon River. I’m. Thomas Telford, of Kingston, who re- cently disappeared in London, Eng., has been found in a .hmpital there. H‘e had been sandbagged ‘and robbed. (A .W‘V map of the Dominion of Can- ada. is in process of preparation. It will show all the roads. brigiges, toWns, vil- engaged are to have a share or the pro- hm. Regulations respecting the issue of leases to dredge for minerals in the submerged beds of rivers im Mami- tobo. and the North-west Territories have been made by Order-Ln-Council. MI. J‘ EB. Riley, the retiring United States Consul at Ottawa, was present- ed with a valuable silver dinner ser- vice and a. gold-headed walking- cane, am! a _d_iamond ring for Mrs. E! L.__ 0---- Riley. The address was read by sena- tor Scott. . : . An order has beam issued liberating Mrs. Omier, of Guinean. Point, who was tried for murdering her husband. but she refused to leave on the ground that she is afraid of sutnstroke this warm weather after her long imcareeration. Referring: to the mission of Mr. E. E. Sheppard. of Ti‘vnmto, to Open up trade between Canada and Mexico, a City of Mexiro despaich says Canadian lumber will find a. market, ad well as various lines of manufactured goods, if proper- ly introduced. The Imperial Parliament was proro- gued with the usual speech from the by a runaway seriously ill. It is stated that a site has been seâ€" lected in Killarney for a Royal resi- dence in Ireland. - The Imperial Govemment has de- cided to build a Iharbptur and graving deck at Sizmmstown. m Cape Colony. Sir Wilfrid Lauriet will sail for Cam Lula. on the Labradorl on the 19th inst. Sir Louis Ihvies wall leave Liverpool on the 26th inst. - c \ l . The. Countess of Craven. nee Carnelia Martin, of New York, has given birth to a son. Vis- omt Garnet Wolsele . Command- erâ€"in-Chief of the Brit army, is Th8 Chief Justice of Canada. Sir Samuel Hlezu'y Strong. is now sitting- dafily as a member'of the Judicial Com- mittee of the Imperial Privy Council. Dr. Fred \V. Evelyn, of San Franciap co, claims that he has discovered aper- foct drink cure in injections of h’orsea’ blood. , - . 3 l Fred Loughead of Sunnis won the quarter and one mile bicycle cham- piophip of LAmariea. at the L. A. W. a fig 0‘ ‘7‘4L2'_ . I "*â€"-‘ Boot at Philadelphia. ‘ 1 v w_,_ 'U anization of the Militia De- which will effect a saving thousand dollars will take “ ‘- ‘Iâ€"vâ€"wâ€"w The addrex wwasâ€" read by Sena- GREAT BRITAIN of 15 a local option by- in \Vainfle-e‘. Township, Own 6000“)“ 6 States. and THE DURHAM CHBON ICLE, August twelve 3:881:81. uoruipg Ill“ and mstantv says that n placing 800“ as In uâ€"Hum' df Ottawa. had amintorView .the other day with Lord Lapsdownu wnth refer- ence to the Georgian my and Ottawa Canal. and he wasprommed all the as- gigm in the power of the Secretary at State for War. _ The King pt Sing arrived on Wednes- In the W at Commons on Mon- day. evmeing the Government grant {it eighty thousand pounds towards the Jubilee oelebratidn wag opposed by some of the Irish members.‘ but was carried by a. vote of one ”hundred and sixty-two to twelve. . It was 104 in the shade in: Lincoln, Neb., on Saturday. Seven persons were killed by Friday’s cyclone at San Jose, Ill. . hree thousand men engaged. inthe building trades wen-t on strikein New Judge Tuley decided on Friday‘ tmt the Clhicago ordinance establishing a vehicle tax. including bicycles, is void. The Prince of \Vales will attend the autumn military manoeuvres at. Ham- burg September 3rd. Erastus Wiman has taken out his 3 in New York,which makes him an American Citizen. It is reported from Perry, 0. T., that outlaws have killed Quannah Parker, chief of the Commanche Ln- "1...:L 'A non-unwn mm“, L“. Scottdale, Pa., iron and was shot and killed by 1 strike on Saturday. C‘harleé w. Spaulding. of the Illinois State University, and former president of the Bank, has been found guilty at Chi- oago by a jury in the third triaL-fl‘he charge was hypothecating $25,000 in Maaupin County bonds. Prof. Elliott, of Cleveland, thinks that Mr. Foster, who was sent to Eng- ' :11 question, Hie has seâ€" is a. diplomatic failure. cured nothing from the . ernment. The Canadian trol of the situation, 9:9 ' ,\ nd state that the move- ment of general; memhandiise through- out the country has itncneased. as in- glicated by the expansion in bank clear- ings. The export trade! for the res-- eait fiscal year shows! a gain of 2 per Iron, cotton. and wool indw ' ' roved condition. There has been a sharp ilnorease in the - lmnr, and wheat is in‘ a stronger podtion than for years. The retumns qf 40 railway companies Nearly 100â€"99150“S ed in Silesia. It is reported that exists in Pocrtugal. of the tribesmen were killed. Yellow fever is ravishing the Spanish troops, and is proang tide. best friend of Yellow fever is troops, and is pro the Insurzents. sia‘n; border. amd both are. despatching t-I'OOPS- “v “avâ€"-‘w Floods at J ohanmshad caused great loss of lif tion to property. The J apanese G10 ed from Germany battleship. * General Weyler Spanish force. i amnesty to 1,590 E York newspaper correspondents. The Caxlists eXpect that Don Carlos will be. at the head of his ’forces in Spain before the end of February next. « , _L.‘.I Lnl‘ knrflnn" year. ‘ The Emperor and Empress of Ger- many arrived at Cronstadt on Satur- day, and were cordially received by th ' I t 3 3 L? The Emperor many arrived a of {he ‘sfiuattwibn, 9nd qt the com- conterencc they W’IH as thev “ skinned” .Tln Vfiicbn. lucose Sugar Refining Com- 'ith a capital stock of $40,000,- ‘beun incorporated at. Trenton, . Dijuu1un11e” vâ€" _-_ )13 State University, and dent of the Globe Savings man found guilty at Chi- lry in the third triaL'fl‘he hypmpecating $25,000 in gton authorities admit .ny possiblg doubt the fields are m British ter- Govvrrgment has order- nv a tune thousand ton r bolumander of the in Cuba, will grant exiles. Mariposa sailed from for San Francisco on ishad. Bohemia, have of life and destrucâ€" have been drownâ€" on‘ the Turko-Per- 0th Governments l (SL581 “works union men on .-t.reasurelf self, is actively engaged in a. cam- mien to stimulate the revenue from Peter’ 3 pence. The Cologne Gazette says that the :aroposal of Germany for EurOpean control of Greek finances has been ac- cepted by the powers. A Chinese pirate captured the Brit- tish steamer Pogu on July 14, murâ€" dered the captain and seven of (his crew. and plundered the ship. _ Advices fly the steamship Miowera confirm the reports of the massacre of white gold-hunters and native assist- ants in New Guinea. "vâ€"v- A paper published .in Rome, Italy, declared the resignation of Secretary of State Sherman is necessary. as his diplomacy is irritating all Europe. There were disturbances at Tetuan'. near Madrid. on Monday. arising out of a private dispute. The rioters used gym: and several persons were wound- navel circles at the discovery of a. composition which is alleged to have the muvellous property of rendering vessels invisible beneath the rays of electric searchligsh'ts. The Japanese Government is aid to be seriously embarrassed timnc' 13115é arising out of the increased dunsn i in every direction on account d Jap-g - -2411..-) I..- . tim-ililt 3‘: .1' According to reports from Madrid, received at London. the Portuguese Government is letting the constitu- tinm at det'umoe. and adopting the tion at defines, and adopting we most stringent repressive measures. to the TramJaal doiginmeny' inoiq- demuity to: the ally denied. Much; interest __is when in Frgnch ID." “V“-v‘v A despatdh from Athens says that a sharp engagement took place be- tween 2.000 Turkidh troops and the armed. population of the villages lying between Metsovo, Trikala and Kolar- rytes. . A- - fl â€" â€"- -L A ‘ Senor Calbajer. a Cuban refugee, who arrived at Tampa, Fla., on Sunday, says that the insurgents attacked the village of Marne-no. killed 49 Spanish: soldiers, wounded 120 amd took posses- snon of the place. . Owing to the amendments to the peace agreements introduced by Tewâ€" ik Pasha. the discussion of which would occupy a couple of weeks, it is ex- pected that the powers will send an- other ultimatum: to expedite the Porte. A: newspaper in Bombay prints a highly1 inflammatory article, attacking the Indian Government for " the rosecution of obscure persons," and or “making an absolute police regu- lation do duty as a secret assassim." According to a T‘okio paper, the For- mosa rebels seem to have an under- standing with the high officials of China. and their plan is to attack for- eign- offices and residences, and other- wied molest foreigners, so as to start international trouble. AL- n:"¢v Ilflbt‘l'wj LJUlldvl hikulsvo The Japanese Minister to the City of Mexico. in an interview, says that Japan. While having no desire to an- nex \t’he; Hawaiian islands is opposed to their absorption by the United States. Japan: would prefer the islands to re- main independent. , 1 ik$g"fi"p - 'â€" w'vâ€"â€"â€"â€" _ lace as 3 civilized 1n} N. G. J. McKECflNlE n9 19, 189'. We beg to inform our customers and the public generally that we have adopted the Cash System, which means Cash or its Equiv- alent, and that our motto will be “ Large Sales and Small Profits.” We take this Opportunity of that the new system willlmerit}. continuance of the same. ‘ SIIBSGBIPTIOI T“! Cmmmcur. will be ,ng to an, ; address, free of meagC, {Or SLOO per ““13 . o . . 0 year, payable in adV4nce-5LSO may ‘ beichafggd If not.” paid. The date to winch every HIE WWI“ flflfiflfllflLE “CRY THURSDAY MORNING It VI; GIMME PIMTIIO N30“. CARAFBAXA mm DU RHAM, ONT. w.:â€" -v 'I'" vv râ€" wbecnpuon is aid is denoteâ€"d bvx the number on the eddress label. 0 per di .4: minued umil an arrears ere paid. except at t cation of the proprietor. ‘MI‘Sim For "Nubia-m advert'hcmcnn‘ 8 :‘ems PC? “8 lin‘ for the first insertion; 3 LC .u per RA ' ° ' iine end‘ SUb-‘Cqucm inn-raw: -- million measure. Pmressmnfl cards, not exceeding one inch. $4.00 per .u‘mum. .AvdV'Cfl;S¢IIIC'th wizhuut specific din-“ions mu be pubhahed ml forbid and cha'acd ac. cordin ly Transient noticesâ€"“ L0“... .. Found," ” F0" gale," “C-“So cents for first insertion. 25 Cents f or each subsequent inscrtioqu .Q a. NI III '9 vvvvvvv Contract rates forgeady advertisements furnished on npplication to the o ce. :1 All adventse nents, to ensure insertion in current week! should. be brought in not later than Tugsmw morning. b vâ€"w--v‘â€"â€" â€"â€" . v.A‘fi-‘fa'c'iwzrtieeu'usms ordered by strangers must be p;.id b: in advance. ‘ ‘ ‘ -- ‘ t ,'L-1,,- THE JOB : : I: completely stocked with DEPARTHENT an new TYPE. thus a. fording {militia {or turning out First-class work. Each week an epitome of th world’s news, articles on the household and farm, an serials by the most pOpulal’ authors. Its Local News is Couplcte and market reports accurate. slunususss common SICK HEADACHE m um mums AS a laxative, one pill acts perfect”, and if a stronger action is desired a cathartic effect is produced ' In. obstinate cases. PIIGC “6. C. I m .1.“ IS PUBL!SHI§D OUR!

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