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Durham Chronicle (1867), 26 Aug 1897, p. 2

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4. 1: inset: olton injurious destroys large quantities of ants, and usually ob- 3. It (”a to me ‘ happen and crickets, .). '1 r â€"â€"â€"‘ Ulrhpoda which damage “41 Baden plants. dermis and the Joints 0: a fut sunk, and it. never ’ sugar and mum!) at perk-ct plan cow-1m. u. is ilupouswle to get, Lion out 01' imgwxicwuou. We m‘ a [nunsâ€"fsmnebhnug-fbut we shot be suusnad sum Lms shortened wnen we can so easiiy obL' tion. Corn must. be grown c no; grass (usuwu. Experiments out number go to show that per corn is has». The truth is in; never get so muck} nuuiitiun out . f more; the raver crossred the Atlan- noi perlect the sap to make nutrition . p y , tw' assed from Halifax to Va cou- nny more than a llagstone could pl'O- vex: p n duce the nutrition there is in a stem of ' clover An iim t-rl'ect l' t ca t was re~techxoed from Tasmania. to Aus- . pwe 0“: do" “1:11.: pro; tralia, and from thenoe to Cape Town. ' u n i'tioni , .' . ‘,. . u “we perfect. A It was heard in India and Egypt, anti ‘ ‘ ' ( thened ‘by its colossal march, 1t reinforced British patriotism at h L‘l'tM, i-unnot have Lh: ' . . . ‘ . ' Ln all. .' a. fultgrms n N01 “ as is dermis and the Joints UL mails, and it never wil . sugar and smrcu a pert-cot plant will D1113 “”1 love ' ton..;tin. it is iniposaiole to get, perfec- woman. Lion out of iuipeittwqtiou. We may get NOW. “:hat was the .reasgm of .thjs? l tutufiâ€"SWethingâ€"f-Dut we should not A there. SUSW years “3'81! 13 30‘} tn. lt- Je satisfied \\ it i this shortened result 59“ enougu L0 arouse the when we can so easily obtain perfec- eager lecognition. The t" ion. Corn luua‘t De grown corn fashion, emptreehave changed, 01‘ , to; grass (amnion. Experiments with- my. Willle on: has grown In power and but numusr go to SilUW that perfected Influence. (1068 DOC all-WY“ the (1063‘ orn is deL. inc truth is that We lion. l‘u rule over one-tifth of. the t .tion out of a. globe, audio. be the sovereign of three t 'ecting “3 seed. hundred million people, . does not nec- c « of plant 9110”, essarily command affection. or engen- ‘ r nil all its powers, tome and contents defi'llomage. re Whined [0 dn thin u-n-‘- ' “‘ ome. were, u 18 soft and wushy. Thu corn docs not make perfect stalks, and can- not perfect the sap to make nutrition On] more than a [lagstune could pro- duce the nutrition there is in a. stem “r FEEDING GREEN CORN. A noted dairy eXpert says that fact 01' feeding fodder corn was the cows ate a great deal more an produced mare. You cannot muk whimIe out of 8 pigs tail. When . THE VALl-‘B 03 THE growing it, must also teach at from cuthuod, following the «fly mutunty m tcauzumg. \‘ par feeding .und with ‘ may be! 1' c which is jl I] spent in fittzug the horse years [or we dcumuu of model They Who 0010. the call Favorablo‘ 1t feeds on worms, an 9, will return, if they f oyulty to the good horse. Without [question , [air values for the bettgr grades of h " ' ' '1 J 1 mad, SHOW' and . with former days ‘ at!!!) no doubt. be reversed. The effect t. better grade of u in comparison with the values 0f Brain and some other farm proâ€" ducts. Following 80 many years of bu8~ iness depression, the immediate future would command an advance in values of all kinds of working horses that are sound and properly broken for Ber-t vice. There is an old saying that his- tory repeats itself. They who remem- ber titty years back, and all who will read closely the record of business de- pressions of the past two generations, .u wagon a periec 1t. 13 impossww to 01 Amps: union. t plant get pe W e um) -suquhmg-â€"Dut we shun]: - .. uvvct \uu cont; ' l gnu-‘01) a perk-ct plain? “this L. {s xlqpyusxple to get, perfec- »1 unpexmquou. We may gét Webbing-fuut we should not (é “AL: ling shorLened result. am so caddy obuun perfec- , IIIAI-RI .‘n l--. ___ HORSES FOR THE FUTURE. The 068le of the bursa industry in “30 Put five years inclines everyone to be cautious as to the future. Nearly every owner of good foundation breed- .c a great deal more and so nuns. You cannot make a . of 3 pigs tail. When com the rate of two bushelsper u.‘:‘ - I beet. green-house pests. of "_ vuv We 30ft, flabby, fod- Lhe best kind __â€"- “a“ wuuut fill iits hatura does not coqyam the THE FARM. - .â€" vJJV a new century .80 neayr who have breeding [acn- Ill“ extent on %. snails, and now 1 and operate a}. once the commg demand am far away. 1d make the most of 5e .01 the future. in :awmng. \th pro- Ln night handling, may bel remuner- wnwb is judicious- the horse of later 1 of modern times. Breen-house 9 TOAD. Leach and train 6 the_ idea of '1 the times, by it if they thx ec-I‘ou 1' Lbs t are RDOWn as always been fol- “'0 Pleasures '8- The fact. is now who have waOl, that I Work for the It. is readily '- that storms. heat. or cold, Is for a. trip ure, most peo- F own convey- “8111888 or in turn, it they air loyalty to "F Iquestionl ,; cut. 0f horses for Pleasure driving so that. ashort- CUI'D wheel is It needs the note the 3, fl WJ LU; U '10 refuse auchenoe to a. t jecL because he had led a able life; to surround herself purwt court Ln Ch hristendom high-mgnded in all Dublin l'nn girl, this eminent ‘ man was informed of her accession the Bl‘ltidb thro c. The first renw size then made has been the keynote at long life that has hrou-ght the .wm to her feet. to the King values London, as every read‘ recently witnessed one o Wlny She Is llonmred and Respected “'orlcl 0ver. London, as every reader knows, ran. no I-- E To begin d v-n with, cider for drinking should be made from sound, selected ruit. Put ' ' of Wintergreen well shaken up 111 a younger days ‘- l". u' ems p-urpo the quantity rel. Doubtless many of perhaps , and we shall be glad ‘to I recall that in: my mustard seed was used se, but 1 do not know necessary for a bar- d 9555 are over-sized, double-yolked,perâ€" should have havpfl. merely because the Immune out accorded the: of condition, too fat, or otherwise. 0’08 01 the int ,k ' In the producers sta-nd- V3110“!!! Civiiiz quent over-sized egg is ,the best, mnk it costs more to pro- 15 vueswle Lo (“108. it injures the sale of the average, and as a rule, it brings him no more _ Inoney. lNevertheless, the breed tillat ‘ PABL a ways ays good-sized eggsâ€"i ’ ere ,- . are enough of Lhemâ€"ise good breed 1’" ”1111111188 to have. The consumer likes such exDerusivea lu: eggs. ’ Which is really best; the white egg or the brown; the large egg, or that 0‘ medium size? There is much argument in the poultry papers of late; trying to Prove that the birds which lay the “best dozens’ at the shows, are really the best utility birds. If the judging! were based on uniformity of color and uniformity of size, just far enough above the average that the breed could be held up to it, the point might be considered proven. But too often the eggs are over-sized, double-yolked, per- hftpfl.merely because the hens are out ‘, v v' ‘1‘ “1‘“ does not. answer the ques- ruLe over one-fifth of_ the to be the sovereign 01 three lillion people, (1068 not nec- mmund alf ' . zodn be L spiders beneficial or indirectly helpful 1 both; to man; 80 per cent of insects and. ether ' it _ annuals directly injurious to cultivat-t ls ti ed oroys or in other ways obnoxwus to: thorougu man. Further comment upon the become C valuable services of LLe toad would! , along th (I u line of the vast pro 3. lt feeds to a. small extent on. spi- ders, generally considered to be valu- able as insect destroyers. . 4.. It devours carrion beetles, insects larc'l‘rrectly pelpl'ul to man. Unfavorable. 1. It destroys cam-bid beetles, insects ' of a highty beneficial character. 2. It devours an occasional ichneu- ‘ man fly, and "lady bird.” beneficial KEEPING CIDER SWEET. u. ur aovereigxft; he royalty of her char- nd most in this-that :e grandeur of obedi- of King... unnecessary. seen. Milllons made be huge capital to do , for sixty years, Lrone of England, the most beloved BEST EGGS. titled sub- question- f With. the n; to be lady bird,“ ”beh'e-figial Respected ”h- 1'1"" ‘ Ions, but 8. to . a ffairsjtmg ””1 and must be taken with delicate .. which fade... and it may be best the colors. first by laying the ga :l' in a solution of salt and water. Many people are fond of pickled on- ! i ions, but housewives are av I colors to set rmen t erse to put-1 .l ting them up because the strong juices' l and oil are painful to the eyes. It is i o o ' VARIOUS HOUSEHOLD HINTS. During this season, when there is much lounging about on the grass, light dresses and clothes become streaked and and make extra trouble in the laundry. Do not put sue clothes with the rest u ' ' hole to remain a few minutes; then wash out in warm soapsuds. Great care [Mme 001d milk, beat the 9. at until. light, and stir the whole into jug mafia! of the whites of eggs beaten dry. mun. two tablespoonfuls of sug- ur. Bake a delicate brown. I “w... - .câ€"uu eme 01 scalded milk, two tablespoonfuls of corn starch, three table-spoonfuls of sugar, and the yolks of two eggs. “'91: the starch with a liLtle 001d milk, beat the eggs and sug- ar untihhght, and stir the whnln nun qu'L“, I‘LL-IA tu ”It. [stiff dough. Knead five minutes than and bake ten minutes. Cream Pieâ€"On epint of scalded two tablespoonfuls of corn starch, tablespoonfuls of sugar, and the of two eggs. “an mm. ‘.+......L [ Graham Crackersâ€"One quart of gra- Statm ham flour one tablespoonful of sugar, ((11:11) . Knead fiv '. ' than and bake ten n‘finuEeEHHUtBS' Roll v . 7 (ream Pieâ€"On enint’. (If m‘unlalnrl “ML v- vuo leuiuu, LWU ounces of melted but- ter and a little milk. .Mix flour, sug- ur and lemon with the milk to the con- sistency of butter; add the butter and eggs, well beaten. . Dried Apple Dumplingsrâ€"(J-ne pint of mried uflplea, cut: unatull pint of sweet milk, two teaspuunluls of baking powder, and teaspouniul of butberoor lard. Use .lluur sul‘fL-s'iernt to make in- to small. buscuit, and drug into boiling water and boil quickly Ll“. bite apples are done. Cut the apples unto small DlLS Witn the scissors anal soak in warm Miler befume znakunga Eat \Vllll. cream sauce flavored mth nut- 1neg., ' k Lemon Shun Cake ML awa’ tea or I it 1.3 the privilege of all to make a 'thorougu study 01 music as an an; to become conversant mm the lives and works 01' we. masters. As an letters, 30 Ha arc, do not. be musfied with super- 'ficiulity; uuu yet, a mummy scguiar 18‘ by no means a gcuuws. Uemus LS born “70.." “NJ-Lie. and genus is a very rare 31”; 80 rare that. as presamaa would .03 Shielded wun greatest care. But Ln mus. names then: 1:; bULLifllefllt talent continuance mum; at ueuguc. hverybody w ' ' V ' '9 ~. Blusic in the 1101116 is one of the most satisfying acquireuwuts Lam; can be had and. to tuuse Living in the country auu small mm let u, be said,”1h:e best of ever) mug is never beyond your reach.” AMI. every. home was its mu- awul ins col'fee mam) REC’H’ES. 1‘ ABLE ETIQUETTE. may be Cleaned by THE HOME. until we dessért. ;C’ake..L.Make a Diet other Shortcake; bake In [rout or. serve e .u-upu- males 'l‘lmt Slum“! be Remembered 8 These "at hays. I. among ’ if drivers (would , or two simple rules," a veterinary surgeon reivent.ly.“lt is very easy tosee when a horse threatened with prastration. mail begins to breathe in quick short gasps, even when standing still. In- stead of pre ‘ ' " ' ' are observed '8 a cool place and apply cold water. Pour cold water over the horse’s bogy and do not hesitate about using enough. If ice is handy rub some on the animal’s head. If the horse has had such a severe stroke that he has 1' ' Simple llulvs Th :fference between ‘ . e obedlent, ! expressxons as “you hornd' Child." or " you had. bad boy," etc., con- I st.ant.ly dinned into childre DO nurse or F Will strive to generally love best; wav m + ed so often to. nurse} or parents wxu slnve to generally love pest way to train a child 13 to expert good things from him. \"i'h mmw+ â€"~ - ‘ . - which ha; SAVING HORSES FROM HEAT. a Very acuffe doubt thev rub ‘ ‘ 7f “ftsuuy wan Cold water, and exam 1111 in thhSafigr?w Well, Put the hat aside of invest brush thorougilfyfflérfwf hours, then Bands of . " In c 9311 bru‘h t . The str 115' powder that may ruiningoqb’ 8“ creamy dthtltaoqld be] fresh, Clean and ’ Imus “'11 Very ofte m 00 or‘ 3"“"8' 0‘ . '11 when tra " ' ~ ' 1110-- . Pbdl‘e betl .. frugfefil'pfecped places 13th (in nm 9:}: the [dim . j, isih or salad looks especially. . ' ‘ dainty when garmsh- 9‘1 With grwn. are appreviavt sci It is not known. pro [housewife that the t mustard leaves make a 111811; Parsley is used that purpose. and a W much to the dainty appc dishes. The whole of the may be used for decora meat, and the ends for They get perfa'tli digogal moisture. Doughnuts dry uut. very quickly, and sometimes were W11; be a dozen or two not fit.- to eat before the batch is dis- posed of. They can we Ireshened in two yvays. \DLp them in cold water and put; on aodouble baking-pan in the not oven. 1 It! f1!teen.-_ minutes, or even less Lhey, Will be as lresh as when first made, but 7 Wire .Loaster and place over an asbest- 08 griddle over («he [as 01' (:(mlnil .anvn hing in with “ hite castile soap. Let the soap dry, and (then wash 1t off with wqu salted. water. Wiping them with "D -I. _ -- "V\J n ‘1U udVB on egperhence should try washing; the ["303 3‘ ups m but water every time aid that Pl‘UV is_ caught. lieroust the ('heese would ”1(1ij le Lt again. Ratscalld mice. have sawmills are acute sense m smell, and no: . they “smell" danger in a trap; tended to: a has caught. fhnir ...â€"...-.na- - he is ev- he transgresses will finally he condusion that he never anything right. It has fm-J set one, 18 to put them in a fine 01' the p. toaster and place over an asbest- accruing riddle over the gas or coaloil stove. a recon ‘ get perfectly tender without ad- , , nal moisture. commissn is not known, probably, by every the force: ewil'el that the beautiful curled and the ends for smaller dishes recently." ltd leaves have a mild, agieeahle generally t is nice to mix With sala s thderful )r sandwiches It is easily gromn ' b . h be seed may be planted at differ- etng ar mes a few weeks apart, so that could 1mp {thalwayzs be ready t1} pick ”€511: natural re ers 1 s own seed i ' ,rmit e< .- efiéls no other care. Prggure that considered ; ver .V largest curled leaf, and I and leadi. “if th.t A trial will satisfy the! been devot '" e ,' a it makes a handsome for . hf lfl‘feryone knows that a dish securm ll" “Sh or salad looks especially. 0f the mill} sing and dainty when garnish- ‘3' derived in green. . the presen it seaSU‘Q’S White straw hat that been remO‘ come scaled and discolored may ned with; very little trouble and among ma: D lool; almost like new b an ' cons , . ‘esh pleas of cloth» great lumbe it slightly with cold water, and f . straw well. Put the hat aside 0 Invested ark for1 ltwenty-four hours, then sands of WC wrong 1 y wi 11 a clean brush to ,. onl v, x - , any _powder that nmv run-mm ! 3 e (cpl surgeon retently. “It see when a horse is prostration. The an- eathe in quick short 1 .1 t “mums lrom scientifiv . is over the gas or ma ()1 s ove. a . ‘ ' .. t perfectly tender without ad- “39°“! 0‘ .m'flg‘s dLl malsture. not known, probably, by every the forest resources of the el that the beautiful curled to - used for decorating platters of ‘ at, the Oxfeuing‘ of the d the ends [or smaller dishes. '3 its own seed if permitted, °. , the other care. Procure that considered quue out ”I ‘1 Very largest curled leaf, andland leading newsl-‘aver a! tile. A trial will satisfy the, been devoted (,0 (1 pm“ it makes a handsome rm. n..-.._:-- evislng U UR BAD CHILI) . wwr hen tra aces the PS are set in ‘y do not at- spr the from him. f'l‘lwbe nu . harder to 3 Lhcir bu: '1“) children ' The pr they must be .» largely d Ence between idered by [be obedient, Hutunates ygu horrid ," buts this y: etc.,con- ' ing that . fl 8 earn “an 5...“..-n- :‘r or fifty. by farmers of systematic tree culture. and it is worthy of careful study byall landowners. It is noted that in the het- ter set..tled districts of Ontario the .um 1cyU1l. uwn not/Bethe great area of land in Ontario that has been cut over ,and is now unproductive of which, for reason? of 0" water supply, should he kept tree clad while a rational syqtem of would not only make the revenue from the forests perpetual but would largely Increase it. 'I‘llle a' . . ,iproa‘3hing exhaustion of the l’nlted States-x mine limits and the opening of the British market for hard woods etc.. are noted in this connection. as also is the vast importance of the forest indus- tries other than logging and wood pulp, with their eighteen million of captial invested, nearly 40,001 rermm. “min-- - ”UL ulcu 1‘11 ‘ H ‘5‘. I - _- - w P.1OIted themnole Of our Vast “lube pine area there will be no \‘hite pine ofany consequence to cut. and the Great lumber industry. with it . smiliim: of {avested capital an d tens of Hum- we present crop of pine 5m“ have been removed. Even yet the opinion among manylumbermen a. TEMPORARY METHODS. i The totes”? work furmers' Lemauo tree cuiture. f careful study hyall noted that in the bet- ..L.. -n ’- - ‘ workmen will be a the fact; tuat m tue gs Lug-re Ls a block bf 1L 8;) square miles,es- to 200 million feet, lat nus ‘under “(131188 beep preserved from is the “He he :report. It Pb? sdoption trees will ’ planting poor land It in tort‘ the smaller c uslluuvz [mes to take theplaoo so of dollars annual- Ilr timber lands Mhnn » of pine shall have ven yet the opinion 118:1] that the pine and .spxuu. now W” [M 001V one (“.0 ”ch 3 thing as m. short time in [bi logs taken 1mm Lfic [Greg ”‘3‘ » achieved, to t3'ke Sh tens of thun- says memory able. manner 0 IS still 9 and In. 5 Nmth. lioh ha. util m numerous arrvws .1)!“ in Indian palm» volt- st two points of t [1V0 I» more serious 1m in (but. part of the Um» the tint reports fihoued, Wd. Where [he prl lawn dinturbancus, wit tail! being given. The Mb“ Tillnk, and 0f ported from Poona. s]; midst) Govex'nmvul an the disaffwtion “mun: I there by deprivmg {Lu- lenders. The 311355-411“; only 0068 WilOb‘r 11:1‘5 \' been turned intu emu-Lu the proceeding: «.1 1n. cars, as the al'rwsts (.1 am, who are umumm. month of 313} mat a . drawn up and agnud h of the. nahveb of 1'00! well as Mumulnmns, the th‘nctt (lune Lu It .0013! prejudzcca of 1:: .9ch prer cmlly in UN in the pine clan over the \\ bolt «muntz'y of O memorml by lmtl Mussulmans 8941118 to icy adopted would :me erous one. A gurri riliah troops mm a ‘ of thou! «1,000 more v very little if the um and Musaulman inha-hil mon cause and the m1: tivo troops should hep 0d. and the frontier tnl 0rd revolt in qvmpatl the British l'J‘rom-n‘mnen1 the Depu‘ation between Mussu}mws m maintai spread: and recent. on htvghelped toward c ulatwns. wwA's ‘EXPOE GREATES'I‘ CELEB; JUBLLEE Y um. 1“tu tlive Lu the 1 lament of the Town II the title rum 1h.» ‘ Gnu Victorian-Ma 15: duslritl Fair,” :'~ to I a scab, from Amman r 11th. that. mu eve Cormor effort made to] most papular, must ('01 most attracuve “nun: this continent Alron number of applit‘dfliw of notificauuua of entr oeived to warrant the] tionl. The mumgeme the. number 01 mean tad have made man}; the buildings and 5.; that they are lthOiV Eng undone man will Cure and comfurt of ‘ uhibitors. They haw ed on a special [cu known. outsido the w half. This sin-,ctacle of n reproducuun Diamond Jubilee pr Agrnts are now act ing and buying the ties and om‘lunws. w and replica of ihv tomes worn by the ore, the 00!)“in and fird in the magni I)“ “'i“ .‘iiwu iu‘ ceremonies at Buvkir Paul's Cathedral un-l the line of route... Mi. Oialtia will also he at night tbg qflqct II the ‘ - Ind magnified by t: (ion: and fireworks. ‘ (store have brought l grandeur and unity <1 they will be pz'a‘vtival Old London. While 4 grand feature {hr :11 the Exhibition must of. therefore, it is «11' of an}: [grevious exhihi mmnnugg all data“! We?! be. L89“ aboIt CURRENT .vo should hag frontier tn (JD OH

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