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Durham Chronicle (1867), 26 Aug 1897, p. 7

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'1' Stuffing M $0., etc. xty. ery-da y '1“ DUB. ”ARK H.\' IN Emhalming ETI. - (H T, .ti-hct “ 'u] AuthoriJ. dUP- mrve r'nna . . . . . “um.-- # mice in all principal points in On- maria, Quebec, Manitoba, United Durham Agency. Barristers, So'liciters, Notaries, Conveyancers, Etc. ‘On‘lcszâ€"In Moleâ€"6m Block, Opposite the Krupp House, Lower Town, Durham ARRIB'I‘ER. SOLICITOR etc. 03100 Upper Town. Durham. Collection mnci‘prpmpllxgttended to. Searches made HUGH MacKAY, Durham, Land Valu “or and Licensed Auctioneer for the Gunny of Grey. Sales promptly “tended to and notes cubed. o fi-mAmuwm-k. um .- ”HUI-t0 UL v.” Physicians, Edinburgh, “Seaman 0!- the m9 Residence, ‘ Will he at the Commercial Hotel. Priceville. first \Vednesday in each tithe loney to loan at. lowest ' AMES CARSON, Durham, Licensed 0 Auctioneer for the County of Grey Land Voluator, Boilil? at the 2nd Division Court. Sales and all other matters promptly “tended toâ€"highelt refuencee furniahed f regained. lucas, Wrgihi 8: Balsun, BARRISTERS, NJLICITORS, NOTARI ES, CONV EYA NC- ERS, ETC. lOBN QUEEN, URCHARDVILLE, has e resumed his old business, and is proper edto loen ony amount of money on real ante. Old mortgagee paid off on the noetliberal terms. Fire and Lif Insur- neeeefl'ectedin the best. Stock Companie- nl» lowest roses. Correspondence to Orclurdvill P. 0.. or 3 call solicited £25.00. to loan at the finest natoof interest Standatd Bank of Banana 1. 1:. LUCAS, MARKDALE. w. u.w mum, OWEN SOUND. Go. A. mums, DURHAM. Rxsnmxcn~lliddangh House. once hours 9 a.m. t3 6 p.m. 'AMES BROWN, Issuer 0: mm Deanna, Durham, Ont. D. crooner Clerk Division Court. Notary Public . ARRETER. Solicitor. etc. Office over ' L. Grant’s store. Lower Town. [load Qflige, Toronto. “fin“ J AMIESON, Durham. Medical Directory. to loud. Mono invented 11 Ml boas tad odd. common ITO. to Lend. {lone} inn-tog jar patios l egal Dweotory. 'istfy Office. Jo] isrelt aneous . DENTIST. . P. TELFORD. 8:. Elliott rates. Eu! terms Armngements _ an: under way for starung a. new bwycie lactory m Lou‘- bursting “an About Our Own Country. amt Britain. the United States. “ All m d the Globe. Condensed and Whflnym. CANADA. St. Thomas is urrungmg for an the street. railway syswm. The first sampie of the new crop of Mamtobu. wheat has been received at Montreal . There is an .increase in the inland revenue collecuons or 51,540,000 tor the last year. Anurnber of prominent Toronto busi- ness men speaxrn most hopetul terms or the commerctal outtoox for the oountr y this season. . [HE NEWS IN A NUISHHL dim <m_~< gamma aways >5; film (<05 O<mâ€"~. Another case of smallpox is reported in Montreal, :1 child on Mortau street being the victim. The schooner Opal of Yarmouth has been seized by me cuswms authorities at Monoton lor ”legally sellxng liquor. The i\1£.~n..Lng~ buxcrument has arâ€" ranged wsz an langusu ruuhshmg C'Oluwllj w; 1.1.x punduuzcn 01 new scum). ch. books. The Law-admin 1 mm lullway is re- ported u: be, 11141:"ng arrangements 101‘ the eremwu m w butwu m we cent- ral pan, 0. the any 01 Ottawa. In official circles in Ottawa the be- -lief is expressed that the provision of the Dingley Act imposing a discrimin- tory duty against goods entering the United States in Canadian cars cannot override the bonding rivilege confer- red by the treaty of \ ashingtonu - ' The meeting of thfl British Medical Association will take place in Montreal at the end of the month. The attend- ance of eminent physicians and sur- geons, With their families, Will be much larger than at first anticipated. Joseph Sdomfish, the Indian who is awaiting trial in Woodstock jail on the charge of steaming a horse, made an unsuccessful attempt to escape by at- tacking Turnkey Forbes with a heavy tron-hound bucket. Ross McKenzie, the once great la- crusw pmvxer, mm mun appmuted us- mswm Lu Lo-nll'aclul' Hume) on the Crows Nest russ xwdway. Lh.Colangwood Sohreiber, chief en- gineer of the Department of Railways and Canals, has returned from an in- speotton of theSoulangescanal. Work is progressing rapidly, and he ex- pects the canal lel be completed next year. ‘ (I Frank Smith, the colored man who slashed David Merrlman, also colored, at \Veaner’s Hotel while the races were on at the Hamilton Jockey Club track, was sentenced by Magistrate Jelis to Kingston Penrtentiary to three years. a The (mu-um Liovernmem is said to be consxwrmg a regu.aLion wmcn wul prevent the exupmyment of foreign labor In Untarm lumber camps. The Customs Department. have issued new regumuone governing the import- anon 01 bicycles my tourists, as it was found that Lruvellers’ samples were be- ing brought. in under the old law. The by-law to authorize the issue of $110,000 debentures lor street improve- menta‘ was defeated in a popular vote at. HamuLon by nearly 1,000 majority. Good samples of ligmdte coal have been discovered a,t Rainy River. A boning apparavue has been ordered and! unbrough tests Willi be made. 131' End man to be much :for prelim- utian to Sir Wilma Lam-ion , u. ”-v â€" ~vw-_,_ to pay the Canadian Customs duty. may threaten to ignore the One- toms offipere, peaceably if possible. but forcibly 1! 11000.17. GREAT BRITAIN. r The Oobden Club It: ceupd espec- The Domixnion Government has com- p.1eted forty miles more of the tele- graph line on the north shore, of‘ the St. Lawrence. it is intended to ex- tend the line forty-four miles more this summer to Natashquan, where an office will be opened this fall.’ {131133; "Sim?“hiid' eVid‘emtl'ry been mur- dered, and two arrests have been made. . A despatch to the New York \Vorld from Juneau, Alaska, amt'wipates ser- ious trouble in the Yukon district. There are a. rough lot of adventurers proceeding to that country from the United States; whu_o_ ’are_determinec} not T'he body of Mrs. Orr, of North Dum- fries. near Galt, w‘hld mysterioqsly dis- Mr. thln Scum inead at. Baissevain. Man. 38:1th 01' an altercation with ‘ a, bland hand named 'l‘lomkigs. '_lf_he‘Lor- uner‘s jury returned a. verdict that de- ceased came to ME W from a kick. The Canadian Pacific railway are makmg actxve preparations to handle the vast grain crops, which they expect to rwelve [row we North-W est this (all. Mans for the Yukon country are not. yet delimwly arrgnged for. The best. address tor the present is b‘ort Cudahy, via. Victoria, 13.0., from which point they will be forwarded by the Mount- ed Police. on the Crow’s Nest Pass railway. He says all the men required can be ob- tained in Canada. . The Canadian Pacific Railway Comâ€" pay has declared a dividend of. 2 per cent. on the preferencenand 1 1-2 1‘-__ rpg} «1:311. (in the -common Stock for the half year ended June 30th last, payable October lst. Mr. Shaughnessy, Viceâ€"president of the Canadian l’acil‘ic railway, denies that, Amerwan laborers arepmploygd Womb-to an United auto THE DURHAM CHRONICLE, August 26, 1897 of the Dingléy tariff Eveâ€"fireasea fifty per cent. 1 . “20".“. Grim WWW the The Right Rev. William \Valsham How, D.D.. Protestant Bishopof Wake- tue'ld, is dead. BB was seventy-four years of age. ' The rumor is reyived that George L. \Vatson is designing a new yacht to replace the Prince of 'Wales’ cutter Britannia. British Board of Trade: returns show an increase in the. W of over $8,700,000. and an increase In exports 01 $710,000. ‘ A large number of British troops have been ordered to get. ready to em- bark for the East. Their destination is supposed to be Egypt- The British steamer. Justin. from Philadelphia for Sligo. is stranded on Wheaten Rook. outmde of 8:th bay, ac- cording to reports from Lon on. m Idndon Ihily Chronicle ridicules the advertisement which appeared in 3. New York paper 88m that the Prince of Wales’ cutter Britannia was for sale. The American jubilee fund. which was started {or the purpose of raising money 'to establish beds in perpetuity m the chief London hospitals, has been closed. The subscriptions amounted to twenty-one thousand dollars. The reply of the Duke of Norfolk, the Imperial Pmtmasterâ€"General, to the telegraph clerks who laid their griev- ances before him has failed to give sat- isfaction, and there is serious trouble immnding in the department. While the telegraphem attached to Uhe London postal system are not Eat- isfied with the reply of the Postmasâ€" ter-General to their letter of complaunt, they do not feel justified in striking. The London Anarchists, by special permission to the Commissioner of P0. lice, will hold a meeting in Trafalgar square next Sunday to denounce the revival of the employment of torture m Spanish prisons. The London Spectator has a very temperate article on the impertinent method of United States pollticuns and warns rthem that English feeling is aroused, and unlessthey mend their manners, a conflict may ensue, with the most disastrous results. It is admitted by the friends of Sec- retary Sherman that he is suffering from a. complete mental collapse, and they are endeavouring to induce him to go into some quiet retreat. He has no recollection of the recent in- terviews which created smell a. sensa- tion in the diplomatic worldJ . - The Attorney-General of the Unit- ed States has decided th‘ot goods the production of e foreign cpnn'try w“ are regularly imported into Cum Records at Washington show. that British vessels we carrying more than 55per cent. of United States merchan- dise both of imports and exports. On Friday Miss {Edna Mitchell a nurse, of Toronto, commmtted suicide in the Cincinnati hospital, to which she was attadhed. because she was deserted by ahieri lover.- 4 According to the records of the United. States fllreaslury Department Britisth vessels are carrymg more than fifty-five per cent .of theUnited States merrlhlmdise both of imports and exports. Bishop Fink, of the Roman Catholic Diocese and Leavenworth and Kansas City, has had a. circular letter read in all the. parishes of his diocese, (for- bidding the faithful attending the Irish-American picnic at Kansas City. The. injunction against the striking miners was issued from the Pennsyl- vania courts. The men are determinâ€" ed togo on with their programme just the same, expressing the b91ief that they have man enough to fill ,up 9:11 the jails if arrests are decnded .upon. v“\- ‘cnw-W“ Eyria, 111., on Tlimmday, at the instapce of the Grand Trustees. charged Wlth the embezzlement of 81.840. The dispute in the engineering trades is extending in area, and a week hence 70,000 men will be in- volved. The Sheffield employers have joined issue with the Employ- ers’ Association, and the contest has become one of endurance. Each side is trying to starve out the 0th“. _ ‘ t - , P : I ".v t The 18-year-old son of (ms Tiner, at Levinia.’1‘exas,un Thursday shot and killed his drunken father in defence of his mother. Frederick Mueller, of Newark. was given 90 days t..,hv9-re on Thursday for being drunk. x'Nenty-flve glasses in Utem minutes is said to have been {has record for a wager. ‘ Ex-Grand Secretary-Treasurer W. A. Sheahan, of the Brotherhood of Rail- road Traimmetn, was arrested at; Pe- Glasgow is disappuinted lm-(ause the Duke of York irrsteud of the Prince of \Vales will {annuity open the mew Cmnock dock. It is the largest in Scotland and ham taken twelve years to construct. It WE}! be opened early next month. The [Traversal Peace Union of Philâ€" adelphia has offered its services as arbitrator in the. coal strike. Clifford R. England, cashier of the Warren-Summit Asulmlt Paving Com- pany. Detroit, is missing. So is $10,000 of the company’s money. James I“. Frawlvj-x, who is-un-zier ar- rest at Chkagu m: a (barge of shoot- ing John Cromex, fmnnerly of Toron- to ,is an ex- ~Lond0n hotelkeeper. An insane man rushed through the main streets of Buffalo on Thursday night in his night shirt, showting mur- der and police. 3 Five women we in jail at Omaha. Neb., for breaking up a Methodxst, meeting. Sir Isaac Holden is dead. He was born in 1807, and has represented Knar- estggrough and__ Yorkshim _i:z Parl‘i‘a- .Two negro children killed a third \Vitb hot, ”“0115 at Grapevxne, Texas, on \\ ednesday. Frank Btuttgen, proprietor of a sakron on Ocean avenue Jersey City, shot and killed a Lurglar In his sa- loon on Wednesday. The first. tin place manufactured in America to be scan- in ,l'lurope was shipped from 1-2nyme mm, to .iiuly on Thursday. UNITED STAT ES. began in _ England and afterwards exported to the Unit- ed States are subejct to the discrimin- awry duty of 10 per cent. The question whether goods tramrted through Canada. to the United States under Consular seal are subjecg [0‘ the duty L-.. _-4. ___L L7 _ “"J has not yet been determined. ‘ The refines of the commercial agen- cies of essrs. Dun and Bradstreet state that the outlook is brighter, and that there is a noticeable increase in trade. The crop prospects are report- ed good from nearly every city, and an inereasing prosperity is indicated by the rise in stocks. the growth of bani} clearings and railway earnings. The heavy speculation in many products, but particularly in wheat, has made the week one of surpassing interest. A feeling of buoyancy has appeared am- ong buyers and sellers at the chief points. and interior merchants are buy- ingcertain lines more freely than since Wi'ne experts say that the vimâ€"age of Europe this year will not rank high. Wine experts say that the vintage o._f ‘EurOpe this year will not rank Prince Ferdinand of Bulgaria 358. guest of the Sultan of Constantinople. The meeting of Emperor William gihwnL§Mn is wundoubtem [His hand is seen in the recent trnbail uprisings on the Afghan frontier of British India. A warrant has been issued {or the expulsion from France of 'J‘arrida Marmod, the Spanish anarchist. The meetr bf‘ the Emperor William 3 resultedpe im an allianm The Kaiser has conferred the Order of the Black Eagle upun Count Mura- vieff, the Russian Foreign Minister. The late Spanidb Premier has {be- queathed to the National Library thir- ty thousand volumes, many of mh'ich are very rare. A Buenos' Ayres despatclh says the wool crop is officially reported as su- perior in quantity and quality to that of 1896. N. G., J. MCKECIINIE Exp-King Milan: of Servia, is so seri- ously ill that some anxiety is experi- enced by, {his friends as to his eventual recovery. The treachery of the Ameer of Af- ghaanistan is undoubted’. this hand is seen m the recent tribal] up prising-son the Afghan frontier of British India. The meeting of Emperor William amd the Czar has resulted in an alliance between Germany and Russia to thwart Great Britain om all important 0c- A circular issued by the Specie Bank of Yokohama) announces that from the first of October it will pay gold for Bank of Japan notes. , 'Iihb capture of Abu flamed placesin the hands of Sin‘ Herbert Kitchener a most important strategic position, and an early: advanced Will be made on Ber- bel‘. The capture: of Abu Hamed placasm the hands of Sir Herbert Kitchener a. most important: strategic position, and an early advance will be made on Ber- N ., G. J. McKechnie. Japanese tea merchants of Yokoâ€" hama propose to hold an entertain- ment in thecelehrmtion of the reg ection of the tea. duty by the United JStates Official returns just published show that the imports puto France for the A“ -4- AAA Cash System past seven months wen ra'ncs below those of 1896. GENERAL. We take this Opportunity of thanking our customers for past patronage, and we are convinced that. the new system willlmeritfla continuance of the same . We beg to inform our customers and the public generally that We have adopted the Cash System, which means Cash or its Equiv- alent, and that our motto will be “ Large Sales and Small Profits.” Adopted by 20,017,000 THE IIIIBHWI flflfiflfllflfli EVERY THURSDAY HORNIIO OT Tl}. "fillet! MINING MOUSE. mu m DURHAM, om. wasuwnou Tm: Cantu-mu; will be .~cnt to any address, fuw of postage, for $.00 per 'Am . . . . . year, payable 5'. adVam‘e-SLSO may be charged 1! not so paid. The date to which every subscription 15 Dill'l in donated by the tzumbvrcn the address label. No paper «in 1‘ utmm-d until all mucus we paid, except at lllt‘. o'fltrzt uf the pragd'lClol‘. Ao'm1|8!m for $371“; 1" fluvgniwn‘lrm.‘ a n-m‘ per R‘IES . "C 0| t .L ill-l xzn~cr.u_m;.5 “'3"? Pa, 0 o 1‘“? 63C". suhwqucm mwrnon lining“ measure. Prdcwmnah‘flz'd“ Dot ritecoiing one inch ’4'“? 9" .IDIum. f’““‘*‘|‘“~:xlusrts winnmt s‘kvciflé directions wdlbe published it” forbid an-l Ch“":«-d “U condingly Tl‘flsicnl llofit‘cs-“ Inst," “ Fvuud '. " For Sale,”ctc.-â€"5o (‘0le for first inxerlion, 25 “u.“ for each subsequent imam ion. A“ advertisements ulih u «I by strangers 2251‘! I“: pad hr in advance. Comm-.1 tatcs for yvutl; :uln-Ilnsuucms {wruixh- l on application to the: offirc. “A“ advertise m-Ich M: NH Insertion incuncm week, should be bloughl m not 1.11m dun 1mm" morning. _â€"_â€"â€"â€"‘ __“ _\ THE JOB : : DEPARTMENT The Chronicle Contains . . Each week an epitome of th world’s news, articles on the household and farm, an serials by the most popular authors. Its Local News is Complete and market reports accurate. This is an advertisement which tdb the truth ab' .1! Milbum's Heart ad Nerve Pills. PEOPLE WI“! Slll-TEII from sleeplessness, dizziness, shortne. of breath, smothering feeling, palpita- tion of the heart, pains through the breast and heart, .anxious, morbidcon-. dition of the mind groundless fears of coming danger, anemia or impoverished blood, afla' eflects of la grippe, general debility, etc., should 1'!" THESE PILLS as they cure these complaints. Every box is guaranteed to give satisfaction or money refunded through the party from whom the pills were purchased, and we authorize them to do so on the strength of the above statement.‘ This offer '3 limited to the first box used by guy one [An Advortisemenfi fouling facilities work. '. "ifmuum Co.,' TN. EDITOR ANn' PRormmu. W. IRWIN. IS PUBLISHED is comp!etely stocked with a“ NLIW 1 YPii, thus z!- lor tug-«ting out First-class

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