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Durham Chronicle (1867), 2 Sep 1897, p. 9

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Cure IT IS ROMPT L l A a L E EVER FAlLs, PM r power : Creating 0010111118, Church asteners, Fencing, Buggies, 86M 0F SECURITY I Who on 3 ea of some ' thing to 2 ‘y ”“38 TM womb. I CO.. Pawn: A330,. '30" 81900 prize 08¢! 'nl-Oonl want“. It‘lEN tom-w m DRYMAN ’3 Female Pills. UT" 3mm, ‘82.. Toronto, UOIDE l'l’i’ER T()\VN. DRYGOODS, GROCERIES, BOOTS, ' ,‘IIOEs, TIN‘VARE, WIIIPS. Etc., etc. Everything at BIG 4 prices which are the lowest, and ONE: PRICETOALL. BEG 332 BEE?! BB. we 1‘ Town, Fall Goods are coming in. W IRE 3. Livingston to the BIG 4 for bargains in: )micul \V (D8 of MILES of I 3 FENCE now in use \’( the u ensed Auctioneer. -â€"IN \V 0 {11> OF 3EXTINCK. THE HIII'KCC. farms with .mntial and ire fence in minpd'in a certain (19, by one Edward ill be produced at 3 offered for sale V I R'I‘UE OF A R the 4th, 1897, D. m.. at the of PAGE Durham . D( H ll 1'- 311- ‘ oc:( £1108, Our C suyerim Don’t They Lead Them All 1 )lilXWGll Binders, Mowers §In the Matter of Edward John Horse Rakes, Pea. Hm'vesters,g Shewell, of the Town of Durham, Turnip SOWCl‘S, SCUfflGl‘S, in the County of Grey, Furniture Flows and every modern Im- Dealer, Deceased- plement for Farm Work. - . - , OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN one car lglllder T‘VIne ' N pursuant to the R. S, 0., l887, chap- ‘ ' tor 110, sec. 36, that all persoqs having BluSI‘ BRANDS. claims against the waafe ufthe said Edward t" 3| Bell, Berlin and Goderich Pianos. Thomas Organs, Woodstock A few good COOKING STOVES left at and below cost. A waived by the undersigned up to and including the 15th of September next for a second class male, Norma] trained teacher for S. S. No. 1. Ulenelg. Duties to begin January lst. 18%. State salary. ALEX. IEINNIE, Sec’y Treas., A '1!" .975. "Hy-Pam P. O. CHAS. McKINNON, C. MCKINNON. FEES i SUPPLY Just arrived of Canada Tarriag‘e Co’s 3:11'1'iuges, Buggies, etc. Clmthum and Snow Ball \Vasz'u'ons. Teacher \Yanted. PPLICATIONS WILL BE RE- Scythe: Upper Town, ‘Durham. L}RANITE and 'l'INVVARE is ' to any other. and be m ’1 n 4...... .1.1. [M‘vl THE DURHAM CHRONICLE, September 2nd, 1697 FUR SALE BY sorry. he chance G UxXI?» [)S and Ki South Grey in Durham. Sept 28th and 99th. A. McKenzie, Sec’y. Canada’ 3 Great Industrial, Toronto Aug. 30th to Sept 11th H J. Hill, Sec’y. Western Fair, Landon, Sept. 9th to 18th, Thos. A. Browne, Sec’y Owen Sound, Sept. 14, 15, 16, A. G. McKay, Sec’y Centre Bruce, Paisley, Sept. 28th and 29th, F. E Sheppard, East GrPy, Fleshprton, Sept. 16th and 17th, R. J. Sproule, Artemesia, Priceville, Oct. 5th and 6th. Jas. Watson, Sec’y ! ‘. 17'»; Ozhers will be announced on re- cept of notice or prize list. Northern at VValkerton, Sept. 15th and 16th. TUCKER-In (ilenelg on Tuesday Aug 17 to Mr. and Mrs. 'l‘ucker. a daughter. Mc‘v ICARâ€" In (xleueig on 'I‘hursdav 12th inst tn Mr. and “ms. J. McVicar, a daughter. l their names, addre<<e.~4, and dewription, a ' full statement with the particulars annexed of their claims and aerounts and the nature - ot the security (if any) held by them : and i also take notice that after the said last men- l tioned date the said Execntrix will proceed . to distribute the asset< of the said deceased lmnong‘ the parties entitled thereto having l regard only .to the claims of which notice I has been received as abmfe required and the Executrix will not be liable for the said i assets or any part thereof so distributed to ; any person or persons of whose claim notice shall not have been received as afore- said at the time said distribution is so made. Dated this 18th day of August, A. D., ’97. ‘--.._.â€" Ch pursuant to the R. S, 0., 1‘ ter 110, sec. 36, that all person claims against the Estate of the suit Juhu Shewell; (lecum'ed, whu d; about the 30th day of May. A. 1).. requested to send lJYDUSt prepzx liver to .lnhauna A. Showell, the e of the said estate, on or befure the 11th day of SEPTEMBER, A. l Linseed and Turpentine is not only a popular remedy, but the best known to medical science for the treatment of nervous membranes of respiratory organs. 1 OTICE IS HEREBY pursuant to the R. S, C tor 110, sec. 3?}, that all per claims against the Estate of the Juhn Shewell; (humped, Wilt about the 30th day of May. A. j requested to send bYPm-‘t pr: “var fanhnnnn A Shawn“- H the unpleasant taste of the turpe linseed. It was the Doctor's last ar remedy, and more of it is sold in C: all other cough medicines combined A Banker’s Experience 9939 HQEAFTER HE INTERIM To . . . . BE Hts arm FMIILY Dacron “I tried a bottle of Dr. Chase’s Syrup of Linsu-‘d amt Turpmwine fer a troublesome afio ction of the thxoat," writes Manager Thomas Dcwsonpf the Standard Barlkmow of 14 Melbourne avenue,Toronto. “ It proved effective. I regard the remedy as simple, cheap and exceedingly good. It hum. hitherto been my habit to consult a physiciaq has hitherto been my La! fin troubles of this nagure UI ‘V wuv-- _â€"_ 3.515681% of this nétfir'én. Hereafter. hbwiever. knead to be my own 13:me doctor." All parties indebted to the Estate of the late Edward J olm Shewell are requo<te¢l to call and settle their accounts on or before the 11th day of September, A. D.,1897, otherwise the same Will be placed in Court for collection. Dated this 18th day of Aug, A. D., ’97. JOHANNA A. SHEyELp‘ The Fairs of 1897. [Estate 1) o C) JOHANXA A. SEIEWELL, Execturix. BIRTHS. 9-~‘ 0‘. .â€" ¢ NOTICE. HEREBY GIVEN o the R. 5.0.,1887, chap- imt all persons; having Cr'tate of the said Edward unwed, win» died on or of May. A. 1).. 189?, are bvpnst prepzaid,,0r do- , 52.09011, the cxecutrix, H of )il 11 H. MILLER rent l, A. 1),. 1897, Executr}! .1 1:1 IOVOT. l Mr. and Mrs. Brown of Owen Sound [visited the lattcrs sister, Mrs. \V. (H. Thurston. John O’Meiia Jr. of Flesherton in- i "I” "L' I.” "”"anHl-l- dulwed in profane swearing and co111-. mitted an assault on Fred Grz ham, \V.Tri1nble’sbus driver at the 8111- 1 ROUSING CONSERVA' tionafew daxs ago. for which of : TIVE RALLY. i fence he was Summoned befo1e .X. VanDusm “I P. on F1i1121y last. He; “ v .. ' ‘ .. admitted his guilt (:11 both (haures' TH” HARDX 00‘ I;R.\.\H‘..\ I‘ an] his baiconduct cost- him $9.831 SEYISRECLY CIII'I‘ICISIZD. â€"..â€"-â€"_â€".... The Junior Lacrosse team of this place played the Juniors (‘3) of Mark- dale on the grounds of the latter on '1‘ d {1' ' k 1' "'1 ues avo «st “86 am neceuu quite as clean a whitewashing as they gave the visiting team heie a few days ago. Score-00. "The way of the transgressor is hard.” The Junior Lacrosse Teams of Dam dulk and this place met for the first time on Friday afternoon and put up a rattling good game, each team hav- ing four or five players who did : ood work. The visitors won three goals in the early part of the game. The home team then changed their poai~ tions slightly and made their flags impenetrable and after one hours hard playing scored on Dundalk and time was up. The victors had slight advantage over the home team in weight. but they were a manly and well behaved lot of boys. The game was void of roughness which made it a pleasure to witness. m. \Vilson of Dundalk refereed in an impartial manner. (irate receipts 88. A number of visitors accompanied the boys home from Dundalk among them beingBanker Lucas, J. D. Mor- gan, F. Nixon. MacKay and Calhoun brothers. Rev. John Stafiord preached in the Baptist church here on Sunday last, and three candidates receivcd believer’s baptism at, the end of the service. Mrs. Crozier of Severn her sister-inâ€"law Mrs. S. Brookhill. Postmaster Thompson and wif visited Mr. Barnhouse and r {utive in this vicinity last week. 410m} ther-in Misses Annie and Ethel Blackburn of Crcemure paid their uncle Mr. J. Blackburn a VlSif last week. M rs from daugh Editor Irwin of the DI'RH ICLE Espent from Satmday ti with old {rig mis 110.16. brcther Dr \VOOC Messrs. Frank VanDusen and F. ’s"am‘.mr are on a wheeling tour to (pm-mm and ether points east. Mrs W. Henderson and Miss Nel- lie Henderson have gone to visit rel- atives at. Guelph. Miss Gjnrdrum, Miss Beecroft, and Mrs. 'l‘rimble and Miss Zilla, have gone to the millinery Openings. Miss Scott of Arthur who have ‘men visiting here for a couple oi mouths returned home on Tuesday. Mr. Ben Hislop of Clarksburg is spending a fenv days with old friends here. > Miss Allie Moore of Toronto is visi ting her parents Mr. and Mrs. J. E 11 core. Miss Christoe is learning the art of balancing on a. new bike this week. Mr. John CalvertJr. returned from Manitoulin Island with a drove of cautle with which to stuck his farm. He sold about forty head to neighbor- ing farmers a few days ago. He brought an Indian pony from the 18- land and could easily find purchasers if he brought. some for sale. Muss H-{mpton of Mt. Forest visit- ed .\ iss Mary Calvert last week. Several farmera have had some’ threshgng done to make room for the remaining crops. The yield is goods generally. " ’ Mr. Clark of Varney passed through to Mt. Forest where he purchased a new threshing machine. Things will! hum now. Mr. Thomas Orchard, brother of Mr. Samuel Orchard of Durham died in Missouri a few weeks ago. Mr. T .r. Edwin heitc ted his parems '. R. H. Hende ed friends ovex . A. S. VanDu a prolonged ter Mrs. Dou John Stafford of Welland \Visconsin is visiting: his 111 W FLESHERTON . ORCHARDVILLE. Dr. Ottewell Mit Chi ll of 311 has 1‘ visit w {SS 111 S visitir Is v18 Thonn ll‘l‘lSVl itll h 3ollin DIV“ ." Sunday iceivcdg of 111 0 Opinion. In taki 11;; up the financial aspect of the questunl he shouxd that the. province was {Ace to face with direct taxation and g1 .1pl111 ally described the results of forcing e w- 1'}: ‘1 Wifezr ratepm er to put his hand in ; is latives pocket to pay out 11:11-11 canh to 111101 the expenditure of the prm i111“. l‘ the resonros of the country had lwon properly handled there would lw 110 such necessity. The govermwnt had shown) its inc:1paoH\'1uul an “1 {Sea-l earnest appeal was made {01 such :11-1~ 'isiting mpson, turne 011 8311 \ca- :1: U The hall was packed. The dorma- ' tions were beautiful and the motzoes linen appropriate and prophetic. mths Mr. Thomas Kells was chairman. Representatives were present from Meafcrd, Tbornbury, Flesherzon. Priceville, Walter’s Falls and other I | The procession from the train was rom, led by the band. re 0“ The best of order prevailed. PA...“ ‘ DI‘O 0N l. 3‘ WHITNEY AT MARKDALE. On Tuesday night. a most enth .tsi- astic gathering of Liberal, Conswva- tive and others assembled in the Rink Hall to listen to no less a personage than Mr. \Vbitney, Leader of the Conservative party in the Ontario Legislature. Other able repress ma- tives of the Conservative side po!.: it‘S were also present amongst wl‘om were Dr. Sproule and (iolv'nol Matheson but we shall confine our local politics. After refer-r the address of welcome and 9) ing his appreciation of the wav in which he was receiw hfunched out in a most com" argument to Show w improvments in the a iStration oi public affairs needed. He was pleased t. so large a number of ladies p1 and that the fair sex were inns in the government of theco1 Nothing: but good could sistunce as would }: basis. He eulogizc donald and the glo of the Dominion. young man would 4 earnest her strength since the yovermn/ m umintainanee is too great. The 1 ty-fi've per cent who never leave public schools should receive the sideration of the government. His reference to the financial. cationztl and mining policies was a elation to all, of the extravagmm mismanagement of the present ministration and showed the mac for a change. ers MR. AND MRS. CHARLES MCARTm'R returned home from their welding trip on Monday night last. The band were among the first meal} on them and got an X for which they were Xâ€"ceedingly grateful. THE CHRONICLE joins the band and citizens in X-tending congratulations 0): Tuesday morning last, Miss Angeline \Vhitmore, who acted a9. bridesmaid at Mr. and Mrs M cA.rthur .4 wedding a week ago was married to a young man from Toroqto. They took â€"-~3L‘- L‘. At r‘" Chronicle, bal. of year, 4:1(3 J Vulab ouâ€"wâ€" --v--- the early train, cavrryinp: with them the good wishes of their many friends. NOTES. Dr. Sproule entertai l‘( .' handle cessity. ) pay out nditure of the m its in pea! was r 10 chOOlS We FC( vster 3(1 orts to] H 11H ned the s; “'01 COHVH tV )I ll! )l it '.\' f! l' e ll ll HO 119 H l!‘ I? H I)

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