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Durham Chronicle (1867), 2 Sep 1897, p. 10

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"I“.mm whnm f” Elsié glanced at the speaker in terror. "What is it? “’hat does the telegram say 3” she added and ."Eiizabeth!" said a deep. calm voice, a it. really you. Elizabeth?" An old lady advanced toward her, and a pair at kindly eyes looked into her sorrowg Rapidly she proceeded down the street and passed through the school- Rarden. Not a soul to be seenâ€"thank God! All were still at work and in the school-room. 30-1 f At length she too reached her desti- nation and stepped upon the platform of the. to her, famid‘iar station; it seemed to her as if she were dreaming. T'here was the T huzrbngeml Wald as she bud seen it a hundred times. and be- tore her stretched the street with its neat, aid-fashioned houses, in the win-, dows of which flowers bloomed in pro- t‘usum; further on was the tiny church wrth its shady green church-yard. All 30 unchanged, wh'ule she was not her- , _‘II , ~wuucouy Lne grrl fell upon her knees rumor; me, my dear youlng lady!” . b8f01je Sis er Beate and buried her The. lady resumed her seat. Then 8110 l ‘33? $1.53“; {£11113 0f herldffsfi- I 'sh ' ' . ' l zu never e ereâ€" W1 took up a bonvun It lf‘iy a number .of f; I had never seen him.” she sohbed. bunches of VIUMB'IS. My grandchil-g Rise, Elizabeth, and compose your- dren picked them for me; may I offer -’ self." The 3 A I ah” h H th f t : stroked Elsie’swmfn compassionately youo'ne” m '_ or e ra ran .. . . ° ,, purple flowers toward the girl. 8’ El'gedp me, Sister .Beate, besomgh't Her tiny hand received them, but no j eyes, "to keep from lying. Tell my word of thanks passed her lips. The figfithigfii t “8 donor only saw her draw back her. "To him,eEilIii::geath-?” blank veil hastily over her face and? "Yes ‘ whom they have called press the flowers to her lips beneath my 1’9”th for it. After a while she fancied she' p' thl h Beale made no re- " 1 811 ' H r ‘ heard sols, bwt they had a tearless my favorilfit‘e.e Efillilga'beYPubmrsvfilufig: sound. ’ ”She has sorrow too. and she is still 5 {fiwgtabeen in 0 gay world to settle '980 young." she murnxured, lookingl . 8 a W out of the window. At. the stations all was animation; “r d l pupil came back. the coupe was occasionally filled for a ‘ . e . O 'the world and ' short distance and then was vacant again. The old lady let I the coupe. order to drow She “00d upon “the platform and will; and .._L.‘ At the stations a“ was animatim the coupe was occasionally filled for short. distance and then was vnm‘ blink veil- hasiiiy I: W885 tha flowers to She has sorrow too . and she is still ?so young.“ aha murmured, looking out of the window. ‘V vs JV“ “'0 001110 g 3: Elizabom, “No, no!" said she hastily img deeply. "I did not sleep night. andâ€"" ~ "Pardon me, my dear youmg The lady manned her seat. T took up a box, in it lav a mu "Dear chi“, are Bympathetio ‘70an bent over her To hear the name of a. man. toshare his wealth, not to have to worry about the manifold material needsâ€"that was "good fortune" to them! And in the return for that she was to give 0"91'3' thingâ€"her freedom, her hopes, herself, body and soul. . She shuddered and closed her eyes. "Never!” said she, so loudly that 8110 Was startled by her own voice, and that. the old lady opposite her looked up in surprise. H, ‘r eyes were cast down ; she did not notice it; she saw before sorrowful eyes; in her ears rang the sleigh-hells and the perfunm of violets hovered around her. Amt yet he had turned from her, bad deserted herâ€"be- cause she was a poor giirl! She started up suddenly. _t, u, wows oplnion they -wayou [1.0m writing any mmt have arrived from the station m'ld. for your aunt. will ar- 391110 tune Since. .Probabl this evening." m the cozy sutting- Pmbled and at first did. not ”90111 at that m ' ' oment weavmg the length she subbed ‘Slster thygad of her dawn) p me that I may not am as, Lisle. E1818." Bald a. soft. voice, “are woman (‘0qu ever smâ€"help 3'09 here, or not 2" may not. he mined!" ‘ th. you are. beside yourself 3" the. door and recugnizpd the coquettiah Ester in her calm. warning SP .11 ° Elsie was being whirled over the name had she had taken once before. Then it was autumn and evening; her heart was filled with expectation: now it was a spring morning; the sun shone so brightly upon the mrriagecuahions and showed every tear and threadbare place; the tiny mu'ror in a gilt frame re." She continued. in a 5 "you told me when I I could a hat you lways find she}- would give me t ‘ school. I have come it of you.” her saw her draw back her astily over her face and rwers to her lips beneath a While she fancied she but lthey had a tearless dApaI 00135 Sumo "- 3. her e gs f' ., Elaie knew the: girr, ahdmé'hé knew Site 11 3:! b nxed lmonvthe lapd- tpo, tht that particuflar order mar- a token the unk whxch Pied Its daughters lot. She had 101‘ to the castle; she had no never tlwught of it Wefom; it struck Fear: Which teat in sympathy ' ital. as something unworthy of human- CHAPTER XVI. tripd t9__ say2 but She hasti Ly, blush 'thtew Creatuie CB1 “That is, file in the little stitute. The vi hive, and pa] ‘0 Visit. their rms hfll‘ In. y: , vibrau 3 Lone! .Sumeoney'as playing the violm! E. a nun“ page; We live such a seclugied, _"_1\If)t‘hitng gives me pleasure anymore peaceful life here that the passmns th, wa . .. s the. mournful reply. never cr ’ our thresholdâ€"the 9335““ I hnv . . .9, seen him, Elsie," she ‘whis- .‘thh grieve and wound human hearts pared, “m the flesh!" ”1 the world I ; we scarcely know them ”~WhOâ€"In5' cous‘n?“ "5de the anx- f)’ hearsay. ‘ _ . You must have. known ions girl. She dreaded hearing how he that? Mlzabeth. “'hy that Ques- had received the blow she had prepared E O n ’ f() . h fl “vvv; AUVCU, [lad SHE-7.51m Ulu [wt 8.0 t0 the altar with a he upon 11?: h" .311‘1 in her heart?" “19. Sister raised her eyes at that (Inestwn. . “NO’ Elizabeth. her heart was lxke a. blank page; we live such a sevlugied, peaceful life here that the passwns never CITES nnr tl‘unnLAIJ LL_ 7---...-..-. "nan 1 am about to ask you, Sis- ter Beate, may sound strange; Ange- 1!' 2' . 111:: 21:1 never loved, had she? she dld hm. ,_,â€"m‘0 “If; a_ltar with a lie upon n_,l 8a.; i t y_._ -. , Words were uttered as simply as If Sister Angelica had merely gone ”3‘19”.“ at some mighwnlng place- 1103’s position in the fouzrth form is meant." T115 speaker held toward the girl, as 8115 Spoke, a plate of cake. She refused it. "Where is Sister Angelica. i" "5118 has gone to Africa. You should eat, you look so fatigued." :ITo Africa? As a missionary I” Yes, Shb is going to help her hun- mm: Who has a School at Natal. The lot (911 to her, and she left three weeks i would but; 'llizle, Elsie sat, in her anxiously watched the vvm'ch occasionally ob- n. \Vhat Was tn ho - _ .- “JO ‘1“ U3- 3w Frau von Ratenow mil assumed that. there g e. .. _ Elsie’s opunon they ad from the station DumL A ‘ - -‘ girl f8“ Upon her knees bare Mallsâ€"and im the in- made no re- . were always but will you someasy after the de- He thought 'of 'loler! He had Spoken Of her 0 n the most wretched day of her life. Oh, joy! -. .m. w ember a com'vent," . "because she does not 'want' to marry her cousin. Gnod-bye, Lieuteqj mm Rornardi." I left him and brave- 1." pushed mv way through the. rrowd: » '88 aHmIt to Pint?!" the ladies' POUpo, h other Window. I had to have air vorv oftenytnd he tookâ€"at. the stations mm‘? 981780181154 Occasionally aunt callgd (1.11.1395 and babies: ”Did "find charged mé to be. very kind in I Him. tHe said that to mp. when Ilnff < 1 win; he went farther. And ‘1 When”! have told you that. he grant a. ; V\ u-l“ [Ju’ pr hayi}iq.""\irhat did it. was only 8 [7001' girl! (I ""18 Elf]. She dreaded hearing how he had received the blow she had prepared for 11-111). She saw him before her so ‘ y as he. stood beside her at her father's grave, and looked at her so cmmmssionately. At that ad tried to explain to him .. strength to do so. . Hegebach? No! I do not. mean "\Ve girls would ‘ ,, the only one! Elsie. so childish. you are t old and you have been to bnnh'ri Ln "- nnLAh' A j .. _ __-Dvâ€"-v-vu V'V’u‘lKIIUIIJ ul‘jc I assure you if he had asked meâ€"l would bu.Ve arcepted him on the Hlot althvuls’h l have sac-called “lover" too? One- must have IOVers you know, Llsllsie. otherwise of whom should one think “"119!” , One reads poems? They are highly necessary; but, notwithstanding I would have married Hegebarh. How Charming for ‘him' to see us bound ‘to one another! Eternally lost love! But. lime need not be miserable forever: it ls only so in poetry. but. it is interest- lflg. highly interesting! Elsie, do not be vexed with me." suddenly said ‘3 gf’n- tle Voice behind her, and two soft. arms stale around her neck. “I: u ' ., and omise not to cry any more nk I cannot see it ‘?â€"I will you something- fhnf ..<:n ..I_ If you will hr *dO you thi tell HIS CON FESSI ON SIZING HIM (To Be (‘ont'i'nueda ‘U , "vvvv -MUMHUIUE “c1 Plain- “See here, 5515, you are furnishing an {lbundance of matter for gOSSID," 990111111941 the girl. “I must nnn‘o‘m _.- .‘w‘o, uuu u. uvu UGO" 1W um. Moritz anticipated that. onhe would certainly have spared me. this journey. The coupe was filled Wlth mothers. nurses, and babies, and among them. :erect as an Indian pagoda, sat Aunt *Raten ow-â€"wh.ile Iâ€"oh, Elsie, why did you do this? To-night there is asup- per Party at Cramm's, and Iam so fond of crab-regent with asparagus!" Elsie did not. reply; she seated her- self in silence beside the bed ‘upqn Which Lili lay, and looked anxiously '1!) her face, while Lili’s large eyes spark-I 19d merrily, notwithtunding her plain- tlve lilll1nnfori.n\ w"-.. -v. ... vu uuw, uyzalr, ise of whom 5110111.! one think one reads poems? They are. necessary; but, notwithstanding IL v... ”-mâ€"r . n at Hang, had it_ not been for avafl her? Wom- 2110 a gen- W0 soft. eck. “I he, and my more t ?-â€"I will I please Fig; that have become dried m froslmned lav laying ”rem upon a and lacing the plate in a steamer the. Frui! i-s softened and full. R0 figs in confectioner's sugar and let stand in a warm room a while Now that the berry season has around the convenient little articl hulling strawberries will he doubl precia'tgd. 7W1th a qherry stoner (‘over one Email place ht arfin the air]. rubbing it well with 4 and {hen acloth. \Vhen all have been cleansed. wash the t1 boiling Water. preserve the shape of the shoe-j" A zmc bathtub may be polished ‘ satisfactorilv with [kerosene H . . . .. ave (uh perfectly dry I‘vefore _usi:ng the PAPA“ A-‘A Am-‘I 7~ Mothers in the coruniry with children Iwill do we]! to visit the barn and secure a box of nets to keep at hand. \Vet. shoes. as soon as they are removed from the feet. should be filled with the oats and left. until perfectly dry. The oats absorb the moisture im the leather and preserve the. shape of the shoe. The bank and arms of an old oh that. seem to he of no use w an excellent. bed rest {or an invalid. The rest is made by cutting away the ' seat. and legs and paddin the bank and arms with pieoes of am 0 d comfortable and covering this with some delicate enl- ored chimz or satine. or. when the rest is in use. one may fill the back and sides with pillows. \Vhen hanging sash curtains in the summer cottage windows and rods are not at hand, take picture wire. It can be fastened securely from brass-headed nails. the curtains can be readily drawn :u on it. and it will not sag as a piece 0 twine will. Do not forget in parking away silver for the summer to put a few pim-es of! paraphor in the box with it 'rme. mm air ill make OIL STOVES FOR \Vhen perfumes are not disagreeable to a patient. it. is well to use them free- ly in a sink room, as .they are a pro- tection agamst contaglon. It is said is sprayed that if lavender water through the living rooms of houses sit- unted in a malarial locality. it will pre- vent, the occupants from contracting the disease For the short. time these dear one: are here why not make. them comfort- ‘able and happy? Girve them vmrm. sun- ny rooms. with as many of the ‘ forts of life as cam be afforded. Let them into the family circle. and treat them with love and respect. Surely this is not asking too much in for the care. and devotion of -C‘v- ,umy cnua. She owned a modest. little l ' was contented and happy mph! her son married and brnught. lns mfe home to live. and from that time the_ old mother was one too many. 10 Spectfully to old people without making 5 an effort to correct them. There is too much of that very unkind attitude of ' ”letting them know their place." It has ny tears to flow from the are grudgingly given a corner in those children's HTNT'? FOR. THE HO! About the House - ”‘4‘. l’dl‘s cleansed. wash the tub with LA- {cums very strange that people orget they are hastemin on m and. will sometime . 01d vement. little article for .3rries will he doubly ap- .h a cherry stoner and removing hulls on her- Jvife does not look upon season with gulch dread. A-:â€"1-- o . in a stigampr until SUMMER every action are shown e trouble for someone. 30, the very homes in )WB and rods are ure wire. It can rotm brass-headed be readily drawn 0t. 53:; as a piece using the oil. : a time with with__a brush m. Roll 1h}; apd let them polished very has come SRIIOLD. nails plate part5! on-tl‘ Sga rm. '55: ECHOES IN CAVES. In a cave. in the P - fl _ __-...-u IIWIJL‘U‘ 'as though she wu'e p1: Efmper bug. While exp' ' 'itUo audie-nre that her ( l the. wonder of ihe Ell-X" ‘men of all parts of thé \w the only explanation Was bevn born With. a defective tem m so far as the senso. 88 I‘m; ble . _-- Ju'l"lllg '31“ her face. The doctor ran a long into her rematedly and a run]: was ailowad to biota her ' of the, wztnsesses. and? no‘effvect w screaming echo. 1 >66 F'ingau (‘ave -ll ; the best he can do will be to make her a little sleepy and kill himself. She stood up in a donor's affix-e Gently and made punctures " as though she ‘9 had been vv \’J u V‘ l. from others. She is also free fro poisonous effects that follow in 01 certain reptiles and inserts. only that. but she can swallow deadilaiest poison known to sm While all stimulants. narcotics, a thatics and sedatives have. no effey on her. they as that an agreeable singing "Ult't' (in; It tually be created or built, 12 l_- That the electric current j. by applying the negative [wit u! tt battery to a. person's throat! the (ma ity or timbre of the OOI‘I'UIJ valve run he changed and improved. 5 The method. of treatment is quite sin pile. The patient takes a seat in chair insulated by glass fent. and t}: negatiye pole of the lmttery is npplirt to the throat. The prtx'exs' is b} {It means unpleasant and the (“Hurt l.‘~‘ suit to be truly IGIIlllrklll‘llO. lnstuntly tltt old musical resomnm r-eturm. the valve slips over the register with also. am power, and after a few applwa'mnx tlm change becomes fixed and permanent Satisfactory results are only "Maine-«j ' rim. :3 due I arts this Vou‘e has l9- :tnt! is Tt‘flltr-‘lt‘tl us [come quite general l Of a (‘0\‘fll (“1"er the natural adjunct AN A‘VFUL If you have ever had 3 Wm it there is hope for you it oovery ofa physician in Paris tier, with the assista 104: of M of the French Academy of .‘ devised a process of applying ‘ Resloreu "to l' . ____. wv u? wlaulllg (Ki. (1 a” The average chxld suffers 1mm ‘ feeding and ox'erdress' . Let him I to be a. trifle hungry. nut lake or an oyster or a clam. and km}. in a stew all the time. Half the the child arias he wants rm}. a; flesh waterâ€"wiping the lips of ;. ing baby with mo! water will ( loath and refresh him, Give the baby and end: cl; to himaelf. Two single boils little, if any. mare room large bed. Have the sleeping 1 nished with only necessary I says a writer in Pacific “mill.- See that the clothing of I sleeper is loose at the ne-k. u arms. and keep the head mm. there is anything young am not. do without. it is fresh .a' Through the pores of llm : bOdy is continually throwing sonoua vapors. If the head :5 with the bed clothing. the unk- infiqnt will be llfeathino 1...” l! w in order \ secure nitrous and stead he to charred $11 of the wid; {hon 13:1... The ad oft uly. an the wink v3 ‘10- straicht and burn brigmbwllf :3: smoke or disagreeable odor The : ”° cleanlimem isalso necessary about a fling oline stove. A small brush and a in? cloth kept near at hand are the 0 it tools required. my ELECTRICITY FOR SING ERS as a years old, living “Uh n the Island of 'J‘rinuiad Indies. a cobra threw it- and hit her terribly. Her her out to die. but she p [or thirty hours and . as a rose: Now a cobra SLEEPING ALONE TRIAL. be Irwin ng bad a {3 child suffers 114m ---____ I lg Inns mm I. long needle rznttlvsuake {he W‘Psem'e ageing“ Qualities and 1 In 159113. Not Bwal low lbs 1 20 800mm otics, aunt‘s- “m." “Named ‘ Voiw is duo is and nervos. .389 the “pp“- In l‘uris this Voif‘f has I19. 8 regarded as 81 Rome. Hfl'a‘fipns '}n E PH‘maneut. DIN UMaLnod Vuit'v is (“.10 hem; abso- voice Next up. 38 'owr that mout h 3m 1 he I1 Dom-g 0b- (ureer Rallh‘ K‘t‘ H18 3‘ U H thf the and hwn C(Werad rtunat. H the or ten ud ‘0 it. The strawiwry wilted not only to (uJ to I longâ€"continued u no. (or cowrnng H1 011‘ 0‘ (he mil. 'HI highly desirable to keg mm ripening. at V» in .n "sanded" by Shhxu‘ practicc ' ly “'01“! it law-â€" (or Bthherrias wind. thvor as well as Linn. The (s by I“ mwiful than who raise know how up?” no: diminish in dry day», 1.1.0“. row large. zini ranching slum- Mum. Ihwz‘ avert} 1mm: 0’ brial will 131w“ uality am :- the hoitt‘\l The curmm .“)pft‘( W to run‘ at ”noonditiuns (or this WI 1“” whatevor is won [will do. 9 3 NmESSI'IY FUR G Wlhf is dinwfl‘y 3| Hood “itch Whutuw'r i attained in it. IL 1: Itniud or {Lumen uf d solid nuttw‘uot d1! Wilton” is held J» 50 « Whit it may haw.) ”VD-d to soon», «ulna! [bod with it. Thus mm W wry hm; American Shun» wau into an animal “huh I injurious to L1)» heal bwover. some njuum lag in water xx 1m hdn “serving of noun on Very dolebehuu» effects. or genus of organis vegetable or antral. I vu'iuus minuus plunlfl. olt‘hn m dwdiy pa 0‘ their: any he went: d epuhmio dtwuses (it (In, blood of uuuuu than! genus. and lush an the liver! hp. wanna. A11 Hm: iconbcp in wntordrl U spruca or must “mm [011415.000 fifififémfl” ‘ , able local L165 where l m uncleaml "mun thprimrval (omens. Duration mus ”um wi mm 3111 bug (I. germs of diwme. ”to too hngh.‘ y the [I] hit flowing from (at _m o! imlruriL’. per-rm. wnmn g!“ It Mr! De oi otlmr like unfit-j Mding from :i e the 33 rd¢n._ In)” 0108;14:410â€"on Lnr vh the woodpile, \szrsu citingâ€"am all uw en coal aarhra‘ at”)! nuts and 30069119” good in this “'J)’. ' can I. good dval vs no to very ext-ah ”anally Wheel!!! a“ “D cum of much but (lunar-the In]; in' ufly spring. tho 3 and. Vines. 0111px and all kinds. Which if I] in: some, Odd ruffle-1' 1 mild he Lixnrly amd ”(u-a aflmvly «ta-um ha and (fixes. an richmss to the ”V‘mfily “kl-(Mn fl‘n fifhesamv (Tum twp m 0f 1130.511”? A M it, let us n»! W (or the nu; rdon Wiu appn-xm or (iv. a mom pr Tina when plowing or mmor [allow 1 “'0 badlund nearest to til an horses wens rest: b um mall. How I I! (m (tom tho dri I her how M1 given; their wants. d my bra: aui wc v. let than “it htofdfu'ml Gang of tin plasma N boyhood on the tround "”15 old cal but m the well." an arm [a] on both.- Oi with much of the an m hm that. il. W try to carry wake! % Hunks “'1th “hide in t. choice of a ran sw. sitar an intern KULCEING THE 313 i. raunchy a a of a 8'me All mm trees In sue 5L1

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