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Durham Chronicle (1867), 2 Sep 1897, p. 1

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'mly W pieces of urge Slip» md fl in-h INS Iv 1‘ Y. ll‘ham M 83" rice RIAN lnSPOCt our I'C {130D- oneer Ol‘ cather 01' L ERS. Cash al- for TC m« ed up and thrown over the smoke stack, it would have undoubtedly wrecked the engine cab, and probab- ly have killed the engineer and fire- man. The section foreman is positive that an attempt was thus 21qu to wreck the Srin.-O.S. Times 0::\'U. ax X'L‘DOI’E “'83 made to the swtnm fl. :vmmu am! it was found on examixnubm that the guard had been p:‘0:‘;‘wl up with a piece of fence rail at an angle at one corner. For- tunatle the pilot caught the. guard under the corner and lifted it. to the front of the engine where it was Tomid. It was avery narrow escape, as it was difficult to understand how it could have been displaced in any other way and not have an accident occur. as, had the guard fallen across the rail. it certainly would have pit.- cned the t_rain; or, had it been pick- VI ) LU’M E h l l' U LOCAL NEWS. )ll O” b was dark co unday night. 1H )1] )N’XUR uic on the church 1y evening last. ihlren was pres- emselves at the CI] ' o ' sent a couple| nu pumps down ‘ one made a' .t to wreck the here at 10.30. mm“; Station, 1d his fireman jolt. and look- a fnw minutes 11 01] H Il H ck the train still and an coming from t l (D 01” 0( Manon, [is fireman and look- wv minutes : white on \V 1H as 1011:). 1e guard and fev I pOISODS to expel er’s Ague the loco- ) to the IS OI ma- 001 had a church udmng ll D red I] ils )1 IS I.“ ! THE posters, streamers and pro- ?grammes of the Owen Sound Fair iwhich will be held_ Tuesday, \Ved- nesday and Thursday, September 9 14, 15 and 16 seem to show a deter- ! lllillzttlon on the part of the Directors * to make theirs one of the bes: Fairs i in Ontario outside Toronto. One of {the leading- attractions at the Fair Iwill be the celebrated Watanbe’s ioriginal troupe of five Japanese per- iformers. The juggling, balancing land tumbling and other acrobatic iand gvuinascic performances of the troupe are said to be unsurpassed on ithe continent. The programs show {speeding in the ring on each and hid every day, Tuesday’s Speeding nowever, promising to he the best. Members tickets are $1.00 and are marked good for five single ad- missions to the grounds and are transferrable. Entries 01039 on the 8th September. We predict that the Owen Sound Fair will be this year as it has been for the past three years, a decided success and a credit to the management. Single return fares on each of the three days good to return the day after exhibition on the C. P. R. from Orangeville' and all points North and on the G. T. R. from Strstford and all points North. mm. :11 cnmnuug [ES ravages. A. tow days now will save thon-rands of dvllars, but let it once got a start and it is impossible to render the the land, again fit for Cultivation. tn PEDESTRIANS are, or ought to be thankful for the new side-walk on Lambton Street. â€"â€"Sea Lividgston’s change of ad in this issue. m W SNEAKS entered the roothouse of Mr. John Jack last week and stole six jars of preserves and a jar of butter. They plztyed a. similar trio-k last year. rm IN autiful farms in th1 rmgarry have been re! s and now that it h [in headway here, we sound a warning note levcu Municipal Co t in checking its rav. 1‘3 of M1 2'“ on' of our advertising patrons led s: .cci-tlly to tell us that; he was ’1 plegsod with the result of his .'..;~.L'tising. Every change of ad. ms to be noticed. HI 30 ra S. in Seafor in Goderich )I cause which produces sick we is more promptly removed er’s Pills than any other medi- 7l‘hey easily correct all disor- ftlie stonmch. liver, and bowels estore to these organs regular galshy action. \V a S tl' ill ‘m m Uionelg bah Ed, on the gravel iccville is to be se plant, known as . This we have as introduced in! rs ago on aCCOlll of taxation in Clinton is 21 orth League meeting in list, Church on Monday well attended. Besides ,ru, a solo by Miss Orch- -vcitution by Miss Mabel iiss Bliss, of Detroit, and risou, of Owen Sound as- vim; two animated reci- 1. Miss Whelan gave a at 116 Algebra of the w to it is adde U It 1119 board examination xpenses but l by the Eutmhco examination fee " in :Ult. T"l :54, 1'11 23, and anses but the In- . a. ‘ D It 3:1 per candl- dded aSa separat ra. and Geometr 16 candidates wll oronto instead fof be 101) (3}) Kinunrdine in Durham uch ot-h nendad l l of Tru Mr 1“ F IIOC iil‘ made as w!“ ead gof [truhce ll the IO I ”Bin. Hiaxnv C..‘..:.I.i;'rr, of Allan ; Park, whose (leztth 100k place Tues- ltluy of last \VL‘L‘ii, was a native of gliondon, England, being horn in the iworld’s i’neti'o;~(ilis January 2iith. lltifi-i. .llisiirst six3een years were ispi‘nt in that» city so that on coming I to Canada and ifienrinck in lh’l!) the Prontrnst between life in London and L the forest primeval must have been strongly iiiipi'essig‘~.l upon him, the more so since his tastes were musical rather than for farming. His shill upon the violin soon made him famous throughout these counties and for years no assembly was con- sidered complete without ‘Prol'esaor’ Collett. In politics he was a Liberal and was an advocate as well of the Single Tax Theory. Mr. Collett’s lust illness, due to a complication of diseases. was of several months dur- atiJn and his death was not unex- pected. His wife. to whom he was married to in 855, still survives him. tOgelhi-r with live of the six children born of the union. Two of their sons and their only daughter, Mrs. Hunter, came home from British Columbia on hearing of their father’s dangerous illness, so almost an unbroken family gathered around his bedside as he passed away. The funeral took place on Thursday to St. George’s cemetery, where the remains were interred beside those of his parents deceased quarter of a century ago. The services at house‘ and graveside were conducted by Rev. Mr. Jennings, Mr. Collett hav- ing been an adherent of the Anglican church. The pail-bearers were six gray-haired man, once one a pioneer. The Allan Park brass band in which the deceased took much in rarest. and of which One of his sons is leader. rendered several appropriate piece! of music ere the cottage wooded it'- way to -- the (blusteryâ€"Hanover AFEW weeks ago we referred to the destruction of a number of beau- tiful trees on the street in front of Mr. McKenzie’s premises. On Thursday night last the work was repeated and the trees this time are destroyed beyond recovery. The town is indignant that. such vandal- ism should go on undetected and the council is offering $100 reward for information that will lead to .the conviction of the culprit. Such cowardly villains should not. be al- lowed to run at large. The penalty is severe. machine and binds thmn Shoo ks of ten sheaves éach, isfactory test “as rtceutly 1 the machine. A joint; stock c has been organized to mam it. and the invensur expects 1 considerable money out. of it. Mrs...\1idd1ugh purchased a fine 111:11einL011do11 as she was return- ing from an extended visit in the state of Ohio. Since her 1eturn she has purchised a hue top buggy from M1. \\ 111. Lauder. '01‘11 outfici 18 now complete and we hope the owner WILLIAM R1 in vented a ma. which takes may enjoy its Ixsvmo'ron CAMPBELL has been visit. ing Antwerp, Brussells and we pre- sume the field of Waterloo In Antwerp he received '1 hearty Dutch welcome from friends of Mr. Jau- sen’s and speaks of them in the higheSL terms of praise. Mr. Beaton, the Champion bag pipe player at The World’s Fair in Chicago was in town a few days and charmed the ears of the citizens with some of his choice selections. MR LAIDLAW has given the front of his store a neat. tasty appearance 0y the application of a coat of paint. -â€"Best Alligator Harnessé oil. reg 1.25 pev gallon, Tuesday ‘200 quart at J. A. Hunter’s. A lacrosse matcl’agbetween Hanover and Durham will be played here to- morrow (Friday) at 4 p. m. Come. DURHAM ONT" SE PT 2. 1897. The foundation of the \IcIntvxe block is completed and b1 1ck wmk is commenced. the ll HI vars each, 'A sat- rvceutly made of Jim; stock cc'mpauy (l to manufacture )l' expects to make Ol‘tS , of Hamilton. has for shocking grain autewes from the m3 thmn in neat CASH and ONE PRICE Calder’s Block : Lowel Fancy Shot Effects, latest novelties, Special Fine French T11 111 891 ge 41 inch wide Blk Colms Speciz 11 at Heavy Coating Setge,B111ck and Navv 54 inch 11 ide ' Special at Fancy Figured Suiting, Plain and Fancy Stripes Special at Heavy W001 Ser BUTTER EGGS Wanted at Highest Pr can only lflOilEiOll a few of them this week. All Wool Le] g0 42 inch mde, Black and C010) 3, 0 We are now ready with the finest. and larg- est stock of Dress G(mds we have yet, shown meldjudg‘ing' from the way they are heir. ;;' admired thev will find mady purebaser:~:. We would draw {gs-articular attentien to our range of Black Gomls comprising the; latest Novelties in Serges, Figured Goods, Henriet- tas, Seliels, (*0. It’s no trouble to Show you them, the first _time you’re in town and we â€"v"" -wv- Frank Hughes left on. Tues-{Johnston between day morning to visit Owen Soundia mutual uubro frie‘ ds. l ways existed call. Mr. Thomas Jackson of Clinton ‘ the guest. of Mrs. H. J. Middal lately. , Dr. and Miss Poole of Tara are visi- ‘ ting Dr. Wolfe. Mr. Archie Boyd of Flesherton was ~ in town Monday. I Misses Hughes and Carson visib‘ Hanover Tuesday. Mr. Peter McArthur of Pricoville was in town Tuesday. Mr. Ernest Armstrong of Flesher- I ton was in town 011 Friday last --.â€"â€"-.,~ Master Morrison of Owen Sound is; visiting at Chief Constable Carson’s. M1. W. \V.Tri1nblo of Fleshmtcnt was in town Saturday and gave us a! ONE of the most clever Bank roberies ever perpetrated was ac- complished in Napanee some time on Friday night last. A burglar entered the Dominion Bank there, unlocked the vault and then the Safe from which he took $312,000. Not satisfied with this he changed the combination and the manager had to send to Toronto for an expert to effect an entrance, when it was discovered that the money was gone. Every precaution to remove traces of his visit was taken and there was no suspicion for twelve hours after the deed had been committed Hunter’s Auction Sale of Bic Saturday Sep. 4th. at the Br tel. Five celebrated wheels offered. Everybody come. THE Glenelg Agricultural Societv hold their Fall Exhibition in Mark- dale on the 218i; and 22nd inst. o 0' 5 -â€"â€"Girl wanted.â€"A general servant 11'1 wanted for small family. Ap- ply at once at this office. ONE of -â€"Ev9ry_one should attend Perlmps the most interesti :1; of the store news IS abo at th FALL DRESS GOGDS - ‘.. twlu U. 0 Auction Sale of Bicycles on , at the British Hoo ay and iSONAL. mton was Middauuh AVG 118 a. inch wide, Black and (films Specml at will be Mobia is all right. He is yvt unde‘ {cidcd as to where he will locate His many friends were glad to see him and none more so than Mr. \Vm Mr. John Cullen of Duluth, Minn .and Mr. Andrew Cullen of Flesher t‘on_S_tat.ion visited Mr. and Mrs. J turned fro States and 'all last \v have done and hearty some kind 1 tiou of 12 Partazze La A. Black on Saturday drew Cullen who met severe accident. lust wi run over by a team of way home from church able to do any work xi: Barrister Batson left Tuesday for Owe-n Sound but before returning to Durham will visit, Brantlord, Town- to and other places. Mr. H. A. Hunter left yesterday for Watertown Dakota where he will remain for a couple of months. Mr. J. S. Rowe called at our sauc- tum on Tuesday as he passed thro’ on his way to resume his duties in Markdale schcol. Master James “'att, w visiting Mr. Jzts. Crawfc past. month, returned to Toronto on ‘l‘uesdz-v. Rev. Mr. Lediard of Owen Sound accompanied by his daughter Miss Lediard were in town Moudav. Miss \Villiams. of Holland C is visiting Miss Maclieuzie and friends in Bentinck. Ye Editor was in 17 Sunday and saw Dr other friends. Gadd of Fleshelgo‘l; Tuesday. Mr Geo. Firth of in town a few days in this vicinity. Mrs. “7 r0..- I rug nnrt Lower Tow nun (:00 v . Thm l] . Jas. Crawford for the , returned to his home in Tuesday. m Richardson and .‘J rs ented the newspaper If oken h'ie 0 HOW H pedal at w No met with a very rwiutcr by being of horses on his web 1).“‘8 not bdeu k since. N0 1582 were in town on Flpsherton over ’1‘. Christos and. Jessopville was visiting friends .thd Mrs. I last. Mr.An otland' Cmntre, uzie and other at ho has been ndship al- I“ f/ I ay .. . filer.

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