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Durham Chronicle (1867), 2 Sep 1897, p. 3

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{ict among atria h: 11'!) I MM {36 “ditto“ A." E” morn OYQI ac bile iron $1! 0V {3‘ s: n of ueu ll! V8 Us V8 08pm ‘ xreuc "Dim-cu- aflv mmumed the: of forty strains 0’ SUBLLVIATE LDE Lnt. he: ll .591)” )l Ill a nu the aizo Jim-u. which men the bone saLLvu of the ('1 the DI lb AU )1 1' WAVe ; a practic Jl' '10 untuiu M unuuu Wt WU tro- us With- results; nto the be much- n. is the g. It in arm let- parts to um last. me a; at "8 In l) with Breat toaurh umttem the column?!“ the prone; would be literally tegmmg W'Jgh grateful acknowledgments of benefit unwed from and permanent cures effected by thn the of Ur.§WUlia~lÂ¥18' l’tnk Pills for Pale People. Itis Mu"? within thornnrk to say that there 38 no other medicine offered the Publlc that can at all compare with Dr. \Vllliztnls' Plnk Pills. and more 18 out a corner in this wide Dominion In which their virtues have not been proval.. A cure which recently came to that: knowledge of a. representative of. the Herald is deserving of being wulcly known. It is an instance of heart trouble that battled the skill ofa nutnher of physicians, some of whom tmtttvely roamed to treat the patient on the ground that it was no use. The Slli'chlft‘Ol- the afljivtion referred to is the wife of a highly reapeotod. and \H'il-‘lO-do farmer in the township .of Logan. near the village of Dublin. Mr. and Mrs. 'Lhos. Green are firm be- lievers in the efficacy of Dr. WilliamB' Pink Pills. and for very good reasons. Mrs. Green had suffered everything but death from aweak heart, the trouble having afflicted her since early child- hood. On several occasions she has been so low that it was not thought possible for her to recover. Hbr great- est trouble often arose from exhaustion or asudden start, and at such times Sufl‘ered from Infaney. THE WAND 0F MERCY WAVED OVER MRS. THOS. GREEN. from: Iler Childhood She Sulcnd fro- man Troubles-Doctors Mid Nothing «mum Be Done for Her, and that lie: Death at Any lion-em Would Not Sur- prue Tho-I. Frum (hr, Herald, Stanford. "Ui' 11w making of books thereisno NM." it has been wimand the 881.118 «1:qu might. be set up in. ‘rt‘qpect pf UM: making; of testimonials in lavor of Ur. \Villlzuns' Pink Pills. Wonderful (in arc. some of the slamments pub- lmmi in the newspapdrs as w the tuna effected in all parts of the muzury, new evidence oves the hall has nut ya: been‘wid. W reit not? {or a. {aloe sense 01 delicacy whicha green. many people entertain in--§eg§lv}'d her heart seemed tocease its throbbing and the breathing was fitfnl and labored. Doctor’s medicine seemed to have no effect whatever. She was ad- Vlb‘c-d by one physician that all that wud be done was to keep her strength up, and it was with a view tostrength- ening her system. and with no hope that her heart would be benefitted. that she began the use of Dr. \\ illiams' Plflk Pills. She had not been taking them long. however. where there was an unmistakable relief from the trouble that hatl made her whole life miser- able. lluringhthethst summer she has use-«i Pink Pills freely, and huts enjoy- mi letter health than for many years before, and has been ubie not only to do her househodld work. tin-t also many‘ ul‘ the out door whores: that [all to the lot of a farmer’s wife. 'i'he different» physivians who have treated her have frequently told her husband that they mum not besurprised to hear of her death at any moment. but sheis to-day a strong woman, enjoying better health than she has done for years. Buth Mrs.Green andher husband feel grateful forthe greatbenefit she has received from theuwot Dr. Wii'liams' Pink Pills. and Spare no words in sounding their praises to everyone Whu enquires what has wrought such a “underful change in Mrs. Green’s beanh and write. In cases of paralysis. Spinal troubles, locumulor ataxia. sciatica, rheumatism, erysifelas. scrofulous troubles, etc., (Dir. Villinms’ Pink Pills are superior to all other treatment, They are also a Specific for the troubles which make the liws of so many women a burden. and speedily restore the rich glow of health tu pale and sallow cheeks. Men broken down by overwork, worry or excesses. will) find in Pink Pills a cer- tain mire. Sulii._by allAdealers. or sent People never get encouragement for doing the Good Samaritan) act in the woman and ameliorate the sufferings of a lot of maple on a suburban car. The boy who howls was in evidence. the curled darling of his only own mo- ther and the terror of everybody else, and he had kept the car in a state of wild excitement and exhausted the patience of everybody. including his doting parent. "Oh. if at father were only here!" she had aid for the fiftieth time, as she tried vainly to restrain the howl- "mg terror. At that he stopped howling long en- uuglh to beat the air with his small shins. and the woman on the other side of him remarked audibly that a. cage “:15 the proper place (or savages like Ly mail pmtpaid” at 500 a box, or six bum-s for 82.50 by addressing the Dr. \VLimms' Medicine (‘0, Brockville, ()nt.. or .Sctwnegtady, N. Y. Ewan [1911 it was that the phnanthrop ist l WW WW“ ”mam w... ”m ““7““ of the compam awerted himself. 09110 but not unpleasant odor that “593 bud been trying in vain to read hit from the new matched earth. 113W! mvfnmg Pap" 9"" 3m“ he started it occurred to a well-known man of from home. “Allow me. madam.” use said blandly 92:3: 5’: bemvf-gfimb 3110 «Wig: colt "I am a father myself and I will be?p P used bza m m to chastise your cherub in be_.ponnd never before vex-ed, of bafipof hie absent arent. " “'th in! a pound 0‘ 3°“ 108‘ tlnn one “on m on “ml; not 1:11:12" {tnmdredtthamndth of an ounce ex- = ' .___P°wl_uts.‘1‘hnacompoundhna.asfaru 'Akâ€"_"'. _ “A‘L-- -_ L- on a ood mounting this very gi‘zfuti!” shge walled as she struggled with him. "Allow me. madam,’ one said blandly. "I am a father myself. and I will be My?!) to chastise your cherub 'm be- ba 0! his absent parent.'_’ Ur imitations and sdbstitutes Fadâ€"legal to he "just as good.” “Oh. no, you won't. not it I know it 1” mid Johnny's mother rising in her wrath like a tigereas. “There aim't that man living dare lay nfinger on that ho â€"hia only father or on: other ugly o!_ catama_unt_Who Quint; he knows it all." and we shot at! «bet; Byâ€" M? into the next car and taking the mo infant with her. “Johmny dear." naked his mother, 'won’t you be agood boy 3" Roars and kicks from Master John- Uh. [wish your father were here to SPANKED FOR THE FAMILY lle Dressed l‘aultlessly and Lived in Sump- luous Apartments In Paris. There have been burglars in evening dress before, on the stage, for instance, but the Paris police say there was never one with such a distinguished air or aristocratic residence. He had Dukes and Duchesses for next-door neighbors. A gentleman living in that district caught the burglar ransacking his rooms. He was dressed in the must cor- rect evening cloLhes, andhzid an air of distinction. The gentleman notified the police. the banker’s penny. He was the‘most Such. was the experience of ‘Mr. daring smeulator of his time on thezJames Muir, Night Baggage Master. Stock Exchange and the most success- ; G.T.R., residence 243 Emerald street. ful. He had carrier-pigetms and -1"ast-' Hamilton, Ont. sailing boats to bring him the earliest: He made a sworn declaration to the news from the war centers of Bumpe, 3 effect that- for over 20 years he was and so helphim to manipulate stocks. ‘, afflicted with Lumbago, and at times He followed Wellington’s army to “'71- l was so severely afflict-ed he could {not terlOo inaperson and had relaysof thelwalk. swiftigst horses. and alast yacht ly-i. ' For about tem_)'ears he could not ing in the harbor at Ostend. 'o‘o -, he“ 'stand straight for a longer period than arrived at the Londonb‘tock Exchange . about fifteen minutes, when he would after the battle, 12-: hours~ahead Iof any i be. compelled to stoop forward in or- public announcement of the victo-ry,;der to relieve himself. He took nine made £5,000,100 by one of the most tre-l bottles of Kootemay Oure and they mentions series of speculations in his-'have- cured him to stay cured. He tory. In 1810, when the Duke of :‘Wel-- says:â€" iingtun, then commanding in Spain.i 1'1 told Mr. RYCkmain if I felt no drew on the English Governmentfor i painsfor one year after taking his £3,000,000, and the English Treasury ! 11.1?dlcune, that I would give him a tea- was short. Nathan bought the drafts: tunonial, and as the time expires this at a big discount and at once sent the ; Week I come to him without solicita- muney. The stories about this remark-5 i101). to give this sworn declaration. I able, man are 3131,15“, 9.111193% and show’ cotxiSJder Kootenay Cure one of the him" strangely he was alike equal ,to'greatest and best remediesfor hack the most tremendous schemes aid the pettiest tricks of avarice. Incl-nuns Stu-y O! the lead of the Inn- ous FIIIHV. The greatest financial genius d the Rothschild family, though they have been many of great talent, was Nathan Mayer, of the second generation. who established the house of N. M. Roths- child Co., in 17:28, in London .ILelflew to the stars and groveled in the mud for mumey. He welwmm all transact- (was, big or little, wherewithl to‘turn They saw the burglar walk uncon- cernedly downstairs and carefully ex- amine the floral decoration as he bummed an air from an opera. When he was arrested he gave an unpro- nouneable Slavonic name, and his ad- dress in the Avenue des Champs Ely- 'l‘h'LLher went some of his captors, and found that. he lived in an expen- sive bachelor’s flat, or celebule's snug- gery, beautifully furnished. General housebreaking operations lately effected in the ChampsElysees and similar districts are now put down to his credit, and it. is probable that his trial will lead to some curious dis- cover 188. A search was made. there, and brought to light a. remarkable assert- ment of burglar’s tools, as well as’ a list of persons whose apartments could easily be entered and plundered. it has been ascertained, in fact, that the man is a. practised burglar, and that he adopted fashionable attire in order todefy suspicion._ What Is the ll-Xplauuuou ofa Romnrkabl Fact Shown By Sinusucs? Statistics Show that the medical pro- fession is more prone to suicide than any other. Duting the last three years the number of suicides occurring among physicians has been, reapectiveiy, forty- niine. and forty-seven per annum, an average of nearly one to 2,000; or. as the death rate among the physicians about twenty-five to 1,000, nearly One- fiftieth of all the deaths in the pro- fesion have Leen by suicide. It has been suggested that an expdanatizon of this tendency may be found in the de- V'elopanent of mom-bid fancies in the mind of a doctor. on account of his con- stant. association with the sick and dy- ing, or 116031189 113 has the requisite knowledge of how to die painlessly and conveniently. known smebftbepropertiea ofcam- phor: but so very little could be obtamr ed that there was much difficulty In conducting the. experiment. A medial journal dissents from all theseviewa and holds that the leading factor is the accessibility of the pois- unous drugs, which are almost invari- ably used. Suicide is largely a matter of insane impulse. Imagine a man fa- tigued in body and depressed in spirits â€"a.s this doctor very often isâ€"swayed by an overwhellmmg. conviction of the utter weariness of life to the impulse of suicide. If he had to put on his 'hat walk to the drug spore and tax his in- genuity for a lie with which p0 explain his desire for pmson, he might post- pone. the fatal act. {rem _mere- inertia, 51' he may meet a. friend or have his iinterest in life aroused by one of a. mufiitude of every-day occprrences, or physicial exermse may bring him to his senses. If, however, as is the cage with almvst every doctor. he has simply to feel in his pockets, or walk across his office to get, a. deafib'y poison. @he THE SMFLL OF am. After a summer albmmr you must have often noticed that fresh, curious, but not unpleasant odor that rises To be angry is to revenge the fault of other: upon our-elves.â€"P0pe. imruflse may :68 carried. i'ntb exeéuticâ€"Qfi be orgagythmg can happen to sup- plant It In the brain. HIGHâ€"TONED B URGLAR ENGLISH ROTHSCHILD. SUICIDAL DOCTORS. I soendant of the mutineere of the 3 pick brought in $49 at a recent Lop- don. He has written a. complete hm- tory of the Pitcairn Island commun- g xty, and of the transference to Norfolk I Island. ed Archerâ€"the interview, it should he stated, took place early in April. “Three months’ rest, with careful treat- ment and proper diet, would be suffi- cient.” “But what about the Derby!" asked the patient. “The Derby?” re- peated the surgeon. “1 must be there,” said Archer, “1 absolutely must.” “Well, well,” said the surgeon, sooth- ingly, “take great care of yorself and if you make satisfactory pr( ress you might go.” “Go?” “Yes." " ut can I ride?” “Well,” said the surgeon,“you had better drive, 1 think.” He had read the name upon the patient’s card, but it had meant to him nothing more than a name. ”You mustn’t think me rude, Mr. Archer,” he said, when his guest had eXpiai'ued his identity and vocation, “but I take no interest in any branch of sport, and I. had never heard our name.” ”Well,” said Ar- cher, “ hope on won’t thinkae rude, either, but til a friend advised me to consult you, I had never heard your name, either. And when I asked my friend who you were he said, ‘He is the Fred Archer of the surgical profes- Frederick Archer, England’s famous jockey, was evidently a wit at one time. It is told, says an exchange, that he went to a famous surgical specialist to he treated for badly smashed toes, injured by an ill-tem- pered horse. 'l‘he surgeon examined the injury, which he pronounced to be or a grave character, and one neces- sitating a long period of complete rest. “Howliong must 1 lie: up?” ask- “I told Mr. Ryckmmn if I felt no pains for one year after taking his medicine, that I would give him a tea- timonial, and as the time expires this Week I come to him without solicita- tion to give this sworn declaration. I consider Kootenay Cure one of the greatest and best remedies for hack or kidzn-ey troubles ever used by manâ€" kilfld, and wish my case. to become penâ€" eruliy known, as I doctored with five different medical men, and was told they could do maxing for me.” and aches of Lumnbago. it renders the retrospect far from beisng a pleasant (me. Such. was the experience of ‘Mr. James Muir. N fight Baggage Master. G.T.R., residence 243 Emerald street. Hamilton, Ont. Chart book Ree oh application to the S. S. RyckmaJn Medical C0.. Lim- ited. Hamilton. Ont. . Is a new departure in treating all cases of Inflammation, pain or sore- ;Healing Scratches or Grease heel, Speedy Cuts, saddle or harness Galls. Cuts, Wounds, and suppurating Sores; curyng them inflalmarvellous manner. It is a lung tinne to look had: over tw emty years got life. but when bhdmile posts home been max-load by the pains H‘HE PRINCE’S KEN N ELS. At his Samdringhnm home the Prince takes great interest in his kennels, which comprise about 15 houses, each having its! own yard, and every group of five its. front grass plot. A paddock where the dogs are allowed to ramp in turn, and ; hospital for invalids, have also beem added. The Prince's kennel- BOLD EVERYWHERE, Price 500 per tin. Manufactured by The Quickcure (30., (Limited). If Horses Could Talk. mn'n has some 70 dogs under his care, of various shapes. 817-68. and breeds, most of which has been presented to the Squire of Sandrmgham. Two note- worthy- 1115121815-“? M5 $11.8 Sip“- inn. and Perla, the Lapland sledge dogs. In their northern homes these dogs are expected to draw 150 pounds eadh for a distamet of 30 miles a day y. Without effort. But then, the temperature is 50 degrees below zero there. Prominent Veterinary Surgeons, Horse Owners arid Livery Stable Keep- ers testify that it cures all the above troubles more quickly than any other preparation known to them. and its power over inflammation, is such that if it is used wheq symptoms first ap- pear, it, prevents 111 many cases Spav- in. Curb. Ring Bone. Ifounder, etc, all of which are ushered In by inflamma- tiom. Price W. per tin. Quickheal, for Horses and Cattle made by the Quickcure Co.. (Limited), Quebecc “ Quickheal " cures saddle sores, and harness galls on my horses more quick- ly than anything else. .It is the best thing I ever used. Signed, T. Savard. Livery and Boilg'dlng Stables. 65 Richeheu 8L. Quebec. TWENTY YEARS or LUMBAGO. Quickheal! m KOOTENAY cums commas. Mr. Adams, 3 Norfolk Island do- SURGEON AND JOCKEY. cures Scratches. (33113 and Sores. Every man who owns a horse should try it. what a hum there would be on the streets about the won- derful way in which ‘Q'u‘ickheal" cured a deep suppurat- ing wound on the stifle joint of my mare, caused by a shaft running into her. Dr. Couture V. 5.. used this re- dnedy after. all other things failed. and in two. days she was so improved as to be out of danger. It is really gramd stuff. Signed. Vim. MoLimont. \V. McLim<m1 Son. Wholesale Dry Goods Merchamts. Quebec. Don't. you think that, Miss Frizzly is a. perfect poem? Blank verse, I should say. I put in an hour trying to talk to her. The cow is much like womanâ€"- You cannot judge her by her looks; The one that seems the wildest Is the one that often hooks. by local applications, as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There is only one way to cure deafness, and that is by constitu- tional remedies. Deetne s is caused b an inflamed ('Ondition of the mucous lining o the Eustachian Tube. When this tube gets in. flommed ycu hevee rumbling sound or im- perfect hearing. and when it is entirely closed destneu is the result. and unless the inflamo motion can be taken out and this tube restored to its normal condition. heering will be de- stroyed forever; nine cases out of ten are caused by oxtnrrh. which is nothing but an inflwimed condition of the mucous surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that can- not be cured by Hall’s Coterrh Cure. Send for Gentszâ€"I was dreadfully nervous. and for relief took your Karl’s Clover Root Tea. lt quieted my nerves and strengthened my M'hol’c Nervous Sys- tem. l was troubled with Constipa- tion. Kidney and Bowel trouble. Your Tea soon cleaned my system so thor- oughly that I rap-idly regained health and strength. Mrs. S. A. Sweet. Hart- ford. Conn. Sold by all druggists. Walkerâ€"The Milky Way always ro- minds me of an amateur theatrical oom- pans- Rialtoâ€"â€"\Vhy l . \Valkerâ€"Because it us all star: Be not deceived. A Cough. Hearse- .ensa or Croup. are not to be. trifled with. A dose in time of Shiloh’s- Cure will save you much trouble. Sold by all druggists. -'-V“ a O Adama’ Extract - - One bottlo. Fleishmann’s Yeast - One half to one cake. Sugar - - - Tw ) pounds. Cream of Tartar - - One half ounce. Lnkewarm Water - - Two gallons. Dissolve the water. cream of tartar and yeast in the water, add the extract and bottle: place :n a warm place for twenty-four hour-a until it ferments, then place on '06. when it will open sparklink. cool and delic one. The ginger beer can be obtained in all drug and grocery stereo in 10 cent bottles to make two gallons. How do ya: find business? asked the kind old lady of the man at the back door with a pail onlpis .arm. '4‘. ___- Karl's Clover Root Tea. is a pleasant laxative. ulates the bowels, puri- fies the bloo . Clears the complexion. Easy to make and pleasant to take. 25 cents. Sold by all druggista. HE DIDN'T MIND. Askinsâ€"One of the draw backs of mar- tied life comes when Vour wife asks you to mind the baby , eh! old man? Kidderâ€"Oh! I don’ t mind it much. What does Biller mg by riding around every day in an we. wagon? .He's in training for the new gold re- gxon. “WA vv 5... .- rv.-- - __ Every thing's on the jump with me Could I sell you some frog legs? .râ€"i'rcnlnru (1:90. I used "Quidkhead" on “Dexter" re- cord 2.29 1-4. Cor speedy outs, split heels. and although I ('bntinued to drive him in the snow and sinsh last March. one single application healed him. after all other remedies I knew at, failed to care. It is 8' grand thing [01‘ horses. Signed. Matt Swift. St. Louis St., Quebec. \Vadlordâ€""zDid you catch anything on your fishing trip ?” Bilferâ€"“No, didn’t catch a fish." \Vadfordâ€""Say, Bilfer. that’s the strangest fish story I've heard yet." Sarah Siddons’ patchbox and tooth- pick brought in $59 at. a recent. .Lon- don auction sale, her silver pocket nut- meg grater, 8‘20, and a gold locket with a. look of her hair 335. Kaiser Wilhelm is making room rav' idly for his young men. On June 17 he summarily retxred fifteen Generals. which makes thirty general officers re- tired in the past three months Sold bit Duiuig' 1;“. 75¢. Hall‘s aunily ills are the but. ”CV-0d, ‘ “"' Tfifo ood hoUsee-wife. who um ' SAPO 0. it 15 well soidth'e Image is muzzled m her house? Try ’il" 311933813 your house cleomAll grocers keep it'- Deafness Cannot be Cured Cleanliness and neatness about a house are necessary to insure comfort. Man likes comfort, and if he can’t find it at home, he will seek elsewhere for it. Good housewives know that SAPOLIO makes a house clean and keeps it bright. Happiness .always dwells in a comfortable home. Do you want cleanliness, comfort ani happiness? Try SAPOLlO and you will be surprised at «I! DREADF ULLY NERVOUS. ADAMS' GINGER BEER RECIPE. GETTING IN LINE A TRYING HOUR. 136031139 it is all stars. BESELLIHJANCE CHENEY 00.. Toledo. 0. BOOM! NG. ‘BEWARE OF IMITATION‘ A little girl who lives in 011.!“ received an inviution w u put, WM 3 friend was about to give. any: fin Pittsburg "C‘hroniclo-I‘elegrqm." Tho invitation had been written by th small hostess. After surveying t1- noto with delight for a few minuta the recipient said: . Papa. I wonder if it u o birthdu‘ party. . Let it me see the invntatioa. After abriet inspection he said. Yes; it must be a birthday part. It begins, Your presents is desired. TRINITY COLLEGE SCHOOL, PORT HOPE. ONT. A Boarding School for Boy 3. foundnd in 15 Spacious and handsome new buildings fun- nished with all modern apWiaucvs .nr m0 comfort and health of the pupils. Next. i-crm beg ins on \\ edncsday. Sept. 15th. For a cop! of the calendar. etc.. npph to the REV. 1m. 13min xx: OPEN TO BOTH SEXI‘B. 2 0 students enrolled. Special fm‘ilities in Matriculation. Teachc'rs' Courses. Muwic. Fin. Arts, Business Courses, etc. “’1” re-opon Tuesday. Sept. 7th. Illustrau‘d Circular free. Address, Pamcu AL hum. He is the bed. mutant who cu cast up correctly the sum of m m ermraâ€"Nevim. ALBERT COllEGE, Belloville, Ont. ADIES! McDowell's New York Garment Drafting Machine rivu.» the powinq mar chine ln usefulness. It fits every form, follow. every (union. easy to learn and rapid to m Don't. be without its W tit. {91' circular. DOCTOR? RECOMMEND Ceylon Team LEAD ng‘l’x“ OIL' ALMA ILLS. Ilueol HAL“. Bannister". bond kc“ A Mean uhunooro. 35 Adel S we: East. Turont‘. Money to Loan. 9. G. Mills. ILLâ€"A. Milkâ€"Jul. Hula. LL. DEN VALLEY PRESSED BRICK WORKS. TAYLOR 880'"! can. Prom. The La: est Pressed Brick “'orka in (‘anadg in 31 color-zâ€"Red. Buff, Brown, (QC. Man- tels a specLalLy. Head Office :â€" Harris has for sale, William St. Toronto. Manufacturers Truth Building, 73 mmmn 31. um. IT WAS A BIRTHDAY PARTY. THE COOK'S BEST FRIEND DUNNS‘ BAKING POWDER BOTTLES. FOR TWENTY-SEVEN YEARS '0. *oodmou.‘m won:- an. Toronto. 60 ADELAIDE ST. EAST, TORONTO. CANADA LARGEST S‘LE IN CANADA Patent Soda Water Bottles - 9 or. Coming to Toronto wiil find flats of any size, with power, heat, elevator. and all conveniences. Tb. Leading Gmdian College 30; Yogi}; Womgn. ADDRESS 1 WJ’C. 882 “65d 51319167.

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