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Durham Chronicle (1867), 2 Sep 1897, p. 4

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Mr. Walter of Kimberley who is working in Shelburne met with an accident on Saturday by which he will lose one of his hands. A joint Stock Oil Co. is talked of in Hepwonh. Cholera is reported to ha out in the British regiment Tho Thompson: who w and acquitted on a. charge and conspiracy in Connect the failure of the John Eatou mental Store, have issued ‘ 850,000 damages. ing because there are no grasshop- A Mt. Forester was fined $1 and costs, in a1134.85for riding his bi- cycle on the sidewalk in violation of the by-Law of that. town. )nlllul] mat his mode of seeking r1,- dress was unlikely to create public sympathy. We have sewn a great deal of pulpit. firing but never yet. knew of any good that ever came out. had a H partisanshi Herbert ()le forSourh B sapporter o mum in the A “in o farmer is " rue Uttawa corrCSpon Mail and Empire says: “ son the con‘roller of Gust» ing a turn at the official and giving the vacancinst to the ravenmas friends iof in pomr. Mr. F. H. Hess tor of Customs for Bram who has been dismissed The Independent Order of Foresters ! had their new Temple in Toronto! Opened last week amid great splendor. f Dr Orofihyatekha, the Supreme Chief! Rang!” was in the chair and revived! the growth of the Order, since it was’ founded in Newark N. J. in 1874.5 The membership is now over 120000. 3 “ The Ottawa corresnondcnt of ”19' ; w; u me was DY glvmg undue use he has either to admit his un- uhfuhwss or bear the odium of DURHAM, Sept. 2nd, 1897. Calder Black, aw. If he keeps silent he is g f the sin of omissxon. if be t truth the sin of commission against. him by the person rel to; if he lies bv (living um RESIDENCE, Middaugh House. Am 1-» AIHIL‘I'SOII of Sackvill n appointed collector :imt- port This vaca Ill slimhlfl. ' '8'", mum, an! acquired. anu Property (first mortgage) on mommy lu~=talment Plan. All applications are put thmugh with despatch and at least possible expense. 16111,. Farm Property (first Mortgage) lowest rates. of Interqst and easy terms of repay- hunt, as acquired. 33H ‘etcob 'llhompsun , THE CHRONICLE. Tl loaning and lnsmance AGENCY u. un washed U lw. Star Life Insurance Co., London LlHl. ”a4 31 (XX) “)0 more Assurances m than large-4t Canadian Company. at of Policies imued last year $8,516, - Best plans of Insurance and low- Villl C. A. BA TSON npsons who weré tried ad ona. charge of fraud racy in connection with >f the John Eaton Depart- 3, have issued writs for muplre says: " \lr.l’a.te1‘- :on roller of Customs w hav- '1) at the offiei a! guillotine, an the vacancies thus created venous friends :of the party . Mr. F. H. Hessou, collec- tstoms for Brandon. Man. been dismissed for ohieial hip has be en succeeded by Ilelnen Graham. )1. P. P. Bxaxnlon. Mr. Glaham isa 'of the Greenwav govern»; he Legislature. Mr. Josiah: .mlef Sickville N. 1’ hag. from Money to Loan Life Insurance ullo IIVIIAhII V'..l‘ “UNIMUDAI “11“ al IC‘tfit \ * expense. Fire Insurance , . , , \lermntile Fire Insurance Com- MISS Jennie James 0f Pncevxlle arautemlby Lumlonmul Lunmshire was visiting at JII‘.A1d1’6dS for afew 0- anpauy ul anlaud. Security dd581‘lst week Ir. and Mrs. Adam Little were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Pettigrew. )l' OI Isl ll washed ” that. he la 16 young man may h :e but we. are of cm- ; mode of seekim: General. Kay wwa ' o. IP30“, who lives from Floeherton, ll) Lucas, Wright Batuon Lower Tum, Durham lltl It IS 101' an editor ; forward honest s silent he is guil- 35109. if he tells ll) to have broken CU [‘1'6 o mention h Yâ€" T fish)! to be kick- 18 pondcnt of the ” Mr. Pater. ustoms in hav- of Customs m ludia 1H 1'4 t ay hm e u rei’e n on the $501 CkS 01 a T! i. ll H H IS H)" u n, nuu but: he § bride and gro .86; Wish Mr. and j a g happiness and he 3 journey throm isi tanght School I n. â€"â€"- v--I-yll‘i-§g Gaul ‘A nulsnr and East. Fur rate» tabies. pamphlets and full infi ply to any Canadian Pacific R m' wri“) Good to go an August 31 Ochtbex'w' mud to go all return until November 13: fr in__()nt..rio. Unaning- Raw TEE See if you have any fi‘ School Opened yesterday. Monday is Labor Day. The Injustrial Exhi on Tuesday. Di Mr. Ed creps are vestcrs a] ")01'8 Miss Flora McCann in town on Saturday Miss Flora Rune friend. S. McKinnnn u n9 ,, and the many friends of the bride and groom. in- this vicinity. wk}: Mr. and Mrs. McAzthur every immwiness and prosperity in their journey through life. The bride taught school {or two years in the School two miles north of here and was very much esteemed by all. the We are pleased to state that Mrs. Muilis recovering from her late ill- ness. \V£ Mr. Dan McInnis of Bnnessan and his cousin Miss McArthur of Toronto visited 311'. NviI‘McCannell on Friday also Missi McLean and her brother Mr Mrs. Stonehouse of Durham was he guest of the McLeod’s and Mc- anncl’s last week. ‘K Miss Martha Fee returned home from Guelph on \Vednesday after an absmlce of six or seven months. Mr. James Allan of Thornbury and )lxss Roninson of Durham were visit- ing at Mr. Lirtle’s last week. Mrs. Dickson of Gleneden was the guest. of her sister Mrs. Allan last week. The Rev. H. Caldwell accompanied by Mrs. Caldwellds Visiting at the old homestead. He is a welcome l visitor. hustle Mr. and .‘Irs. S. T. Orchard were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. “11]. Mcâ€" Cahnon. ll Rev. Mr. Ferguson preached to a. crowded congregation here last Sunday. 15d. News is indeed source but; 3 are splendidly heavy and bar- 31's are busy. ‘We are pleased to see Mr. Chas. Gray able to be around again after his hard spell of sickness. gs Hora Runcunan gave her '1. S. McKinnon of the corners want call last Friday. She also [on the Misses Isaacs of Dro-' asant rs. C. Long and little daughter uronto Spent overnight with old mls last Wednesday in Durham. Two young men came into our burg who were a disgrace to the town they belong to. They were beastly drunk and if they make their appearance in our town in the same state again on Sammy they will get full benefit of the law. I] Misé McLea-l of Priceville FAIR WELL CORNERS. :d Mrs. Amos Chislett gave at “ At Home ” laSL Friday before Mr. Chislett left on :l. “'6 (.1011 I) ‘16 pHBRE .1 King St. _ (l Hg, Sault Sie Marie. Fur rateg maps time (1 full infiyrmatwu, ap- Pacitic Railway Agent ll J annel vis xted friends mp tr “If at Grit. aft on VARNEY. t3] return until on September 14, gtrom all stations Schoo l‘HE DURHAM CHRONICLE, September 2nd, 1897". five year olds. O I )ition opened re 10ft th I} 88.1 unto 8 week - ---.,, 115({\.J|l51|7l)' U1 all KINGS. jLut N0. 17 contains about 65 acres cleared and under cultivation, with good frame ilmus'e, frame barn and bearing orchard, swell watered. two never failing springs, fuel] and river at one corner. Will rent lot (‘17 separately or both lots together. Rent moderate to suitable tenant. apply. For further particmlétrs apply to L the am er on the premises or bv letter to â€"v-. Lut 16,‘neétrly a” vlezm level land. m first-class ht for harvestmg mac I _ . \r 4- ‘ [PM] of Lots N0. 11‘; 50am ~' run“ (1100 agres) 3rd (3011. \V. (ll. R. 01%)S‘llxl‘lgel'7 llclt lo, nearly all vleared, 40 acres of world flex e1 land. m fiystclass state of cultivallnh t‘ fpr harvestum machinery of all kinds, Lot No. 17 contmus about 65 acres claaretl and 111 . ' " ' " xder cul‘t‘lkllmn, ‘\\‘lth .good frame lumen PM mn ‘1 ed for S. S. No. 2, Fgremont, male or female. Dunes t0 cmnmemje Jan. 1st, ’98. Applications (personal prexerred) statmg sgllnry and experience will be reveived until bebt. 18th, w “BRADFORD JULY 4 1894. -I considerDr. Chase’s dntmenta d-seu oanyone sufl’erin ifrom les,1tching3(rotum or any itchln skin shlsoot ng efl'ect tsare felt yfrom te first appli- cashew-JNO. KEGGAN. H. J. Lisle, represen ting Ganong Bram, St. Ste- phan, N.B., says: “ Chase’s Ointment cured me of I. very spubborn case of Itching Eczema. Tried Overytlnng advertised, several ph siciana’ pro- scriptions without Immanent rel ef. Know of lateral cues of Itch ug Piles it has cured." Ewen, of R0 fleets much on man’s skill as: G60. (”Id :Xl captains vet 1 competition“ v: whose 1110!) w carpenter work of the barn, which is 70 x 50 “2., was done by Mr. J. D. Ewen, of Rocky Sztngoen and re- flects much credit moon that gentle- man’s skill as u Cal‘pt'nLCl'. Messrs. Geo. and Alex. Mutuh were the captains yet the issue of friendly competition was given to the latter 0. whose 1110!) won by a consniembie t’ilneo lgll t. it ‘\'“Q :I-‘f:'\l\:L'ln:nntv O-A ('An ' Barnraisiug at Mr. 3. Hutchisou’s {7011 Friday last a very successful ibarn raising took place at the farm ‘of Mr. B.-Hutchison at Boggj Creek near Lumsden, The afteriioon was rendered vary tling-reeahlo by a few showers that fell, hut other than this, nothing arose to mar the suc- cess of the event. Armngments were complete and everything puss- eil off \‘Vithout hitch or stitch. Mr. Hutchison will now have room'iu his grand barn and stables for the extensive stock and grain. The? carpenter work of the barn. whit-hi . fig, 0 “I used Dr. Chas’s Syrup of Lin- seed and Turpentine for severe throat ftrouhle,” writes Mrs Hopklns, of i l 254 Bnthurst street, Toronto. “ It proved most effective. I regard it i as one of the best household remedies , there is. If is easy and pleasant to Jtake and drives out the cold ‘with O i surprising celerity.” XPE‘RIENCED TEACHER \Vant Teacher \Vanted. 3â€"start the liver into action. but so :fret it and duties it that all the good f of the medicine is counteracted by ithe irritation set up from its use. i Ayer’s Cathartic Pills give the best results with the least friction. They lead instead of driving. They COIIX the liver instead of lashing and Spur- ring it. They cure long Standing cases of dyspepsia, biliousuess and liver dise: ses. The ()urebook, “ a story of cures told by the curec,” will tell you more about, Ayer’s Pills Sent free by J. C. Ayer 00%] Have you ever noticed the difi'er- ence in the way in which two men will drivea horse? One man will get the best speed the longest ser- vice, the greatest friction, from the animal he drives. 'l he other man will get less work and less results, and yet have the horse in a tremorl of nervousness and a lather of foam. There’s just such a difference be-' tween medicines for the liver. Some medicines.~and the majority of them ACRE F .1‘.ORCHARD, Sec-Treas., Murdoch P. T0 BEN" BOGGY CREEK. ‘V I'Wards r b‘Vitll ‘\1 4"\ E Di Threat Trouble Cured. fiwv‘- .I““.‘ :13?) and bearmg orchard ‘ O.- ARM, being composed THE DIFFERENCE. )WARD WALSH 11 h tho (1 th the H LOI'. DIGSSI'S. [uh were 'he 3 of friendly to th.e latter cousiderulne Shin vanq delicious able was IO leruh to SE Ric shed th e O DURHAU Aug 19th, 1897. Fall \\ heat ................... " “privy Wheat ................ 7 Oats .......................... '2. Peas ........................... 1:) Barley ........................ .35 Hay .......................... 5 00 Butter ....................... 10 Eggs per doz ................. 8 , Apples” ..per bag ............ 50 Potatoes” “per bag ........... :‘0 Flour per cwt ................ 1 GO Oatmeal per sack ............ 1 7 '3 Chop per cwt ................. b0 Turkeys per lb ................ 7 Greece per lb ................. 4 Ducks per pair ............... 4( Chackens per pair ............. 20 Dressed Hogs per cwt .......... 5 00 tildes... per lb . .. 5 Qbeepakins ................ on V 001 t0. to select from. The Ad Wagon always in Stock can buy these at, right prices A full car load arrived. Get your Twine early from (S cts upwards. Repairs of all kinds kept'in stock, HAY FORKS, SCUFF- LERS, and PLOVVS Plenty of them in stock. A Car load of to satisfy y< 0f and reliable you 1‘ CPS only Machines. And fo1 PICK L1 \\ Inté “'ine. 3 an) thing else as Soxxihp, :--â€"Lucc1 Chief and Long a 13.1 ge Stock. ( ’ire Insurance promptly attended {A microscope furnitghes t determining the purity 0 Drugs ami we use gawk : our knowledge to {0:315 an class. This is the 3a (m. VIE-39 CORIA NDEI-r. ( ‘A 12 T a Market Report. r Wheat ................ 70 to 7 __ ........................ ‘20 to 22 " ......................... 40 to 40 ........................ 25 to :0 ........................ 5 00 t0 7 00 E ....................... 10 to 10 R ’61‘ (102 ................. 8 t0 8 third]? per bag ............ 50 to 5031!)" 1 as. . . .per bag .......... . 50 to 50, ”fig"; per cwt. .............. A. l 60 to 2 10; best cl Ll per sack ............ l 75 to l 85 Q and v31 er cwt ................. 60 to 75. 890?“ '8 per lb ................ 7 t0 7 1 Big“; her lb ............ . ..... 4 to 5 )er pair ............... 40 to 50 Issuer of Marriage Licenses can be offered at so low 11 111110 but it grinning to 11111119011119. 11nd t11k 1111‘ VV by should not 1,011 ‘P “ Seems lmnrssibia ” '_l‘iar;_.;zzt- a. pure 0951022 tea SP3} ‘5“ ‘ k l, ‘cllld CUMIN 511M101 Ma s: T\VIN E E '1 Q O u {IS 0 i‘ll our g1 ne Clos :meerI i‘ret our 25, 40. 50 50 3. Lower Town. l7 CEYLON TEA to ems â€"â€" ”‘1‘“ particulars‘apply to â€" LU“. OI me 'l'OWD ‘ ' , _. J I tammg 200 acres. 100 (shared and 1 any kmd of machinery 0,11. Good [bea’ring orchard, good house am} trafne out in . Tins farm has proved maelt to be one of the; best Chm" growing farms in the county; and Well Watered. A (thnim form na- 3â€"- 1 ms tarm has proved itself 89 be best clover growmg farm .' and well watered. spection of place and crop rent for one or more vears. brick : plate glass wimlm able dwelling with half: good stable, hearing are] water, good locality. f reasonable. Apply to V HE MIDDAUGH HOUSE STORE bCSt‘ lflflfllitv in TL...L..... March 24th. to " l (Away from Durban 8‘1 You 11 I‘w‘ ‘i! ‘!l. a . ayJ. 9; ...'\. ih ' ‘ Ii. "or full information anc‘ lrcl SING LOT No.17 IN THE 12TH C(Mn 0f”!!! Tnuncl' an In: tf OT? Hf rnn lEi’zD 'b‘ an in! I J th - W. GALLA GER st~ locality in glass wgndows. Also To Rent. D PACKAGES. with half an' :.}I£é';;.'f 'é’r'hund. Hing m'clnzard. hard and soft wax CHAS. Jmms'mx JO lltfl QC so, others are Markdale, P.20. )ut street, rents 1 pa rticulars write . McINTYRE. U Ilarristén, Ont. Durham ; ; comfort- Durham 8.5411411}, nuleu (31356 1mg “I t} 1n who slowly rainad 5i - hands. and lifting his m'full in tho (It Wild“. at that. p10! whid: Minutes nine I "You lie: you “1‘”? “t points. and you k up against me. You would like. the old play â€"y. and I dare. any set it before you 1m mom to have my pen now. at my raw" 3‘ turn of anger mat 8U eyes any with Lb? 11 tbs apoaker proceeded George in a most. de Now Philip with his and his firm-knit (ran gt eighteen. have be! “mist for a full 8"“ me than he look (a mu. overgrown 8m against the corner 01 prevented his further "Philip. you're not me. are you. when 3"” no much stronger?" “Tell him! Why. of I know that; but. you thing to lie about. tbi IdVInoed to the stat “termination not. plea Jinfto behold. much you with my u I will use my fists. Finding that. there George turned upon he a. curse that it. even hit leafy new}: in me time turtle-don. mt: Let. uanot dwell u for George it was a sopamml that. be m not it. His acne. um um again“ It. to one of the want with unnatunl "Well. 1 think y'on! (or ome.’ coma ouch he (ritually survey! wand mate. He did I: [ought hke a corners as much chance as 1 trained fox-terrier. L his head was :3 mum in the chancery oil as aver my property ‘ seemed quite possible emerged (rum its reI like the property. be I and extewvely bled. E the groun I. Very h: ins lights and figs 0‘ hp brown; m {as pleasing and m Presently. however. June Me MW 0 and bony-u. more. him look all in s bra “There will be a about this." be mum other livmg creatura even pity wane bl nether Philip _ administering 8 6MP. prostrate and grow (mud baton him. than get. up; I'm a you satin. Path-41s. be in quite finch :31 about me another I a main amount of bred beggar like yc like can. you know This last ueateoce by bitter lunch. a cided effect m tin l (BY H. RIDER “0h. Philip. don't ! His curly black hair min-ion over his (011 matter ifI

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