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Durham Chronicle (1867), 2 Sep 1897, p. 7

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and Embalming BIARSI I! like me Cures the â€" I every-day .umanity. ice and satisfaction Inteed. IEAL and FEED LWMILL BLES AND LATH on hand. Mvaix'HX. Up by the Indfan To. at quaiuies vi Indian I. (realest care in the “all. that is whv than it 91y in the «636m! darn stam fled to c I" 1 l1". a an 9 a. "5‘ New fork. CHJPPING DUNE. OP‘vmc.A218't.c. ‘38 8 Specialty, all kinda of TR" 015 80 YEARS' IXPERIMCE. 9 " “‘1‘. ”‘R‘tv "C 58nd ARCH)- 0 all kinds lenelw race"! nevof fl" 0.9““ Authon: Pad UP - ”one Fund . wild“ in all uric, _Q“°b°‘_ . A A genera} Banking business transact- ed. Drafts issued gnd collections mule on 311 pants. Deposnts received and in- (great allowed at entrant rates. Qtandatd Bank at Canada ’R. JAMIESON, Durham. Office an_d ”Hence a BARRISTER. 8 Upper Town. Durham. Colloctio v promptly attended to. Agenc atthe Registry Office. Buristcrs, Solicitors, Notaries, Conveyancers, Etc. OPF1CE:-â€"-In McIthâ€"{re Block, Opposite the Knapp House, Lower Town, Durham lucas. Wrgiht Money to loan a 025.000 to man at. the lowest [load Qflioe. Toronto. nu!“ HUGH MacKAY, Durham, Lend Vela ator 3nd Licensed Auctioneer for the County of Grey. Sole: promptly “tended to ad notes cubed. Durham AgencY- ____._._â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"~ IAMES CARSON, Durham, Liceueed O Auctioneer for the County of Grey Lend Veiuetor, Bailifi' oi the 2nd Division Court. Selee md ell other matters ‘prornptly extended wâ€"highelt reference. ' f required. 103‘s QUEEN, URCHARDVILLE, bu Q resumed his old holiness. and is proper ed to loan eny emount of money on real «tote. Old mortgagee paid 06 on the moetliberel terme. Fire end Li! Insur- enoeeeflectedin the beet Stock Compeniee st. lowest. rem. Correspondence to Orcherdvill P. 0.. or 3 cell eolicited DR. T. G . HOLT, BARRISTEBS, SOLICITORS. NOTARI ES, CON V EYA N C- ERS, ETC. Clerk Dividon Court. ARREST-ER. Solicitor. etc. Ofli L. Grant's store. Lower Town. lacy to loud. Hanoi In?“ for Ma l'u-m bong tad .016. common ITO: H. 1:. 56.2w. zwwwcvrm. 5.. F2523. c562 moczc. Medical Directmy. p" "v.- -â€"- â€" customers liv'i, Authorized . G. LEFROY McCAUIu Elliott 85 Elliott BROWN. l egal Dzreczory. DENTIST. Misrellaneous. .XCEâ€"Middaufih Hon se. 9 11.111. 0 6 13.111. lowest. EAR. NOSE And rr, our. rates, Easy terms of the rate of it tenet Office over ot flarriago Batsun, “HE NEWS M NUISHHL of mun-«ting Items About Our Own Country. that Britain. thc United States. and All Part- ol the Globe. Condensed and Wtumm. Dr. Peirson has been appointed Medi- cal Health Officer in Brandon}. Seventeen additional letter boxes will be erected in Hamilton. H illâ€"fork on another new bridge at Nia- gara Falls will be begun immediately. There was a white frost in Winni- peg Wednesda night. but. no damage was done to t e crops. At Port, Dalhousie a bonus of $6,500 to the Toronto Rubber Shoe Company was carried on a popular vote. Mr. R. F. Hollermann of Brantford, says there will be a. partlal failure of the honey crop this year. vâ€"C'l‘he da'te ofâ€" the autumn military camp at Kingston has been changed from September 14th to September 7th. Exâ€"Mayor Drennan has been appoint- ed City Clerk of Kingston, a ter a deadlock in the Council lasting several Mrs. George Hudson and four chil- dren were burned to death in a fire that destroyed the family residence at Rapid City. ‘I "Elie Ottgxwa city bakers have raised the price oi bread one cent a loaf, so that the four-pound loaf now costs ele- van cents. Mabel Pierce of Brockville will pro- bably lose the sight of one eye as the result of an accident with a pair of heated curling tongs. _Mr. Fred. C. \Vhde of \Vinnipeg has been appointed Registrar and Clerk of the Supreme Court for the Yukon dis- trict. Mr. Robert Meighen, President of the Lake of the Woods Milling Company, estimates the wheat yield of Manitoba at. 22,000,000 bushels. Mr. \V. Hale. of Hamilton. whose ukuil was fractured. spine injured and shoulder dislocated in a bicycle acci- dent a couple of months ago. is recov- sting. Winnipeg civic estimates for the cur- rent year amount to $522,802. and in order to keep the tax rate down .a number of civic officials have been (115- The Midland Town Council has pass- ed a resolution urging the Ontario Gov- ermment to make a law that t‘Lmber out upon Crown lands shall be manu- factured in the Province. Mr. G. C. Cunnin ham has resigned the management of t e Montreal Street Railway totake charge of the Birming- ham Tramway Company. and Mr. F. L. “’ankiyn of Toronto will succeed him. The coroner's jury in the Orr murâ€" der case at Galt. Ont... ow Lb‘riday ’forund a verdict of wilful mrurder against James Allison. the hired boy. The jury stood twelve for and three against the verdict. Brockville Town Council is seeking by petition the (to-Operation of differâ€" ent municipalities throughout Ontario for legislation making it within their power to inflict hard-labor punish- ment on tramps. . Mr. A. \V. Ross, ex-M.P., for Lisgar, referring to the mining boom, says the prospects forthe future of British (‘0- lumbia. are excellent, and he expects it will at no distant day be the most im- portant province of the Federation. Mr. George Johnston, the Dominion Government statistician. has compiled figures which Sde the rapid rate at whichjhe g_r_eat lakes. arq kgei‘ng depletâ€" n-..-.).. "uIVu Vuv D-vâ€"v â€"“ ad of fish. The annâ€"u'aa Hatch b; Cahada and the United States is seventy thou- sand tons. s ' John Arnold was instantly killed, and his companion, the fourteen-year- old son of Mrs. - Fred. Fitzmartin, probably fatally injured while driv- ing over a railway crossing near Nap- anee, their rig being struck by a train. It is probabie that. the new Govern- ment tezegraph line to the Klondyke will be constructed entirely through Canadian territory. in this case the length of the line will be fifteen hunâ€" dred miles. and the cost of construction about two hundred and twenty-five thousand dollars. a Mr. Sifton, of the Department of the Interior. has decided to inspect the position of affairs on' the Pacxfic coast in connection with the reat rush which is being mad: to the 'ulkon. He will accompany Major Walsh and party as far as Tagish. and see them well started on their way to the interior. A large quantity of dynamite and giant powder, stored at Reebs' lime quarry, near Port mmrne, exploded. doing considerable damage. Lortun- ately it occurred ah an°ear1y hour and ‘l'_. 1".V__L-_,_ ‘11-‘11“ “Md 0' vvvâ€"â€"_ no one was hurt. Mr. Foster’s glass factory was 1evelled. to the ground. Mr. Rebbs’ Iimekilns were badly (1am- aged and his barn burned. Buildmgs in surrounding towns shook as If they were about to fall. and much glass was broken. GREAT BRITAIN. A dozen cabs driven by electricity have been pauced on the streets of Lon- don . The prospectpf set§hin the great engineering dlspute 1n ngland ap- pears! to be as remote as ever. . The son of the'l’ate Sir John Millais the former president of the Ravi Acad- gmawill shortly publish the lie of his at 1'. Sir Louis Davies, addressing the Lon- don Chamber of Commerce. uttered a warning ‘against the indiscriminate rush to the Klondike gold fields. Scotland Yard. is keeping. a strict watch on the arrival of foreign Anar- chists, as it is rumoured that there is to be an active continental Anarchist plet, with England as the basin of oper- CANADA. THE DURHAM CHRONICLE, September 2, 1897 bad' no press about the Prince of \Vales whenever he appealjs on the street as to cause his Royal Blghneas’ extreme an- myance. Capt. Kane, who won high praise for. bringing H‘. M'. 8.. Calhopc out of Somoa barber during a. hurricane m 1889, has resigned on tocmmt of ill- health. The suggestion is regarded favoura- bly to create the Duke of York Prince of Ireland, and to make that title a germanent one for the eldest son of the rince of Wales. The Queen, accompanied by Princess Beatrice will proceed to Balmoral this week. where she Will take up her pro- je.‘t of providing pensxons for widows who are seventy-five years of age and upwards. , Admiral Sir John Arbuthnot Fisher, Controller of the Adrmralty, has been appointed to command the North Am- erica and West Indies station of the British fleet, to succeed Vices-Admiral Erskine. Captain Bate has presented to the Duke of York a handsome volume of Canadian jubilee stamps. on behalf of the Post-Office Department of Canada. The Duke is an ardent philatelist, and expressed himself as delighted with the The firm stand.taken by the Mar- quis of Salisbury in refusmg to allow Turkey to retainOThessaly until the Greek indemnity 18 paid 18 embarrass- ing the powers. They are anxious on the one hand, for a settlement of the question, and, on the other they do not relish the idea ofoylelding to the dictation of Great Britain. . \ ad General U N ITED STATES. Pig iron has been raised at Cleveland from 9,35 to $9.50 per ton. Secretary Sherman has sent a mes- sage of condolence §o_Sp_ain. .VA Spaniard named Roderigo gather- ed gold dust worth 89,000 intwo weeks in Plunas county, Cal. The Michigan Car Company, of Deâ€" troit, has received an order from the C. P.. R. for 500 freight cars. . 1 The King of Silam says the United States cannot be seen properly inless than six months, and he hopes to visit that country in 1899. Seats on the New York Stock Ex- change are now quoted at twenty thou- sand dollars, and those who think of selling ere holding for an advance. -2 uvoao w- v â€"â€" Hail fell' and drifted to the depth of three feet near Pueblo, 031., on Wed- nesday. Property of the Denrver Rio Grande Railway was badly dam- aged. It is reported from San Diego, Cal., that the British flag may he hoisted over Clipperton Island, although it is supposed to belong to Mexico. "it. is reported in New Iork that the business of we bteiuw ay 1’1:an Com- panv. New York, has been sold to an Enghsh syndicaLe 1ur $111 million dol- lars. .Schlatter, who is known as the di- vme healer, has married Mrs. Margarâ€" et Ferris, widow of the builder of the Chicago wheel. Her relatives were much opposed to the match. The operators of the Pittsburg dis- trict. coal min-es have decided to obtain Pinkerton detectives to pro- tect their non-union workmen, and a serlous 0011114» 15 regarded as inevit- able. ' A coroner’s jury at Chicago has re- turned a. verdict, of wilful murder in the case against James b‘rawley, the Chicago saloon keeper, formerly of Chatham, Ont... who shot his barten- Justice Stephen J. Field, ’of the United States Supreme Court, has been thirty-four years on the bench. having been appointed by \President. Lincoln in 1863. He is now eighty-one years of age, and has no intention of retiring. der. Assistant Secretary Havel], of the United States Treasury Department, says that the discriminating clause in the Dingley Tariff Act is not' in- tended as a revenge creating clause. but is aimed against the Canadian railways. . i Canada’s proposition for carrying the mails one round trip a month‘ be- tween Dawson City and Dyea. in the Klondike district, was formally accept- ed by acting Postmaster-GeneralShelâ€" lenberger, on behalf of the United States Secretary Sherman has replied to‘ Japan’s note regarding: the annexa- tion of Hawaii. Mr. Sherman main-1 tains the right of the United States“ to! annex the island. but he guarantees that the rights of Japan will be safe- Huarded. The tone of the reply isvery friendly. ' \ James Elbert, an Austrian. arrested as a supposed Anarchist in Pittsburg. on Tuesday, fought his way with a razor through 15 policemen. seriously injuring five; jumoed 30 feet from a window of the police station, was shot. then clubbed into insensibility. He will recover. The reports of business in the United States, indicate in some directions at least. a fair increase in the volume! 'of trade. Stocks and produce are advano ing, in spite of occasmnal sets back There is an increesmg demand for, money, and the outlook is encourag-‘ ing. \Vheat has advanced considerably and corn steadily 1n price, and indica- tions point to a st111 further advance. Prices all round show an 11 ward ten- dency. In dry goods. clot ing, boots and shoes, etc. the demand is large. S'fi‘nor Costa. Italy's Minister of Jus- tice. is dead at Rome. It is asserted in Vienna that the Czar declines to receive Prince Ferdinand because of the quarrel with Austria. There is great excitement in Con- stantinopie, and a general feeling preâ€" vails that the bomb outrages of W'ed- nesday will be repeated. Thirty-five thousand British tr00ps have been massed on the Afghan fron- tier otf India. and the supression :‘of the rising is assured. - . . . ' 'mys Freon : . Government is making overtures to the United States for a reciprocity treaty under the terms of the Dingley Tariff Act. - , .5; The Porto is alarmed at the statue! anarchy existinc in 'mrkiah Kurdistan. and has adored a n1 mobilization in the Vilayct of mmotAtWhuh-md GENERAL. a, firman forbidding his subjects tojoin the rebels who are now up in arms against the Indian Government. Emperor \Villiam will attend the Austrian military manoeuvres. and will spend three days in September in Totis. Emperor \\ illiam has proposed a new plan of concerted action on the part of the Continential powers against Anarâ€" chists. The tardiness of the Prussian and Saxony Governments in affording re- lief to the, sufferers from the floods is causing great dissatisfaction. Queen \Vilhelmina of Holland flatly refuses to marry Prince Bernard of Saxe-VV oimar, whom her mother select- ed as the young Queen's husband. An alliance has been formed between Turkey and Bulgaria. and in the event of war the Sultan will plaee fingered Fwdimnld. The whole diplomatic body in Constan- tunople has protested“ to the Sultan against his bestowofal the Order of Glory upon M. Stoiloff. the Bulgarian Premier, declarnng that henceforth they- will refuse to accept the inferior Order of Medjidieh. Michael Angiolillo. the assassin of Senor Canovas do Castillo. was exe- cuted in prison at San Sebastian on Friday morning. He showed no sign of fear. and refused the ministrations of the priest. The Mexican authorities have dis- covered an Italian Anarchist who has inst arrived with the intention of aa- .isassinating President Diaz. Hie is be- closely watched by the lice. and wi l to arrested on the yfirst emonstra- tion he makes. Members of the fair sex are not! always the embodiment of ethereal their time they have looked fairly hid- eous in order that the other half might find them with captivating little ring- lets and airy wavelets. and their pri~ vate families have had to suffer from their anaesthetic appearance. That is one reason why the curling iron has been so popular. It saves go- ing about with the hair done up in papers and hornli'ke pins, rubber and kid rolls. etc. Even the neat monta- gues of the same shade as the hair gave them a bald appearance. and. as for whites of eggs. gum arabio and other "stick 'em's" to make water waves. so called, the sight of them was enough to make one sigk. . ‘ “DU v'v wâ€"vâ€"_ w'l‘ufiae French have came to film rescue. They usually do when thqre 18 an): aesâ€" thetic_or agtistic question at Issue. A - .1 III- 1‘...- f‘nl! I. A- U‘U V5 - VI. v-v '. may have invented “1e flou flou. or undulator, which consists of a sort of fork With- two upright tines, to which ribbons can be affiqregi‘ thq'oqgh eyele‘gs in such a way that the hair can be woven in the usual manner about the two tines. as is done with a large wave pin. and then the pin can be with- drawn. leaving the hair woven on a ribbon. the ends of which can then be tied in a coquettish little bow'knot. If I should fall out of the hammock, what would yqu do? ghe asked: ' 7 ‘L._l}‘ A \Vll(lh ‘‘‘‘‘‘ u va __- I would catch you i; iny arms.fl1te'§tn- swered promptly. Get ready, she said with feminine im- pulsiveneen. NE‘V AID TO HAIR CURLING. TAKING NO CHANCES. men at the sérvioe of 13rince We beg to inform our customers and the public generally that we have adopted the Cash System, which means Cash or its Equiv- alent, and that our motto will be “Large Sales and Small Profits” We take this opportunity of thanking our customers for past patronage, and we are convinced that the new system will meritfla continuance of the same. Adopted by THE “Will“ mum "CRY THUICDAY MORNING ‘1 TI; MIMI” PRINTING HOME. mu “I!“ DURHAM, ONT. mmwnm Tut Cmmmc LP. will be ten: to any address, free of “wage, tor $1.00 per RATES. .Jiayeu panable 1n “Vanceâ€"$1.5. may becharged if not so_ paid. lhe daie to which evexy sbie1bscrip1ion is id is denoted by the number 011 the ac‘dras label. 0 paper di ..c minued until 111' m we paid. except at the Option of the pm; rie: er. ‘OVERI|S|': For transient adverti‘ ements 8 cents per line for the fint in~eruun : .3 cents per RA‘ES . o o ltne each subsequent tmeruuu~ mmmn measure. Professional ends. not exceeding one inch. $4.00 per .lanum. Advertisements without specific directions ml! be publtshed till forbid and charged av- cordingly Transient notices- “ Lost." “ Found." " For Sale,”etc.â€"-5o cents for first imcrtion. 25 cents I or each subsequent insertion._ Contract tates for early advertisements furnished on appfication to the ce. car All advertise nents, to ensure tmertion in (tune t week, should be brought in not late! than 'l‘uuww mommg. â€"-_â€"‘-'â€". " â€" ' - â€"â€"â€"â€"\ I: completely stocked with DEPARTMENT .11 new TYPE, thus an. {ording fucilities (or turning out First-class work. w-Avfladvcrtisehcms animal by strangers must be pad hr in advance. The Chronicle Contains . . Each week an epitome of th world’s news, articles on the household and farm, an serials by the most popular authors. 1 ts Local News Is Complete and market reports accurate. BIlIOUSlESS CONSTIPATION SICK HEADACHE ...... U‘ [B “MILES AS a laxative, one pill acts perfectly, and if a stronger action is desired a cathartic eflectis produced by two pills. In obstinate cases, where a purgative is necessary, three pills will be found sufficient. These pills leave no unpleasant after efl'ect. One pill taken each night during thirty days will cure constipation. Em'ron AND PROPRIITOR. PRICE ac. O. I '0. CLOO an. i“. l3 PUBLISHED CURE

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