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Durham Chronicle (1867), 23 Sep 1897, p. 12

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Mrs. Lndbettur of Springfield Mass. in visiting her sister Mrs. Jas. Kerr, md‘horvm‘other Mrs. Andrew Du'py. Mr. W. Sharp has gone to sister. Mrs. Puttezsou. at St Manitoba. An interesting and successful gar- den party was held on Friday night, last. in ccuuectiou with Hampden Presbyterian church on the: grounds of Mr. Thus. Geddcs. "he evening was cool, but fine, : nd a good crowd of i and DU )V h: cahud (SHIM humble Is yrnpared to furnish the Ladics MOD!” an} vicinity with the Latest Novelties ‘il DixHim.-r\'. \V Shorthand, Bookkeeping, Penman- ship 'l‘ypewriting c., thoroughly taught by first class teachers. This institution is well known from one} end of Canada to the otln-r. Rates moderate; methods new; board clump; elegantly eqtaipped appart- lllr‘lltS; graduates- always successful. Students may enter at any time. Write for Beautiful Catalogue. ‘W. J. Elliott, Principal. Mr. Thos. Caldwell met wi2h what 311' have proved a serious accident a fall from a colt. He escaped, H IS saver, with a lame shoulder t ' bruises which were attende Dr. BIOWD of Holstein. {mwest has been finished some 9 am! {all ploughing and thresh- :H‘u the order of the day. Many mews have their corn cut and viml, thus escaping the earlv It “ Queen Victoria: Reign,” has captured the Extraun'dimu'y testimuuials "Hm ; >(‘lul fur (mp-V free. .‘ ~;;,\'.~. " Tim he»! pupular Li \\ 7AXTED. Men and Women who can w..rk hard talking and writing six hour-1 daily fur six (law a week and will be (Him in! with ten «lollars \seekly. Ad- (i rm. .\1‘ \V [MAS Co. ., Medical Building rul‘ul; (U, Ullt. ' GENTS. I am just starting the best thing for money making you have set-n tnr many a day. 19m name and address \sxllfirgnguthe guiden pnformanon. us has been some social trouble b'u: even ythiug 1S quic t anain e trust that peace and harma'on) ow reign suplcme. V/cj/i/Zéj: 9" M' .0 s Culbertson The Chronicle. are good and those who I) report a good 5 icld. O and ma J shfiw gm Ner tuwu. 7 ANTEDâ€"Solicitors for “ Can-i "Queen Victoria: Her Life and " has captured the lh'itish Empire. rdinury testimonials t'rmu the great 0nd fur («my free. Marquis of Lorne “The best popular Lift: ut' the Queen sewn.” Her Majesty sends a kind Jf appreciatiun. Selling by thou- * gum enthusiastic satisfaction. wrs making 3315 tu $40 weekly. -m.- frees tuzlgents'. 'l‘mc BRADLEY- l‘sux L'U . Limited, Toronto, Ont. It} prescu t one OR HA MPUE n'f .‘h the late n Irvin sitfnu'l ““. ..D.â€"c Stratfurd, Ont. HARDVILLI Hung IIIU “Hun-n llllul‘lllzlllnll. 1:.1’.HL.\.~'4.U\\'.'J‘ux'.)11t._;,()nt. Durhamites in_t_he Lgnd_pf_ the _Sh‘amt:qck.‘ _ They Wanted. ‘\f\ct HP at Irs tnx' yuurse} b‘hup over S corn cut anj )Ing the early of ()x' no to visit his at Steuewull. BERTSON. rangeviue, Inter. Mrs, ended the hos. Cadd- 1f. d to ave cutt’s h- ---_- â€"â€"-v‘-'v--, UCIOV‘I x, J Mr. )lecfarlane and I left Glasgow l which we passed sho‘tild be one of! I .by train to Ardrossan where we’lfairest gardens of the earth. J crossed the platform and went aboard road went first eastward along 1 the Adder, one of the Burns’ fast Northern shore of Belfast Lou; an-l sailing, staunch Royal Mail Steam- nearly to Carricfergus, then turni hly ers from Glasgow to Belfast. The northward passed through Antri his gSteamer at once headed south-west- lhill,_\'1m:iia,Bollymony,and Colerai me'ward in a st‘aight line for the to Port Rush. The broad valley teSl"Linen Capital” of Ireland. On the the north and north-east of Antr ”'d left as we proceeded down the Firth villa e was especially beau‘iful 1"” of Clyde the distant shores of the the morning sun-shine. Trees (1. “1' Scottish mainland could be seen (lim- ted it everywhere, lied 19- ly through the smoky haze which seems to brood fondly over GlaSg-c w and immediate vicinity, and on rainy ll. days extends far into the country. --_ On the right is the picturesque Island, of Arran, near enough to be SQt n more distinctly. From the shorethe poet in so fertile a 'alley iii-Stl» land ascends by a very gradual Slope peacefully at intervals in the me to the centre of the Island and a‘ ,sholtered places, and h- re and the! great. part of the southern andsouth- 'in fearful and ominous contrast the little, humble houses of the te ,,.-‘ Rounding the Island the southern’antry, towered aloft the go rows bloc ed it off into fields, the everlasti green for which the island is so 1 mous. was broken everywhere ripening grain fields. The houses the peasantry, though not as prt-te tious or comfortable as one would c turreti )inansions of the lords of the sol the sweep of the North Atlantic . The difference is too great not to l wind, which here usually blows with lfelt, as well as seen, by tho-e nna iconsiderahle force and freshness. gullsiOltlt’tl to sucl incongruities. . iOnce past the Mull of Cantyre, the i rank and caste. Not long. howeve § rolling of the Steamer becanieexceed- l did the brightness of the mornin ls "é, ingly interesting to those of a bilicus last. A cold, driznling, shiverin u l ! temperament or more prOperlv, liver. ' rain began to fall and continuc ,It was almost a gale and it struckinearly all day, making both trave : the little vessel si’ittare alongside, , ler and country insensibly gloomit 0, ' hence, not pitch but roll, was the or- ’ and less cheerful 5- ‘ der of the ship although this law did: Three other passengers occupie ie.’ not apply to the passengers. The re- with us one conipz-irtznent in the rai .l-i verse dial. Very few escape-2d paying , way carriage part of the way up an i tribute to the dolphins of the deep. sevm'al incidents occurred that coul L Among these few, however, was your 5 not have occurred but in Ireland. bu l ' humble servant, hence, he was able ,6 description and relation of th.â€".m ar 3’ to enjoy to the full any pleasureitoo long to commit to paper, thong: Id. there was in such a sail. After ma- } I am well aware you would enjo; (1: ture consideration, he is convinced isome of the incidents referred to " the pleasure is purely the product of at From Fort Rush an electric tran ‘ _ lively imagination. At length, how- i runs to the Causeway. This is tht "; ever, the coast of Ireland was skirted, ' first of the kind on the continent ain Q Belfast Lough entered at Bangor i if electric trams are measured by 9, about twelve mi‘es from the city and ‘ this one it is no wonder they are un ,-, a smoother sea concluded the voyage. popular. To compare the slow poke) V‘Tim Lough is about five miles wide motionof these cars with these it 1- at the mouth and gaadually narrows i Toronto would be the height of ab! ,9 until the Lagan River is reached at i surdity. But at. length after mucl; ,l‘lelfast, not more than a half a mile Wheezing and sneezing” of the F in width. machine we reach the terminus only :9, Belfast reached. we. ascertained our; to find that the electric car was Sick 1.. train hours and boarded a tram from ’ and the motor power was steam. "i the upper gallery of which we took I’rocuringa guide we started afoot 3 our general survey of the city. The - for the Causeway and soon were mar- . impression left was satisfactory. , veiling at the sights before is. The t" Belfast is a very proper city and is:first feeling was disappointment. t7 substantially, if not beautifully built. It was so different from the pictures is After this general view, we engaged of our fancies. But gradually our ‘, the far famed Irish Jaunting car, to l disappointment gave way to wonder, ’1 view the important points of interest. astonishment, intense surprise in the ,The City buildings, Markets, Policelphenoxnenon before us. Nowhere 3. Station, the business streets, thelelse in nature is there, I believe, ; different Colleges, Hosiiitals, Schoch l such a Sight. The floor of the Cause- , etc. were, perhaps, the most import- way covers about 72; acres. In this ilant. These need not here be describ- there are over 40.000 basaltic pillars ged. Our driver, as well as his car. lof different lengths so that. the sur- i was a true son of Erin, and his ‘wit , face is very uneven. The top of each e amused us not alittle. He delighted :column, forsuch each pillar really is ’ in showing us the church where at lis either convex or concave, and f Easter at young fellow and his i them are as many different shapes as: . “swateheart” ‘may be maraied for ,’ there are columns, no two being ex- half a crownâ€"oftentimes twenty or i actly alike, and yet all wonderfullyl thirty couples are marriedisimilar. just like blades of grass or, at this season by the selfsame words. 3 the leaves of a tree. Most of thel . We were anxious to find out the price geolumns are Irregular pentagons and i of land in some of the suburbs where ‘ heXagons, but there is one true diawl beautiful villas were being erected. ,1 mond~~a Square pressed together byl ; He told us about twelve shillings a ,1 two of it’s cornersâ€"analmost pe:fect t foot. I ventured to question whether 3 pentagon and octagon and one nona- it were afoot frontage or a. square:gon or nine sided stone which is . foot. His answer was characteristic. :‘supposed to be the keyswne of the f "It jinerly be both ways here". whole. Imagine then 40,000 odd The rocking sensation of thejaunt- ‘stones to be fitted together so accur- -ing car must be experienced in order-lately and closely "that if water be to be appreciated, hence I shall notlpoured on tap it would not find a attempt description, but whenever , way between and you will, have but. i you geta chance of amide on one afaint. ideaof what this looks like. don't miss it. The evening was pass- Special stones have been given names ed pleasantly at a quiet hotel where . from their likeness to, certain objects 1 we were fortunate in meeting Mr. h‘xnzongtheseweretheGiant’s Sadr 1 J. W. H, Scott, a representative of die, the Highlandman’l Bonnet, the ’; Messrs Joseph Kayo and Sons, Lock Horseshoe, the Fan, the Wishing 3: manufactureuooL 149961;, England. Chair. [.113 Giant’s ni-nn ‘ guy] 9 I. .- South for another laté time permit. Erin Mavourneen visit the Linen Capital and the Giants’. Causeway. Mac. makes the wishes and IS awaiting Developments. Belfast, Sept. 3rd. 1897. THE DURHAM CHRONICLE September 23rd, l897. ' FRIN GO BRAGH. should I _ __. "'t’ VI UbUl‘ y: . i column, for such each pillar really is; ;is either convex or concave, and l ! thieie are. as many different shapes as} . . i - I there are columns, no two being ex-; 1 . t ,actly .1Lke, and yet all wonderfully ! ,zsiinilnr. just like blades of grass orl ithe lemes of a tree. Most: of the.l molumns are Irregular pentagons and |' jhexagous, but there is one true dia- lmonzluu Square pressed together by l :t\\'0 of it’s cornersâ€"an almost perfect ' pentagon and octagon and one nona- ;g02. or nine sided stone which is ésnpposed to be the keyStone of the whole. Imagine then 40,000 odd jstoues to be fitted togezlzer so accur- lately and closely that. if water he 1 :1)Ou1'(3l10n top it would not find a 1 :way between and you will have butl 1100111 111" {to fox the Causewz: veiling at the 81 first feelinrr w It was so diffs”: of 0111 fancies. 1 am well aware you would enjoy Some of the incidents referred to. From Port Rush an electric tram runs to the Causeway. This is the first of the kind on the continent and if electric trams are measured byl this one it is no wonder they are un-j pepulur. To compare the slow pokey motion of these cars with those in Toronto would be the height of ah-i surdity. But utlength after much t5 , ° . ° :2 ‘ l wheezing and sneezang of the: machine we reach the terminus only to find that the electric car was sick: with us one compartun way carriage part of t] SeVul‘al incidents: hnmw tious or comfortable V a house, I would have Kaye locks on every door. Next morning found us aboard the 6.30 train for Port Rush and the Giant’s Causeway, at the extreme North of Ireland. In the early part of the day the sun shone out for a short time and we had a good oppor- cunity of noting the country as we passed. County Antrim, throng]: which we passed should be one of the fairest gardens of the earth. The road went first eastward along the or finished so handsomely. It was another proof of the superiority of British artisans when a really good article is required. \Vere I building Mr. Stott' was gracious enough to show us some of his samples and full sized drawings of the parts of all the locks manufactured by Messrs. Kaye and Sons, and I can assure you it was with pleasure {we examine-:1 these per- fect pieces of mechanism. I had ex- amined many locks before this but never any contrived with such skill 3 motor power was steam. uring a guide we started afoot Causeway and soon were mur- at the sights before us. The eeling was disappointment. so different; from the pictures mate. Not long,â€" howevel u-ightness of the mornin cold, drizzling, shiverin n to full and comiuuc £829. 3‘ 0L long, DOW'BVOI', ’ closet! {H‘ld the StOCk 801d. jghtuess of the morninggHolland, Grey :-â€"Two thirds of the old, drizzling, shivering! hay prop in this township is use to fa” {UNI CODLiHUOdg 1058. A“ lOt Of it is I‘Ottillg‘ 311d i5 lay, nmking bog}, travelv‘ not much better than pea straw. “try insensibly' glOOIniel'; I)tSturC “"43 never better. eerful. iOsprev. Grey :--A new cheese factory IICI' passengers occupiedi is being operated near AlflXW'e”. 3 conunartwwnt in the ruil- ’ Arrzm, Bruce-- Wages where 0119;329- :0 part of the way up and} ments are made are much lower dents occurred that could I than in former years. . (gm-red but in Ireland, but; Kinloss, Bruce :-â€"\Ve have had no and relation 0E than are? 31‘0" {all wheat; crop {or fifteen commit to paper, though;f years. aware you would enjoy;Culross, Bruce :-â€"-There is an abnn- , “|I\t VVIUI¢CIIIU uad valley to .st of Antrim beamiful in! . Trees dot-li I â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"..â€".. :40 rows block- [(3 everlasting; and is so fit-i! 'cl'ywlwxe by? “gt-tunes. or g, however, :he morniuw: shixelingf continues? § ..‘, b0:' 1 Havel- Jy gloomiel l One-third of all the children die before they are five years old. Most of them die of some ‘9 wasting disease. They row i very slowly; keep thin in lash; are freiful; lood does not do them much good. You can’t say they have any disease, yet they never prosper. A slight cold, or some stomach and l bowel trouble takes them away ' easily. SCOTT’ S EIJULSION of Cod-liver Oil with Hypophos- l 0 0 hard flesh; sound flesh; not I soft, fl bby fat. It makes ‘ strong bones, healthy nerves. It changes poor children to children rich in prosperity. Book about it free for the askin . Ear” No substitute for Scott’s ul- sion will do fer the children what we know Scott's Emulsion will do. Get the genuine. F salebyall 11509311! $1.03 , W - “v\â€"‘.. dance of fodder and the dairy pro- duct will exceed that of 1896. Iunisfil, Simcoe :â€"-â€"Hay was a big crop. Some of it is still uncut al- though ripe. A lot was never drawn in, and is still in cocks since the 215th of July; tons of it are rotting on the ground. Still a lot of i From the Bulletin, issued August }18th bv the Ontario Bureau of In- dustries we clip the following general remarks of correspondents: Bentinck, Grey :-â€"1 never saw hetcer pasture in August. The make of both butter and cheese will be over the average. Egrremont. Grey :â€" Factories of dairy produce are doing well. Glenelg, Grey :â€"-T'he supny of dairy produce is abundant, owing to good pastures. Apple trees are affected by some kind of blight. The fruit is Seahby and a great many. have fallen oif the trees. Holland. Urev:--'l‘he onlv chi-mun wmwmg Chldi‘en tion than timothy. druwinghay to the 1 man u re From Simcoe, ‘ BI‘UCB. 'J.‘1'ustiug friends are _.--.] <v- VI.“ fair sex, but as my companion en voyage is an especially good critic in this line,I shallaskyou to be patient until he arrives in Durham and then 3 cu can avail yours-fit of his extended experience and minute observation. A sail of 80 miles on a very rough sea again brought us to Ardrossan where our train was waiting to take us to GIaSgow, thus ending, barring the weather,“ one of the most delight- ful trips so (111' undertaken. : Many other things might be men- tioned, such as our iim._>x'essions of ,i the people, their customs. and ”new! ially the maidenly modesty of the' SLOT’I‘ a; BOWN" 15, Toronto Ont. In order to avoid an all-night sail on a stormy sea we hastened back to Belfast, and regretted that we had not time to call on some friends whose addresses we had from their friends in Durham. \Ve were willing but the weather was ulzl,»1‘o;,pit;ious and we had to nurse our discontent as best we might. I wished Ye Editm of'The Chi onicle near by, not exactly in my boots, just then. Giant’s Loom. Mr. McFarlane se- dately sat and wished his three wish- es in the wishing chair, and d oubt- less as promised by the guide. they will be realized within a year As for me, with the rain on the surrounding smooth, hard, stones and the mud on my boots, Isat rather unceremonious- ly and abruptly to feel exactly in the mood for wishing; good things hence, I lost the opportunity of my life. 3C 3103 Urey :â€"-'I‘he only cheese we had in the township is And the stock sold. Grey :-â€"Two thirds of the 3 we“ am sincerely you, little A. 1 11.- 1V. is in bet ter condi- athy. Some are the barnyard for new cheese factory :1 near Maxwell. ages where engage- saved,_ although family and all \V. Campbell rey and ours, A. L'oran of the and‘ofl is 1130-, and is .' Do not fail to come Straw. new st‘ Upper Town Conveyancing, Leases. Wills, gages, etc.. drawn up on she notice. Nbxon’s Bi‘ Lower Town, FRESH GROCERIES 211-. ways on hand; A large assoz'tm mt 01 T weeds, Flanncls. Bhufiqcts and Yarn given in exchange for M’OOL at prices to suit the times. Carding and spin- ning done on short notice. ANY QUANFITY Highest price paid in BOOK OF mu 1. up“ "I w my Come and see for you goods will talk for t Farm Implements and Machinery. lwceds for V01 heavy vonfll T \\ eeds for your And Beautiful 611 85C 21, Yd. 1‘ 1231121. laps to: um. /\ k Ya! is p1etty complete 2222 me anxious to 512222.; “hat lgig lial‘gtejgfi '2‘. me 222222222222. We quote 2 fen 22222 2 2 21222220 present: Flannelet‘iemm We in Cloth and Leufiher Binding! at most reason- able prices. Just arrived at. 1:221: ply 0f Pubiic and School Books. E» Books, Scribblcm, 0118, etc, etc. PRESBYT .-«‘ B] S. T. 03430111112 D, DRY @0033 01‘ tr: Our Fall Stock of new stock. to we. nt 01 Tweeds, cts and Yarn. change for sale at ware- and I“ th at T1. U( pect 01 l! '1111‘ as: it m at record an { Hwy guide l0 sum: who one 53:11: of the [tict' about sevvnty five Calgary on the (3.11;, ton Raill'ml‘l. CI'O good but prices for never high while 0 are much higher Flour there is $3. granulated sugar, d.)l!ul'; brown suga oil " cen's a gallon our: at: 12} cents : a horse new all ran to react the old 0 gr. good this you go expected. f at ii I] : lb symp well « {or ti occur non ‘ \V l1) £6} Ayer’s H growth aml the hair. 'I Intes the rm. the SCRIP- I": of dandrulf. gray hair to \\' (MIX pru pru can the 9V0 an Mom lutes1 an «1 l ohasv DOVS LII\'( tes utv til thw Public eveuin H) ll) 6W Ill] fl\ {V 01' hl \V ( “NV “f Ol' [J()C 1‘ [A tin l'fll

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