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Durham Chronicle (1867), 23 Sep 1897, p. 1

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--â€"~‘_. The Fair on Tuesday was a fizzle.‘l AST BR XH'B'TIUEJ i _____._â€"â€"â€"__._.â€"- ' i it”. in ‘ l Mr. Frank Van Dtisen has hung;r out‘ . a handsome Sign in front of his place _-.__..._-_.. : -â€"~â€". HELD IN FLESHERTON 0N of business in the form of a )laltese’ 'f' , .1 7 ‘ . i M1,. Alex. 19”.,“ succemls Mr. Dix-l THURSDAY AND FRIDAY cross and clock, and Mr. W. A. Arm-i l i Ryan is forming: a favor-3 moi-Hing 1mm, . able impression in Trinity Church. j on m. “we“... in Bunwsuu School . tl ____ H strong has itl’lpl‘OVBt’l the front of his . . . . storcanil tl ». t ' ~. .. ._ 'lhe Annual Exhibition of the H“ Pum" L‘l’l‘u.‘ ““11 i ( was in town .\loii lay. Mr. Alex. (.‘outis was on business last week I \ ‘ ' as ' l ' : a salary ot Quint). .ii loi 0am _*__.__‘__...._._....-..q- ' v ‘ ,' _ l V - (hour or laint. hOltill Litre}. ‘Xgllctlltltl‘ul booletv “-218 (1)1. Cllni [ l l f \lis‘S K1“, 1) tt’t‘t‘s‘ , { xv. . . 'V‘ ._. , ‘. _' . . " ‘ ‘. . o _ . r 7" . . . ‘ ‘, R 3‘35 ) [a "‘9‘ A - u 1' t .17).] .l \ :‘ li_; : Ml. i‘b'lUHU-Hl ‘ .Ui “011111 t, hehl in Flesheiton on l‘liursday and Hm I l 5 0e. mi ““1!“ 1 m ‘\ ‘Visitin , {ri 1i i“ t i i ”I i . i ' . ,. . x. w - . ""lltal ,1, 1 . 1 p . » ~T~ - .. ‘ U} m.‘ u.\'i:_ .- mm \ isiteit his aunt. Kits. r. t l rii‘lav last. 'lhe weather was fine. int 1 litl Digit“ u“ , U‘hm “ mog \l T) .1 1.. " ‘ . . , . ii - . )‘OVQL I; “' _ ; '1‘ ; . ‘_ ,' ' 1 “33"” \"J . . ‘idutin lit-Bl. \\ 0le. ‘lllUllQll a liltlU COOl i’llltl \Vel'e ll; “Oi, .\ ll \\v’ itt 61L lOllllIISOll l)1{l\(.l.\ lllltlf 1‘1 .1 l\ H 1“,”1“ ( i\l. l \\ utl lu, i. . .. iteniasas)n; . ‘:"*'Oll‘l'.'t'l..\it -.-' W“ *- {01' ll“? ltthHOSS Of lllti harvest and ilnl‘l‘QVi‘inLnt )1 I" “(.L ll) i1 \Ldi l( [3 11¢ t Hill U l - ' . , l .3 ‘ S ( 1 'IS ll'?llll.“,‘ '* - 3i sslizirt'b.1133.Ingligpn I'tl’ell‘fll‘y-irll“ uncei tainty of the weather we .‘ l __ . ’_ I ‘ 5‘" 0”“ l 7 . ‘ . .V ( ‘,, I 4 is n i l l l . r'.‘ .. . pieil iy baker Lindsay. L‘ii 1:15. T‘. -‘L). t) ‘llHll‘ilvr “fit IIIC‘ Silllic llil\£i 11L) ( (Jll it 1 ll./ tLl] \\l)lll(.1 llit‘v'c h‘..__-_.. .tst. isiiSS Lttltt‘a )lt'l\'l’ll/lt‘ 1 . 'lt‘l'l llllS lllOlllillg‘r {H}. l i i H i ’l l ' '3 'l ‘l‘ . - 1 M”. J- \l . Armstrong‘ is li'u'inir‘ ‘ Siliit z.‘\- HS 135: b'flill'. .;.)t L). ‘ “.0” (Nina H) L- ll lllffi (llltl {‘tte”(!- the exterior of her ])¢Ll‘ll i-il rii ‘i l . ‘1 l - r - , - - . _ ~ ‘ ' 5w Ll“ t. _ ___ _-,_-_ ._ mice to an of (110.3%: it)! inerl ' heltl _ . . v . . . . . . _ _ 31 . } . ‘ .33}. ' 5 repaired and Mrs. W. \\ . 'li-iin1hi is; ‘ ’s of .\~ls must be in by 33011.. '.\ i it bOLMJA. ' . in like i‘nanner inini'oriiir i -- i ?l-' " i“ ‘i i H ”4:" .‘ . i ‘r‘ a ‘3 ' 3 ' 1‘ ' l ‘ ‘ ‘ “"1! . - l . ‘ ‘1 ‘3 ill in] . ' ' “HA-\zt‘ .‘:ll..\' CUilllllé: ltttL‘l' Jll(l( 5 (4t l‘Jlllltll‘fi (l glismll. (10111 or lllllll'sv Sl’Ol‘C. .‘ i' x," ..‘.. i. ll l).l“l‘.‘(n“ in Rev Mr. 'i‘roloiihc of Laurel Ut't'll-, . '- " Lih‘i” “W" W” ”V .‘1 Misses Maul aii-l visiting; in blush-xitoii His ‘t"i:ttl"i?il ji'rijiip in the iiehls anl no iloiibt the r» l'ariners felt they ttoitil Hot “in thel . . _ , ... ‘ . .. .-.-. -- _ ..-- â€" l ‘- I, . ., . .. 'Itl lilti‘l :ll‘) Dietllotilst I'lll;‘1t lllllil) (”I {is . 1h“ 1 l',\l]l'1'l\yl_l I' Emmi ‘llSA ol leax in; it. ...i' . . iiie iliite also of ~ . l i'i.‘ ' '1' V v ‘ L . v ) 9 \. t .t, iii-A t.) if litii.i~.tiO>V .l . . . T‘llllthfl Hi the :tlm‘t‘HL‘t: Hf ltwv ‘. 1' \ ‘ I s -"~ -‘ ' . i this year s fair was tlliiHll two weel' ' ' ' ii " ‘h' hm ”A J1." "1' (i . . . . -t"£ll'lit’l' than usual aii-l ift‘HllUl‘" as it - . tannin lii (.)\'l",.)i_l»._.".‘ it) titttflltl 10‘ ‘. . . H. Sill'V sermons 011 his former (‘itit‘tlUll‘ \liil. : t ' ' ' "- . ‘iiiil the week alter lllt‘ lnitiisti'ial anil -,‘ . i i i 'i 1H5}! hm \ii'i (‘llt‘lllL l H 2' ‘t ‘t 4 t -ui‘fimls ll. .Hi' u..i.t!i :tfit Loiitlon and the Northern at ()wenl .(‘i)ii(‘\'. Vi". \\"..'llt‘ ' ti“ ' ‘ ° ‘ . . “ ’5’ v-’ Miiiitziy. and Rev. Mr. .\i:i,;;w.i.il of. ‘l l' . _ , ‘.â€"\rthur will occupy the same next. J ‘1' Li" "i-'iiiii',\’ ti’lwi iii: ti l'l'i‘lml'tjtl it.) WUttltl Utltel'Wis‘H litH't‘. ln‘l't). ' pint'wssmiial calls day or number of entries this year tell .'\ii'. Uri \Vhite of Toronto is \‘Isi- home from “ V‘“; 1‘ liarnhouse. l C-iiiit._y Cali}! .‘iliss Parkinson an.l Miss .\ii lwrson .\lr. Ernest and Miss' .\«l. .\r:iist i‘ong; \‘l‘iti‘tl their brother in li'ii'ltziow a mam us to aiitio-iiiv; that he Willi no aiiiiirer-'(liitai‘io was lil-‘ - A , )' . “ ) ’.‘ ‘, I ' "l " [1. bath“, stntltn. a. (iilai \ llli al 1 ”[1 Sound, the attendance and exliibits' :zziiiizgunwn to the i't'tfiilt‘lllh' of lliirhain ' . . . li.‘ \"Pl'lltl' ".1 ~.\‘ N:il)i).‘ltll, H] the 21’.)St:tii‘.+ii’.)l lii".\ -‘.\ll ‘t \i i‘ L Al N i \I ‘ _ . ’ . ‘ 'l‘hoin. who is li.ili«.l.'i,\,'iii;,r with oil as over .aaul'arlanes.siilorably below his. year and :- ‘ . . . . . , '-.. .i. .,,.,..ii [Ill-Hr Wltil lllS bl'Otllt:1‘~iliâ€"l;iw Mu. \\ ,\\ (.UtlsilOt,.\. liih~ istiii . ) r i - oi liuhalo are the guests of " ,wiwli (lay siiiixu the w. ., t ouslv ill last wee}; bat i. is tj'tiit.‘ r:â€" ietv naysago. t\. _.... - ._..~..‘_ )l'it'=‘\'.ii ‘ i. .0“ SCUlliLllllib iiit‘V :llI'. (let). _~...~___._ - ”â€"“5 . v- 0-. - gate receipts "I «'ihth' . ilollars shoit. 'l‘he (.lL‘ii‘l'thSC in the number of entries may he ('Xfxlttillt‘tl’ partly from the fact. that a pi'otiiict-’ .l\'(_‘ clause was iiisei'tcil in the regu- aiii iiif:ii'iii'.i.~. l'ili‘i‘t upon the system, f l‘l‘i‘lm erVVlltng i”'l'~‘90“~‘5 outshle' ‘ ..,-..i 1'... onlr ,;,,_._-ig,.i1,,_.i“(instanpurtlie County making more than six9 ‘ ,3 33,5, “My ;,,",.,.;;v,,,p..1 as an ab?)U.‘l(.‘Xll'lt‘S iii any one ('l.ths. Last yum" 31“,. wish)“. 3"”: “why“. -oiie ()lllSitlt‘l‘ made about one hunil-i \Iiil‘ll‘ town Mon lay tor the Master \Villii‘ Lhtiiiliiiwll \\'.'is‘ \wt‘i \ . f .ilahan who was preaching .. i -.-i the Sztlllt‘. week as t...» Western ‘ll ("ii‘i‘fii‘i‘iieil the Preslrvti-i'iaii pulpit last were More local than Theen working in iii» liqiu' . . . )- . . M . . ‘ fl'lt‘lttlS in Arthur. i he" M" h“ “ " l "' .UiSS Villli/Jvtlll'. Ellftl'Vt‘ht. '- i in. Alfl‘eil \Vrimit of .\.i.;ii.iii.-i.=i- .‘\'. i“”"“"”‘1‘ Y. aiiil Mr. Robt Vi'igl t of Coiling-i MIN Alltll'i'w Li“ 1“}? ‘-" i") "4“ “WV! wooil, are visiting llitftl' sister, .‘sil'b‘. y ill \VCSL Silt‘i‘i'i‘H' l“? “I" ““1 " \Viii, \Vriglit Who is \mi-y ill, C, teen inontiis X‘i’llll'll-‘~l on i"i .Xi l.\‘ his: 311'. Joseph Strain of Minor .‘tlon. is hale. hearty aii-l wvi- ,_ p” ___1_ '* 'l't‘il an;l l.\\'t;’lll.\"ll\'3 entries in Fant'yl \Yut‘li tiltilte ;~tt:~‘l Sll('("(‘t‘tlt“l ill C:t3'l'.\'-, lt is l‘llt‘lt'l"i.l to so tilil a fire alarm 5. . . . ‘ r. . , . _ _ int: oil nearlr twill t t) of the prizei gym-iv .‘liii‘l'lli.)i.i't at. an Pitt .y urtte to ‘ " > . . ,_ 7,. . , . 1 'Hl(__)lli“\'. l’art. of the work tor), it lv‘ml llll‘ It’lli‘idi! $8 (ii liit‘l‘ll'd i’l-l;:‘ilitlii. ti ; ‘ , . . . . . . ' is :tih'trinl Wis puruliasiiil iron a .to ‘h'W‘l 1'! a. law. .\-~ liiis is “ll“ of the’ I. “, l t . 'l' t 1 . i i‘ :l‘ti" 1004 S .5 UN“. i‘i ul'uii 1.) :llit {ti . . p . . ' i‘ ‘ speiisiing a few (l grs with his p..r- l i l" Huron wins of the i ire t- llilt‘l'\\'ll’ * . i , ti 1 ‘ itlsllii'ss WHS lint (i .i\‘ it". :(‘l'SOH 'Go‘ , . . A ' . . ‘ . I ents .‘ili. and Mrs. \\ in Nradi. . i i . ) 0 ‘ ~l'ti ~s .i is ‘:. wwssai'i t the brigade puiiiis. ,- ‘ m,,". {.‘r. lorry. ' " ' 1 :i g;'<.u;iit (teal ()l liis' .\liss Kliiiii'ouf‘ .\lli\'wl'ti)ii. wi ') \‘is- I tel .‘ilr, .lohn .\. Munro's, laxiiili' iii :i' I i town returnml f.) h ‘l' h in: s: \\'«‘ l ‘i'l'fi’m i' .) of ttlit‘llllili‘," all He sinalm‘ . v. i . ' if ' ‘ .. ‘ Mr. J. lxat‘stetlt ainl Airs. l“. llcl'o.+ , 1 l' , , t i t tl :aie \ isiting the parental ll'HUC iii, ()3 Uh“ i"‘tliii'~ . i) (1' “"1' more: x _ - i i 1» ‘ ll ,' _1 . ‘ ‘ 'l‘l l'ilmWoOtl this week. - . . ~ ti) ‘ai . ex. i .ii: iii's. e naiiaire- , '. . - , , . .. l . '. '. . :.. . i. . . x .\H ll ‘lflil‘ ,1. it H also SH;- " I l 11 t“ ‘ t ‘ It "’ l ' ltie Lillt‘UlllClc “ scribe ' Was pleas, M‘- mePâ€"C 0‘ ‘3“; i“ "1 ”f («"L‘W‘H " . . ‘ i" _ " ‘ l J' >( " .I'lCl . '. '.' ‘ ' '1 ‘1: . ‘ "i - 2., MM H. '. lit that all {"liiiiii's‘ tHHl other ar- n i “,t i U llHUl [91‘1” .L' ‘ ,)1' [U Stl .eil to have :1 VlSlt ft‘Oin l‘ulltOt'S (xleiii-;«lll~1b0- l"~))l\ l’W‘” ‘ ‘- i " . t“ - ii I, ‘, l.‘ ‘ {‘b'.;|-‘I I. 1i)- ' ° ’ ‘ 'bk“) \ 4r- ‘7‘“ i ii .- i i" Il2:'lleii ‘ ; (“U r xi") El‘t‘l. \\ \)1.\ (lil( t (1] ‘7‘ ‘1LL1L)II U . (1(‘1’lllll: it’ltl Il.\‘rll1. illjtl J‘. (I l‘!l“)‘0 ‘ lll‘ .5i411t ( )1 ll .‘ lll‘ ll 1‘ . . min-sent year ih-p1-i\'(-il one of last‘ an l!i\'utlf:it‘.' win he ta.:eii. " - w. 1 ‘ . AI. 1). I). Q” E‘l'ldilj' 137;}. .l ll'fl't}. lllillilil‘: ll' t'tfx‘ ll.\ i": ,Ix'iiar s i,-xliii_i.fi_)is from making Sex'eiifi \v -‘sll'S. 'l‘tioinns l..l«‘in:tiii anil littln,lJ<)Uim- :tltgilttfl' of Shelbui‘ni; are, visiting; My. T310)... iiroin [Jtli‘tliliL lHtraiiiirsl i? if" it"iziii l w'iuzx- .'i - airs .‘Hi'l <.':ii'!'.\.‘iii~' (iii priziis that be- *3 it n , ’ :tlting Miss .\iu::r.» '.\'iill h-ir. iii (.‘l'ttt‘l' to gut .. . . i_\‘-ti\'e entries in the one class. this. d was i~;.~.:i.e wiil 'l‘ xii-“ll an ailrct'» 3,1- in :~;_ 5' 3,.) 1 Eli-TH" 'l‘liis ls't)ltl.):-O.l10 case. 'J h‘ere‘ Mrs. \K'. llowaril this WM... ' “'\\'tfl't" Ulllt‘i'b' (.l .‘t. tililllitt' lt‘tlttl‘t) out: on a siiialh-r >i‘2tlt‘. \\'e lllttlt‘l'Hlé-tllil too. that. Mr, Chas.‘ (iraiit :tllil othvi s of 'i‘horiibury, who= .ii:;\'e alw'a) s L‘Xiiiliilt'll several 'ai'ie- { .ties of grain were in London «luring? gtlie \\'t't,'l{, hence, several things .. ‘ ' .‘\\'()li{t‘il inateriall) against the sue-i his“)?! _m‘“i'ivss the iiiaiiiiigcnimit slioiilil have in” iwiiiuil' 4' “ll. if is generally (iii’itii‘i‘tlt’il [00.7 that without wit-via: attractions the; jatten:lai'it'i_:: is likely to be small; ‘ w'tntl's‘ ”:40. :1)!“ Until: lIliiS :\ i‘tilf‘; .‘titiul‘t. l‘l'WDtil " S.I°H1‘Od.i.i}ig “in. ‘2 _;_l iilkill‘IIlUb‘lilUll ‘,' .tiie ring" tlii-ie “510110 bit 0 s to“ s .H ('.')‘ll'St) the ” iiieri'y-gorouiitl was there as w« ll as the llé.?lSiSit’lll-' ,lllt‘tlit'lllt) man, but these brought. a revenue to the society and (:oiinot be ; i'lJSst'il amongst. the attractions: The exhibits were good in the (litter-i Hiant's ' t'llt varieties of grain. fruit. roots; l 'h. .‘iiis. ll. .l. .‘iil(l‘lflll_;'ll was thH :ilt‘st p oi .\. Munsiia‘w' lib} _..i~l iainiljv last. ' we ilisiroiiiiteii- iii-innit i'iiannuis h 531‘; 1 vi 1' ".' ‘-.' . ." “it it lot i iriizgi‘ si'iio-l f‘i‘t‘h‘tjlll _, ill the “91-; h of li‘elanil. . poultry tllltl fti'in stock and after all ii“ - it't'x'i...‘ of late i':‘.‘t l with plwisui-u, with a rmluceil number of (‘llll‘i’L‘S' u id . - J «rs [it"ill~f*i in other pipers, .aiiilz‘tsii'iallergate receipt, we feel . 1 - p. o ~o the tinspui-zor is .too weillthat the fair was a financial success Filth uS tilab the selling plnlco 4) Hawaii .iiiy special - .- exhibitors will be satisiicdi .t‘ l. are the " with the resaitS. 'th 1 0+ 4“ h F 37' j." ‘ii'iltt'l' (oinlizvnt. other than the one 8 OWGQU 1,1000 ' or O "i' . . . . . The great general interest, wasl .i‘iistiirso pioinznent in ail his: llistrue British l0§'ttlt.\',l5h0w“ in the races for which goodifit (and OLEIGS tOO) “78 (1110136 the fCl- . . . . . . irizes were riven. for lit'ltlSll institutions I in h ' ° :1 Uitl in every page Of his \Vl‘i- 2.30 Open '1 l'Ot 01‘ Pace. lOWlng prlcefi. liispartial promise ofanother: ."t.-- J. I) Morgan, Dundalk, 5...... is yvyy iri'ettlifijing - - . Minnie Morgana, o H 8‘17. 10 pieces Fancy Stripe Flannclcttc 30 inch . . ' ‘ . _ .. to have it in goo time. 2nd.â€" J. B. )lcl’ayc en, ‘0 ing- , r .- , '. .- , r- » , , ,~_,-. , I; H on} ”2‘: __ wood, Belwood’ , iegDulail) “()ltll (0 tot no 3 t... at L l his spine. Misrizi: FRANK 1mm, of Tim! ‘h‘l-“E- 0,",%°““0"i Com“? 5 pieces Dark Stripe Flannelcttcs 32 inch wide, i-niiipluiuly pi'osti'etinl i‘iinJXi'isc staff. while wheeling; fronts “OOd’ IUI’S)’ I F7 , ‘ - , . . . . . . . R regularly worth 100 for 4 c \ 2!. Hi") innit i HHSt'li. lie was the post ottice on Thursday last withi Running“ ace. ; l 4 I l . 1 ‘3 PM Shims :IH'I Sir-W" i it lmnill” 0t hiltifl‘rs under one arin,i 1 t.-â€"-J. Rinn, Rusl'sview, 10 pieces Heavy Dark Flannelettcs, DUtlllle tliitl “finite: klil‘l Oilltjl Fla-ms ran over the embankment near the;l MOIH‘)’ MUSk, 530- 'Pw'ited. reouhu'1V “'Ol‘th 150 fur l 215C ‘{1. . wii. to iliino tor him i bruise but escaped unhurt, the wheel ' 211(l.â€"~1)- MCLt‘ani Dunkalk, ' a i " i or s.\' _\'i-.:is ago he went to the being slzelitlv damaged. He nextl Nettie, $90. 8 pieces Dark FltlllllQlCt‘tO ‘Vl‘appel‘ (-Q‘lOI'lH7 831310 Farmers’ Run. i ISLâ€"“7. Sackett, 35.00. : 2nd.--J. Best $2 00. rest was the only the liaiiil at the Fair, but Shortly afâ€" ‘ ‘~ *i'mii'll i-ri‘ntlrnieu we liav ga black ere, a lame Shoulder and 1-1 301158. ' .=:i . ii finial ll-).\'bi'tll. onlx' to ; startil hr 191.. "' -- H“; ' .- ° .' - I, .. , ,. .. ‘ " - ‘ ‘ ”hem“ ‘0 abs” ”1 on both Sides, specutl at 106 I, .3. - 'that time has been ter ilark. just the other side of Price. . . . , . . ' . 0 . __ i â€". , . . .i. ..~ inn is an.» of the most consis- f culvert an 1 got a nasty fall, causing Old' (160' bteuaxt, 8100'! .. .: , . , ‘ o ; ~ 0 0 6 I r Y a itli'tllllt‘l' o: the Masonic . classmal him. He doesn’t know bowl The membership fees were $32 R'C‘Ol)ened tllls “ eel: “ It'll (iii '1‘ ’il‘)'\' ‘ f‘ i l I i "‘30". i 9‘11 '. ‘ fi‘v I ‘ l b “C \ " K L . . s. oi .)oti,1t,.linc. CONSUlOUbDeah, )ut these i a 0M mOllcss \ery slowly. .‘iir. f Ville he ran into a hole in a broken ‘ ' ' 4 vi " i. i ) \ x x \ r i ' ' i ‘ i i ' i \ .t.i . .t.\ i o. tie. liahpi tulcllt 0.-i long; he la) on the road-sale before he; ahead of last year, the gate receipts . - o ‘ c4 ‘ '3) . . . Miss Far. er in charg... has a, who saw him pass through the \'il- l The C ' years" lage say he must have been there. ml the Mason“! ; fifteen 1- . . ' . - .. . . ;. . l' .. . ,. ‘ itl ‘ ‘ o. twenty minutes, though! Mr. R. J, Sproule is provmg . s as? meeting. allil the: I: I'fllln' thinks he got up right away. - oncert receiptsiwere slightly in excess of last year. i i i i 1‘ " ‘ ‘ - . himself an eflicientsecretar . i . j who Ill'li'll pleasel to see He made his way to Flesherton ‘ \I Tl ' . 'cl yt f H - : ..1 ill ii.s t’i'i’tlb'TUlUEtl pLaee. He can night, however, played next. . AS or. ios. Kel.818 presi3 (in d is , r-iii on .ii astanilin: ul‘ Sitting pos- has again resumed work in "' 0""th and Messrs. 0 4“ an . tttt'v: on}. a few minutes at a time. “'6 he.;r that several have TRuth‘ven first and second, Vice-Pres- W“ “"3"“ Pleased to see him driven a- ed about. the hole ' . - idents respectively- . d ONE PRICE be .t grounds on Fair day and‘ " k it. would be Well for thel The total receipts weae 3” ahead CASH an .‘lltt't'l'tilfi'. yes. sincerely hope that Council to spend a few minutes to re- ‘ 0f “‘33 3'31"? ' he will soon regain his health and ° . . - .. . The Concert may have been funny lircugth' ' i ' bytitywaitsn’t~ particularly elevating.

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