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Durham Chronicle (1867), 23 Sep 1897, p. 2

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'_.a.- - .â€"-.â€"â€" .â€" mm. Inonocmltm . .._ ___-, ”d“- _. -. - ,_, _ . , W..- - ...__._. - ..- -.,._n .......- ...4... m NOT” AND COUMENTS. THE FARML...» 031$ “if“: ggymai‘i‘m 1:133: 3:2,; South Africa is in Pfio‘ is well known. Iw- 1‘0UL‘lRY 1N BELGIUM. d. and has been ‘ y- knows about Editor A. F. ‘unter. oi harm Poul en visiting the pouvlry marâ€" AND MARKETING before, a «kindle animal whliCh had died Th0 fact that FATTENihb 0f Chum was buried were infected case of civilization or rson who can re”, . . . y W nor. it is anomaly ‘0 at I“ ODS. and Mimics lwo, “It“, Whites; put the mixture into a l od_ tin, and bake in_ a .thi own firm: minutes, or it in a {film-pa. Ln “lob is m Mt Clflfifi". finger. finish in the oven. 'l‘liic ”melee is never stirred. and therefore it is lit, for baked. if t!” fire is at all ilf‘l‘l'e for fear of blimnmg the bottoms-Lorelle. m a reader for two years» . n of the try has be at h h 1 y be r or Jobann‘sbutg and the invaSio . ' . . _ .. Bel iuin and tells of germs cg 0 new iiia p as .V- f , ' ' ‘ ‘ Transvaal. while Kimberley and It? ‘11” kl“ 91.81..”‘86‘18' t fa this pawn We ed in the nod for manyoyears. to fin- An (191 the q l commenced this 33W 1‘0 COOL CODl-lrll, . 1d stories. But it re- , his Visit in .i at or . _ ally again be brought. into an aCtllV- . uiuro C med Codf'thT. k . _ mond fields are 0 - , , “ac-ts . my. 1’83 L d etliier.upfuw. 131 shock it might a1- take from it the followmg ex - it)’ whii-h may prch most‘ disastrous . of codfish wash it w ll ' . . e Qulres some capeL ' Des' ' to we the poultry markets {or the owners of swme. lwcry effort Said the ~ , bmad boy to the pie- . - 9» dnl Millit‘ze must be said, to make onf‘u.nde_l‘8t3“d Juli-tit t' Mr Hunter arrived should be made by rononusts to avoid crusglgsiflr until perfectly dry. Pour ou-r ll 3 how far the growing “W“Za‘m“ 0‘ at L e i “W's... °.. little before 4 ”will?“ ”1'" 6““ ’y ““"?“5”‘.’3 Which “I‘ll or my newbwwn'hat. teacuiful of cold water. and in. on South Africa has readied actually. Such at the null rt 1.. '1} 7 there aria (lead from any zyn'iotic gweasetilod That I'm fatter than you, and much {we 01‘ gix hours, or over night, if for k ' furnished by 3 recent pubâ€" ‘3'“ka "1 the morning. “ ere {duration is this 3)th 93" me more tanned. . . lumkfast Place it t l ‘l ' a Slim 15 ' ‘ ' d. . ; arrivin . hundreds \hf 0f disposing of such [11(6):th .carcmso Mb I filled With Wde (111 ’ . 0 . )Ul KI] ll“! lication. " The Shippers Guide to South “"6’ an were g. . l‘itle The investigations of scientists have you re t tandâ€" water, and add a pint of rich milk will. and East Africa." the compiler of Which l“‘“"" f””“""" 93‘“ mm ms t '. Shown that there are many disease“ 0 Brutywfl‘lia?igngheagood of that? it. letting it just reach illi- mm . . f f m of shipping cart loaded with chickens, ducks or PM!" an infectious nature. due to these . l “8 ‘5 Junior amber (3t an 11.1 office in J o- eons The cans were almost always germs, and that these germsomay pro- Then the piecrust girl turned her little 90ml" . . 380““ Whmh hf“ ‘_3 eat t ‘ riches .. ' i ' d N 801116611168 one. genor- SBI‘Ve their yitalily in the 8011. Among nose up. Have Teadydwvo tablespimnluls (,1 With importan “'3' drawn ’3. ”5“ others may be mentioned yellow few In a most provoking way. . hitter rubbed into a tabliisimmful u: but 10“ “ flour. and a beaten egg. to wliuili you hannosblfl'g- , . ‘ two or three. in a few instances or and tetanus. and the microbe pro- 803 Bay. \Vere any at Durban and at Dela 1 t fl du~i ‘8 the b l . pl gue the book itself the physical 010‘ “C " ‘four. t .‘ l ' , “3001.0 a ’. South Africa. the growth of that PMt 'l'he chickens and ducks brought to smileiweillil‘tgpfii £180 33"" and thus You 0 not know lard from a roun First .add the butter and flour, and of the world would be made apparent market had been dressed by members For the reasons given above. the ag- Is t Iwmlapfiht that you do knOW. {attend minsdlg simmer, multhf‘ from through the eyes as well as through of the family the day before. and were gvllinlhltstt, who 3,130 hfas at healrmhte pray 3n rigg {giggly a Add6 :lllei'leegg' am. - . , k vas”niade in ~ked in {mm m, baskets, which out and welfareo man an s . . ° . , pepper. the mind". but the boo "red in South :ai. ll h ld bout‘TWOI t . duck-s or for- can hardly look With favor upon any on, the gingerbread boy, he Laughed $031!; with: da dz?!) Fighter. ‘and'm‘n'g England. though We!“ . * ed 0‘“. 0 a l 3 . g of the llans, which have been pl‘OPQS- loudly with sown: 1’ at'l r 0’ mas WWW“ lira!- Africa so nothing can be predicat ty chickens. Glenn straw. out Just the ad for t .8 use of sewage from large ml" As he looked at: the flaky plecrust. .. en un L creamy. upon its appearance length to fit the basket. was put beâ€" full»; irriggthn purifies. $3031.01: "Just wntclgiow rise in the worldl Boiled Codfish.-Usea piece cut mm ‘â€" twoen the layers 0‘ °hi°k°ns 01‘ duckS' l I‘ t “y a, . e “1- any r86 u , 0 E . (OW thfl lbitk part of the cod. \\’:i.sli A smile infectious disease due to the ac- Just see how Im bound to 8 well. and soak over night in mm “3- l’Wamd L0 “8 brought to “Vital of germs does not exist. and the 6d . sewage is liable at all times to be con- taminalod therewith. Between Europe and the pigeons a South and East Affim- there are “1' market alive. and were being dress oven regular lines 0‘ steamships: six as wanted for customers. Evidently the ‘ lines run from England. two from the commission merchant is unknown iotlie -- UDlWl States, though both are Eng- Begian peasant farmer who is his own IMPAIRING FERTILITY. fish lines, one line from Holland. fwd ~ middleman," dealing directly with The removal of craps is not the only two linen from France. The freight the bu 'ers. These ma be families. the way in Which the fertilit of the land , t l y Y 111986 eleven lines . are 5" stewards of hotels. or keepers of shops. ‘ may be impaired. \Vashing by heavy forth in detail in the Guide. With 00“” or keepers of stalls in the market. wlio . rains, the [flowing away of fine parti- BhOWlflg various local rates and cusâ€" buy to sell again. The families don't ices of the surface soil, and exposure to Ms“ For instance. firsl~class “fight all send out to this early market on the sunlight. are among the other ways for Johannesburg sent direct from the the pavement; many buy in the nigu- ‘ in which the productive powers of the United Slates to Delagoa Bay rays 60 lar market or some nearâ€"bv provision 81‘0“?“ are dimImShed. 'l'licce evils . - . ' . - ‘ ' ‘ . ' . ' .lluly is at but ,r‘ rtial )rcve tedl shilling; a “in 03 40 cubic fit: 1):: 8110p. the keeper of which was himself 5 keeping the groifriid edgef'ed 1:? mug) - , . . l . , . â€"' . I. ( . I that. $ " a on ”e“ no inc 1) e f gone to the early market for his stock. :of the tune as possible, With some grow- landing charges. for conveyance lo No one can traverse the markets of 3 $118 ”up. in case it is not to be given . cargo from ships Side and to- .. . ,. . , ‘ Y. 0 t .0 some other crop until next spring. livery into railway trucks” 7 shillings 81‘“?ng “'th his eyes open ”111'“ ;it would undouble'lly WW “'9“ to 50W ‘ ’ realizuig that the consumption of poulâ€" ' rye on land on which early potatoes, 1"" 6 pence and 10 per cent. extra try is enormous. lt. is ”poullr‘f are collected. Delagoa Bay, m fact, ‘8 right of him. poultry to left of him, about the only port where goods are poultry in front of him” landed free from the Ships Side. It. is does it all come from? It is raised all 1 very evulent from these facts that the over the country every household hav- civilization of South Ltflll East Africa . ' ',, ‘ _ . . , ing a few fowlls, and there being h:-.' not reached its development yet. .. sure to be two or three or four flocks _ ,, ‘ of chickens rulnning about or in and in l889 the Orange free state and out of the hedgerows. the (fill)? (:Ulfluy agreed on a PllStomS There are ll” large poultry farm. [10 3mm” 1'“ 11”?“ was ”.9139“ '? terms m farms where poultry is kept on a large lune ,0 1 “3 year. Sonic 0 we. items scale. This enormous total is the ag- in this convention are interesting as grog'ile of “may little-4 indimiting the point reached in the civ- 'lne men who raise the chic ill]. ilion of the country. ‘ “Beads. known lift“ {at “‘0‘" *fl“1 lsulh'tfflpill tonijarktet. , , , :ts Kaiffil‘ beads." are dutiable at 3 1‘“ b A" ““er " 1 (real llli 118.1‘)’ lhve steps a ”nullifi- , and the fail iii: buy their birds of‘ pence a pound: so. too, are blasting, “the growers. Generally speaking. loo, o‘mripouiids; preserved meats pay the ‘ fiitlencrs buy direct frinii the growers. km)“, their a . . . - es. some duty; guns pay :20 shillings and g and the collectors, culled l’iigglers in if) . r " . ; ‘l ' ' ' ‘ - ' . - [e H “L e“"* I‘BVOl\ 81"” only 5 buying up the birds that are urge en- “ in mid-summer or a This. not lziiiil have has n g row n. Wllol ly for securing lorder to shade the soil and keep W IN A FEW WORDS. ltween Liverpool and New York. England. who go about ii district there to '. or other crops which are taken off the little later. for the And where l purpose of making a cron of grain. or _inzil.cri:il that will ldo for green intinuring. but largely in of the . , it facturc and from being removed by wind or rain. The screw of an A'tiantic liner re- volves something like 630,000 times be.- keng d"l The average. walking p:iceofalicali.hy dations. iman or woman is said to lie Seventy- ; 'lhe women of Moroz-co never rele- cook thiin the omelet; .brate their birthdays and few offlieiu found it so in experience, ‘ Nearly 00 per lent. of premature prevents the with deal has (an be traced to execs"; of strong (1 MVB added I tablfispoonful of water l' htl" cried sha. , “Whigs you stay the color of rust." tor. Put it. in the spider with cold water to cover at lPaSl. an inch drop. 30 ”19 gingerbread boy and the ple- Bring Slowly to thy; boiling point, .ind ' '1 Gran hour. or u l l H 8- Mb [boy ‘1‘“ Of them swelled With l der. Serve with a borldclr oils? ‘i'l Till apiiilfisei; was heard in a room With- gard‘bdlm eggs. and with a l.' l «9 out. Fawn butter or a sauce... A crymorft delight. then a very glad Broded Codfish.â€"â€"€elect 3 pici‘i' .nd 3 m i - soak OVBI' night in cold. water. \\ We And the oven was Opened Wide. it dry, and broil it over clear ( Us Then the gingerbread boy and the pie- for about ten minutes. Place it m ., OWL girl . , hot (fish 81 . 1 It] ' H Could have screamed and wept With ' ' Wm 0.? 83811 it It: i 3 a very sharp knife». and spread ' .«-i:~ in. . . ‘ apiosvâ€"cheeked lass and a small 82'0"ny With butter, Makes a u " ‘lL‘S-h for supper if pliu‘ffl in x it. ‘1'. bright-eyed lad . ' Took a big bite of cacheâ€"yes, llllS tale 3 illl'U'On. l (-‘(leifih BRUSH-Take (’qll‘dl ‘lll'é\ Hl l For very sadâ€" ‘ , SO they ll now “9 8 q g (odflsh, Squeezed fro-iii roll: “.3"! .n - lH-h'l"h if has Soaked five. 1mm: w ,, i'l‘ OAIEIAP‘A'I‘S AND SO‘lll‘l“Ial‘:l€iS. 1})?an 7H0k0fl intO llllh, and "l \- 1 ‘ ‘ 1,1." . ' ’ x, u a . .. .. - , V‘ Omelets and soufflees are ilosely re- , cited pollilins, bum.“ “,H, NH“ , ‘ll « ... \' f tlle Silllilarity ' {{xll I~(’II ifll‘) S‘l'lpl‘ QMJ \\ (A, ‘ floured an.“ “l” in fine i‘l‘urkl‘ (‘rllll.':~ .181le a few hours in loci .v l 8+ fry m fie-‘31). but. fzil. Tc‘l‘H‘. ‘\ liberal garnish of purs’n-y lol‘ i “V? ,Uillils; (lip lulu ln‘l'i" Commencing at a plain omelet, we H i rise by degrees to the borderldnd beâ€" tween the two, and find this region fill- per dish. May be ,.,,m,.._;..,,i Q. I; ed by the omeletâ€"soufflee. which, as its at noon, or 111,, night Wm,“ H w- ‘ ' . for lir - name implies, savors of both dishes. eakfast. After this, come the soufflees proper, with their variety of flavors and foun- Fl FOR BRICA K i" .‘m‘ f. . Smile simple breakfast menus us think souffle-es are ' by 3 13-? '80 number of housekeepers all‘.‘ to to the amateur K6818 that there istinapiietizing \' ,r. at least, I have ety Wfi‘ill’li.‘ even Wlienone has in 1. partly, pcr- em‘rnmnipally. It will be DOlll‘Ul :z. in and them menus that the let ('lmllSEd frequently so iliit one 1 1101. know that with llicccr ,Zilllli of r» ing there will be sure lo be Onlliriwl ml h¢-â€"â€"uâ€" -. D. On the whole, I easier of performan: \.‘. y i , I cereals ;. till ‘~ (that nervousness stops .(1 ra Will of the om 9 fine at the crilii‘a ha ps. in its pan from, the abiding» erim. Many articles come in ougli for the {Winning pens. are llfl-ldrink. are» of duty, most of them of the kinds known here. instead. they hold. 3‘ The waiters Of North Aiiieri'a are moment. For one breakfast ”m.” k (“M km nemled in new countries- on some oth. market once a week. In a convenient, ‘ _. . - ( . . .. . . One cardinal point is ‘0 be observed . . h ' ‘- . , large town. and the falls-net‘s go about ‘ St” kt‘ll Willi 1,8ll0 dilleront varieties . . . .° . th'tt meal with cream, (‘l‘t‘zlllii‘l crumb. ers :i duty of 9 per cent. is pharg‘ed . . . 10f fiuh m the. frying of those (lelicnilcsâ€" ‘ I , . .. . .. among the assembled peas-ant farmers , - , l‘ l . ed nor do baked putatiws, [muffins a]... mfg,“ We .tllLG on erllvlt‘s of luxury a rate of who have chickens to dispose of, andl In Hamburg the authorities tax a is. they should never. I8 11111, . . . next morning ”W” “m “9 fruit hm“ [advise even the rolling of them, \ibicli ‘ ,, ' . , .. . , . - for. With cream, broiled tomatoes “llll a 3” for vent. is collected. The Natal cus- bu-Ly tlieiloil or 201V)I it high they fvllilntl: At 1dog according to its size. , ,_ g . . ,, 7) «. - . , . it own tetwcen i erc .elliltnf ’ziincs ,mu’ 1 1““ ,h hum r 1.1““ r m ”'3 rates, l there are. about. lDJJOll chickens brought . nut llaerv is a transit duty on ll'lOSt l i“ every market day. Wednesday, lii' goods ‘iQxlliH'fl for [be ’l‘iuinsvaal rc- 'l'lies-c chickens are about twelve hublic. weeks old. are always f'ouvou dc. Ma-l lines, and fetch about ll francs. 32.30,! Schools in Japan. The puzlsory. A sientist declares that. March, down to 6 or ii 1-2 [I'llllifs'. or $1457: the flu”. ”1 Jun” and l Albion. lli i . . v ’ . _$J 1v. l um Mai ye . - . u.» . . . .. ' . l ( (:1 n to the tariff of that .1 be falteni t'l , 'b t five wccl Sithe flisb .ind Liip flu skin soft. , y r v " , ,, f i‘ ‘ .. . . . Ii" titty. llu full at i). the. llonour~ m “Huey and my“; to four weeks 111-, 'l‘Hb‘ illl‘ lill‘>t Road" is set forth; and follows an annotated ulpliabeti~ with the duty, The importan"? of the Transvaal tol mull: Afri an enterprise is shown liyl$l.35 alize about 37 1-2 cont... 1 1-2 francs, “T1149 Kipndvkwn Evidently lliP ll wit :1; list of the articles ' . 'l‘liey sometimes get ; merit. I i ,is it good profit. wallior rcguar or Slwz‘lal, to which l 3 francs. 60 cents, [)rufil pt‘l‘ pair and oa-li nitric» H liable. ’I‘lie largelsoincliinw lose. For instance, (lit-sense, . ' POUP. gets into a shed of ky iU'f‘ mid to be on the way to the lillllllfll (if spa'e givtin to details ldlllllillérllif‘ railway charges is not the least intl‘l“. - . o . o . "4111K flung iii the buide. though the at a loss. killed at once and are, of course, sold The sheds are any old outâ€" Pure. . . -, ‘ll * ‘=. : z .' " ' . - v n u~ In one such names as Mafe- ( 9' ,‘t‘ ’ 'Jld ‘. shed 1""18 “mild “9 cloths and adorn themselves. The most ample for All) birds. . , . - . (‘ODSDH'UUUS 0i them is the antennariu 'l‘lie fattening cages or coups are about long. 14 inches wide and 16 in- a re frequently no two 5'0“. inn; and l’alapwe with railway rates: quotes! against them. to see “rates to 4 feet «lotions in llet-huanaland.” to see the cm" high, ”‘9“? . of the some dimensmns. lillt‘fi ll l' e l l . ‘ _, . V av 21 a g d on the ”Tag”? bay Hall coop woulld hold ten birds. The mops 4“. npre 893 on ones mind that iii are Ulmn .1935 nhqut 3 feet in length, >iilié’ of small details. the, great Affi- the droppings falling through the slut an i’UlllltF‘v is being opened, that liai‘k- 33“. My)?"993111,“??lerdlilghgigugdlsd Mt .-\fri.a m seeing light. that the light pended in front. in which the food is and three years a small fish frcquvnllflg wh’i'h literally cloth -with sticky gclatinims strings. then as it. were. on With its fore fins. There are something like 40,ll0ll pub- buildings are coiiifnrlziblo and education is com-- the fine .tlie pair when scarce and high. say in Eat-umpexipn of ”English girls is due to . the fogs whi ‘ll 3 » frequently sweepover l.lll'll])ll.*-'S seems to pcriiiciile A new apartment llazuse has just been . . ‘ swffu'ient for one person. summer. the fallcners expecting to l‘e- lociiip’eled in New York which is named l ()\\'D-. .. . ‘ \ n ’l I ‘0 ' ’ . ‘ . . . {Ur the “.0” illld icLhUI' ill’lil ilidi. sum lel‘ expe 1g great thlngs {FUJI}. lug ‘an/gl- MSOnlng. ’lliirtecn thousand gallons of wlits~ which consists of two M l closely Locked birds. and they must. be l “Klondyke." 'l‘hat ““1 certainly be a good lo ality in which to liake the gold The noun contaliu several fish which the Sargasso . es itself Willi ed.thie jamorfruit to be use and such alwau'eed, fastening the piece together inserted and , ‘ ' b holding the gamneut \\ hen the eggs are well After several unsuccessful attempts lug-pan. labor the unparallel- all the salt ed feat of. cutting a ring out of a sin- gnded in some cook Looks, ( r l 1 1 t t ‘ ‘ . - l 1 : all” 831100, Lag ) (y ) id ‘*5 ll“ ‘~ 1"” . iiinlcss very skillfully done, it results e pi . ‘ - 03mm“ ems. Use. A mm in tho mnelet bemg most tough. and. 8 and co o anything digestible. \Vliclbl'r l’rl‘dlkfitst ('onsiisls of illuiuuilri and but ‘ ., -. . ‘ melels are prepared CUM-Ill. fruit, broiled steak Willi l“ rcn n sweet or savory. o , _ ‘ ,. . ‘ in the same manner. with the cxcep- .frWl Wtdlmhv tolls and coder. MW ti n of lint onii'lct souffle? fourth 0‘ “U": I'D-litil AW!“ “1‘1 U‘" 1 i , -k .. _ cream. omelet and slehml ll!)l'illlt‘.\'. a willn'uiko {ismall omelet, lhrcaeegu . ‘ . cornbread and votive; a. fill 11. (,1 ”u”. ‘l‘. is generally mote than which, howcvt cci‘culinw {ind cwaxu, rugoul of lamb. The eggs [blame pufls, griddle cakes and coffee, together, and a sixth, of cracked \Vll'i‘lll rind “S the cream, fruit, corned heel has-ll. gruhun ' ‘ ‘ gems and coffee. it will be iiolii‘wl thril the meat dishes are, \V’lill two ex- "Options, made from left-over material or are of eggs in some. form, thus sm- 1mg any extra. expense for meat. The ,breakfasts are rir‘li in nutrition. and also contain smoothing for the niosl . delicate. appetite. ' a number of ' case may be, added, toiiialo, grated ham or :ooked f ish or veg- things can be ser- ’UllOlllli'illly iii- lz‘oi' sweet and and 'sliccd tongue, rcniiizinls of i stables. for all (boson ved mp deliciously and (h ornted in the omelet. are generally employ- . To buy :packages or pounds of different cereals Is not murlh more expensive. than to ,buy one kind only, and much more {tingling to the taste. By buying fruit (1 being ya Its season the breakfast supply “ill , ,_ ~ . . 1'11. many paces no rove ve costly after the omelet ‘3 (“await \‘l hen orangcsand bilijnanas ardd grape; eaten. me and melons are out of l‘be question an, dry fryâ€" there is usually that healthful standby away lite alillllt‘. ltok $16 served {unlinked ' . . - Slew“ . 0’1'_ Ja- e . A dish ( lxirl tip that ““3 “’8 souuu. if the Dies stewed and sprinkled with a llilll 1110.1“ than 3'” ounce tilUogiir and served warm at breakfris' k it Will be found to as good as tropical fruit. 5,! corp l omelets, essences one ounce of butter in a cle and clarify if: by taking butter is clump. it sees is that of an engine's lantern ')lal‘6‘l the trough su )ports being loo ‘ - , :_ -.I . u 1 {lb ‘ . o ' . x and that the world is, getting smaller. of. Wire which permit of the trough gle dtamo'nd has “99;" 3"")Ull’ll3lled, by wuitge rgquthlfiilla‘l‘hi‘iying process. The' l-emg swung up on to the top of the the patien e. and skill of 31.. Autumn, rm; 1.301.153“ " pour in the (MRS. and? """""' coop out of the way. the llflaf’flien food (int; of ill“ ”3-“ .klwwl‘ lai}"‘-lat“es,0£ garbwiih berk for a second 61‘ two,l (.‘H’llJltHfKJD’S SLEEP. . " v ‘ Mu SIX- l .. . - . 1 n “i-TD. ll“ “Hg 'b a ’ t 11 they begin to set, then leaveltgte: It iscrmiinal economy to attempt i« ll‘mm i'ape Town the western system having first. been removed by the scrape of a pointed wooden paddle. .ll' til? ('8. . Gave ' w ' g' r _ . . t.nd"t pp? . inment I‘m “a, ex 'lhe food is coarse buckwheat meal. ‘ ~‘ 0 “Mme. more than 11101111198 crushed buckwheat, mixed with sweet eigbths of an lll'l] in diameter. which are paid in five years in'and; the Midland systemextendgto buttermilk info a mash, few twice a . , , . . Pretoria. 711 miles {[0111 PUrt Eliza- day it‘ll they “11] pal. leXflfil, “’lll'll, if [Lafi't’dl 5..“le lly Side, [3 ‘ After the shed full! of birds goes to would "’3'“ over “V” "“195“ If. in notes themselves were pla, ed pile they would . . five miles. 'l‘hey weigh ninety and represent $5,750,000.000. l'lf’tll'. the li . -. . r .. ‘ vastern 8“ stem <OVeX‘S 3}" market llie (to-ops arc. moved out, clean- ‘u‘leb' 1“ 53ml the Lzovernincnt rail- on and lime-washed. whitewashed, the way runs. to Pretoria, 5311 miles away, droppings carefully rrinoved. and the while the. Netherlands South African shed. ground and all, thoroughly lime- washed and made ready for another Lompany maintains a line 400 miles lot of chicks. Limevmsli is used very long. from Lorenzo Marquez to Johan- freely about. :i fattening establishment. 'i oung ducks are bought and faltcned a .~-." .Dll) NOT SUIT. The stock of bank of England notes tom is fills 133.400 the omelet, the pan reali to a height of tons . i e”, ; fl ' . A . . mammalian and. slightly brown. fold 83‘“ a “We mm” "5' "0‘ 8""“6‘ “"“T‘ and dislr it at once. The Child. in your family a bed l.) liinmilt art that is uppermost in the frying- was the strong way in “'lllt‘ll a {my . - (ilet-- . _ lle‘OHlQS the ”15““? Of the "18 Simon put it the other day. :iddl‘essmt and should be quite soft ' ‘ If it ‘9‘ “unions club on ”home of the lip and scarcely set. seems lD)1)OSSll)l8 to cook the top part portzi'nt Littles of Children’s- lleilufl oi the, omelet sufficiently Wilhout burn- Another thing emphasized “as ' 4. ing the under side. hold the fryii'ig-i‘ian .. . in front of the... fire for a few minutes, needs of early sleep. it is So me}. i. or just place it; insole the oven. With let a nervous cm“ 103.6 sleep m 1.. the (1001' Open, but it must on no “L” early evening. when he or she .~.: w; comnt be left, or dire will be the result. . .. . ‘ " mushrooms are de- i be hard at It. said the speake r. " 1. a . when folded, and creamy. ncsburg. 'l‘he Bcira Company's road . . - ' i, not finish-ed yet, but extends more if?”(priigtilcalilgwihfhsatin-c nlia'nn‘fn 'llIB. And so my daughter's views dislrlease When kidneys or. H ’ ‘ F _ W . . than 2150 miles iiila‘nd fr 89' t . .1; ea. mea on sweet 5'09.“ . sired as a flavoring. they are best .d Db) SMWII PNNâ€"‘Tl-‘H‘S 501D? ”HP” “‘ . .. . . 0111 im. 0 putlem‘llli- . . - [hey do. said the young husband s'ewed gently first cut into neat pieces ; remedy “13‘ must, be taken and Will i. yum“. 3,“, far m the future exvurâ€" 'iliat this Belgian specially fattened firmly; and 1 have come to ask you to and then insertedayhen the omelet is -.not illezimnt... a mother feels that ii 8m“ trains will run to the Victoria poultry in very popular is proved by take her back. . about to {)9 folded. Jam and fruitsltime well ”(pleaded tot-oar; ziiiil\.~l;p...;.. the fact that such enormous quanti- The Old Illall gazed Silently for amoâ€" 3P6 pill. itntlo sweet (”newts in the same :‘l‘llld BVOII léI’il-‘L‘ lllll‘ little one (,1: a“ : had wooed and. low it. Spend just as mud; llii...u:1 falls: already the locomotives whistlé ties of it are solid ;. nor is the demand merit a! the man “'hIO ls'lmalll on the Limpopo. (xriqualand for it who.:ly Belgian. Considerable is won his only daughter. \\ est is far to the south of the railway ordered from foreign parts, and one life and household, scarcely a terminals, and it i l' .' dealer in Brussels. M. Stucken. has an before. He, 3 on 3 a short time order for 500 birds per day frigim far- girl “1“,“, me before Maialzoleland and .Mashonaland off _Ber11n_Quory._Why don't, the thrif- ing mm, and shall bear the noise of trains. ty German raise and fatten those birds -,-_ _.._ H» there. at home? shipped to that market. is an excelle t -- NATURE'S GUFFA‘V. ' ‘ ’ , ,n nan-s. and for a illustration of quality influencing. in- Chollyâ€"Aw! Miss Cutting what do "335mg consumption! on think of my new style of necktie? . 9y say. doneherno. that colors are the smiles of nature. Miss Cuttingâ€"“loll. if that’s myour tie doesn't stop mchl short of" being a M answer to the cool. . man who stood before him: ' he said. Bring DlSiE-ASE GERMS IN SOILS. it has been observed in France in localities where. animals are D the light of his month thought of the sweet~fared had reared with such lov- thcn of the cold blooded proposition just made him by the man That 500 birds 9. day to whom she had inlrusted her happi- brief space he was un- able to speak. Then. crushing back his creamy one. strung, undying. parental love, he made unabashed young from the whites of the eggs; Sail and I'll make her; froth. and very interred three-quarter profi.e from the rear. The young husband nodded careless- (151-, and effort in getting your (bid to ~lc- every nigh.“ if he does not fall oil l cilimr at the evening meal fr. iii drum ~ . . invariably a sweet dish, and is either baked in the oven from the commencement or is ‘ sometimes started on the fire in a fry- 11655. as the niix’uuil child shuum. n, "‘ “P ('lUflC't’rle. theatres. parties, .m. fin'I‘ ed in the oven. . ._ . the omelet in being more thing till you lave secured for up. nv: \ and though light. is Ountwitching boy or girl the below lightness than 3, Mint. Oil sleep. C(BX hill!) ‘30 llln‘ x'u..;.;_, . grvednm a quick sponge bath. tuck inn. tn'his single bed with a light ,,...l blanket over him besides the sheet. ‘31 . the latter to a ver . in a lowered light sit by bin. and u." .oflenâ€"thugh have to him till he is quieted. Tell him is incorrectâ€"half an gentle,- soothing stories. nothing lucr- cdte‘ his unag' irritation and when he . is finally 331009. have the room cool, dark ingapan. and differs from set when done. more of a spongy yolks are separated To make it. the and beat- en separately. heard it said it ounce of flour. or some other fine w such as creme. de rrz. is adde , ti “0'30 18“Mill“ which have died or charbon th . e erms . . . ""â€" of this inflections malady persist in th 1! and left the photograph 53118.1?» ive it substance. In this case the and quiet. Don’t let them try to sleep IN worse. .1 1 .° . -â€"â€"â€"-~-â€"â€"- ” ‘ misadded ,mthe yolks of geeâ€"nab in a room which has been :I. sitting . 9010 01' 111W 73“. "111 that. capaci- MAKE THE DUST. an ounce to six yolksâ€"and i lattei room.- all the evening. without having are beaten Wl-tlh a wooden spoon. add- it thoroughly refilled with fresh out. ally when cereal crops are cultivated upon such soils. there is great danger at contaminating healthy cattle with use when panning gold? pa, what kind of pans do miners ing sugar. flavoring by degrees. unti the yolks are thick an lofrcthy. Then put in the whipped whites. allowing teen minutes." \ door airn which may be acmmfliflhed ay. throwmg Windows open wide [or fifv FINN (bill? lllfél ”b" occupation do]. i iutlomllliili ll;.:. 'Wd (U iii. .. .n’tumn 5Q,.tufll .il D “he Hutu-«I to. fine: It. Exp” It, is doul It in l V .7 \ilil.‘ Hastings (‘ih‘iilii'x "lfll'lllnt’ {bl Hill“ For (“Mill (if ll? ‘ ‘ to alt-irks u: ;:.'. tism. 'lll- m.» a. atrpcaranw n. 1:,. illf‘U‘U‘IhUlll it: \w only much .Nll.i conicnce. Til l Iiidf‘k (’x'i'ii'iw- 1993. ll l'iwl l tn“ S‘Velllll.‘ ‘L. lflw fore iVVl‘zlli) lul‘il‘N disease .ippi-a . v ', throuizb llli‘ \\ l 1., 0 legs were swolwl '- so much so 1:, '. 1. Visible ilil‘lrlig l- l1r months ill in.» .. ing lint loc'ri r. "~li' to put cm i,.-‘ win Pain 11“ I‘lli'il'.‘n .. .hcsnsion. in «1‘ i. .tried but “lbw. ults. ' ~ 'ere tried m: v. "I can hardly ~. \ “how lllllli‘ll in. l, \ and deli'llu' ..,_' ll Biderablc sun. an“. “’illlngly lil'xr , 1‘ rl rid (if tllfl it‘ll ' r 3-“ endure. Hui or seemed of no and pair 0! . lllll‘ 3‘. mg on the all“ .' using Dr. \\ idioms first six bait“ I use: ward appcaian “' « effort. and l foil in. v. in dexpnir. l 13.. l pi i DUI-Bibi) that Mia" n one in my «um um lurtlier hillipi} l’.~. used three lrms ,: "onsidcxiil 1.. ll. l \c [nil from ll‘lfll 1,7. in growing luciiwi I Dr. Williams l‘im.‘ l taken rigllccn ix.“ every ve tips of lla- and I win lm-i u; i. new man. i Primii cure is l* ' known what .i l niatisui sin e lt will lbux - in» liaiiis' Pink 1‘. .v . from the palm l; lisxn at a ll - ini‘Ii after d” l ~l\:-ili-, . utterly laden i. ;, . measure «if l‘r‘l t' 1' fore that if In are given a {a - bring pellet z.. the genuine = . . mark on H... v 4.»... and the“. 1m" My» l ' from implied: i. 2 Sflld b} all Iii ll. .. ::.7 Six bidet; in: 3_ .30. .r “ Cl'lA P921. 0?" 'l .l Haul “1mm Ho! 1 am in . 'N'ulli I’M'l The llidr‘i vnz. . WUlld i~ iii if: {a “a! South l‘a-llr [Hi 2 p85 «if ilw krill-l ' thal l~ tiill. sl ‘llfl «.l. Till? i‘w k is a l : ' 3nd lll‘i a'l ll- 11‘ " ., .3 Man} )iavx i..." -. Cu llaflti- ill»! .4 turtic \VLQ‘U l. into (lie lu: L. 7 := .i'. “’filil‘il \llli» l;i ' i- It atliull (rgri. ix,‘ x. ‘,- {91W llflllt‘!‘ liux. Vb" Ulvllg lllllll\ 1.. tiered ill? liliell'di ('nlllt‘ l~- flu «.2 .‘l" The rw-k “ts {Milli-l ' explored ll mall} lt‘auldi. . \Vl'lt'll flildi‘tft le. cmics ilit‘ H‘il \‘or uj leave (it'd «an u»- tin. and drama" .1: O for. 8~l nixlw“ :i' ..= , . or I)“ [when lw‘ ;. ’; would eusiu- l ll,:i'_ low. a. 4. iloLi-ts 1.\' you; r ‘- ll)? of (he fill'llli in ilti‘ folds of an an,» «are “lit“ if is “4-? l( umln‘mla l‘ l.» lIl\i':i‘ ll it. Ollil iilw Hi llid iili" ’la inanufa illl'('l :-« . a; =~ . (ml of 100 raiiipii-s ll HI "0 - the writer. Uni over li-ii J find 5“ per cent 1.1 i, submitlo'l “as i'foi'hailf would not «and my -lll‘ is a li‘uilfuT 'ausc «.l in it". and our "Hill‘l‘l'll in: Silk and Silk llnnzi l~ M if‘fll (Psi in ilzlb' ll‘.‘~{‘0“ dyed sill-:8 are wet anl rolled and H4 8‘.~H\. u. are (illlllllalnlflg llai are <rac‘cing in lbw spin-er and they on: the umbrella to link zltim (laiiiau'es. - -..._# - _.._..â€"~ A Ill-II“ l AA - Yod may be lli‘l' all mt ll [be fislwrma ‘6'“) the basket. Lul lip maintain that you .51.“ off mel . . u ‘ . WOULDN" no o," LIM‘I'O no use for rl ; , .‘. Yarn far too fut. . .. A and didn't ya 1 .

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