West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 23 Sep 1897, p. 3

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R sorilotimes lWo rt xttire into- ‘ III a It.” ‘ \ UK I" Plil'lsu ,~.' “I iko ”mp-p. u.» ‘- .. LIl~l ”nun”? try I» or m,”â€" . ‘ _ lu lht-i l' .i- ..t rich milk “22} 5, {will the boiling ,.. ) ‘arnosrnmnful-i :il "’ ' l l l ' l _, 1 tl),%‘lfilllfljl .,1 till flafif. ll) lb lli‘.ll ). . ’ 'll‘ l‘t‘.\‘£l lollful ')f ‘ViAi ~ l. t r" r' I I} l t 1‘ ti1)ur. iljll In“? :1 or H'IHUVP from A THRESHEH’S LIFE. l‘t 1‘ or Ekt’t) USE TO INCLEMENT h.- ,. _. D CHANGEABI E WEATHER. -. lie I .m. I all: n l’rcy to ”Roastâ€"Rheum» ,,. ,1 on- of the \alnral Results-Jule v ,. udder!!! for l pwarclsor Slur. Your. ,_ , .. lli~ l-prcrlonro. rtelligence'r. Bulleville, Ont. tful if there is any other .. now trying to this" consti- .i. tl..:t of the thrcsher. EX- ,5. t..- l' ins and storms of the :05. t \ ..~uri. and at thw- same time .3 Ii the dust consequent Aguu‘ ho.- easily falls a prey .~ .‘~li'. Joe. H. Davis. a resi- - i.“ township of lViokltiw, county. follows the. threshing for some months every fall. . or nil‘.‘ years he was subject. ., ' -.~ of inflammatory rheumaâ€" s . li.~ sliS"lS(‘- usutiily made its .I.‘»‘ .il the. fall. and t‘o-ntinllml .. :t the “inter. musing not .vr. stlili‘lillg but grcat inconâ€" ._ .. .‘ilr. Il'ivis’ most serious . ~‘tl."I'v‘(l during the winter of ? .i'xt iiizide ilsiilf manifest by .. 3o . of the. right hand. and be.â€" ..i.t}.-fnurs had passed the din-arm to have gone lln‘ \\ hole system. and the ;.. stir-Hen to an abnormal Size, w :hit the. joints were not .. ~ gough the swellings. For ten . . ~ - trouble continued and dur- l' _. . ' ,u-i'iud Mr. Davis was unable f4 ~ri his own clothes. and the : » i. lllt'Pil lilllUSl passed compre- i- , ». line dot-tor after another was ,_ without any benefieiahre- b. lhcn advertised medicuies v . ;.r‘l i-iit with no better success. " ." i.t_t‘lll}‘ s'dy." Silitl 311'. INA/IS, ll w . . r. llll'nt'y I spent on doctors .inw but it amounted toacon- - sum and yet IWould IIiOSt, ., .. :aw g'iVen my farm to be: ' ‘o~ iv‘ll'ibll’. pain [was forced to, .; till! all my expenditures! ~-- c. ...‘ or. avail, and Ibegan to des-; ..t a le't'. At this juncture mtg . ' a lift"? of a friend. Ibegan! l’l' \‘.;itiams' l’ink Pills. The! :tm-nian'es to have he’d no .u: I felt almost like givmg up I. 9’ l 'l. 1.12 ondition. and lprocm'ed a, ' -; ,ply. By the time I hadl ~ we mica more there was at .i . a l improvement i: 2 lat out. ea-h day found me, . 'otlvi’. I continued using, l .I".'~*' . -xiecn boxes by which time‘ .. ‘ ge of the pain had left me; . twling in every respect. at l. .i‘ . . * f.- - w l believe. too, that the - _ , L, . ‘ l » , .maiieiit. forr I .utVt‘ not, .' - wmi it is to suffer With rheuâ€"l ' “ ll <' Hoist be Seen that Dr. \NilP .. l’ills "view-soil Mr. Davis :miiful tlli‘aldoni 0f rheuma- putatively small exitensc l and other medicines had to give hiiiieven afair :‘r-‘iet'. It. is oliviousthei‘c- t‘ ltr. \Villaiins’ l’ink Pills illiii‘ trial they are sure to. ‘ and a cure Every boxof, . - . . e l'iril-t l’ills‘ has the trade; v ‘i 1 .~. '4» wrapper aroun'l the liOX,§ l' haser can protect hitilsclf; . stun igi refusing a l others' I - l .i“ clo-zllvi‘sal. otltents abox 01‘: we. fair 8‘; 50. -â€"_â€". ”â€" “ CEIAPFLL OF THE SEAS.” "MI Womlcrtul I an- In the W'orlcl In the Ninth I’m'lllo'. lilt‘ lili~l “l'ntit‘l'flli cave in the, “mid i\ :n the Island of longer inthel Scull: l‘avttlc. ll_\'l'ill tufted it "acha-l pe if ll... was." It is formed in a rock that" i» ems" surrounded by the ocean: Ills ("IIK is audit sixty fer-t highl and i‘t all l'r- [Hurt (liialt'iy. : Ian; )oalfis aigi' it l-(il till“! 50!) Of a Il'dli\t' chasing a huirei tuite chief “31‘ when his game Scented to sinkl Illfzi the rock. The lad watched and; it”. twill unit? the. tide fcll. disclosing .‘i ~.i.::.i l opening III the I‘(>.'l( alout sir few? unaler lixis‘ water“ mark. llit in: I'r-fdly. the youm.r hunter-r en- tcred the aperture and. to his surprise, ianw in the ~iii'l'acc inside the rock. 'Ilm run nah lowlow. not its interior‘ “a". t'. uni it'l“l'\\lll'.’l whcn the natives explored Lt ‘xelzt l'it'il’it-a to contain twin» 'ezitltft; slltllfllllt‘fl. \‘(lwii attached and followed by Pnl ct:-i:-~ it..- (I‘ll Yrs who know the elevret ‘ t'clt‘ aunt‘s, plunge. into the “air. and llméllllNlll‘. gci‘. at nishc" .‘ll their disappearance. for no pin'wii im' acquaintod with it. “cu d suspr‘ t that the rock “as holl ._-"__ ..._-...- _....._ HOLES I.\' Ylll'll l".\lIlRl‘Il.I.A. (‘ine of the fruitful causes of holes in the folii~ of an umbrella is improper in roll up alx‘et umbrella i~ to invite the dyes to rot it and one of the lane» ol‘ the tiinlirel- ta inaniila tui‘er ln‘ lialcd dye on silk. late when it is wet. the \\ riter. not. over ten were pure. dye. 311.! Bit per cent. of the silk thread ' .urniittet was averloaded w to dye and «mid not «and our chemicai test. This i< a lLt'uitfti‘ i. atise of trouble in unity-91- :3. ant our concern insists on all the -iI'.-< anal silk threads standing a chem- izi’ test in this respect. When over- liwl Mics are wet and the umbrellas (oil-rd and set awav. we find the own- ers t .iiiplaining that their umbrellas yo tracking in the folds. it‘ll-r11? and they are apt to return the umbrella to the merchant 'laim damages. - â€"â€".â€"._â€"â€"_+- .â€"â€"_. . g... A DEFIANCE. You may be ill“ stronger. said the. as the fisherman dropped him _ . lillt l Will neverthe~ less maintain that you can’t knock the trout nto the basket. spots off me I I BE WOULDN’T D0,. nowevsn. Tou‘re no use for running messages, You're far too t. scout be: 7 . . l thought. however,“ tl‘atlat the mines. . val “83 not a {311‘ ”131 f“ i minent. but is rapidly being minimized, Brockvllle. Ont. noticeable, men. Fine holes -â€"-â€"‘-__â€"-â€"-â€"u ._. AFFAIRS IN KOOTENAY. British Columbia Mini-s 0vsrslmdowcil bf Klondlke's noom but not Bend. i MORE LIKE IT. Perdituâ€"He has given her a ring and MT- “7. H. B Anderson. a St. Thomas boy who Went. to British Columbia two years ago: (ame home to visit hi.q mother on Saturday night. says the St Thomas Journal. Mr. Anderson is in thestm-k-broking and real estatelusi- nessin Rossland and isinan ex ellcnt POiition to express an Opinion on that (li‘tl‘ii't as a gold producer. The Ill-We is now rapidly re‘overing from the re- lapse after the boom. andgreat a t'iv- lily is expo-ted this fall and winter. The mines were never in letter condi- tion or indi abed greater ri~hne~s of ore. Box-stand is not yet up to the ex- W'tations of Easterners of last winâ€" ter, but, a'cording to old miners, it is in as good a condition as any mines in the world at the same date of exle‘ ten-"e. Wildcat mining has ceased entirely, as the themes cannot be floated un- less large veins and richâ€"ores are shown to exist. In speaking of assays. Mr. Anderson thinks $40 to the ton rich. and says that a mine yielding 3:5 to only $13 to take it from the mine and smeltit. Probably theaverage assay Of all the mines would be about 6235 T0 339 TO THE TON. Rouland is still growing in pol'Ula‘ tion and in everything that makes a city. The pepulatlon Is now 10,000 and, Considering that it has been a mush- room city, the conveniences and com- fort of the place are wonderful. The sanitary arrangements are very lia'l, “3 no sewerage as yet has been DUI» in. This will be a vexed question for some time, as there is really no outlet for such. The only creek in the neighbour- hood supplies water to the town of Trail and of course cannot be used. The offered to the 4 . .. now I used seemed from our class of people there. l eneral Iy speak- v ing, is very good. . rough, but the have boarding houses by the influx of good citizens from the; East. Wages are not high for i)? i l and the mines 83 to . . from ’8 up to as high as one wishes to Pink I’ills until I hadjgo. MOST LABORING MEN “EACH” IT. where others fail. English capital in now coming in rap- idly, properties are selling at a low figure in many cases. and capitalists are taking advantage of these cases .where enough treasury stock has not. been sold to work the mine. Rossland: is not a poor man’s camp. It talliesi a good deal of money to work a "Milt! Although there are really only twoi dividend paying mines at present, there are many more in sight. There isnore. ore being shipped now than Six months ago. and the shipping will go on all winter now that the mines are opened up. _ . There is much less excitement in the! 'west over the Klondike and very fowl miners are going from Roesland. . l lossland is no [due for a professmn-i at man. The pla c is overcrowdedWitlil them. and many have had to go to the. hills. All men there are socially equal;_ the best men are the sharpest men. Pica-hers are well represented. There the ton will pay well enough, as in l I e social evil was DYO“! Order now. are fine churches. having resident min-i islets and there are two or three. prea'hcrs who have gone to the bullet to work in the mines. ._._._L -__..-..._._ .--- . LE’I‘T ER FROM 'I'H l6 OlVNE R OI" 'I‘III’. LARGERI‘ N'l'Mlll‘Ilt OI" HOUSES IN QIEBBC. I have great pleasure in testifying to the healing qualities of “Quickheal.” I had occasion. to use it for a Split hoof l t I l r i she is a woman With a past. too. Perielopeâ€"nWell. if he has given her a ring she seems to be a woman with I :1 present. ADAM. ' GINGER Elma RECIPE. danis’ Extract - - feiehmmii’e Yeast - ill-‘8! - " ’ 'reani of Tartar - ‘ likewarm Water - ~ Two gallons Disso'vo the water cream of tartar ( z .n ~1 . i the water. add the extract and bottleilgfaac: . a. warm lace for twenty-four hours until ll 1 mnenig, t )9“ place on too. when It will \ ~ _.-,;,,rk1mg, cool and delicious. The ginger‘big;I - in be Obtained in all drug and grocery ltOl'Ol ' - to cent bottles to make two gallons. \‘i in. Harrison. of Eastwood, showed an egg the other day which weighed a. quarter of a pound. Four eggs to the pound is Very fair hen fruit. LETTER FROM SURGEON QUEEN’S OWN CANADIAN H‘USSARS. ”Q-C’. Veterinary Cure" (Quickheal) has been used on my horses for "Scrat- ('hes,“ or "G rease heel." with much suc- cess. It is the best thing I know of for this purpose. Signed, Chas. E. Elliott, M. D. 28 St. Uremic St... Quebec. A party olf twenty-five men from Michigan are harvesting in Manitoba to get money enough to move their families to the Prairie province. Cm - the rough with Shiloh's Cure. The heft Cough Cure. Telieves Croup promptly. One million bottles sold last year. 40 doses for 25 cents. Sold by all druggista. Andrew Thotnpson of \l'cst Gara- traxa tried to catch a burglar by closing a window down on him. The burglar wiggleld out and got away. i Important "Offer" For The Canadian People That celebrated and wonderful Kidney Rem- 06‘‘ known as Dr. Allison’s Kidney “Buds," Io lghly and Justly catiiiiated in the homes of all Engllch pconle in lilo-gland and throughout urOpe, for all kinds of kidney trouble. is now people of Canada. A full box as neample will be sent. to any person postpaid - I lfor ten cents in stem If t R th are. pa. you a e em you e miners "631'. not. condemn them. . They are good. Only a limited quantity at this low price. Address ALLISON MED. (30.. Stratheona is the name suggested for . labouring the new park presented by the Hud- The corporation )ays $~oll a ( ay ; son's Bay Company to \Vinnipeg. It is 3.50. Board ‘8, in honour of Sir Donald A. Smith. Shilob's CODBIImpthD Cure cures It is the leading Cough Cure, and no home should be Without it. Pleasant to take and goes right to the spot. «umâ€"i? The Deseronto car works have secur- ed the contract for the erection of a sample dump car for the Asbestos and Ashestic Company, of Danville, Que. “Quickheal.” cured saddle sores and harness galls on my horses more quick- ly than anything else. It is the best thing I ever used. Signed, T. Savard, Livery and Boarding Stables. 65 Richelieu St, Quebec. "Quickheal." destroys all microbes, and protects from the horn fly. Edwin Chown was thrown from his buggy under the. fender of a. trolley car in a collision at Kingston. He ' crawled out practically as good as new. I l ‘ «WOooiC-liliéiol?Noll «not. \ _-‘- ,1 ‘5 -. . .33. ;;..‘. -’_ -._ .f.;./ 42% J. Lil’ON LSJNG- 05315» 1310 Angelipiggw? . ‘ ' _ ‘ ;. fl? . " 3":1‘.‘ ".v-‘ [9.7 . - -_ F-â€"._â€".__. *m WA"TED___A FIRST 6"LASS MAN” in . , . . . . "9“? my and ”w“ m "am ‘ Everything shines after it, and even the children delight in using it eda, to introduce our Household SDGClallleF. Enclose rcfei cnces. Dominion Specialty Co., 29 Melinda St..Toronto _. .-â€"â€"._._.‘. LBEIIT OOLLEOE, lellevllle, Ontâ€"Open to both BCXOB. Splendid Record of 5 Senior i” one “f my horses and we beneficiall Matric'ulatants. all successful; 8 Senior Leav- effect was truly remarkable. The crack ' in the hoof was half an inch deep, and it was healed in two days. Signed, Jno. (1‘. Hcarn. Grande Allce. Quebec. derstand their ignorance; for it re- quires knowledge to perceive it; and every therefore he that can perceive it hatu it I not.â€"-Bish0p Taylor. "- Thorolc more Cattarh in this section of the l and until the last few years was supposed to he , incurable. For a great many years doctors renounced it a local disease. and prcscribcd l ..._..____.. . ..â€". . . Ileir foes lin. . ocal remedies. and by cou~tantly failing to I ‘ TANTED.-â€"United States Lug Inguranoe '; cure with local treatment, pi-oiiminc d it in- ‘ curable. Science has DPOVOII catarrh to be a 1 constitutional disease, and therefore requires ' constitutional treatment; Hall's Catarrh Cure, l manufactured by F. J. Cherie" 8: Co, Toledo, l Ohio. In the only constitutional cure on the - market. It Is taken internally in doses from l 10 drops to a teiicpoonful. It acts directly 3 on the blood and mucous surfaces of the ‘ system. They offer one hundred dollars for l any case it fallc to cure. Send for circular. l and testimonnls, Address, 1 F. J. CHENEY a; 00.,Tolcdo,0. 3 Sold by Iiruggiatn. 75c. I Hull's Family Pill are the beat. l . , . . He that is a good man is three-quar- t‘ut of It?“ >aiiipies of silk suI-uiittcd to ters of his way toward the being agood Christian. wheresoever he whatsoever he is calledâ€"South. lives, or Be not deceived. A Cough. Hearse- enss or Croup. are not to be trifled with. A dose in Ilene of Shiloh's Cure will save you much trouble. Sold by all druggista. â€"+â€"â€"‘ A number of \‘l'oodstock's private citizens are endeavouring to secure a and controlling interest in the old rink company with a view to building a new rink. \ J. M. Somervilile, Elgin, is the pos- sessor of a violin dated 1721. Stradivarius. Cremdneneis F acieba Anno 1721." ' . be your destructionâ€" aylor. Energy will do anything that can be done in this world. and no‘ talents, no . , , , . no opportunities. wi'l “ oil. and did t you advertise for a make a two-legged animal a man wit n-l circumstances. out it.â€"G'oothe. \ .- t .,â€" a7 W’Qfiifliaih‘r. Lat, _: v: .r" 'nl‘vrk”. 8"“ ”H w ‘ t , "hilt?" Jail on, I 4*? “ii-limit," will * "" '7’“? t An unjust acquisition is like abarb- ed arrow. which must be drawn back- ward with horrible an uish. or else will . . ("3339” I" ‘ . v. ’ 5‘45?” .“ x“ " 1.4g.- e -. - t .4 . .. . . :5 . .u, e“. #5 a” t .' ”my “‘aMfi1‘5;"'V""%-t;. 1v . ‘ y. 9‘ "5‘4 . .'_- * ~ _: {- ’ "h- ing, 7 successful ; 8 Junior Leaving. all euc- FARMS FOR SALE CHEAP. Lots numbers 266. 267, 2nd con. South Eiot of Tr-ronto and Sydeuhnm Road, Township AMcâ€" i‘ "1’0885 DOCTORQ RECOMMF’ND ._ tin and ‘Forei n ... tries by C. H. Write for free book on patents, etc. Scratches, Harness at. a low rate of interest. WILLIAM F. BULLEN. (Jails and Sores EVERAL GOOD IMPROVED 60 AND ”(More mortgaged farms in thc counties of Middlcsex. Essex, Kent: and Lambton for sale very cheap; small amount down, balance ' Loan Debenture 00.. London. Manufacturers Truth Building, Coming to Toronto will find flats of any size, with power, heat, elevator, and all conveniences. 78 ADELAIDE 81‘. WEST. L'inctbon, County Ilufferin. 116 acres. 8 ; In Sourle District. Southern Manitoba. G. DUTHIE slate. Sheet-Metal Tile taravol Roofers Sheet Metal Ceilings, Terra ()0th Tile, lend. / ll" outh East l Lot. on lâ€"Gth Con. Townshipo Also 640 acres ‘hornli. Ontario 00., 50 acres. I. O. I‘I’IIUTIIERC, London, Ont. “ SONS Black and Green Roofing Slate. Met-it nicea. Felt, Tar, Rooting Pitch. 1th. Gutte 's, cessful, or 95 per cent. successful. Commercial . courses thorough and practical. For circular. - Address PRINCIPAL Dyna. ._-.. DIES! McDowell. New York Garment: A It is impossible to make peOpIe un- L Drafting Machine rtvnls m. sowing mg. chine In usefulness. It fit- every form, follows fashion. easy t9 learn and rapid to use Don’t. be. without it. Write for circular. O. OORnicAN. 113 Yong. 8L. Toronto. Fonfii . ._--.â€"-.- .__.__...â€"â€"â€" At a sacrifice. a modern residence to the best part country than all other diseases put together, ' M the city of London. N0 471 Waterloo gt Apply J. W. JONES, Auctioneer, London. (3.0., (established 1850) wants ‘Agents in unrepresented districts. L. A. VIEW AR'I, Manager Quebec B ink Buildings Toronto. 3 ‘ Wot.- SW! (D enquire mice; i... __ . r, (.135 fwi {HEQULC u,flmov,ilfr,':,ch~f,€ l . -'; -' . .jru's Tia-Arise P first 8.2; gig-3%.») AL' EX WI L K] N; M F H?~‘-LO’NDDN<AO Barristere,etc.. remove mond St. DrontO. ____.. .__.,'â€"--â€". ."' T 7.. l I l l l ‘. t t v r Bill: ”I". as Hnlud .le Bldge‘. Rich. to Wes RV” T Wbfl l l l Downplpes, ken, supplied the trade. Telephone 1936 Adelaide Wldmer Btu, TORONTO. PROCI'RED in Can ICHE Patent Attorney, Canada Life Bldg, Town: For list, apply to Manager Ontario . “rituxusv I Potent. Sod. Water Bottle. .. “ Harris has for solo, 111m 1 A w - m. ‘I m I “All“ AM! ii: {LIT ‘fi'A'i'EI J33 ((‘Ir new cyutcm.’ COMSIEIATION .‘i'filtllnt .. recline note” "Eon-Inns. William St. Toronto. (Cost 5‘. wjod fun so... ‘ik for free “hi“ iii-d walnut“. itltllll‘lll till. i - Prcatuia ”MM DUNN’S LARGEST SALE m CANADA. Covered by patent. in Ottawa for Canada. and in Washington for the United Stow. Thin ll from a thankful former: 1'03 TWENTY-SEVEN mull. BAKING ‘ POWIER THECOOK'S BEST F RIEI‘II) “ I was aching to under-drain my form, but I afraid there was come catch about a plow that In low in price and that. professed to finish sum or nigh hundred foot in a day With a team and an extra mm. was squeezed llf‘furf‘ with implements and implement men, so I was suspicious. 1 act to work to infinite. m When I found that Mr. Lurimcr was brought up in tool I have on my place. All informn‘ ‘Un frog..- R. G. SCOTT. " M'ount Joy Fem." anchor district, of honest KLOCI, and made a success 0 t c plow after years of plod and perseverance ; and who. I came to know that Mr. Beott was the son of a Pres - terinn elder. and himself ii practical farmer and rclinb 0 men, I began to be less suepiciour. I wintod the plot all the time, IO one day] sent my order, and my pay along with it, and from the first day I put it on my field. until this day I don't think there is a more thankful farmer in her “eject ‘9 domains Yhtli I am. My plow come all right. It. wor a all right. I: is the most prized Insriu'rowx, Out. or Paul. 0n. Looking out over the many homes of this country, we see thous- ands of women wearing away their lives in household drudgery that might be materially lessened by the. use of a fewcakes of SAI’OLIO. If an hour is saved each time a cake is used, if one less wrinkle gath- ers upon the face because the toil is lightened, she must he a foolish woman who would hesitate to make the experiment, and he a cliurl- ish husband who would grudge the few cents which it costs. If your grocer sends you anything in place of SA FOLIO send it ’ back and insist upon having just what you ordered. On floors, tables. and painted work it acts wave gives satisfaction. like a charm. in their attempts to help around the house. (03’ Grocers often tnllstitlltue the {tract good..- for SAI’OIJO to make a better profit. Send back i-uch articles and ineiSb on having just what you ordered .__. ._._. - -..7â€"._. -â€"vâ€"â€"-â€"-â€"â€" -r' â€"- ___..-__.__._._ ._ _._. . THE onev MAKE ' /l M' [beams fl momma w; _ r ‘d L:t "% m .-_ ‘ "‘th - L. 'c"7 \? ‘-.. ":_\ -“:-y-‘."<“ '6“ - '1‘ . ., ‘ .» g. 4 v‘fi.; ' .‘ ‘ _-â€"â€"_-_ - KNITTING“ ,MACHINES. OLD AND RELIABLE umbllfll“ “72 nus I8 FOR vouâ€" Clotbe your family from hand to foot with our 000 TVPEVYIITEIS “If! 0‘. --â€" ---‘ - __ ..â€".- _...â€".u m .râ€"..â€" SAl‘OlJO al- For scouring pots. pans. and metals it has no equal. MONEY MAKER Price: only sis, 820, $30. CIlIlELIIlN IllltlS., Georgetown, Ont. ' By virtue of the unprecedented purch GREAT‘ POPULAR OFFER 1 in asinglc order. of one hundred thonenn t100,000)_co ice of this acknowledged Y our-self it you get . married b e f o r purchasing a cop of " Light on Dar " a com- Corners. I lete sexual science by H J. Je‘fieriea. M. D.. .H. D. If you are married you au 'ely need a copy. Agents wanted at once In every county; entlon this ever and address We mnt the services of a. number of fa..- ,llles to do work for “home whole or spare time. The war era is (tuck! and easily done, and re- turned y give] post .3 finished. Pay 37 ‘0 810 per eek. For culare ready tocouiinence aendnnme (1 address. TH! . 8. Lemon (30., Box as, Lama. 0n. ‘e-‘fl.’ ‘ ' o, 1-, n. w _ ‘ ‘o '92' ‘Ib-‘Ingw' ‘.‘.;" . . w ‘ ' . '1‘ ”’9‘“ a, fifif’fi'fi? ”will, .4\_ .- 4 . «3‘ '; W '7‘... ”#4.” .,.‘ . i - ." T; .. h to all) a day guaranteed. Sand for circulars. J. 1.. me one; 00.. 33 Richmond St. W., It bears "Tl-route. Ont.. Canada the following inscription: “Antonius- 0 send our work- . IIIRCTOI'WOI' of the Centuryi we are now enabled to otter it to the public at for lean than Ilse publlehorl' price. Thousand: of per-eons, who heretofore have not. felt able to iii-chase it, mil eagerly welt. me my opportunity to secure at reduced price “ The Greatest Ach evement of Modern Tim“ u ../.,.,.. *V‘rh < ‘. ..-I I <.ic I‘ ,g‘ _".s.« ark.) .__ 1‘ I \f, \ .. ‘1 a g r n w .‘ -o..¢a.~ . ”r..-“ o- I. _i .b . __’ .. . ". . ‘ ' l ‘ . V ' I .lg. .‘~‘ _ " .i ‘V 5’ V C ’5‘â€" 4. l.‘ I ' v’g' c_i 4' . o’c‘fi w<u§b - '. I - u .. . ‘ L. .. l‘ ‘l I \ " r I n . ‘ \ .- ---_o- a.“ . . ‘\ . . t fl. bound 100 of the leedm’ g unlvcnt dlctlonciz welco novella-lichen nbccrl unmet mesa-dud u- p . cwlllnownpplytheeon- IHE FUNK 8: WAGNALLS OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE, to. and most authoritative. new Standard Dictionary It Is Incompembly the “gated. u it is positive! the latest. cost can omtcn’ cc. I’It is everywhere the standard. ENTIRE” NEW .:- .:- It is notunprlnt. rehab, or re- cuonuy In 11 vision of any other work but to 101300 ywu ready orthe mukc fROM COVER IO COVER. the matter the mm In or for five years of over We econ. ' authoritative scholars and specialists tn the world. hearty colleges, and scientific inctlt l.‘ t ion. of the world were repreeedia on the editorial ate! ' 20 United State. Wont cm were also on the Our 0960.000 were actually of the nut onion: and editorial staff. ded In its rodnctlon heron NCYCT “£5 30’ with such not enthusiasm the world over. Juan‘s Budget, London, declares : “ It}! the nomin- tcrlry Envlaad. . . . It should be tbepi :dc of Literary Auction.“ The higbut praise ha come from an the greatAmaI- Icon and British no . reviews, universitiee, and coilqres. wdialipiie‘rlllgcut men and women everywhere. ”mi Our Great Offer of $I 2 can work In one rl _ tau-in volume, elegantly bound In .‘l’he Com p'eté work arm-Hugh's: price a 812. to nay address for the atcnt Thumb Index, 75 cent- cxtn. Order from your bookseller. or from WARD GOW (BRR‘RSHRfo‘?) ‘NEW YORK. WWW ii . â€" .- «muâ€"l um

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