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Durham Chronicle (1867), 23 Sep 1897, p. 5

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l is ill militia. mi: VERY LATE-EFROM ALL THE WORLD OVER. m-.__ interest-"2 Items About Our Own Country, tireat Britain, the United States, and All Parts of the Globe. Condensed ondl Assorted for Buy Reading. l [111} l r v the explosion of a. lamp. nimcd De Mutusky was fa- maul in an elevator at Bran- ;- of thr- Untario Tack (.‘oni- ll Imiiton “:l.‘ forced open and ll"‘lll it.- 1~~1-\._.;:1cnt returns of .l.ondon -‘ uvi'cise in the populationddur- i l" Htlet‘ months of 1.00.). 'l ' li. Willard announces' -:.'wilt.lnn~' of the. \\'.'C.'l‘.l,'. at till lilifflln will protest ag- n . .‘1l. I;lll_f. , \ Us l'- logical Society .has .heen . . . in llcrdn, which, .ll. ln‘ claimed, , .1 I.!sl of the kind in Canada. '11 .aL'Ni 1ntelligence from Labrador . - Lia“ ['t'pul‘t Hf [.llt‘. . " tr.“ ('ml fishery this season. . rim- of John Litiderhill. of ‘- .. , i~ dczid at that pla'e from i aux-d by stepping on atiisty u'l -. l ‘. 1:1:1111; of l railway from Jun- 1,\" loslln is now assured, “\v'll the route to the Klon- l ruii‘ltlct'alily. :iiighwr of Mr. George R. 1t rt. l'atharincs was so so- tii'ncl by her clothes catchâ€" taat. death took pla e in a if ,. nl l‘n. . w Quisolav the stcamcr Merrinia" Montreal lol‘ the London C i~ an caperiment. titwsm-d young woman w ho rc- i' ll1c f‘udiglluc HHlPl, Mont- \lu~.‘ \\'irnt-r, of New \ork, l dell in b-cd,. with two emp- 1-- thtl. had t'otitaliicd cat‘lmlic “l' .‘l\l‘. . t 11“.. lE-in‘nmcnt hits decid- 1 l'l'lll‘. \Vllllllllil to llit' Mlt'lil~ ..~'_!l.'l In lttVt‘b'tlgf‘tlv .‘lllll it'- . . Hub-an of Mini" toncci'ninli' 1‘ I' t:..i' thcrc Ltl't‘ llt'W gold u'aln clexat .»i'.~ and thir- ‘ th“.‘=ll‘t‘h l..‘,l\'_‘ lw-i'll Hill- 1 {1' prvsvnt tour toucâ€" 1" ‘1\l1‘.". awn; the railway \tir..' 't ‘tll‘l 7.111: .\~rthwcst .' I ,; 1;,1‘1‘lli'nt‘l Willi fl. \Villf‘r 1w :1: :1 ‘L lvrcytk in the. Mg . ' w. v'il‘l'\lll-..’.' thc viziteriindci‘ 1 i r1.- t axial. ,\ dredgc cmpl tycd t It» tanttl turc up N'Vt‘l'itl I tux» Illâ€"inch pipcs. zwi's- .--mi'.‘.;:u\" t“l~‘~¢'.\' were rc- . t'tH l'ontagiuih [hm-uses 1! \lttlli‘l'l‘ll. tlo- path-tits be- .xit’w Llll tlli'i~1--yo-.tt‘~nwl daughâ€" ~‘t‘1*o't I‘ ll \\ t) llll'llll‘lli in, who ,~..=- zlo- llll‘lit‘t‘ stumps ‘10"- it‘ ls “cf.- Ilt‘Sl I‘Hyt‘i it‘alt‘l‘tl'l) c». l ill ll." ll't"t‘ll\‘t‘ Hf ll." l’llr‘l~ 1-ic'l‘ lio'ln'l' tl .\lNDUlI , ‘ ~' u: t, s were printwt ll'°llll lllt‘ |l . ‘ D, 1~~ .7 ll if out “cvvu million postal ! ii i‘. 'l lll""v‘~'c Slit}. staying THE DURHAM CHRONICLE, September 23, 139". about seven hundred miles off the Irish ' coast. Tugs have gone to her rescue. The Earl of Cadogan. Viceroy of Ire- land. has issued a statement. to the ef- fect that the reports of famine pros« pects in Ireland are unjustifiable. At the Trades Union Congress in Bir- mingham yesterday a resolution was passed declaring in favor of the na- tional federation of all trades and in- dustries. The Duke and Duchess of York at Glasgow received the civic. authorities and Opened the new Prince's dock. The The Conservative and Agrarian pap- ers in Germany have renewed their ag~ itation for a tariff war against the United States. The Spanish Government is taking steps to prevent all newspaper com- ment on the conduct of hffairs' in Cuba- and the Philippine Islands. Among the gifts which President Faure took with him to Russia were three dolls for the Grand DuChess Olga, which can talk and Sing In French. Since the alliance between France and Rossia was announced the tone of City was profusely decorated in honor the Gerinam press has changed, and of the visit of their Royal Highnesses. Andrew Carnegie, the Pittsburg mil.- lionaire, has purchased Skibo Castle, an estate comprising 26.000 acres of the best shooting and fishing district of Sn the rlalndshire. Prince Alexander of Teck. who is at Belford hall, Northumberâ€" Land. stated that neither he nor any of the 'l‘eck family intend visiting America. Lord Salisbury’s latest proposal. that the Greek finances be controlled by the powers for the benefit of all the cred- itors of Greece has been accepted by the powers. In a booklet written in‘ cypher by a minor royal personage and recently published in London, it is assertedthat over 0.600 persons are in German state prisons on charges of lese majeste. Reports from Ireland say the crops of oats and potatoes have been ruined in nearly all sections of the countrY- Famine is inevitable, and it is feared the. hard times of forty-seven. will be r1 9811 Led. there is now a disposition .to court the friendship of Great Britain. The President of the Argentine Re- public has submitted to Congress a tariff which is prohibitory against' all articles of American manufacture in retaliation for the Dingley Act. The French Government is being pe- litioned to pass a law reducing taxa- tion in proportion to the number of children in the family as .a means of reducing the shrinkage in the birth (rate. THE RINDERPEST. Terrible Story Wont South Africa by Former Stratrord Missionary. Mr. F. R. Panzera. a missionary formerly of Stratford. writing to Mr. \V. J. Marshall, of Toronto,from Lang’s Nek, Natal. South Africa. sayszâ€"“The outlook here is awfulâ€"ruination or starvation is staring every farmer in the face. Scores up country have died. House after house up north of father, Mr. Panzera’s father is also in South Africa. contain nothing but the bones of the former white occupants. Their horses had died of sickness and then the rinderpest took their cattle, so that after their powder had run out there was nothing for it but to sit down and die if the relief parties did not happen to bear in sight. and unfor- happen to bear in sight and unfortun- ately war has been going on through- IliilI‘Ul’l von Be-nrudpr, a {ieutpmm in out Baralonge and that stOpped all the t1”. Gprxnrin axing, w no has been at l reliefs from getting north. We are .. '1. ,.lt‘.‘..:,‘ --‘,. -, . Usttnd during 1"9.em’,,r,l,bttm)n’ ‘9‘“ time to the railway and so there is no miffed 551 H9 (111 lliuistay evening, , , . . chante of our dying in such a manner; having lost a fortuneof eighty thou- s-md pounds in gambling. but our difficulty. and in fact the dif- A despatcli from Barcelona says that ficulty 0f the bulk of the ‘ whites the present Government will not last. thWUgh here will be money. 'lhe rich two weeks, and will he succeeded by a. brutesoenpy 59-8ng one starve and W111 Liberal .-\dmi.nistration under Senor "0‘; bring down their prices. The last Sagasta. . 'llarril, the. Anarchist, who attempt,- two weeks or so there has been a regu- lar panic sale amongst farmers. Oriel . ‘6’ o . '0 l , V - 1 v ‘ . I ed w assassinate the thief (,f Ponce | man be.ow us sold seven thumping fat been sentenced to forty ycars’ impri- and Assistant Chief of Barcelona, has 'Ok’en for £1 4s. 01‘ about 70 cents a piece. Last week at Ermelo 750 head thirty.I wt) lllll~, "l‘he Quiten has written to the. Lord- l.ieiillcn:mt of Ireland, asking hint to convey to the. Irish people her thanks for the Ihyal and kind reception acâ€" corded to hergrandchildren. the Duke and Duchess of York. It is stated that the British (lovern- Incnt has acquired the wncession of the l"1‘cnch company to build the I’angllll‘d canal: 'l'hc Washington autthoritics say if this is a fact. there will be no necessity for the clinsti‘uctioirof the Nicaragua canal. as English capital and Pngirieering skill will carry the l’ana- ma enterprise to a sturcessfu‘. conclus- ion. 1‘ N l'l‘lfl) S'l'A'l‘ES. Attendants of a hcrd of diseased cattle near Topeka. Kalb, have themâ€" selves become infected with tubercu- losis. Scott and Reuben Gray. brot hers and noted dcsporadoos, have been captured at. Bardweiil, Ky, anl are held ior murder. '1 \Vild horscs havo become such it nuis- alive in Northern Arizona that. the ..\t- torncy-(icncral has lecn :iskcal if thcy may lo legally slaughtcrcd. Customs inspectors at Lara lo, Texas. have, found an unclaimcd grip on ' :1 train containing $200,000 worth of dia- monds, fitwcllery, and other valuablcs. .~\ negro woman suspectcl of having xtltuilpux crczitml a panic in a church at Columbus, Miss, on Sunday. Ilcr body was found latcr.’ in a ficld. Henry \Vail, the. young whilc Illilll lynched :tt l‘d‘lt‘ntl's’ Mission, iwar Richmond. V.’t.. for alleged criminal .‘l:~\.lllll. is now said to have. bccn inno‘ i'vnt, Abraham llwciitlml, aged 1:“, at ‘Ncw ,h'oi'k on Monday Ittght. drank a flask Iof whickwy on {L wager, and then .fa- tally subbed himself, imagining him- soil :i tragedirin. -\n t‘xpiusltlll of nitntâ€"glyccrinc tit Cygnet, ()liio, on 'l'ticsday cauSed the death of six persons whose names are of still. ll.‘fllllt‘l' PVPI‘ known and (if several persons whose " Monâ€" names are not known. mad.- Ill t"tn.'id‘t was mall- at 't'c.i' l-v Shawn {Ashlin uh i“'ll|lli»lll." i” Thomas Kennedy. about 00 years of " w‘m 'MIt'rrady “ t‘omp‘tny. HHS: ill-“*5. fell from the second st()rt‘)'}\'iii- .tll‘Ll. it it involved _ ‘ Htllil m-lz-s f »i' acoiisuleritiozi of jTimItU. 'l’iwi‘c are m-t-rc than four thousand ll... transfer of dow of his residence in Troy. ;\.Y.. ”H’Ut‘ while. walkitl": ill lll‘ 519W) on ’l'ticsday morning. His neck was broken. 'l'honias 'l'liompson, one of the prin~ nxii .it work on lbw-several sc-‘lIUll-‘Ut cibgils in the fightl near Minder] in ' he t'row 's first l’ass i'ailw ay, and theft. ’ which ‘1\'. ll. Sawyer was fatally in- ” u...l.1ul t. the. whole line will lm com- jun", has been brought back to Minden lfiictvl wcll within the time first esti- in Charge of the- police. mated by the t‘anadian l’;i-ific railway inatingclucnt. News has been received 01' 0119 ”“119 according to the commercial advices of movement of trade in the l‘ilt'tlt" “ill-‘11 Ml MONT?“ 5”“19 weeks Messrs. Dun and Bradstreet. There is 1;» fill‘ the Klondyke. The members of a noticeable increase in production, in 1-1..) party are all well. anti..t~'l1ilc tbs." etinpltoytmcnt. and in the demand for all ,n. ,m-eting with great difficulties iii seasonable goods. the \V bite Pass. they are in the best There was a head-on collision yester- . 'x» '. :ccss. . nl silll‘lls, and are, (.Unfltltlll. of. all e day ll. mile west Of Newcastle. €01” be- Mr. 'l‘. t}. Slinughnessy. vice-president. tween 0. Denver and Rio. Grande pasâ€" u thr' Canadian Pacific railway. who has returned to Montreal from a tour of inspection. gives a glowing'descrip- tion of business in the Northâ€"\\ est. The wheat crop of Manitoba. he says, .wnll exceed the first est imates andhe thinks there will be between.twenty-two and twentyithree million bushels for ex- 1):)“ this year. GREAT BRITAIN. Sir Lewis \V. Cave. judge of the Eng- lish High Court of Justice- is dead. He was seventyfive years of age. The Prince of “lilies has: accepted the chairmanship of the Royal Commission for the Paris Exposition of 1900. senger train and a freight‘of the Col- orado and Midland, by which twenty- five persons were killed and many me re severely injured. The big mining strike is practically“ miter. the men having accepted the com- promise. terms offered by the operat- ors. but unfortunately the last; day of the struggle was disfigured with blood, the sheriff's deputies having fired 'upâ€" on marching miners near Hazelbcl. P .. killing eleven men and! wounding many more. ' ‘- ' ~ GENERAL Drought is said to have destroyed than anybody else." the cropsof a large portion of South~ The Brit ish Government has inst ruct- , ern Russua. . ed Scotland Yard to notify the United . for that country. A test case is to be made of the . . . the» vicar 0f Shlkflspeal‘e's ridis are collecting in the Bazan for an attack on either Bara or right of church at Strzitfordeonakvon. to exact Valley a toll from visitors. ‘ Sir Everett Millais is dead in Lon- don. die recently succeeded his father the late Sir Johm .E. Millais. president of the Royal Academy. The Trades Union Congress in session . t Birmin ham. on Tuesday. passed a reported at Havana. . 1 g - arms and ammunition for the insur- resolution pledging moral and finan cial support to the striking engineers. The Duchess of York having accept- ley's home in Galway. that article ha become very fashionable. 1 Sir Ellis Ashmead Bartlett has writ- ly. in which he is an apologist for th Sultan. ; . Great excitement' has been caused in the financial world by the announce- ment that the Bank of England intends holding oneefifth of its reserve in sil- VOI'. ' The Queen is said to be taking great interest in.the reports from the Klon- dyke. and is anxious to know if thlere is adequate protection for her subjects ,in those regions: - A “13$ dunner reports that the Circa-la. “In W line. is disabled Jamrud. 9 loading rifles. gents. . the island on Friday next. e try as a pernicious foreigner. ed. Ml‘ vi.otllli There is a stead advance in the . , y 'UnitedStates 0h! 110! 110! h01”“h}'. UOHL you The Swatis up to the present have Jimmie. “I am sorry, James,"said the surrendered two thousand guns. one old lady gravely. “that your eyesight thousand swords and seventy breech- has become so bad that you: mistake Another large filbustering party is to have landed The admirals in command of the . ’ ~l, k from Father Dooâ€" tleets of the powers in Cretan waters ed 1 red {when m s have decided to raise the blockade of The Indian frontier reports are more Who. tempted by the stories of his good ten a book on The Battlefields of favourable. The spies say the Orakzais luck, are tracking their way to Alaska, Thessaly. which willbe published short- appear to be disheartened. and the who recently arrived in Mexico from had been employed at Port Costa. but Spain. will be expelled from the coun- (l‘here was an explosion .of dyna- mite near Johannesburg, in South Africa, yesterday.,by which five white men and twenty-five Kaftirs were I ‘ - The king of Siam arrived in‘ .Pam's‘ on Saturday and took up.” residence in a mansion provided by the, Goverm sonnient. Herr Krupp, the German ironmastcr, has withdrawn his offer to equip lliel 1‘ g N, , , , , ,. next expedition of Dr. Peters to Afr-i- 1H1: DIELLH IS A“bIJL ca, owing to the scntence recently and fever is hard behind rinderpest passed on the latter. 1A des latch from l'ganda states that. . . . I ' l and those who are still alive Wish the-m a mutinv has broken out among the, ‘ 1' ‘ d (1 TI ‘ . troops of the Congo Free State. and‘be “3‘5 ea ' 1" gelin grows it a. {341' that the. mutinecrs killed (fifty-nine Belgian officers and men. l . v - , I 1 , ' ' .1 z ' t : " is: ' - .' . . tli‘xl Slggi‘iiillr dihi’) lifciil.firii)il'lit)l'(t‘iiit" twig; l plainly Vblble and can be seen t‘ours 1‘1 _‘ . 1 y c l ‘ glU-Engtian expedition upon litur- - r u " ). .t l' ' St (l; “‘9 . .. bounl. his belt ”(fulfil 31‘. . :u .n N l have done. is only death. Jn those who are friendly t0 l-EL‘ l-allll'sn- l I . . . . iarms was Just a heavnig mass. It i ,awtul, beyond description; and ye l i l I ___...-____......__..~__. . 1’ ALL l‘ b)“ there .are men with sufficient. of th .._a dual in them who are spreading tli pest. Only this week a farmer belot new ,wontan.” as that, is she)" ing man's p.a~e'1” crowded street car." l but in the morning when searching th “Miss llighsee is a beautiful Animal . what i rid flesh. All that man's cattle wer isn’t she 2" “Ver '. That; was , . , 5 dead by last night. £7,000 worth of fin made her singing endurable." Mrs. llowSoâ€"-“l)id the butcher send the lobsteis’l' Bridgetâ€"“lie did,mum, but I sent them l.a'k. 'lhey wazn’t ' H “De 7 . g . , 7 . l cattle have died. Can you imagin \\ as that Illind-Icador a1.» to rail anything so (.liabolical‘.’ Shooting “'3 That man has been all through tb by thinking in l“l‘€}}"h1 “”1 “‘5' 1' “’“Ch morrow I am going below to try an is perfetty awful. Friendâ€"“Does your town toast of a work the land or follow our neighbors lax-«cl all tram?" iv‘uburbaiiiteâ€" “NU- to the workhouse. I intend trying to We used to boast of one, but we 31MB ' get the money from a Christian in Dur- ban and paying it back in monthly in- furlstalments, thlcn ride the horses back here, 305 miles." to apologize for it. now." “I never did have any heaal mathematics." ‘L’nil l have always understood that at home you did not even countf' ' Ethelâ€"“Maud has been trying to learn how to ride a bicycle for four, weeks now." l’eiieltmeâ€"â€"“ls her in- strut tor stupid i" hthelâ€"“Noâ€"hanm‘ some.” _ Benny Bloombumperâ€"“0h, papa, the goat has swallowed a Roman landle!“ Mr. Blooml>umper-â€"“That's all right. He merely wanted a light. lunch." “I hope Ophelia, that you are not so foolish as to call yourself a ‘wash ladv,”' “‘Deed 1 don’t, "Mbs May. I calls myself a laundry lady." The Laugh on Dobsonâ€"“Say, old; man. you are so absent-minded, Ibe- lieve you are in love!" Hodbsonâ€"“Me? . know I’m married? J arkâ€"“How is your sister goetting'on with her singing lessons?" Cissmâ€""W ell papa has taken the wadding out of his ears for the first time toâ€"day. , l Beautiful eyes grow dull and dim As the swift years steal away. Beautiful, willowy forms so slim Lose fairness with every day. But she still is queen and hath charms to Hope is whispering “All is. well?" Busy men do not. deny it; “Time flies, you know." “Not always. It is now possible to make a century run." So 1' ' 'h tt ~11 5pm me are mailing “ ea 0 ”e '. Who wears youth's coronal-beautiful Others are digging 801d ‘0 buy 15- hair ”Everylndy seems to be on equal.- “Everybody seems to be on an equality in Klondyke,” said the shoe clerk boarder. “Yes," said the Cheer- ful Idiot. “one man can cut as much ice as another up there.” . “There is one queer thhg noticeable at all picnics." “What is that?" “The man who makes the most fuss about carrying the basket always eats more W Heâ€"“For my part Iran't see why you women should want to ape men, anyhow." Sheâ€"“Oh, anything for a little chan e. \Ve’ve been making a monkey of ‘im long enough." 01d Mrs. Kelley entered the parlor unexpectedly and spelled a_ nice tab- leau. “I was lust whispering a . se- cret in Cousin Jennie's ear." explained hair, by the use of Ayer’s flair Vigor. Jennie's mouth for her ear." M THE KLONDIKE, FIDDLER. Klondike, before the year is over will probably be held responsible for (the downfall of some scores of musicians, Robe Tanning. Horse Ilides. SKINS, Eta, Tanned Suitable he became possessed of the idea that or ROBES and COATS b the there was money to be made in the new process, which for inish North, so he struck out for Juneau. and Softnou can’t be beat. §imgakgfifif gagging: 3:: sxrtssiattn GUARANI‘EED rough country intervening: and carry- provided only with their instruments and a hopeful disposition. Kavanagh State border 1,600 head. and such num- l of cattle died and on the Orange Free \ - l l bers cannot be buried fast enough, so i Many w bites in outlying districts have , . leaten the dead meat in desperation , In Spring Time get Pure Blood ful speed in the human body. and seems to feed just under the skinuso that the beasts, along, thin maggot, are ing about... not to say anything of the on the Nile. in the advance of the .\n- l feeling; but they are in millions andl lto attempt to cut them out. as some? SOTCS UICCY31 3i)5CCSSC51 SCTOfUlOUS SOFCS. have seen the skin of the hands and Trlv“i'i‘“‘\h55 .(‘uhi‘li'd “a." ’3‘ ”men ‘ here heard a noise in his cattle kraal , “”91." him 1"“ l “5”“! g at night, and on getting up saw :1 man izimongst the cattle. and lifting down' 119'““U0 ."“u Willi” l“ “""Ul-“l Uliâ€" § the bars. and of course took him for a . film-«”3151 in a cattle jumper. He. shot at. him Oneal, body he found every pocket full of pul.- l l cattle, and he is not. worth acent now. [neighborhood visiting ‘friends' and on every farm that he has been all 5011'!” “WUQhLD‘f” “3‘“ 1 "WI"! h‘m far too good for such a being. To- secure a couple of horses, as we must Preserve Your Hair and you preserve your youth. “A woman is as old as she looks," says the world. No woman looks as old as she is if her hair has preserved its normal beauty. You can keep hair from falling out, restoring its normal color, or restore tho normal color to gray or faded ~.â€"-...~.___. _ Webster’s International Diétionary The 3?!” Great Standard Authority, : wrin- Hon. 1). J. Brewer, Justice 1'. 8. Supreme Court. rs.“ a Portal for Spodlnen Pages. etc. Siwoeuor of the “ Unabridged. ' ' Standard of the l". lish (lov't in thel’os Tel .liept., of the l’. s. imv t l’nnt- lug (mice. the l' S. Su- 1 ironic Conn, all the . late Supicme Courts. and of nearly all the '1 Schoolbooks. . Wamly fl , Commended by State Superintend- cuts of Schools. and other Educators aim sot Without number. THE BEST FOR EVERYBODY BECAUSE It Is my to find the word wanted. It Is any to ascertain the pronunciation. It In my to trace the growth of a word. It In my to learn what a word means. WEIITER THI STANDARDt The Toronto Globe suysr- The International is rapid] becoimiig reg-Ruined as the most reliable standaril tli(‘llutt:it‘y littlfllt‘llt‘il lti additionto fulfilling ibc prinmry function of .l .ltc- iionary.tlie International contains a vast amount of generaliiiforination of great valueâ€"Jan. t2, 1am; O O O O O I O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O L C O O O O O O O O O O O C . G. J: C. MERRIAM 00., Publishers, . , ' Springfield, 312155.. USA. . FOR - by using 3.3.8. No other remedy possesses such per- fect cleansing, healing and purifying properties as Burdock Blood Bitters. It not only cleanses internally. but it heals, when applied externally, all 1 blotches, eruptions, etc, leaving tlic skin Clean and pure as a babe‘s. 8 Taken internally it removes all morbid t effetc or waste matter from the system, 2 and thoroughly regulates all the organs V. liver, bowels Lllld blood it.) healthy l l l i . g of the body, restoring thc stomach, l l o l action. 6 e t) e --- To --- e l starmers, Thrasl 31‘s and Millmen d AT THE BRICK FOUNDR -- WE MAKE-- Furnace Kettles, Power St-iw Cat- ters, Hot Air Furnaces, Shingle Machinery, Band Saws, Emery l Machines, band or power : Cresting Farmers’ Kettles, Columns, Church Seat Ends, Bed Fasteners, Fencing, l Pump-Malcers’ Supplies, School Desks, Fanning Mill Castings Light Castings and lluilders’ Sup- lplies, Sole Plates and Points for l he dillerent plougbs in use. C-tSblll; lrcpairs for Flour and Saw Mills. ' --we REPAIR-- Steam Engines, Horse Powers, Separators, Mowers, Reapers. Circular and Cross-Cut Siws 'Gummed, Filed and Set. I am prepared to till orders for 0 od shingles. l CHARTER SMITH, DURHAM FOUND 1 i' d t ‘i am F..- EDGE PROPERTY PO; ILL- IN THE TOWN OF llllllllll. County of Grey. including a valuable W Power. Brick dwellin . and many olegiblo building lots. will be so (I in one or more low. Also lot No. 60. Con. 2, W. G. 8.. Townqblp of Bontinck, 100 acres, adjoining Town plot. Durham. Mortgages taken for part purchase money Apply to JAMES EDGE. 9 1-..- LEd‘. Hill, P»... __.-.â€"â€"_...â€"â€"-._u--.â€" <--â€"- “a... --â€"- fi“~. Oct. 2nd. A. GORDON Dealers in Watches, Clocks, Jewelry and Spectacles, Silver and Flat Ware of all descriptions. Repairing a pecialty. Upper Town, Durham. | LADIES! .1... K.......1. .1... an. .1 .1... Durham Tannery, rariuxunv or secuam Wanted-l Id " .2”, ”" 11.... n ea of some Protect “nor may bunt: yahowoolth. Wrtto ’63:: W30 t 00 Patent attor- Wuhlngwo. D. Cater their .Il) prince“ all“ of two hound Invention: wanted. The chronicle II the moat ‘ ’ I! not newly-pa W «we l I l .- 7‘ v '0." ‘ A - ‘ . 'fll‘ .. r 't‘

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