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Durham Chronicle (1867), 30 Sep 1897, p. 9

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Ln other med}. cheap cough rely palliate; a! and tempo- Ayer‘s Cherry 0t patch up or mnes. WW a pan is a day and up. ‘ to have made discharge, and L “Eggs are a hit cut and ~ whixh' ks. “'1 ‘5' Rlundy Iu- “are lemon-c art h w I details as to bminos. Aiter ties at reaching which SE5. .D MINE b. II. In: vimlit follow nver 'AL "That! is, ban mm in the thousands of “10398113: it cures more 00“ .1) rest mount- his (much. It 'aru lfl UM am en (X I) 'RSI John. Livingston, Lower Town, M I'PI’ER T0“"N. BIG $2 CHIC %{'.\N'l‘ '10 the power of sale mzlnml in a mortgage (which will MN! :1 time v-f sale) there will be Mr «ale-by public auction on Tues- !: tla)’ of ”Chiller, 13.97. at 3 P. l“. vllalclnngh Home, in the Town of . in the Ceunty rf Grey. by Mr. 'm'wu. Auctioneer. the following lwing (-mnpnsed of the second “1‘ lmt 1M» ‘20, in llnefirst concession id 'l‘mvmhip nf Egremout, cuntain- w mnre nr 19%. A \V l ?) acres hf this land are cleared 'cultivatirm and 5 acres in pas- m1! is a small on-hard on the 1m} 3:: 0M Iug house and log and m. The place is watered b a 0 land is ubmzt H miles from ur- 3} mikes frnm Holrtein. :t' $313,420 per cent on the day '1 thebalnmto on the 12th day of v next. The vendors have a re- I‘Vthimrat BIG 4 prices hich me the 10“ est, and .__. PRICETO_ALL. 1'0: ODDS. E 3th day 'pf Scmembe ROGER-IEs, 3001‘s, SHOES’ TIN\VARE, \VHIPS. IN THE TOWNSHIP OF ONT IN THE COUNTY OF GREY. ORG A my“ and conditions of sale Will be 11 at the time nf sale and can in no be ascertained from the un- {ondur’s Sdliritnrs. the BlG 4 f0 [NW H hrane’s 01d Stand. Livingston, nsc I‘uruntn Pl lXt usm I I Sfil‘GC H U \V 1'3" H)E.\" IIOSKIN, Street. Toronto. Vendors’ Solicitors. 3r bargains in:â€"- HINES E 1‘0. RY, kof 0001'. .EEE‘iElflG '1‘ wo- and A.D. 1897. ngland. in. etc. the best. Durham . Now that the Fair is over and every person is satisfied with their prize, in order to get another prize you will have to come to the Hard-~ ware store, where you will find a full line of everything 11) Hardware Silverware a Garza uteware ' meare. , A m1 some special1mrgains in 5(i‘rrain Bags i Buggy, * Matts * Mggy Bug's Maggy Lap Rubbers Horse Blankets Alligator Oil Curry Combs Brushes You can may axle grease cheapm f10111 us than 110111 any other 11015011. Deming: Bin They Lead Them All ! Uppex Town Durham. 1 Maxwell 1111111015, 111011618 1 110150 Rakes, Pea H211 vestel 8,1 H11111111) R011 918 8011111618, Flows and evmy modem 1111-1 plcmcnt 1111 1211111 W011i. 1 1 One Car Binder '1‘ wine 151-151 BRANDS. 1 Whips, etc. We have a very fine assortment of lined mitts Do not. fail to see them. Our Baa} 81! is the best in me market. Bell, Berlin and GOdel‘iChiVO’l‘ICE is hereby given purguant ’ L to Chapter 110 R. b. 0.. .1894 and amendents thereto that all creditors and 73.. o . . . . 1 lclnm’» ' .ntlmr nersnns havmg Claims agam§t tye “U11, JJUI 1111 (011‘; uvuv; Avsa-l * v;;vu -- -â€"â€" .1 --_‘ - .. , L“ to Chapter 110 R. .5. o.. .1894 and iii-lung _ amendouts thereto that all credxgors and ‘ "" ' ‘other persons havmg clazlmai agangt tile \ , . jgt t of the above name (oceaze . W W Thomas organs, Woodstock 3mg 5; orabontthe 23;}. any of January, . 1897. are required to deliver to Mrs. Isabel- la Burnet of the 'PU‘NU Of Durham. aCtlUg A few good COOKING STOVES left 1 Executrix of the Eitate oftthe said Jeune‘t ‘1’“: vfi‘l. .9? CHAS. MCKINN ON, TE-XE CHR‘ONICLE‘ 200 till next J an. Callaâ€"um Carriage Co’s (gm-ridges, Buggies, etc. Clutthmn and Snow Ball W 21290118. . MCKINNON. Subscribe Quick. THE DURHAM CHRONICLE, September 30th, 1597. at and below cost. FOR SALE BY {ll )V W OI'S LINDSAYâ€" At Vickers 011 \Iomda) ' Ser t. 27111, Harry \oungest son of )Mr. and Mrs. Rubt. Lh1dsay, age 2 \1'5, 3 1110:. STE“ ARTâ€"In Durham 011 Mondav. Sept. 27th Alex.>‘tewa1t,suu of Mr. and \115 Alex. Stewart, of Beuti11ck,age about 20 ) 1 S A Ciaim WE CLAIM there is only one preparation in Canada to-day that is guaranteed to cure BRONCHITIS. and that is DR. CHASE’S SYRUP 0F LINSEED AND TURPENTINE. It is MOTH. ER'S cure for her child when it is all stuffed up with CROUP and coughing its little lungs out with \VHOOI’IXG COUGH. One small dose immediately stops that cough. By loosening the phlegm, puts the little one t0 sleep and rest. Dr. Chase compounded thio valuable syrup so as to take away the no. pleasant taste of turpentine and linseed. WE OFFER to refund the price if Dr. Chase's Syrup will not do all that it is claimed to do. Sold on a guarantee at all dealers, or Edman- son, Bates Co., 45 Lombard St. Price. 25c. Our NEW 250, 40c 82: 500 OLE» NE‘V i 200,850 65 400 é¢ggg§ é ’43 "Cy-,0 $4.- %’._54_ m.» ~ ,. éé ééfié , \ , 1’\ Eb..." \aâ€"(L. .s .» OUR N 32‘. 4L4 o OUR NEW Trunks 82'; Valises vv- --- vâ€" 35};E;V2;‘ilsoxl, (1606:18st 01' t0 Lucas. Wright ; Batsun, her Solicltnrs, on or betare the ‘ 29th DAY OF OCTOBER, 1907, full particulars of their claims duly verified, {after which d..te the said Execqtrix will tproceed to distribute the assets at the sad gleceased according to )aw, _ hgv- "m rorrnrfl nnlv tnsUch chums of )vhwh In the matter of the Estate of Jennet Ferguson, late of the Township of Progon, deceased NUT 1 full particulars of their ('L‘Unh duly Harmon“ {after which d. 1e the said Executrix will 0 proceed to diam-mute the assets of the said ‘deceased weanling to law, hav- ing regard onlytn such claims of which she shall have notice at the time of such distribution. Dated at Durham, September 28th, 1897. LUCAS, WRIQ'HT BATSON. Calder 3 Block, Durham, Ont. BE T8 CHEB DEATHS V\ lig ht . bcfme the Owing to a rush this week to get in the prize list we are unwillingly compelled to condense, or leave over some valuable correspondence. THE World’s Fair at Holstein judg- ing from the postexs and prize lust is likely to surpass. any ever previous. ly held in Egremont. “’6 hope to see a large attendance. Don’t for- get the date October 5th. IXSPECTOR CAMPBELL in a letter written in last weeks Review refers to a herd of Ayrshire cattle owned by Caldwell Bros. of Orehardville. and tonsiders them evual to any he has seen in their native home in Scotland. The Inspector will sail for home a- bout the 7m of October and we trust his trip will give him an increased mental and physical attendance and a more «amended knowledge of the world in general. MR. R. MAGFARLANE ._lR.. who has been absent for over two months visio ting England, Scotland, Ireland and France, returned on Thursday even- ing feeling well. and highly delighted with his trip. The voyage over in July was exceptionally fine, but on the return trip considerable rough weather was experienced and forced those who were not exceptionally good sailors to keep out of the way for a few days. Mac. was one of these and remained in his berth for a day or so, however, he feels that the trip was both pleasant. profitable and instructive. Such an outing he re- gards as a liberal education in itself. A very sad accident occuered here I on Saturday last. Mr. Alex, Stewartl a young man who lives about six milrs north of here, was in the act of nnhitchzng ahorse in front of Mr. Aljoe’s blacksmith shop, when the animal kicked him violently in the stomach and prostrated him to the ground. He was at once taken to the Central Hoael, medical aid pro- cured, but his injuries were internal and ol'such a nature that nothing could he done. From the first, little 101' no hope was entertained, He lin- geredon till Monday afternoon when iliis sufferings were relieved by death. The young man was much respected and his early and sad death has cast a cloud of forrow over the whole 1 community. A DDITIONAL LOCALS. Complaints have been made to Dr. Bryce, secretary of the Provincial Board of Health. that owing to the inactivity of the local health author- ities the village of Bolton is in a very unsanitary condition. A num- bee of cases of diphtheria have appeared at Bolton, and tne coni- plainants believe the prevalence of the disease is due to the exiStam-e in the centre of the village of sfaughter houses and pig-pens. The boartl of health will take prompt action to ascertain the facts. THE Mount Forest Confederate is now sporting a new “ dress” and shows off to good advantage. Under Brother ‘i'au- Blaricom the paper has improved rap- idly in artistic appearance and liter- ary merit But it puzzles us to understand how friend V. has raisud the wind for such whaleale change. \Ve have been waiting for a " wind- fall ” to raise nim ty cents to bur a new stick but it’s slow in comimg. We congratulate our genial friend, Van. on his success and wish him continued prosperity. An item that has been going the rounds of the press. to the effect that partridge and quail cannot be shot till 1900 is incorrect, the act oi1893 prohibited the sale of part. ridge or quail till Sept. 15th 1897, but it has not been unlawful and is not now. to shoot these birds dur- ing (pen season, which extends from the 15th of Sept. to the Iiitli December. The only change made in the game laws in 1897 was to the extension of the close season for wild turkeys. prairie chicken and chicken and English pheasants of 1900. These are the changes of im- and the open season for all game re- maining the same as before. deer Nov. lst to 15th, moose. reindeer. elk and cariboo prohibited till 1900. No deer to be killed in the water and no one hunt deer without a license, to be had for 32. Only two deer to be killed by only one person. -â€"Post. \VALTERSâ€"Jn Durham on Sept. 19th, wife of J. Walters. of a son. \VARD â€"ln Durham on Sept. 19th, wifu of Mr. Ward. of a SOIL HAVENSâ€"In Durham on Sept. Nth, wife of Mr. F. Havens. of a son. BIRTHS. the the the

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