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Durham Chronicle (1867), 30 Sep 1897, p. 1

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\V TC?! u ittl t1 W0 )P \V Hour there is $3.60 per hundred; granulated sugar, 12 pounds for a. d Mar; brown sugar 14 pounds: coal oil I)! cen's a gallon and raisins and qurr MS 12} cents a pound. To shoe a horse new all round costs $1.50 or to ro-set the old ones 31.00. Crepe are good this year and better times age expected. \V ton Railroa‘l. Crops are generally goui but prices for farm produce are never high while other commodities are much higher than in Ontario. V0 L U M I? LOCAL NEWS. .5! ll frosts ftke Directors of the ' is called for Friday mtones. were it. not rosfs that sometimes w minutes conversa- th the gentleman re- rrs we th‘nk worthy they may serve as a who have seen only picture. Innisfail is five miles north of Calgary and Edmon- Crops are generally I] goml second hand min: at \V. Black’s Lowchown, Dur- H \V E ll hm wry, Agent for lstones of the flé COIOI‘ \V 11y H: 11C “'3 SO] m 11101) )l) at h \V l ll h Scotch All pur t on ll mg Ill ll I‘ll _\ 0 W 1t I] elghth Uommamhnent. The bread. Cakes, buns, tarts, pies. etc., gave evidence of skill and profeciency in the culinary art. We imagine the judges had to decide by looks rather than taste, before they got through the task. They didn’t want any supper. One apple pie made by Miss Arrowsmith was first class. \Ve know all the others were good too, but this is the only one we can Speak of with certainty, and we refer to Editor Ramago as proof of its A. 1 qualities. Prof. Brown and Mr R. 'l‘orry had each a line displm of Photographs, one at each end of the uppe1 Hall The p ctnres “1310 pretty and must have been taken £10m p1etry subjects. Secretary Mackenzie. is a. most efficient and obliging officer. courtieo 0113 to every'oodv, and willing: to answer tl e questions, rolling in on him from all sicles. He has our thanks for assistance in getting out the prize list. In fact all the oflicers and directors are and have been careful in every detail. and this alone makes this exhibition pop ular, made one hungry, and for the eagle ey e of the w: chman who was 3» Qown his beat, an 0rd might be tempted tc eighth Commandment. OC( ll \V Ht W Sheep and Poultry ahead :11] previms years. Fruit and Boots :1 little be- hind. ciety’ s E x xibition with the things 0 The Best of The Season. H gargc Exhibit-S, Large Crowd, Large Re- «aims ) 1' There w :u better. It. was r too cold, but jus The Directors. as I‘he Hm H I] here was a good display of Field Garden Roots and Tubers. 'x'ything looked as if the best of best had been exhibited, yet; we not see any of those overgrown ash, generally seen at such H I] once 01 :uliuar es had t1 I) eDirectors, as on all previous ions. did their best to make the ition maintain its usual stand- ? excellence, and we think they succeeded in doing: so. The \I lI lll Ht: Ill .V [S 1th lrom one 91 '1' Hall. D a flower ear to year Cntl ugs 0 Wm vs the {a re 13 recmvm; I‘hc puiucipal ( s. Gorsline. H'N ilt t0 the Society. The Herb, couldn’t have was neither too hot A M 010 K K9 em ,ch112i9 i9} plants, etc., etc., ne end to the other . Durham is noted wer loving peOple, year the interest in 3 receiving greater miucipal exhibitors Agricultural, So- is now numbered the. last. It; was aw and Fridnv. here xe ever Vlgihint gnufing rm) and rdinary mortal to violate tlue 'Fhe bread. fies. etc., gave ll ht. m r'rnlay, has aiways if not. the this one has the flows" of various UH 11141311 come it no OHOS Klel‘ B 111 an ill] ul m of :Lt notqniw sure that, this rule was strictly adhered to and will adopt means for its enforcement in future. The Hall on Tues lighted by electricity availed themselves 0 ity of seeing the exh was no rush. There was an unusually fine sheep exhibit. Mr Herd. of Allan Park, Messrs Magwood and Tvreman. of Hanover and Mr Muir, of Flesherton Station had good pens of Leicester's. The Oxford Downs were shown chief- ly by Mr. Willis, of Allan Park, and Mr Cook, of Maple Hill, while Mr. Brigham had both Oxfords and Shrop- Shires. “I have been at a number of Fairs this fall but this is the best. both in- side and out,” is the unsolicited tes- timony of Mr. Alex. Muir of Flt-sher- ton Station. The Ol‘dt \VitllcSSctl, sound was Nears. McKinnon and Calder had each some fine looking wagons, bug- gies and Agricultural Implements. Mr. Livingston had a display of ploughs and also a few rods of Page Wire Fence. 0n the authority a fowl fanciex, We exhibit ahead of an both in numbers it: President Edge was pleased with the day and the general :success, but, says the exhibits in roots and fruit fall below former years. Mo A number of prizes Manufactures were taken siders, who make a specia of attending local Fairs. however, the local compe b‘llLWng signs of better fewer prizes have been tall thoritllug. Soon these 1 in; prize takers will liu profitable to stay away ham. 'Mr. Caldel’ s stock of Raymond Sewing machines were much miiniied by the housekeepers and these ladies who inrend soon to go into the husi~ ness. His new “DrOp Head” machine is unique entirely new, being one of the first let made. In Wheat, both fall and spring there were some fine plump samples. The prizes for the white varietv were captured by Messrs Wm. Allan and Chas Gray of Egremont, and Mr. \Vm Smith of Glenelg. For Red \Vheat the lucky ones were James Hillis, Alex. Begg and Chas Ritchie. Mr.James Hillis seemed to have held the lucky card in grains. judg- ing from the number of prizes he received. ”Not only must We have quality and quantity but we must have arrangement so as to produce the best generalefiect" says Mr. “’11). Gorsline, who seemed to be forget- ful of everything else around him while engaged in arranging and classifying the flowers. DURHAM, ONT, SEPTSO. 1897. ursoys. Mr. Rainer of Non howed extra line Durhams, m )avid Jackson had a number ( ept- Herefords. Some tine nimals were shown by Messr: The gate rec e handsome 1 Regulation 4 hihitod must: [‘1 \Viliiams Htlgh M mum) and a number )f poultry 110%“ Thos. Smith, had a fine 86!: of harness in exhibition, also was, aga'lloway and a. horse- cautifully tanned by his new 3. Tin-y were beauties. Prize List on Page 19.. 1d .11 on Tuesday night was ,' electricity and a number lemselves of the opportun- ing the exhi‘aits when there must I JHIB of 3 receipt was )mesmn of 1‘ \V a S not a. single discor heard on the grounds Connor exhibited ball bearing: pmnh )0 ['8 a H 311 fins. 0} all the They were ority of Mr. '1‘. G. Holt , “a place the poultly of any px evious yea), :IS and quality. h a. v as g); 'f prizes in Home ere taken by out- za special business 11 Fairs. This Year we been made in the Directors are HM' of Nox'manhy Uzll'hml'lfs', and Mr. {L nmniwr of wu'l I FALL MELLINERY I good as we ever .iugle discordant competitors better work Manufactures 21 \mssrs hand .cKay, “"111 of others. pm “Kt , little ove )0. pew ewunat- .d it more from Dur- up to ex but then 111 DS 11 ()UC '16 nice ll ODO QFEU an l] of H CASH and ONE PRICE Calder’s Block : Lowe: A. F1111 StOCk MOUNT FOREST h aranolithic side w: few months. '1‘ cents pM' figure, we lumber. sliced, $1. "and it has rest gray to its nut! glossy. and prm out.” Ayer’s H tic hair-dressing ‘VIy wife has been using Aver’ 8 Hair V wor for the past five _\ ears,’ writes Dr. L. P. Barlow Sycamore. Ill , The Bentinck Exhibition held last week in Hanover is said to be the best yet. The weather vas fine, the attendance large, and the gate re- ceipts satisfying to the management. Mr. N. McIntyre, whose arm was broken about two weeks ago has been around for some time although he still carries the wounded limb in a sling and is very careful how he han- dles it. RamsayMorlo (W! V;- 5 Mr. J. A. Hunter’s “Golden Dawn” took first prize in the 2.40 trot in Hanover coming in first every heat. Mr. Robt. Scott’s “ Baby .Boy ” did the same in the green trot. The excurrion to Niagara Falls for the opening of the new bridge was a brilliant afl'air and largely attended. A number went from here. â€"-.\IR. C. A. BA'I‘SON will be at the Commercial Hotel, Priceville, the first \Vednesday in each month. '2 MR. J. A. HUNTER’S trotting mare “Golden Dawn” took first money of Teeswater Fair on Friday against a field of 7 horses. Klondyke monu :-Horse sandwich- >s, $10; broiled (10g. with gold dust 510; barbecued booc legs with straps 5% ; stewed felt hat with trinnnings, Bl; fried macintoshes, rain soaked, 57; oiled wagon covers. with axle grease, $2; pickled wagon tongue Klondyke menu :- . $10; broiled (10g 0; barbecued boot of all the leading; navclties in trim- mod and untrinnnml Hats, Feath- ers, Tip Flowers, Ribbons and Ornaments will be shown and a careful insDection is invited. ‘OREST has put in a lot: of 3 side walk durincr the past 115. The cost is eleven square foot. ansl at this believe it, is cheaper than srestorad her hair from natural color keeps it [prevents it from falling; 1 ’3 Hair \ 1;:01 is a scienti- WHICH WILL BE HELD ct. Ist and 2nd. WWW - .. W General Agent of Life Assurance Co. sanctum on Monday judges of Fancy Work and Messrs. Sparling and J. Hunter were judges of fruit at the Hanover Fair last. week. Messrs. Batsan and 3ch drove over to \Valkerton on Su Master Brad. Jamieson v Mt. Forest friends on Saturda Sunday. Mr.G. \V. Jones of the Sta Bank has his portrait in the number of the Canadian Wheel: Mr. C. \V. Snence- nf 'l‘m Mr. \Vm. Leuno former resident of in town Monday. {.1 his sub” and Want Mr. Thos.'Vnir, Station Agent holidaying this wrek. Mr. Geo. Richare‘son, of Flat ton was in town Saturday. Mr. McEwing is relieving Mr. Grand Trunk Agent, this week Mr. Cutteu of Guelph was in :. Monday and favored us with a. m ll] [Ogical in deduction, and deliverel with an earnestness that must appeal to the intelligence of his andimnce. From what we have heard of the Rev. Gentleman’s preaching we ima- gined he is not a senaationalist ON Sunday evening last Rev. Mr. Ferguson preached an able sernon to a very attentive and appreciative audience. His subject was well de- veloped. exceedingly rationalisiin- u on day ast Misses 111i van Mr. esen ting ulry was PURELY PERSONI 'u monaay ”1V6 us 0 '5‘ IL, and went no his Thanks. if. w Ella Stewart quer 'l'QWIa Xoung, ut of of )It ()nntaJi( M M 4.9 --.. 111ng was one o mewart and sshertou were Us on Szuurd the BHCO .V II of of Mt. cal led )l' ONAL. )ll \f in the l \Vheelma one of t} and Messr of HIM) irkdalc I visited Inlay and cal )ll Forest. M utua at on 1‘ )Y 19811:?! ll H W In ll \\‘ c) l‘ k )1 H ”-0

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