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Durham Chronicle (1867), 30 Sep 1897, p. 3

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Ll UOM’S 000MB} ,m ram mission gt 0f (bl \jfiirgi‘. investigate tb‘ camps of Go Which has utm [U 1' I FOR TH E leK on no: 2 actually beaten u H guards (or failing Insignificant regula- suys that in most m are prnvided With to wear the year trr of food. it say- U! the convicts from ,inuous work they taw heel and hot-80. rock on little firm- the convict at. It dolibontely 'unvit‘ts in the min- uust. of whom at. | to private: contrac- ulled without. more) The repofl. accuse- rubbing the movie“ u) E. than Siberi. t'ondition no 1 inhuman. u 1 fl” 0k on little rim 1' on the ground. uildings the 1'0- ». In tho Glynn mum-saint) found ’ in .1 room oiflh. Wares. are fixed "“3“! beaten u H “Ht even mu If LII Hows them to, being then u twenty hon" ride them win of giving them Wm: won-a o! n single board- ; them torts. “no in four, “Hut one in flours wet. uuthousoa. «I to don 1:9 ditches {Mt'ription 3' unprint- nnunission n and ‘ hum with UT» room Lo t‘nunty a "onvict ll ndow ll mm 61 ruca] cry- V313 ll ind 1-year- xright up bu t t: Ll \V 9 “‘ml’“ of 1'8 mg the hat I1 U BETTER THAN GOLD. ,. m; an: mason or ran- rxcr anus. The on: fin-us Man‘s Recollection ol the lzlzgmt Two Men ll. liver Knew. 'Giu‘ms?” said the old circus man. "Oh. yes. we’ve had some big men in hh. show at one time and another. One of the biggest we ever had used to bomb his hair with a section of apical:- at. fence. That was a pert of the street Shaw when we made the parade in e tum n. Usually we had. In arrange- ment in advance with the owner of the fence, and had a panel‘ loosened so that the giant wouldn't wreck too munh. of the~ fence in: picking up the part he wanted to use. “When the show came along to this Spot the giant would step up to the fence, take off like hat and pick up the piece of fence "it always looked as “he had trer Manama strength. tooâ€"and raise it up «nil dumb his hair with it. And then he would put the big comb down again and put on his hat and [DOVE on.Thia always tickled the people immensely. Amvl he certainly was a. big man. sure: but we had a bigger man once. I wmn‘lll'n't dare tell you how big this oth- er mm was, because ya: wouldn’t be- lieve it.” ', Germany hu a nickel steel gun mu thruh's a shell the miles every bur seconds. Corste. what: has been mfldex‘ed by this British as the ideal bxtplusine. does not seem to give as good results practically as during the recent. artillery praclire at ()kehamp- mm. Seven out of eighteen guns were mun“! after the second ruumd. . The "meteur-flag of England” will float no mnre. above her hosts on land! as long as range and rapid firing guns mean certain death to every color bearer. van In". W! “70 “I Consider Dr. millum flak rum Mien“ sell-I'll: “Um-"’0" ’\.'U ll” Amhel‘fit. N800 sentind. Luv yug'grll and the strongedonot . 9 mm m its full extent t bless- ", 43' :nfux’l, health. It is only tbs“ , ~ 1:9 pil‘8”l through a trying lll- ' . m. we! that health is a treasure TV"! more than silver or gold. "2 we who have experienced ..f this in Miss Sabra Rec- )5 f l ' _, . at River. Hebert. NS. This c , 1- Us ml through a trying and r .1 c .ltwss. from whit-h hapi'ily e r 3' mil through the medium a J ..~-n- that ha+ brought health ( ~’.;"P.'l,llll to thousands of others, i ' line medicinal virtues will work l . 1. .o «2 results in all -raseswhere \ t. on a fair trial. Miss Rector - . teal it is my duty to recom- . l'r \\ illarns’ Pink l’ills as they 2 wonders for me. Al‘out two . » IN-vame very ill with a ': n of Iliwases. I was suffer- . inrllgPr-tluu. Liliousness and um: nervous disorders.suoh -. many-ho, loss of appetite, and »» wf heat and cold. I began doc- t- ant although [had the best 0f 2 a wuul to grow worse every ; mm but little and when lying p, would grow so hot and suffer a ~1'llwtlun of smothering that I : tn: it necessary to arise. Then -:,":~~; extreme would come and I \ .vrr with cold. 'l‘imc wore . :Uure was in improvement in 1-, al..»ll. l was not al’it‘ to do shout the houw and even .(.n of moving alout would out. If I attempted to plz. (aistance or hurried in the l .: n oLl guy for breath and could . ~;v4-ak. I had a very poor ap- ;:l what food I ate did not :ree with me or furnish nee;l« .. .mmnt. and I also suffers! \t‘Vt'I'I‘ pain in my side and hack. this time [tried many reme- ii tin-y give me no relief what- .‘..: ! had become so weak. and my .- .i as so run down that life was . . m to me. At. tniv‘ stag-e my at- e t. .ns directed to Dr. \Villiauw’ and I (lexvrmined to give . trial. After Using four boxes .. much better tlat hope and ,: ”lent cam to me once more. ;..t‘i the use of the Pink Pills .ll'. mywlf steadily gaining .lxz'z .~.trength. By the time I _ ' ml four boxes more lhad fully m 1 health and strength and I ’ '. t nnLy able to do my full sharoi sell-Id work. but also attend to wxwvath school class and other z‘ .’. duties. I look upon Dr. Wil- ,_ l‘ink Pills as apriwless boon to r. -x‘ ng humanity." " ‘3. illiamK Pink Pills are a sped- ‘t‘he troulhles which make the . ~ -l so many women aburden. and \ ~ restore the rich glow of health ‘ ' « o and sallow cheeks. Sold b all .m, or sent by mail postpai , at ' : ‘nox. or six boxes for 82.50 by . ~ - «ing the Dr. Williams' Medicine t‘» ;.rtx~kvi'lle. 0nt.. Beware of imit- ' .'l‘.\' and substitutes alleged to ba L A I I. ‘5 MM this example will doubtless be fol- loMz-d by mhrr nations. but “how much of the. poetry and heroism of bathe win be swept awn , every soldier knows who has ever r31 iod on; the colors, or followed the flag in some desperate charge or battled against overwhelm- fing odds to save from capture the bit of silk which meant patnopigm.’ hqnqr find everything outwit and dearest to ma soldier's heart. Dur'mg the dncado ending with 1876 tho- average number of persons killed. in Great Britain was 63. and. during the Past 10 your: 18, W the benefit: of urbt (autumnal Duper- Cobthâ€"Doco Silver belbng to any ygcht club! Stowâ€"No. What's the nu of his Wm‘yhmm 3 310M club! HI: baa; yubt 1" li W E R BOILER EXPLmION S. MILITARY M \TTERS. GIANT 8, IN DEED. WELL SUPPLIED. REPORT FROM m GOVERNMENT PHYSICIAN. PORT OF QUEBEC. "I have used ‘Pheno .Banum' or ‘Quucltoure' In a. auppurating wound: fallowmfi severe late of. a cat; after the remedies seemed ineffectual. this manual: cleaned. up the wagnd and ' it after the. Inbound applica- tlon; its effect was most satisfactor : it ha“ also proved e valuable reme 9‘ for removing paim and destroy!” the cocci thmt cause boils and carbuqclee. healim in some eases more qmokly than i the microbes had been out out; as in mow recognized to be proper ta'eartmant instead of poultiemB. etc. lehiis gemei has a grand fixture before I. .' 'ign J. H. Emmy. MoD.. “.3030 Eng’ Dr. 'I'yier Hull. of Djmondalo. Mich.. contracted blood poisoning. and was SO vertuin of a fatal result that be refus- ed modival assistance. At his request. a large mirror was naced at the foot "if him had, so that 6 might witness hgs lust struggles, and he died “1th his eyes steadily gazing in the 81383- JaK‘Q'uba-Oartier, wines; “I have had ('omiderablo impatience with Dr. Ivers' 'Quicxkcure' and have a; vays found it. s"H‘Pri.$1rxg.'.:y affective. answering fully, when directions were observed, the several: claims of its author. It relieves pain in_ 9n incrgdibliynsihxprt.) tiu‘le.“ 11-- -_|., ‘I'ULJ. It. I.“ -mnwuâ€"w- "or Rheumatism, JPain in the Back. Sides or Ghost. spread “Quickcure” on Linen. or cotton, 11‘s for Burns. and cov- er with cotton batting, or even paper. ovar whiwh put: a bandage to keep. aul in pliu‘e and protect the cloihmg. Many physiuians will not prescribe or :ifilow use of ordinary plasters. as so mum’ of them contain Bakladonna. and Avrvfi'ite. and sometimes these drugs mew be absorbed by the system and unis» serious dilturlmnoes. Blasters umde of "Quivkaure" have been recomâ€" mended, as Ming entirelzyfree (you) anything which aouL-d 130551ny inJure «wen a whim, and no plaster removes pain so quxkiw. [baiting to give his wife a fright. to we: how she wowld act in the presence of a bur lar, John Sobolt. of New Brunswic ', N.J.. crawled on the roof of the porch, and looked into his wife's room. She thought. he was a real burg- lar and blazed away at him with a. pis- tol. lodging a bullet in his left; arm. LerL. w ites ,“Om several occasions I have known ‘Phanm-Bmuzm' or ‘QuLck- rure' to remove Pain in the» Bwk with- in fifteen minutps. It is especially vhhmhle where Belladonma 0rchonite - rifliugtérâ€"s would not Important "Oflor' For Tho Canadian Pooplo That. celebrated nnd wonderful Kidngy Rem; Ody known as Dr. Allison's Kidney Buds, '0 highl and justl «situated in the home: of 311 EnglfIh peepl, _n Eggl'n‘nd and throughout; ....... k1- :- nnw “I. L‘u.l.'" yvv l arena. for :11 kinda of kidne trouble. i‘ BOW offend to tho geoplo of Cum a. A full box gs snamplo will a sent to any person postpud for ten cents in stamps. If you take them you dare not. condemn tin-m. They are good. Only a. limited quantity at this low price. Order now._ Address ALLISON MED. CO. HX’I‘RACY OF THE “AMERICAN SYSâ€" TEM OF SURGERY.” fiffiékfllâ€"lq. Ont. "Bails are caused by Microbes (or germs) called Cocci. which penetrate the. skin. usually along a hair follicle, anal unless destroyed they cause Bulls and (‘arlmnclea being favoured by inn-slitutinnal disturliances. and certain atmospheric conditions. Carhuncles are like Bailsâ€"at first superficial. but. are caused when the microbe pene- trated deeper. or into denser tissue. All Bails appear at first as pimples; or pus- tulps." “Quickrure” removes all boils or 131111me friends were eating a picnic luncheon in the mountains near Bellefonte, Pa., 3. rattlesnake and a. wildcat. fought to the. death near them, and forty-seven rattlesnake: attacked them. The men in the party killed the snakes. Dr. S. J. Andres. Beaver-Hall“, Mon- Mrs. Thom. wife of one best. known Educators for writes: "It is marvellous cure' subdues pain." \V'. J. F‘r-s-r. Esq" Manager and Agent, fur the Mutual Life Insuranve Co. of New York,Quehec. writes: “My wife suffered in-tenseiy from earâ€"ache for ten days. causing complete deaf- nesq in affected ear. VV’e tried several remedies without effect. ‘Quickcure ’ watmed wml (It‘npped into the ear, re- ?Xnved the pain, and in one nighthear- mg was restored. We have also found it Spl‘findid for Ioothuuche and burns." Mrs. Nancy Baker, a cripple, '75 years old, of Valley View, Ky.. put her band in a hen’s nest, in which she had placed twelve small chickens. 4nd found a five-foot snake. whicllhad Ju\| skuu swallowed six of them. Her son kiiled the sniko. The Sisters of Charity,“Grev Nuns," (‘my street, \Iontreml, write: “Having made use of Vour ‘Quickcure’ in our establishment me are happy to add our testimonv a). so in its favor. ” Noth- jug equals “Quiokcure” as a dress- ing for burns, maids, cuts or wounds, even Toothache need no more be dread- The 'l 1y10r Street Methodist Church of Portland, 01:. has set aside a. pew Pslmchnv for the use of commercial travellers ed. An outlaw. three moonshiners, and two other men were arreated_at the Sunr‘xrelton camp meeting at ngwood, \V. a. 5;; £17263}; an; """" toothache; its effec is wonderful. I hvweualso found it. good for burns and A letter from Jrudge Angers brother to the Ex-Lierut. Governor of the Pro- vince of Quebec. has been written to the author of “‘inokcqrp’: gaging “It The Red .Lion, an ion at Ardmore. Pm. has been I. licensed public house (nr {0‘3 yous. \Vhile Miss Belle Hop? .agd ‘five R1099“ Mr..D:' COW“?! Signed, O. Panet Angers. 'bâ€"e bresctibed.” of Quebec’s fifty years. how‘Quu'k- Gentazâ€"I was dreadfully nervous and for relief took your Karl's Clover Root Tea. It quieted my nerves and strengthened my whole Nervous Sys- tem. I was troubled with Constipa- tion, Kidney and Bowel trouble. Your Tea soon cleansed my system so thor- oughly that I rapidlg regained health and strength, Mrs. . A. Sweet, Hart- ford, Conn, Sold by all drugmata. ' Yes. it is, air. my“ wife support- ed me, air, and she’s rushed of; to tha Klandiko to take in washâ€" C. S. Van Houten of Orlando, Fla... grow a. smooth Cayenne pineapple. weighing 18 pounds, and having fifty- six crown sets. A pineapple Of this variety rarely has more than one crown Therein more Cetterh in this section of the country than all other disco-es put together, end until the last few years was supposed to be incurable. For n great many years doctors renounced it a local disease. and prescribed coal remedies. and by con'atnutly failing to cure with local treatment, pronounczd it in. curable. science has proven catarrh to be a oonetituiional dieeue, and therefore require. constitutional treatment. Hull's Cutarrb Cure. manufactured by F. J. Chane? 00.. Toledo. Ohio. is the only constitutional cure on the market. It is taken internal? in doses from 10 drops to n tea-poonful. t not. directly on the blood and mucous surfer.“ of the system. They offer one hundred dollars for any one it fails to cure. Send for circulnre ond testimonalo. Address, F. J. CHENEY 00..Toledo,0. ; Sold by Uruggieta. 75c. ; Bell's Femily Pill are the beet. Grand Rapids, Min Preparing fur 3. mm in early November tournament will be hunt. If your child is attacked. by Group. a. pleaster made with “Quickcure” spread vgx‘t'h a warm knife blade on canton flannel. linen or cotton. will give more pyompt realef. from 01‘0qu or any 113-» ftnmmatio‘n. than ("amphorated ml or mustard. In severe cases. doctors tell you. to apply h’ob applications also, ever the “Qujekcure” ‘phaster, coverâ€"- mg the chest and neck wel‘l. While seven ministers were holdjng a revival at Stafford, Va... Willlam Muhoney shot Jennmg Bradshaw in the head because he wouldn’t; move out of the way. For Constipation take Karl's Clover Root, Tea. the great Blood Purifier. Cures Headache. Nervousness, Erup- tions on the EM, and makes the head 01%;; a3 a bell. According to Atchison reports the people of that town fish for bats about the are electric lights evenings. bait- lng fihe hooks with miners. and then wavmg them through the air. One [wruliar feature of the tea trade is the (not tuac “fialada” (‘Hylon tea shows the retailer a smaller profit them any other tux he sv'fs, most oth- er teas giving him as much as six cents a pound 11101‘9 profit. Yet, not- withstanding this fact. ninb cases out of ten grm-ers prefer selling “Salads." a) Effi-yuétâ€"héi‘ (on, experiexilce having tutu‘ght, them that theme is no tea that “spams" 89.xmunsum am 90991199 The relatives of Joe Sullivan, who died in Oakland, Cal, and was seven feet eight inches in height, have put a guard over his grave, fearing that a. showman will steal his body. Fish poisoners have so polluted the streams near Valley View, Ky, that dead fish are washed ashore by the wagon load. Some of them weigh sev- enty-five poundsâ€"the fish, not the wagons A. FOOT AS ”BLAOK. AS YOUR HAT." "One of my chihdmn sprained her a‘nklp, mh’u-h became m-uxzh swollen- and d-iwcoLuured. Some “Quickcure' was spread on linen. and applied; the pain ceased at; (mm. the swelling was gone tam next day, and on Lh efnurth day she walked (08011001 as “3811111." Signed, 'Hien-ry Ivem, L. I); S... ‘- dama' Extract - One bottlo. "'loishm..nu'8 Yuck - Ono 11.11 to one cake iuzar - . Tw 1 ounds. 'roam of Tatar - - Ono l1al 01111001 ukowarm Water - - Two gallon: Disso‘. vs the water croam of tart” sud you! '1: 1.110 water. add the extra t and bottle: plaoc 1 a wxrm place for twenty- four hours until it orments. then place on 109. when it will open 1 11111111112. cool apd dellnloua. The ginger bee! m be ontainod in all drug .nd firocory atom i 1 In cent bottle-1 to make two ga loan. Karl's Clover [toot Tea 15 a pleasant laxative. Regulates the bowels puri- ties the blood. Clears the complexion. Easy to make and pleasant to take. 25 cents. Sold by all drugg'ists. Some one buried a, apike studded plank in a cycle path near Milwaukee, with the spikes projecting above the surface. Two hundred bicyclists rode over it and were obliged to walk home. WANTED-v The city of Quezaltenago, in Gauteâ€" mala. has been captured by the rebels. um ooLuc lollovlllo, Ontoâ€"Upin w W... sexes. Spandid Record 5 Senior ° W Mutrioul;unta. 51 successful. 8 Senior ‘ “ll. 7 successful; 8 Junior ”1%111‘1‘ ugc “uh“. or 95 per cent. success!!! conno- thoroufl! 90d Pra‘i‘nw'. u. nun. $EVERAL GOOD IMPROVED 50 AND ms In tho counties 0 lCO-acr mo ed far . rtgng and Lambmn for Middlmx. Enter, Kent out. down. balance Hale ve chat ; small amo tr 9 For list. appw m n. a low rut. of interoat. mun”: I‘- RIILLEN. Manager Ontario EARLY m THEE FIELD. to ADAMS' GINGER BEER. RIUIPII: . FIRST “EARN.“ Hindu. Qlwiixz. Ceylon Tea. a“wgr: an ATENng gt, Huang '3001’033 RQOOMMFND in Harris has for sale, William St. Toronto. Sheet Metal Gallium. Terra Ootbe 'l‘lle. Rod, Black and Green Roofing; Slate. Menu 0 3r- nicee, Felt, Tar. Roofing nob. Etc. Gutter; Downplpee. to" supplied the trade. Telephone 19% Adelulde a Widmer en. TORONTO. G. DUTHIE 8:. SONS Slate. Sheet-Metal T110 divaol Roofers Manufacturers; Truth Building, 73 ADELAIDE ST. WEST. BOTTLES. GREAT‘ POPULAR 9min! Patent Soda Want Bottle. --0 A flu Maw!!!“ {tit-cum W1“ cske is used an hour is saved. 9.4.3 like a charm. For scouring pots, pans and mstsls it has n! e-keeper does not keep it you should insist upon stisfsction and its immense sale s]! over the United States makes it an almost necesssry srticle to any well supplied store. Everything shines after its use, snd even the â€" A--â€"A“nnk Mont Attorney. Canal; 'Lih' 3143.. hit. for (no book on who“. do. wall supplied store. Everytmng unne- mun u... uw, ..... -- - “drain delight in unina‘ it in their attempt: to help around Coming to Toronto will find flats of any aize, with power, heat, elevator, and all conveniences. ”INC, "I". . H.100 Barristersxcc” removed to Weslegvalglgv. Rich- mond St. .. omnto. PBOCUEED in Quit WI’CSSG TIII I. POI YOUâ€"- KNITTING CREELMN BROS, Georgetown, 0nL OF THE ENGLISH LAJVUUAun, It la lncom arebly tho created. as It 3. poaitivel the latest. coat coupe“. and coat authoritatwe. new fictionuy tn axiom It is everywhere the standard. ("“303 NEW ,3. ,go 1th not a reprint, rehash. or ra- naion of any Other want but in ROM com 70 COVER. the result of the stench la r for are you-I of aver twelve aeoro of the coat who“ and authoritative acholara and apedamto in the world. 5'wa 100 of the lzdlng anivereitiea oolle ea, and odor: tlac tnltltc tionl 1 t oa edxwrm m- 20 United Stataa Govern.» exports were also on the editorial ma. Over 0960.000 were actually ex ded In its Eroducuoo heron aetogle coupletooo ywu ready ortho nuke Nevcm any, diet! welcom with each mm world our. noses James‘eBodMLoo omdeclueo: “Itktheadmlran donotth-Iry ...Itahonldhetho.KrtdeoUJta-nry bully from hand to foot with our ”’ MONEY MAKER Price: only GIE, 820, 830. was «1‘ M Lon! Apply J. . JON“ ‘ MD.â€"-Un£tod sum Life In‘uranou 00.. (established 1850) wuxts‘ A... on‘x in unrepresented dhtrlcu. L. A. STE.“ ART, lunar Quebec Bank Buildingo. 'l‘orouw. YOU FOUL ‘W‘UVI ' late «emu! science by I; J. 301‘ r!" “M A" you an max-dd you an 011 and 2 Agontw wanted at nnce in rvcry c many: ‘ '{0 an“ 3 day guaranteed Sand for circmm en! 3 this not an Addy-«u J. L N10 01.! 8 .. 83 Richmond St. W. ”ox-onto. On... Cam cu 0'93 Scratches, Harness Galls and Sores ‘QUICKHEAL’ THEODOK’S BiSIfBJEND HI TYPEWIITE” "I" III- FOB TVVENTY-SEVEN MACHINES. n the nbllohers’ price- 31:36:!” it,‘ fin Egefly weir me 1111’ n 4“..- 'I"In“ OLD AND RELIABLE ”WM“ 187. I Pram 8 Winning. Heatlng Yrur-omfyouxd mum d bolero (Our adv unto-J COMBINATION (Hot w tar and lot it. purcluuing n of ‘ Lam bu 1m Oomvi‘}, NARI All (Goal 3 wood (mm) Ask to; tag «mo... 61MB BIN 30. IIOT WATE- London. ind Minute...

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