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Durham Chronicle (1867), 14 Oct 1897, p. 12

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1km" n I: 3b to d“ ellin good stable, Hf}: It - “ring Oct wast. brick -tl- best locality _ ‘ iplfiff! 81B? _“ induws. Marc] Chantry, in IN: dchvnriu AGENTS. “The Best Papulm 1 Life uf Her Majesty I have eve] sw-n.” writes Lord Lorne, about “Queex Vivmria.“ Sales unprecedented. Ens; m make tivmlullnrs daily. Big(«unmissinn Outfit frm: tummvassers. The BRADLEY UARIIE'I'SUN (.30.. Limited, Toronto, Ont "V' AN TE IQ ' wvok l y tine-mom and t: ‘H E M lpuAfi (508 ROU 3E STORE W. J. Elliott, Principal. THECHRONICLE" F“ Progress is our Watch word! / t/M/M/ ‘ Vi "’ ' \. U X or; t} I“ ‘ 7 NM LLINER\ A’N'I‘ED. I can pay ten dollars wookly t0 a lad y of maturqage.‘ re- mand tact to s rem} her tune m a UN). T. H. INSCUTT, Toron- \Vrite H -\( par m. at ply to mm of Durham indmjnz a \‘a 5 clu'eihmz and n rauada to the other. Rates e; method? new; hoard elegantly efiuippt'd appart- graduates always successffit. + may ’emer at any time. y first class tmche: m is well known mud: to the other r: methods new “U'IV l7. h‘u“l"‘. Ban Bug u'r } and hard and sun loud lit). hont street, rent.» I o t” ’ N McINnm-s, H Wanted. Stratfurdt Out. i, Bookkeflpiug ~ewritin2 c.. iélkcll E FARM CARDS. 5 Culbertson {amps ty mtl. fill plity in Durham ; induWS. Also a comfort- mh‘am acre of ground. . â€" ‘ ‘ ‘ - ‘ U! 1 A The Best Popular Majesty I have ever Lame, about “Queen unpreveglenmd. - Easy is}; the Ladies pf Dnr' th the Latest Suveltics mtiful Catalogue for M JAMES EDGE. to w \ OP} ms more or 105:3. 90 and known as the Bniklings fairly the Macma slmrt FlfRTH, Durham t 30113 STOX Hm ri~tnn. Ont. particulars write terms ac 1 man \‘ ll] mm m. L‘mmty of )1!thth water par I"()I{ S:‘ 14E 1'! ted. l ~::ti.~‘f;:t~mry mcnt will be LIBERTSON )V'b)‘ SHIP OF ( 'HHYHSSIH HRADLPH \V , Penman- thoroughly ,. I‘ ' .6223 “us from one g wmmers )ne you“; th is nmk at 3.LO z hanic win; us! 351» :1 I'Nf purchase Ii ; \{Of Durfl' L018 21AND: \"m 9mg, Bentiuck “ill ed tun guml tenant v '1 he sail I.» gum! the 0”. \0 (1(etrv«1 I‘bLHlt (Eutnt llzzlinltlt l llzls fiz.(2 l anick \eneeked (hxe . » (‘Utt’s mile-.4 m 51'“th INC-WU G UM 1N HY MS n ‘1'.” or fillyâ€"~J McArthur, I Rom) THOR( )BR E I) CATTLE, DURHAMS. Two yoar 0L1 bulk-G Ru’nh. One Year oid bull-~T Orchard, C Mchmis. Coxv-~ \V Bowmzm. Two year Heifer -â€"V.' Bowman. Om: year heifer - 'vV Bowman, “7 Brown. Htrifuz‘ Cdlfm-T Orchard, W Bowman. JERSEYS. Bulk-P Dickson. Cow -P Dickson AYRSHIRE. Bum-Came“ 1.3.3793- Q'm'--€ald'- well. firos- . AAirkm. Hi-iéll'uey-Caldwei'l'fingé; J 8: F Dillon. ' COACH AND CARRIAGE Brood Mare-~T Brown. Carriage hm‘scsmCaldwellBros. A Murdoch. One year 0M gelding~~A Aitken. One ythit‘.‘ old filly-~'I‘ Brown, A Boss Two year fillyâ€"A ROSS. Sm'imr an“ uyce, A Aitken. Two 3 eurcld gale-1- ing~ A McGilvray. Ono year old fil- 1)‘ --T Bunsteu, F Rasher”. TWO year old filly-R Mickleboro, J Philp Span Farm Izox°.~'es-~â€"â€"-J Fail-bairn, T Orchard, '1‘ Brown. {0A DSTE IS. hood Harem-J Philp. A Aitken, Spring colt-W Main. JPhilp. One year old gelding-Culdw011 Bros. Two year old geldingwRev J Miller, J Qwanston. One year fillyâ€"v.1 Philp \V Main. BUQ'QV llnrgp-__\v Hrnmn o’clock [A Order are tend. B "‘AKB NOTICE that the municipal- ityOft-‘ukmelg will not be reqmusibla fur anyaccident t) steam: engines musing over bridges wulziu the hm'nshin as said bridges were not. lmiit to zuccmumiato such travel. By Order Oct. 4th, fiozice m Thresheis and fitness. HAVE been instructed to receive application fm loans on good farm 111'1’11101'ties at 5 interest, pavable half Ver’ub e1 V‘emly :15 desired. Reasonable te1 ms uf rep 1y went to suit berroxxers. Ap- plv to U LLB ROY \IcCAUL Barrister, 1 ppm 'Iuv. 11, ”1111111111. U Bentiuck will be sold cheap, or rent- e: tun gund tenant at. a rmmnable rent. The rfuil is gmul, ”le0 are :Ih'mt 13:) acres clezu‘ml, about. (5 acres cedar swam )and re~ mainder has lime l::u'(l\\'«_:ud, '1‘ here is a brick veneered dwelling and kitchen and fmnm bank barn-1a" x 70 with stmae stables and the farm is etlsenvise well improved. l’lnce :entninsWacresmm‘enr less. Ag)- ply to ALEXANDER TAYLOR. Esq., (Iliesley P. U. or t0: KING LOTS 15, THE SOUTH halfofl?and.the whole of 18 in the 2nd Concession of Gleuelg E, G. R., cuntgun- ing in all 250zlcres. 0n lot I? there 1.». a guml frame hone-e, a first class trame ham 50x70 \uth underground stone stahllug sull'xclent toaccmnnuulate 50 head of cattle :qu a frame shed 25x60. There are 90 acres clcurcd and under cultivation, a good hear- ing nrchard, a never failing spring creek and well. One mile from school,1{,miles frmn church and 8 miles from Durham. 'l‘horearenlso 85 acres cleared on lots 17 and 16. l’ussessiuucaubc given to plough rm tlzeL’Oth uf Uctuber Uuly first class tcuaut ucctl apply. Fur further particulars apply to liuli'l'. TWA M14131" (1 'awfurd, n!“ In UEU. T\\'A.\lLEY, Duruuch. UPS 18310 -mu--.o .M-womm " EING L1 1’ i. ‘ Con. of: mining 200 am any kind of m (:n'hnrd, gum} L This farm has best (rivn'er gr and nail watel bi‘L‘t'iiUu of plea rem fur one ur partivsdars ap For Sale or To Rent. HEREFSORD . i.( 'ontinued. ) Bullâ€"~D H T H Ried. CC W-â€"D1tt0 4.-. - - -... ‘ - é GRADES E IXG LO 1‘ IV().17 IN VTEE 12'1“ Stems.) “ vears old-~J Brown 1 8: 2. : (mu m the Tn .m. hip 1 f (Jenolg, (mu Stet-1:52unsoldâ€"A A11 ken; J Swan- mining: ’0!) on res lmc} pared m: d fit to nm S SIGN. (:0me Swanstotl, JStephen- {HIV 1 I: Mi Mi xnzulxmcn' UH. (thud heath “37.88011, '11 Ri‘id. Heifer 250u1‘-’J 5.311“. at : :z-«i gm (1 110:: cm «I framennt build!" , v ; . i..i~ than has 1m \(d izsdt tn be um: (If the ~40!) F (”Chard- Rea! hug He‘fer‘“ hm. vvi -\U‘ gruniu” W hams ix the wunty j.) 571134!) J Mark. Heifer '3”. T Or- “m ‘2“‘1 “.““"‘*“L ,4.‘ ‘h'“‘e,.fff‘_“' 3"“.“fi chm (1, Henry Rcii hut- AnimalmJ ;‘i'«‘(‘i;§’nl(’t171:1(‘L“l)“l‘.r‘l;\s S‘))1‘.:t(fflo’ ‘ . l 1"»:3 ““‘ 1‘ u ‘9, 'l‘ LT D;‘.‘] l‘I-\:b"v "n.-. The Pa. '03; will ll 3mm LOTS 15, frag 30pm 0'1 8 ‘21 A\ D 2.3 CONCESSION 13 ’atron 1' . 1' j: i, 3 21,2. mey to Loan. fur m has. prx \eu tux-”u to 0x lvner grxmiug farms in 1 e il \satexexl. A choice fa w of place and Cfuf‘s suIici m 01.13 or mere \ezu .~'. 1 :u'm'S 3W) t“ .J.“nGALLAGER, tf )U U. H. MILLER. tate and Loan Agent, Hanover. opt. 20th cordially requested to at- siness of importance. WM. GORSLINE, Sec- DI d geldingwliev J Miller, One year fillyâ€"~J Philp finggy horse»-\V Brzown. Hackneyâ€"Caldwell Bros, Gm 9231173.- EH R 089 S pl‘i n g; 7 c- oh; BLACK, (‘10! THE DURHAM CHRONICLE October 14th, l897. 31p A Aitken, J Philp. One 141d“ ell Bros. Markdale, I’. O. iée‘ai mu For further Guts DAN CING. . Hi ghland Fling. J Galbrmth and J 11033.3“ Forest. high 3'};qu GAI- bradith. Stocking nun. .J Bruce, F R! Bucrgy. E Wood H‘orseshoes Rune: ts, \V Ellis. Pull small..J Murdoch‘ N Klein. (Jollwtion...) Allan, A Aitken. Plums.. U Hunter. Crab Apples..A Aitkeu, W Horsburglx. 'l‘oumtoes.. J flealy. F Rusuell. Citrons..S Pat- terson, J J ‘Spicm‘. DAIRY PRODUCE Tub b Ittel .T Oxchard, D II T H Reid. CfOLk( (2011).. ll‘Iuntert Mod- eratnls salted J \luxdoch, J McDon- gall. N Klein. Cheese Home Made” .1 Swanston. D Hunter. Bread..D Hunter, 'I‘Bmwu. Houev. .RMain, JVascy MapluSugar. J.Mark, W Hams. Maple Syrup. .J Hunter. P l.)ickson. Pie” W Mcuntain, P F 'l‘hair. Buns.. Vfi Mountain,Tilrowu. M A NUFACTURES. Main. {US$0.11}. . R Main, Wintex. .J Mmdoch. W A“ large. .W Pt Hi; 10“. S P H Landsat} euson. la: 3'. J 1 made. made. Shams. lcn soc \VUOHQJ than 0» mail. Table nud- . .1» flag mat... W Floor nmt...G- Braifling..J A Embroidery on Klempp. (30H. Brown. Crock Bo:11--F Rusnell, l) H T H Reid, l T R Tribe. Sow. .J 6; J Spicer, J R, Smith. Spring boar. J I Spicer, F F Ensuell. Spring pigs. .'1‘ R Tribe, J R Smith, 11‘ Rusnell. GRAIN. Fall Wheat .S Seaman, \V Allan, D H T HReid,Sp1iug Wheat. .\V Mou11tai11.B111ley..J Stephenson S Seanum. \\ bite Oats .long.. W! Mountain, J Swauston. White Oat31 sl1ort..SPz1tterso11. Black Oats..Sl Patterson. J Murdoch. \VlsiLe peas‘ 81111111. . S Pa1ttt‘:1‘5u.11 LikL’li‘ ‘31), \VC)L{I\. Cotton Patched 1111ilt.\\7' Adz-11118, 'l‘()1cl1111'.d \\ oollvn l’:1tul1(1dquilt.. l l" Dillon, W A i 1111!; 0111111111111- tz1l..J F l)illo11...l Swauston. Low: U11bi1'1..J Stephenson, A Aitlwn. Rug Q111'110L.JSwanstun, ll Raid. Cover? I l l i l Ueeseâ€"-~A Aiuken, I) H T H Reid, '1.‘urkeys~-D H T 1â€"1 Reid, 1’ Dickson Wyaudottes~~8 Patterson, Culdweli Bros. Collectioxwâ€"Culdueil Bros. Ramm’l‘ Brown. Shearlingmw Bowman, J b‘picer. Ram Lamb- '1‘ Brown, J Fan‘bairn. Aged. Ewes-â€" \V Bowman, 1 8: 2. Shem-ling Ewes --~W Bowman 1 65 f2. Ewe Lambs-~J Fairbuirn, \V Bowman. J Smith. J Mark. Heifcrcalf. T Orâ€" chard, Henry Rcii Fat AnimaLâ€"J .Bz'cm‘n. D H 8L T H Riel]. Dairy cow -â€"C.id\vell Bros, 1) H T H. Ried. LONG WOOL SHEEP. Ram-J Swavston, C McInnis. Shearling Ramâ€"«J Smith, J McDoag- all. Ram Lumb-J Swanston. J Sim Aged Ewesâ€"«J Smith, J Swanston. Shearling Ewest Swanstou,J Smith Ewe Lambs -J Smith, C Mclnnis. SHORT WOOL. Northe J 1 L SWINE. ..J Bruce, F Rusnell F0 W L . last week. \Ve are pleased to report that MISS Mag gie Adams is improving. Miss Benn. K. Henderson attended a C. E. Convention in St. Thomas Our village is ever increasing. Wehave added now to our list of tradesmen atinsmith, Mr. Drmmn. Weheartily welcome Mr. and Mrs. Drumm and hope they may have a pleasant time. The harness maker has been im- provmg his shop by building a new chimxwy. Communion service will be held in Amos church next Sunday. We are pleased to report that Mr. Jim Henderson is able to be out again after an attack of typhoid fever. Mr} and Miss Mclnnes of Bunessan Spent Sunday wit}: Miss Leslie. The painter has commenced work at Mr. John Snell’s new dwelling. Miss Bend Garson leaves on Satur- day for the Queen City. The threshing machine is heard buzzing about the village now. Mr were week After spending a couple of weeks with her mother, Mrs. Gammcll re- turned to her home in Ayr last Mou- day. Mr. John A. Wilson spent Sunday at home. Mrs. Leslie has gone to Osprey to visit her daughter Mrs Scott. Mr. and Mrs. Bradvy of Markdale. were guests at Mr. John Wilson’s last, week. The village was well represented at- the World’s Fair, Holstein and everyone reports a good time. . and Mrs. Reiley of Priceville, guests at Mr. Reuton’s last DROMORE. Lower Town AN Y QUANTITY. Highest price paid in Cash or trade. A large assortment of Tweeds, Flannels. Blankets and Yarn given in exchange for \VOOL at prices to suit the times. Czu‘ding and spin-, ning done on short notice. of She celeb: make (if These are :2 cut. Equrzl and stvie to a For the third *5 7 cured for {m 32:? Durham and x )02‘80 . SCOTT DOZEI‘? CENTS Durham. 1’75 '4 e 333G 9.1;}; 2:112; aye. Ion d? (1 ll H ll H 110 dead. But few u haters have yet ay foot-lights. Nod thn history if hi The Pout evident! Institution if h “ Baldness" with ugtcrs” that be h: rgforring co the H Wt Bro: “it sto

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