(A n U you “KB tor Thus the in light, how to be enjoye forcable cit: the generat eXpensivm lortablc mrcumsta the generator. in t BXp-eusivo‘ 131m :1. from which the a royalty. Again posed as the): are. teria! as lime-anon prepared by the c VOLUME 23 . en ll Eupel. that '99 will co: car more 2 present 0 coat of t] ’noient to l g requirin: n31 SI H LOCAL NE‘WS. than a sing! .1 cost 8 7.80 ore than ths -sent schcd-t of the piant to light an tiring from t amount to m be apparatus for plumbm » initial cost 2 owever gooc r: of the Plaintiff Elijah have the trial of these s'poneil for a. yem‘ on the the absence of his witness- [onor Judge Morrison on t on the application of the suit-ale an order that the must go to trial on the November next at Owen orset Bargain see Mock- Mu Ill \V h of U It of H mg a whim] UH 1H )l'lS ail ml attempts Until? Elijah 'ial of these year on the :lgt “'8‘ 'i( Any quanti- price will Lchlan tf ne [1 1‘" IV a1 m Ht 0!!“ i the three [112128 ll \V E \V t w \VILS \\' D p 0V0 '15 {U E ' 'l‘liESI'",(Cma1l;1 Farmers’ S1111 1001:.1111411), has made for itself a 1E;l-.1ce peculiarly its own. lt is tha. one paper to which “B1stauder.†E one of the gieatest living 111 1'ite1s is .11 regrulu' contributor. Its Market Reports, prepared especia ‘ly for far - ;me1's_ are unequalled. It gives in- -formatiou regarding Agricultural Ematteis, especially regarding new Eideas and departures, such as 110 Other paper attempts; an 1 its Stories Eand Selecticns are of the best. T1111: ESUN is the great {31111111111 home paper of Canada. You can get it till the Eend of 1898, together with THE lCnnonicu for $1. 25, -â€"A Record Breakerâ€"JPhO trade we have been doing in Ready made Cloth- ing during the past, two weeks. $700 added to the stock during the last month. Ramsay Morlock. 128 planting the bulbs. Seloct ground on which the water will not stand, man- ure well, mix thoroughly, and im- mediately. Call on the Secretary next week and get your Fall stock of free bulbs. Mr. John Calvert purchased ‘29 head of cattle from Wm. Smith, Elmwood averaging 12001bs (1?: 40 per 1’0. He in- tends Shipping them next. week to Montreal. WE intended saying much more about the' Holstein and Priceville Fairs, but regret we haven’t the Space to do so. We mustn’t, forget, however, to thank Messrs. Permit: and Sharp for kind assistance in getting p’rize list. We have a communication from Bunker Hill, wherever that is, that we would like to know something more abc ut before inserting. \Ve are not quite clear on the matter and would like to have the writer call on Advertisements in THE CHRONICLE are read every time. Last week we made a couple of mistakes in Messrs. Ramsay .‘\.orlock’s ad. quoting 31b tin box buseuits at 150 instead 01'200. \\ e reg1et in one sense that the ï¬rm was caused considerable annoyance, but had the error not been made we wouldn’t know as well as we do no w of the power of advertising. The other error was in quoting at 115:: inscead of 12$ c {01 Fianne} Ml‘. D Campb9ll is now running his newly painted bus which has been ar- tistically decorated by MP Jack. Secretary Gorsline of the tm'al Society is sending for bulbs for free distribution z-t members. 'l':m brick work on the new Moln- tyi‘t: block has l‘czlclmtl completion, and is indeed a Very neat job. rail-acting credit on the enterprise of Mr. McIntyre and furnishing a Stalli- (ling mttmment. of the artistic skill of the Ritchie 151113., who did the work. Some-how we feel that; others will upon their purse strings and con- tinue the good work that is so well begun. Mr. G. W. Jones visited mount Forest this week on business. Inspector Campbell wiil be home next week. ~- Any amount of money to loan at 5/ on farm ploperty. --J. P. 'lelfoxd, Lowe: TM 2 Tm; CIIRO\I( LE to the end of 1898 to new subscribers for $1 01 fat bal- ance of 1897 for 20 cts. ' ~-Cider mill to rent. '1‘. Brown. I was trouble Ian itching 1. Med for a ' humor on Davis, Nea .l \' ll LS (. it 01 )1' r y l'l al’s Landil rrecmmncn tried it. at ones lian. : Horticul- ' over 2000 111101112; the H DURHA M, ON '1‘., OCT, H 1897 tin‘ They will yef‘ ï¬nd the chast'i {God’sappointc {blessing in 1321 The festival on Monday evening, served in the lower chamber of the Town Hall was par excrllance, and fairly well patronized but not so largely as it would have been had the weather been more favorable. Tea over. all repaired to the upper 'hall to enjoy the concert and lecture. The Rex. Mr. Ryan ï¬lled the chair well. The Orchestra. rendered some very ï¬ne selections. Mr. J. A. Hun- ter sang; a solo which for clearness of expression and range of voice is sel- dom equalled. Miss Meredith too. charmed the audience with one of her ï¬ne selections. Those who have heard this young lady in her master- ful manipulation of the vocal organs need not b. told that she did well on this as on all other occasions. Mr. Galbraith is evidently a favorite if we may he permittml to judge from the vociferous cheering that. followed his song. As ail-encore he sang "The Picture of my Daddy when a Boy. †A violin duet by Messrs. Jones and Sutherlai-ld was a cimi'inin: number. Ml‘. John Kress and wife, of Chicago, arrived in town to visit friends. Mr. F. A. Lewis, Piano tuner, of Arthur (no: Lucknow) is in town this week. After the lst of Decemberliis lieadquarters will be in Berlin. Air. Ryan, .J 1'. 3an ceptable manner a Otheâ€"uulieuce \\ longed cheers. spéak Mt. John Lavelle left Tuesday morning for Toronto to attend Shaw Elliott’s Business College for a couple of weeks. \Ve were surely favored with clergy men on Monday last. First we had .\lr. McGregur, who was scarcely sea- ted in our suxctum, when Mr, Fer- guson entered accompanied by the Rev. Mr. Tonge of Arthur. The last mmed gentleman was an old acquain- tance who mingled with us in lo. .uer years, rejoiced in our prosperity. and sorrowed with us in our misiurnum . He Was a welcome caller even if h-s presence did recall some qt our sad- deg‘g trials, Rev. Mr Goldberg the speaker of the 9 topic was an add Jews. †Being; aJe“ conversant with the. a about an hour he (1911 inteili ent portion in the influence clmractc this ancient and wo Reference was made 1 features of the Rt MnNoble, Insurance Agent of the Royu? Citv, accompanied by Mrs. N0- ble and their little grand-daughter Alberta Ewing, are visiting friends in town llsteu. The decorations were beautiful and signiï¬cant of thanks for an abandant harvest. Grains ,flowe1s, rocts and fruits W‘ele anallged artistIcally about the wmdows, altar, corners etc, and as if ‘10 signify the comple- tion of the reaper’s t: ii the sex the and 1a.]; es wele hung 11p f01 the sea- son. 'l‘he musical pan; of the pm- gramme was very good indeed as it always Seems to be in Trinity. The Trinity Church Thanksgiving services held here on Sunday last were interesting, 'appI‘Opriate and largely attended. Both services were conducted bv REV. Mr. Goldberg of Markdale‘ In the evening the Church was crowded to the door and the service was so practical that the attention of the audience was ï¬xed upon the speaker from ï¬rst to last. TRINITY CHURCH Goldhen {berg 13 to whom ll] mcnt wh time and m: the .10 aJew himself he charming number. 5.; also in a very ac- H1 the appleciation :‘xs ahm‘b'yrpi‘o- it FESTIVAL. 0t \’( l'(‘SS IS HUM: Murhdale was W act and for {3d the more our-trayal of and customs rful people. 6 distinctive 1 comes 1n 1y will be a 5:0 Christ. 01) Gil 111038 N ['6 1U] sans to 1‘}l(§ (I) \Ve regret to chronicle the death of Mrs. J. S. Shields, which occurred from an attack of pneumonia cn Mon- Mr. and Mrs. Pit-kell of Markd he attended the funeral of the latter’s sis*er, as did also her brother Tharp of Weston and Robert of Collingwood. Mrs. '1‘. Aikenhead of Toronto has been visiting her mother, Mrs. J._\V. Armscrong. \lr. T. Blakely has moved into his new residence on Alice street and X is. Joseph Radley of Streetsville has moved into Mr. E. White’s dwelling.’ ' lUl uchuu years auu 1101108 10018 at£ home with us. 1 Our Creamerv is still running full time. “111'i11_the season ove1 1080 )00, his have been manufactured and sold. i With Their in the factory and (lamb: eron on the road it is bound to be 11.; success. Ml. and \Irs.De11nv of \ouml wete 5 1‘. D ‘7 MI‘. and Mrs. Burro ws left monday for their new home which is a few miles'from' London. Their pleasant faces will be much missed. We wish them much success in their new home. be $100 in debt for this luxury is not his style. He has placed the case in the hands of a legul ï¬rm and will doubtless make the offenders pay sharplv for their illegal proceedings. Rev. Mr. Humphries of Priceville preached in the Methodist church in the morning and Rev. Mr. Wellwood of Thornbury in the mening. Ml‘. and Mts. Denny of Norvul were the guests of N. Mainlast week. MI‘S. Thos. Brown. who has been ill for some time is slowly recovering, Geo, Sharp of Dundalk was the guest of his brocher during the early part of the week. dayevening. The bereaved family has our sympathy. Mrs. Wm. Wright, who has been a resident of this village for over thirty years, and has been for a long time an invalid, passed away to her home of rest on Sabbath morning last, aged 60 years. Being of a cheerful and happy disposition she cast a ray of sunshine on all about her, and bore her long disability and aliliction with Rev. A. E Neiley ofHornings Mills preached excellent sermons in the Fresh; terian church here on Sabbath last while Rev. Mr. 'l‘hom preached anniversary sermons in Mr. Neiley’s charge. Judge Morrison held Court of Re- vision lxere on Tuesday of last; week, when eight more names were added to the list. a few days. in our mixis renewing old acquaintances. He preached here on Sabbath morning and addressed the League for a short time in the evening. meat patience and Chn'stian 1esig1- a- man. She was (1.111.111;an united ~â€";.. _. with the \lcthodist church when in its infancy here. While heath per- mitted she was alw 111's faithful in at- tendance and specially 119-1 otcd to the class 11113111.an services. The funeral took place on 31113111113' afternoon when 11Sc1‘vicc was held in the Methodist church, 111cRev. Mr. \‘1'cllwood of 'l‘hcrnhury 1‘11'e11cl1i11g; an appromiate sermon from Rev. 2 :7. aftm ' which, all that, 11 1153111011111 of1111 affectionate Rev. T Clark attended the Show, and spent a day or so visitino friends heie. Mr. John Keith of Ga“: is still in our midst. John has not been here for fifteen years and hence {eels at home with us. Rev. T. and Mrs. Cobb, who twen- ty-ï¬ve years ago was pastor of the Methodist church in this village spent FLESHERTON . HOL STEIN We’ve got a few snaps in Table Linens which it will pay you to see. They were bought at manufac- turer’s prices and for qualit V and price we’ll Put them against. any- (35 im 55 inch ' Fancy Linens, sp 60 inch Fancy Linens. cxm A TO‘W] 50 inch Func Linens. 5:) t A 11315.? 1 CA3?! éféfl UNE Piiél. dat’s Block, hunask .r’s Block, Dmham WAR ' inc B} Rf mtm hem SDC‘CI NO] 9)QJ *’ Table 3M1 at [C t1 at 37' 0,) é} 0(3. It)!