. WW-“ Luau out! ""_"' ‘ ms retuod from m stage. - ' . betram The. Human Czarina witl wisit the. 3050’ 50835†Wen. win». about the middle of leader. hasbeen the prennt mouth. Recent yvith th Michael Odrie humped out of a see- ond-storey window on St. Paul street. Montreal; People picked him up. and in answer to ucries he said he was not hurt. Then 3 mâ€"enmered the build- ing. Lnd before the crowd had dis- persed .10.me down a Second .tnmo Regarding the first. trial shipment of Canadian fruit. to England in cold szorage. a. (cubilegram has been reâ€" ceived in Ottawa.’ stating that the ‘._1 pears. pLuma. and tomatoes} AFri'ved in good condition. but the peaches and grapes were too ripe. and did not ar- nve in good condition. Mr. George Hague. general: manager of the Merchant's Bank of Canada, has flat returned to Montreal from the 'orth-Weet. He says. while the crop is not, as heavy as Last. year, its egrtra ‘qmiity and. higher prices will make it. twice as valuable. It is reported that the Canadian Pa- cific Railway Company have offered to construct abridge at. Quebec to con- neg-t their system with the Intercol- omal‘ Railway provided that the In- tercolonial Railway will give them a. lease of their road. Canadian artists are to be invited to subunt. proposals to the Government for a. statue» 01' the Queen and one of Mr. The Canadian Pacific Railiway Com- pany wiJ build at once into Rossland. and wm furnish the necessary capi- C‘Ji‘ to erect. a smelter in the vicinity. so that the ores of that camp will be treated cheaper than they can be across the border. notifying them that there m BEES further postponement of the law for- bidding the dumping of sawdust into the river. A special from \Vinni-peg states that this year has witnessed a remarkable increase in the volume of traffic on the Canadian Pacific railway and also in the total sales of the land department. Sir Louis Davies. Minister of Marine and Fisheries. has issued a circular to the. [timber‘men o_n _the Ottawa river. Immigration Commissioner Pedley and James A. Smart. Deputy Minister of the Interior. have left on a tour of the western States to visit immi- gration agencies. - The Dominion Minister of Customs is satisfied with the first effort to cod- lect. revenue in the Yukon. Fifteen thousand dollars have been remitted by Collector Davis in less than ayear. 'lhe offu 1111 stenographers of the civ- il (outta in Montreal have gone out on str1ke.’l‘bey refused to take twelve 1'6an :1 hundred word! and demanded twenty cents. . . 1 Reports have been receive. in St. .Iuhn’s, mm that three schooners have bum {oat ufl the Labrador coast, and ï¬ve men and one woman were tin-wand. ' ' ‘Mr. Charles R. Devlin, appoinyed mum tune ago by the Domim‘on Havermuent EmigratioAAggnfl {.0 111:?- 11nd. has sent his resigna'tion to 0t- Fawn. Mr. Leblanc, one of the license com- m'msioners of Ottawa. dropped dead while at. a maeting of the Reform Club Ln that city on Thursday night. Captain Cooke. of the Royal Military College. Kingston. has, it is understood been granted a commission nn the Im- mrial East African service. The Selkirk leper. Gudmun Christ- ianson. has been conveyed to Tracadie, b .B. No further cases. it is stated, ex- w. in the province. A cable despatch says ex-Chief Jus- Lice Hagany and Chief Justice Tait of Montreal have been gazetted as Knight.» The Monarch 111an at Rat; Portage has been said by the Bullion Company for 3:43.000. 'loronto men are the pur- chasers. . All the recent reports from Dawson City shows that provisions are. near- ly exhausted, and that. famine is in- evitable. . i Four gates oi lock No. l of the old Welland Canal were carried away on Saturday night by the steamer .Lake- side. The assegament of St. Catharines shows a .gzmn of $275,000 in prOperty and 250 111 population over last year. The Olive Mine. near Mine Centre. has been_ sold by “Winnipeg parties to an Englwh syndicate for $850,000. Lieut. U. P. Thotpe. of the Rifle Bri- gade. tingluud. has been appointed an aide-de-camp to Lord Aberdeen. Georg e Lawrence, of Guelph, cam- mictmig suicide by shooting himself with a revolver. Elgin Tufford was sentenced to pen- iwuuary for two years at Hamilton for bigmny. The design for a. new postage stamp has been approved by the Postmaster- Uoneral. ‘ 3L1 jot General Gascoigne has return- ed L0 Ottawa from a prolonged stay in ï¬ngland. The awsswent returns at the city of Hammuu. show an increase of $1,- 1111970“an Items About Our Own Country. Hm. <mx< gamma. 233 >5. :5 «<65 O<mâ€"~. Um: Britain. the Unltod States. and An Puts at tho Globe. Condo.“ and W In BI" Ming. .7 BRITAIN. W that she DANA DA . The French are encroaching on the British sphere of influence in West Africa. and tronblris expected to re- sult. i - \ Sixteen persons were. killed by purpose, a tale- graphic c'ble will be land next sum- mer from Scotlapd to Iceland. â€"â€" v â€"â€"-v wvv vv ‘3'“ wry-.5. and ma u'nitéa States. 'Ijhe betruthul is announced between Princess} Feodora of .Saxo-Mainingen ,It is reported that Turkey is negoti- ating with Germany for a special de- fensive alliance. The Paris Eclair advocates the form- ation of a FrenuhaRrulssian-American agricultural alliance. The German Governxgcnt istaking Steps to introduce a. bill to increase the beer tax threefold. . Austria. offers to give her services 1n arr 31181118 the tgquple between Spain 11-1. 5L... l?_3L a Several earthquakes have taken place in Borneo. and a. new island hm: boon . v_.r‘___-_wâ€".â€" .OV'V \ kuvu YIuLV m- Borneu; and. a. new Island. has been thraw-n Mp. . The new Italian cruiser Garibaldi has been launched at Sestri a Boriente, near Genoa. v‘â€"“--J -DU "mg, and labour troubles are not so dis- turbing a factor as has been the case recently. The commercial failures in the {United States for the week just ended amounted to 194, as compared with 299 for the corresponding week last year. The Queen Regent of Spain and the Court have arrived at Madrid from San Sebastum. ‘ Accord bug to commercial reports from the N ew York agencies of Messrs. Dun and Bradstreet there is a steady ad- vance all around in the volume of trade. There is an increasing demand for man' ul‘acture‘d goods, prices are steadily ris- n..-l ‘_1,,__7 A According to the. monthly statement issued at {Washington on Friday, of the Government receipts and expenditures during Septemben 1897, the receipts have heen~ 21,933,098, and the expendi- ture $25,368,815; an excess of eXpendiâ€" tures over receipts of 83,435,717. For the three months of the fiscal year; the excess 01‘ expenditures has been $29015.- 954. Rev. thher Werhet, priest of St. Philomena's'R. I‘. church at Pittsburg, Pan was assaulted at the altar ontSun-a. day by a Frenchman named Gresserson, who thought the priest was ceremoni- ously irregular. The United States war corvette Yan- tic has been ordered to the great lakes; and is to be. armed, alter her arrival on. the lakes. with a modern rapid fire bat- tery. which may cause complications between the United States and Great Britain. in the debrié. or" tï¬Ã©R‘éJâ€"Eég’tié',“ 5.3T: wreck tells the story of tne horrible death: of Elmer Black and his bride of Pittsburg. The coroner’s jury which investigated the death of the striking miners at Ha'zletion, Pa., has returned a verdict. condemning the, sheriff,†declaring that the killing was “wanton and. unjusti- fiasble.†The (301180th of duties on personal baggage». at' New Yoc‘k port under the Dingle); tarilff' law increased last Sep- temuer, as commflxredoxfmtn _th~e Sgptgm- l_.__ .,£‘l. _ .A. ‘The Special Board appointed by the United btates Navy papartmenc re- commends tne immediate construction of five new dryrdocks at a. cost of five million, dollars. Gem. Neal Dow, the great temperance orator and the author of the Maine liquor law, mired on Saturday alternoon a-t. Portlandl,’ Me. He. was ninety-three years of age. . u 'W‘ )81‘ of mat year, from $19 05b 10 433.5, 709. U p to four o’vluck on Friday sixteen suicides and sudden deaths had been chronicled in New York city as having happened since eanly in the morning. \William Pearson. while digging in the sand near Covingtom. Ky., unearthed a. skull, which is thought to be the, long- missing head of Pearl Bryan The price of beer in? San Francisco has gone up fully cine-third within the Last few weeks and. is expected to climb higher. The Creek Indians have signed a. treaty agreeing ;to accepp lands in sev- era'lty and to change then form oï¬gov- ennmant. The death is announced of George H. Lewis, of Buffalo, the extensive and wel'l-lnnorwn coal-dealer. St. 01m. Sampson, aged 18, aecident- ally shot [nd‘gzislleq hi_s_ _mother at. LI....:_. L-_A_ théir _‘_..‘.._...- u- unv Lu LVVU. I and it is expected the. Lynx will do the same. Five stokekrs vyere killed and two injured by the burstmg of a steam pipe on board the Thrasher shortly after she grounded. Bishop Potter ,of New York diocese, ; is guffer'mg with a severe attack of la. gnppe. . v '. . The British Liberalls are vigorously attacking 'Lord Salisburys foreign poiicy as weak and cowardly. Ap- pearances indicate that the country is l turning Once more to the Liberali party. Mrs. Ormiston Chant. the social re- former. announced during a lecture in Warwickahire that the Crown Prin~ was of Greece. Princess Sophia of Prus- sia. had told her that the worst and most crueL foe of Greece was not the SuL‘tan of Turkey. but her own broth-V er. Emperor “'i..'lia,m of Germany. it. 1113 so exasperatin 3 that British gun- powder may have to housed to silence it GE NE RA. L .f ‘th’e shaman Liberal in Newa rk, THE DURHAM CHRONICLE, on \Ved- Awarding to thb Premier of New Zealand. a alumni “390’ 11 recently flew from Victorian aw Zealand in tlyreo days. (The distance in about 1,000 .mxlea, and the bird must have floym wuthput mutant ameed‘ot aboutftftean miles N. B.-1‘o ensure: Gut-clu- job thu MdamnItbo-Jtodum nut“ tons and is built of steel. The long ] arm swings about on a turntable, jusb' as a bridge swings aver a. river. The , wall which it builds and then travels I "one over as (it slowl advances into the. sea» is nearly fifty at wide. . 5 . 'w- l-‘rH for moving the Titan forward or back- ward on. a railroad set into the finish- ed masonry, and to run out or in on the long arm a traveling car from which are snapemded the fagr-sheaved blocks through. which is reoelved the cable that lifts the great pzeces of stone. {Phe Tiltam itself _ weighs A 700 L__._ _ THE EVER PLEASANT QUESTION. The length of its arms, reaching out from the center point of support is: ex- actly 100 feet, and it can set a sixty- toa block' in the see. 100 feet deep and 72 feet from the outer edge of. the mas- onry wall. (1‘th long arm is balanced 9y a shorter_ wgight qrm that carries Greatest. Mechanical “Inn: is Now lilfllng Stone on 5 Scotland Sen Wall. Absolutely the largest mechanical giant in {the world is now lifting“ stone tal great guns can compare with this Titmn as it is calledl It is capable of lilting 100 tome, and it could pick up ' a modern. locomotive with as much ease as the. same locomotive draws a train 1 of cars. It could lift the cubic conâ€" tents oC 100 car loads and strew them over a wide section of the Landscape. Its daily work is the placing in posi- tion of fifty-ton blocks of granite, of which the new sea wnll at Peterhead is Being built. . First nglistâ€"Oh. you Wpuldn’t like m; ’s got a, wheel In his head. Second Cyclistâ€"What make? wouldâ€"would you care to always repair my punctures ’4!†lieâ€"“Daring. 'it would be the greatest joy of my lite for me to do so; if you wowld promise to darn my socks in return.†50 they rode aLong in search of a parson. “They have never spoken since they took part in private Lheatricais,†said Miss Cayenne. “I see; professional. jealbusy." “Oh. ’dear. no; something far worse. ‘lt's amateur jealousy." Mrs. BCbobuzILperâ€"“How did the de- tectives happen to suspect him, dis- guised as (he was in; women’s (tot-hes ?" .Biioobumperâ€"“H'e passed ’a milliner’s store window without iboking in." A man without a wife Is a man. down at the, heel; But the saddest thing in Life Is the man without a wheel. easy-going sort. eh ?" “Don't you beiieve noth‘in' of the kind. It is the hardest work in the worid to start him goi'n' at all!" . , A PIGEON’S GREAT FLIGHT. Mrs. Cumsoâ€"“Your husband dresses very quietly." Mrs. Cawkerâ€"“Does be? You ought to hear him when he can't ï¬nd Ins cahlars, or his cuff but- tons become misliaid." CounselLâ€"“What is your age, madam?†Witnessâ€""I 011W know from what I’ve been Lozd. and you just, told me that. hearsay evidence was not valid in court." ‘ Prosperity Blunded Himâ€"“I thought you. said. you saw prosperous times ahead.†"VVelfl I thought Idid. but. the heiress I had my eye on wouldn't. have me." . -. Jabbersâ€"“Wszy have you and Mer- riman quarrefled‘!" Havensâ€"“0h. he's such a perfect ass!" “'Jf‘hen I should think you’d get album all right.’ “What is horse sense, Uncle J im?†“I don't know exac'tL'y, but a man oughtn't to trust himse.‘t° on a bicycle unless he has got it." i ' Yabaieyâ€""Seo here. Madge. why hav- en’t you paid that; 810 as you promis- ed." Mudgeâ€""I heard you were go- ing to heave town." w . _ __-__. â€"""""’B uvw JVu.‘ W'Lfe ever go through your pockets?" Durhamâ€"“1 should say not. She draws my salary." , - ‘ It is reported that a powerful Span- ‘ish squadron will immediately proceed to Cuba on the pretext of attending the installation of the new floating dock at Havana. but really as an ans- wer. to the despatch of the United States flotilla to Florida waters. Itis rumored in Johannesburg that the British South American Company has demanded three million pounds indemnity from the Government of the Transvaal for inmting the na- tives of Matabe‘leland. to revoltagainst, the company, and for supplyingtheml with arms. .All arrangements for the cession of Kassala to Great Britain have been completed, and everything is ready “for the occupation of that town by British troops. The new German Naval bill will de- mand an expenditure of 410,000,000 marks, to be spread over seven years. It is expected the bill Will be rejected. and that a. crisis will be the result. . The European cities of Dublin, Barcelona, and Madrid are to be equipped with trolley systems, and all the electrical and steam. apparatus will be supplied by United States firms. . for criticizing the erratic course Emperor William. Mark Twain is sufferigg from gout in Vienna. and is (pontin. to his bed. He is in good spams anti proposa to remain for a year to write on Vien- m subjects. 01 Farther Back-â€" WORLD'S LARGEST CRANE. but the brave deserve ."Hmy‘niceitv you. did that! And FLASHIES OF FUN. FAMILY momma The Chronicle isltho nut wide Th". Shim" "at door no not on ly mil noma- published ll_ Whit in tho mun: . ’ ‘ .. sewn hart-awn?“ 1-:- MflntLOfGM!o_ j mum-m “baa“ if her hair has preserved its normal beauty. You can keep hair from falling out, restoring its normal color, or restore the normal color to gray or faded hair, by the use of As the swift years steal away. Beautiful. willowy forms so slim Lose fairness with every day. But she stilt is queen and bath charms to spare W110 weer: youth’s coronalâ€"beautiful hair. the fotmdation being of solid granite, and the. rest of the structure of solid mmryq‘ : ‘ ‘ SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Beautiful eyes grow dun and dim The great wall of China was recently measured by: Mr. Unpthank, an Ameri- auStrta~uungary 9.859 32;?40;000 31:040.“ Amo‘ng' the smaller countries. the re- ceipts of Ita'iy were about ten millions. Japan six, Switzerland five, Spain less than five. i’gium foiur. the Nether- Hands three, and Sweden and Norway a little less than three. Every country except the United States derived a net revenue from its postai service. Great Britain coming first with nearly 817,000,000 excess of re- ceipts over expenditures. France sec“ and with over $10,000,000, and Russm third with nearl $9,000,000. [The] United States on t 'e other hand, lost over $10,000,000, according to the fig- gures. [Belgium has the service down to a finer point of business than any other country, paying out only about‘ h-a'i'f what she takes in. Switzerland, ai't‘hough a small country, makes no ap- preciable profit; from her posts, on ac- count of the expense of mountain maii routes. _ t In clheaprness of postage, Germany is undoubtedly ahead of all other nations. City ietters are carried for threeâ€" ~fourths of a cent, and in Munich a company licensed by the State per- forms the service for three-eighths of a cent. Throughout the emi'pre a Jet- ter under hail? an ounce is 21-9 cents. and any weight nip to half a pound. 5 cents. In France the tariff is 3 cents for each and ever?r hat‘itf ounce, in the city or outside. 11 Great Britain the rate is 2 cents {or the first oumce, 1 cent for the second ounce, and 1 cent {ï¬rteach additional. two omnces after a . . I . A SKINS. Etc., Tanned Suitable or RUBES sud COATS by the new prooou, which for Finish and Bottom can't be but. The Bireau of the International! Postal Union at name has published its report of the posts;l and telegraph business of the countries of the world for the last fiscal year. It is incom- pi‘ete in that it does: not furnish exact figures in every instance regarding the number of pieces Of mail‘ matter handled. but its statement of receipts and expenditures of the services is offi- ciait For the principal countries these figures are as follows: ‘ No. of 00%ch Receipts. Erpensm. ‘ German . . 30.115 $97,360,000 $93.9{IL000 United Latex. . .69, 912 79,775,000 89,910,000 Great Britain" . .20, 116 57.325.(}\ 9 «£400,000 France ........... 7.812 44.980.00» 34.800.000 Russia ........... 7.09 32.060000 23.320.000 Austria-Hungary 9.859 32.740.000 31.040000 They Bring Net low-Inu- to livery Covert neat Except the United Slates. The Bureau of the International)! Postal Tnion at Berna has published is. ___, 7‘ Robe Tanning. THUS. SMITH. POSI‘ OFFICES OF THE WORLD Hides. Cow Hides, Bog October 14, 189 W CHINA'S! GREAT \VALL ' Namedâ€"An Idea £33? '“"' umm mama": “a...“ Hashim .C..toc their ‘3 “uni!“ 0: two I.“ lunatic-1.16†u“ tree. PrimOIporbnxbfm' '7 ‘ 00cm)! mlodnn mm «m “Roy Pill 00 Victor-i: 8L. Toma THE “le1!" OF 8500"" â€"_ _ gamma! Dealers in Watches, Clocks, J 43qu and Spectacles, Silver and Flot Wm of all descriptions. Repairing o pecialty. Upper Town, Durban. County of Grey. including a valuable W Power. Brick dwellin . and may flexible building lots. will be so in one or more low. Also lot. No. 60, Con. 2, W. G. 8.. Towmhlp of Bentlnck. 100 urea. sdjolnlng Town plot. Durham. Mortgages taken for part put-chm manor Apply to J AMES EDGE. 1) Oct. 2nd. “Edge Hill. .9. 0 0d shingles. Circular; and Cross-Cut Saws Gummed, Filed and Set. I am prepared to ï¬ll orders for Steam Engines, Horse Powers, Separators, MowersLReapers. -----.w, vvauI-ua, VII“ Seat Ends, Bed Fasteners, Fencing, Pump-Makers’ Supplies, Séhool Desks. Fanning Mill Castings Light Castings and Builders’ Sup- plies, Sole Plates and Points for he different ploughs in use. Casting repairs for Flour and Saw Mills. Furnace Kettles, Power Staw Cut. ters, Hot Air Furnaces, Shingle Machinery, Band Saws, Emery Machines, hand or power ; Creating Farmers’ Kettles, Columns, Church "" One pill taker; each nigllt dm thirty days will cure constipation. AS a laxative, one pill acts perfectly, and if a stronger action is desired a cathartic effect is produced by two pills. In obstinate cases, where a purgative is necessary, three pills will be found sufï¬cient. These pills leave no unpleasant after effect. DURHAM FOUND}. {M U? IN THE TOWN OF BUM“, BIUOUSNESS CUNSTIPATIUN SICK HEADACHE UVER TROUBLES EDGE PROPERTY AT THE BRICK FOUNDR gunmen SMITH LADIES! Mn walla-rm ha.“ Ila-Mud». the. Price 01 per bnx‘ofm.†m..â€"I- ---I_.I _._ _A A- -A ,4 "um-nun. launchâ€"u Dr. W if.“ I. m FDIC! 256. OR 5 FOR 31.“? CURE