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Durham Chronicle (1867), 21 Oct 1897, p. 3

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inn Bti 11 red )ut ratio live 0-3 m It? {a U ll r! 08 nde women to but for u)” Minion has "6 0f 0p¢r4 N” Who an. 1i.4liug_upvo I“ much i; no front [I omen Over Tit! "108$ IS dis... 30 I'- 1V- (“harks Cross. 3 letter carrier of Huntsville. Ala.. has looted adoubtful virtory after having been suspended from duty for refusing to work on Sat- urday. which be observes as the Sah- bath. He is 3 Seventh Da Adventist. The department orders! 11 reinstate- ment on the gnmfivi that there was no disposition to interfere with aman‘s miigious Lx-i-ief. but. the Postmaster was instructed. in case 0mm sh’ould again refuse to work. to report him for im- modiata removal Then: my be a. deadly monotony in the handwriting of the next genera.- tiun in this country. for the “ vertical ”stem " fad has spread to the furthest Ooufiuoa. It. has been adOPted recent- 1 in the public schools of Tacoma. Véashu and at Portablld. 01‘., where the schools already use it and classes am being. formed to leap-n it by peo- ple in varmus walks of hfe. a'lM‘. Roberts haa- instituted whtt he calls the (‘humh of the World in Kan- :33 City. He conducts services on Sunday mornings in a theatre. where the stage is set as a drawing-room in blue and brown. No collection is tak- en up. “The churches have been beg- ging for a thousand years." he said. "and am still in debt." Hie subject hat Sunday was “The Gospel of the “'nrld.” He thinks the churches should progrea as the world progresses. so that a medieval monk returning to life would not find the (weeds the only things which have not. changed since h'u exit. Erwin Battle Creek. Mich. tthrmh- lug machine company a {aw days ago ahppwl a separator to Nebraska by n route s-ilululed to occupy eight. days. mm a man and Na son. taking cupping of food and water. for the journey. haul theximelves shut up inside for the Nip. ' . it is pmtty generally known that the big candy stores Mid the drug stores which emxfluy girls to attend the soda fountains in some of this large nitim rmv seek girls who are not dis- tinguished for beauty. and that in many typewriling agencies preference t; given to girls not called handsome. ut‘little or nothing has been heard of any effort on the part of telephone munipanies in the same direction. The Sheriff of Augusta county. Va.. how. ever. as ma nag!” 0f the Telephone Ex- :hanm at Staunton. has advertised for homely girls as Nelephnne operators. H'n re-xsons have been vainly asked and the puzzle deepens with the promul- gation of the news that the girls 911n- ployed in the exchange marry soon a!- tor going there. ““hat their voices are like is not told. and it is said that their photographs have. heen refined to curious correspondents time and again. It in to he noted tint. according to the Gazetteer. Stumton. with a pn- htiou of lea than 1000, supports our imtitutjons for ma and girls and : lunatic asylum. - A. couple of dozen onions seem atew fur a bushel. but. J. R. Douglas. of Al- bmy. On. has exhibited twenty-«van uniuzm which tOgOLbel‘ weigh sixty 'vo pp\lilal$, or fifteen pounds more t n B bushel. l‘vnvs are heating or warming the {antlers about South Uniontown. Mich. They descend upon tho cornfiaids. in nu mum. and to so far. it is aobarly avcrreul. as to post pickets an the (mum to give warning of the approach of gunnom. -\ runaway horse at. Florence. 8.0.. juuued a. six- foot gate and. the dang- ling chak rein catching on a. picket, the horse’s head was pullledin such mmnor that the animal turned 830m- ornult. landing on its back. but in: gunned its feet and mm on. Hy wiping perspiration from his two wm. the back of his hand while count- ing coin. F. J. Eighmqy of Waterloo. L1, poiwnod his ewes bodily. apparent» 1y uiLh dust from tho foreign accre- Linn-x on the menu. (mun on (.116 mean. u m wanna people eat. at Eaton Rap- id.» Mich... may bio guessed by the re- o-m‘. of a housewife who in a year has bukol 84 103va1 bread. 729 biscuits. 1%) «aka». L56 fined cakes, 191 pies. and 1.0;.th cookinfl. WHM UNCLE 8AM l8 M. b’cighbofly Interest In I'll: Donnâ€"Mum of Moment and flirth Gather“! In. In. Daily R¢C0f¢ 1m one {41111 0931' Flint. Mien. there 1,... 1 110 000 cabbages. .. .i “-4,. .«mars the Indian population 4m «'uuDLy. 13.. has increased by ,~._.r;._ The red people there now I 'umfwu negro. is said to measure eflevvn luv 36-; {rum the wrist U) the UK of the undone finger. The thumb nali, is do- urmecl as the aim of a. half dollar. mans OF INTEREST ABOUT THE BUSY YANKEE. Kty‘s that it docs not know of afarm- er in the count. who will not be able t» discharge a] his indebtedness this yams wigtxo their thoughts on deer. 1:3- trees are being found in num- F.- in [art's of Vermont this (all. One Hour Nun-mule held a honeycomb two 1‘», ' «m: and several mohes thICk. 31mm gages are being paid off. by rea- « v1 41' the good times. in Cowlitz coun- ty, \\’mh.. the inn-nest. on which had u- ,, ML unpaid for two or three Mrs. A.-â€" Mrs. Tompkins a has her: dresses out to clear gig-L7 wSâ€"kmdn' {Kim ‘JJEt 1m hand of Jim vaenson. aLex- “1101' 394. Pfenry of deer are reported in Ver- wq .nJ great numbers of anti . m. the hunters’ anemia: b60253: \ newspaper of Sherman county. 0r.. WOULDN’T CATCH THE DUST alwu; “Mrs. Sturdivant and myself were completely discouraged. A brother of my wife. who was visiting us, advised. us to use Dr. W'illiams' Pink Pills for Pale People, and I purchased a box of the pills and began to give them to Florence. This was in October. 1896. After using the pills a short time we could see an improvement. Her strength began to return and she would sit up in bed. Her appetite was restored and she ate heartily. We also noticed a gradual brightness in her eyes. “We eagerly purchased a further supply of pills and watched with de- light the change for the better that was being wrought daily. From sit- ting up in bed at times during the day and at times standing on her feet, Florence finally became strong enough to walk a little. She gained in, flesh and strength rapidly and the pains gradually left her. In a month's time nessâ€"a confirmed invalidâ€"if indeed she had had the strength to withstand so long the ills of her affliction. " Signed William H. Sturdivant Subscribed and sworn .to before me this sixth day of April. 1897. H. W. Morse Notary Public. Mr. Sturdivzmt sald, "Florence was taken sick with scarlet fever and we immediately called a physician. He prescribed for her and we followed his directions closely, giving our little patient the best of cure.“ After two weeks the fever subsided, but Florence wasleft with every weakhack. Severe pains were constantly in the back and stomach. We did all that possibly strength. “We cannot praise too highly the value of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. I am positive that without their use our child would have been to-day in the same sad oogditiop 9f heg‘eeflr‘lf sick:- suite-d from the scarlet fever. He pre- scribed a coum of treatanent and We followed it faithfully for three months :mt inst/(Md of improving Florence niled. eould be dome to relieve out: little sufferer, but to no avail. The diffi- culty seemed to battle the efforts of the physiciu n. Florence Stu-diva“. or Grllduole Ina-cl, saved From an Untimely [Death â€" let Pure-u Saw lcr Dangerous Indie» meat. But Were Helpless to Aid lurâ€" [low She Was Inc-ed. "Finally at the! end of four {months of treatment we found our patient completely prostrated. At this time we called another physician who agreed with the diagnosis of our own doctor. and said tht the tnoujgl'e re- THBILLING RESCUE. Ye must be partix-ularly careful, said Abdul Hamid, ant to let the amount of this war indemnity become known in the harem.. A YOUNG LIFE SAVED IN A REMARK ABLE MARKER. Among the Thousand Islands is one called Grindstone. It is seven miles long and three wide. The inhabitants of this island are swell-informed class of people who devote their energies to farming and quarryin for a livelihood. In the home. of one 0 these islanders resides Florence J. Sturdivavnt, the four-year-oid daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William H. Sturdivant, In Feb- ruary, 1896, she was taken with scarlet fever, and after the usual run of the fever she was left with a weak back and gradually began to lose strength, until finally, despite the best efforts of physiciins, her life hung in the bal- ance. It was at this crism, when all seemed darkest, that an angel of heilth appeared on the scene and re- leased little Florence from pain and suffering and restored her to strength and health. This remarkable occur- rence is best told in the words of her father. But we must! said the Sultan. em- phxtimlly. \Vhy. man alive. if thnsa extravagant females heard of Hawk :1 sum of money, no power on earth could keep them from doingthe bargain oownters. ‘ Dun’t see how we are going to keep it quiet. repiied the Grand Vizier, doubtful ly.. Of a Gammoque Reshlentâ€"Flkash Fell off from 214 to 143â€"Ahandoned by Physiciansâ€"Dr. Agnew’s Cure for the Heart Saved His Life. Four years ago Jacob Dewitta, of Bhy Island-wear eGananoqueâ€" was dragged aLmost to flhe verge of death by dreadful? heart disease. Remedies fai-ibd. Physicians failed. He was 'tvem up to die. From vigorous man- add he had e 'to a broken ‘deâ€" Spendent w . [He procured Dr. Ag- new! Oureforthe. HJeart. used it faith- fully. fiend to-day 'hse weigh 218 pounds. and Lures to bless the day the great remedy was recommended to him. 415E” “YEW find hbr‘ufiha minim“ warning. It ption.. A 250. hot- '3 Cum m 39"" your life. had'recovered her health and AN ALABAIING CONDITION that swan has: A S ERIOUS DA NC ER Florence J . Sturdivant‘ Almost MW in its Efficacy- Chronic Catarrh Induced Deafnessâ€"- Dr. Agnew 's Catarrmll Powder Reâ€" stores the Hearing With 9.111 its “rummage. John Mm Innis. \Va'hbahuck Bridge, N. 8., say 8: "I was affz' hated with ca- t'arrh which left; me very deaf, but after using one boitlt'e ofDr. Agnexs' s Catarrhau Pom der my oatarth had Weft. me. and I wow: hear as well as ever I did. It. is pain'iess and deligh‘h Dub to use. I got. relief in ten min~ ates after making first. app Ration." The readers of this paper will be pleesed to learn thet there is at least one dreaded disease that science hes been able to cure in ell its steges end that is Ceterrh. Hull's Cnterrh Ours is the only positive cure now known to the medical fraternity. Catnrrh being e con- stitutional disease. requires e oonstitutioael treetment. Hall‘s Cntnrrh Cure is taken in- ternnlly. noting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces oi the system. thereby de~ straying the foundation of the disease. and giving the patient strength by building up the constitution and sssisting netnre in doing its work. The proprietors heyeso much tel h in its curative powers. that they oil'er One Hun- dred Dollers for any case that it tells to cure. Bend for list “Testimonials. Address. I'. J. CHENEY 8t 00.. Toledo.0. Sold b Drugsists. 75c. Hell’s unily Pills ere the best What do you think of kmla's scheme of telegraph-mg without wires? That’s nothing how; my wife has kicked my shins under the table {or twenty years. ANCIENT SYSTEM OF TELEG RAPHY Oh. no! He. is merely a. lunatic, not an idiot. ‘ The beat Cough Cure. Relieves Group promptly. One8 million bottles sold last year. 40 doses for 25 cents Sold by all Visitor (in insane asylum)â€"What is the nature of that poor fellow's hal- lucination? Keeperâ€"He thinks that he invented the various terms used so? g’oflf players. 0f courso. it 1911’ t' ' Important "Offer" For The Canadian Pooplo That celebrated and wonderful Kidney Rem- Ody known as Dr. Alliaon's Kidney “ Buds,” Io 1113ny and justly estimated in the homel of all Englleh peonle in England and throughout .' arena. for all kinds of kidney trouble. 1: now offered to the geople of Canada. A full box as a sample will e sent. to any person gostpaid ,gor ten cents in_ stamps. If yogntake t em yo_u A PROMINEN’I‘. U. 8. PHYSICIAN . PRAISES DR. AGNEW’S OINT- No. it wasn’t. It gave me a. good excuse for not eating them. Gents:â€"-I was dreadfully nervous, and for relief took your Karl's Clover Root Tea. It quieted my nerves and strengthened my whole Nervous Sys- tem. I was troubled with Constipa- tion, Kidney and Bowel trou’ble. Your Tea soon cleansed my system so thor- oughly that I ra idl rogaxned health and strength. rs. l . A. Sweet, Hart- ford, Conn. Sold by all drugaists. 2‘: 2°: °°“:‘e"‘5"‘:::"‘1 '1'::.°'12::'"::12: , at a. 'mite nan y a ..a . Order now. Adqdrou ALLISON MED. 00.. Brookvlllc. Ont. I dnn’t knm'. anout. that; he had played an accordiont WANTED-ӣ13 Housemndâ€"Bewuse the master kiss- ed me, mum Lady-4AM you didn’ t like it. oh? Housemanâ€"011,1 didn’t mind it, (gun. . but the mistress didn’t like u “MOI “Olin-Now Importsflono. lam iah sheep and American bog «sing; I Reliabf 309d} 3 _t right prion. Park. mm .Lady, interviewing housemaidâ€"Why dliy‘m 193?? {our lust‘place? I?!" M. Barkmam B’ hamton. N.Y., Writ/GB: “Send me 12 zen more of Dr. Agnew's Ointment. I prescribe [3’88 quantities otit. It In a great ”1138(1): for tettar, Qalt rheummczoma ‘V‘ VVVM' W‘ ' --'â€"' v-_-â€" and all skin magmas and also acute for piles Price 35 cents box. Shiloh’s Consumption_ Cure cures where others fail. It 13 the leading Cough Cute, and no home should be without it. Pleasant to take and goes right to the spot. l‘llllfln' l DA V 1‘; I) l‘: u u u ULuJu. . ' \va'vvv,.vv â€"" -_ __,-_ -H, __ of the COINIII" It, was brutal] m xpm to fiddle whlle we u. now ambled to etc it to th publlo st m: u.,'..'3.? ublla on’ price“ Thonmdn of who hentofou have I” felt o. o to it. w’lll use: y welcome Rome was burning. I dnn’t know about Athag; suppose M"... i How is your wite coming on with he: cogking jealous? PROCURED in Cm ENTS d; and Forei n Conn- trieq by O. H. CHIS. Pstont Attorney. Omuds Life Bldc-o TOWING Write for free book on patents. etc. LAW” limo. :2 53’: i§fia MAKES T‘H'E DEAF TO HEAR. Am you in pain. my little man Hask- l the kind 01d gentleman. No. answered the hay. Lhe pain's .in A NEW FORQI OF INSANITY. DEDGvHT H AVE B E E N WORSE DREADFULLY NERVOUS. v v- -m ['03 5,0331” 00.. 89 Liolinda 8L.Toconto moo nzwun. $100. J HST THE REVERSE. A LUCKY DISASTER. J63} “a town lquun- ouehold Sputum“. CANDID WPC 889 Send us your name with a. line from your teacher or minister. recommending you as an honest boy. and we will send Ken. ex press paid, twelve plates. size 21x28 inc en, representing the La urler Cabinet in Council. Thie picture is in nice, soft colors. fine rour. perfect like. noises. full figure». 8e! ate km for twenty. five cents each. Boys selling the twelve pio- tures end remitting ue Three Dollere. will receive by return mail A \VATGM, Stem Wlnder end coed ‘l’lme Keeper. Address, "18 OLBOGRAPH (10.. 680 King 5!. W.. Toronto. We Still Continue the Offer : "Ioronto. Ont». Canada to the boys who-have filled their centric}; with us, according to advertisement. Hurry Hazlowood, Paris. Ont. writes: " I received the watch Btsturd‘y. I am much pleased with it, and wish :1! the boys had one." glete sexual solenoo by R J. Jetfcriee, M. 1).. .H. D. If you are married you su:-ely need a copy. Agents wanted at once in every county; :4 to $10 a day guaranteed. Send for circulate. lention this naner and address J. In. NECBOJ‘H _ 00.. 33 Richmond St. W.. YOU FOOL We a‘rq Malling Watches as Promised DOCTORS RECOMMEND Ceylon Tea. flgflfi :33 r-fiâ€"v EVERAL GOOD IMPROVED 60 AND lCO-aere mortgaged terms in the caustic. o Middlesex. Essex. Kent and Lambmn for sale very cheep; smell emonnt down. helmet at a. low rate of interest. For list. a ply to WILLIAM F. BULLEN. Manage: nude been a; Debentune Co..«London. w. G. HARRIS, Blue. SheebMetal Tue deravol Roofer- Bheeh Metal Ceilings. Term Uobm ’l‘lle. Pod, Black and Green Roofing Slam. M601“ Oar- nioea. Felt. Tar. Roofing Pitch. Eco. Gutters. Downpipec. c.. supplied the trade. Telephone 1% Adelaide a Widmer Ste. . TORONTO. G. DUTHIE SONS 9.55:, (amszktqaxmm unwy GREAT: POPULAR OFFER! 3’ nmrmnmnon:â€"IMPERIAL fiANK If your grocer sends you anything in place of SAPOLIO, send it back and insist upon having just what you ordered. SA FOLIO elv ways gives satisfaction. On floors, tables, and painted work it acts like a charm. For scouring pots, pans, and metals it has no equal. Everything shines after it, and even the children delight in using it in their attempts to help around the house. Looking out over the many homes of this country. we see thous- ands of women wearing away their lives in household drudgery that might be materially lessened by the use of a few cakeaol’ SAPOLlO. If an hour is saved each time a cake is used. if one less wrinkle gath- ers upon the face because the toil is lightened, she must be afoolish woman who would hesitate to make the experiment, and he a churl- iSh husband who would grudge the few cents which it costs. H Grooou onto «lb-mun one». mmmuomnbgwmu ludhockmtuflduud nunuumm than! m A REAL LUXURY! William Strut. Toronto. “I" COPPER, BRASS,‘ LEAD. I Your <01! if you got married b o to r o purchasing a 00p! of “ Light on Dar Cayuga," a_ 5303\- TIII II PM YOU- CREELMAN BROS., Georgetown, 0m. KNITTING Cloth. you hall] from hand to tool with our Prlcoo only us. 820, 830. m“ 3”" 51:18:04“ .30- betel. 0:00:11:an run a, ouch-0300a the «add om . mm “mummy.- 23,“; d.. man's. xuoauu-y pub. mint? ”:3... Inluulficg and we“ WWMMWMW“ ‘ll-V «.0â€" 0' tn...“ “an. Crick-mmntm W I: d of. noon to. AGENT; hotd atticlgs." “with for. pgmculul ”BURCH t PARSONS. 31 You. Street. Toroub Kidney “Bud-” Dny by day is winning the good wlll of Oil kidney antler-era. Have {on a pnln In the Bulk. Bladder. or Kidney tron In. just try t on”, you wil‘l ova them. They're in 0d. 2 xog goat pad to any nddreaa for 25c” in stump; be) are 3 highly prized Eng ish Remody. one domed by thousands. ALLIOOI MIC. 00".. Mllh. out. ”6800mm. Thou remarkable pllls are designed to pro- »:oto comfort and cue. and to cure the mony nainful and donuemus dimmers to which tho fomale conctltutlnn la Hobie. They are obs. lutelv essential to those who suffer from 0:- cossive pain ot the commencement of each neriodiculefl'miou. as they at once diminish the pain 3nd motor. natural 3nd healthy action of the ovarian VCI e‘tn. The) requlm. the bowefa, import strength and vltsltty tg weaken‘d uterine ornana, strengthen tho «colon of the hem t. purify the b oml. restoring pole complexion to a heatth ful hue, gin vigor to the brann and nerve centres. to'tlfy t5. youthful female for the tnx upon her (howl... and in ovory period of Mo throuzhmtt motor ntty and the tryinsz change which follow. it. cessation. the att as a remedial hoon without compare. As your druggtst for them and it he does not keep them in alm‘k he can procure ”mm for you. P310. 8110 901' hot“. or C for $5 00. Wholesolo Axon“. Manufacturers A Specific fgr female Cgmplqinto Truth Building, 7: mum 81‘. WEST. “PM Tn'nnto Phat-neon! 00.. lemm. Toronto. THE COOK'S BEST FRIEND FOB TWENTY-SEVEN YEA.“ “BLESS PENM'I’M'AI. PILLS tiny locum 919M, gamma “mirth, LARGEST SALE IN CANADA. MACHINES. Coming to Toronto will find flats of any size, with power, heat, elevator, and Ill conveniences. DR. ALLISON’S (inseam aqua-Igor OLD AND RELIABLE DR. GOODI‘S Evie? Kai-flail“! MONEY MAKE"

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