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Durham Chronicle (1867), 21 Oct 1897, p. 4

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e5 «aHit‘HS’Wli'hH;111311? of the immts. c'hamls :mi 215») of what are Imowu h 'h‘ as tin: County i“.lllliii*‘8120\\' asof ym‘» the hull buiwzu‘ks of British Liberty. Imagine thereforeif you Can ynur humbic Servant cosily en- sconsed in a large comfortable easy chair near the fireplace, for the evenings are chilly, where the fit. iul flames from tine-dried fuel flickers merrily upward casting around a halo of comfort and glow of warmth, any to enjoy but. hard to describe and you here pert of the picture. The re“ you can fill in with bright feces,‘ wanted story. lively anecdote, \V whale \N tht w l M R Oct. DU 1:11AM, ['0 ll Ml [It ON “181‘ 510mm MONEY 0 T0 0 LOAN i. CAMPBELL VISITS MAJOR HELY A'l‘ FOULK’S COURT. count ens. K THE CHRONICLE. Dear Irwin I think I promised you send instalment. of “ Ireland ” ‘. I had the pleasure cf a further untance with it. After spending ll [MERGE E} IiELAND AGAIN 018 week 11) she fore I hurriedly a few. of the im indellibly mm tu give you mial attention given to Loaning1 nsurance, Conveyancing and General Estate Business. CHARGES MODERATE. (3. Arthur Batson, t! )l Fire and life Insurance. Plans. rom 3m Med pet cm Uul Terms to suit borrower. shoul menny and 3‘ mt Queens an us most part \V ll Dubiiu. Oct. ISL, ll M idd Mer's at 5 per cenr- ll a ower Town, Durham. of traciu H! warm hearted, My visit ex- inland throngh ildure. Kings. m :11 House. After spending South of Ireland jot down a few. H‘ESSIOH '\ CI.‘ ~r luck upon me in idea 0! how Ht EJowest if U W l 1t H U rit a tew, which 1897. Ul your 1897 mto 11X I) X Your Lake View Scrihefired at a leaping fish on Hamilton’s Lake. bat the bullet, glancing from the water passed through Mr. Hamilton‘s window, 50 feet above the Lake and buried itself in the oppoeite wall Mrs. John Lawrence and left for \Vinmpeg last week. Mr. F. Shields is laid up “litâ€"h a sore ankle which we are pleased to learn is getting better slowly. Mr. Chas. McKiunon is building a new home on his farm which he has rented to Mr Lunney. ' A Sunday thool entertainment, Slipper and Prize dist-ributinn will be. held on the mmiingut' the 4th of November. Admissiv‘m Adults, 1.30., Children, 5.9., or six for 250. After the stoma work of Mr. R. Barber’s lmtise waq cmnpleted, it hung: tire fur some time but about a fortnight ago Carpenter Gunt‘g‘e Moore and Mr. Julm Muffin got to Work. ran it up with lightning speed and in twudays had it on its pins and closed in. We think this is pretty quick work. MasterJuhnnie Queen has com pietelv re- covered from diphtheria we are pleased to state. Mr. Lunney was pre.<ented by his “ife on E‘nday last With a httle baby gn'l. the [am gaily floats in the gentle breeze the dear old Union Jack. \Vithin, the same general characteristics prevail. The rooms are large, well ventilated well lighted, richly furnished but with an entire absence of that gaudv flimsiness too often seen in newer countries. In every room is a fire place for there are no stoves here ex- lcept in the kitchens and these . are glarge ranges built into the walls and, l therefore, not like ours in any sense. The walls are adorned with valuable 1 paintings arranged with that artless j’art which lends ease to grace while 1the mantels support choice pieces} of statuarr, vases or other likei ornamentation, The Major being a well~read enthusiastic student of nature has one room set apart for Maps, Charts, Globes, Bookswall hearing upon his favorite subject-- lThese charts well repay study and, were very interesting to me for they! represented all sorts of out-of-the- way information such as the heights of mountains, zones of temperature,’ vegetation, minerals, timber limits, tidal waves. ocean currents, depths, of lakes and oceans, working of;I mines, etc.- He has also as well he-‘ comes a military man and a capital ”shot, a fine collection of lire-arms and other implements of warfare in near and remote times, mostly those. having some historic family interest. The library also is a veritable store-, house of curious Specimens of natural 5 objects such as stuffed infant croco-t.’ (lilvs from Egypt and alligators from l‘loritla, birds, minerals, etc. (of, course the minerals are not Stlln‘fltll _1 Nm... ~_- _4_-_...t._._ witty répartee- in any order you choose for there is nothing perhaps so characteristic of these well reguâ€" lated households as the apparent unconscxonsness of restraint, the high bred sense of ease and the gentle persuasiveness of tone, look and manner which inspire confidence and beget a home-feeling which is scarcely possible except at vour own fireside. Thus were the evenings spent either at the Major’s or at one lorothet of similar homes within 11 radius of some miles in extent. Buti the dags 11 ere far otherwise. To be- gin with the Manor House itself (“hieh may be taken as a type of I111: .1111? smh in this land, it is built: of I i t stone. huge. roomy. solid as if to enclme through the ages. on an 11i1y elev tion commanding a View of the! entire estate. plain but. massive in! ,its architecture and surrounded by! a cupola or turret- which forms a splendid vantage point of view while above all rises 51 flagstaff from which aseph Sharp and R. J Matthews down country a tin'tnight ago tc ust noted stuck farms of 1019th '17heyalmdruve out six miim at mentiumed place to a pnum'y pview their flock and see them {chickens bysteam. Thcv alm 9 Made! Farm Stock sale on the are Mr. Sharp purchased a pair ‘0, Pigs and a pair of Plymmh gens. _ My. QIatthews also bought on a favorite 511! your unfathomm h' also is a me: not: a little by Int-2' genial and amiable disposition to flow of soul which is so 'istic of the whole country.~â€"- In is the home, tha centre uh my rambles wexe to cir- e if you like)-~these, the Iongst whom I was to so~ a week. Can you not: anticipate bow swifty the Llld pass and how full of .ml pass and hey might be. (1‘0 be Continued) moth Rm: IL m; 11111156” ““0111 the lam which he travelled. ’1‘! 'turn of the “Master’s :0 seen in his books 211: ; but I must not elnborm 111011. fowl l‘HE DURHAM CHRONICLE, October 21 st, {111(1 If from the 1:41de travelled. The three children 9 our sxx mum a to a pnum'y and see them 11. Thev alw) ck sale on the l‘amworth Terms 10 per cent. at'fime 9f sale. and far the balance terms M.“ be uberal, and will be made known at tune of sale. For fuather particulars apply to DAVID JACKSON, Jr.. Esq. Durham, or to Barwick, Aylesworth Franks, Vendor’s Sohcxtors, Toronto Dated 12th day of October, 1897. At. the sz‘mm time and place there will alm be offered fur sale that valuable store property in the 'l‘mvn of Durham musk:- his: uf Building lint. X0. 28 on the castside of Gumfmxa street in said 'l‘uwn of Dur- ham as shuwu on a plan (Edge’s Survey) of part. «if lat. No. '25 in the first, Conces- si m East of Garaf‘raxa Road of the Town- ship of Glenelg by Band Gibson, P.L.S. Datsd July 18.31 and filed in the Registry ("mice for the County of Gref. On this lot is said to be erected a gom substantial two storey modern brick store and a warehouse. ~ Home in the 'l‘mm (If Durham on 'I‘umauy the 9th «lav ”f Nuvember 12597 at 3 u’cluck p. 11]., the [bile-Aim: m'uherty, namely :~-Lot “Home" 13011 the Eastside of Albert street (:cmtuizliug half an acre of land and Park Lot number 13 on the Northside oi" Saddler street in the Government Survey of the said anu containing 4 acres mum or 165:5. ()u the said lands there are said to be erected a rough cmt one. smrey house 48 x :“1 feet “ml :1 frame woudshed :16 x 13 feet. The r‘x'nper- tyis in Lower Town and in an excellent situa- tum. ie- Miss Minnie Sharp, of South Bend, elf was a welcome visitor at \V. J. of ' Sharp’s on Monday of to ry he Mr. J. L. Brown has gone to Owen Sound to attend the Collegiate of that town. John intends writing in l for a First next summenund he will 33' break his record if he does not get u there. VAlUfiBEE {TN eighteen years while attending spec-l ial services in the old 102, schoolhouse i conducted by Rev. Philip Rose. ' From that time she continted a faith-l Inland consistent member of the; Methodist Church. She was for a numberoi yearfs of rather delicate constitution but was in her usual health until Friday of last week. Her illness at first was not considered seri- i0. 9 Road-119m"Buchan’s Corners. Here he resided until his death. He leaves. ' hc-hind, his aged Widow, three isons Roheit of British Columbia, :Jumes sand William of Sault Ste H 1‘ - 119, andthiee daughteis M125 7. (fr. Smith of this village, Mrs . FiLZell, and Miss Barbara at home. - _-..._.._..‘. J. S. 6111 about U? enccd a ( eighteen ial servic 1811, came to this country over 50 iyears ago and settled in Quebec. After a few years residence there he , removed to Aytou where he remain- ?ed until he purchased a {arm_0n the Lastweek we briefly noted the death of Mrs. J. S. Shields. Permit us this week to give a brief Sketch of her life. Mrs Shields. whose maid- en name was Jane Macihrlon was born at Letter Breen, County Fer- managh‘ Ireland in the year 1841. At the age of one year she. with her parents came to this country and settled at Bolton Ont. After a few years residmxce there, the family re- moved to Narmnnhy, Co. Grey. In the yearlh’iio she married the late J. S. Shields whose death occurred about ten years ago. She experi- enced a change of lwul‘t at the age of eighteen years while attending speco ial services in the old 10;; schoolhouse It is our painful duty again this week to chronicle the death of an old settler in the persun of Mr. Geo. iBarton who died on Saturday morn- fling last in the 86th. year of his ago. Mr. hutcn was born in Ireland in Mr. \V. S, Horsburgh has secured the contract, of building the new shed at the Methodist. church in this village. Mr. J. C. Allan, of London, Spent a couple of days with his parents this week. Master John and Miss Edna Hunt of Rivervie'x. were the gUC‘StS 0f W. Seaman lately. DI W? l and by \‘ir CL n5 I I“ I"! 0F 1115‘ 1H P3895 v‘ief Sketch of Whose maid- cFarlen was the 1U)” EM app! it A 1’71 \V {L's' 0 ll 0V d1 RT‘! H NE It Pays to CHASE’S OIN'mENT { Is a Guaranteed Cure Fa” Wheat ...... ctorixw Wheat. . . Oatsé ............. Peas .............. Barley ........... Hay ............. Butter ........... Eggs per (102.... Apples. . . . per ha: years the) appointed at a 8:11;: The Cullm rmvsmiw. f \ 1313.01'0S3‘0pe fun: ESE: determining the: 3 :3 [Drugs and We 13.S S33 S: our know 10:13.30 13.: 333 class. This 3:: the 5393.303: 331:: iCORIA NDER, CA I“ 33 film-o And for PI 'KL «,8 you muss White \Vine. You want 5 anything else as our goods Sowing :-Lucm‘ne Clovm‘, Chief and Long Amber PM} a large Stock. Get our mic '1'“ -. ”-9222; "‘“"'.* ‘ --n .. OUR. \VAY 0F Pun be offered at so LM' :1 } gmning‘ to appreciate and Why should not you ‘3 LOOEM‘? EQ Eczema Salt Rheum Tetter “Seems Impnssihle ” F2131 11 111110 1:11-;1111 11 1 I" 1- far Market Repart. v‘-1n Hem the mfe 0t PRICE 80 CENTS PEI? BOX DURHAM, Oct 20th, 1897. llui'y CUM IN. ”WE are Lh. T. COHk 4nd J. and 4. respectively. PARKER’S ' , (MIC TURNER. I" I’EPPE ( 3L ll again fmlr 'J or (321011 of UK t wen t yâ€"tl ve luck on M 1'. John 25, 40. 5|] 500. 1897, THS '1‘." MM .‘ i 40m 50 ..... 20m ‘30 ..... 500 team 0 co 5 to 5 That Red Blotchy . Face 3. CEÂ¥LON TEA so 10‘. ' a price, l7 Thafia pure cc t0 to to to to 1:) 80 A full car load arrived Get you; Twine early ham 6 cts upwaxds Fire Insurance promptly attended to. Repair: of all kinds kept in 81903: HAY FORKS, SCI'FF- LERS, and PLO‘YS Plenty of them in stock. Leughlan mfifl‘u to select from. The [4 Wagon always in Stc can buv these at right M‘ic wagon and reliable and to satisfy you. Of 0111K? NOVV is the ti your Binders a ers and be sun 00, but It ake adm RUG Issuer of Marriage Licenses. u. CALDER. T ”WI N E S and mt DLU 9‘0, NOV Lower Town: I‘lCGS ill 1 full 310W- md bm‘ in the “Yorld it points prom Others unite-1 5mm or me NAPOLEI J. W‘ R. hl “real?“ flop-rim Ada-Hr” Mum-y the I Mama's f’mu 6mm. and. h‘ ‘ ELlswon h. ( not. A few ‘ uflbmd this BATTLE ursat in $3.3. In i. m 3| “ In ad. ton. on Livenml. J “3 Y Pmpfing \\ H3} [mil .1 ion. 1“?" ' to his hirtbp w Wate rho. a day Fri“! went «1|an palm! into ins“: neat [In in of a Bl Wchlingwn ' V ' frontier on th' my “1‘“ ‘ (“gm on the fire, umber hlfi “’0 hrrrn ftb r Jud BOG mall. «I it Marsha. I! .()‘ (U!

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