West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 21 Oct 1897, p. 6

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G R EAT BRITAIN. Giasgow has decided to hold national exhibition in 1901. The gain in the Canadian Pacific wa y earnings for/the last week in tam her. as compared with the c spouding period last year. of two dmd and fifty-five thousand dolla regarded as strong proof of the provement in ' husmess throughout mntryd ' trade. ” penmg for o v to be {the intention elsewhere. . 88 DOB- of France to force Siam into ‘85- . .. _______ The lune. W1“ Inkely be open f01' salage. unless Great Britain Inter- t ”"8 “mm- venes - ’ 51x GIRLS BURNED TO 1 gain m the Canadian Pacific rall- The S“ uss Rational C‘mmml ropose armngs for/the last week in ep- t0 118110008 529 r as compared thh the ~ .. . .Destrncuon or flu- (flrlu' 1‘0" twin hundred mnhon , , . . . .ear. of two hum of dollars. ’l {90th Dakota Industrial S nd fifty-{we thousa d . '8 The. French SteamshipCom ' of the un- pany wrll’ A despatrh from Pl’ankint a new flee of fast sayszâ€"The girls’ cottage at oughout the steamers for sex-nee between Hans and l Industrial Ya ' New York GREAT BRITAIN aged 13, of Gr g D , Mabel Fober, aged 9, of SIC - Gen Weyler denies the report that l Bessie Ker , a ed 14. of Hot 0" “3 ‘9” ’a" he ‘will resist .mmoval from Cuba,am 113m Wa by g_ ‘harles \Vyke. formerlv British deczares he vull lovall General in Central ' {e was eighty-two y {a lamp exploding 1 fashion who aim to (10 event] . t removed threatens to ’ 1118 Eng: 1813 (hr it. A foppish 1 H . at the age of make things unpleasant for Spain. (than. who knew no English, but .0 3earq 'e was a younger t 1 , â€". i . - - _'1.‘.e ess calls himself '1 gen the late Cardinal Ne“ man 11:: a?§;in§nwfifidgi.m%gnilfgr ‘ “Pm 5’ [an DB his Ang'omama hnizl fever at Maidstone. Kent \Vi'liam said that he Ought to ”7931- write Eng after the names 01 reading. ere are now thlr- 01's of the. Lind ‘lee', as it is larger 1" “horn 135’ ' [red eases of the disease and than his own ' are houra' reported. with a gun chm-go through his heart. {It is sup that death was .accidental. He had been out shoot- me. ' The yellow fever epidemic in myoung Englishman named Seward OrleanS' is abating. wan killed near Elkhom by falling I . . wh‘o isa candidate . or the Mayoralty of Greater New n increase) in real' and personal Y rk, d l . values to the amount of $138,000 ove t er. 8° ares hlmuelf to be a free 511059 of last year. , .‘ .. V ‘ _. 4 Itis reported that the Belleville Elec- (.ufigrgdgt ”‘8 3"“ “’1‘” “‘“t “I" trio Sheet. Railway has bee n the Bro .dw v," w York, n purchased a a‘ \e cable cars must shave off their M'his- kers and beards. of a demand in Winnipeg for Crow’s N est a matter or (199 inter st t "Hutu m “u“ “was“ 3 ”UNION ma VERY LATES‘I'FROMALL ms {civilized warm." 8 0 the “we UNITED STATES The mflita ' ‘ "'- woawovm mm mg Win Offers of Canada and New South Wales Influxâ€"(flowing tlu- Indian i “fittest“: lulu About Our Own Country. ’3: 53nd .trooga t0 a.ssist in quelling ~l’fl'flm- In Brnhh Exports. 0m: Brawn. tho llama sum, .M’ 6 Indian dlsturbance. so as to help - A d ‘ '3 w 4 ‘ forward the ufztemhangeamfity of home SD 98m h from 19nd” 53‘ the I’nited States Counsethé . , .' meat of a British rotecto 't It ' ”Sm London in regard “the 0! “ lnnfpeg. F . , . . (finally Sgtlffied thles Of the. Union Pad“? road. The innipeg for ranch efforts to make t '. z nxess" 8 ha ' c. _' . A ;n p-fl- Dn:l““_4 ork on the CTOW,3 Neflt, Iquwtion fl. plirnnnnâ€" -â€"â€" he Egyptldn “g 8 [gen re 91“: .__. 1 £12?“ and fasserts t THE VERY LATEST FROM ALL ms , civilizegrwf) WnDl n (“mu m - h Whflw oi)“, nun swam to the , ~~-~rv-vu° treac- . en t e' . .‘“‘ “yeah Dump, the Umted States, however, they f th _ _ 3"?“ WLVIU we cone-U- the British colomea ,end India,he con- __--.- ‘ out: ue- sum 0 e that. ‘ 1n Ottawa tends to show that 11 th k “(91? gwept tuck. Four ' t . t eluded. a unted to nearly £1,300,000. “£15630”? 33:3}:me boat "'5 were . A special despatch from \\ ashm ton‘ and the to 31 cost of the famme was troubleWIth regarding Great B ' ° ‘t to more than fee in the North-“fest thls - - _ . (1 brought the mgy wlthm two chums of the ehore when It Capelzed and he “as dashed Inltmtor or t on the rocks and kzlled fused to Canadians through Unlted 1113-11 {01‘ sending 13-130 quantltlee 0f I There are no marks of etates territory Slothéngto the dsufferexa m find“??? 1 . , e name an pague, a e . 7 .-~ . ' 1:110:13“, bers of the mm_ Reports from the commercmllthe clothing so collected wumgdjstri- FNGLARDD STAGE BEAUT} ~ a mem , t 1488110188. of Dun and Bradstreet re- , buted “nth remarkable suocem. align-and tinevolfntnfggfrgifil port lrusmese generflly as fairly pro-l ' o mza one n c ' r 9 my ad a. result of the p gres‘nng, though su h i A lay claim to,I . . ’. despatCh CO the I)3J}y ' ,v , 08 388501211" ,5 ro- . adverse c1rcu'm- , Cg _ . . _ , _ Mm" ' _ m t C1 . . ' . stances as dry weather, labor compli- I h, Transvaal Mm â€" 9 0f the Fromm-ml: Medical cations, and, in some. quarters, Door ,. ~ ‘ ' doctor ”mat collections hm... :â€" A 19“." Britis}; yPars Of 3.89. ringleaders in the St. view said that if the United 8 Penitentiary disturb- Government approach m renovod to K'mg- Government on the s ‘ ' ed tragic yelations be from Quebec that a, Oouqtrles .‘t would be mmivm‘ “ ps Which tn; ’ Company steac «'HVrenm for the l ’98 that meat. near St. en from I 1-06 mm Gazette u. I! t’e‘ifers oftC send ra hr Own Country. ' Iltod States. and f the Indian forward th e. Condensed Ind and colonia h3- Great B: L. firmly root‘ 1 there is a r' wealthy harness tion 01 the Mr. Fieldil Commissioners of Finance, 16 men to join don to 11030 ' “.011 Doupds, ‘ era in the St. View and t. Itiary disturb- government md to King- overnment. - ed trade rel; countries it Lebec that 8' proper spirit. ed and wound- . eat at Mont- UNI- The yellow uned Seward Orleans‘ is ab; 11 bv fallino a, i rt es .Luetger r was his wife «1 statvm 60:36 thinks th4 ' as it, is f0 6 the his innme has Wife a 3 De- sion of the t'lgat A Special “Ith regarding thlS jOin the p] -vuwbl ‘lel' w-BpuLJLCS 01 Dun and Bradst . I ' ‘ " alrly pro-I , labor oomph-j u auuoment in which he thinks the: (use for the Sttw as it is founded on iies. If his iqnmence, :g-nd has still A spemal despatch from W: yegarding Gmat Britain’s I Join the proposed jug-handle emce at Washin 18nd mUS'f. ho lerm-mLL A despatrh from Pi'ankinton, ° School, burned at midr ___â€"-v-- III. “no..l‘ Tildie H’ooper, ng department; aged 13, of Grafton r, aged 9. of Sioux F. :1); GI! \auomal' Council propose the railways of the coun- at {\v'g humdred mimic!) *IN'SU'IH‘UGII ; South l SteamshipCompany will! A des at not: llneAV fleet Of fast . garn- 'T‘Lr , .- markets; FUR pe is dying isflargel‘y to British exports. W. . . n'tradicted. His H ' ' ' . . . r his usual health. 1 . ” -penmg for our toods m be LtheOmtention I elsewem- -,-..wbv has wen received in reply to { “151113, between G; an inquiry of the ConsthGeneral, cab- where flat. rocks, 1 16d to Attorney-General McKennmâ€"l extend seaward a 1: ”To the Consul-General of the United [In dirty weather 3-1 States, London,-â€"-'1‘-he road has not been .‘ the steamer, in cl the Schiff syndicate. It will lent approached. the Canadian be said ’ adding. the Canadian Minister nee, vyho has arrived in Lon- was consistent with Vember 1. ’McKen-na." . It is learneditain' aroused too I: that there have been several attempts " 3V3“ the danger, an to organize a syndicate here for the,even 5'3 the order V purchase of the Union Pacific railroad her head out to sea : It is satisfamnn. u relations between the two i}? would be received in a we American ueo he. has gone forth that con- pessimisti" I p the Broa.dway,New iork .. ' " must shave off their Mins- conversat ' ' anadian Premipr .Qi'v- ' C'Oinafl'n nf fl:l'9nn _)-1‘ . the. world, there 5 command m ‘ threatens to {he £112"qu (10 it. aim to do ev \. A few for Spain. Imzrn. who I: . new no English :AKaiSEI‘Fried-g Ihelefis Cam's nimcmf‘ -- " i)" hâ€"- I ‘0 . . u. Lurks, as Wei} as in ‘ n. W eyler “1H! 3 I 1 0111 Washington and the to 31 cost a in’s refusal to more t1) an £10,000,“ handled confer- The Lord , ’. says that Eng- address of thanlrn hr 'n In nnnnnn ‘ of the possible deposi- ive and the establish- ) protectorate. It is t'fectually snubbed the 0 make the Egyptian‘ “19% Pan one. 1e Canadian Minister has arrived in Lon- "To a loan for two mil- Stat 8 course of an inter- e. fthe United States 50“! aehed the Canadian he- s e subject of impmv- .. mint will at once of silver dollars, mstructmns re- DURHAM CHRONICLE, October 21 ty [election I the whole Pall Mall 1 cc of the uth‘YIQIes que mg as to help 5' ofhome s; Q IX GIRLS BURNED TO DEATH '88 Ve ry 5 Escaped in their hje origin of the fire 1t.wa,s pgobablfy can ',J ’message has been received an inquiry of the Consulhc - â€"-.u yupp- ” m warneaitmu, aroused too late it there have been several American people, holds . ut quickly, and the 1 imistic views in regard to the sta- tr 3031.61" despite ' h t h (if? below) sea, made , . wit ou muc i icu ty THO hours 5 and future 0f tthep‘JbPC' The after striking the steamer went down en’s long conversation thh the hows first. and the boats dian Premier, Sir \Viltfr' SOME LATE CABLE NEWS I THE QUEEN’S OPINION OF THE UNITED STATES. 'Glrls‘ (‘olmze at Industrial Schoul. m PL’ankinton, S. h from London says:_‘ a \Vash'in'gt OI] quotes â€"â€"â€"-‘. 3 are receiv' the qumriggog: ”3° Um'é‘fl States. nnA TM 11‘1‘9 of _" VJ Imildqu Inglon quotes At- [JUIY 28 she nnaassaying that; saloon and InQujries through sengers, incl -----__ _ . The folflowing 1' treme northern 'ed in reply to’ insula, between Gisborne and ILGeneral, cab- I, Where flat 1' ocks, awash at hi LLcKenna:â€"- extend seaward a. mile from “1 - . l1_- H - nf fkn T-u-L ‘ ILGen. or at?)- j through I TBS. f :0 fparticularS. i‘SIâ€"A deâ€" I When the Dealer in all kinda of ling The [1y_au tn, â€"â€" '- m“ In dirty weather and LI- K’CK'd 9 0f MUSIC AS SHIP FOO-NDERED. 0f "(Puffin In the ‘anrk n mania. 00' .‘lulmi l’c-uinsa: the brief announcement *, 1897. , ' in Charge of nearer into 1 eplessness . h, smotne L.f_L l n IIIIIII safety. true and Napier "h at high tide, ’ from the shore. On a. dark night 'nltflfully u .‘I‘ scientific uox ON 9“ COPYRIGHT. Anyone sending a sketrh and drank)?! n, .rce. uhvthcr m. mvcl Hominy pateptahle. (‘mnnmniv ' ' flu. 'n_ttfl.fully ”lush-Mm. ' ------ off the enuné' Bur hX'W'i: , an In rynut "HT" nu]. WOQI. '. ’ ~~'.'~'. lvrmsw V 11mm: (4' 'J‘l) u Your ' “firms and 11.1.3 1, free. Address J. MCKECHN CHTS to. ‘9”7799091 may .mventmn 1.; mus Mrirtlv '-.---- d0 80 On a, slren tement. and“ m 31" nctev ‘od _ IZZinCsS aroma 81w OOHVIYAICIB I A man! amen! humo- Oloo'loxt door £06”de Honey wlend. Monevinvu Purim: bought ad Q, resumed nh old imam -.~ od‘olocn any’amoum of :1 Cute. Old mortgagee pa; nutlibeulterme. fire In umekctedin the best 5:0 u lowest um. Corre- Orchu'dvill P. 0.. or a all 4 AME-S CARSON, O Auctioneer {a n Lnnd \‘flunwr, Bulizi 1 Court. Sula and all oxhe sanded Una-highest n f required. l CGH MacKAY, Darn! star lad Liceneed Ana County of Grey. Same: pro to and notes cum-d. Ofiioe hour» 9mm WM be at! the Con first \Vedncsda)‘ in <- ER S, ETC. Honey {01030 at lowest m: D. JAC‘.‘ Clerk Divi-ion Coaru .\‘o; lucas, Wtight Orncuzâ€"In McIntyre the Knnpp House, Durham OBN QUEEN. URI- HA ARRISTER. SULH‘I Upper Town. Imrhan Agoncv promptly an ended .‘ 'vh? mgiILX‘)‘ Univt'. Barristers, Solicitors. ABRISTHR, 801ch L. Gran“ Hon.) Any amount of Hu);.r}‘ on farm prcwert}. .25.”. to loan a t fl. AHES BROWN, Esau Licences, Durban, Ont. WI! be at the ¢ Prineville. first We mouth. winesâ€"Fwd door by Pharmacy. Cal Mamâ€"First ¢ Pout Office. Durban. BARRISTERS NOTARIES. ¢ DR Licentiate of that Phukiuns. Edinbm flora and Residence. 01 Hull, Hoktein. Diseases of E\ 15 THROAT. Office and Rasidem wt of McAlliswr’a Street . Lower Tow n. 12 to 2 o'clock. v. HAVINGHT, m . B. LUCAS, Mani 3. A. BATSUA. D1 [outat tllowed o punts of 81 an attention nude ed customers Ii A general Rummy ed. Drafts issued 1 on .n paints. Dvpoj tenet snowed at c1 an Authorized nerve Funfi . ' 'R 830 WN UH Run I ms CE Elliott G. LEFBOY Standatd Ba aria in ail pri‘ uric. Quebec. 3 Sums and ’. JAMIESOX. I A. L. BRO\\'.\' SAVING} .M isrel I an a Durham Legal [/17 llc‘ml (Him Medical DENT NE US’I‘A. . Solicitor. OLBCI‘ I05 P 50.4 H( d (18‘. BIG u H! i0: \‘1

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