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Durham Chronicle (1867), 21 Oct 1897, p. 8

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fathpr his title but to his aétcmeJ ment. name such came The steel marry' -â€"a.ver diégraceful pcsi tim. mimim‘i‘s that { have, with ever: I napeaking- th/us. Philip had nerver ' ' .- .. . 1' those dreadfu , had earned his father his title: but to his astonish- h t n “tumomgxy nable as she drew _ _....., .. wcaa wnwe as a s ee eater d an event that was no Ion - “By what authonty." he asked ' ' g . . ,- . , :istani. She could not but. harsh whisper. ‘fdui you announce me z-motxoe a change, in Philip’s manner on 35 8"3851‘86d t0 M188 L90 9" . .. . 1 occasions when he was able “By my own. Phlllp, I had It from to want Iher. of which the most‘ ma rkerll both your “PS that you were engaged. ,fl-e-vellmmenlts were fits of silence and I dxd not choose that it should remain eritability. A ‘ a secret any longer.” became more and more not’ee‘ahle “You 113:} no right to make that as time wenlt on. led her to {(39.11 that Speech. 1 wxll not marry Miss Dee: un- lf‘here ,1 . ’ ' derstand once for all. 1 will no .11. speaking thus. Philip hml nerved '. hmlself to lrmr tune of those olre-ulfnl 'merce bu t which was none Hm 1mm outbursts of fury that had earned his galllim." “I 1- fathnr kl“ ‘uL ‘ - . mull}! [I he Who brace- The somew‘ silence. “Well, Philip, how did from his hand, it was whit “By what authority." be harsh whisper. "did you :11 aa‘ 21183ng to Miss Let! 9" uncut as best he might, for he had not the morm‘courage to repudiate the posi- tion. EL: felt that his father and forc- ed hjx hum mmpEPtely, and that there was nothing to he don». and sunk into the (butwurd. calmness of despair. But ast. as he! éat ‘ and sipped his great- would have â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" â€" v-v lune only p health standing; and such was the pa- could rely the old squire's speech, that the 10mg “ 'ere eyes among those present ifibfwdui‘] health 9 no returning. of thanks; we will spare Philip his blushes. But before I sit down I will bid you all farewell, for I am in my eighty third year, and I fear that '1 shall never see very many of your faces again» I wish that I had. been a better neighbor to you all, as there are many other things I wish, now that it is too late to fulfill them; hope that some of you will now and again find a kind thought for the old mam whom among yourselves you talk: of as Dexviil Caresfoot. Be- lieve me, my friends, there is truth in the old proverb: the devil is not al- as he deals with Maria Lea! that all who come “under her infhlence will love, and this engagement is to me the most joyful mews that. I have heard for many a year. May God, ay, and man too, so deal with my son "You all know Miss Lee.” went on the old squire, “as you knew her father and mother before her; she is a. sound shoot from an honest stock, a girl after my own heart, a girl that I love, and iog was the only one in all the com- pany to observe it. In another mom- _ ' ‘VAIAR3 INC, un- once for all: '1 ”will not marry {Eng thus. Philip had nerved ) hmr (me uf those nlreadfu of fury that had e-annad h' . ; bu . . uses that followed this mmstam ”Look auinlr .. VOL I an 1e together in the des- om. Bhéllip was seat- is face buried in his father was standing _. tapping his eyeglass mantel p.ieoe4 It was .e somefirhat uzfimous how did you like my the son lifted his face was inbe as a sheet. _â€":‘.â€"_ ‘- , â€" -‘.U to his astonish- e. The steely he answered in r. and that was .IOUV 01g. map 'a-nd his r086, actuated by and drank the ee; un- I'Otheré \{fi marry ”118‘ up I] the Drill was watch- finally t9 rmmatéd rabou the afternoon by Philipfi Ipartum to! catch . Shortly afterwa "Lor', Mrs. Roberts", as Hilda, was $11611, she mid. "don’t take our like that; they're all bru t“? that’s What my ara: ‘0' 0.an n-.. -_ . Please ycmrseli. Philip, pléqse “A; pass that ygurself; it is a matter _ h dfifeâ€"remce to me. I am very flond of night 33 W3“ " George, and shall be glad to do him the com- a good tirn it you force me to it, 11118111 her mom- though it is a pity to Split up the pro- parimt 3 his: ack- gefitw- {Bat probably you will like to as. in As {61‘ that lady herself. whilst far from SUSpectizng her good landladv's gloomy surmlses. shp certainly :{éll JaCO'bS 33.011; gre‘v m8“ lower, about, cumsta'mces and a ma‘n’y an! imaging to say, her most failed to ___â€"WUV LU ' L ' lie so conven- jent for: him to get at a. ' 1â€"" "cut: concerned, honest Mrs. 50 )s snow grew fond of her interest- 1 hose husband’s (11r- msta'nces and ' ' . ' ‘ , - One of her favorite fico ms w as that her lodger was the vicâ€" “ILI meWhnt bitterly of gging him to tel! 113 any prOSpect of to take her rightf an) her husband was unzswer satisfactorily {99 was nothmg to h derstaond once and for all.’ that where name appears in my will With [reference to the unentailed and per- sonal property, it will be erased, and that of your cousin George substitut- ed. Please yoursell. Philip, please Qflferem‘c‘e to me. I am Vfll'tr Anna -2 nverH‘SS to prevent their col- child is to support a falling the only power left me is "M. ”m, “mm: you, sir.” Said Mrs. Jacobs, r1 Philip's manner on “but I do not. let rooms to single gen- 3 when he was able. “omen." ' lich the moat} marked! ”You take too mur-h for granted, 8 fits of silence and ma’am. I am married.” ertain reticenoe also. She. looked, at him doubtfully. "I and more noticeable Suppose, sir. you would have no objeC- led her to feel that tinn to giving- a referenve.” ibl‘e somethinggrow- "A dozen, if you Iike. mu’nm, but Bmâ€"a.something that Shall we. look at the rooms?" I 9ssed "11' SW‘h astrlk- JIrs. Jacobs assented, and 3 her t0 attempt to {nude their Way upstairs, George keep- gist fiifimtthevlefs mg in front. On the first floor he x , . 'e 3' - ' ' I ".' ‘ events narrated in em a. pau‘ of ad} 5 shoes on a mat ' i ' . z t whom 13 had taken the OC- films de the door 1nd guessed o ‘ v 1, mm Philjp to 00:11-! 5‘5. “emitted- l 4L-h1 cancerpedj, honest LB these ideas took her mind that she them. and when 0 any of her other 8 her head and talk ’ as a lamb and a herself. whilst far ‘ good landlady's 1p. certainly fell .â€"A__ It Should the marriage if: 1 through. except from cir- emtirely beyond your _con- --\, A vvmoz nu mu.” “SEPIK' obs assented. and to attempt to QII‘S. Jae they none the Jess made their way upstairs. George keep- ing in front. On the first ffoor he t . ' 3:1 w a.' pair of lady’s shoes on a mat '8 narrated 1n 1 outside the door. and guessed to whom 00' ”195' belonged. - ¢ ’ “Are. these the rooms?” he 33111:}, lay- - ”1 hi H o ' . -han( e. mu her When I Q 8 hand up n the door “No, sir, no, they are Mrs. Roberts’; kghtful D'a0e41neXt floor, please, sir.” , . "Mrs. Robertslâ€"I‘ suppose the yery :3: qmgieyn: handsome. young lady I saw come mto ‘ L ' ' 1" ,lut a. to be got. out the house. No offense, nu 1m ) f ' l ' . e he '1: she Changed: $3118 bound to )e careful “ her ' O '0 - i ' ’s all her Mama Lee rigs???” his “’f8 I Suppose She ' 19d] {1, Qan'ninn i a genuine) W her, how LS any pro. ,. .and other 9. because few )e so conven- London; and dfeclarad that r make any. mrsation she one 18 propensi- . V Operty had Witt ur own'audmirab- ask you to ‘un- all.’ that Where THE DURHAM CHRONICLE. October a > good .. - ' . Iv ‘ - I'V‘ .uJ'Ltuy. \‘ Lu... ‘. 13-3. \ne painted for breath as l ', the steps, and, turning, said saw that made the latter I gnher-boy took the oppo V mg :1. rapid retreat, leavinfl owing after him from her own floorstep. As soon as Hilda had gone into the. house. George saw his op- portunity. Advancing politely. toâ€" ward Mrs. Jacobs, he asked her if she was the. landlady of the house, and, when she had answered in the affirma- tive. he made inquiries about. apart-l merits. ' On the doorst Hilda logged. st. mgr a. piece of her mum to ~ I ep of the house. whore ond hpr landlady giv- . 2.1 butcher both as}. regarded lngJmaster’sf 2“" ’1.” "A-"‘“ i 4 --.- UV .muuwus 1111] News. Needless to say, George fol- lpwed. at a, respectful distance. His first lIDplUSP, had. been to go up and speak to her, but; be resisted the invfin~ satin-n, “VI mmxuvzwe Hilda walked slmvh on . , Lune then turned to the. left till she came into Holhcrn. and thence made her mu round 1)) another route bunk to .Linco! n’s Inn fields Needless to SH, lowed ”t (L Winner-f9"! ,a:,‘4.,.__"_ ". He was, however, also 3. ve , ry shat] 5 one, so sharp th at he even noticed sha- -' (lows. especially when. as in this case the shadow was clearly defined and hunglifewsized on the dark background of the books before him. He watched ', and as its owner, . Sluwly passed from the bright sunlight into the shade of ' , it struck the astute George that there was somet" .ung familiar about this particular and by no means unpleasing shadow. “'aiting till it had Vanished and the footsteps (20119 past him, he turned round, and at a glance recognized Hilda von Holtzhau- lsen. )USS Lee’s beautiful cwnpanion., who was supposed to have departed in-f t0 the. more distant parts of Germany. ' George’s eyes twinkied, rind a whole host of ideas rushed into his really able mind. ' I "Caught at last, fur a sovereign“; ‘9 muttered. ! . Meanwhile Hilda walked slowly on j' illlto ‘Cllancerj' .Lélne. ‘1an in rnoJ +n . _ ...... uul llCl step. As soon as Hilda hadg (he house. Geqrge saw. his He p L‘v “ “Mr? Rolxirts.‘ has his reasons. Mrs. {"2ch you. must not talk of him like at." “Alh. so (my Samuel 1139.11 to say when: he stopped: away {rpm home for three nights at a time..tlll I followed him and found out hrs ‘Reason,' and a mighty pretty ‘Reasom' she was too. all paint and feathers. the busy. and eyes as. big as a teac-up.. They all have their reasons. but they never tell ’em. But camel .919'dQUt 0?] your things and vi . 5’9?! buslwnd am'f noth‘LH'g'EB-Vhifij: : J My husband. let me tell you, Mrs. refit-“9:2 qcobs 18 not a. brute that all," 90be , H1lda- with dignity ' "A‘h. Mrs. Roberts that is just! what :1 1856 E I used to say of Samuel, but he gmafi, the ° est brute in the three kits-f mtgr, doing. or all that; but if you! ask me, e. a glsea-niing no offense. I (ELI a man a brute Chamber. ,' on Y' OOmJes to see is lawt‘ul ~. . about twice. a month. let alone 1113. Wlfe Onymous king- .1 ’ an a .. C erk 3 ha Hugger]: _ClrÂ¥_.1 . n , ,, 1 v tho nH-n '_ ‘â€".p e, sir.” â€"I suppose the very lady [ saw come into ffcnse, nm’am, but a hercameful where he q‘lmgutg,_poor_dpar, he was;.'St. r n SJ‘Hu Asked he‘fflif S‘fi’é h?110_1138._ and F, afi'SO a very sharp! here. “‘23; he even.notmed aha-5 h." the. f glen. as In thls case, I and P081 Learl'df' d T '1' 5 e me and g \x mt ha leLgiigrk liackgrollnd ; bfle and \ ‘ -V‘-"fiu l'nilcr this art-hm 33 they drove home u seller had built his ,‘ great dinner-partyâ€"-d( windows of broad! my mad-er, Bellamy w anger! specimens; of, “well, how shall we s *8, baits (:n which l g9 to the old man to-m aVflrlCiuus of '8,qu hm; m‘y certified mm 0 ,m thilsiday standinn; “N:); we must act; entered Philip .xed on a ' :‘“'hy?" ' inccessiou.1 ‘It is mom a {enlific Caresfout. more amusi.n.’cr ’ Tnfl fol- His -v - -v H IL 1 kit; a “10‘" [4‘ b:l.tflph-i her. Don’t you. Elke her?" hi? enz’ ”N9.” should? "“hy not?” Sonl‘p-' “Because she did not irust me. He had } and because she eclipses me. Therefore mnectâ€" I am glad of an opportunity of dest roy- aitingl In? her.” ~ yelling “You are a. very ruthless woman.” re: for "\Vhen I have an end in View I youn-gi "larch. ‘Stl‘aiigbt to it. 1: d0 not vaniL VAL u w-“ “we. auu uuug open' the 5: Window: she, seemed stuffed for W‘m‘r of , 1 air. Then she sat down to think what ’she shuuid do. Vanish and leave no I truce? Nu, not yet. Appear and (Cain! {her place! N1), not yet. The. time was 'n-ot ripe for choice between those (“0 extremes. Uphraid Philip with his faithlessness? No; not: without proofs. , \Vh-ai did that hatefui letter say? ,' “\Vait and watch,” yes, that was what 1 Ishe would do. But she could not wait: ’here; she felt as though she must go , get some Change of L or she wowld break down. She had heard Mrs. Jacobs speak of a ‘villag go there for a. week and watch the nnntle over- the earth: ' u-q. \â€" IL'K-‘(l'l llt’llle 3 by the; first. train to-mu: .und pnst another letter 5’ what has happened here I back and wait.” ‘ "Ay," reflected Georg wonderful womanâ€"a wan to have some hold over " “79 left Hilda. siren.- soang. But; the, fit . inpg. She. rose. and f EMISSIONS STRICTURE CURED H m--. .câ€"uuvu, and she opened ‘- =r V.. .--., a. .u, rouleSS woman. letter. “When I have an and 111 new _ I Fifteen march straight to it w ‘ .. , ’ lateâ€"that is all. hem we are near home. Go to by the first. train toâ€"murrow morning "I hope 1nd post another letter o 9 a fig 33.11"." for she was a what has happened here. Then , Mick and wait.” . “No wonder," she went on, “no wonder that he finds her name irritating upon mv lips: no doubt to him. it is a desecration. Oh. oh!” And she flung herself on her face. and wept tears of jealous rage. “\Vell,” said George to Mrs. Bellamy, as they drove home together after the great dinner-party-do not he shocked, my reader, Bellamy was on the boxâ€" “well, how shall we ssiri-ke.a Shall I go to the old man to-morrow. and Show him 1113' certified copy. There is no, time (.u lose. He might die any! Thet'éfiumg Hilda. received an an- onymous letter, ° clerkfs 1min, that. had been posted in is mom sviesntific '. are. amusing.” 1 and It “Poor thinéIHif. will be a |_ Y\“‘,‘ ’. fiFEg‘T manâ€"a. woman It is hoid over.” 21, 1897. 9 did not trust me, e eclipses 1116. Therefore opportunity of (lest roya George, "I h at own. She had ak of a viHage Lrs from London dger OE hers had _ - -wJ-a' vwo Jae, 1181 Finally afriend inducesczg t ed me ill a few weeks Ly. I have never heard 0 bl â€"‘ . in the hand- She Openqd it; 0n fipr face inspected the 138 t n' the wt of a. vacuum“ {gs/Ibo“! y. “Angus J aholor. gen- gmhfi‘; oltzhausen, woods L J- FeW. Ailas! sh. itt, Eliza and not IS a gnod {e The Sulâ€" E! nâ€" \V ha t {low you are, to h _-_â€"‘â€"â€"u ‘VUIUHI)UK. ' Miss Skinpennyâ€"This ere cheap but- ter ain't fit to eat. . Mrs. Sâ€"No, it ain't. Run into Mrs. 'Gnodsoul’s and borrow :1 pound. S her [always has good butter-41w highest- priced in the market. _ {H F 11031 T H E Master of t he Sem ustriuus, I have‘ anus Joke. I told yd row? “Betterâ€"ah yes, Sm? um cured; quite cure quick with the. things, by the nine o'clock tr M rs. for 1 I ’1' YOU» DIME! w." Sally re-tiM,y a ‘44»‘r A N -\Ve'll pay AVERAGE NEIGHBOR -wnat a Harem-warm: l fienlgli.o-â€"Ha, ha. Must have‘ had the most de- old your Wives that you _ ‘wJ-llso. 1"‘6' cowboy came Whistling :tle garden, bright with [(1 (min, that lay in front a, and knocked at the f rout her with (.1175 butter toâ€"mor- it of Mayâ€"that is, :dinner party, L the. twenty-ninth you: I ONE ‘P‘ Full Goods m 1'"; V0 ll

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