(30:21 ()i 3! you 0 OD DIS 8 UH] r11- 1nd. tho.- f 4. 1p. m thins: theatrical in thor in m u [Int 8C“ afmr â€mi “‘3‘ ‘0 0rd†thb d theatre. Btamboul.a then have a. fit of pro- may last two or three 'hic‘h he is silent. moody Sultan’s bent c and 0f the nove ers detested one another. Murad inate Joliene's “ Harpagon " translated nesented under the title of “Ham- ““ featuNS. which a rnenian artisan in ness for making 1 0f Amflhhx'nn t‘l- T HE SL’LTAN‘S PURSE .iultan he lived the life of amis- PB and was passionately fond of of the lives of the great caliphs. the novels of Eugene Sue. Pon- Ten-ail. anl Gaboriau. the last mâ€" r'ac Yea r1: ‘1‘) (a! Cu. . and cites 1 ï¬n... his favorite author. all these influences ing in a world more aiming to carry out will show extraor- I r ustry. for a a. fit of pro- 18.188." in your hon smile. and all the t referring to his sic ing sweetness and morning a magnific to us. My sister th1 ’ n stnngej mstru- other mmmg ï¬elds. .pl‘incipally 'Aus- meats. tralia and South Afmca. , “‘I had them learn the “Marseil- â€The Rossland District, I am con-l laise," in your honor,†he said with an smile. and all the tune Vinced will, in the c . . ‘ t km the laces of ' e; the Sultan sent bun men are now a 13 ‘ p n“, '° ' ' met; his LOGGERS AND LIQUDDI . melanqholy. Another wnc n ,,,:,,-, meat; 81388 excessive ’ am! ; dreams amid 8Vna. the Armenian b Victories of Edhem victorious Caliphand I“ the neyva that the; Ilaâ€"1- _ V‘lu UL wue; the Sultaii sent him musicians to distrjlct h’ u f e vewpment and exploration had start- uecora ons or som } ‘ , , _ ed in stocks, all with 1 ed earlier 1t would even now 11 ave Shipâ€" lty. Gladstone calls ping mines. The formation is solid and n - ; will l'rcassmn from a collection of "“1911 at to Geneva, to thq add to it. To of shes from his “13.11“ Lhe tasty; of “I" th‘ely fore one, giving up to a in silver. About sixte Silver Cup the Abba? worked. There are t] in this property, vary: Burton City and will be the junction ’for mines in this distri :t. Several re the Columbia- Carxboo, Black 8. Trio, Silver, Queen and others \Vork is being ° all these pro- p aï¬ot‘har at? for ° mg on colors. 0'01! twltlltm 2‘ and white and 191mm and _‘_ --A_ _ MOURNIN G ETIQUETTE LOGGERS AND FISH ERMEN will also have a beneficial effect. . .. can a brilliant future for the min Of British Columbia. " During the past twelve said to a reporter. â€the settled down to legitimate and them is now more real going on in British Columbia any time in its history. There hapex. not so manv "mm“ “M‘â€" I has llcr Low Grade Proposltlons 1'. Pol at a Pro!" with Owner '1‘: Ilcmuncl smelter»- (flow. a: nu ll â€(‘Illl'lll'dl I’I'an-u-in- ‘3“- BY ANOTHER TWELVE WILL COME TO THE F224 varying fr0m3 feet to I hxs stature, 5? no ' ' can make haxr. that c :1 be done i“ moves dandruff, cleanses he and the veins appeal" scalp, nourishes tm "‘oil 1'? - - I o . . “w â€M, LUELL mlmng """""""° “HM"H â€mm"! '0" ‘ , am the line-my. w takmg the places of -IS AND FISHERMEV Empefor “yuan; l A. has but recently at- 18 Cariboo Creek Nakusp and Trail. [ a very promising ‘ - Fraser. ' ‘vyluuuc- ' l3138mm bod- 1 MAG}: 'krn mourning ‘ and garn- if you tint of _ “â€"J legitimate mining, more real mining n I The chronicle lathe lost the: . If you wish your 1 to retain its normal color SATISFACTION G UA RAN TEF D J Ayer 5 Hair Vigor. 1W acroa’ adj T 1"" Wm" . v wuuuu‘ o n _ J v 5. V' ‘0“ J UUA “411- ImPham .. ' stain its normal color, or “Mtflxest‘ken for . A 1 >u.wxsh to restore the lost Oct. 2nd. pp’w.J.AwM-Eu:sdg)1%ï¬i M of gray or faded hair use taCkSsâ€"Elnnd‘ in an acute attack the _ . «-7 “mm, 1.1. 1n 1: hours them" 18 sh“ no Increase In the severity of the symptoms, the patient should be- gin to improve. But, if the urgency;I of the case has steadily increased in 12 when the gliagnos- n operatlo “111 prob- ably be cal ed for After two attacks; a patient 18 su e to urishes the soil 1'? ows, and, 'PPJ . _ -_.., ‘lvuaycl'ï¬. ercular and Cross-Cut Saw: .Gummed, Filed and Set. I am prepared to ï¬ll orders for 00d shingles. \' 111' ngor It re- KNM‘~M __ Idruff, cleanses the wishes the soil in hair grows, and, desert will l)anQn-1 f" U D "I 1: a s "1 a -1 -< A DESTROYER 3 impor tanf time, '34 11051.rs_from th Be rendering cav- will mow down .. upuuuon may not vry case, the fact be- 1 wt :3 a stoppage of‘ the appendix to the! nary treatment is! 31635. Thus, the opi- I ’es pain and discom- I [8.81:8 the symptom ‘ t time, for it is. in p oer two attacks we a third». and ration more dif. all the advant- Pet“'§en.the at- into the - â€"u°IAI\JD’ 1101.88 1’0‘v e“! "’" Separators, Mowers, ‘ 11g Circular and Cross-Cut t0 . Gummed, Filed and Set. 321 I am prepared to 11'“ orders for ’St 00d shingles. 0. Saw: volley “1pm: Probabl ' there f: or ‘six (9 wi th w' mum. a. m known, decay “m and u '«mmlww We. can] (â€0- Price on elm mummï¬gm "WI-If i; cm 3.12.“... Engipes ’ Haasâ€"eâ€" THE BRICK 'atnhea, Clocks, Jewelry Silver and Flat Wm )tions. Rewiring a and Saw Mills. ting .. MM. Cu. roam); monoy Silt»