vasser to travel and appoint. agents. Nu canvashiug. Salary and expenses paid. 'I'mc BRADLEY-GARRETSON 60.. Limited, Toronto. V ANTEDâ€"Intelligent Men with. good education, whom $600 and ex- pomes for the ï¬rst year would he an induce: went. “'rite with full particulars. THE“ MANAGER, Medical Building, Toronto. r- ‘ ANTEDâ€"An eXpexienced Can- vasser to travel and appoint agents. CUMPAN Y. Toronto ‘VANTED.â€"-Thtee Ladies to in- troduce a Imusehold work. Splendid rumrns tn ('umpeteut persons. J‘. GAL- LU\V.\Y, Toronto. 81011. DEEDS MORTGAGES and other writings carefully prepaled. ALL lil'SINESB promptly attended toiin the quietest and most conï¬dential manner. address \ AN'l‘EDâ€"Industrioas Men of character. THE LIND‘COTT (-1.111 1‘ ield.‘ †lllfl‘ a “llil l“i“d E X’E B L0 w BA L L pnrimuml â€unassers waning the riohth; L 11 u I wt tlwir livse ; 111m beginnms 11niugE \\11111i1l~.\(‘.;lll\' (‘\('l"_'.\l)U(1__V sub 1-rilms at the popular price of 200 is very ‘Mu \Hull" ‘1'“0“ UN «'1 furl“ dt $l210 2L amusilx and easil la‘red 111.. nth i~ m 1km}: 9375.00.11 Iadv t); p1}. g y I) \\r~ihl° :1t\»(l).1\wckuuleariug: 311. 00. A. also Inn-mum “nu had earned 31.. 0 a day Is “mung. 51)");11lz1y. “e\salltlln11r1é:1(,1;i!llllti: IN CASTLE lANDl (.1m.1~~11g uuttit "~ 1- ts. ., “Ultl: 3H1) 'I'fHAULtLYUARRETSUN (30., Limitch FIARR "F A“ NarinNQ Tun nut», Out. PROPERTIES of all kinds sold or exchanged. NOTES and ACCOUNTS collected on commis- um x'r VALVABLE pr.ices among them: The “Teasdale†1?,armâ€"Lot30 Con. 2, \V. G. R.. Bentinck. 100 acres. The “ Hall†Farmâ€"lst and 2nd Divisions the Hanover Canveyancer, offers for sale KI) farms. and other proper ties for sale or exchange _at rock bottom "Lot i, \V.*U.R.. Bent‘mck, 1(1) acres. Lot: 2 and 3, Con 13, ulenelg. Mac-res. I 4.? at rm known as “ The l‘ag an Lot †Mm tfw Railmn Station] Durham will be a. la nu [Moat mam Jable terms. An 1y to 4 J. 1’. 'IELF,ORD urham. CHOOSE A CANDIDATE UN. 2131, ];A.i.\‘J" Lot .\0 00. CO“ 3 E rrp- Hum! 11 miles Iuvrth nf Hnl. tf-m 100 an \ 3b,.†.0 m m cwarell and i.. goal :3 ~ g: culrlsaliull Lug Imam. latiwd and u». red, frame barn. trauesmble. Well v; :.-red by spring creek. \\ ill gel] on eat-y THOS ORCHARD, Hob tein. ‘16- ‘9“): 1327 35“: i I Street \\ est. in d; c ban: of Durham. ‘2; t\\l|fl*'3 H V me Inâ€: bring mt \u. "J, containinfliaue. H†>er the “hole Int 01' In." as the purchmer may desirv. Eaav tcuu‘s. Eur ful' sht‘l’ amph t Lae uni; or. J. M. hUhlER (kt. 2nd. tL I “13. ' N sh» Town of Durham. County of hwy, melanin}: a valuable “ater wwr. hrn-k dwelling an! many e'egille Luildhg lots will be mid in mm or mute Inn. Also In! No. (-0. 0031.. 2. \\'. G. h". lmvn- hip ‘t' Beutiuck, 1(1) acres, adjniuiug A Ennsenvative Cnnventinn (“nu-yo aod inspect for yourself. No trouble to show goods. Shop over S. Scott’s store, lower town. .Sept 23; 3m Ia prepared to furnish the Ladies of Dyr‘ haul and vicinity with the Latest Noveltles in Miliiuery. Stratford, Ont., If you wish to receive the Every best Business or Shorthand education. This institution enjoys a splendid Lationage and has unexceile’d facili- ties in every department. Students admitted at any time. Free catalogues. THECHRONICLE He is Lending Money. at 5 per cent., easy terms, cost: light. GENTS sell “Klondike Gold MILLER, Attend the Popular OUSE AND LOT on Garnfraxn MILLINERY. l'lil‘l EDGE PROPERTY. but it is already decided that J. Elliott, Principal. Miss Culbertson Wanted. will be called to For Sale H- H. MILLER CARDS. .aken for part purchase Lock Box 28, Hanover. S. CULBERTSON. JAMES EDGE. PA RK LO'I.‘ a [I k , I .\ .0 Ha! I; I: “Em. ’ The Standard Series HulsfPin. 100 350w card games at same price. are ,both instructive and interesting. Besides these we have. you can get'any~01m of the many popular magizines such as MUNSEY, COSMOPOLITAN, MCCLURIES, ,GODBYS, LADIES HOME JOURN- The New G 32116 Now that the long 11 1nte1 evenings £110 upon us mak- ing home as attractwe as possible becomes an import- ant question allow us to sug- gest a few helps. - T 0 Mothers IN Cï¬STlE [AM], FLAGS OF'ML NfliUNS AND POPULATEUN. C'URLING,_ CROKINOLE, FORT, CARPET BALLS, ETC. For only 100 gamut-11 Oct. 4th, 1 application for loans 011 good farm prope1t1es at 534, interest, pa 'abie half yearly or yearly0 as desired.lf{easo1mble terms of repayment to suit bur 10“ er: Ap- ply to - G. LEFROY McCAUL, Barrister, Upper To“ 11, Durham. A A A.‘ A V ‘0 the premises of Mr. W. Both- well, lot 17, con. 22, Egremont, three head of young cattle, one two year old and two yearlings. The owner may have them by proving property and paying expenses. Last. but by no means. least we bava a nice assortment of cloth bound bguks by good authors at popular prices. Guns and see Nov. 16. 3m D GEORGE, registered pedigree, bred by W. J. Shephardson, Walters Falls, Out. Second owner, A. and J. Sealey, Buuessan, Out. Terms, two for $1.0). BOAR at Lot 15, Con. 2, Egrcmont. Bred at the Model Farm. Nov. 17th, tf. S. T. ORCHASD. I ARGE English Berkshire Boar, . ‘1 with registered pedigree. JAS. AT- ’INSON, Lot 56, Con 3, (ilenelg. tf Oct. lst., 1897. A Tamworth Boar, registered ped- igree. R. J. MATHEWS, Glenelg, Oct. 21. 4w Lot 66, con 2, EGR. EING LOTS 15, THE SOUTH half of 17and the whole of 18 in the '2nd Concession of (Hem-lg E, G. R., contain- ing in all ‘250acres. Un lot 17 there isa good frame house, a ï¬rst class frame barn 50x70 wrth underground stone stabhng sufficient toaccommodate 50 head of cattle and a frame shed 25x60. There are 90 acres cleared and under cultivation, a good bear- mg orchard, a never failing spring creek and well. One mile from school, 1:} miles from church and 8 miles from Durham. There are also 85 acres cleared on lots 17 and 18. Possession can be given to plough on the 20th of October Unly ï¬rst class tenant need ap 1v. For further particulars apply to RU 'l‘. TWAMLEY, Crawford, or to GEO. TWAMLEY, Dornoch. mow BALL One or more of. these should be in men; home .xhen the cost is so trifling. Try one f01 a few months. HAVE been instructed to receive For Sale or To Rent. ERKSHIRE BOAR, ROYAL Money to Loan. at 2.30 BERKSHIRE BOAR, at lots PEDIGREED BERKSHIRE 45 and46, 00113, N. D. R. Bentinck. JOHN HOPKINS, Jr For Service AL, etc†etc. Strayed each or :3 for $1.00. 6m J. BOTHWELL, Dromore. CHAS. GRAY, Jr., L0t3, con. 2. Egremont. THE DURHAM on l "he whey tanks .s‘nc-uld have been cleaned l 011 the fall before. A little wa<hing and a god scalding nut willthen make them nice 3 all clean to recei e the whey from the ï¬rst l dfs make. Farrow should be very care- for to strain and aerate the milk, as soon as . (lawn from the cow, especially at this sea- so; when the nlilkim: is done in the stables. Fun the appl-izil'dlll‘e of the strainer inmost ot’hc factories, one would judge that there ."8 wry little ot the milk strained before it (we to the factory. Here is where a great (Ml ot the trouble in' having bad flavored ciiese arises. 't" he choeaeouaker cannot al- w'ys detect in the milk the flavors which of- ; th develop Only after the cheese go into the 1 cring room. The cheese bnrer comes to l ilnpect the cheese, calls out al bad flavored oe‘e. or wants a nflélzlcllon on the month or illt' month. as me case nnght be. ,The is all laid on the cheese-maker, who I my likely spent a couple of hours extra on :tbfso same cneepetoget. the flavor oi the Wild?» u.- â€"_ ~-.. ...._â€"... Dear Sir ;â€" I have youtrequest for a re port. of"? work. as one 1f the instructors enmloyel by the Butter and Cheese Associ- atieu ef\\’esteru Ontariuduring the- sea-sou just eluted on Get 313t. . VODUSG ‘30 make this mum: in a series ufs 10rt letters, and cemniezce with the felloving few items that may by uf interest to he factorymen 0f \Vestenl Outari0_ TheliStriCt in \VhiCh I was to verk was the soul] WBS'hel'n portion of Western Ontario, cuup’l’ib‘illg all SON-h 0f the 1min line of'the Grand 'l‘runlg Railway west fot'urd County‘ With a few 0f the Uxfpljl factories, _ _ . Altlmxgh my work WIS to commence on May .st, as many of thefact'fliï¬s in my dis- trict.tartmanufacturing early. and some l’equisttad' my wrvicea‘. l cnnmenced nn Apri 14th. There were two things that wen nnt as theyshuuld b0 that came Ulldel‘ mymtice. First, was the startmg to man- ufature (:heewe in a. MOTOR-'5’ before an clemmghad been dam in it. and 9900" wa. the want of random for keeping the Emmy warm, w nich is necessary to have «10!: at that season. REPORT OF ONE (-1“ THE IN- S’.‘RUCTORS IN WESTERN ONTARIO FOL 1897. T 0 Tm SECRETARY. b lefore a ldadpf milk arrives, the factory shield be thoroughlv cleaned and every- tlug in readiness with a stove set up and a ï¬n the making room. Institutes: Dear Sirs,â€"â€"The aboe is acopy of a letter which I have rcently sent to your- Secretary. Wil you heartily co-nperate with him h this matter? The following are thy dates of the papers which publishid these lists:â€" Mail and Empire, Ogt. 30th; Farm and Ereside, Nov. 2nd; Globe Nov. 3rd ; Weekly Sun, Ott. 28th ; Farm- ing 03:. 26th. \ To Oflicers and D'mecors of Farmers’ CHEESE FACTORIES iuqs be. As soon as your lls and programs are published, kind send a copy of! each to Mr. C, GJameS. Députyy Minister of Agriculzre, 'lorouto, al-‘ so to myself and eac oi the speak? era on the programn- 1 respectful-4' 1y urge you to 53113 the subjects} you wish the speaks to discuss and notify them im‘r’diately, This gives each of thesaentlemen a bet- ter opportunity :oIWCially prepare the subjects you ,Sh him to discuss. You will notice .bï¬he preface of the Bulletin that inseveral Divisions there is a changef Speakers. If a speaker is not bid to attend your meeting. do not-lvertise him or his subjects. Sever: Secretaries made serious mistaketin this way last year, though th utmost care was taken to infer: them. Carefully read the prefacebefore referred to and examine th list of meetings, and if there is arming you do not understand, wria me. I respectful- ly urge you to tvertise and other- wise conduct yor meetings and the business connectd therewith as di- rected by the A13 and Rules govern- ing Farmers’ Istitutes, a copy of which you haw Please do all in your power to iduce leading farm- ers in your diséict to take part in the programm The more local tal- ent you can euploy, the more suc- QO0.0‘LA1 afz’.1ll(!‘\f.[l ":11 Df°"â€v o~~ ‘n n_G. 1d money, lave this season made hrangemetéith the DUMiSh- ers of?‘ Farming '0 Ba; Street To- rontoJ with the edu's of the Daily Mail ahd Empire, 6 Weekly Globe, and the. Weekly in, to issue the Annual Farmers’ .lititutes’ Bulletln which contains augilete list of dates togethar with th‘ï¬peaker’s names, regular and supplomtary meetings, addresses and subjts. Last week I sent to each Secrtry and ofï¬cer a bulletin publishedby each paper which gives all nessary informa- tion and suggestio couceuing the work for thi; yea] “ï¬ll you at once kindly notify ,ch delegate sent to your Division w: subjects you wish him to discusat each of the various sessions be by your Insti- tute. ; â€" _ ‘7 "37}. matter economy of both time OPE ETTERS 'fsECRE'I‘ARIES, AN' DIRECTO OF FARMERS’ IN' ITUTES :ON'I‘ARIO. Dear ï¬rs,â€" FAIMEHS’ INITUTES. Parliamenéflildings, TorontNOV. 9th. 1897. our? very truly, F. W. HODSON. Ymrs truly‘ F. W. HUDSON. ,- November 18th l897. Another thing about these earlv spring cheese is the utting nhem on the marketJ within a few ays after they come from the! hoops. I know of cheese this season which 1. were shipped from the factory when oanq four days old, at over one cent pen poun i more than is offered at the present tune for i the finest September cheese. It would be a= great deal better for the reputation of our cheese industry, if none of the factories would make cheese before the ï¬rst cf May and if the buyers would not ship any from the factories until they were at least ten days old. I found a number of the cheese- makers using too much sour milk as a start- er. Uthers allowing the milk to stand too long before aplpying the rennet. causing the product in both cases Eb be harsh acidy cheese, a cheese the buyers do not. want. I found Others making a ï¬ne cheese to ship at from eight to ten days old. These cheese if left on the shelves a week or two longer. very quickly go off flavor for the want of a little extra salt. In all the twenty-eight factories I visited the whey is returned in the milk cans. 501110 of the whey‘tanks are are in a deplorable condition†At the facto- rses where the whey is elevated into a tank above the ground, the tanks are as a gene- ral thing in a fair condition but it is the re- verse where the tanks are in the ground. This is whereagreatmany of the bad tia- vors come in em ; the sour whey going back in old rusty milk cans and the cans not. prop erly washed and scalded before the night‘s milk is put in. In July and August. nearly all the cheese-makers had gassy cards to contend with neatly every day. In all cases these gassy curds arise from bad tia- vors in the milk cansed in a great many different ways. A few of the principal cans- es are, (1) bad water : (2) dirty milk cans ; (8) not straining the milk; (4) improper aeration; (5') having the milk stand too near the pig pen or barn-yard. Beware of Cocaine. T1103. Heys, Analytical Chemist, Toronto, says :â€"-“ l have made an examinatxon of Dr. Chase’s Catarrh Cure for Cocaine and any of its compounds from sam )lee purchased in the open market, and tin none present.†Dr. Chase’s Uatarrh Cure is a cure-not a drug Price 25 cents, blower included. GEO. HATEIHY Secretary Butter and Cheese Association at Western Ontario. The change in the mail 'service to this place is now a realized fact and that the people of the. locality are much displeased with the present condition would be putting it mild. A large petition asking a reconsider- ation of the matter was placed before Postmaster. General, Muloch, but to no avail. Those who used’their vote and influence it. support of the pres- ent. government have had their ï¬rst request treated with gross indiffer- ence. Mrs Quirk is on an extended visit to friends in Stratford. We are glad to state that. Mrs. Hunt has fully recovered from her recent illness. Mr. R. S. Corlett of Williamsford Spent. Sunday with friends in the village and vicinity. Having successfully ï¬nished our cou1se in Astronomy we feel conti- dent that y our worthy representative at V‘ ellheck is going into a decline, or is otl.e1 Wise menttlly affected. At the best, the young man's case is a serious one. We would advise him tomake a change in d1et. Get one of McKinnon’s guides and start for the Klondvke, it will have a tendency :0 work 0E the overwhelming de- pression. ' Mr. J. P. Malone an old Reform War horse of Sullivan Township was in the village last week. Tailor Godfrey who went out to Manitoba on the midsummer excur-. sion arrived in the village last week, and in future will be found doing business at the old stand. That the IndependentOrder of For- esters is becoming a Lively factor in Domoqh is, evidenced by the large in- Ulvaov Au muuxucxahlp dung}; the lust fortnight, give strength to the horse, or new furniture will make a house warm. For poor blood you want something that will make rich blood. SCOTT’S EMULSION of POOR blood. Pills won’t make this blood rich; nor will hitters, nor iroh tonics, any more than a new harness will When a horse is poor in flesh, a new harness won’t give him stren 11. If a house is cold new urniture won’t warm it. If your strength is easily ex- hausted; work a burden; nerves weak; digestion poor; muscles soft; if you are ale and worn out, the trOuhfl is with the blood. It is not so much IMPURE blood as a Cod-liver 021 with Hypophos- phitcs is the best rcmcdy in the world for enriching the blood. We havcprcparcdabookulï¬ngyou monaboutthcoubject. tFrec. Focakbyafldruggimat 8:31.†I’OOI‘ Blood SCOTT 8 30m, Toronto. Ont DORNOCE. burs truly, JAMES Mmmsox. 1} persons having claims against th Estate of R. W. Horn. late of the Town of Durham blacksmith deceased. are required. to send by t premid or deliver on or be- fore the lit day of Due-ember, A211. 17. ade'tailed statement of their claims or ac- ‘counts to the undersignï¬d by .Wlli’“? the page _will be gamed. CEYLON TEA Dated it Our ember. A.D..‘ 187. w- --'v - vat-w. ham this 15th day of Nov- MBS. ANNJ. HORN Durham. Eb, 25c, 300, 40, 50(31b8. NEW FRUITS THE NEW STOVE POLISH Our Jackets BAR GAINS IN CANNED GOODS A good many on hand al~ though we have sold already as many as we did last year altogether. Ladies’ Jackets. Grant’s M. “ SMAM †Are not imported goods but: are manufactured right in the city of Toronto, by experienced workman, under the,superv3sion of a ï¬rsbclass artist and up-to- date New York styles, so you can rely upon getting a perfect ï¬tting well made Jacket for only 84.00 Dollars and dearer ones if you want them. It is to our mutual advantage to buy from We want to talk to you this week about our Yet our sizes are well assorted from 30 to 40 inches. C- L- GRANT Fresh Stock of this excellent Tea to hand this week. “'9 have Black and Black and Green Mixed at Fresh Salmon, 10 cents a tin. Kippered Herring, 15c, 2' New Raisins, 3 lbs for 233C. New Cleaned Currents, 3 lbs for 25c. New Prunes, 3 lbs {01°25c. for 250.7 Anchor Brand Salmon, the best 2 fox 25c. ‘ Enameline †100 Box, try it. \Ve‘have still NOT ICE. w.- T' vmmw cut of the ho Last D. IL, Ame b": u very \V h ll are 11m Mr H UIL INS l M 3‘ f0 ich mud Ol‘